The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 02, 1910, Image 3

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    J -
Rellgloua, Social, Agricultural, Pollt.
leal and Other Matters Given
Ouc Consideration.
A cotiimorclnl clul) ua3 been organ
Izetl lit Cnllawuy.
A humane nocloty liua been organ
Izod in Nebraska city.
Tin? new Mellioiltat cliuroli at Hem
lngfonl will bo deillentiMl Juno Gtli.
Sonic luirtlonH or Nebraska were
rvcll wot down In tln recent rains.
W. U. Mellor, Kccrotary of tbo state
lionrd or nurlciilturo, Is touting En
rope. W. .1. Iirymi hi rod a halt at Omaha
nd made a niioeeh favorlnj; county
The now depot at Central City was
dedicated with many railroad odlclals
lu attendance.
Governor mid Mrs. Shallenbcrgcr
celebrated the twenty-font th nnnlvcr
wiry of their marriage.
Tho project or building and equip,
ping a miltablo auditorium at West
Point In again agitating tho public
C. II. Mnyborn. until recently cm
ployed in tho Union States bank in
Ueatrlco, has organized a stato bank
at Chester. The institution will open
for business In n few days.
L. C. Mann, who for twenty years
has been in the ranks of Humboldt
business men, died from a stroko of
apoplexy last week.
Governor Shnllonbcrger delivered
tho class ndilrcHs to tho graduates of
tho Stella High school to a large
audience in thu opera house.
TJic Nebraska Stato Dental associ
ation, in session tit Omaha, elected
officers as follows: President, P. T.
Barber, Omaha; vlco president, O. II.
Crcssler, North Platte; secretary, J.
II. "Wallace, Omaha; treasurer, H. T
King, Fremont. The next meeting will
bo held in Lincoln.
Mr. and. Mrs. V. L. Llsk of Dodgo
county liavo boon mndo defendants in
another pollco court complnlnt signed
by County Superintendent John Mat
sjen, alleging that they have failed to
send their eight-year-old daughter to
school. Two weeks ago tho Llsks
faced n similar charge, but wero re
leased on promising to comply with
tho law. They have not as yet
done so.
Tho unfavorable weather for tho
past ten days, says a Howe dispatch,
is very haul mi tho newly planted
corn and much of it is rotting In tho
ground. John Kleckner, living Just
went of town, as well as others who
planted early, nro obliged to replant
etitiro fields.
A special election was held at Rush
vlllo, the issue being to voto $15,000
bonds for Improving and extending
the water iiystem of tho town. The
voto stood 9 to 12 against.
Tho will of tho late John Ross, of
tho Crab Orchnrd vicinity, has been
filed for probnto In county court at
Ueatrlco. Tho deceased was a bachelor
and left an ostato valued at nearly
$G5,000, which will bo divided among
fourteen nephews and nieces.
Sheriff Quinton of Cass county haa
n. largo stock of merchandise In his
possession awaiting an owner. Fred
Blunt and Sampson KarncB Informed
him whoro ho would find tho goods. It
is beliovcd tho goods woro thrown
from Missouri Pad lie cars.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dlackburn
celebrated their golden wedding anni
versary nt their homo northwest of
Holdrcdgo. Over 100 neighbors and
friends wero prosent. Tho Rev. Al
fred Chamberlain on behalf of tho
guests presented Mr. Blackburn with
a gold-headed cano and his wifo with
a gold watch.
At tho Grand Army onenmpmont at
Falrbury tho following officers wero
elected: Department commander,
John Dioncr, Post No. 21, of Syracuso;
senior vlco commander, J. F. Morgan,
Post No. 94, of Alma; Junior vice com
mander, O. II. Durand, Post No. 77, of
Falrbury; chaplain. T. MIckel, Post
No. 25, of Lincoln; medical director,
Fred Brother, Post No. 3C of Beatrice.
Tho widow of Jones Pllklns of
Iiattlo Crook will recover $4,600 from
throo saloon-keepers tlicro whom she
charged with soiling liquor to hor hus
band aftor Bho had warned them
against It, ono of the Pllklns mo
ments of over-indiilgenco happening
to result In his death. Ho wandered
onto tho railroad track nt that point
and was struck by a train, being
killed instantly.
