The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 26, 1910, Image 8

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    w '
I Jte-
i .
Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at
a BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you.
Yours truly,
P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20and"40 rods.
The home Grce
P. A. Wullbrandt, Pro.
very tiring
you to do
I carry a complete line of strictly fresh
and my prices are such that it will pay
your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class
brands of canned and package goods carried.
All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices.
$ Cleanliness
In a (iroccry store moro tliuii in anything else,
buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness.
ff Voir cat) not buy Groceries in a dirty, Ill-kept place and bo sure o
Jf pure goods Cleanliness'and sanitation are our hobbies. : : : :
Two Violets
A Few o? the Good Things
1)111 Pickles ICopcrdoz
Sour Pickles 10o ,l "
Swoot Pickles 10c ' "
BulkOllvea 10o " "
Horse Radish 10c per bottle
Catsup 10c " '
Celery Kclish 10c " '
Mustard ..10o "J glas.
Olomargerlne Uuttor. . .20 & 2."c per lb
Oysters 50 & 00c per 5qt
The 4th Avcnuo Moat Market
THE Chicago Specialists'.
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
Pkiimanknt Office
Red Cloud, Royal Hotel
Consultation Free, in German and
Thursday. June 2nd, 1910
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April l!)th. 1008
gives to all soldlors' widows a pension
of 812 per month. Fred Maurcr, the
attnnicv-. has all necossary blanks.
Habbtii Skiivich.
freftclilng.. . 10:45 m. m.
Iltbleichool 12 m.
Freatilnc services 8 p. ni.
rrayer and Conference meeting Wednos
day at 8 p. in.
A conllsl Invitation U extended to nil.
Kiev. A. A.UiciHSKtw l'mtor.
Order to Show Cause.
Htntcof Noforanka, I ... tilnrn... (,.
Webster County, f ' '"ocountj t.ourt.
At a County Court hold at tlio County
Court room In and for said county Satur
day, May I4th A. 1)., 1910.
In tlio matter of the cstato of Mntlhetm
Honker Deccanod.
Ox reading and llllns tho petition of Anna
M. lUmkvr tiled on tlio lltli day of May A.
I)., 11)10, praying for ttio examination and al
lowancsof her llual account of tho Bamo
dats, a decrca of assignment of tlio Iniul ho
longing tosalil estate to tho persons entitled
to th name, an order distributing the rsoldue
of ptrtonal ohtato and thoro upon an ordor
discharging hat from further burden and
service In liomald olllce an Kxccutor.
OitDEltKi), That Tuesday tho 7th day of
Juno A. I). 1910, at one o'clock p. in., is as-
signed far hearing said petition when all
pornoni Interested In said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to bo held In and for
said county and show causa why prayor of
pstltloner should not bo granted; and that
notice or the pendency of tatd petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all periom
Interested In said matter, by publishing a
copy of this order In tho lied Cloud' Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed In said county,
for three consecutive weeks prior to said day
of hearing. I. W. Eimon
(Hai.) County Judge.
fl tocCTJt 7Orr COLU1
JW'vM Hta'RJ
Corner of 3th Avenue and chestnut Street.
,0"'m Sabbath School
11 '" - I'rcachlng
7:l&l-m Christian Worker Hand
H.D0p. m. . .. .Preaching
All are Invited to attend.
J. !:. Jaimiok, Minister.
Hev. .1. Ml liatt-H, I'astor.
Service tlio ilrst two Sundnys In each
Holy Communion at morning tet vices on
the ilMt Sunday.
Sunday hchool at 12 o'clock nvery Sunday
Mrs. K.M. Smith, Superintendent.
Ely's Cream Balm
Thlo Romody is n Specific,
Suro to Clvo Satisfaction.
It clonii'-es, snot licit, lii"iK, and protects tin
i11ciim-1 lui'inliriiio. It curl s t'litnrrh ami
drives aw.iy a ('"Id in thi lle.ul tpiicklr.
Itostorc.s tho Senses of 'l'uto and Smell.
IVisy to use. Contains no mjuriuus drills.
Applied into tlio nostrilrt imd absorbeiL
Iirui Sizi, HO eenU lit DrU'n'Ki.stB or by
niiil j Trial ,SUo, 10 couts by mad.
ELY BROTHERS. 5G Warren St.. Now York.
Church Services,
nii'itcii opciiuist.
iNi'iiitisii s Ciii'itcii I'.vkiiv l.oun's Hay
llllilc kcIkmi! . 0 it. in.
Sermon and I'ommuiiloii II n. in.
Christian endeavor , two p. m.
riracuiui; ,::so p. m.
I'rayemaml pialsc. WedmsdayH, 7::) p. in.
