The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1910, Image 6

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I1 V
the Chief
i C. D. HALE, Publisher
Record of Whnt Is Going on In Con
gross, In Washington and Ip
Iho Political Field.
Indian Angan, the Korean wlio as
Kasslnnted I'rluco Ito, former Japan
oiio resident general of Korea, In Har
bin, on October 20 last, wub executed
at Port Arthur.
Wtwn tho Hamburg-American
Kteamer President Grant, arrived at
Cherbourg efforts were made to lo
rate Glfford Plnchot, tho former chief
forester of tho United States, who
wan reported to liavo Hailed aa a pas
senger on tho utenmer, but tho offi
ciate of the President Grant ntatcd
that iMr. Pmchot lanued at Plymouth,
with tho intention of proceeding to
Tho report of the death of King
Mcnellk of Abyssinia, which was said
to have occurred Sunday. Is officially
denied. A dispatch pent from Addis
Abeda, snya that Empress Taltou is
still nursing tho king, but that a re
gency has been Instituted, and Ik now
carrying on tho government. Tho
capital, tho dispatch nays, Is overflow
ing with soldiers, loval to Itas Tct
liama, tho regent, and 10,000 more are
expected to reach tho cliy soon.
Moid than one-third of mankind arc
ChrlHtlanii, according to n religious
census Just published by Dr. II. Hol
ier, director or tho statistical bureau
in Stuttgart. Ho estimates that of
tho people In the world
n?4,9t0,000 uro Christians. There aro
300.000,000 Confucians. 211,000.0000
Iirnhmlns, 175,200,000 Mohammedans,
UV.,000,000 UudiJhlBta and 10.SG0.000
A wireless dispatch from Operator
IJaragher, who hns been bnndllng
press dispatches at Dlucnclds, Nica
ragua and who Is now with the steam
er AiHIlloH, miyB -that Gcnoral Juau
listradu recently received a large sup
ply of ammunition and has declared
that ho can hold the Atlantic coast
against 10,000 Madrlz troops, should
they attempt to take lllncllolds aud
tho coast towns.
Tlio body of Justlco Hrcwer wan
taken to lxiavcnworth, Kas., lor bu
rial. Formor Vlco President Fairbanks
was welcomed to his Indianapolis
Uetwecn thrco and four hundred
perished In n ball room flro in a town
of Hungary.
Mount Etna Is In violent ei option
nnd a (stream of lava Is (lowing down
tho mouutnln.
Tho Interstato commerce commis
sion ordered a reduction In flour rates
from tho northwest.
Importation of all kinds of anlmnls
from Africa Is suggested as a method
of solving tho food problem.
Tho house commlttco on interstato
commerco favorably reported the ad
ministration railroad bill.
Congressman Martin nccusnd Attor
ney General Wlckershnm of being too
close to tho sugar trust.
President Gomez has Issued a de
cree, fixing tho period between April
1010, and July, 1911. for ihe celebra
tion of tho centennial of the Independ
enco of Venezuela.
Mayor Dnhlmun of Omaha has an
nounced Uio platform upon which be
will run for governor.
Colonel Roosevelt has won the ad
miration of tho native Egyptians.
Joseph Eels, a millionaire sack
maker, Is spending Jli&O.OOO yearly to
spread tho single tax theory. Mr.
Eels does not believe In chnrlty.
Kansas Clty'a million dollar fund,
raised by public subscription to main
tain a lino of freight boata on tho Mis
sourl river between Kansas City and
St. 1,ouIb, became a reality. In fact,
tho solicitors reported tho sum prom
Ir.i'd to bo $30,000 in excess of that
Ueports of rnin In Chicago grain
pita Saturday wcro followed by a
tumblo In prices.
Tho liotiso passed a bill providing
for raising tho wreck of tho battle
ship Maine.
13. P. Hlpley, president of tho Atchi
son". Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, de
nied tho statement that tbo Pennsyl
vania railroad bad bought a largo sec
tion of tho Santa Eo stock, formerly
owned by E. II. Hnrrlman.
