I Mh','fUmZi.rwBkjL HK4V4iU. h. j. Krtr sji Lf Order To Show Cause. Webster County, f "-ine County Court Am County Court held at tlio County Court room In nud for Hiilit county Monday March lUli A. I., 11)10. lNlh matter of Hi cilute of Krli'k I'!. liuriiuin, Dccrnnril. 0.4 rending find IIIIiik the petition of Olc Hcri(tnnii filed on llio llth diiy of March A. It., IHIO, untying for the examination nml al lowance of IiIh II mil nccount of tlit hiumi .Wle, mi order dlHtrlliutliiK IIiithIIuo of per sonal ratal and there upon nn order iIIh- 'linrgltiK "tin from further hiirden und her- lee In hi wild ollleottHivclmliilstrnlor. OitiiKUKU, That Tuesday tho 0th dny of April A. P., 11)10, nt nun o'clock . ill., IkuhkIkiiciI for heiirlni! laid petition, when nil purNoim IntcrcMlcd In nld mttttiir limy apiienr nl a County Court to lie held In nud for H.'ihl founty nnd hhowenuso why prayer ol pell" lloucrHhould not liu Knotted; and that notice of tho pendency of mild petition nud the hear lui; thereof ho ulveu to till persoim Interested In K.'ild matter, by puhllidilnK a copy of this order In the Kcd Cloud Chief, u weekly nevn paper printed In wild county, for three eon Heeullvu weeks prior to said day of hearing si:i,1 I, W. Kiison County. luduc. C.A.SCHDLIZ&CO. Real Estate Brokers Order U Show Cause. I In Tho County Court Stale of Neliraskn, WotMtcr County. At ft County Court held nt tho County Court room In nnd tor rinld county Tliurmlny, March tOlh A. I)., IHIO. In tho matter of the estate of Hunan I.. Ilaxlor, Iecaned. On roadlng and mini; the petition of Sarah M. Ilaster filed on th 10th day of March A. I., 1910, praylnic for the xri initiation and nl loiraneoot her llunl account of thenainodate, n decree of anslKiiniciit of the land belong lilt to tiald eitato to th perionn entitled to tliciamo, an ordur dlntrlhutluc the reslduo (if personal etat and there upon nn order tltioharglug hr from further burden nnd uttrvlc In hur Maid ofllc M Kxecutrtx. OltliKHKI), that Wednesday the (1th dny of April A. I). 1010 at '1 o'clock p. in., Is cnli;ncd for henrlng Raid petition when nil psruons intereHted In said innttcrj'tuny ap pear at a County Court to ! held In nnd for Nald County and rthow emu why prayer of Petitioner should not 1 granted; nud that notice of the pendency of nald petition nud tho hearing thereof hu given to nil persons Interested In said inattr, by publishing a copy of till order In th Ked Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, fur three coiuecutlv week prior to said dny mI hearing. I. V. Kihon, (Him)) County . I udge. Order t Shiw Caise. fltato of Nebraska I In thn Cllllltv Court Welwtcr County ( '" ,I10l'0UI' -" At a County Court hold at the County Court room In nnd for said county Thursday, March 10th A. P., 1910. In tho matter of tho estate of John llarrttt, Deceased. O.i raadlug aud Ming the petition of John A. McArthur llled on the 10th dny of March A. I)., IUI0, praying for the examination nnd allowance of hit ilnul account of tho nam date, an ordor adjudicating tho claim of Oeorgc A. Chamberlnln and distributing tho residua of poruoual estate nud there upon an order discharging him from further burden and service In his said olllco as administrator. OttiiKitKii, That Wednesday tho (till dny of April A. 1). 11)10, nt 10 o'clock it. m., I assigned for hearing nald petition when all porsoui Interested In said matter may appear nt ii County Court to bo held In and for wald county nnd show eauso why prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice ol the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof hu given to nil persons Interested lu said matter, by publishing u copy of this order lu tho Ited Cloud Chief, a weakly newspaper printed In said county, for three eonsecuthi' weeks prior to said day of hearing. hKM.) I. W. Kiison County;Judge. you V .oau any of Fare, We have a select list of lands in E istern Colorado, Cen tral and Western Kansas and Nebraska. We have the best of facilities for showing these lands at no expense to yon except Rail which will be refunded if you purchase from us. Before deciding upon location it would be well to call at our office and see on the map just where our lands lie. We can locate vou close to any of these towns: AKRON, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, BIRD CITY, KANSAS, GARDEN CITY. KANSAS, AND RED CLOUD, NEB Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOU THE LANDS REMEMBER "One personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." We loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C. A. SCHULTZ (3. CO. Potter Block. Red Cloud. Nebraska. aa!rt;aafcaKayf&a J. IF YOU WANT a monument for Decoration day place your order NOW! ill WV A vm IITtTII V T TFt 1 rLALt, II Wlltl Ud and it will receive the most careful attention. Material first class, workmanship un excelled. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. iJSStWAWW! Order t Show Cause SWlSlHto!Jc!i:y: '"ho County Court' At a County Court hold at the County Court room In and for tiald county Satur day, March lllth A. I)., 1910. In lh mutter of tho entftlo of Hannah A. Sauiutara, Deceased. On reading and llllnc the petition of Samuel Maunder praying that administrat ion of aald CHtate may he granted to hlmielf, tho haUI Hamuel Hauud.ru, a AdtulnlHtrator. OitiiKUKU, that Wednesday tho 13th dny of April A. n. 11)10, at ono o'clock j. in., U anlgnod for hearing vatd petition when all ticrsoun Interested In said matter may appear si a County Court to b. held In and for wild 4'ounty and mIiow raiiio why prayer of petitioner iihould not he Krnuted; nnd that iiollreof the pendency of Mild petition nud the henrlui; thereof be given to nil persons luteiented In Niild niutler, by publUhliiK n vopy of llilx order lu the Ited Cloud Chief, n weekl) uownpaptr prlnUd In wild eounty, for Ihrceeouseeuihe weeks prior tohtilddny f lienrlng. I. v. Uiiidn, (Sl'a,) .. ... mty .ludgi. I Order to Show Cnusc. Minti of Nebraska, i i i,.,.-llim. . ,,,,., ! Webstoi County, i '" "" ( l,,n,h "'" l ' Ala Cpunt Court held at the I ouiii ourt room in nud fur mi il cnuiii) I'uimIii.. I March Utilh.. A. I.. HUH. In the malterof tin itialcuf .lle.v II. liar-' M-y Deeeahed. ' on itmllUK and IIIIiik the petition ol Noah i:. Harvey llled on the J'.llh dny of Mureli A. !., IIUD. prulim for IheoMiiiiliiatlouniid nl- j iii:uii'(mii ins iinai iieeoiini u( the kuiiiw dale, a di en e of ut-slunnu'iit of the liindo he- . iiinlni; toKnidfhtntftotlif persons intiilid lolhosanii, and Iherc upon an order din- fhirKlim him from furiliir hiiiilen and sii- leu lu M said oilli e as ndiuliilhirntor. oiinhui.ii. rii.it I'uiMlay the mth dnj uf jirll A. I), miu. ut one o'eloek p. in., Is iim. Hluued for hiailui; said petition uluu all jieiKons Illicit -till in said inattir iun up. pear at u Cntiui) Court to be held lu and for said louul) audshoM caus. why praer ol potltlonitr should not be urn nt fd; and Hint notleeof Ihepeiulene) of said petition und thehearlni; tluriof be kImii to all jiersons Interested In unlit uialler. by piibllshlni; n lopyoflhls order In Hie Ited Cloud chief, n weekly newspaper printed In said county, for thri c consiculh e wcckH prior to said day ol Inarlnu'. 1. v. i;nsos t!'H) l oilllt Jlidrff. SHIGHESTER SPILLS Swift's Premium Notice Farmers & Breeders Hams or That the Porolioron Stullion, Maii- Bacons. TEAC (07079) importud from I'ranoe in . 1911) by Strcitni & Wilson of Creton, , Iowa, is registered in tho American breeders and Importer's l'oruhuron KeKistery, and that his recorded num ber is r2922. Color and Description, Black. 1'KDiaiiKE: Folded June 0, 1905; bred by M.TisonComtnunoof Sarsncs, department of Surthe; got by Duussot (51721) ho by Ayor 37350 (13115) he by Boutoo (lOoHO) he by Picador III. 5078 (4815) ho by Picador 1254 (780) ho by Picador (14331) he by Favori. Dam: Charmauto (2IJ385) by Ver mouth (5497) ho by Picador I (1330) he bv Itayard (9195) he by Estaba 187(700) he by a son of Jean Lo Ulanc (739). BLOCK V BOY and MAKTEAU will make this Huiihon at tho Day barn. R. C. BORUIM Ow.vnii Rural phono No. 103. xiS&s' PUBLIC LAND SALE! In order to close up the estate of the late ERIC BERGMAN, of Cather ton Township, Webster County, Nebr. we will sell at public sale, on Wednesday, Apr. 13, '10 at 1:00 o'clock, P. ML, sharp, the following Land, viz: The Northeast Quarter of Sec. 20, Town 3, Range 1 2 The Southeast Quarter of Sec. 20, Town 3, Range 1 2; and The Southwest Quarter of Sec. 2 1 , Town 3, Range 1 2. All in Webster County, Nebraska. Sale to take place ON THE LAND, on the above date Without FAIL. TERMS OF SALE Purchaser must pay one-fourth (1-4) of the purchase price in cash, balance on or before FIVE YEARS, with interest at 6 per cent, payable annually. rurchaser may have thirty days to make up the First cash