The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1910, Image 5

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    A "
"I wished I had known of Chi-Namcl before my
floors were rcfinished" was an expression often hcaid
among the many ladies who attended the Chi-Namel
Demonstration at C. L. COTTING'S store. "I never
knew that it was possible for a varnish to stand so
much abuse and still be none the worse for wear.
C. L. COTT1NG ought to do a good business with
Chi-Namel and the patent graining system.
CHAS. L. COTTING, The Dru&ist.
iSWM KlUolffl
wwr-m- v
L. L Uoren is homo from Lincoln.
Will Rife of Kdgar is in towu today.
Renew your subscription for the
Lloyd Hull of Cowles was in town
Father Fitgerald went to Blue Hill
Taul Popo ami wlfo were in Super
ior Sunday.
Ed Walters was dowu from Oxford
over Sunday.
Will West spent Sunday in Red Cloud
with his family.
Leo Coplen visited relatives at Guide
Rock last week.
Ike Shepardsou of Rlvorton was in
the city Saturday.
Glen Walker returned to Lincoln
Tuesday morning.
Miss Eva Foster went to Hastings
Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler spent
Sunday in Cowles.
Frank C iwdcn and family spent
Sunday in Superior.
Lloyd aud Guy Rrudbrook were
homo over Sunday.
Mrs Newbery arrived in Red Cloud
Wednesday morning.
,Jaek Masters, wife aud baby went
10 Iloldrege Satuiday.
Mrs. Moritz and children returned
from Hastings Saturday.
Mrs. Grunt Turner camo homo on
Hastings train Saturday.
Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Miss Edith McKoiglnm went to Lin
coln Wednesday morning.
Road Bergman's Public Land Sale
add olsowhero in this paper.
Bruce Robinson wus homo from
Clay Center to spend Eastor.
Miss Vernon Storey returned to
Lincoln Wednesday morning.
Miss Grace Coombs camo home from
Lincoln to spend Eastor Sunday.
Call aud soe the 1910 Paternsof wall
paper at--Sloss' Wall Paper Store.
Geo. Lindsey came home from Crip
ple Creek, Colo , Mouday morning.
For the nobbiest up-to-date lino of
hats for ullages call on Mas Hakt.
You do not need Rockefeller's bank
account to buy a hat at Mits Haiit.
Extra Ftuo Early Ohio Seed potatoes;
For Sale AtMiNKit linos., and Co.,
Examinotionswill bo hold In Red
Cloud, April, 2, 1010 for Rural Route
carriers. Auy Information desired
will bo furnished by Postmaster T. C.
A Wof d of Explanation!
Might be the right thing at this time that the public
may know why we have the John Deere Lister for sale,
not that we think they are anywhere near as good as the
Rock Island Tri-cycle, but the reason is simply this: Our
competitor who is little in stature and smaller in principle
has purchased from a local dealer a few Rock Island
listers. The reason for this is they can sell but very few
of their own so think they can make the public believe
we are getting more for our goods than we should, so
the fight is on you may be the judge.
Commencing March 26
We call prices off and there may be a lolly time.
Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co.,
Wm. Wolfe, Secretary.
Joe Bvoroy of Fr.iuklin was tho
guest of his friend, Roy Hutchison
1'oit Salk Thrco show cases. In
quire at Nowhouse's for further par
ticulars. The W C. T. U. meets with Mrs.
Tony Clark on Wednesday afternoon
April Ctli.
Miss (Sittings of Superior spent last
week in this city with her sistou Mis.
Paul Pope.
The Chief olllce takes subscriptions
and ronewuls for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
Mrs. Woidorman aud daughter Mrs.
Cliristio Patmoro wore up from Gutdo
Rock Saturday.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and Edison. Hear them at
Xewhouse Bros.
Win. Woosner shippod cattle to
Kansas City Sunday Johu Weesuer
accompanied them.
Tako your spectacle caso to Now
house Bros. They will put your initials
on it, free of chargo
Mrs.W. K. Goer who was called to
Do Bois, Nobr., by tho death of her
father returned home Sunday evening.
Miss Elsio Cnther came home from
Lincoln to spend Easter. She also
brought her friend Miss Miche with
Rev. J. E. Jurboe will preach at the
Indian Creek school house, Dlst. No.