A petition prnylng for the Independ
ence of Uio Philippine Islanders wah
presented to the senate by Senator
Representative Nlcholls haB asked
Information regarding charges of slav
ery In Mexico.
Employes of tho Now York Central
liavo ordered a Btrlko voto taken.
Ambassador liryco called nt tVi
whlto houso and arranged with tllo
president to receive Sir Ernest
Shncklcton, tho south polar explorer.
Nicholas Longworth, son-in-law of
Mr. RoosovoU, has broken with tho
Cannon muchlno, according to a per
elBtont rumor In republican circle.
Forty-sovcn aro thus far (' -id from
tho railroad wreck In Iowa, Somo of
tho woundod cannot survive
Dr. Cook Is said to be broken In
health and pockethonk.
President Tnft wnnts an approprla
Uon to carry out provisions of the
tariff act.
Rumor has It that Dr. Cook Is now
said to bo with his wife's relatives In
Now Jersey.
Tho sympathetic strlko In Philadel
phia Is all over and men are return
ing to work.
Representative Mann In to cham
pion tho administration railroad bill
when It reaches the house.
Justice Moody Is reported Improv
ing nnd will probably return to work
on tho bench by next fall.
Pittsburg bankers wcro called be
foro tho grand Jury which Is Investi
gating councllmnnlc graft.
Owing to tho death of Justice Ilrcw
or, the Standard Oil case and others
may liavo to bo re-argued.
Hoth houses of congress took an
enrly adjournment out of respect to
tho memory of Justice Hrcwer.
Denial was inadu by Attorney Gen
eral Wlckorsham Hint ho bad over
acted as counsel for tho sugar trust.
Tho academy of science of tho Uni
versity of Nebraska will bo divided
Into sections this year for tho flr-t
The number of dipsomaniacs In tho
Nebraska asylum for tho past year
has been only linlf that of tho year
The firemen and manngers' commlt
tco reached nn ngrcement and will
arbitrate tho question of an increase
in wages.
A pralrio fire, seventy-five miles
northwest of Sturgls, S. D., has
burned over a strip twenty by ninety
miles nnd done much damago to prop
erty. Captain Lorenz PatVrson, a sea ad
venturer who had taken part in ninny
perilous exploits, is dead In Yokoha
ma, according to mall advices.
Twenty-two automobiles were do
sroyed and eighteen were damaged
when flro swept tho garugo of llrok
aw brothers, one of tho largest In
Now Jersey. Loss, $100,000.
William SchneUlknccht has been
comniltteed to tho Ohio insane asylum
from Cleveland. Ho said ho was from
Patterson, N. J., where ho was Bworn
to assassinate Secretary Halllngcr.
Having heard retailers and packers
of meat In an effort to fix tho re
sponsibility for tho prevailing high
prices tho sonato commlttco has ar
ranged to take t:ic testimony of cattle
Tho condition of United States Sen
ator Daniel of Virginia, who has been
lingrlng between life nnd death for
Foino days as tho result of a stroke
of paralyis, Is somewhat Improved.
Through tho efforts of tholr grand
son. Cody Heals a reconciliation ban
been effected between Colonel W. F.
Cody (Uunnlo Hill) and Mrs. Cody.
Colonel Cody and Mrs. Cody became
estranged thrco or tour years ngo and
since that time they have lived apart
One dollar a day for all old soldiers
Incapacitated in tho scrvico Is provid
ed In a bill reported favorubly from
tho houso commlttco on military
affairs by Representntiw Sherwood
(dem., O.). Tho bill hns been before
tho committee six or seven years, and
comes beforo the houso now, ns an
amendment to a measure introduced
by Representative Townsend (ro;i.,
Mich.) providing for tho retirement of
army olllcers at tho age of seventy on
one-half or one-third pay, dependent
upon length of service.
