r ' t.8' M ' & jS u . u ".lKfi!- W 3 KrWV ;?i li IV,' jffiAv I The Canaaiiitish sav i jjy St!l00, Lcaon for jone 12, 1910 11 A Specially Arranced for This Paper Lilly's Cooked Corned Beef There's a marked distinction between Libby's Cooked Corned Beef and even the best tliat's sold !n bulk. Evenly and mildly cured and scientifically cooked in libby's Great White Kitchen, all the nat ural flavor of the fresh, prime beef is retained. It is pure, wholesome, delicious, and it is ready to serve at meal time. Saves work and worry in summer. Other Libby "Healthful" Meal-Time-Hints, all ready to serve, arc : Peerless Dried Beef Vienna Sausage, Veal Loaf Evaporated Milk Baked Beans, Chow Chow Mixed Pickles " Purity goes hand in hand with the Libby Brand." Insist on Libby's at your grocer's. libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES 5. 4, S3.50, 3( 2.S0 & 2 THe STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. Million of men wear W. 1 Douglas shoes be came they are the low est prices, quality con sidered, in the world. Made upon honor.of the best leathers, br the most skilled workmen. in all the latest fashions. W. L. Douglas 95.00 and $4.00 shoes equal Custom Bench Work costing $6.00 to $8.00. BoyS'Shots. f3,$2.50&f2 W L. Oonfft&JI OTlAr&ntM-a fjilr valan hv .tamnlnip Ms namiami rlm on Hie bottom. I.ook (or IL Tukti Jin hulistltntr. fail Colof fvrlfls. AattjMMirilrnlrrforW. I. l)o.iplimh(. It not formtleliiyonr townwrltfur MIUnlrUAlftlwr.iiliow Inir liow to on1r liy mall. Hlioes order rtlreit from tcry dellvurtd rice. W.l.DouglaJi, Urucstoa, Mas. DAISY FLY KILLER CMffaTaE hrfti,lra,pniuitD UtU All HvaioK. Ma aof raru1.caiUi.ot l t or Mporrr, will iiloritJraoj Itttn v. (liuriniffHtrf r!l'f.orIU.lfr or t nt ptvy itJ f jrSOo. luntun flaxrus l&OHtXittjA'i-. IlrvoLljB. Hw Yrk DATEMT YOIJKinrjAB. Tlirmarlrlr.i too rHIEHI ntultli. m-imik" Hook hnv. l.u. Itil. KlLsjouiaACu.,l'ut.AUy6., Uux K.Waslilnfi- urn, 1MJ. w5SS!fSrJ2l Thompson's Eye Water Nebraska Directory John Deere Cultivators ARE THE DEBT ASIC YOUll IIUAI.KUOK JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OmQhO. TYPEWRITERS KtOOanri tip. Allntanilsnl Mukft noldnr riutMl. Kent applied If yon iwrchsio. Vaclilnm HhlpiK-,1 Hnrwlirru n npproval. M iIim nlt nviulnl. Wrlto fr iililoe. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 122 North nth Street Lincoln, Neb. WW E- faa U I iW. V3 this process all broken parts ot macliiiirry inaito cool as new. Welds cast iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or any otliur metal. Uipert automobile repairing, OERTSCHY MOTOR CO., Council Bluffa. ffh Ui Lincoln, Neb. Manufacturer of COPPER CABLED LIGHTNING RODS HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS drain, Provisions, 8tocks, Cotton Main Office, 204-205 Fraternity Bids, Lincoln, Nebratka. UellPhonnnu AntIionc2i 26&0 I.urj.'fHt Ilmtno In Htatc Btatrice Creamery Co. i'ojn the highest price (or CREAM LINGOLH SANITARIUM The only Snnltnrliim in the fitnte tiding Natural Mineral W'ltcr Hatlm UnMir liaxveil lu tlio treatment ut Acute anil Jaironln miKUJIATLSiti Moderato (IhargeH. AddreHs: DR. 0. W. EVERETT, Uthand M. Stt. NOW REALLY -WOULD YOU KNOW A HAKGAIN IP YOU SAW IT? A real bargain? Forsalo, 1C0 acres of gootl ricl, black, Mtiootb, level, tillable and pro. dtictho land In Htillor County (tbo richest county in Kansas), 3 miles from a pood rail, road town. Good corn and small grain land; excellent alfalfa land. $40 per acre. rTTM MTTCn IWO CO, Brcwntfl tretk. llnwln, fttbr. V iiPi lomaHRHHaHai I.nSSON TKXT. -Matthew 15:21.25. Mntnnrv Utitena fl . ??. OOI.DnN Ti:XT-"arcnt Is thy fnlth. be It unto tbtu vcn ns thou wilt." Matt. 15.2S. TIMR Hnrly ininitnrr of A. D. 23, a few I hppI'i af lor Hip last lessnn. P!.ACU.