The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 26, 1910, Image 6

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    iPW . r
(The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher
Reoord of What li Going on In Con
gress, In Washington and
. " tlio Political Field.
Battling Nelson culled on speaker
Cannon nt tlio cnpltol and alter care
fully looking over tho lattor's sparo
framo Ironi u roapoctful dlBtanco
averred "that tho speukcr would hitvo
mode n great feather wolght."
After weeks of Inactlvo deadlock,
followed by otlicr weeks of careful
work of conHldcratlon, conrerenco
and tho houso poBtal saving linll, a3
favored by tho republican members
of tho committee on postolllco and
jorflt rnndR, was Introduced to tho
liouso by Representative Gardener of
New Jersey.
By tho lack of otio voto tho houso
declined to accord tho necossary two
thirds voto to milim.. to tho Bevoral
atatcB or tho union tho (iiiostlon of
chnnglng the dato of tho Inauguration
of president and vico president lroio
.March 4 to tho last Thursday In
April. In tho voto there was no Indi
cation of party linos.
A bill providing for tho opening to
agricultural settlement and develop
ment of tho surface of lauds which
liavo been classified as coal lands was
passed by tho houso. Tho measure
would reserve about 70,000.000 acres
as coal lands.
A bill ns Introduced In tho s6nato
by Senator Burkett Increasing tho
limit of cost of tho new federal build
ing nt Columbus, Neb., from ?cr.000
to $75,000. It was found that under
tho Bpeclllcntlona called for contract
ors could not undertake to construct
tho building for tho amount allowed
In tho bill.
Attorney General Wlckcrnhnm will
bavo n rival In his Investigation of
the so called cotton pool. The sen
nte commltteo which Is Inquiring Into
tho cost of living decided to turn Its
nttcnton to cotton as well as food
Protest ngnnst tho bill conveying to
tho cities of Colorado Springs, Maul
tou and Cascade, Colo., 21,000 acres
of lnnd on tho north slopo of Tike's
peak to bo used for bettorlng tho wa
ter supply of tho cities was filed by
tho forest service through Assoclato
Forester l'otter with tho houso com
mlttco on houso lauds.
Thero was evidence of bad humor
In tho senate dobato on tho railroad
Reports from Nanking, tho capital
or tho provlnco of Klang Su, tell or
serious evldencos of unrest among
tho Chinese.
Proldent Taft takes full responsi
bility for tho Lawler letter.
Tho directors of tho Aero club of
America decided to hold tho interna
tioral nvlatlon meet on Hempstead
plains, Long Island. Tho race for
world's championship will bo held
October 2.
At Washington Information receiv
ed points to- nn early conflict between
tho armies of Peru and Ecuador over
their boundary disputes.
The American Sugar Refining com
pany has appealed Its case to tho
supremo court.
By tho lack of ono voto tho houso
declined to accord tho necessary two
Tho houso postal savings bank bill,
as favored by tho republican mom.
bors of tho commltteo on post ofllces
nnd post roads, wan Introduced to tho
houso by Representative Gardner of
Now Jersey.
Mrs. Goorgo M. Pullman, widow ol
tho lato palaco car magnate, wns suc
cessfully operated on In Chicago
Tuesday. Her speedy recovory Is pre
dicted. Tho National Municipal loaguo will
hold Its next annual mooting In IIufTa
lo. Plans for King Edward's funeral
ceremonies includo a great military
Tho Hydo Jury found tho dofendnnt
guilty, fixing punlshricnt nt llfo Im
prisonment. Tho United States has suggested to
Mexico that tho boundary question in
volved lu tho celebrated Chnmlzal
zona caso bo submitted to somo well
known Jurist of a mutually friendly
power for arbitration,
Tho Now York sunato by at voto or
20 to 20 adopted tho Davenport reso
lution placing New York stato on
rocord as favoring tho lncomo tax
Tho llrst survivors of tho recent
earthquake In Costa Rica, in which
moro than 1.C00 lives wero lost In tlio
destruction of Cartago, arrived nt
New York.
