t$MKMfm!nUM?ffll&rr KVSIT, J. Ai J that T Pc ' jlnliri L t Kr V f 1 M p i U UL--1 IgMlEI D!tf AT: ALBRIGHT BROS. n fr$tmt 10METTES m William Crubill 1b in Omaha. Mrs. Wost has roturncd from Pair bury. Matinee, at tuo Tepee- Saturday after noon. Saturday afternoon Matiucc at the Topee. E. U. Overman was in Holdrego Monday. Chan. Grout returned from Seward Tuesday. A little child of L R Smith's died lust night. Attend tho Tepee next Saturday afternoon. John liur&o of Omaha was in town UiIb week. Bruce Frame was down from Blue Hill Tuesday. Judge- Duffy was up from Guide Rook Wednesday. Tho County Commissioners arc in session this week. F. E. Goblo of Oklahoma is visiting in the olty this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robblus went to Super ior Tuesday morning. Bernard MoNeny returned from Lincoln Sunday night. Will Overman came down from Ox ford Tuesday morning. See Dr. Stockman for eye glosses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. Itennettand family were down from Cowlcs Wednesday. Mrs. Christie l'atmoro was up from Guide Rook over Sunday. J. C. Saylor and wife went to Lin- Oln Wednesday morning. Ask The Red Cloud fldw. Co., about that New Wagon you need. crcy Larrick, wife and baby were down from Bladen Tuesday. The Best Place in town to buy I'aint is at "The Red Cloud Hdw. Co1 I'ahtoiik Fob Resit for 300 head of cattle. Inquire of C H. Minkb. Earl Teachworth of Beaver City is visiting relatives hero this week. J. Whltlev. who lives" In Idaho is visiting at the homo of Si Norris. Mrs. Moritz enjoyed a visit from er bister the fore part of the week. Arthur llousoholdor and wife of Bladen were in Red Cloud Tuesday. Miss Marthena Lamare returned to her home in Iowa Monday morning. Calicoes American Prints Five cants pr yard. MiSKii Itnoi. and Co. Luther Crablll and wife returned from Wray, Colo., Saturday morning. A. II. Hattan of Peru, III., was a pleasant caller at this office Tuesday. Chas. jQurncy ahlpped four oar loada of cattle to Kansas City Monday morn ing. If yon want your baggy painted see Jack Pvscsll at Sullivan's old lumber yard. Conaeneement tickets at Cook's Drugstore 60 cent good for bath nthta ?S Doa't forget yonr .Commencement ' tickets at Cook's Saturday morning at fr-A--scloi&. Win. Reeves has sold tho Holland Hotel to Mr. Olmstede of Guide Rock, who took poBsessiou of the same Mon day morning. Mr. Reeves and family will movo to Denver in a short time. Ahsolui&lv jPutg" $r 1 improves tho flavor , I'VHySHT HrOYALp HiioMi BAKING Jm I .1. K. Jurboo will preach ivt the In i din.li creek school house noxt Sunday at .1 p. in. Editor Kliuscy of the Lebanon Times Wns u pica: Tuesday. Takk yo I'aintSho,, oasntit culler at. this ofllec your carriages to Tureen s PaintShop In Si'i.mvan'h Ol.n Lum iieii Yaiuj. Special prices en-Ladles taller made suits, skirts and coats at-Nlner Bres. Co. Store. Just Bee my walk nt my home. I soil that kind of Cement J. O. Camiwkll Editor Mutthows of the Rlvorton Review was a pleasant caller at this oftlco Tuesday. Tho Red Cloud Hdw. Co., havo the Uctnster 3 Row Cultivators and the Price Ih Right. All the great artists sing for the Victor and Edison. Hear them at Nowhouso Bros. Miss Stella Moans of Beatrice is visiting at the home of Mrs. Ethol Hunt this week. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. L. P. Albright next Wednesday after noon at .'( o'clock. Mr. and Mrs Holmgralu were visit ing their children near Guide Rock the ilrst of the week. To Juno 1st will sell my 2Jf acres in Rd Cloud property for?l700.-Seo me Gko. MAitriNDALK. See Jack Pukoell at Sullivan's old lumber ynrd for buggy painting, sign painting and decorating. A number of the old soldiers from hero attended tho G. A. R. Kucninp ment at Superior Tuesday. Get your ticket reserved for Com mencement at Cook's Drug Store Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Go to tho Red Cloud Milling Co., for your shorts and brands in half ton lots or moro at wholesale prices. House cleaning time is at hand. Don't fail to see the Lace Curtains and Carpets at Minkii Bros and Co. Fon Sale 20 acres of land close In. This is a snap if sold soon call or write C. A. Schui.tz Red Cloud, Nun. The ladies of the Congregational churoh will hold their monthly market at the Home Grocery store Saturday, May 28th. Red Cloud and Fremont played a eleven inning game here yesterday and the score resulted 3 to C in favor of Fremont. Miss Inez Crablll having readied the age of 13 May 20th, she Invited 13 of her girl friends to help celebrate the occasion. Perhaps you don't know that we do nearly all kinds of cement work. Write us. Phone or call and see us. Platt & Fhkkb. We don't build cisterns but we do nearly every other kind of cement work. See us, phone us, either phone or write. Plait & Fiikes. Fon Sale Thoroughbred Scotch Collie Punnies. Inquire of L. M. Crablll for further particulars. Sam Castkll, Owner. For Rent I want about 100 head of cattle to pasture, this is a half section plenty of