Word waa received In Nebraska
City by Mrs. It. II. Tagart of the
death of her mother, Mrs. S. S. Seo
ley nt hor homo In Santa Barbara,
Cal., nt the ago of 82, after a brief ill
neBO. Tho vlllago board of Syracuso has
passed an ordinance levying a tax of
$3 on each dog that Is kept In that
Tho Tccumsoh city council est'
mates that it wll rcqutro ?17,3G0 U
meet (he expenses of the muiilclpnllt.
during tho coming fiscal yoar.
Mayor Schuff has been authorlzot'
oy a unanimous voto of tho council
to Issue a proclamation in tho near
future establishing a "cloanup" day
in Grand Island, a hitlf holiday to be
observed and efforts inado to clean
thoroughly every alley, Btroot and
back yard In Urn rJty.
Gruesome Legends of the Green Fort
That Still Guards the City
of Naples
The most plctureaquo object in
Nnples Is the old Castol Di'U' Uovo.
near the beginning of a famous drlvo
that encircles the bay and within view
of tho window 8 of thu hotels mostly
patronized by foreigners. j
It Is a small, craggy island, sur
mounted by hoary walls, which by ago
havo been darkened to the color of tho
rock nnd Is called "The Castle of tho
egg," because, according to tho Nea
politan tradition, the poet Virgil, who
wan an ciichnnter, built tho castle
'upon nn egg. which ho had turned into
rock, and there It stands until this
day, and shall stand until tho egg Is
Tho sailors togard this castle with
great horror, because In olden days n
tcrrlblo dragon was kept underneath
Its walls, In a pool, separated ftom tho
ea by a grating. On stormy nights
flfhennon who llvo In the neighbor
'hood can hear the dragonscrcoch nnd
ihowl, although the terrible creaturo
ihas been dead for centuries.
' Tho old cnsllo hnB had a prominent
iplaco In history. Its wnlls have wit
nessed many tragedies, but during tho
present generation It has been used as
in garriEou for troops, and a battalion
,of heavy artillery occupies It now.
The Intel lor Is modernized, although
the guns aro antique, and visitors nro
pillowed to enter if they bring n per
mit from the general commanding tho
city, but the prison and the dungeons
are no longer shown. They nio said
to be packed with stores and ammuni
tion. But In the kitchen, which was for
merly a chapel, you can seo tho word
"Revenge" whoro It was written by
Queen Helena, the young wife of Man
fred, king of Sicily, who was slain by
Charles of Anjou several hundred
years ago.
When her husband wns killed tho
young queen sought tho protection of
her father, who was emperor of tho
.Greeks nt Constantinople, so sho start
ed, but when sho applied for shelter
tho castellan shut her up In tho dun
geons of Custle Dell Uovo.
There sho lived for many years, long
after her existence was forgotten, and
Charles of Anjou used to amuse him
self by torturing this brave and beauti
ful woman. Finally, her noblo spirit
departed from her body.
But it will not rest, nnd walkB tho
icorrldors of the castle on the ovo of
.ascension every yenr, pacing slowly
from her cell to the kitchen, which, ns
I said, was formerly tho chapel, and
'writing upon tho wall the word "Re
venge," with her linger dipped in
Coleridge's Stick.
Of walking sticks thero Is no end.
We have henrd of Mr.' Ilaldano's
cordite one, and now we rend of a stick
in the Guest collection nt Christie's
which belonged to the very la3t Bond
street watchman. For Interesting
,stlcks, however, the one whlcn Colo
ridge was In the habit of losing during
his tramping dnys must tuko first
place. Tho philosopher was never
happy till he had got It back. He sent
the crier round Hero Is the cry, ns
noted by Mr. Lucas In ono of his es
says: "Missing, n curious walking
stick. On ono sldo it displays tho
head of an eagle, tho eyes of which
represent rising buiis, and the ears
Turkish crescents; on the other side
Is the portrait of the owner In wood
work. Around tho neck Is n Queen
Elizabeth's ruff In tin. All down it
waves the line of beauty in very ugly
And then came tho appeal and warn
ing note: "If any gentleman (or lady)
has fallen In love with tho nbovc de
scribed stick and secretly carried off
the same he (or bIio) Is hereby ear
nestly admonished to conquer a pns
elon the contlnunnco of which must
prove fatal to his (or her) honesty
And If the said stick has slipped into
Buch a gentleman's (or lady's) hand
through inadvertence ho (or she) lb
requested to rectify tho mlstnko with
all convenient speed. God save tho
king!" The Btlck enmo back! Lon
don Chronicle.