Colonel W. T. Sullivan, n former
postolllco Inspector, lor several yoars
In chargo at Denver, Colo,, died at
Gallatin, Mo., from paralysis. Ho re
tired from tho government sorvlco
about threo months ago.
Tho administration la embarrassed
by recent disclosures In tho Baltlugor
Tho high cost of living was at
tacked by tho convention of tho Amal
gamated Association of Iron, Tin nnd
Steel Workers.
Champ Clark may not get tho speak
ership even if tho democrats get con
trol of the next house.
Five carloads of macaroni shipped
rrom St. Louis to Chicago and alleged
to contain poisonous coloring sub
stance, was ordered destroyed by
Judge Landls.
Representative Bartholdt or Mis
souri, charman of tho American group
or tho Intpr-parllamontary peace
union, Is In receipt of a notice from
tho secretary of state at Rrussols that
tho conference or tho union will bo
held at Rrussols August 29 to Septem
ber 2, Inclusive. Dr. Hariholdt will
call together wltnln tho noxt two
weeks tho members or tho American
group in congress to select delegates
to attend tho conference.
An engagement between tho pro
visional and Mndrl. forces at Rama
Is looked Tor at any moment. Tho
two armies nro practically facing
each other.
Tho Jockey club of Juarez has an
nounced that a gross sum of 530.000
In stakes and purses will bo glveu
during n '100-day meeting Thanksgiv
ing day, an lncroaso of $1,000 a day
over tho meeting last season.
After quarreling over a $10 skirt
which her husband had bought for
her under protest. Mrs. A. J. Sun
derland or Chippewa Falls, Wis., shot
and killed him.
Ono hundred nnd firty deligatcs to
tho National Socialist congress, rep
resenting tho entire socialist move
ment In Urn United States mot In
Chicago to preparo for tho coming
stato and congressional campaigns.
Senators nurkott nnd Brown have
given no assurnnco that they will vote
for tho railroad bill.
President Taft paid tribute to the
foielgn soldiers who holped tho Unit
ed States to win lndopondence.
k'Tho' houso will Investigate to de
termine if the sugar trust bought tho,
i'riar lauds,
'Former President Roosevelt Is ex
pected to bo tho guest of honor anil
principal speaker at tho formal open
ing ot tho lnternatlonad bridge across
.tho Rio Graudo at Brownsvlllo, Tex.,
In July.
Statues to two Polish-American
hcrooH wcro unveiled in Washington.
president raits, ruiiruuu um
rills Rate Will Alto Govern Other
Days After 5 p. m. Mlscella.
ncous Capital Matters.
Tho boaid of managers of tho stato
fair met and approved tho contract
mado by Chairman C. II. Rudgo and
President O. P. Hendorshot for tho
appearance of tho Wright Brothers
acroplnno at tho stato fair which Is to
bo hold at Lincoln tho first week In
Copy of
the Enactment
July 1, 1909.
There having been somo criticism of
tho Nebraska laws regulating tubercu
losis, tho Poolo enactment pairfed by
tho last loglslaturo nnd cffectlvo July
1 or last year, Is herewith printed:
4407. Sec. 4. (Consumptives, Hos
pltnl Care). Any person who is afflict
cd with tuberculosis disease of tho res
piratory organs or a curablo nature,
and who has been n resident or this
state Tor at least ono yenr continuously
preceding tho application for hla or
hor admission to a hospital under tho
provisions of this act, nnd who Is with
out means to pay for hospital enro and
treatment, may bo admitted to bucIi
treatment under the provisions of this
4707. Sec. C. (Board of Health
Duty). It shall bo tho duty of the No
brnska state board of health to Insti
tute Inquiry for and recelvo applica
tions from hospitals In this stato lor
tho care and treatment of tho pcrsous
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Pollt
leal and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Sontembor. Tho board members pres
nnt wero President Hendorshot or Ho- ., ... ... . ,. , .,ia nt it
liron; Chairman Rudgo or Lincoln; G. H,mlI up)n nnd mako a li8t of tho
W. Hervoy or Omnha; Peter Young- noB,)Un,9 BUtnbly equipped and man
ors or Gonova; L. W. Leonard or Paw- d nml wjlnR t() rcccivo patients
nee City nnd E. 'A. Russell or Blair.