running water and shade. Inquire of J. It. Goi'LKY, Inavat.k, Nkh. There will be regular preaching service at the Drethcn church next Sunday at 1 1 a m. also at 8 p. m. Mute services at 7:80 pm. f Mr. Long from .Chester. ' We are reliably-informed that a day jeUctrio current is asanrod as aeon as the light commissioner succeeds in calling the city council together In extraordinary session. In order that those living out of town Bay have an opportunity to see the moving; picture! the management has arranged for Saturday afternoon performances, commencing with next Saturday ItS p. m. sharp. " Don't 'forget that Red Cloud Is a good place In which to do your trad ing. All our merchants carry good goods and at reasonable prices. By tho way you can get letter beads, sale bills, etc., at the Chief office. 9 -j j w. w BBmzir7S.'""SU- . , l tir The Topoo hud throe packed houses Wednesday night to witness Roosevelt in Africa. The pictures wore fine and Mr. Warren is to be congratulated. In tho absence of Rov. A. A. Grossman last Sunday evening nt Bladen to preach the Baccalaureate sermon bo fore tho Bladon (Ugh School, Rov. Jnrboc preached in his stead in the Congregntloual church In this place. Rov. .1. M. Bates returned Tuesday from tho North after visiting one day at the Rectory in Hastings. Ho will hold regular services at Graco church the next two Sundays, except on next Sunday night when ho preaches tho graduation sermon nt tho Methodist church. To avoid confusion by inter change of tickets it has been decided to sell but one ticket for Commencement Exercises, good for two nights. Class night .lime 2 and Commencement uightJntiu.'i. Cost of tickets will be the same as heretofore, 25 cents for each night. Tho outlook for a successful session of the Junior Normal at Alma this year is excellent. All tho conditions that ninlto n good school have been mot, viz a strong faculty, u rich and practical course of study, and first class equipment and surroundings. The school opens June 0, and continues eight weeks. Tho gontlomcu belonging to the Congrcgationul church were tendered a banquet Tuesday evening nt the homo of C. L. Cottlng. A uuiubor of tousts wero given and an excellent good time is reported. After the speeches u church brotherhood was organized and nn opportunity prosont cd for larger usefulness. Rev. A. A. Crcssman has for tho second time been honored within two years by the G. A. R. Post at Rlvorton with an invltntion to preach the memorial sermon at that place Sunday morning May 29th 1910. He has ac cepted and there will bo no services in the Congregational church on that day except the Sunday school at 12m. The Galveston Dally News In com menting upon a recent defeat on the diamond at Houston assorts that it was a case of "too much Garbcr." It roferred to our own Bert and he had the satisfaction of shutting out Hous ton to the tune of one to nothing and he received tho credit for the one. That paper was loud in its pralso for the work done by pitcher Garber. Bert goes to Cincinnati in a oouplc of weeks. When the new Live Stock Judging Coliseum, one-half of which will be completed in time for the 910 State Fair, Sept. 5tu" to OthV will be fully erected it will measure 200x350 feet outside measurement, and contain seats for nearly CO00 people and a judg ing ring, 120x270. This is tho same size building now owned by Minnesota, Indiana, Kentucky and several other states, and is rocognizod as the most convenient for the purpose for which it is intended. Nebraska as a state is far superior in the greatness of its live stock industry than any of tho states mentioned. All loyal citizens arc proud of the effort to creditably keop up state prestige. We personally called upon owners of automobiles in the city asking them, to tender the use of their' machines to the old Boldlers on Decoration day and. we were not refused by anyone. Itls a long walk to the cemetery now for the old boys la blue and they will un doubtedly appreciate this kindness: We were very muoh pleased with the readiness with which the people re sponded to our suggestion. v 1. These Uttie acts 'of kindness '.are what make life sweeter and' better.. I Below we give the list of doners and for,Jhe entire city we give them a un animous vote of thanks.- ' ' Jake Elllngor l.Gcp.