The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1910, Image 5

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liMIMi MSi
J. II. BuiUy wus iu Trenton Satur
day. Mattnco at tlioTcpeo Saturday after
noon. Saturday afternoon Matinee at tho
Attend tho Tepee ne.t Saturday
Mrs. West wont to Fairbury Tues
day morning.
Lee DeTour of Guide Uock was in
town Monday.
Mr. Grimes was down from Hluo
Hill this week.
Sheridan 1'hares returned from Lin
coln Saturday.
Billy Upright went to Hastings
Monduy morning.
Will Scrivnor is having his residence
painted this wool:
Mr. and Mrs. l'eas of Hastings are
risiting iu the city
Fred Sleeper of Lincoln is visiting
in town this weok.
0. C. Bell and wifo returned to Lin
cold Monday morning.
Seo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Owen Whitoly of Nelson is visiting
relatives hero this wook.
Editor Burr of tho Campbell Citizen
vrap in town Wodnesday.
Mrs. Chas. Potter returned from
Chloago Saturday ovoning.
Ward, Hiatt and wife ariived from
Colorado Tuesday morning.
Ask The Red Cloud Hdw. Co., about
tkftt New Wagon you need.
The Best Place in town to buy Paint
is afc "The Kd Cloud Hdw. Co."
Pabtobk Fon Rbht for 300 head of
attU. Inquire of C H. MlNKB.
Mr. and Mra. Luther Crabill went
to Colorado the last of the week.
Miss Mabol Thomas of Cowles is
spending tho week in Red Cloud.
Mr. und Mrs. Johu Uriffeth have
gono to Illinois on a pleasure trip.
Mrs. Addie Liggitt returned to her
home in Hebron Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Paul Pope's little brother of
Superior is visiting her this weok.
W. M. Harris and family returned
from Otis, Colo., Tuesday morning.
Cecil Matthews, oditor.of tho Ulver
ton Kovlow was iu town Wodnesday.
Miss llertha Palmer of Inavulo bpent
Sunday with her parents in this city.
A. T. Walker was in the western
part of the state the first of the week.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yard Minhh Hroi. and Co.
Mrs. Thompson returned to her
homo in Grand Island .Monday morning.
IfW BaMng Ponder I
I li J0 digestible i
I CSL wholesome jfe
mM:'' ' M Scientific AuSfcorify fc 7 j " Tzf l
' W"?S nas demonstrated Ihai o! two iWflratf A J St $$
iPl1l?f& loaves o! Uread, one raised 1 W W mJrmm MWM
WmWW'ffiWkm; llh RyaJ Balling Powder, - mmmaijnaam $$$
rOraS and the other with alum bale- AbSOlUtety
I'lPSffil 1 VOor.thaRoyaiIsod piBp g& ? W
AMiCt'll S loafls 32 po,t conim ",oro 0" ft
HJlfidrnflllKSS disostihlo than tho oihov. m&$&PM $$
Sly m Mm Avoid Mum 0y:fktfM
Ed Garber was in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Asher me tho
proud parents of a baby boy born
May 13th.
Taki: your caniagos to I'urcell's
PaintShop In Si-i,i.ivanh Old Lum
iikk Yaisd.
Hen Ludlow of Hxeollsior Springs,
Mo., is visiting relatives In this city
this week.
Special prices on-Ladles tailor made
suits, skirts and coats at-Mlner Bros.
Co. Store.
Coal and cementgotogethor. I have
both for sale. Como and buy J. 0.
Miss Irma Vanco was down from
Hastings over Sunday visiting frionds
and relatives.
When you holp your home paper
you holp your town and indirectly
help yourself.
Mrs. It. G. Uuncbey had the mis
fortune of mashing her finger quito
badly Tuesday.
Tho Ited Cloud Hdw. Co., have the
Dimster 3 Row Cultivators and the
Price is Right.
J. I). McGowan, Voternnry and Track
Horse Sboer. Call and see mo at
Wam.i.n's Such.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and Edison. Hear them at
Xowhouso Bros.
Floyd Hotmgrain and Gussie Dowitt
were visiting their grandma, Mrs. Guss
Holmgraiu Monday.
To June 1st will sell my 2Yi acres
in Rod Cloud property for $1700. Seo
me Gko. Mautindalk.
Louis Krouso who was arrostcd for
wife desertion was bound over to tho
district court last weok.
Mrs. McArthur, mother of J. A. Mo
Arthur returned to Columblavllle,
Mich., Monday morning.
Mrs. Grace Wiles and son of Orleans
arc tho guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Fort this week.
A. T. Walker was arrested Saturday
night and find 85 and costs for not
having his nato lamps light.
L Aa. Hussong wns culled to
Cadums, Nobr., to deliver tho graduat
ing address on last Wednesday.
Wanted-20.000 bushel ? wheat wMI
pay sipir bushel for N. 2 ether trades
acmdlnft-Red CUid MlllliftCe.
Go to the Red Cloud Milling Co., for
your shorts and brands in half ton
lota or moro at wholesale prices.
Lape Herburger was down from
Lincoln over Sunday visiting bis par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herburger.
House cleaning time is at band.
Don't fall to see the Lace Curtains
and Carpets at- Mm;n Unos and Co.
The St. Joe Commercial Club will
arrive here at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon
May 21th., and will stay all night here.
Foil Sale 20 acres of Innd close in.
This Is a snap if sold soon call or
write C. A. Reu Cloud, Nun.
The ladles of the Congregational
church will bold thoir monthly market
at tho Home Grocery store Saturday,
May 28th.
Perhaps you don't know thnt wo do
nearly all kinds of cement work.
Write us. Phone or call und see us.
Platt it Fjikkh.
In order that those living out of
town may huve an opportunity to so
the moving pictures the management
has arranged for Saturday afternoon
performances, commencing with next
Saturday at 2 p. m. sharp.
Wc don't build cisterns but wo do
nearly every other kind of cement
work. Seo us, phono us, either phone
or write. Platt & Fiikks.
Fon Sai.k -Thoroughbred Scotch
Collie Puppies. Inquire of L. M.
Crabill for further particulars.
Sam Castki.i., Owner.
Fon Hunt 1 want about 100 head of
cattle to pasture, this is a half section
plentj of running wator and shado
Inquire of J. It. Com.nv, Inavai.k, Nkii.
Married at the home of tho bride's
parents Miss Nancy Davis and Mr.
Herman 11. Kldredgc yesterday at IiIrIi
noon the Rev. Geo. Hummel olllclat
ing. Every one is interested in an item
of local news If you know of any
local huppening that Is not generally
known communicate the fact to this
The picnic reason Is now upon us
with th usual accompaniments lleas.
mosquitoes, grass chiggors and gnatK.
But there is bushels of fun iu a day's
outing, anyhow.
Dr Warrick, tho specialist will meet
eye, ear, noso and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly fitted
at Dr.DamcreH's onlco in Red Cloud,
Tuesday, May 51th.
Tho famous "Roosevelt in Africa"
pictures have been secured for the
Tepee, Onk Nkiiit Wednesday
May 25th. Don't miss them. They
will be a great treat.
A. H. Carpenter and children went
to Franklin Mouday,via automobile to
attend a birthday parly In honor of
his father, who is ninety-two years
old. They returned Tuesday.
A car load of finished monuments
was shipped to Wrny, Colo., by Over
lug Bros. & Co., this wook. This firm
has certainly won the confidence of
their customers by the excollent char
acter and quality of their service.
Regular preaching sorvices at the
Christian church next Lord's day,
May 2'J. The minister will present
"Tho Christian's Mission" and
"Things Said to Save" (Illustrated).
All uro cordially invited to attend.
When a stranger drops iu town, jolly
him. Toll him this is a groat little
city and bo it is. Don't discourage
hhn by speaking ill of your neighbors
Lcud him to believe he has at last
struck a placo whoro good people live.
Miss Alfa Longtin came down from
Red Cloud this morning and will bo
the guest of Miss Gertrude Hicks uu
til morning, when iu company with.
Miss Hicks she will leave for Kansas
City to spend a few days with friends.
Tuesday's Superior Journal.
Don't knock. Help yourself along
by becoming popular, and push your
friends with' yob. It's very easy. Be
n good fellow una soon you 11 have a
pioccssiou of followers. No man ever
helped himself knocking othor people
down in character und business.
About lifty of the frionds aud neigh
bors of Mrs. W. A. Kont gathered at
her homo Sunday night and surprised
her by presenting her a handsome cut
glass wator set. Tho occasion was the
anniversary of Mrs. Keut's birth. A
very pleasant evening wus enjoyed by
all present.
Neal Lludsey, who has been work
ing for Juke Ellinger came to town
Sunday aud pussed two checks on Mr.
Ellinger at two restaurants and left
on in for Oxford. He wns arrested
there by the sheriff of Furnas county
and taken to tho reform school by
Sheriff Hedge Monday.
always contains seasonable food
We do not serve canned fruits and
vegetables when It Is possible to
obtain them fresh Come in and
sample them.
Tho price is 25 cents.
City Bakery nnd Restaurant.
Subscribe for tho Chief.
Yos. Us the little that linn. A com
mon every-duy inoaslj llttlo lly will
make it tt orthodox Christian swear
forty stiokvs to the minute, which If
the siiuie man had his hea'i taken olT
by a July tornado ho would't say a
word about It.
If there Ik a chauco to boom business,
boom it. Don't put on a long face and
look as though you had n stomach
ache. Hold up your head, smile aud
lok for bettor things. Hide your
llttlo hiimmor, and try to speak well
of others, uo matter how small you
may know yourself to bo.
Mr. Stluo nnd Mr. Miller closed thoir
successful meetings at the Christian
church last Monday night. 37 persons
accepted the call to Christian service
with the church. 30 of those wore
candidates for Christian baptism.
The minister nnd church counts tho
meeting a success aud press on to
make Christ's Kingdom larger and
strongor in Red Cloud.
With tho great increase of values iu
heavy draft horses, it is but natural
that the eastern importers will inako
strenuous efforts to show at the Ne
braska State Fair, Sept. Gtli to 0th,
and Superintendent J. A. Ollis of Ord
is feeling that tlilu department will
make such a rocord as to fully satisfy
all visitors, exhibitors and breeders,
who arc sure to be present In groat
A'town that never has anything to
do in n public way, is on the way to
the cemetery. Any citizen who will
do nothing for his town is helping to
dig tho grave. A tnuu that curses the
,towu,furuiaheH the collin. I he man
who is so belflsh as to have no time
from his business to give to city af
fairs is making the shroud. The mun
who will not advertibo is driving the
hearse. The man who is always pull
ing buck from any public enterprise
throws boquetH on the grave. Tho
man who is so stingy as to be howling
hard times, preaches the funeral, sings
the doxology, and thus the town lies
buried from all sorrow and care.
Card tf ThaRks,
To all the friends whom sympathy
and services were so kindly tendered
in our time of bereavement, wo dosire
to extend our sincere thanks. Wo
especially desire to thank the Masonlo
Fraternity for the kindness and
thoughtfulness manifested and also
those who tendered the Moral tributes.
Nancy J. Turner and Chii.diu:x.
Faim Loans
I am ready at short notice to mako
you a farm loan either largo or small
(Illicitly upon application. I have an
unlimited amount of custom money
aud some private money now on hand
and stand ready to give excel leu
terms and close your loan without do
lay. 1 inspect tho hind mysolf free of
expense to you.
J. II. Red Cloud, Xob.
To Whom It May Concern.
Ri:u Cr.ori), Xmiii.. Ai-iiu. '.'9th, 11)10.
All persons owning or having charge
of lots in tho Cemetery are requested
to huvo all cleaning up or caring for
graves done at least ono day boforo
Decoration day as no work of that
kind will lie permitted on Decoration
day. As it is always attended with
moro or less trouble to tho manager at
a time when ho calf t give hisattontlon
to it Hy order of tho board.
C. C. McConkky, Manager
Ball Games at
Resl Cloud
Tuesday, May 24th.
Seward vs Red Cloud.
Wed. & Thurs., May 25 and 26.
Fremont vs Red Cloud.
Friday & Saturday, May 27 & 28.
Grand Island vs Red Cloud.
Tuesday, May 3 1 st.
Columbus vs Red Cloud.
I) 1 ' Pr Convtlslil
QOME of our new models in
suits this season, especially those
we have for young men, are unusually
swagger in design.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
have co-operated
matter, and we are
some very stunning things. The new
weaves in grays, blues, browns are
very beautiful also.
Suits $20 to $50 Overcoats $16.50 to $40
This store is the home 'of
"Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
Ed. Amack, Prop.
To show you our new line of Spring photo
mounts of fine quality.
We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals,
Panels,NBust, Different sizes for family groops.
Folders, of neat quality. Come and loolrat them.
See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers.
Hart Sclmdncr ft Marl
with us in this
able to show you
. i
Read The Chiefs Add
June I st and 2nd.
Superior vs Red Cloud.
izsnr ' kmsw?'r