Tho air ship lllghts promise to bo
ono or tho best attractions the board
has ever engaged. Flights will bo
made both In tho forenoon and after
noon of each day of tho fair. Vaude
vlllo acts will bo given at tho grand
stand on tho race course each fore
noon, afternoon nnd evening.
Night races will be a feature or
tho fair this year for the llrst tlmo
In addition to fireworks. To light the
track at night for racing electric or
gasoline lamps will bo used.
Tho trouble ovor securing Loin
bardo's band and grand opera com
pany has been settled nud tho band
and slngors will appear nt n Sunday
afternoon concert in tho udltorlum
nt the fulr grounds. Tho manager of
tho organization desired to give u
Sunday concert at nnothcr city, but
tho board proved that the original ar
rangements called for a Sunday con
cort In Lincoln and ho agreed to come
and sign tho contrnct. Tho oragnlza
tlon comprises 41 Instrumentalists, S
irrnnd onern singers and sixteen cho
rus singers. Four concorta dally will
bo given.
Mondny. September 1, will be labor
day, and tlio fair board has decided to
give special Inducements for labor
ing men and old soldiers lo attend on
that day. Tho admission will bo only
25 cents, hair tho usual prlco. For 25
centB ono can stay all day and re
main on tho grounds during the even
ing on Monday. On Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday an admission fee of
25 cents will bo charged after & p. in.
This fco la made low for tho benefit
of thoso who deslro lo attend the
evening entertainments only. The
board has decided to chango tho form
or Its tickets this year. In addition
n season ticket will bo sold for $2.
The board nlso contemplates putting
in cash turnstylo at all of tho outer
gates so that the- ticket sellers and
gato keopors may bo abolished. Tho
lfliul of nnnaratus in viow will turn
only when a patron drops half a dol
lar In a Blot.
under this act, and send a list tncrcoi
to each county clerk In the Btate. It
shall prescribe regulations for tho
care, housing and nursing of each pa
tient, nnd Bee that the same aro com
plied with. Provided, that the charges
at any such hospital for any patient
under this act shall not exceed $7 per
week, and shall includo board, lodging,
caro and medical services. Provided
further, that It Is mado obligatory for
any such hospital or sanltorlum to
uso modern treatment by immuniza
tion (vaccino therapy) in addition to
open air and other Banltary methods.
4707. Sec. G. (Expenses uy county.;
It Is hereby made tho duty or each
county In this state to bear tho pe
cuniary burdens or caring for tho per
sons described in section 1 of this act
in the manner provided by this net.
Ilnon written application to the county
judge signed by the person seeking
treatment or by some relative or
friend, setting forth tho name, resi
dence nnd circumstances of such per-
bon, tho county Judge shall order a
hearing nnd examine under oath such
persons na may bo required by him
to establish tho Tacts. H the county
Judge shall bo satisfied that all tho
conditions named In section 1 or this
aot nro fulfilled lie shall approve tho
application In writing nnd certiry the
oamo to tho county board or that coun
ty. It shall thereupon bo tho duty or
tho county board to proviuo lor uio
Tho new water works idant nt Nel
son Is being hurried with all posslblo
Mrs. II. S. Aflhby or Beaver City
died recently In Colorado, where she
was visiting.
Arrangements nre being perfected
to open tho new bank lu Sutherland.
It will bo cnlled tho Farmers bank.
Tho largo peach orchard on J. T.