-Amack 1, Dr. )Mltchelll.AlvaSellarsl, Allen Car penter 1, Dr. Cook l, C. J. Platt 1, James Peterson 1. Rex McCall 1, C. P. Gather 1. Overing Bros, and Ed Amack 1, C. II. Miner 1, Nowhouso and Storey 1, A. T. Walker 1, and L. E. Talt 1. All of those who have autos and have not been solicited yet wo would be pleased to seo you in town Decor ation day with your machine. To Whom It Nay Cenccni. Red Cloud, Ni:iiii Ai-nir. S9th, 1910. All persons owning or having charge of lots In tho Coniotory arc requested to havo nil cleaning up or caring for graves dono at least, ouo day boforo Decoration day as no work of that kind will be pormittcd on Decoration day. As It is always attended with more or less trouble to the manager at a time whon ho can't give hisnttentlon to it. By order of tho board. C. C. McConkisy, Manager Ball Games at Red Cloud Friday & Saturday, May 27 & 28. Grand Island vs Red Cloud. Tuesday, May 31st. Calumbus vs Red Cloud. June I st and 2nd. Superior vs Red Cloud. Ol)R BILL OF FARE always contains seasonable food Wo do tint servu canned fruits and vegetables when it is possible in obtain them fresh Come in and sample tliem. Tho price U 25 conts. A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. To the Teachers of Webster County. The regular teacher's monthly ex amination will be held at Red Cloud tho third Friday nud Saturday follow ing of each month. Registration hours 8 to 10 a. in. and 1 to 2 p. in. Since all schools are closed no de parture will bo made from tho regulur examination program. I am pleased to note that teachers are beginning early to have their certi ficates renewod. The wldo awake energetic teacher will not wait until the latter part of the hummer beforo qualifying. School-boards dislike em ploying teachers who aro not snrc of their scholarship. It 1b hoped that every teacher will endeavor to make her certificate bettor this year than last. I hope that the number of first grndo and "With Credit" and "With Honor" socond grade certificates will Increase. By doing bo, their grudes will become normanent nud we can devote our whole time and energy to our sohool work rather than preparing for ex amination year after yoar. Let us have our County clear from emergency certificates, certificates issued with blank grades, or even third grades. Madel Day, County Superintendent. Obituary Luva Gertrude Burough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burough was born in Ringgold County, Iowa, Aug. 22, 1898 and died at her home in Web ster County, Ncbr., May 20, 1910, aged 12 years 0 months and 28 days. She was a bright intelligent child and held in high esteem by hor friends and school-mates who will greatly miss hor. A few yeurs ago sho gave her little heart to Josus and fell asleep in his arms. Two brothers and one sister have preceded her to tho life beyond while a father, mother, four brothers, two sisters and many friends aro left to mourn. The funeral service was held at the home conducted by Perry E. Henry and assisted by Rev. W. M. Points and G. L. Wild. Many were tho achcivlng hearts that followed her to her last resting place in. Walnut. Creek ceme tery., ly. God comfort the broken hearted parents as they mourn for their child. A. precious one from as has gone AA voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home which ! never can be filled God in his mercy, bath recalled the " one bilove bath given X'tiid tho' jhe .body moulders here the opai is eie in ueaven. MeyOO Beading Circle Notebook! due. June 13 Application for Free High . School Tuition due on or be foro this date. (Application blanks may bo obtained at ofOco of County Superintend ent.) June i:i Notice of annual mooting. Juno 27 Annual meeting. July 7 Directors nnnual reports due on or beforo this date. Aug. 1 to : inclusive Institute lied Cloud. Aug t Eighth (initio (Jraduation Ex ercises Hod Cloud 12:30 p. in. Aug f School Hoard Meeting Ited Cloud-2:30 p in. Kor the purpose of npproviug annual reports and to prevont returns of sumo 1 will meet directors nt the various towns on the following dates: ilulde Kock Frlduv, July 1, a. in. to l'J u. in, at school houso. Red Cloud Saturday, July 2. Inuvalo Tuesday, July 5, !) to 11 a, in at school houso. Hlndon Tuesday, July (5, 3 to p. m. at sohool house. Blue lllll-Wednesdny, JulyO, Uto 11 a. ra., at school house. Roaeuont Wednesday, July 6, 2 to 5 p. m., at school house. Cow'les Thursday, July 7, 9 to 11 a. m., at school house. Hxvl Dat, Couaty Hnperlntendeot. Hbv J uvCi bbbbbbbbbbHbbbbi i 1 17 I CAbbbbH V Y&JBBBBBBBBVBiBBBn Ml I I MIHbBKbV X I AM LmbbmHRib!bH CopyrlgM Hart s OME of our suits this season, especially those we have for young men, are unusually swagger in design. Hart Schaffner & Marx have co-operated matter, and we are some very stunning things. The new weaves in grays, blues, browns are very beautiful also. Suits $20 to $50 Overcoats $16.50 to $40 This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes PAUL- STOREY THE CLOTHIER fURNiniRE CARPEfS AND UNDERTAKING Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking Department. AIL THE PHONES Ed. Amackp Prop, LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. Xr:?:a - ::?::a I WE ARE READY To show you our new line of Spring photo mounts of fine quality. We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals, Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops. Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them. ' See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. liiWiilltlllWiWWllWliMlMiWliltHWMIIHlltl Schiflncr le Mir deli new mo in with us in this able to show you - x:"'5:':?:: - :ft:: N ft 1. H i .iSAM.'CJaF fl MT'B1 tawr mk fwi! : ryflrattr.TX. :xW- 7 r eje jfWfrj