Greatest Gold Country In World.
Tho largest gold producing country
Is the TrniiBvnnl, where tho output In
creased from $8,000,000 in 1889, to
'$133,000,000 In 1907. The Increase In
the production of tho TraiiBvnal mines
mnde during the year 1907 almost
equaled tho entire production of tho
gold fields In Alaska. In round figures,
tho world's production of gold from
the discovery of Americn in 1492 to
1S80 was nbout $0,300,000,000. Tho en
tire world's supply of gold could not
have been In excess of $C.COO.OOO,000
Tho last 30 years has doubled this sup
ply, and If the present production Is
mnlntalncd for another generation. It
will double again. As gold has long
been the world-wide standard of value,
these statistics certainly suggest that
tho Increnso In the production of this
precious metal may Indeed vitally af
fect prices. Our dollar can never havo
greater purchasing power than tho ex
changeable valuo of the gold that Is In
it.' Tho statement that wo seo overy
whero In the papers that all prices
are going up Is n truth that could as
well be expressed In theso words, "tho
exchangeable value of gold bullion la
shrinking." Joo Mitchell Chapplo, In
"Affairs ftt Washington," Nationnl
New Kinds of Teeth.
"And now, Jimmy Norton," nsked a
Bronx school teacher tho other day,
"how many kinds of teeth aro there?"
"Two ma'am," replied Jimmy;
"aulninoB and cuspldores."
Jesus Walks
On (he Sea
Sunday School Lesson for Jane 5, 1910
Specially Arranged for Tills Paper
Li:.S80N TP..VT- Matthew 1123-35.
Jli'tnory vrrsru. 61, 27.
UOl.DKN Ti:XT. "TlK'n lltey that
fc In the ship cm moil ml worshiped lilm,
pitying. 'Of n truth lliou art tho Hon of
Hod "- Mat l. 11 .33.
TIMi:-In tlio spilntr of A. l in. Itnmo
Ulutolv after tho Inst li-850ii.
PI.ACi:-Tho nottliim purl of (ln Son
of Unlllvc.
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
I Tho Source or Christ's Power. Vs
22, 23. What wns the effect upon the
multitude of tho multiplication of tho
loaves and llshev? "The feeding o(
Hie llvo thousand was the quietest and
least ImnoBliu: of Christ's miracles. It
is safe to say Mint 'wily a few of tho j
people were aware of whnt was being
done until It wns over." D.nld Jinnee
Ilurroll. I). ., LL. D.
! The Imperiled Disciples and Christ's
flood Cheer. Vs. 21-27. Why did
Christ, If his disciples woro to bo In
so great danger, thrust them forth
Into It without himself? The danger
wns not apparent at llrHt. "It was an
easy cionslug, and It was quite calm,
and it was not far; they could see the
other side. I In separated himself
from them with a put pose. He ltntl
many a lesson for them to learn. The
night became unruly, and no small
tempest lay upon them; their bearings
were lost, and lulthcr sail nor onr
could serin them. Their thoughts
must have prohsed all and only In ono
direction to tho mountain-top where
j Jesus was!" Rev. Armstrong Black.
When did Jesus eomo to them In
their distress? "In the fourth watch
of tho night," between throo and 1
o'clock In the morning.
Why did Christ come to them walk
ing on tho waves? He must go to
them iu that way, or not nt all. Be
sides, he duubtless had a deslro to lift
thu disciples' thought of him to a high
er plane, and prepare them for the
full recognition or his divinity. "The
miracle or the feeding of the multi
tude had been n plcturo of tho last
supper, a prophecy of his death, and
this miracle Is a prophecy of his
lesuirection." Rev. David Smith.
How did the apparition affect the
disciples? They cried out in great
terror, thinking It n ghost. "All nt
once. In the track that lay behind
them, a figure appeared. As It passed
onward over the water, seemingly up
borne by the waves as they rose, not
disappearing as they fell, hut cnrrled
on as they rolled, the silvery moon
laid upon the trembling watern the
hhadows of that form as It moved,
long and dark, on their track. St.
lohn uses an expression which shows
us, In the pale ligM, those In the
boat Intently, fixedly, learfully, gazing
at the apparition uu It moved still
closer nnd closer." Kdersheim.