Swain's farm In Ncmeha county wns
winter-killed and tho trees wero cut
down nnd cut Into wood.
An organization of the I. O. O. F.
lodgo wns effected at Bancroft, adopt
ing thirty-five new members as well
as assembling a number of old mem
bers residing there.
A city baseball league has boon
organized nt Wymdro and a schedule
mapped out for tho coming season,
when gameH will bo played with sur
rounding towns.
One of the big Improvements that
Is being made in David City la the
erection of a church building by St
Mary's parish or tho Catholc church.
It will cost, when finished and lur
uished, about $10,000.
C. E. French, a stranger forty-flvo
years of ago or more, who has been
confined In a Fremont hospital Tor a
week, died without being able to tell
his attendants anything about him
self. Sheriff Dunkol of Hall county has
returned from Denver with Mrs. Rosa
Wilcox and Paul .lessen, both of Cairo,
nineteen miles west or Grand Island
in his custody. They wero accom
panled by Mr. Wilcox, husband of tho
erring woman. Wilcox Is a prominent
and wealthy farmer. .lessen Is a cat
tle buyer and has had many dealings j
with Wilcox, often being t his home,
thus being given opportunity to nllen
ate tho affections of his wife.
A wireless station is to bo lucated
at Sidney and another at Cheyenno
Never Vary in
Quality or Taste
Because the utmost care
is taken by Libby's Chefs I
materials and prepare
them in the same careful 1
manner every time. Youl
are thus assured of uni- j
form goodness, and this
is the reason that the use
of Libby's gives such I
general satisfaction to
every housewife,
Try Libby
Dried Beef Mexican Tamales
Ham Loaf Chili con Carne
Vienna Sausago
Evaporated Milk
For luncheon, spreads
or everyday meals they
are just the thing.
Keep a supply in the
house. You never can
tell when they will come
in handy. Ask
for Libby's and
be sure you
get Libby's.
Libby, McNeill
& Libby
State to Refund Money.
It la probablo tho noxt legislature
will bo called upon to pay In tho
neighborhood of $12,000 or $1(5.000 to
corporations which havo paid to tho
Becrctary of stato an occupation tax
based on the authorized capital stock
Instead of tlio subscribed and paid up
transportation of such person to some uy tho Union Pacific for wireless mes
. . .......... ..t..1 li lw 1 t t mt...
hospital in tno smio uiiuiutuu up
state board or health and willing to
recelvo such a patient and to pay for
his or her care and treatment there.
Provided, no person shall bo cared for
under the provisions of this act with
out a certificate from a practicing phy
sician that such person Is afflicted
with tuberculosis diseaso of tho respi
ratory organs of a curablo nature.
Mr. C. W. Poole, nuthor of this meas
ure, presenting the samo for publica
tion, says:
"While I do not contend that this
measure is perfect, I boliove It to be
n step In tho right direction out or
which Nebraska will eventually have
a law second to none In tho union."
Sec Our Pocket Edition
thirds vote to submit" to tho several
states of tho union the Question of amended is n long stride forward in
changing tho date of tho Inauguration railroad legislation.
of president and vico president from
March 4 to the last Tuesday in April.
A petition for. the pardon of John
R. Walsh, now sorvlng a term in ttio
Leavenworth penitentiary for viola
tion of tho natlounl banking laws,
soon will be forwarded to tho depart
ment of justice,
At the annual national convention
of paper Jobbers held In Chicago It announced that print paper
prices will remain unchanged during
the ensuing year.
It Is said "Thero aro between 700
nnd 800 men In Seattlo who live
from tho revenue of tho white slau
tralllc, nlmost all of whom could bo
reached by tho Btate courts If prop
er effort wcro mado.
Tho wngo question of nil tlio Van
dorbllt lines has been settled.
Colonel Irr. Copley, millionaire gas
magnate of Aurora, 111., has offered to
contrlbuto a largo sum of money to
assist In carrying on tho Investiga
tion in tho election of William Lorl-
mer to tho United States senate.
