The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 19, 1910, Image 3

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    AJT-, -
Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
Ort It today. In usual liquid form or
tablets cnlled B.irsutnbs. 100 Doses 1.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Cut ut ctttiartia taj r rSttm. They are bretO"-uiiiictcjry i if
PurrtjrvrffrtiMr. Ac1
eaily on the liw,
tumnne inir, tn
soothe ihedVLcst ot
w UK bovrti,
tort Co
Sick llcirluas til tafcestioa, u mSKoni I now.
Small Pill. Small Dote. Small Pries
GENUINE mjtt Lear jiennture:
55, S4, S3.G0, S3, 52.50 & 52
Mill.'ont of men wear
W. L- Douglas shoes be
causo they aro tlio low
eit prices, quality eon
Idefcd, in the world.
'-JjV--..-" &MJ
Made upon honor.ol tho
ooiting $6.00 to $8.00. 'S
f?.'eftnfte ? f) ClJltfn
-.v.,- .,v...uu .1,, 'XJ A',il
W. I. Dough envnnteM lhtlr value liy at,iiiiIHK
Ms rum ami tirlre mi iho Iwtti'iii. Iwl. t r It.
1'llUc . SlllistltftK. fittl Crlnt I.V'Irll.
AUiiirtlriit-rfir W. I liMurlnar'liiu. II not
Inglinwlnnplrr liy tnall. Slnif nrili reil ilm. Mom
taitorydellmrd free. W.L.I)0UKla, llrocLlun, Mas.
Many a young mun linn
jiuld for Flirt lurm iu Can
ma fnm tlio tlrit crop.
You run do tlio Mime. The
opportunity In yours If you
will only crimp It. Wc Uuvo
tliousandH of ucrOH of rich
nrnli lo land In HoutlioiiHt-
cm Saskatchewan, clow to market, for faloul tl-'-UO
tirrurrniiml up. Four new llnesor railroad nrv lio
Iniduillt thlsjcar. All ryes aru turned Umunl tlm
Wi-ylmrn-A'atinr dlnrtrt. Wntn fur our froo book,
"A Cnlllulliii Went." tolllnir all ahoiit tlio wonder
ful wlieat-urowlnirdlMHet. Honru-u'ntatlvrswrintPd
In every locality. i-OKTt K la.NUlt)., u a, li.i.iti, la.
for a Dime
Why npend rt dollar when lOo buys o box
ofCASCARETS atony drugstore? Uso
as directed get the natural, easy result.
Saves many dollars wasted on nicdi incn
that do not cure. Millions regularly use
CASCARETS. Buy a box now-lOo
week's treatment proof in tho morn
ing. 906
CASCARETS toe box for n week's
treatment, all drugqlsts. Higgest heller
in the world. Million boxes a mouth.
Nerve Tablets does It. Write for Proof. Advlee Krro.
IJr. CIIASU 2H North 10'h tit. riuhulelotilit. IU
Nebraska Directory
Mall ordcri Riven anoelal nttentlon. All klndl
amateur tunuliun ttrlutly truili. bVnd for caUlmr.
llti.OOamlup. All MamUrU ike, .old or rilluJ. lum
applied If you i .ri'lm.e. Maehlnei hlpnd untwlitru
onpprovil, Nodepni'ltreqtiirt'.l. Wrltefnr Urpre llt
122 Nortn nth Street Uncoin, Neb.
WELDING ffiocTJro,
parti of iiiiClilin ry made cood as new. Weds
eait iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or
ny other metal, ltrpert automobile rapairlni,
BERT0CHY MOTOR CO., Counoll Bluffs.
The only t-';u!lturliim In the state using
Natural Mineral Water Hntlii. Ui mir
liasHi'd Iu tlio treatment of Acute nnd
Chronic KIIKUMATISU. MoJerato
Charges. Addreat:
OR. 0. W. EVERETT, 14thand M. St.
ESWTa nr rrvcT
5!3iMrVimTTi r
belt leathers, Ly tlio I -A?r 7
mat (killed workmen, l.2-itrh, r
in all the latest fashions. tftt!T?Wv 1
W. L. DouRta, $5.00 ff-J
and 51.00 shoes eonal Uh ft.,-? '" yk
Cuitom Bench Woilc ix?': X iBv
I v . V I tI
ia,M i vijMtti
111 U Pa7 I
I J I 'or Cigar I
13 Not so Good. I
mg& .F.P.LEWIS Peoria. IllJ
Young mn from 18 to 20 years old,
to learn the Harness Trade.
Writo to
Beatrise Creamery Go.
I'ftyB tho hUMteot plco for
Lawyer's Brief, Masterpiece of Slang
SAN FRANCISCO. As a liorrlb'e ox
ample of whnt tlio justices of tho
sinromc court litllevo n legal docu
ment should not he, the brief of Attor
ney Ralph V. Sclioonover of Santa
Barbara has been held up to the pub
lic gaze, and Sclioonover was cited to
show cause why ho should not bo pun
ished for contempt of court.
The following words must never be
used In brlels (lied before the Supremo
"Peach, raw, rotten, putrid, butt-In."
Nor shnll a lawyer refer to a deci
sion of a superior court In such sul
phate language as:
"It Is n huge Judicial joke and would
have been funny had It not been quite
s' raw, and Intended and Uhod ns a
hypocritical Judicial cloak to cover as
damnable a ease of unbh 3hlng robbery
and oppression of tho widow and or
phan as ever went unwhlpped in this
reign of iManimon."
The trouble started In a suit tried be
fore Superior Judge Walter Uordwcll
of Santa Uarbura county. A. C. Wil
liams sued A. P. Lane, trustee of the
estate of Addle I.. Allen, bankrupt.
Judge Rordwell gavo Williams Judg
ment for $051. Attorney Sclioonover,
"Jap" Prince Gives
CI1CAGO. Prince Tokugawa Iycsnto.
grand cordon of the rising sun,
head of the houso of peers of Japan,
and who would hnvo been a shoguu
were It not that the business of sho
gunning was abolished a quarter of a
century ago, arrived hero recently, and
made his visit noteworthy by tho in
troduction of tho "canned" interview.
With Tokugawa aro Viscount Sengo
ku nnd Baron Shidurn and n retinue of
surprising proportions. Tho prince
moved into the most expensive sulto in
the Congress hotel, ate dinner, lighted
a cigar, and waited. Tho first time tho
telephone buzzed a delegation of inter
viewers was at tho other end of tho
"Como up," replied tho baron.
Not waiting for any Eort of an Intro
duction, Prince Tokugawa walked up
to his visitors and handed each a tract,
faultless as to typography, and on tho
finest linen fabric.
Rut the prlnco's grin broadened nnd
It was evident something was expected
to happen. Clutching tho tracts and
nervously wondering what Eort of re
ligious or political propaganda Tokuga
Oh Joy! Kissing
BOSTON. Tho kissing bug and "de
brutalized" football havo been
given official O. K.'s by Harvard uni
versity. And in the same breath with
the announcement that there is no
danger In the exchange of germs by
tho osculation route comes tho order
that freshmen must bo kept under
closer supervision.
President Lowell, In his report to
the trustees, advocates tho general
playing of football by students when
It Is on a piano whero nil may tako
part and when the players aro not
trained gladiators. Dr. A. M. Worth
ington of the medical school nnd an
expert on bacteria, Is tho ono who de
fends tho gentle sport of kissing
either as an outdoor or an indoor pas
time. Speaking merely as a student of tho
$250,000 Colony,
CINCINNATI. Approximately 250,
000 or the cstnto of Thomas J.
Emery, who wnB by far tho largest
realty owner in Cincinnati, has JuBt
boon set asldo by his widow, Mrs
Mary Emery, for tho founding and
perpetuation of a homo for birds. Mrs,
Emery has Just completed tho pur
chase of two acres of land In Evans
wood and has signified her Intention
of turning it over to tho care of tho
department of biology In tho Uni
versity of Cincinnati.
This ground Is to bo provided with
different kinds of houses for birds, It
will bo made secure aualnst tho in
vasion of cats nnd email boys and
- s J n Li its --M'
I for Lane, nppcaled to the supremo
court. Then he lllcd his brier.
Tho Justices of tho supremo court
met to review tho papers In the case
of Wllllnms vs. .anu. Ono of the Just
Ices look up the brief of Attorney
Sclioonover and began to rend it
a out).
"Then the state court butts into
the game,'" ho read, In an amazed
"Ileg pardon. I didn't fo'low," Inter
rupted one of tho learned associate
" Then tho state court butts In' "
"My gracious!" exclaimed a Justice
"did Ulacksto'io ever uso such Ian
gmigo?" "If my memory serves mo," suggest
ed Justice Molvln, "it sounds like n
newer master ; Ado, I hollo ve, his name
Tho reading of tho brief was contin
ued. "Do not comport very favorably with
dignity and caution and evenness of
mind, popularly believed to bo personi
fied In ono who wr-irn tho judlc'al er
mine and is presumed to know tho law
and to administer it."
There was a general Judicial gasp
en banc.
'Tho decision Is n peach,' " contin
ued the reader.
"What!" exclaimed a learned Judge.
"In the vernacular," explained Just
lee Melvln. "the word 'peach' slgnllles
anything rare, pretty I gither that it
is used hore in a ironical sense."
Canned Interview
wa sought to iolst on them, his visitors
grew serious, grinned ngaln, and grew
ser!ous again. Then ono blurted out:
"You are a Japanese prince, nren't
That was what Tokugawa wanted.
He pointed to the tract and his grin
was seraphic.
"Number one!" ho qualified.
The tract holders consulted para
graph number one. It averred:
"I nm Prince Tokugawa lyesato,
present head of the Illustrious Tokuga
wa family, grand cordon "
"What about a war between Japan
and this country?"
"Number three," elucidated tho
That paragraph read:
"From time to time the newly coined
phrase, 'the Japanese-American war,'
appears in the foreign newspapers in
Japan. Personally I cannot imagine
such n thing taking place. America
has assisted materially In Japan's prog
ress and Is her honorable benefactor,
with whom tho best terms of honora
ble) cordiality and friendship exist."
Tho interview progressed In tho
snmo fashion until ono visitor said:
"Good-by, prince."
"Number seven," smiled Tokugawa.
Admit "No. 7."
"Good-by. I shnll seo the honorable
Btockynrds nnd n department store to
morrow. I shall embark lor Liverpool
May 11, and will return to Japan by
Huropo and tho iborlan railway."
Is Not Dangerous
books on bacteria Doctor Worthlngton
says there is no reason whatever why
healthy and well intentloned couples
shouldn't Indulge iu kissing to their
heart's content. Incidentally his state
ment shatters the theory advanced
numberless times by professors of
other universities that kissing Is dan- I
gerous because It makes a swap of
microbes nnd illness In ono or both
pnrtlcs to the union often follows such .
diversions. Said Doctor Worthlngton:
"Kissing hnrmful? Certnlnly not.
No, sir. There Is no possible reason
when two self-respecting, wholesome
persons meet lip to lip they can't
break nway without upsetting the bnc
terlal balance. Perhaps tho only sorl
011s danger springing from such a
union would effect tho heart only."
Doctor Worthlngton also ably de
fended his friends, tho microbes, re
ferring to thorn in other conditions.
Ho asserted that If tho bacteria was,
driven from tho land, the world
would become a desert scnttered with I
wio worm's tieau. uerms nro humble,
in their needs, but stupendous In their
II fo work
Fine for the Birds,
there will bo located thero possibly
100 different kinds of birds nnd thalr
Eovornl epecleB. In addition to this,
thero will bo houses for the birds of,
mixed "nationality" nnd places whoro
those may bo studied in their different
classes and under natural conditions.
All tho work of this gigantic bird;
colony is to bo done under tho direc
tion of Assistant Professor H. A. Bene
dict of tho department of blolocrv of
tho University of Cincinnati.
"Wo aro In n now field as yet," suld
Professor Donedlct. "Wo must study'
the best way to teach birds to con
gregnto nnd nest In a locality whero
they aro safe. Tho action of Mrs.
Emery was tho first of its kind to my
knowlcdgo In tho world, and will hnvo,
a decided effect in aiding other com
munities. II will bo known as "Tho
Mnry Emery bird preserve," and wo
will take speclnl delight In showing It
to pcoplo who euro to seo it when it is
dually arranged."
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Elks or North PUtto will put up n
threenlory bulldim;.
Deiuornitri of Utiffaln county will
hold a bantpictj June iUh.
Alt ion had four tiros In one week
nnd two In tho nearby county.
Rol crt nulled of Pawnee county,
was'd by hla horrei falling upon
All arrangements have been com
pleted for the establishment of nn
Elks' lodne In Pnlihury.
Tie contract has been let for a new
opera house' In Glltnor. Tlio old ono
was burned down 'ast winter.
The Aurora bunker, A. G. Peterson,
nnd his wife and dnughter, are about
to start on a trip around tho world.
Ke irney will hold a special election
to ole on the question of f l'J.'i.rna
bonds for purchasing tho water
Id Roberts, who has been trapp
ing oer Oloe county, icports potato
buss as being more numerous than
for years.
Gillnuiu la dry so far, suloon'u'cp
ers belnirerH helm; unable to secure)
the M'liihslto number of slgnatiiroa
to their petitions.
Tlio north-bound frolnht on tho
Oinnhii road was wrecked near Teka
mah and "six cars of fruit nnd lock
sa!t were thrown Into tlm ditch.
Jack Onckcq and 0. 11. Johnson
were sentenced to thirty dnv in tho
Dodge county Jail on conviction of
the cliargo of stealing two hie e'es.
Jacob Weiss, of York county
charged with attempting to murder
Fran Zook, whom lie brought from
Germany, promising mnrrlaue, which
ho refused, was hound over to dis
trict court.
The state convention of tho worn-'
nn'B Foreign Missionary society was
In session in Sutton. MisFlonarlcs
from Chlnn, Japan and India gavo
daily lectures on tholr work and con
ditions In foreign Holds.
I Judge Grimes of North Platto held
a special term or district court nt.
Bridgeport to receive the pica an-1
Sentenco Georgo Hunt, charged with
horse stenllng. Tho accused pleaded
1 guilty and was sentenced to tho penl
tentlary for one year.
I A retltlon wns circulated nt Stolls.
and funds raised by popular subscrln
tiori to send to a hospital tho llttlo
girl that was Injured In tlio gas tank
explosion of- the moving picturo
A sentenco of flvo yoirs ImpopoJ
uron Ropnnr Aabcl of Harlan county
Is reduced by the supremo court to
two yenrs. Aabel was convicted of
grand larceny, being charged with
stealing $500 worth of property in tho
storo whero ho was employed as a
Tho Tccumseh school board Is Ftlil
without two teachers for next year.
Great dlfilculty has been experienced
this year in tho securing of a full
corps, tho pedagogues seemins to bo
Upon the comp'.aint of W. T. Fill
ott, mamhnll of Brady, John Wat
kins or that village has Icon iodwd
In Jail upon a ehargo or being a dlpso-
PlaiiB ahvo been porfectcd by tho
merchnnts of Kenrnoy for a 230-mlIo
trade excursion by automobile train
early In June. About forty Kearney
automobiles will make tho trip, car
rying about 100 business men, n brass
baud, n male quartet, plenty of bnn
ners, souvenirs, advertising matter
and other matter to delight the tour
ists nnd their friends, and sovernl ma
chinists to look nfter tho cars.
A deal was consummated which
will moan the location of anoMier
electric light plant in Beatrice.
Messrs. Marris Freshman nnd H A.
"Wlielcr or that city havo been grnnt
ed a alto on tho Blue river flvo miles
southeast of Beatrice whoro n con
croto dnm wi'l bo built to uso tho
water for power.
Tho Nebraska railway commission
has given the Bell Telophono com
pany permission to lower its ratos In
Kenrnoy 20 lo 30 per cent, to moot
competition from tho Independent
Tho Holdrego Commercial club has
sent Invitations to tho members of
tho state railway commission and to
its secretary, to bo present at a func
tion to bo glvon on tho ovenlns of
May 20, Invitations have also been
Issued to General Manner Hol(Iro?o,
Solicitor Kelby, Attorney Dllworth,
Vice President Byram and Superin
tendent Kolor of tho McCook dl
vis'on. Ed Burko, a resident of Wymoro,
who escaped from tho asylum at Lin
coln tho latter part or January, was-
taken into custody at Wymoro. Burko
was sent to tho asylum for Inobrincy
nnd no attempt was mndo to again
tako him in charge until It was as
certained that ho had gone back to
his old habits.
Custer county domocrats nco plan
ning a grand rally and lovo fenst for
Juno G, thus passing on tho feature
of tho fall campaign that has become
habit already. Governor Shn'lcn
borgor nnd other prominent domo
crats havo been invited.
Fortune Telling
Doc.1 not tnko into consideration tho ono
an's happiness womanly health.
Tlio woman who neglects her health U neglecting tho
very foundation of alt good fortune. For without health
lovo loses its lustre and gold is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally bo
regained by tho usa of Dr. Picrco's Favorito Prescription.
This Prescription has, for over UO years,
been curing delicate, wcatc, paltfwrackcd
women, by tho hundreds ot thousands
nnd this too In tho privacy ot their homes
without their having to submit to Indcll
catc questionings and offensively rcpud
nant examinations.
Sick women nro invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frte.
All correspondence held ns sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association, It. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
un. rtrtKCirs unn.vr 1-amily IJocron
Medical Adviser, newly revised np-to-duto
Plain English iiosts of delicate questions
ought to know about. Sent free, in plain
21 one-cent stuttips
to cover mailing only,
A Storekeeper Says:
"A lady came into my store lately nnd said :
'"I have been using a NcwPcrfcciion Oil Coolc-Stove nil winter
in my apartment. I want one'now for my summer home. I think
these oil stoves nre wonderful. If only women knew what a
comfort they ore, they would all havo
one. I spoke about my ctovo to n Jot
cf my friends, and they were aston
ished. They thourht that there waa
cmcll and smoke from an oil stove, end
that it heated aroom just like cny other
ctovc. I told them of ray experience,
end oni after another they got one, nnd
now, not one of them would fjtva hcru
up for five timca its cost.'"
The lady who naid this had thourjht
nn oil stove wna nil ri-ht far quickly
hiat.'.ig milk for a baby, cr boiling a
kettle of water, or to make cofTco
quickly in the morning, but she never
breamed of using it for difficult or
heavy cooking. Now she knows.
Do you really appreciate what a New
Perfection OH Cook-btuvc means to you ? Uo
more coil to carry, no moro ccmiuB to the
dinner table so tired out that you can't cat.
lust licht n reflection Stove and Immediately
the heat Irnm nn Intense lluo flame shoots
up to the bottom of pot, kettle or oven. Cut
the room inn't heated. There in no smchc, no
smell, no outa'de, no diud-cry In tho
kitchen whero one of these stoves la used.
Hew 'BerdioR
Oil Cook-stove
It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. Tho
nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the utnve ornamental
and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; tho 2 and 3-burner stovea
can be had with or without Cabinet.
Every dealer everywhere; If not at yours, write for Descriptive Circular
to the nearest acency of the
Standard Oil Company
Michael Keenly Surmised Possibilities
of Action Under tho Circum
stances. Lato ono afternoon Michael Flnnnl
gan and Donnis O'Rourko met upon tlm
avenue. Miko wns considerably under
tho weather.
"Moikc," asked O'Rourko, "why don't
yez brace up, and lavo tho dhrlnk
"Ol'vo thried, Dlnnio, but tho Job's
too big for mo."
"Thry thisonco moro, Molko. Horo's
a church forninst us. Go in there, old
man, and conllssnnd tnko a frish stnrt.
I'll wait outside."
He waited until ho wns tired, then,
peering Into tho darkened building,
said In a hoarso whl.spor:
"Have yez conflssed?"
"01 havo that!"
"Where's tho prast?"
" 'k'gorrnh, Dlnnio, and 01 think he's
gono out to call a cop." Succosb Mag
azine. New Fly Trap.
A Callfotulan has taken ndvnntngc
of tho fact that (lies always walk up
a window by Inventing n trnp to bo
fastened to a- pano In such a manner
that n fly will enter It without being
awaro thnt It has loft tho surface of
tho glass.
For Ileil, llrhlnix Ks-HIiIm. Cs-ata. St s-rai
Falllnc- Kyolnsliofl nnd All Eyes That
Need Caro Try Murlnn Eyo Salve. Asep
tic Tubes Tr'nl Hlzc :5c. Aslt Your DrUR
Klst cr Wrllo Murlno Eyo Remedy Co.,
No mnn can lovo ovll for evil's sake
as ho can lovo goodness for goodness'
snko. Schiller.
It Is the aim of the man behind the
gun to rnnko his mark.
or Morphine llsbltTreated,
r'reo irul. Caxs where mlicr
rcmed'ea luvt failed. ticully f llv r r-il.
Dr.B a.C0HTKZLL.8alU all. 49W, JJ4lt..M.wTorE
CMenllal to wom
Hook, I ho People's Common Scnso
edition 1000 pages, answers i;i
which every woman, singlo or married.
wrapper to any uddrcsa on receipt ol
or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
CanlloiaryWote: Beau
you c-t turn etovc see
that ..the name-plate
reads Hew Perfection."
Cause of the Rush.
"SnJ, sad, to see humanity over eiW
gaged in a mad rush for wealth."
"Forget it. Them fellero Is on UieU
way to tho ball park."
Important to Mothers
Exnrni..o carciuiiy every bottlo of
CAaTORIA, asafoandBuro remedy for
Infants and children, and seo that It
Ttnnm Mm
Signature tC4a&ffl&ZGM
In Uso For Over ;$3 Years.
Tho Kind You I lavo Always Bought.
.- ' ...W TB. m fVi J .
Don't criticise u fool; foola can't
help bnlng foolish.
Senator Dolllvor, of Iowa, ayj 1
Tho stream ot omlrrants from f ho United State
aJn nut continuo."
Hcuator Uol liver rceontly pnld a
iisit iu ttcsirrn uaaca.
I nl ti-iTas "llieru la n
of litr ll-lifx-nUNH 10
pto; tMsnlilarcvuatfor
iV removal of m many
Iurra f.irmcrs to Canwta.
Our rooplc aro plowed
tin) excellent, nu'ralnl.
tratlon vt law. and they
urn coralna to ou In
tons ot t'-noxanda, and
thty arotitlJl eoRilne."
farmers rlir mndo Canada
tliolr li 01:10 Uttrlnc luou.
I'loltl (imp rnturna alonu
tliiriusycnriidJod tothon-raltl.
of ttiouountrr UDwarda of
flrtiln ornwlnr-. vnle1 fnrtn
In.T. 1 -ittlu rnUt-.isond dairy Ine
uronu proiuauio. lrrouauu
Heatli vt ICO ucrori aro to bo
liml In Uio very heat dlstrfrti,
1UO ncro pro-riuptloiia nt S3.U0
per n'ro ivlthln certain nreu.
Schools nnil rliurrhea In every
Bottli'iiieut, rJImotn unoxrcUcti,
olltliorlcliest,iicl, wntoruuu
IniUdliiir lunterlnl plentiful.
Fnr partlcularinitoloratlnn.low
eettlerV railway ntes and dMrrI
tiro lllnitrated poraihltt. "Itt
lint Wrt," ond nUirr Infnrnia
tlun, writs to Can't rf l-nrolin-tlon,
Ottamt, Can., or to Caaaulaa
Oof uratnent Actnt,
Roots 4 Bit LUf . OoMbt, .
(Uao address nesrsst yon.) (J)
Homestead UO acres of land wllh rich noil,
nu re water and fine climate, on Jluflul Ito:it
( lenvi-ra North""i,'-n.t l'nelna Uy.) In Kuiilt
O.ninty, Coin. We have no laud to oell U'h at
holutely free froji tiiii tiovuruuiant and navier
for HCttlcment. Law hIIowb you to return hoiaa
for 0 months after tlllnir. OiitHdOhushelBtoncra
wheat ifi, hnrley TO. Act now and pet a iroo4
farm. Write fur free book, map and full n
lounntlon that telU how to gel thin land free.
W. V. JONES, General TnnioMnnK)r
Aooiu 750 Mnjestlo Uldj;., Denver, Cotomtla
laillKS'SOMI) tiOLD WATfJH - WlO.Ols
l.ndli'HSollilNllvor Wntch .... fl.ll.s
(irnUMio d flllml Wrttrli .... lo.lli
llunt'.oid 1'lllm Wuttli ..... II. oft
fiKilts'tliilil Flllml Wuti'li .. ll.Oft
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eieill' Mt'htdCuo Wuttli .... S.Oft
All iiiiaranlei'd, wui post paid anvnhnn'.
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W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 21-1910.
is the turning-point to economy
in wear-and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Everydealer, everywhere
Jf C.iulloiary Rote: Be sure if k
you c-t e'.na ctovc see U l
10 vox 1 enn
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iSfejSTX "