Seats (ice. (lood miihle. Come. Ilrluicyour
Ililik'N, friends and uood cheer.
I,. Aa. IIi'.-somi, Minister.
It wait the day after the panic.
Tho turmoil nnd bluster of the
"Btrcot," which had swept before It in
havoc tho fortunes of many substan
tial firms, had nlso taken down with it
that of John Hnmblcton & Co. Hut the
"street" itself, which tho day before
hnd been one mnd pandemonium, had
ngaln quieted down to its usual seren
ity, except tho crowds nround the
curbs who still tr.lked over the llnari
rial exeltemcnl. Hut so It nlwnys Is
In this district of New York. Men
may ro down nt one fell stroke, specu
lators may lose nil they have in tlu
world but tlio ihnrkptx ko on tho
Fame tho persistent ticker marks off
more encouraging quotations, and tho
financier forgetting the ruin of those
around him, strives to recoup his own.
John Humble ton sat In his private
ofllce. On tlio morrow tho firm would
go through the preliminaries of assign
ment. He could pay off a part of the
Indebtedness dollar for dollar, but
after this hlB slate would be wiped
clean of n cent. At 50 he was worse
than when he hnd begun a pauper,
though mi honest nnd discouraged
Ho touched an electric button.
A slight, dnrk-lialred, gray-eyed girl
came in with pencil and pad. Shu was
more than beautiful, for there was
sympathy nnd Intelligence In the
young face. Shu had been with the
firm but three weeks, but sho had
given satisfaction from the start. Her
dignity nnd gentleness had given a
soothing effect" to tlio strenuous brok
erage ofllce without John Hnmblcton
knowing wl.y.
"No, Miss Jarrett, you need take
no more notes," he told her, when Bhe
had sat down. "I regret to say I am
discharging you." He held up his
hnnd when she started to speak.
"Don't make it worse," he went on;
"I am ruined and done."
"Hut, Mr. Hambleton "
Ho raised a silencing hand. "Here
is two weeks' salary In advance till
you can secure another place, and I
wish It could be more. You will find a
couple of firms on this slip to whom I
have recommended you. I am going
out on n business errand for an hour.
You may leave now."
She wondered at his words, but
Bomo silent warning in his handsome
face forbado her answer. She softly
closed tho door and went out. As she
gathered up a few belongings sho
heard the senior partner go on his er
rand. And when she loft sho passed
through his privato ofllce again, with
eyes filled with tears, and laid a little
note upon his desk.
An hour later John Hambleton camo
In. Though he had sacrificed tho last
cent of his private fortune of over a
million dollars, there were still some
who called him a thief and a man with
out a friend left.
"A man without a frlond." Worse
than a man without a country!
He opened a small drawer of his
desk and took out something. The
rjollshed steel eliBtened against the
rich mahogany of his desk as his hand
closed over it. 'Twao perhaps coward
ly. Dut he was tired alone and des
perate. Once he looked out the window.
Below, rising from the itreet, ho could
hear the ahouts of the curb brokers,
and, further away, the Indistinct mum
ble coming from the stock exchange.
He smiled. Ho would norer hear that
again, and ho gripped the steel thing
At that moment, almost brushed
aside, his eyes fell on Alice Jarrett'
Slowlv he onencd It. There were
lust a few words, but out fell two vio
lets, the kind that grew in his mother's
days on tho farm, with tho delicate
odor of spring. A flood of emotion
overcame him.
His eyes fell to the note.
"I nm leaving, but here Is my ad
dress. My heart Is with you in your
trouble. If you need me only send
for me Your friend. A. J."
His friend! Of all tho friends he
knew thlB gentle girl alone had left
tho gentler mossago Just In time.
With the two violets pressed to his
lips, John Hambleton'B head went over
on his desk, and ho wept for tho first
timo in many years.
Slowly tho little steel article was
put back In Us drawer.
Lincoln. Nkiiii., May 24th (Special
(Jorroipondcticc.) The Ludden eiise
lll not down that is to say, Hov. Air.
liiiddcii does not purpoic letting go of
his littlo WWI n year slice of the public
funds, even though ho lias been dutw
ititf it in violation of law. Mr. Ltiddun
made out a voucher for his salary, but
Joveriior Shallenbeiger insisted I hat
It tic held up until it was shewn thai
claim was n legal one. vi r. Ludden
has now asked for a writ of mnndiiiim
compelling the auditor to issue n
voucher, The law governing- tho nor
mal school board provides for the ex
penses of its members, and specifical
ly states that no payment shall lie
made for services. Despite this plain
inhibition Ltiddeti has been drawing
a salary a secretary.
Stutif.' by tliu caustic, comments
iniulc up n hisell'iirls to liaue; to his
petty little slice of public funds, Luil
den prepared n lony list of charges
against ex-Superintendent I rabtree of
the I'eru Xoimal. When Mr. Crab
ireo's answer was submitted it made
the l.uddeii charges look as small as
the Ludden grub of public funds.
The democrat if banquet at Heaver
City on Monday of lust week was
another big success in the series of
Miccessful democratic gatherings.
The Heaver City meeting, while only u
neighborhood utVair, was as largely at
louden us the "stiuid-pat" republican
banquet at Omaha last week, and the
Omaha aldiir was touted as being a
state wido affair and a great deal of
persistent drumming up was done to
secute even the small crowd that at
tended. Careful students of contem
poraneous politics will not be slow to
take note of tho difference between
the condition of the republican party
in town under the leadership of pro
gressives, and the condition of Ne
braska republicans under the lender
ship of "standpatters" ami dodgers.
Hed flood Is The Best Place To
There is no other place in the state where you can get so
many Bargains
The Red Cloud Hardware Co., they are leaders
A few of their Bargains
Rock Island trickle listef $35.00
John Deere trickle lister 35.00
John Deere 2 row lister 75.00
St. Joe 2 row lister 75.00
John Deere 2 row weeders, latest 38 00
Ohio riding cultivator 22.50
Gas Engine 55.00
Cream seperators 7" 55.00
Manure spreaders 80.00
Just received 2 car loads of the finest Buggies that ever
come to our city. Prices from $55 to $105.
Have about 75 bushels of home grown Alfalfa seed. Extra
nice seed from 8 to 11 per bushel.
Sulkey plows $25.00
Nails per keg 3.00
Have a car of field fence on the way from the factory.
Prices none can equal. The best field fence that can be
made, 20 inches to 5 feet high.
Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co.,
Wm. Wolfe, Manager.
Lawson O. itriati, state treasurer,
has ut last filed for tho republican
congressional nomination iu the Third
district. Brian is it "standpatter" of
the deepest dye. He stands pat for
tho tariff law, for Aldrich, for Cannon,
and for the administration program iu
lulu. He plays pudiius in everything
he does, being willing to sacrifice
everything on the alter of party. Mr.
Brian 1b going to have a hard row to
hoc in the Third district, for a major
ity of the republican organs in that
district tire distinctly progressive, if
he gets the nomination it will be by a
scratch, and his nomination will be
held with delight by tho democrats of
the district.
For Sai.k: Two typewriters good as
new, one Smith Premier and one Rem
ington. Iuquiroat this olll i s.
Swift's Premium
Hams or
It is reported that M. L. Frels has
decided not to get into the race for tho
republican gubernatorial nomination.
Upon tlio bamo wiud mill is borne the
rumor that ex-Governor Sheldon is
deliberating with his usual slowness
upon getting iuto the race agaiu. In
the meantime Aldrich is iudustrioubly
pushing his own candidacy. Pressure
is being brought to bear upon W. E.
Andrews to get into the race. The
Andrews candidacy will be "nuts" for
the newspaper paragraphers. He
will be bailed as the "I'eruna candi
date" in every quarter of the stato.
4 The I'eruna Company could well af
ford to pay AudniWB campaign ex
penses in rctvrm for the advertising it
would get if It likes that kiud of ad
vertising," remarked u well known
politician tho other day. It was
Andrews who signed a testimonial of
the curative properties of "I'eruna"
and allowed it to be printed in lmlf
puge form witli his picture. People
who are unacquainted with Peruna
arc invited to inquire of Collier's
Weekly, and of Oklahoma authorities.
l',5TV ul
if .
A ' r
Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds
Wm. Koon
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Col. J. H. Elllnger
Don't Delay Ordering
a fire insurance policy from us a
single day. Fire isn't going to
stay away because you are not in
sured. In fact, it seems to pick
out the man foolish enough to be
Have us issue you u policy to-duy.
Don't hesitate about tho matter.
Thq fire fiend may; have your
house dowu on tho list for a visit
this very night.
Reliable Insurance.
a ....
Afu your
Gold i
I)I1UIM nilAMl PXJ.I.X, for IwoiUy.fiva
years regarded m DcM.Snfct, Alwayi Urllnble,
lrurrlt Ur ClIMMll'S T1JK 1 A I
1) 1IKAN1) I'll.!. In Hi I) au'A I
urtalllc liuiM Ei-alal witu llui((7
Take no mu:n. Hut .f ;UUi- W !