"Siiuntters" n. unsurvoyod lands
within ino national forests, who have
occupied their tracts continuously
since, before the creation of tho forest
reserves, nnd who have complied with
the homestead law, have had their
rights Increased by an order which
has Just been issued by the secretary
of agriculture. Inch settlers can now
acquire title, prior to survey, to 100
acres a full homestead entry, where
ever possible.
Tho sennit) amendment to the cor
poration law providing that reports re
quired under tho terms of that net
shall only bo mado public when called
for by resolution of tho sennte or
bouse, or upon tho order of tho presi
dent, will not bo accepted by tbo
houso until after full discussion.
Tho qualification of Indians to as
sume tho rights of citizenship will be
determined In the future by boards
appointed by tbo commissioner of In
dit.n nflalrs, to bo known ns "compe
tency boante." This Is tbo result of
un experiment Initiated last summer
by Commissioner Valentine, when ho
appointed such a compotoncy board
for tho Omaha Indians in Nebraska.
Passing their judgment on tho re
celptB for tho (lrst eight months of tho
current year ?177.77,1:I8, internal
revenue olflclate say tho total for 1010
will show an advauco of JIII.OOO.OOO.
Stnrtllng disclosures were mado In
tho Pittaburg cases.
Weston, the walklst, Is eleven daya
nhead of bis schedule.
Representative Morris of Nebraska
Is securing many lottcrs of congratu
lation. Joseph Sears, Dodhnni. MnsB., is the
father of thirty-four children.
Mr. Roosuvclt addressed tbo stu
dents of the University of Egypt.
Death of Justlco Drawer caused
profound regret In Washington.
An export from Washington has nr
rlvcd In Omaha to study tho water
supply trouble.
Justlco David J. Ilrcwcr of tho
United States supremo court died
suddenly at Washington.
Though tho government denies tho
story, It Is pcnilstently rumored that
Abdul Hamld has gone mad,
King Albert of Brussels In onq of
tho hardest workers In his realm. Ho
rises at 5 aud Is quickly at work
Superior Court of Nebraska Decides
the Much Discussed Case from
Cherry County.
"Tho demand for farm help this
spring Is tho greatest In tho experi
ence of this department," said Deputy
Labor Commissioner Maupln. "Wo
have Bcores of applications from
farmers, nnd wo haven't a single eli
gible applicant for work on our list.
Wo could llnd good places for a groat
number of men If they are experi
enced In farm work. Five letters
from farmers this morning, every' ono
offering at least $110 a month nnd
board for single men, nnd two or
three promise an Increase If the man
secured proves all right. That's bet
ter than $2 or $2.25 a day In Uio
city. So Tar this Hanson the bureau
has received applications for farm
hands from over 400 farmers. Appli
cants for work have numbered less
than .100. Tho bureau has found
places for upwards of sixty married
men on farms at wages varying from
$30 to $.15 a month, with house, gar
den patch, nnd fuel thrown In. It Is
believed that about 150 single men
have been supplied to applicants for
help. These job peckers aro given tho
names of farmers seeking help and In
vited to write to them. They aro also
invited to apply to the bureau again
In caso they do not secure a position.
Wo have hud only two or three re
turn calls from Job seekers, which In
dicates that they have found places In
nearly every Instance.
I bcllcvo that tho bureau could llnd
farm Jobs for a hundred or more ex
perienced farm hands inside of the
noxt two weeks. But tho lure of the
city seems to bo too great. Perhaps
tho promlso of an automobile to romo
to town In every evening might be a
great temptation."
Mrs. Jordan Holds the Job.
Tho supreme court has decided that
a woman may bold the olilco of coun
ty treasurer. Judge Roso wrote this
opinion, but he did not do it without
opposition on the bench, Judge Faw
cett dissenting.
The decision arose In the manda
mus suit of Gertrude Jordan of Cherry
county, to compel E. 11. Quibble, for
mer county treasurer, to turn tho
ofllco over to her. She was elected at
tho last election by alargo majority,
after having been dputy in tho ofllco
for seven years. Judge Roso says
thero Is nothing In the law to prevent
a woman holding a ministerial office
of this nature.
Judge Lotton agrees, but for a dif
ferent reason. He states that Nebras
ka has seen the transformation of a
wilderness Into a prosperous country
In tho last fifty ears, and that wo
men In the development of the state
have, by custom, been given usual du
ties. Ho says that It would bo to ;
'turn back tho clock" to say that n
woman could not hold such a position.
Judgo Fawcett opines that there am
many women who might mako bettor
governors thnn some that Nebraska
has had, but he Insists that If a wo
man may bo elected county treasurer
and obtain tho office that she can also
bo elected governor. He very gallant
ly snj-s that ho would do anything he
could for tho aid of tho office-holding
proclivities of the sex, but that he
thinks the law is plainly against tho
woman In tho present ease.
Miner Raises Lumber.
Jess Miner of Friend called on the
governor to show him pictures of a
rorest which he planted thirty years
ago and from nn acre of which he re
cently cut 10,000 foot of lumber.
Treasurer Must Pay.
When tho regents of the state uni
versity present a warrant to tho state
treasurer for tho construction of two
experimental stations In western Ne
braska, the supremo court hold that
officer must cash taat warrant out of
tho temporary university fund.
Selling Miobrandcd Goods.
Last week L. C Thompson, who is
ngent for a Chicago grocery houso, was
arrested and fined for selling mis
branded goods to farmers In the north
ern part of tho state. Food Commis
sioner Mains tipped It oil' that the
samo thing would happen again when
Thompson attempted to deliver somo
of tho goods ordered by mall. Attor
neys for the Chicago houso havo ad
vised tho food commissioner that such
shipments uro Interstate and aro not
amenable to tho control of the No
braska law.
Governor's Auto Tax Plan.
Governor Shalleuberger's plan for
good roads provided for a tax on auto
mobiles, based on tho horse-power of
tbo machine. This plan ho will re
commend In his message to the next
legislature, though up to tho present
ho hns not worked out all of tho de
tails of tho scheme. Ho will submit
to tho legislature his knowledge of
the plan as worked out In tho east
and leave tho details to that body to
pay a tax amounting to $1 a horse
powor tho first year, gradually reduc
ing In the following yours.
It Is Made by Teachers' Reading
Tho reading circle of tho Stnto
Teachers' nssociatlon, which recom
mends books to the various school
districts of the state, and selects
books teachers must read or be un
nblc to secure a renewal of their cer
tificates, has entered into contract
with book concerns from which pur
chases are inailo to pay the expenses
of the members of the elide when
meeting, as well ns the advertising of
the books selected.
Tho companies with which this
contract has been made are Heath &
Co., Rand McNnlly nnd the Glnn com
pany. Eacli company contracted to
pay Its share of the cost or tho ex
penses of the members of the reading
circle to tho meetings. Every book
company whose publications arc chos
en by the reading circle has to chip
In so much to tho members of tho
circle, the parties who select tho
The reading circle Is composed of
Statu Superintendent! Htehop, ex
officio member; Superintendent Mc
Michael of lloldrege, Superintendent
Fred Hunter of Norfolk, president of
the Principals and Superintendents'
association; County Superintendent
Miller or Cedar county and Edith
Lathrop, county superintendent of
Clay county.
Tho board met and adopted twenty
five books for public school libraries,
and plans for the pupils' reading cir
cle. Teachers' books were also adopt
ed and n contract entered Into with
the publishers to furnish these at so
much per book. From twenty-one
publishers books were selected for
the use of the schools, but the read
ing clrclo has authority only to re
commend these books and cannot
force the school districts to buy them.
Memorial to Judge Gaslin.
The chamber of the supreme court
was occupied for an hour with men
who were tncre In memory of the Into
Judge William Gaslin. Resolutions on
his death were presented by C. C.
Flansburg and eulogistic speeches
were made by Judge F. G. Hamer of
Kearney, W. J. Furse of Alma and
Judge W. D. Oldham or Kearney. All
of these men were personally ac
quainted with Judge Gaslin. The reso
lutions follow;
Resolved: That the long and ar
duous labors of William Gaslin upon
the district bench of this state de
servo tho gratitude of this people; In
his fairness, his llrmnoss of
his scrupulous caro to maintain the
truth, his patience In exploring the
sources of the law, his steadfast pur
pose to execute justice in all these
ho disclosed a judicial mind worthy
of emulation.