I Why did Christ (Mark) make as if
going straight by the disciples? "Ho
would wish his disciples to recognize
him. Ho would wish them to under
utuml distinctly what he was doing,
and what ho had done, and what li
was in his power to do. He would
wish to pass onward by their side,
and In their view, till It should be the
very beat moment to turn and give
them relief." Morlson.
How did Christ reassure them when
they cried out In fear? It must have
been v. Ith a radiant smllc that ho
wild, "Be of good cheers; It Is I; bo
not afraid."
Tho Half-Hearted Disciple and
Chilst's Rebuke. Vs 2S-33. What dls
'clplo was first to answer Christ?
Characteristically, Peter. And "the
combination of doubt (If it bo thou')
with presumption ('bid mo eomo on
tho water') Is peculiarly charactcrls
tic of Peter." Kdersheim.
Whnt should this expurionco have
done for Peter? "It should hnve made
him more cautious afterward In his
avowals, his too sclf-confidont boast
ings, of whnt ho would do nnd dnro
for ills master." John Foster.
i How did Christ rebuke Peter ns he
saved him? It wns a gentle rebuke,
"O thou of little faith, wherefore didst
thou doubt?"
What was tho effect of this miracle
upon the disciples? They were
nmazed beyond measure, not only nt
tho walking on tho wntcr, but at the
Immediate cessation of tho storm ns
soon as they htid taken Jesus on
Human Misery and Christ's Healing.
Vb. 34-30. Whoro did the boat land?
With what seemed miraculous sudden
ness (John) tho disciples mndo tho
rest of their Journey across to tho
northwestern sldo of tho lako, and
rnrao Into tho land of Gennesaret.
What happened immediately on
Christ's arrival? "Seo how Jesus
Christ goes to work again." Joseph
Parker. Ho was nt onco recognized
as the marvelous healer, and tho
whole region waB aroused to bring
their sick within reach of his wonder
ful powerB.
i How did they expect tho cures to
"bo wrought? They wero satlBflcd if
they could get closo enough in tho
crowd merely to 'touch his garment.
I Illustration. Prayer Is something
for overy day, and not morcly for
emergencies. "I know a man, a good
man, who passed through a threaten
ing experience in his business for two
or threo weeks; nnd he prayed more
4n that timo than he had prayed for
fifteen or twenty years. Ho confessed
as much to mo, and ho regarded it
as an honorablo confession. Thnt is
not Christian prayer." John Rhey
Thompson, D. D. Christian prayer
meets emergencies with tho quiet con
fidence born of a long series of an
swered prayers and blessed commun
ings all through tho years.
Miss Antique Is this Dr. Klllinoro?
Dr Klllniore Yes, madam, you'to
nafo. I'm not Dr Osier.
VoloErrS ILLS.
Many women who suiter with back
ache, hearing down pain, headachea
nnd ucrvoubiiess do not know thnt
these aliments aro usually due to
trouble with tho
kidneys. D o nil's
Kidney Pills re
move the cause.
Mrs. Jose p h
Cross, Chinch St.,
Morrllton, Ark.,
says: "For weeks
1 was bent double
by pain In my back
and (ho kidney se
cretions wero pto
fiiho. My feet and
nnkles woro badly swollen and I had
headaches and dizzy spells. Six doc
tors treated mo without roller nnd I
finally began taking Donn's Kidney
Pills. They cured me."
Remember tho name Dean's.
For sale by all dealers. GO conin a
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Burfulo.N.Y.
Her Laugh Broke.
She was a little fairy of seven, with
eyes like diamonds and hair like spun
gold, and she was lumping with a half
dozen playmates. Touching a flue
looking youngster on the shoulder,
she challenged him with, "You can't
catch me." Off they started, Bho twist
ing nnd dodging with tho dexterity of
a half-hack on a football team, and he
following her overy movement in close
pursuit. The excitement of the chase
made her scream with laughter. The
little fugitive finally brough up
against a fence, breathless ami pnut
ing, and her pursuer, throwing his
nrms about her, shouted: "Thero, l'vo
caught you!" "Oh, yes," gasped tho
little fairy, "but It was 'cause my
laugh broke and I couldn't run nny
A Dirge.
Shejnld tho still white form botildo
thoso which had gone before; no sob,
no sigh forced Its way fiom her heart,
throbbing ns though It would burst.