-On tin- borders of the rountry of Tyro and Shlon, furty or llfty inlha iHTiiiwrHi 01 inu M'li or iiniiicp. Suggestion and Practical Thought. Ilntrcd Tlmt llopulscs Christ. V 21 Why did Johus lenvo Cnpariiautn nnd (stllllGU? Already nt the time of his highest fnmp, the cloud had nilBon tlmt was to cover the whole slty. When, Interpret InR the feedliiR of tho live thouRand, Christ InKistcd upon splrltunl food nnd not literal bread iih the supremo gift to men (John 6:2271), ninny uvon of his dlpclplea were offended nnd walked no more with him. Wo luivo already peon (lesson 7) the delegates from the scribes nnd Pharisees of Jerusa lem ns they watched him to catch him In some word or net by which they could bring n chatgc ngnlnst him. What wns this charge that the Phnr Ibocb hought? Tlmt the disciples ot Jesus ate with unwnshed hands not hands that wc would cunsldur unclean, but hands tlint had not been wnsho( according to iho Pharisaic rules tint bad grown up. What position did Christ take re garding such observnncoB? That the Pharisees were hypocritical, wasting their thought nnd time, on empty reg ulations while they transgressed the real law of God. What was the Importanco of this controversy? "These twenty verses (Matt 15:1-20) sum up the great con troversy of tbo Now Testament," that between the religion of tbo letter nnd external obstacles and tbo re ligion of the heart, between whnt St Paul calls "the righteousness which Is of the law and the righteousness which Is of God by (or grounded upon) faith." Phil. 3: 9." Cambridge Iliblo Whnt ms the effect of the contro versy on Christ? This hntrod and bit tor opposition drove Jesus Into retire ment again. Where did ho go this time, with his disciples? Into the coasts (borders, region) of Tyro nnd Sldon. These flourishing senports, tbo capitals of Phoenicia, are not fnr from tbo Sea of Galilee, Tyro only about 35 nnd Sldon 55 miles. Love That Christ Seoks. V. 22. flow did Christ succeed in his plnns for rest? "Ho could not bo hid," says Mark Who broke Into our Lord's retreat? As wo might expect, a mothor! Her daughter (Mark tells us that It was a little girl) was grievously vexed with a devil. How did this mothor approach Jesus? She must have forced her way Into tho house ngnlnst opposition. Sho fell nt Christ's feet (Mark) and cried, doubtless over nnd over: "Hnvo meroy on me, O Lord, thou son of David " The Suppliant Tested. Vs. 23-27. Those that pray nre usually tested. This is not to Inform Christ whether they are sincero or not, sinco ho knows nil hearts. Tho First Test was tbo dlfferenco In race, nationality and religion. Sho was by language a Greek (boo Mnrk), and wo have no knowledge that our Lord spoko Greek. By nationality sho was a Canaanitc. of tho blood of tho original inhabitants of tho Innd, do iicendnnts of Ham. How did tho woman overcome these obstacles? Hy calling Jesus "Lord" nnd "son of David." thus showing somo knowledge of the Jewish Mes siah. Tho Second Test wn? silonco. "Ho answered her not n word." How did this woman meet this test of fcllenco? Hy her persistence; she continued her beseeching cries. Tho Third Test wns tho opposition of tho disciples. How did Christ answer tho disciples' selfish urglngs? Hy a remnrkablo statement of tho unity nnd restric tions of his mission: "I nm not sent but unto tho lost sheep of tho house of Isrnel." How did tho mothor meot thlB new obstnelo? I)y Ignoring tho disciples and going straight to Jesus onco more. Tho Fourth Test was an absolute do. nlal from the lips of Jesus, or what seemed such: "It Is not meot to tako tho children's bread, nnd to cast It to dogs." How did tho mother meet this ob stacle? "Truth, Lord, yet dogs eat of tho crumbB which fall from their mas ter's tuble." Tho Suppliant Rewarded. V. 28. How did