L nnd k fur mi.ClIllS.TI US V
Free Land Grants
Yes, a few moro elegant Frco Land
Grants can still bo had in Mexico,
whore many Americans aro now lo
cating. You do not even have to go
to Mexico, but nro required to havo
fivo acres of fruit trees planted with
in live years. For information print
ed in English regarding Mexican
homesteads, address Tho Jantha
Plantation Company, Block 030,
Pittsburgh, Pa. You can have your
trees planted and your land worked
on shares, so as to bring you a thou
tmnd dollnrs a year. Tho health con
ditions arc perfect and tlio climato
grand. It is never hot. never cold.
TIM it
Krakatoa's New Dress.
A unique opportunity to study na
ture's processes in restoring tho vege
tation of a land awept clean by a
great dlsnstcr was afforded after tho
tremendous eruption of tho volcano on
tho little Island or Krokatoa In 1S83.
All llvhiK organlsuiH wore destroyed.
Iu 1SS0 a number of plants had al
ready established themselves on the
devastated iBland, those in the In
terior being remarkably different from
thoso on tho coast, ferns especially
preponderating In 1807 further prog
ress had been made, and In 1000 tho
forest trees had advanced so far as to
make it ovldeut that within a short
time tho Island will ugatn bo densely
forested. It Is believed that tho first
plants to establish themselves on the
blasted soli -such as ferns, nlxao,
mosses, composltuo and grasses wore
homo thither by winds, and that
ocean currents wore probably tho
ngonts concorncd in tho Importat'on of
seeds nnd fruits, Youth's Companion
Does livestock and general auc
tioneering. Satisfaction guaran
teed in every case. Understands
pedigrees and stock values.
Many years experience. Phono
, him anytime
Red Cloud, Nebr.
!Aa''WW'W''W'' 'WWAAAirf'W i
Formic Displaces Acetic Acid,
Formic acid is used moro and tiioro
In tho dyeing trade as u substitute for
noetic acid.
The divorce evil has arisen to start
ling proportions iu this country, and
students of sociology are studying tho
question. It is interesting to note the
advanced ground taken on tho divorce
question by tho democratic legislature
of 1000. That session so amended the
divorce law as to require a bona fide
residence of one your immediately
prior to tho filing of the petition, if
the divorce is asked for on eause aris
ing out of the statu, either tho petit
ioner ur the defendant shall have been
a bona lido lesidont for two years prim
to the filing of the petition, A decree
of divorce shall not become final until
tlio expiration of six mouths. This
latter provision put a slop to the habit
of j?ott iug a divorce one day and t hen
hiking over to Council HI nil's the next
day and marrying again, thus avoid
ing tlio inhibition of six mouths.
The actual divorce is not in effect un
til six months have elapsed siuco trial
and decision. Service on parlies liv
ing in tlio stato must lie in person, and
if without tho stato and whereabouts
unknown, after three months diligent
search service may bo hud by public
ation. Nebraska will not bo known
as a state of easy divorce. Tlio last
legislature iiuulo divorce moro dl Hi
cult, mid it put a stop to speedy re
marriage after divorce is granted.
The more one studies tho record of
the legislature of I POO the bettor that
record appears,
The Chief $K50
Successor to Dr. J. S. UMlGli
At the old stand over the
State Bank. PhoneflSf .
1 "iibiiimsBii TiMm -C - Msruw vsj
We Carry Funeral
Furnishings in Stock
and answer calls day
or night. Have ar
ranged to secure the
services of Albright
Brothers on Short
Notice withoutExtra
Charge to Patrons.
SHIRE 16 1-4 Hands High.
Weight about 1600 when fat : "" (suit) ho iy picador i m:
1CIV1V10. $1U.UU CO insure a L Ulnnon1
live Colt. IH.OCIvY HOY and MaKtbaYi
W. S. PARKES, Owner
Rural 102
lllnek S7
Notice Farmers & Breeders
That the Pereheron Stallion,
tkai 077071)) imported from France iu
1910 by Stream ,v Wilson of Cretan,
Iowa, is registered iu the Ainoriean
Breeders and Importer's Poreheron
Uegistery, and that Ills recorded num
ber is .12023.
Color and Description, Black.
Puwcuu.e: Folded .Tuiio u, in()..
bred by M.Tison Commune of Sarsnes'
department of Sartlie; got bv Duusset
101721) ho bv AyursKtoo (l:uir) l0 by
Boutoe (103110) ho by Plendop III. fiti78
(4815) he by Picador 12.11 (78i.) ,0 bv
Picador (nasi) ho by Favori
rin. ! '
-....,. ,,1,, uiiiii iii i ';i;tK". l... t,
-- . iui.
:!0) i,o
! I
make this season at tlio Hay barn.
0V.M li
Hural phone No jo;
' j-