Mr. Bryan mado an uddress in
Omaha rnvorablo to county option.
The senate has passed the omnibus
llghthouso bill, which makes pro
vision for aids to navigation prac
tically on every coast of tho United
States, As amended lu tho committee
on commorco It carries Items aggre
gating about $2,500,000.
HInco a derision was rondercd hold-
. lug the South Dakota employers' lia
bility law Invalid tho Nebraska
atatuto Is being closoly watched.
. Death claimed 1.&3G lives In Iown
during .tRo -inontb! pf ,Mnrch, ,hq, tho
monthly report of Secretary Summer
of tho stato board' of health, just Is
sued, PhOWB.
Advices received at Guayaquil stato
that tho Peruvian government has Bta
Honed 100,000 men aloug tho frontier
to rcsls invasion.
Moro than twenty men wero killed
by an explosion at Canton, O.
Regulars in congress woro gen
erally successful In tho Btatowldo
primary In Ohio.
W. J. Bryan, In a hall hired by him
Bcir, told Omaha voters what ho
thought or democracy or that county.
Henry Watterson addressed the Ca
nadian press association on tho
changing conditions In tho newspaper
Congressman Walter I. Smith of
Iowa opened his campaign Tor reno
mlnatlon as n stnndpat republican.
Congressman Hlnshaw has decided
not to enter tho raco Tor tho gover
norship or Nebraska.
Tox Rlckard hna been solected ns
rcfereo In tho Jeffries-Johnson fight.
Prospects are for a month's debate
In tho house on tho sundry civil ap
propriation bill.
Clara Morris, tho ramous actress
or a generation ago, is said to be
threatened with blindness at her
homo In Yonkers.
Secretary Balllngor dismissed Fred
orick Kerby, tho stenographer, "for
tho good of tho service."
Theodore Roosovelt mado nn un
qualified denial of tho lotter credited
to htm at Wnshlngton.
A telegram wns Font by Prosldoni
Taft to General nnd Mrs. Ualllngton
RoqUi congratulating thorn ,. on the
celebration of tho fourteenth anniver
sary of tho founding of tho Voluu
teers of AmoHra.
Cannot Cancel Stock.
Attorney Genoral Thompson,' In ro
pjy to a question, has Informed tho
Nebraska stato railway commission
that It has no power to order tho can
cellation of stock, or , any portion
thereof, of any consolidated company
organized un,der and complying with
the provisions or Bcctlon 10G7I, con-
bey's Annotated Statutes Tor 1900,
whero such rompnny has Issued Its
stock- to an niriount In excess of .tho
actual value of- Its properties. Tho
conimls,Rlon hns this quostlon bofor.o
it In tho complaint of County Attorney
F. M. Tyrrell against tho Lincoln
Traction company.
Reduction of Falls Allowed.
Tho Nebraska Telephone company
has been permitted to reduce Its toll
rates at Elk Creek, Johnson county,
owing to tho recent Installation of an
Independent oxchango at that point.
Tho Nebraska company was also au
thorized to cut Its toll rato between
Wnyno nnd Wakoflold from 15 cents
to G cents.
Invitation to Roosevelt.
An Invitation will bo extended to
Theodore Roosovolt to mako nn nil-
dress before tho Epworth assembly
this summer, according to an an
nouncement yestciday through tho
Lincoln Commercial club. A commlt
teo or club mombors who nro also
boosters or tho assombly will send
a lettor asking him to come. Ao
Mr. Roosevelt is to speak beroro tho
national conservation consrosa nt
Kansas City and fill somo other west
ern dates, It bI hoped that ho can bo
booked for a Lincoln engagement.
New Equipment for Rock Island.