Suddenly a cry broke tho stillness of
the place ono single henrtbreaklng
shriek; then silence; nnother cry,
moro silence; then all silent but for
a guttural murmur, which seemed to
well up from her very soul. Sho left
the place. She would lay another egg
tomorrow. Princeton Tiger.
$100 Reward, $100.
Ths rrartcn of thu inner nlll bo iliwd to learn
that thero li nt leant ono ilrrailnl tliw-aao that aricnco
ha.i turn nlilo to cure In till tti nfium. nnd that u
Cntnrrli. Hull' Catarrh Cum li the only piwiihe
euro now Known to lliu ineilleal fraternity. Caiarrli
brine n constitutional illw.iv, n quire a rotiMitu
t'unal treatment. Hill a lutarrh Cunt li taken In
ternally, urtlriK illrectly upon the blood am) muioim
mirfans ot tho eyetein. thereby destroying tha
foumlitlon of tlio iII'HM-io, anil Klvlwr the patient
etrensth liy uullillns up tho constitution nnil iiit.
Iiik nature In doltiit IU mirk, 'lhe proprietor has
no much faith In Its curatlio rer that they oner
One Hundred Dollars for any easo that It latin to
cure. Hcml lor Hat ot tmtlmnnhli
Address r J. CIIIINUY A. CO , Tolido, O.
Hold by nil Druzelats. 75c.
Tate Hall's l'umlly l'llta for oonstlcatloa.
Understood the Sex.
Ills Daughter Daddy, you wero
twenty-five when this was taken,
weren't you? Why, you might havo
sat for it yesterday.
Her Father M'ycs; your mother's
own daughter. Well, well, you'll find
it on the tabic, I think.
His Daughter Find what, daddy,
Her Father The checkbook, my
own lamb.
Limit to Woman's Suffrage.
Women have obtained tho right to
voto In Krnln, a provlnco of Austrln.
They will bo allowed to cast their
ballots In person and not by proxy.
There Is, however, one limitation Im
posed on them. A special timo of tho
duy has been allotted to thorn for the
cxcrclso of this right.
Tho export accountnnt who Is called
In to balance n set of books never fig
ures on having n steady job.
Mm. 'Wlnslow'd Hootliliirr fijriii.
Fnrehlldren t,jihlnir. fcotunMilioKtim, r unices I n
lianluJ.Uoujlllaj'kjialn.cureb wlud colic. CilUUUo.
Toil, BayB tho proverb, is the sire of
fame. Eurlpldoa.
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes tho gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as n natural necessity there is no woman who would
ot gladly be free from this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription makes
wcalt women strong and sick women
well, and dives them freedom from pain.
It establishes regularity, subdues Inflam
station, heals ulceration and cures tc
male weakness,
. Sick women ore invited to consult Dr. PiVrcn t,v Ur
free. All correspondence strictly privato and saorcdly
confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World' Dispensary Med'
ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N, Y.
If you want book that tells all about woman' Hrn,-. nn.i t. ..,-
them at borne, send 21 one-cent stomps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only, and ho will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper coven.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps.
original and
Syrup of Figs
Senna, known
world as the best of
for men, women and
has the full name of
Syrup Co. printed
every package. It
leading druggists
size only, regular
per bottle. The
times offered arc of
and do not pJve
J r 1 1 m
VLi-v UtJl-llllUU.
- ivrr-
Why Have an Overheated
Kitchen in Summer?
"When the sultry days come and the coal range
makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cooking a
dreaded task, put out the range fire and try the
newest method of cooking in hot weather use a
IVew Ti?erectiort
eix.rj j3 jlUjMjjii aa
il Cook-stove
What a contrast! The kitchen no longer is
stifling hot, the work is now done with comfort, and
the housewife is not-worn out with the heat.
u Cautionary Note: Deouro l i
U you net tlilo otovc oco 11
ftutlonary Note: De ouro
you net tlilo otovc oco
that the name-plate
reads "New Perfection."
Standard Oil Company
Spreading the News.
Postmuster Fuller of Hocklnnd, Me.,
wns tho sparkling wit at the postmas
ters' dinner. Ho announced with mock
holomnlty that ho had Just received
word from ills congressman thnt his
name had boon sent In somewhere In
Washington for reappointment In
recognition of his ofllclent sei'vlco and
tho votes ho could swing.