Jesus receive this saying? With evident nnd profound satisfac tion: "O woman, great is thy faith." How wns tho noblo mother reward ed for her persistence and fnlth? Dy tho completo cure of tho llttlo girl from that very hour, tho precise mo ment when Christ had pronounced tho words of healing. Illustration. "Everywhere faith, or tho capacity of receiving, has a power I to claim and demand tho thing which it needs. You plant a neaitny seea Into tho ground. Tho soil acknowl edges its power; no sooner doos it ! fcol the Bced than It roplies; It un locks nil Its trensures of forco; tho llttlo hungry black kernel Is its mas ter. 'O seed, great la thy faith,' tho ground scorns to say; 'bo It unto theo even ns thou wilt;' and so tho miracle of growth begins." Phillips Brooks. i It is persevering. It rocognlzea tho i.uanlng of God's silences, as did tho Omivinlte of our lesson Itaso s4ND OTHERI UITIE3! Snake Routs Woman !paS J.j tit JVUU- NBW YORK. Say, If you wero a lady wearing n chnntecler hat with a horned owl upon it nnd when you woko up nnd found a common or gar den snake In your lnp tho homed owl failed to make good hy biintchlng tho reptile and flying away with It, what would you do? Wouldn't you give that chnntecler tho hook? Mary Ma loney did, anyway. Mary Maloney, Hnttory park's load ing settee bolder, had Just such an ex perience ono day. Mary nrtlved in Unttery Park after closing her apart incuts ou Illnckwcll's Island for tho summer. Illarkwell's Is all very well during tho major part of tho year, hut tho really ellto mnko It a point of beating It away with the first hot duys, nnd when It comes to beating it away Mary Is In the van. Immediately on reaching Battery pnrk Mary opened her bungalow, which sauio is tho first bench to tbo left ob you come out of the aquarium. From the slata of her bungalow Mary has a superb view of the harbor, In cluding tho Statue of Liberty. Tho freo baths nre In tho Immediate vicin ity. Splendid fishing is to bo found in tho aquarium, and ten Is served nt flvo o'clock evory afternoon nt tho harbor squad close by. Mary certainly has ono of tho finest spots In Battery park. Other Bum mercrs there havo enst envloiiB oyes on that bench of hers, but Mnry Ib muscular and so proficient in tho gentle art of boxing that to aproach "Cop" Thought It N.W YORK. That ho Is as pro Relent In catching babies who fall from high windows as burglars, who operate on his heat, was proved re cently by Policeman John J. Buckloy of tho Bedford uvonuc, Brooklyn, sta tion. Buckloy tnado tbo neatest recovery of llttlo "Wllllo" Brown, who was en ticed over tho edgo of a third story fire cscapo, by the melodies of n street piano, thnt Iiiib over been known. This follows anothor great catch mado by Buckloy two months ngo, when a burglar tried to spoil his fielding average. Mrs. Agnes Brown, "Willie's" moth er, was engaged In anothor part of her flat nt 444 Metropolitan avenue, nnd did not sec her son crawl out on to tho fire escape. When bIio came into tho room a mlnuto Inter, how pm 3 'OjiN r mm ltd RAWNyr&r 7; "Kiss Not" Buttons, Style for Girls CHICAGO. Kissing is going out of style. Don't loso your head or your temper If tbo next tlmo you bid your sweet heart n fond fnrowoll and carefully and gently attempt to implant a loving smack on her ruby lips, instead of yielding with apparent roluctnnca sho proudly dlsplnya a glaring button with tho words "Kiss Not" emblazoned thereon. It merely means that sho hnB bo como a member of tho World's Health organization and has signed tho fol lowing pledge: "In order to encourngo good health and lessen tho spread of consumption. I deBiro to Join tho World's Health or ganization, and hereby plcdgo myself to discourage tho custom of kissing on the lips whenever it Is in my Girls to Keep the KANSAS CITY, MO. "CIgnrotto Brooking iBjuat cooking tho brnlnB of tho majority of our high school boys," said Pror. E. D. Phillips, prin cipal of tho Manual Training high school. "I hollevo 75 per cent, of tho boya of high school ngo in tho city smoke either pipes or cigarettes. And it shows In their school work. "The only remedy for this condition among tho high school hoys lies with tho girlB. Every normal young man wants to pleaoo tbo girls. If the girls who now permit young men to BiIAm --cis n h r-"-. JTV-1 3,11. From Her "Home" her bench with a vlow of sitting down upon a sninll portion of It Is about n safe as lounging near nn old-fasliloned windmill on a breezy day. Accoidingly Mary was Inhabiting her bench mound noon, Indulging In n fdostn Dreamily sho opened her eyes and ns she awoke refreshed by the cool breeze from off tbo liny sho felt something In contact with her nrtn Instantly she sat up and took notice There was a snnko wi tipped like a bracelet about her fair wilst. Well, everybody said afterward that his first thought was how maybe tho hlreii on the tlieboat New Yorker had broken Its valve. Then It was seen that no llieboat could let out n screech so shrill, and all the setteo holders, rising up In alarm, flocked to M'e what was the matter with Muiy. But they found her strangoly com posed. She hud throttled that serpent with a crook of her llttlo finger and as the reptile enst a dying glanco full of anguish at her Mary folded her aims, and, nddiesslitg tho surrounding populace, remniked: "Say. do I look like 13vo7 I knew perfectly well he wns real because tbo ones I nee Is orange color, and then I don't gnnernlly see them, only red, wbito nnd blue turkeys with Htrnw bats." A murmur of ndmlratlon nrono from Mary's nudleiico at tbo clearness of her logic and Policemen O'Mnra nnd Flyuu, who had hastened to tho spot, after batting tho vanquished roptllo over tho bend with their nightsticks, held It up for Inspection. "It's a gnrtor," said O'Mnra. "The idea," exclaimed Mary and she withdrew blushing. When alio had been assured tlmt everybody agreed It waB a boa sho consented to come bnck. Tho sorpont was taken up to tbo Church Street Pollco station. Was Raining "Kids" ever, Bbo saw him totter and, before bbe could reach him, fall over tbo rail. Her Bbrleks nrouscd Policeman Buckley, who wns standing In tho street below Idly twirling his club nnd watching tbo children danco to tbo lively music of a piano. His eyo took In tho situation In a second. Ho saw a whito bundle descending rapidly. The cessation of tho music mado tho sceno almost theatrical. Buckley raught "Wllllo" lu his arms us In a cradle, much to "Willie's" surprise. Tho baby received a scratch from ono of Buckley's brass buttons, but ho was otherwlso uninjured. Ho hugged tho pollcemnn nnd laughed Just as though It was nil In tho game. Mrs. Brown ran down from tho third floor nnd rushed out of tho door way prepared for a tragic spectacle. When sho obBorvod her baby on tho pollccmnn's shoulder sho nearly faint ed from Joy. Buckley was heartily complimented by Captain Dooley of tho Bedford live nuo station, who was Informed of the policeman's catch by several eyo wit nesses, somo of whom nro still won dering whether they nhould call "Wll llo" "out" or call him "safe." power." "Why not stop klhslng?" Is the question asked In a circular Issued by this latest of health fad organiza tions. "It Is a time-honored custom and ono person cannot stop It. It Is only In unity that sufficient strength enn bo gained to convlnco tho civilized world that kissing is pernicious and unhealthful." Tho rumor1 that a campaign wns to bo Instituted lu tho public schools of Chicago to enroll pupils and tcacheru In tho new organization wns mot with a denial by Superintendent Ella Flagg Young. "I think moro hnrm Is dono hy call ing children's attention to dlscaso than enn ho offset by tho now Ideas advanced about kissing," sho said. "Ab to tho meritB of the scheme to Btop the prnctlso of kissing, I ennnot Bay. I am not n doctor. Anyway, I havo heard nothing whatever nbout tho plan to introduco tho pledg03 In tho schools." Mrs. Rechtln, 1723 Kast McMillan street, Cincinnati, Is tbo president of tho autl-kisslng organization. Boys From Smoking smoke in tholr presenco would toll tho offenders In a pleasant way that it won offonslvo to them, nlno boys out of ten would throw away tho cigarette. "Girls hnvo a powerful Influcnco for good over tho boys If they choose to use tholr Influonco in thnt direction. Tho high school girls of Kansas City could do much to stop smoking among high school boys. "Wo can alwayB toll tho ones who Btnoko. They becomo stupid, Irre sponsible nnd almost abnormal nftor thoy havo persisted In tho habit un til they bocomo thoroughly saturated with nlcotlno. Few of tho chnmlo smokers graduate. "Most of theso boys contract tho clgarotto habit bocauso thoy think It fashlonablo. It is a sort of wrlnklo Just tbo snmo as creasing tho trousers till they will cut a lemon." TrvllSninS"" A J-vIa I , T T" s 1 frf fit Till ffl PfffT QNAT CAUSES PELLAGRA. Commltteo on Dlscaso In Europo Gays Corn In Not to Blame. London, Mny 14. Dr. Sambon, a member of tho Field commltteo which has been Investigating tho dlscaso pellagra, telegraphs from Homo that tbo committee lias definitely proved tlmt tnnlzo or Indian corn Ib not tho cause of pellagra. The commltteo finds tlmt tho para sitic conveyor of tbo dlscnso Ib tho "filmullum rcpans," a species of biting Rnat. WHY HE THOUGHT SO. Willie Ib Mr. Jonca near-sighted, mama? Mama Not that I know of, donr. Wllllo Well, ho nlwnyH bUb so close to sister when they're In tho parlor. 16 YEARS OF SKIN DISEASE "For sixteen long years I havo bceu suffering with a bad caso of Hkin dls caso. Whllo a child thcro broko out n red Boro on tbo legs Just in back of my knees. It waxed from bad to worse, nnd at last I saw I had n bad skin dlscaso. I tried many widely known doctors in different cities but to no satisfactory result. Tho plaguo both ered mo tnoro in warm weather than In winter and being on my leg Joints It made it ImpoBslblo for mo to walk, nnd I wnB forced to stay Indoors In tho warmest jveathcr. My hopca of recov ery weroby this time Bpcnt. Sleepless nights and restless days mado llfo an unbcnrnblo burden. At last I was advised to try tbo Cutlcurn remedies Cutlcurn Soap, Ointment nnd Pills and I did not need more than n trial to convlnco mo that I wns on tbo rond of success this tlmo. I bought two sets of the Cutlcura Remedies and 1 after theso wero gono I wnB a differ ! ent man entirely. I am now tho hap piest man that thcro is at least ono I truo care for skin diseases. Leonard A. Haw t of, 11 Nostrand Ave, Brook lyn. N. Y., July 30 and Aug. 8, '09." A Wonder Worker. Snplolgh Ah, speaking of elec tricity, that makes mo think Miss Kccno Really, Mr. Saplclgh? Isn't It remnrkablo what electricity can do! The Bald-Headed Man. "Tho wlfo's clotlicB must match the husbnnd's hair this year." "That'B all right; my wlfo'H dresses aro alwayB docollette." For Any Disease or Injury to tho eye, ue PKTTIT'S KYK SALVK, al solutely harmlucfl, nets quickly, 25c. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Some good men fear tho world will forget they nro shilling If their lamps do not nmoko. Aids Nature Pi l &J Tho great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinato and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medicul Discovery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Naturo supplies tho nccebsary strength to tho stomach to digest food, build up tbo body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. Tho 'Discovery'' re-establishes tho digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies end enriches tho blood, and nourishes tbo nerves in snort establishes sound vigorous health. It roar dealer off eta aomcthlni "last as good, it Is probably better FOR liVf pays better. But you aro thlaMni ot tbo euro not tbo profit, bo tboro'B nothlaQ "Juat as Hood tor you. Say so. r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med icine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised trn-te-dato Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to oover cost of mailing only. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. FREE! FREE! 7,000.00 MONEY VALUE PRIZES Consisting oi Parchate Checks of $25 to $15000 According to Merit ALSO: One Lady's Watch One Gentleman's Watch One Lady's Dia mond Ring For Answering this REBUS- TRY AT ONCE. Yonr chance la Jnst na riOOD as any one else's. Enclose self addtv-sad envelope to guard against unnvirr being mind I reeled. ADDRESS DEPT. B, SEGERSTROM PIANO MFG. CO. 1812 FARNUM STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA MICA Hie Excellence. "I toll you," snld no man to aa, other as they emerged from tho dimly lighted corridor of 11 concert ball, "t envy that fellow who wan slnglnB." "I3nvy him!" echoed tho other. "Well, If I wero going to envy a nlng. er I'd select somebody with a bettor voice. Ills was about tho poorest ! over heard." "It'n not his volco I envy, man," was tho reply "It's Ills trontoudoua oourugo." Ladles' Homo Journal. Mr. Wlnslntr'a 5ootilnr Ryrnp, forehllilrn looming, miIU'IisIiiokiiiiia, tnjuoi-ilaw twjuiuUou,alUfp.iin it!(enliilouLC irfsluuia Too many sermons deal out sugar when the world needs moral sand. Lewis' Single Hinder eijmr in nere duped only tobacco in Its imtuiul hIaU, Your light goes down ib tho tou peraturo rlBes In your nnrh. The fact that flostett- crs Stomach Bitters has helped thousands of sickly people back to health during the past 56 years should convince you that it is the medicine you need for Indi gestion c Stomach Ills. The Wretchedness' of Constipation Cut quickly be oracotne by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vcgttabto act surely i Dcntly on the liver. Cure Buioutneti Head. ache. Bess, and Indigestion. They do their duty. Small P1H, Small Dote. Small Pritam, GENUINE mutt bear signature: STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice u'mllty; rutin uml romm, wlilto fnoeH or imp in ImiikIiI oh ordiTH. TeiiB of TliniiKauUit lu wlcct from. Hatl-f.u-llon !nr-unti-rd. UoriYHmimleuco Invited. Como uml hce (or yourwli. National Live Stock Com. Co. Al either KsnsasGly.Mo. SI. Joseph, Mo. S. Omnba, Rcd. Solid Sbariag Comfort NO STROPPING NO DOMMG KNOWN Tim WORLaeVER W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 24-1910. FREE! And to aAvvrtiaa tlio Kcnulae, buad made, uweel toned Segerslrora Plane nnd to adrurtltic our J'octorr-to-nonio Flan of uclllnir pUooa, unit tlia anient (tronl plaao iniiDnfuclurl , Inirtlneou lu tbo UultuU Utnten. NltH. rDEAT.InpTdT inir the aceorarwujliiiL-nt for tier two Utile jrlrlti' plnirtBtr. VIND TUB TWO LITTLn OIllI.Hr Uurk tbelroutlluo eare full -with pen or jxnx-U on this er a eo;iainl alicet of paper. LOOKS EASY, BUT IS IT? AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. ( IuoorvorutoH) the keystone v to health V HOSTETTER'S 1 STOMACH f 1 BITTERS I ind aamamH a nvia iMWKir.rO D MITTLC .mtm hver .aLBaMV Bll!. F slf?'-:r ., ' ' - T'"1 Stfe&c&&zrz K5-Sws8Pam 'IS iqiiiiTr.Tii.'".rjj:r " - ...... . - "'TgwiqwssWBg v , . .-m.w.-.-- ,. - -- - ' ---r!i'-l ijaaaMMsiMiamMamMamaaisaa Vy- '.'.. WaxmyM-a THTS aa, av ' t'-T V -