Resolved: That a copy of these re
solutions bo spread upon the records
of the court and a copy be sent to
tho relatives of tno deceased as an
expression or our sympathy for them
In the loss they hnvo sustained.
Object to Suggestion.
The announcement or the Hurling
ton that it intended to give beitei
train service on Its Oxford-Hastings
line by putting on a new train, to
leave Oxford in tho morning, go to
Hastings, nnd return in the ccnlng,
has created a storm of protest l'roir.
Interested parties.-
No Relief for Dlrksen.
Harm Dlrksen, sentenced to the
penitentiary for six years from Hoyd
county, will get no relief from the su
preme court
All Classes Are Rich.
It Is evident that every class of peo
plo In Nebraska aro getting pros
perous, or aro at least enjoying pros
perity. In the bunch of applications
for automobile licenses filed the other
day was ono from a man who was un
able to slg his name, but had to mako
his mark.
Nebraska School Fund.
Tho school fund of the state Is In
vested In state, school, county and
city bonds d.ivided as follows: State
bonds, $-i,2:t7,'.lfl0; county bonds, $",
lP.S.'Jtln; Bchool district. $21:1.881.25;
city bonds, $517,500. In .Massachu
setts bonds tho school fund has in
vested $072,000 more titan has been
Invested in securities or any other
state. Tennesseo conies next as a
holder of Nebraska school money,
Treasurer Brian having bought $7!):.,
200 bonds of that state. Idaho is a
close third.
Captain Hamilton Comes to Gulrd.
Captain R. H. Hamilton, retired,
has been selected as adviser for the
adjutant general of the National
Guurd and will shortly romove from
Omaha to Lincoln with his family.
Captain Hamilton Is a sou-lu-law of
Peter Her of Omaha, a graduato of
West Point and several other military
schools. He was engineering ofl'cer
on tho stnfT of Major Gcnoral Wood
In Cuba. Whilo in Cuba lie had yel
low fever, but recovered sufficiently
to bo sent on to the Philippines.
Wlillo there bo was retired.
May Be Paroled.
Andrew Kruplckn, a 15-year-old boy,
convicted of murder In the second de
gree nnd sentenced to the peniten
tiary for ten yenrs, may . bo paroled
within a short time by Governor Shnl
lenborgcr. Kruplckn was sent to tho
penitentiary for killing his foster
father. Tho crime was comniltteed In
Cheyenno' county, bcntcnco bolng
passed October 8, 1000. It Is said that
tho man who was killed treated Km
plckn's mother In a brutal manner
and that there was somu question for
a time as to whether the boy or his
mother did the killing.
Tells Men at Belleville. III., Not to
Ec Alarmed, and All Will Do
Well Shutdown General
All Over Country.
St. Louis, Mo. "Don't be alarmed
over the outcome of this affair; don't
be afraid that we will not bo ablo to
sign up an agreement. It will bo nil
over within thirty days. Anyhow, this
is good fishing weather."
This was the advice of Thomas L.
Lewis, president of the United Mine
Workers of America, in addressing
11,000 of the 75,000 Illinois mine
workers who have quit work at Belle
ville Friday afternoon.
"It isn't work wo want," he con
tinued. "We're wIIIIiik to do our part,
but wo want a full and complete Bharo
of the results of our labor, and nevei
will bo satislled until wo get it."
In an interview, after his address,
Mr. Icwis expressed absolute con
fidence in the outcome of the present
suspension of work, and said the
miners will win out in all their de
mands within thirty days in all tho
fields, with the possible exception of
Illinois and western Pennsylvania. In
these latter fields, be says, conditions
arc different than in the others, and
more timo may bo necessary berore
negotiations may be concluded.
"I want to say again," he said, "that
this is not a strike. It Is just a vaca
tion, and the miners really will enjoy
It. I do not look Tor any shortage of
coal, nor for nnj niffcrlng among the
men. Tho mines throughout tho coun
try have had a big run Tor the past
four months, and hundreds of thou
sands of tons of coal in excess of the
usual output are now stored by the
"The men are prosperous, nnd the
unions, with very few exceptions, have
large reserve funds on hand, so 1 fail
to see where anybody will Buffer be
cause of a temporal;, shutdown."
Several of the most extensive oper
ators In the country have made offers
for a settlement, according to Mr.
Lewis, but In each instance he lias
refused to negotiate, or ta permit them
to reopen their mines, even though
piomislng to pay the now wage scalf
from April 1.
"This question must be settled ns a
general proposition, and not through
individual operators," he said.
Mr. LcwIb spoke Friday night at a
miner,' celebration at Marissa. 111., and
departed for Indianapolis, where he
will spend Sundn. Sunda he Intends
to depart Tor the Pennsylvania, fields.
More Land for Settlement.
Washington. Approximately 12,875
acres or land In .Montana were Friday
designated by Secretary Halllngcr for
settlement under the enlarged home
stead act. This land, it was said, was
not susceptible of successful Irrigation
nt a reasonable cost from any known
source of wnter supply. This makes n
total of 22.S88.240 acres in Montana
which have been designated for settle
ment under the ait.
Important Express Change.
New York.-The American Express
company Friday superseded the Pacific
Express- company on the Union Pacific
railroad. The change, according to
James ('. Fargo, president of the Amor
lean company, means the establish
ment of 1,000 new offices by tho Amer
ican coinrnny and the extension of tbo
eompnn'.s business to tho Pacific
Garage at Omaha Burned.
Omaha. Neb. The garage aud auto
mobile livery of II. E. Frederlckson &
Co,, at Twenty-second and Earnnm
streets, wns entirely destroyed by a
lire which started shortly before 2
o'clock Saturday morning. Tho auto
mobiles belong mostly to prlvnto own
ers. The loss will ecced $75,000.
Nebraska Appointments.
Washington. Hurry ('. Kink ha
been appointed" postmaster at Rock
foul. Gage count), vice II. ('. Day, re
signed. William II. Hcall has been appointed
rural carrier and Earl C. Adams ap
pointed substitute at Oxford.
Civil service examination will be
held May 7 for rural carriers at At
Abolish Six for Quarter.
Des Moines, la. Official announce
ment wan made Friday by tho Dcs
Moines City Railway company that
the practico of selling six street car
fnreH for a quarter is discontinued
owing to the recent Increase In wages
granted the men and Increased cost of
Have the Evidence Ready.
Pittsburg, Pa. It wub learned Fri
day that after n three months' Investi
gation, federul officers nre ready to
present to n special grand Jury here
next Monday evidence proposing to
Bhow that tho Imperial Window Glass
company Is a trust In violation of tho
Sherman act.
Tho corporation formed under tho
laws of West Virginia Is said to con
trol thirty-three large manufacturers
of window glass In eleven different
ble Compound Cured Her1
Knoxville, Iowa. "I suffered with
pains low down in my right sldo for a
year or more and was so weak and ner
vous that I could not do my work. I
wroto to llrs.rink
ham and took Lydia
E. rinkham'3 Vcgo
tablo Compound
and Liver rills, and
am glad to say that
your medicines and
kind lettora of di
rections havo done
more for mo than
nnythinp else- nnd I
had tho best physi
cians bore. I can
do mv work and rest
well at night. I beliovo there is noth-
ing jiko uio l'jnKriam rcmcuics." - --
Mrs f!rni liv-i.-5 T? T T TJn. !l "r
knoxvillc, Iowa.
The success of Lydla E. Tlnkhnrn's
Vegetable Compound, mado from roots
andf herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo
used with perfect confidence by women
who Buffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
booring-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. Tor thirty yearn Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound lias been the
etandard remedy for femalo ills, and
suffering women owe it to themselves
to at least givo this medicino a trial
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
not euro youV
If you wantsppcial artvico write
rdrs.Pinkluun, Lynn, Mass., for it.