Tho Rock Island railroad has filed
with the secretary or Btate Its con
tract with tho Bankers' Trust com
pany for now equipment for Ita sys
tem, to cost $G,750,000, for tho pay
ment of which bonds liavo been Is
sued. ' '
Laws Out of Date.
In 'nn nddres8"to tho Stato Medical
asitaclittlon Dr. J' B. 'Greene, former
ly superintendent of the" Lincoln
nsylum, but now 'or Illinois, said tho
Nebraska laws for the administra
tion of charitable institution,1! were
tho. most nntoqunted in tho country.
Vacancies Filled.
Tho executive committee of tho
Nebraska association for promoting
tho interests of tho blind met last
week. ' Two new mombois wero
elected to 1111 the' vacancies on tho
executive committee. They .wero
Miss Etta Caton pf Lincoln and
Frank Brlgham or College View.
Charge of White Slavery.
Orln Teeters, under arrest nt Nel
son, has been extradited by Govornor
Shnllcnberger, and will bo taken back
to Oklahoma on tho chargo of "white
slavery," nn offense that is punishable
by tho Oklahoma law by Imprison
ment in the penltentlnry from ilvo to
twenty years. Sheriff R. E. Render of
Kav county, arrived In Lincoln to take
tho prisoner back with him. He says
Teeters is accused of taking Violet
Pontlous, nged seventeen, for immoral
purposes. Teeters and tho girl havo
been traveling about In Oklahoma and
KanBSB Hlnco last January. Tho girl
says Teeters promised to marry hor
but has not done so.
Tho Fourth of July celebration to
bo held In Uentrlco this year under
tho auspices of tho flro department
will bo mado tho occasion for a mili
tary display.
Nebraska Wheat Production.
Grain doalors estlmnto tho probable
wheat production In Nebraska this
vonr at upwards of twenty million
bushels, which Is about half tho
Btato's crop In 1009. Tho normal
amount produced In this stato In past
years has been 40.000.000, and about
half a crop la what tho grain men
expect, taking the stno altogether.
Tho southeastern counties nro worso
hit than tho region farther west, but
some of tho North Platte territory
has also suffered, notably a part of
riatto county north of Columbus.
pages on railway business. These nro
the first two stations west of Omaha.
Clarence Walte, a Fremont boy who
has been arrested at Cedar Rapids,
la., Is wanted on tho chargo or dispos
ing or $170 worth or household goods
which belonged to his brother. Ho
will bo brought back to answer for
his transgression.
At Beaver City, Earl Roberts, an
amateur chauffeur, overturned a new
car which ho was running at n speed
of fifty miles nn hour and ho and a
compnlon escaped with slight Injuries.
The machine wns being tried out for
tho first tlmo and Roberta lost con
trol or the same.
Tho Missouri Pacific has unloaded
twenty enra of material for its new
steel bridge ncross tho Platte south of
Springfield. The present wooden struc
ture will bo replaced by steel across
tho channel, or north half of the
river, a distance of 1,:500 feet.
Somo excitement was caused nt
Broken Bow, when C. II. Wilson, a
chiropractic adjuster who has been
conducting operations there for Bomo
tlmo past, was arrested on a com
plaint Issued- from tho county attor
ney's ofllco, .charging him with .Ille
gal practlco of medicine. His. case
will bo heard by tho courts.
Governor and Mrs. Shnllcnberger
will celebrate tho twenty-fifth anniver
sary of their marrlago-on tho evening
or May 21, by a publioj reception to
which no cards, will be necessary.
They, will keep open houso at tho ex
ecutive mansion all evening, begin
ning nt 8 o'clock.
Rov. Chaa. G. Williams or Denver
has notified tho board-or tho Presbyt
tcrlan church at Central City that
he will accept tho call to their pas
torato extended to him by the con
gregation nnd that ho will be ready
to tako up hla residence and duties
about tho first or June.