payment; Provided, that he will one-fifth of the first cash payment, on day of sale, as a forfeit should he fail to pay the balance of payment within the 30 days given him. rs? ri i4..ii a . i m td& dius suDmuceci co me mictionecr in writing Dy parties wno can not be present, have proper attention. ERIC and OLE BERGMAN, AGENT FOR THE HEIRS, Campbell, Nebraska. J. D. FULTON, Auct. Riverton, Nebraska. pay the will Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. SUNNY SIDE. U. G. Martin was hauling corn to Will lloboi tMiu'h lust week. John Ratlijen lot a horse while working in the Hold lust week. John Uasser is moving his feed and machinery on Geo. MnnnVpluco which he has rented. How tho merry March wiuds do blow. Will it blow up rain is tho question among the farmers Geo. Pierce is improving very well from so severe a sickness. He will be up In a fow days if he continues gain ing strength Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bonse hare tho sympathy of their friends in the death of their little Ave months old son Charles. lie was laid to rest in the Red Oloud cemetery Sunday, March the 27th, 1910. Though they seo his little form no more yet as the Minis ter comforted them in these words 1 'Suffer little children to come unto mo and forbid them not, for of such is tho Kingdom of Heaven, though he can not come to me, yet I may go to him." A most blessed and comforting thought in time of sorrow. UNDERTAKING We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls clay or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services ofjJAlbright Brothers on Short Notice withoutJExtra Charge to Patrons. Col. J. if. Ellingcr AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every caso. I'mlorstands pedigrees and stock values. Many years experience. I'hono im anytime. . ... Red Cloud, Nebr. &'W-'WW''WWi'a 'V'W Ar'W'WW J G. A. HELLS COWLFS, NEBR. DIAMOND BRAND 'f;7' r" a I.AIW! I A-l( uur ' lirnrrfM for CIU-CHIfS-rKIl S JJIA.MI Ci OI.II Kiblx DriiPKlJt limioMi nit i m i 14,1.11, fr twuiiv flv years i -liird t 1? t,Pifet,A' y U' liable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ill jour llpujrrfl, for cni.ciiuH.rKit 4 a lAMONll I'KANI) J'H.I.S in Km ntulA iu nutal'l-; Iioxm, 6calcl with ItlueCO) bum. Takk no oniiin. liu r jour v urKlJt nml u.U Ue rll.CIIK.TI IIH v S. J. GUNNilNGtUM DENTIST ucccssor to Or J. S. KMIGII At the old stand over the A Few of the Good Things Dill Vickies IHa per doz Sour Pickles lOo " " Swoot Pickles loo " " Hulk Olives loo " " Ilorso liadish 10c per bottle Catsup v Wo " Colery Kellsli ". . . . . 10c " ' Mustard li)c "J glass Olomargerine Uutter.. .20 v L'.'ic per lb Oysters r.O A (lOo per .qt YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Meat Market S?x- 41 Widow's Pension. The recent act of April lllth. UD3 gives to all soldiers' widows u pension of'-Upir monlh. Tied "Maunr, 1 1 W. C. T. D. ITEMS. (This Space Itclonu's to tho W. C. T. U.) Whiskey curses the univei.se. Sa loons can not run without boys any more than a mill can run without irruin. 100.00H men go down to destruct ion every your through the drink habit. 100,(00 boys must take their place to keep the ranks full. Whose boys? youth or mine or both, also G0,000 girls go down tho Great While Way each year Is our girls safoV No, not while we sell them through tho licensed saloon. We sell our girls and boys for a price, for los than Judas sold the Savior. So long as we license tho Saloon with its walls and through Its influence will be concocted schemes to lead men and women to destruction. There is a way to rid our town of this snaro and curse. If tho Christian people and the better moral element will lay aside the sins that so easily beset them. Partisan, greed of guiu and oilico seeking, vote tho way they preach und pray "O Lord thy King dom come thy will be done in earth as lu Heaven." We can overcome dentil, hell and the saloon, Will you do it? "Fear nor he who can destroy the body, but rather him who can destroy both soul and body." If there Is a re deeming feature in strong drink who can show It socially, morally or spirit ually. Socially it makes it man a boor. Morally It depraves him and makes him lower than the brute. Splrituallv it debars hlin of Heaven for "No drunkard shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. ' Head, relied, think and then vote f'oi" your boys and girls and your fellow man Which is the most