The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 05, 1910, Image 3

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, J y
) i
Leads all other medicines in
the cure of all spring ailments,
humors, loss of appetite, that
tired feeling, paleness and
nervousness. Take it.
Oct It today In inual liquid form ot
tablets cnlleil Saraatnlis. 100 Doses U
any auiii( man lmnjuilil
rnriiKInitn In lAhml from
(In- Unit (pp, )uu ran (In
llm ram. Iho opivorti.nltjr
13 nurslfynu will uiilv era m
It Vie. haio tlimitiml. (if
ninanf rich ITnlrli' lunil In
rmilhrnM rn hafkattlirMiin,
rlittifl 111 tlliirki't. fnr fbi'nat
ci(i offices tltiu r m-r ami mi.
PORTER LAND CO. lutir mir line uf rail
CAPITAL 41000000? rimil IMP liftim tiullt tlllM
fcrttiBtCii.icwA LOSANCtUd.CAU 3ir Allewtiiireturmil
v..,.. ti . 1 . ..... toward tliti Wrwmrn
Mnonlliitrlt. Wrltefornnrfn.,. iMk."A Cull in llm
" . . 't'lllnwilll'iit thin nitmlprftilwlirat-urimlmt
iJJ'.Wii'.'.'f l.n1,i".",,Tr" nlwl " try li allly.
VUllTUU UAM CO.. Ilox 1, Iti-lnlMjok, In.
t'nnntlputlnn, II on ilnrlir.
Htnitlnuli Tvntirilnu. Viit I.I...V
WXT ' l)lNardtrii end DtiNtrny
Don't accept Hiniple mailed FIIKK. Addreei,
TOsubtUtufe. A. S. OLMSTED. La Roy. fil.Ye
Under Friendly Cover Preacher Might
Safely Proceed to Split His
"I tried to get a clianco to speak to
you nt church Sundny," said Mrs. Old
castle, "but the cruHh was fto grait
Uiat I couldn't push through to where
you were." "Yes, wasn't it awful?" re
plied her hostess, as she flecked a bit
of dust from the Gobelin tapestry. "All
tho common folks in town soeui to
want to crowd into our church latoly.
It's too bad they ain't satisfied to stay
where they belong. How did you liko
tho sermon?" "Well, bh a sermon it
was fairly good, but I do wIbIi Doctor
Goodman would quit spitting his in
finitives. I try not to let it mako mo
uorvous, but I can't keep from being
shocked every timo he does it." "I
uover let them kind of things bother
me, but that's whero tho Episcopate
have the ndvantago of us. If our
preacher would wear 11 long robo ho
could split them and wo would novcr
notice It." Kansas City Star.
Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for
Lewis' Single Binder Cigar
What 1b probably tho biggest lot of
all fancy grade tobacco hold by any
factory in tho United States has just
been purchased by Frank I Lewis, of
Peoria, for the manufacture of Lewis'
Single Binder Cigars. Tho lot will
make twenty-four carloads, and Is so
lected from what la considered by ex
ports to bo tho finest crop raised In
many years. The purchase- of tobacco
is sufficient to last tho factory moro
than two years. An extra price was
paid for tho selection. Smokers of
Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appro
date this tobacco.
PcortaBtar, January 16, 1909.
Explaining the Soul.
Tho following dialogue took placo
between two very small boys on their
way homo from Sunday school:
Willie Whero is my soul?
Bobby It isn't any placo; it's Just
Willie How can It go tox heaven
when It's Just air?
Bobby Why, your body goes, too.
Willie Bones nnd all?
Bobby Yes, everything but your
A Statesman.
Tho Chlneso wall wa3 finished.
"I do nil my fence mending nt ono
lick," announced tho emperor.
Thus ho proved himself a stntcamnn
Instead of a politician.
All Tired Out.
Do you feci dull, occasionally out of
sorts? Headaches and Dlzzlncsa? Tho
fnult Is clllier wllli your stomach or your
liver. Tho safe, sure nnd caay way to get
rlil of either trouble Is to tako NATUllK'S
III3MDDY. Tnko nn Nit Tablet to Highl
it will Hwertcn tho stomach and roKulato
tho liver. kldnoyH nnd bowola. Kiuiy-surn
to act. Oct u 13c Uox. Tho A. II. Lcwla
Mcdlclno Co., Bt. Louis, Mo.
To lovo abundantly, Is to Hvo abun
dantly, and to love :)rever Is to Hvo
forever. Henry Drummond.
ConttlpMInn cihiwi mnny Mrtnii disease. It
) ttioruuulily cured by l.nctor I'lorro'ii l'loauaut
Pellets. Ono a laxative, tUnp lor uituartlo.
Somo or our first Impressions woro
mado by mother's sllppor.
If You Are Sickly
Just let Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters build you up
and renew the entire system,
make the stomach strong and
healthy and keep the bowels
free from constipation. It
has done so in hundreds of
cases in the past 56 years
and most certainly will
not fail you. Try it today
for Indigestion, Dyspep
sia, Costivqness, Bil
iousness, Headache c
Malarial Fever. Ask for
1 Hi
Republican Congressional Com
mittee Getting in Readiness
for Active Work.
Question Is Bound to Be One of the
Principal Issues In the Coming
Elections Democrats Deter
mined to Keep It In the
Washington. If the Republican con
gressional committee has its way, n
defense of the tnrln' law will bo made
by the principal campaign orators
during tho two months .prior to the
election nc.t November. Tho Repub
licans had hoped that the tariff was
burled as an issue past resurrection
for nt least ton years, but members of
their own party have refused to at
tend a funeral or even to admit that
tho Issue Is In any Immediate danger
of dentil.
Then the Democrats also hnvo an
nounced that they are going to pay
their attentions to tho tariff, and by
tho use of frequent electrical oratori
cal currents, keep It not only alive,
but with strength enough to dnnco
constantly before tho public until tho
November snows conic.
It Is extremely likely that President
Tnft will havo pome things to say
about the tariff, maintaining a posi
tion of defense of his net In signing
tho bill. It is believed, however, that
tho president will pay most of his
Bpeaklng attention to his legislative
measures, ami to his future program,
for Mr. Tnft, It is said, docs not bo
lievo that tho customs should by nny
means be ronde tho main Issue during
tho congressional campaign, even If
the Democrats make good their thrents.
Middle West May Not Want Speakers.
Most of tho members of the Repub
lican congressional committee are
high tnrlff men, nnd so naturally It Is
to be expected that they will urgo tho
strongest kind of a defense of tho
Payne-Aldrich schedules. It Is under
stood that some of the old time stand
pat Republicans will bo sent Into tho
middle west to make tariff speeches
of the kind thnt wero popular In tho
dnys when William McKlnley was run
ning for the presidency. This means
that there will be n wide difference bo
tween tho tone of the speeches mndo
during tho Tnft campaign and those to
be mado during the congressional
campaign of tho coming summer and
When the Toft-Bryan campaign was
on, the Republicans spoko of the tnrlff
In much tho same spirit that thoy
spoke of it during the dnys of tho na
tional convention. They said they
wero going to revlso tho tnrlff, nnd
tho general understanding was that
thoy wero going to revlso It down
ward. Now the Democrnts charge that
there wns no revision downward or If
there was any lowering tendency nt
all, It was too slight to bo worthy of
attention. Somo of tho Insurgent Re
publicans aro In tho snmo mood ns tho
Democrnts, and in tho Insurgent dis
tricts it Is probablo that there will
be vrry little high tnrlff talk. This
means thnt tho Republican congres
sional commlttco will find that tho
speakers which they apparently Intend
to provldo will not bo la demnnd In
tho Insurgent districts.
Tariff Worries Massachusetts.
RepreBontntivo McKInlny of Cali
fornia, who must not bo confused with
Representative McKlnley, chairman or
tho Republican congressional commlt
tco. nlthough both aro high protec
tionists, recently mado n speech In
tho Chelsea (MnsB.) district repre
sented In congress by Ernest W. Rob
orts, a stanch Republican. Tho old
liny State is much exercised over
tariff matters, and somo of tho Re
publicans there fear that they aro not
going to bo re-elected. They find thoy
can not repudlnto their notion on the
Payne tariff law, and so thoy have
made up their minds to defend the
law and to try to bring tho doubters
back Into tho fold.
Whllo tho Republican congressional
committee Is getting ready to send out
Its best high tariff speakors, tho Dem
ocratic congressional commlttco Is pre
paring to send out Its best nntl-hlgh
tariff speakers. It Is perrectly evi
dent that tho next cnmpulgn will bo
one In which tho tariff will flguro Just
ns largely ub an Issue ns It has figured
nny tlmo In tho past, except In tho
purely Insurgent districts. It mny be
that the Insurgent Republicans, not
wishing to keep up tho animosity
within tho pnrty. will refrain from
talking about the Payno tariff law, ond
will innkc their campaign on n bnsls
of legislative progress in other dlrec
tions, occasionally using a word, how
ever, to tho effect that under Demo
cratic rulo rreo trudo will bo a cer
tainty, nnd thnt whllo the Insurgents
nro tariff revisionists, thoy are very
far removed from tho condition of out
nnd out bollovcrs In freo trnde.
Seek New Leaders.
Both tho Republican and Domocratle
members of tho United States senate
aro considering tho question of tho
leadership In tho sonnto, after tho
foui th of March next, when Nolson W
Aldrlch, tho majoilty chieftain, and
Hernando D. Money, tho minority
chieftain, retlro from tho servlco.
It is generally acknowledged by the
members of both parties, nnd probably
by tho country, that In effectiveness ol
majority leadership tho Republicans
havo had no man In years as resource
ful and an tactful as tho senator from
Rhode Island has proved himself to
be Countless thousands of people
found fault with Mr. Aldrlch's affilia
tions, nnd with his works of accom
plishment, but no one has ever said
that ho did not know how to hold his
party together, and how to save tho
situation at crucial times after a man
ner In which from his point of view, the
situation ought to be saved.
Williams Succeeds Money.
Senator Money of Mississippi will
retire from tho senate next March, to
bo succeeded by John Sharp Williams,
who until n year and a hnlf ago, was
the leader of the minority In tho
houso of representatives.
It Is generally admitted thnt If Son
ntoi Joseph W. Uallcy of Texas had
been saved from a less stormy career
In matters not connected with tho
Hcnnte. and If some of his colleagues
did not d Iff or widely from his views,
ho would lie the logical leader of tho
Democrats In the senate It can bo
taken for grunted, however, thnt Mr.
ilalloy never will bo chosen by tho
Democratic caucus as a party chief In
the upper legislative hall.
If Senator Culberson regains his
health and Is able to reasKUino tho du
ties of leadership, the Democratic
problem will be nn easy one to solve,
for without question the Texan will bo
given onco more the honor of head
ship. Tho belief Is, however, that
oven with returning strength, Mr. Cul
berson will seo the necessity of hus
banding It nnd will not enro to tako
on tho strenuouB work of party lead
ership. Some mnn who hns been long In tho
service will bo chosen by the Demo
crats to guldo tho destinies of their
party In legislative matters. Of courso
this menns that John Sharp Williams,
who was tho leader In the house, can
not for a long time assume a like lead
ership In the senate. Tho Democrnts
do not know today whom thoy will
choose as a leader, but there seems to
be a possibility, oven a probability,
that Senator Rayner of Maryland may
be called upon to tnko the chief plncc.
Senntor Eugene Halo of Matno, who
hns been senator Aldrlch's able as
sistant chief for n long tlino, also Is
to rctlro from tho senate next March,
eo ho Is eliminated from the successor
ship. It may bo that the duties ot
leader will fall upon Henry Cabot
Lodge of Massachusetts, unless there
should bo such n chnngo In tho fac
tional complexion of the senate as to
give tho "Insurgent" senators control.
The elections of next winter probably
can not bring about nn "Insurgent"
majority in tho Republican senatorial
rnnkH( but lt ,B poaa!oi0 thnt between
now nnd next March some of tho "reg'
ulars" may break away and become
cither near or full fledged Insurgents.
In this cuso Mr. Lodge probably would
not bo chosen as leader, und the
choice might go to Senntor Beverldgo
of Indiana, or to Senator Cummins ot
Second-Term Talk.
Evidences aro accumulating that
President Tnft's Jocose announcement
to members of his college fraternity
that he was inclined to think ono term
Is enough, has led to somo curious re
sults. Somo of the president's frienda
have told him that If he really intends
not to be n candldnte again it Is with
in his power to check a good deal of
the opposition to somo of his legisla
tive measures by making a direct
statement that ho will not again seek
presidential office.
Tho president apparently has no
present intention of making any such
statement, because, or course, ho docs
not know how the future may shape
Itself and how strong and Insistent a
demnnd thero may bo from the Re
publican party that ho onco moro
shall take on the duties of standard
bearer. It Is perfectly well known
lu Washington that Mr. Taft has not
enjoyed greatly his first year's ex
perience as president of tho United
States. Tho troubles that have como
to him nnd tho adverse criticisms thnt
have been made concerning what somo
people think is a lack of Initiative,
have worried him as much as onu of
his equable temperament can bo wor
ried, and it probnbly was because of
tho vexations of administrative life
that he said what ho did lu Indirect in
timation that ono term wns prcttj
near enough for nnybody.
From Selfish Standpoint,
Somo of tho "rcgulnr" Republicans
say that If Mr. Tart does pronounco
decidedly against a second term for
himself the nttneks on his mensurea
will cease, because some or the men
leading the attacks aro ambltlouB for
presidential preferment, nnd so natur
ally they attack tho sincerity of tho
present president in order to maku
capital for themselves by creating op
position to tho administration of a
man who It was supposed desired a
second term. Thero urc signs that
even with a humorously woided ex
pression of n lack of deslro for n sec
ond term, the opposition to the legis
lation Is subsiding. This, the friends
or tho president say, goes to show that
the prophecy tho attacks would reuse
altogether ir Mr. Tnrt should declare
himself out of tho field wns well
It must bo said, however, that few
hardheaded politicians can bo found
In Washington In either party to ad
mit that thero Is nny likelihood for a
long tlmo to como thnt Mr. Tnft will
came out with a fiatfootcd statement
tr tho effect that ho docs not desire
and will not tnko tho nomination for
a second term. The Impression is,
however, thnt If a real campaign
should bo sturtcd on behalf or some
other Republican, oven for Thcodoro
Roosevelt, nnd tho uubIb of the plens
for support for tho new candidate
bhould bo built on tho ground that
Mr. Taft Is not a success as a presi
dent, he will stay In the field and will
light for n rcnomlnntlnn
Thnmnn C. Shotwell, one of tho
greatest market reporters In America,
Writes from New York, under dato of
Mnrdi 20th, ami says:
"The Tariff tangle with Cnnnda
which President Taft has taken in
hand Is of importance chlelly because
of tho multitude of American farmers
that are crossing Into the Camullnn
northwest. Most conservative esti
mates of their number placo It at
150,000 for 1910. Somo sny ns ninny
nB ur.0,000 will cross. Theuo aro all
expert fui mors nnd their places In tho
Vnlted States are being filled by un
trained men from Kuropo and from
tho cities. Canada Is gaining rapidly
In agricultural Importance and with
in n few years tho United States will
have to call on tho Dominion for
wheat. Production of wheat In tho
United States Is not keeping pneo
with the population. A tariff war
would complicate tho problem of get
ting food. Even now Canadian farm
ers are getting higher prices for their
cattle on the hoof nnd Canadian house
wiws are paying less for meat In tho
butcher shops than farmers nnd house
wives are receiving and paying In tho
United States. Tho tariff on cattlo
and wheat must bo removed ns be
tween tho two countries beforo long."
The Umpire Say, Chimmlc, I want
er resign.
No Kidney Trouble In Three Years.
Mrs. Catharine Kautz, 322 Center
St., Findlny, O., BayB: "Four years ago
I becamo nflllctcd
with kidney trouble,
nnd rnpidly ran
down in health. I
suffered from back
ncho and other kid
ney disorders and
was languid and
weak. I doctored
nnd used different
remedies but became no better. Doan's
Kidney Pills cured mo and for thrco
years I havo been freo from kidney
Remember tho name Doan's. For
salo by all dealers. GO cents a box.
FoBtcr-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Where It Was.
"What aro you crying about?"
"He throwed a stone un' hit
"Did he knock lt out of your hands?"
"It wasn't in mo hand, It was In mo
His Face Was Turning Yellow
Someone told hhn that uallownesa was
eaueed by an Inacllvu liver. Ho began
taking NATUKli'8 UKMKDY, hiu natural
color returned, his brulti clenrcd. Ilia liver
was again nctlvc. Nil tablets never tall
to correct tho liver, they remove tho bile,
aid digestion and tone tho Hyatem. Uetter
than Pills for Liver Ills. Talte one tonight
and you'll feel better In tho morning. Oct
a 2fc Uox. All Druggists. Tho A. II. Lcwla
Mcdlclno Co., Kt. Louis, Mo.
There's nothing In It for tho under
taker when a man Is burled In oblivion.
jygg -wf UEgmj&jr' VMZ'Mk
Dalicately formed and contly reared, womon
will find, in all tho seasons of their lives, as
maidens, wives or mothors, that tho one simple,
wholesome remedy which act3 contly and
pleasantly and naturally, and which may bo
used with truly beneficial effects, under any
conditions, when tho system need3 a laxative
is Syrup of Fics and Elixir of Senna. It is
woll known to bo a simnlo combination of tho
laxative and carminativo principles
wicn pioasant
Only tho
Figs and
company California Fig Svrun Co.
and rcfroohinrr to tho tasto and ft-, V48Nm! Kfi ZZZTl
to tho system when its gontlo iht Vtfv fcw
2 is desired. Iff M?.-w.?' Eks
so who buy tho gonuino Syrup of &wN&A- vY :
Elixir of Sonna can bono to rrot its Ctf&VVI & .';&?
effects, and as a rruarantoo of the VyMw'ilvif :.'Vlr
of tho remedy, tho full name of tho H?wSM53 VSL V.. s
on tho front of every package, and without it
any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should bo
declined. To those who know tho quality of
this excellent laxative, the offer of any substi
tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Sonna
is called for. is always resented by a transfer
of patronage to some first-class drug establish
ment, whero they do not recommend, nor sell
false brands, nor imitation remedies. Tho genu
ine article may be bought of all reliable drug
gists everywhere;,, one sizo only. Rogular
pneo ou cents per bottle. Get a
10 nave in tne nouse wnen needed.
.iiaaswiiMiJiii wwrnnwiwiM'sat my .fwwawiiwwWf
AYetfclaule Preparation for As
Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion,Cliccrful
ncssniulRcslConlnlns neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
Kipt cfouDrSMvaniTarsR
Imkm Suit'
Aunt Suit
tlirn Sttd
Cltrjini S J
HiitAyrt t'foor
A perfect Remedy TorConstlpa
lion , Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fever i slv
ncssond LOSS OF SLEUP.
Facsimile Signaturcof
Tun CcNTAun Company,,
JfilinivintMftft uttffor ftm Pnniiand
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
-7.7- . i
You Can Have a Model Kitchen
as cool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke,
no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The
JSieto 'Perfection
is the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the -most
elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen.
Boils, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second.
Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible
M Ciattonary Note: Be sure IT L
M you set this itove ie U v I
reads New Perfection."
Standard Oil Company
II I!5 of thit paper de- II
H Keaders j I
HI t I J n. . IH Hte
otea in iu coiumni tnouia iiuik upon m nSBaBU"0
I tt.vinr wK.t tltv MtW fnr. rMlltint, hK II II iTlWrPHBtai
..o .., ..., . . d HwaliHaiiaBBVBaate.
I mbflilutM ot tmiUbont. BfHPfViHn
Mrti&E mm
Mk?4K ill
.! m Mm
of plants
is nrinted
viV-V K
it ,t tx.
:. ixjm
bottlo today
-. at.we." -vvx?r?i
xm&?:. iir.?wartfffg
aromatic liquids, which aro iYtfew,Hia Soft i wm Mi
l'-i"J l VtLM St I f IB II. I WI
.T,. rs t :. Lft -. .
r . 1 ".iwfii'.-.
fJFl H t Ti 9. '1 T. V
Wii '.
ij-ti: liin
T SI ! t
. . ..!, ... v.
For Infanta and Children.
The Ml You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
VMioiiiTAuiiaoMMiir. Htm vmm arm
rests, towel rack, and every up-to-date
feature imaginable. Yoa want it, be
cause it will cook any dinner and not
heat the room. No heat, no smell,
no coal to bring in, no ashes
to carry out. It does away with ths
drudgery of cooling, and makes it a
pleasure. Women with the light touch
for pastry especially appreciate it, be
cause they can immediately have a
quick fire, simply by turning a handle.
No half-hour preparation. It not only
is less trouble than coal, but it cost
less. Absolutely no smoke;
and it doesn't heat the kitchen.
The nickel finish, with the turquoise
blue of the enameled chimneys, makes
the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the S
and 3-burner stoves can be had with
or without Cabinet.
Every dealer everywhere: If not at yoort,
write lor 1'cscripUve Circular to U oeamt
agency of the
What Governor Deneen, of lluae!.
says mdoui iti
or veooca.or Illinois, rati mo.
loa of In4 ! rtatlutctumtn.
UariMl. Uo liw wM la
am Intorrlowi
"Ai tn American I am
dollRutoJ to .m lha re.
mnrkalil rogr.i of
people araflocliliiaacroM
w.fcoru tjannua. uur
mo. tmunuarr uo
ands, and I hare aot let
met ono nbo admitted
maila a aiLLik..
Tlij art) all ckrt na wrll,
Then) U acnrevlr a co
inunitj in trie Middle or
Vu.'rn KLntm thnt li.
not n roprinnn latum in Aiaiuloua,
HMkatclionun or Alborta."
125 Minion Bishels of
Wheal in 1909
M Wetnra OanaiVt Held orope for
'J JW Will
i' or170,(
ennllv Tlela to the farm.
000,000.00 III mall.
oiuceU'ada of lOOurrea,
J ntui on.
nnl prr-vnipUoiis of IdOnerea
Vi lit 3.00 Hitarro. IUIIw.j anil
J.uu hii iwro. IUIIwtj anil
nil Oi)cilMinIrM haro l&nil fnr eala
at rt)fiM)nttble iirlroa. Ikinnw farm.
I'm Iiiito imld fnr their land out
of ttm prtM-tMiU of nno rrop.
Bplfiiillil rllmnttv, ctmA cbool.,
met-Merit rnllwny rarllltlra,low
frt'lclit nttra, wood, wiilor uud
lunilter t-nMIr nlilalnnl.
for inmiblt"J.Ait llit Wrt."
particular, om to wjllnblo loratloa
aod low ittlor.' rate, apply to
Hop't of Immigration, Ottawa,
Can., or to UuuuJlua Cror'l Aaot.
Rood 4 Br) BMg. Oohaj, Rib.
(t'i'1rtrenrrrrt tou.) (1)
"J'or over nine yenrs I suffered with chronic
constipation niid during this time I had to take
n Injection of wurra water once crery 24 lirnn
bt-fore I could have en action on my bovIt.
Happily I tiled Cascarets, and today I am a vll
man. During the nine year before I urd
Cascarets I luitered untold misery with Internal
piles. Thanks to you, I am free from all thst
this morning'. You can use this in behalf .
suffering humanity. D. 1', I'Ulicr, Roanoke, III.
Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Novcr Slcken.Weaken or Orlpo.
10c, 25c. 50c. Nover sold In bulk. The cen
ulno tablet stamped G C C. Guaranteed (o
cuie or your money back. 030
or Morphine HabltTreated.
rite trul. Catcs where other
remedim ktava (iilH,sitciilr
dr&ir-il. (itv. rtt-iruUn.
Dr.R a.O0NTKCIX.ItlU 6l. 400 W. 114 8.. B.wTMl
Krrvo Tahlets rtors It. Wrlto for Pixiul. A41re lTeo.
Vi. CilAaii i'.'t KorUt lUta Bt, ruuulsulau. ra.
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