It is free act! always helpful.
A Terrible Risk.
Typhoid had broken out In their
neighborhood and tho family resorted
to travel as tlio best means of precau
tion until the trouble should mibsldc.
They arrived at Quebec by tbo
morning boat, intending to take It to
Montreal in the evening, but tho sight
peers got tired and returned early In
the afternoon to find tho top of the
smoke stack on a level with tho deck,
tho tide having dropped 18 feet.
"Mnmnm." cried tho llttlo girl, "did
GotTMriuU up all that water?"
"Yes, my child."
"Then hadn't we hotter tell him
wasn't boiled?"
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
b; lc-c&l appllc.-itior-?, us liny cannot ruti UiodLv
i-UMil iMrtii-u t-l lli ar. 'ilit-ru ta only uno way to
cure lm!n. nnd tlmt H by ronMltutiuruil rcmitlka.
DcaIikwi t chukO by an Inflamed innilltlon ol tlie
mucous llnlnK l tlin Iltt'.tiHtiLin Tube. When tdla
tutm In l-itlaniol yiiu licvr u ruinWIm; uminrt nr tin
Ik rlcct iK-arbk-. and ulii-n It la entirely rlrard. Oral-iu-sn
is the r ;Hilt un) lirilttH the InllMnmutlon run t
taken out at-d till) luti restored to lis uonrml condi
tion, licannc will l il.-struyid forever: nine casnt
rut of ten am rai.Mil by CntArrli, vrlUch Is noltims
but an Inflamed co-.dltl'm nt tlio mucoai mirf.-u-cH.
Wi will pwi' Ono Hundred IXillfun for ruoy cam ot
DrafmiM (cuuimsI by catarrh) thai cannot bo cured
by Jlul.'B CilMrli 1'iirni hend for circulars, frte,
r .i. chi:.n'i:v & co.. loiuio. o.
Hold tiy t)nngll, S.v. ,
Take li&U'b l'ainlly 1'ilL) for constipation.
Vindictive Cuss.
"Ugh"' i-plultcred Mr. Jones. "That
nut had a worm In it."
"Ht-re," urj;cd a friend, offering him
a glass of water, "drink this and wash
it down."
"WaMi It down!" growled Jones.
"Why should I? Lot him wnlk!"
Important to Mothors.
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOIUA, a safe nnd Buro remedy for
Infants nnd children, nnd sco that it
Tloni-e tw
Signature rt(J!aflf7&
In Use For Over HO Years.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought.
Another Investigation.
Ruble Mniden Is kissing proper?
Encina Youth Wo might Investi
gate. Two heads aro better than one.
Stanford Chaparral.
Cured Right at Home
tr JiLItCTUOrODHS. Nfr Electric Treatment.
GJanie Intolet opi' nd tine wwn mlde
ihi. ImJioMteentircbody. Nrrrei become "lira
wlrn." 1-otltlvo cure far Kheunutiun, NeurtlcU.
lUclache. Kl-Joey ami Liver comiJilcU. r,lo
only 11.00. Your money returned U not tithbrtory.
durante tlmrd with each tile, ricctropodei are
mailable. II not at your Dnicgttt'i, td ut J 1. 00.
SUM whether lor rnaa or woman,
western ELEcntoronE CO,
213 Loo Ancclca St, Loa Atmelro, Cr.1.
Ajiplo InndH. Irult farinn. Htovlc runelie-j.
All.ilfu, Corn, Wlwit, Onut. Wo crow every.
tUliiif. IIhto firm climate, l'ajctto Vnllcy 1
nol(nawleili:i-(l to 1! tins lt watered valley in
tho Brcat Nortliwi-r t. IitIkuUiii litlilrii;. Como
nnd m' nn or wrllo for loformatlou uud freu
llteraturu to
PAYETTE LAND CO., Poyotte, Idaho.