honorable and profitable woik for women Raising boys for the saloon to destiny or work lug to enillcate the uloon and tryln,' n s ivr ur lu To All Concerned. Complaint has been made to tho Hoard of Kducatiou that mcrchnuts are selling smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco and cigars to minors. The patrons of the school look to the Hoard and its truant olllcer for the enforce ment of such lavs, the violation of which impairs school discipline and school otlluioncy. The Board of Kducation hereby appends those sect ions of the Statutes pertaining to the sale of tobacco to minors and serves notice to all concerned that tho violat ion of the same must bo discontinued, lly Ordkh ok Hoard ok Education. COUHEY'S STATUTES, L,AWS l'JOi). Sec. 2301. Can not sell to minor. That heroaftor no person, firm or association, or corporation in this state shall sell, give or furnish in any way any tobacco in any form whatso ever, or any cigarettes or cigarette paper to any minor under eighteen years of age. Sec. 23G'- Ponalty for violation. That any person, firm, association or corporation violating the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction thereof, for each nud every offense, be fined In a sum of not less than twenty dollars aud not more than fifty dollars, and costs of suit, or bo imprisoned for not less than ten or more than thirty days, in the direction of tho court. Seo. UilOIJ. Unlawful to sdl or give away cigarettes or cigarette paper. That it shall be unlawful on and alter the date this act shall go into oll'ect to manufacture, sell, give away or willingly allow to be taken any cigaiettes or tho material for their composition known as cigarette paper within tho State or Nebraska. Sec 'J-'ltH. Penalty for violation of act. ' That any person, firm or associat ion, or corporation in thisstate violat ing the provisions of this act ho or they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be lined for each and every such oil'ense, a sum not less thau $;0 nor more than S100 at the discretion of tho Court to gether with costs of prosecution. Sec. U36!i. Manager or director of corporation violating act Peunlty. Any olllcer, director or manager having in charge or control either separately or jointly with others the business of any corporation which cor poration violates the provisions of this act If ho have knowledge of the samo, shall bo guilty and subject to the ponalty herein provided. 18 :ti 100 8fi it 80 100 l)(? 15 "H 100 91 -'l 70 100 115 I -i 2 100 HI II Til 100 II j Grades Hoys Ulrls uradu I Hoys Girls Grade ;i Hoys Girls The boys aud girls who rank highest in their respective grades in spelling aro as follows: Grade :t Kalph Nowhouse, Ellcry Hooper, Merwio Kdson, Mil dred Mercer, Myra Evans. Josephine Reigle, Beatrice McAllister. Grade 1 Hobert Blackledgc, Merlyu Boner, Eugene Strayor, Fountain Pincher, Mable Koontz, Flora Osborne, May Holler, Thclma Lamborn, Margaret Dickson, Ethel Coon, Vaughn Moranville, Fern Thornton. Grade 5 Cecil Barrett, Konneth John ston, Clifford Pope, Russell Jones, Ernest Nowhouso, Teresa Reigle, Oreta Tur nuro, Anna Koubal, Bessie Harvei, Pearl McCoukoy Faith Koont., Neva d a Mackey, Lldia 1'rout, Ilolon Green, liertha Havel, Mabel Lamborn, Pearl Carpenter Grade G Glenn Fern, Jack Flnchcr, Lewis Schultz, Raymond Turnure, Florence Johnston, Prudn HuiVer. Georirhi Clnn. con, RubyCiobfe. Marguorlto Fogol, Gladys Frye, Hazel Doll", Nellie Fineher, Nora Leggott, Cleuiio Roubal, Kuih II Uhsong.Jennio Miner, Zelmu Wonderly, Nettle Springer, Beatrix McKeigh iiii. Grade 7 Everett Stroup, Blanche Honor, Auva Dow. Maurluo Caldwell. Pearl Ilndley Laura Pierce, Bertha Osborn, CATARRH Red Cloud School's Bi-monthly Spelling Contest. Nu. lilUlin pill l uimli" lloyn III (Mils it ( i null u lih Imtot piTrti' 10 I lllltll h rvi in 11HI axi'i'iiKi M.llnll'li,' 6&&YS & WP HAY-FEVER RMaA 4F4 i roLU fiJH vw sy ' & 'flttfYW Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. gives relief at once. Itcliwoi, soothes, bonis nud pri)tr..ff, tl,0 dNon..l jiiemhrano walling from Oufnrrli 4ind drives away a Cold lu th. He. d f in. 1.1 v. .'stores tho tWcsof Taste ,. 1 I .a-ty t o two. roi.t.iins i,., Ii ul us rtr. m" ppllrd into the no ills nml ". r'.. i - . ,-iii-, 4u ccmi i,r ini in ,, il r .., -. " ' " '. iniiiiiii I'rr.iia n,.,,i i ,. , " --V...I, . . 1 ; r 7r. !'. iy M ngijx 1 i 1 '!. .cu.inmHSRs r.i v Vn k