Adjutant General Hartlgan has is
sued nn order approvod by the gov
ernor permitting tho automobile gun
detachment or tlio Illinois National
Guard to proceed through Nebraska
fully armed and equipped for war be
tween Juno 15 nnd August 1. Tho Na
tional Guard Is experimenting with
guns mounted on automobllea and tlio
trip will extend down into Texas. .
young man, 21 years of age, was accl-1
dentally killed. Seeing somo wolvea
near his barn ho rusho.1 to tho houso
to get a gun to shoot them. Whllo
passing outdoors again ho stumbled
and fell from tho high sidewalk sur
rounding tho porch, Btrlklng tho butt j
of tho gun on tho ground, dlscharg- j
Ing tho heavy load or buckshot Into ,
his race, killing him Instantly.
In tho presenco or Judgo L. C. I
Bnrr, who laid It October 10, 1881, tho
cornerstono or the old Phelps county
court houso wns taken out and tho
contents given to County Clerk Hod-
But Exasperated Suburbanite Was
Forced to Listen to Statistics
Until Patience Gave Way.
"Toads" began tho man who ih
always looking up queer statistics
"Blast tho toads!" Bnappod tho sub
lrbanito with tho ham, tho bag of
flour and the lawn mower. "I am not
Interested In toads."
"But you should be, sir. Tho toad
lays 81,000 eggs annually."
"Very extraordinary, but " v'
"Tho female toad also lives to bo
thousand years old. Now If a hen
could Ilvo to bo a thousand years old
and lay 81,000 eggs annually It would
tako a cold-storugo warehouse as big
aa Maine, California and Texas, to
hold them."
"Wonderful, but my train"
"Stood on end tho eggs would reach
from hero to tho moon and back and
leave enough to fill tho Pacific ocean."
"Let go of my buttonhole, Blr. I
(Want to make the train "
."Us)lC8B Job. Tho train la already
made. Listen to sense. ARer those
eggs filled the Pacific ocean It would
caujk" a. tidal - wavo that, would
Bweep " - .
But just then the exasperated sub
urbanite brought his hag of flour down
on the garrulous- stranger. Then hu
escaped to hla train. .
What He Knew.
"You can tell -mo the-nnmea of tho
twclvo apostles, Sam?" said the prct
ty Sunday school teacher one morn
ing. Sam'H fnco fell, and ho shifted
his wolght from ono foot to tho other.
"Can't do It, ma'am," ho said, sor
rowfully; and then his eyes brlgpu
ened; "but I can call off all of thi
pitchers In tho league teams," ho vol
unteered. Hnrper's Magazine.
In 1950.
"Did he object to his wlfo'a GCttlne
into pilson?"
"No; ho only said It wasn't tho Jail
whore his mother used to go." Har
per's Bazar.
Segregation of Earnings.
Tho Stato Railway commission lis
tened to tho attorneys for Lincoln
o.,.i Mm imntlon comnanv over the
question of a segregation of tho earn- lnnd, to later bo placed In tho cor
lugs of tho several companies owned norstonc of tho njw $100,000 court
houso, on which work will begin
Tho now $25,000 Union Pacific do
not at Central -City is now completed
light plant, all of which aro run by nnd la ready to bo turnpd over to tho I
tho Bamo plant Hint oporaiea win company y i tuuntaiuio, ui m
sticot cars. The commission Is trying celebration of that event tho local
to got at what portion of tho earnings J Commercial club held a big public
should go to the several muusinea. reception iu iu uvyuu
by the proprietors of tno iracuou
company. Tho stock of tho traction
company also Includes a heating
plant, power plant anu an ciccuic
A Breakfast
sweet, Crisp,
Toasties. I
Ready to serve from the
package with cream no
cooking necessary.
"The Memory Lingers'
Pligs. 10c nnd 15c.
luttlu CreU, Mich.
1 tv v ''frttiUgg 'r'nui liuiiiiiiipiji
, .- w -j..
'w r1.,Tw(i -
i ?qag,ahMBfa..ijBigi asi . as n ,: