The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 07, 1910, Image 1

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    A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
VOLUME xxxv m.
APRIL 7. 1910.
A check account will not only help'you
to spend your money economically, but
h will also aid to save money systemat
ically. When you have a record of
every cent you pay ou (which you will
have if you pay by check) you will be
more careful of your expenditurer. A
check account gives you a complete re
cord of every cent you spend. You get
a receipt for each bill paid. You have
safety tor your funds and convenience
for your business transactions. Pay by
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
j (Delayed)
' Mr. unri M rs. Clarence Horrick spent
, Sunday at Lytnau Hcrrick's near
The farmers are all getting busy
this fine weather breaking atalks, disk
ing and plowing.
Mrs. Wm. Mooro drove to Upland
Saturday to attend tho funeral of her
brother's little child.
The hour for Sunday School at the
Une Tree bchool house Iihs been
V changed from two o'clock to ten thirty
V a. m.
Mrs. Nottie Warner who lives be
tween IUverton and Franklin wus
risking her slbter Mrs. Kmlly Harvey
all of last week.
There has been several bad fireH in
this part of tho county lately. People
should kuow better than to start flros
when the wind is blowing.
Miss Lacy Decker visited her sister
over Sunday.
Miss Grace and l.ue Frlsbio were
home over Sunday.
Mrs. Emlck and son were visiting
Porter Hale's Sunday.
Mr. Jake Fry and wife were visiting
their parents Sunday.
mub Pnrn Wnnsuur was awful dls
appointed Sunday, wonder why
Mr. 15111 Dillen was seen ou 5 A. V.
fctreot Saturday night with a coon.
Aimer and Harry Mouia visitod a
few days at their Uncle's, O Rasser.
Good many of the Lester peoplo
have been planting potatoes this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasser were
neon on tho streets of Guide Rock
At last the nw passenger on tho B.
nd M., has started which makes it
convenient for the youug folks.
Mr. Jim Doyle says, he Is through
thrashing and shelling. So ho needn't
worry about being fooled any more.
Miss Ada IJaker is still quite ill.
Debbie Colvin is among the latest to
take the measles.
Mrs. Terrillof Colorado has bein
the guest of her sisterMra. John Yung.
The L.T. L. were triTem a party. at
the home of Mrs. John Yung Friday
Mrs. Henry Brittou 'had tho W. C.
T. U. meet with her last Wednesday
Mrs. Blizeboth McClain of Carlson,
Iowa arrived hero Friday to visit her
brother John Dunbar and family.
Four of tho six teacuers ror tho
(luldo Rook schools have boon chosen.
Miss KlBle Klrkpatrlck, (Irummar
Mrs. Christlo Patmore, Iutermedtato
Miss Lolo Hunter, 2nd Primary
Miss Ora Burwoll, 1st Primary
Tho principal ami assistant are yet to
be elected.
It is report that Frank Dlckcrsou
has sold his building on the cast side
of Main street to Vernon Dudley who
will put in a stock of drugs.
Abe and Albert Schobourg have re
ceived word of the death of their
only sister Mrs. Ralph Conner, at
Groom, Missouri. She loft a child
but a few days old.
The funeral of Rob't T Jewell was
held at the family home Friday after
noon April 1 Rev. J. M.Steeley preach
ed the sermon. Mr. Jowell was broth
er of Mrs. H. Garbor, Mrs. F. R. Crary
and James Jewell. Mis wifo and other
relatives have tho sympathy all in
their bereavement.
At the pleasant home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Bailey a dinner was served
Thursday March .11 in honor of the
85th birthday of Mr. E. O. Parker,
father of Mrs. Bailey. Only relatives
and a few old timo friends wore invit
ed. Mr. Parkor was born at New Bed
ford, Massoehusotts in 1825. He mov
ed to Iowa iu 18u4 and to Webster Co.,
Nebr., In 1874. fc'or sixteen years he
was postmaster at Guide Rock. His
wife was 80 years old November last.
Uoth are Btrong and well for their
George Jennings and family called
on Guy Barnes and wife. Sunday.
' Mr. Tompson is hauling his lumber
from Red Cloud this week for his new
T. W. White was hauling hay to
Red Cloud Thursday and Friday and
he got a good price.
Barnes and Fisher flnlshod plowing
Friday. They plowed thirty acres in
four days and aro ready to sow oats.
Tho March winds nre over and the
April breezes havo come audthe April
showers will come latter that bring
May flowers.
Mauley's and Wiggins' are getting
ready for a rain by ditching their
farms so tho water will run off and
not drowned out their crops.
'I he assessor started out down wind
mill row Tuesday morning with his
hut a littlo to one side and a pencil
stuck over oue ear and driving his
book keeper's horse. Ho looks like a
business man.
Georgo Harris expects to have a nice
orchard in timo for ho set out livo
hundred trees this wock. Let the
good work go on for you arc the apple
of my eye and we will see you lator
when they are ilpe.
Leu Miiuger and Robbins were out
driving ou wind null row last week
and the horbc took a little run aud
turned tho corner at Harris avenue
and Munger aud Robbins went ou
down tho row. Muugcr gathered him
self up aud looked around to see if ho
was all together nnd found he was
laid up for a few repairs and ho said
that "Will Kent and the Woodmen
Accident would take care of him" but
Robbins says "I atu't in it."
For Catarrh
Medicine Free In Every Case Where It
Falls to Relieve
Josh Billings Says
"Life is short. If it ain't jolly it ain't
worth living."
You miss your share of fun and pleasure if you oiait for that
Why not buy it now. We have an easy
payment plan ask about it.
A complete' clean stock of ma
chines and a full list of records.
Victors $10 to $750. Records 60c to $7
Edison $ 1 2.50 to $200. Records 35c to $ I .
Mr. and Mrs Al. Decker and Mr.
and Mrs. Nod Uurd spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Rasser's.
Oats are coming up fine but the high
winds aro hutting the wheat. It is
killed out pretty badly In spots.
Hilly Reuse had a very sick horse
Sunday. Dr. Ashcr stayed with it all
night. It is better at this writing.
Mrs Geo. Pierce and Mrs. C H.Rust
are rivals in the chicken business.
They each have two hundred and
fifty of the feathery tribe about two
weeks old.
At 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon,
April Gth, 1910 occurred at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson tho
wedding of their youngest daughter,
Miss Hazel Robertson to Mr. John
Rasser son of Ed. Rasser. The rela
tives of both families to a goodly
numbor attended the occasion. Many
very nice and usefull presents were
given the happy pair. The bride and
groom havo grown up in our vacinity
and are woll and favorably known.
We wish them all the pleasure and
success possible. They will com
mence house keoplng on the Geo.
Mann farm on Elm Creek near Amboy.
George Harris sholled oorn Monday.
Buffers shollod the Hall corn Tncs.
Ray Davis culled ou Will Fishor
J Sunday.
Fred .Smith moved uorth of Iuavalo
Jay I'opo was out on wind
Monday ou business.
Ray Davis and Pete Manloy called
on Frank Smith Sunday.
Neglect or pessimism, we believe, ia
the greatest enemy the public has to
contend with when applied to the loss
or recovery of health. Practically
every case of consumption might have
becu cured if hope had been main
tained aud proper treatment had been
resorted to at the first symptom of tho
disease. Until tho advanced stage 1b
reached consumption is curable.
Catarrh is responsible, we believe, for
many cases of consumption. ,. It, is
about catarrh wo want to talk to you
today, incidentally consumption, since
the two arc so closely allied.
Wo have a medicine made from a
proscription of one of tho most suc
cessful catarrh specialists known.
We believe, it is positively without an
equal. We aro so satisfied that we are
right, that wo will supply tho medi
cine free in every instance when It 1b
used according to directions for a
reasonable length of time, should it
fail to give satisfaction in every par
ticular. We want every ono to try
this mcdlcino at our risk. There are
no conditions attached to our offer.
Wo put the user under no obligation
to us whatevor.
The mcdlcino wo waut you to try is
Rcxall Mucu-Tonc. It is a catarrh
remedy that goes direot to the seat of
trouble. It is carried by the blood to
every part of the system. It purifies
and qnriches the blood, tones up the
mucous cells, and brings about a con
dition of hoalth and strength that
tends to provent the germs of con
sumption from getting a start. De
Bides this, Rezall Mucu-Tone Is a won
derful appetizer, digestive aid and
flesh builder. Its good off eta are of ten
felt from tho very flret dose. It is one
of the largest and most satisfactory
selling medicines that we have ever
had anything to do with.
Wo know bo much of tho great good
that it has doue that we nersonnllv
beck it up with our reputation aud
money, which fact should bo ample
guarantee ,to satisfy anybody. Roxall
Mucu-Tone comes'in two sizes, 50 cents
aud 81. Wo urge you to try it. Re
member you can obtain Rexall Reme
dies in Ketl Cloud only at our store,
Save $25 to $40
H 'B
500 Pounds
Other Sizes at Other Prices
The Best Separator Ever Sold tvt any Price
Surpasses alt others in
Efficiency, Simplicity andZDurablllfy
Absolutely Guaranteed by the
Lincoln, Nbr.
Come In, See One and Take Advantage of this Great Opportunity.
GEO. TRINE, Agent.
The Rexall Store.
Drug Co.
The II K. Grlco
Weather Smnaryftr March 1010
Temperature: Highest 01 on the 22,
lowest 18 ou the 31. Precipitation:
Total T, Hnow T on 0. Number of
days clear 29, partly cloudy 1, cloudy
1. Prevailing wind south 11 days.
CllAS. H. Luii,ov.
For Sale or Trade.
A 1 1 room brick house biiitablo for
keeping roomers and boarders if tie
blred. Slzo of building 24 x 43, story
and a half high, 18 lots and a fraction
of 0 lots, electric Ilirhts and water in
liouso. For further information In
quire at Chief olllco.
Utter List.
Libt of letters remaiuiug uuoalled
for at poatolllco at Red Cloud, Neb.
for the wook ending April. 7, 1010.
M. O. Donnell.
Tho'so will bo bont to tho dead lottor
office April Slbt, 1010, if uncalled for
before. When calling for abovo ploaso
say "advertised."
T. C. llACKKit, Postmaster
THE Clilcait Specialists!
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
Pkiimaxknt omcB '
Rod Cloud, -Royal Hotel
Consultation Free, in German and
Thursday, Kay 5th, 1910
The Chief $1.50
Good Farm For Sale
on reasonable Terms, Also somo good
City rcbldonces for bale. Inquire of
Cmi:r Oi'fioi:.
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