M S 'TQ ! - "!' aw f Ixifmn. - ' -mi Historical Society Jy MSBfai '""ILjm- i i ' - i jBW t- -- BJ TJafcfcTv s"r"aBB BBBBBB &BB.riBB fT""'TBBJ't"BBB .jiFr?y jBBBB ff-- S . ?TBaBM BbTt.jBjEzJBwcmBWT-I"" JJjT"Tt F" "T" BBBW ti5ri'"r"rT BmBBF T?i4 'ii.' T".."' ' i i " V ,,' t '"X-'ri"T j V3BWCBB5StT-J:.JiSBBBiES. 5,fMilfMrv & &mJH .MMf-.; ri tss - 1 y VOLUME XX XV LI I Class Night and Commencement! Exercises. Tlioie is but one word wliluli can be used in coiiiicotioM with all the com mencement exeroUes this yeiir tiuil that word is Success. Unhke inostoc oiiblonb of this cbuiucter it did not rulu nud it was not suft'ocutlitrLv ol The weather this year wus most ideal and contributed much towards mak ing a huccebs of all the deiei.ses. Sixteen graduates finished the c out so this year of 1910 being the largest class that has ever received thehonois of graduation This speaks to un iu language louder than words of the growth of our dlstilct. Next jears class will be still larger and if we continue tho ratio wo will soon bo In the metropolitan class. Commencement pioper began with the Baccalaureato Hddress on Sunday evening delivered utthe 'lothodist church by Rev. J W. lUles. The churoh was prettily decorated and the music was excellent. Uhv Uates took (av his text "I come that you ut.iy httvo life and that you may have it more abundantly." This was it most lilting subject to picsent to the giad uates of our high school and the Kev crend gentleman handled it in a most giatlfing manner. He pointed out to them that the whole realm of thought, ancient medieavel and modem was now at their command and that they had but to seek and the best of all time was to be had for their enjoy ment. Thursday ulght the class presented rsr I v VAbbbbbh 40 tL iHpB bHi jyBVAVAlBKr tk, BVl abb. BBflVAHvBflBVA a MVHnvx Vh.aBVf'i jt BAiHiBub JflVAVAfluat vJbvbp4C flBriBVAVAVAv HmHm" VV Y bbm dfflHil'JaBBMBKMfc 13P J J YflnOT B bbbB r t bhbhK Hw sbmNbbbh P " Bf 1Hbh bbbbbbbbVbK Jff Eft t tijABK. a A bbbbbf f-Jj T w jfittQbkk. f A f " L. H bbbbbbbbEb'"? jklMSji'v K fiS PCHj A t f & bbVV BHBbT flBBBBBBBB "L UlHHyB J kBBBBBY &E& ttflMi 'BBBHBflT m. V.) nri LbIbbEI.. jbbt Hv' j JbbVbbbbbHbMIbbbbbbb wHlaBr. ?bbbm HbbbW &jJf.jLi ! A..iUJMHBBBfc . x - .A .. bbbbb"b"Jbp m ifw 7'" im pu i iwi. . . . YOU CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream Senator, 500 lbs- Capacity for $57-50 1 This add Brought to Our store is good for $2.50 on the Pur- chase of the above seperator. MW - . -- ..,r'.M,aMtv wmaZFtor . - rrarr5hiii iv,nmimjmmwiM. Class their play "Thi- Ijlui. in the 15o." to the gi eat delight ami satisfaction of all beafcifi The parts were especially woll selected and the play was such that all could be stais and they all were. Ooe could hardly ruulio that this was i ho Uist pluy ever attempted by the participants. The freedom aud eac of movement was especially plpas ing. To attempt to give each Individ ual particular credit for the part acted would require uioro spaco than we have at our command. It is sutliclent to say that the entire play was exccll out. Somothiug was going on all the time eveti during the change of scenery nud stage settings. Many of our peoplo wero unable to secuic seats aud the class kindly re pented the play on Saturday night to a full house. Friduy night was Commencement pioper and tho entire progtam moved along with tho precision of clock work The opening 'chorus by the double quartet was alluded to by our music otltics as being as good as over per formed bof oi e a Ited Cloud audleuce, chautauqua conceits not excepted. Messis. b. Albright and V. U. Pulton, tenors, Misses Helen Overmnu aud Hdna Holmes, soprano, Mrs. Sherwood Albright and Mis. J.T. Diamond, alto, Messrs. Tackett and I.. L. Albright composed the double quartet and their singing was certainly a musical Heat. Mis. Hughes piesided at the piano and tendered valuable assistance to the singets. The Invocation was given by Itev. M. T. Stilllur ot the .Methodist church in which ho brought iu the class motto - " V fj ' Sa A Ntwiiiuiw 1 iiat fihs rim Kims Fifty-two Wo.iln tadi Year Tor $1.50 KKD CLOUD, M2KKAKKA. .IUN10 of 1910 "Out of school HTo into Life's School" in u very uppropriate and telling man uer. The meeting was in charge of Mr E. II. Xewhouse, president of the board of cUucatlou aud he tiitoimtd thcuud lencu that owing to uufoisieti citcuin stances iJf. J. L. McLtrnui could not be ptcseut and tlial ltalph L. Metcaif, editor ot the Commoner laid aiiiied to iill the position. Incidentally it might be satil tlial our people wcio ei mucli pleased with the change, Mr. Metealf chose for ids sitbjHCt "Di cuius that come lrue." Ilia ad diess was a very masterpiece of logic, hisloiy aud poetiu language. Wc tail ed to see the Connection belwetii his suoject aud the Iticsls but his subject matter was well chosen and ably de. llvered. lie gave it giaphic present atlou of the lives ot seven Ameiicaus, Hamilton, Bin r, Arnold; Maine and Couklin; Liiuculu auit Dougluss. Ibis ltoiIdIoit of these men in this mauuer wua new to us which pleased us all the mote. Miss Florence Kellogg repiesutitiug the cluss of 1U10 delivered a charmlug oration on the subject "For Value lie celved 1 promise to l'uy.' We succeed. :d iu securing this otalion tor public ation aud it will be found elsewhetu iu this issue. ..iss Kellogg's delivery was exceptionally good, she appealed to be at pet ttct ease anil one would not know but what she had been dc Uveiiug orations all her life. Miss lietta Gteeu won the state scliolatship prize for having the high est giade iu all biaucho? during the four yeais lit the High school. Piest- doutXcwhoiisc pioscuicd this prize and the diplomas iu a Icvv well choseu words and it could be easily seen that the class woio all pleased to leceivu oillclttl recognition for their years of study and applicatiou to school life. liy no means the most uuinioicstuig pan ot tho piogram was tho awarding of tho tlU.UO prize given by L. 1 Al bright, b W. Cow den, u, L'. () vet matt aud C. .1. 1'latt lor lite best spelling aud writing In the wilting contest Iveuneth Johnston received Uratpiizc llonulu Ksslg second piizo and Fred Slaby thlid prl.e. A lemarkablo con dilioit confiouted the committee on awatdlng tho pil.es for spoiling. After giving a test of 100U words it was found that it was impossible to spoil down twelve of the contestants aud so tho prize was equally divided among them at their own suggestion, Thoy are as follows: Qrado 3 Alta Coon $1, 4 'Merwle Ed son a tirade 4 May HufTer 91. Thelma Lamborn (2. Grade 5 Beealo Havel 92. ' Krnost Nowhouse 92, Orado 0 Pruda nuffor 92. Nottio Springer 92. Hezel Wolfe 91. .QradeJ Allison- Cowdea 93, V v , Maurine CaldweU 92. BUnobe Boner 90. " J Clue of the interesting pat ts of com I moiicemout this year wus the display of work done by tho manual training boys. 'J'hey arratiKed specimeus of their huudiwotk in I he show windows of Albright Bros., and many people stopped to admit e the collection of useful artiules. Tltete were footstools, hill 1 auks, pictuto frames and numet- jous other articles which showed pains- laictDg care aim nrst ciass worKtnau ship; We doubt if thorn is a carpenter In the city that can turn out better work of this character than tho boyi of our high school. Thus the class of 1010 passes "Out of School Life into Life's .School" to tho entire satisfaction of their friends and with honor to this district. They are: Argubright Juanita Kellogg Florence Blnckledge (jcrlrudo Leonard-Grace Boyd Grace Foe Howard Fox Josephine Green Alberta Hedge Anton Iiollistcr Marie Martindalo Nello McGall Grace Kicker James Hyan Leo Simmons Lois Smith Pearl Weather Summary for Nay 1910 Tempetature: Maximum 85 011 illst; minimum :i2 on lid. Greatest raugo in 21 hrs 1.1. l'leclpitntlou: Total 1.15 inches; greatest tu '-.'Ihouts 1.21 inches on 27th; days with .01 inch or mote 10. Clear 11, pattly cloudy 8, cloudy ll, thunder storms on 2, 0, 10, 1(1, 20, 21 and '.'8th. ClIAH. S. Ll'DI.OW. Red Cloud Shuts out Kearney 3 to 0. Yesterday afternoon Hed Cloud and Kearney plajed ball hcio Lofoic a largo crowd. Bed Cloud got her scores iu tho 2nd and .Id Inning, score: It Kearney.. 000 0 0000 0 0 Bed Cloud. 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 x Battery Kearney, Hcrrick Townsend: Red Cloud, Jarrott Tho II H 1 0 II 1 and and Moss. Two base hits -Townsend, l'agan aud Grant. Struck out by lloiriok 1, Jarrott H. Baso on balls oil' Jartott .1. Dpublo plays Ward to I'aglos to Gray, Magerkurth to Magetlcurth te (iulgley. Standing the State Leaftue p Grand Island 19 Fremont 10 Superior IU Soward 18 Ilastlngs i.. 18 Columbus 18 Kearney 19 feidttlMd 18 W L Pot 12 7 .032 12 .7 .632 10 9 .020 10 8 .520 8 10 .111 8 10 .141 8 11 .121 0 IS .333 Wldtw's PchsImi. The recent act ot April 10th, 1008 (t toa41 aoidiers' widows a pension of fl3 per month. Frotl Maurcr, the t'ttHiAv. h&a alletfesiarjr.blaak, . T7Tpi! !. UMO. -'.. rM.'& 'ic f-i -"it r.'-'..y ifti-jP rirT. . -r-5rT.M-ir?TiLi Bill Says: sm$k Take a Kodak to the Ball Game mitn you. ' There's twice the fun for those who Kodak. Let us instruct yu in the easy, all-by-daylight way of Picture Making. Kodaks, $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $1 to $12 NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jmwmlcrs & Optometrists ttadak HOW MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - jsaiyy3wwjwwi Jack Purcell. Artistic, Carriage, Sign and Scenic Painter. At Sillivan's Old lumber Yard. All First Class Wark Guaranteed. See The Chief for t,: vbxJtwLt'r..f rrvtt v - y-'-'CiBWiT'i NUMUEIt J3 'flMwwHteifllMfcBGaffliiB - Nebraska. up - to - date jpb work. V t (kta,r,wvvfljiiijSft3jji5CW T"CIZ::;, ZZJ?Z fr)TW2fW)rWdWVl - iMtf 3f