"I havo dnshed tho momentous nows
of my triumph to distant Hocklnnd to
my wife, nnd If I am acquainted with
the lady, as I bcllovo that I am, tho
glad tidings havo ero now penetrated
to tho most remote section of that
district," waa a sally that brought
down tho house.
Importnntto Mothers
Exatnlrio carefully every bottlo of
CASTOUIA.nsnfo and sure roraedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Tlnnrn llin
Signature of uL&&72&fa
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought.
A Young Diplomat.
Johnny doing to Sunday school?
Tommy Nopo; It might stir up
harsh and bitter reeling betwoon do
nominations. Many a man falls to mnko good bo
coiiso ho spends most of his timo try
ing to provo thnt luck is against him.
and Elixir of
throughout the
family laxatives,
children, alvays
the California Fig
on the front (of.
is for sale by all
everywhere, one
price 50
Imitations some.
Inferior quality
should be
i -I
She saves her strength, keeps
her health and is better able to
enjoy the summer.
The New Perfection doe3 everything
that any other stove can do all the fam
ily cooking, baUing, washing and iron
ing. No smoke, no dust, no odor. Heat
is applied directly and not wasted. A
turn, and the flame ia out.
The New Perfection atove haa
Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping
plates and food hot, drop shelves for
the coffee pot orsauccpans, and nickeled
towel raclo.
It haa long turquoise-blue enamel
chimneys. The nickel finish, with tho
bright blue of the chimneys, makes tho
Gtove very attractive end invites clean
liness. Made vith 1, 2 and 3 burners;
the 2 and 3-burncr Gtovea can bo had
with or without Cabinet.
Kviryildil.Tfvi'rvwhrm: If rot ntynnn.wrttnfoi
Ik-itcrlt'llYe Unulur lu tho licatut ngene o( tho
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Why You'ro Tired Oat of
sorts Have No Appetite
will nut you right
in a lew diyu
They do
their duty.
iouiatu, Indigeitioa, and Sick tfafaens.
GENUINE mutt bear signature:
IVhat Governor Deneen, of Illinois,
aays aoouc lis
Oomnior Denren, of Illinois, own wte.
iuu oi inna in tULiKniciiuwan.
lutiuaa. uu una waa in
un Inlorrunri
"Aii an Amorlenn lam
dolldito.l to mo tho re
rnnrkutilo procroia of
IVMlnra II.inn.lM (In
ptiopls aro flocklnaarroN.
nari'li. nnd I harp not ret
iun uonnuirr in inou.
nit ono who ivlm
no DkI ma lo n
Thfjr aro oil doing well.
Tlicro I. auira I
. i.
munitr In tho MM.IIe or
""" Went, rn 8tiiU thnt hn
not a rnproionUlmi In Muultobo,
Kui.lrn,j-liiinn ni Alll.ti. "
125 Million Bushels of
Wheat in 1909
WiM-t-rn Cnnaila field crop- for
,v miii -niir , Mini to mo mruv
ur 1 7 (1.0(10.000. Ill) I n vi. I. .
I r.tflifmf-Nt.ii.!M'if Iflli....-
nml nroTiuiitloiM ot lllOucra
ii ru.uu un ncro. iiniiHnr nnil
Land tVimtutnlei havo lati.t fnruilfi
uvronjKinjiiiBiinci. niiuir rnrm
era liuvu paid for tlivlr Inmlnut
if tin. prom! of ono crop.
Hnlrnillil illmntn, Ktxxl whooli,
eirt'llivit railway fiirllltU'w.lnw
irvlirlit rnti--. wood, inner ami
liimbt-r itiixllr olilnlnnl.
for pamphlet "I-n.t 11, -.t Wet."
partloular. im to nultnlilu locution
ami low MUlerV rato, appl to
Hup't of Immlirratlon. Ottawa,
Can., or to C'anuJUu Uov't Agant.
Room 4 Bit Bldf. Oouha, Its.
(TIioin'Idri'ii-naanH.tron.) (I)
or Morphine Habit Treated,
rrce mil, Catei where other
reineditt have failed, nxxully
Heilred. ftlwe rartirnlirv.
Dr. o. co!rnuux.enu est, 4oovr.sdBt.,KwTnsi
ncrnyne ctidou nr.Tor.tteb,
to tbo Iruo.
aaamCk rvrcnirfl
mWaaT lIVtK
r.ucr.t a kAzrr
lit m
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 23-1910,
-t- ai? ast"