14, next Sunday April 3, at 3 p. in.
All are invited.
Easter services will bo hold next Sun
day at Graco church Bishop Graves
of Kearney is expected to preach in
tho morning and evening.
Closing out the entire stock of
Picture Frames, Pastul Paintings,
Artist Material aud Sheet Music
Mirri'Ai.r'S bTi'Dios Potter Block.
Tho Ladies of Red Cloud will give
a dinnor Saturday April 9th over
Miner Bros, and Co., store, the pro
ceeds to go for buying tho new Rase
Ball suits.
Sloss Wall Paper and Paint store is
now open for tho Spring trade. New
nnd artistic de-lgns in wall paper,
and the strictly Guaranteed Ropulline
Brand of Paint.
Call and look my line of hats over
before buying as seeing is believing.
You have to soo my lino of hats as
these few lines can givo you no idea
of the style and low prices of my
hats Mits. Hakt.
Regular services every evening at
7:30 at the Baptist church, conducted
by Rev. Clark II. Bancroft, Baptist
State Evangelist. Services Sunday
morning and evening. Every body
Mr. II F. Carson, Superintendent of
tho Southern district of the Anti
Saloon League will address tha people
of Red Cloud on the issues of the day
in tho Opera House Friday April 1st
1010, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Carson is alive
wire. Be sure to hear him
The services next Sunday in the
Congregational church will be given
to the consideration of tho temporunce
question and tho "No license" issuo
in Red Cloud. All voters not attend
ing church elsewhere are most cordially
invited to be present at both services;
listen aud than act as thoir enlight
ened conscience dictates The issue
before our people at tho spring elect,
ion is an important ono. Lot us all
awake and act for the moral interest
of our city
Bend tho article in regard to selling
tobacco and cigars to minors which
appears el.sewlieie in this paper.
Mr. Ilussoug announces the definite
time for the beginning of special gos
pel meetings at the Christian church
as May 1st Slim and Chappell, gen
eral evangelists in o to assist the pastor
in this campaign for a larger lovo and
loyally to Christ.
Sermons under those themes will be
preached at tho Christian church next
Lord's day, April :t. II a. in. "The
Creed of the Church of Christ." 8 p.
m., "Righteousness, Temperance and
Judgment to Come." 'Judge Hand' at
i?::iO p. m. '('. IV meeting at 7 p. m.
The Hebckah decreo stall went to
Campbell Tuesday aud Instituted a
now lodge at that place. About, twen
ty live of our members attended. This
staff team is gaining an enviable re
potation for the thorough and impress
ive manner in which they confer the
A Mass Temperance Rally for men
oulv at the Christian church next
Sunday afternoon nt!t o'clock. Rev.
Bancroft of Lincoln will give an ad
dress, among other things ho will tell
us whether prohibition prohibits in
Lincoln. Good music by tho young
people's quartet of tho Christian
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chus Crabill
a bouncing baby girl Tuesday night.
That isa simple statement yet it is
sulllcient to account for the extra
ordinary movements Charley made
Wednesday morning. Grandpa broke
the wiressending congratulations from
The entertainments giveu nt the
Tepee the past two weeks havo been
excoptlonly instructive and pleasing.
Mr. Warren exorcises excellent judge
ment in the selection of his 111 ins.
Tho canvas has been placed further
back which makes a decided improve
ment in the pictures. These high
class entertainments deserve liberal
Quite a large number of eltlzons
turned out Friday night in response to
the invitation of C. II. Potter. The
meeting was called for the purposo of
learning the views our people hold in
regard to the city water. It was re
ported that the supply is iiisutllcient
for our needs and some measures must
be adopted to furnish tho deficiency.
After considerable discission as to
whether or not there is any more water
in tlie bottoms u motion was carried
instructing tho council to obtain tho
services of Dr. Coudra of tho State
University aud have him cotuo and
examine tho geological formation anil
give his Uudings us u man of science.
This seemed to meet the approval of
most of those present. Should tho
Council be unwilling to spend an ap
proximate SlOo tho money was to be
raised by subsciiption.
Tho Easter services at the C'ongro
gutioual church IiisL Sunday sete ap
parently highly enjoyed by tho large
audiences present both morning and
Tho music was of a high order and
added much to tho spiritualy of the
services. Special mention should bo
mude of the solos sung by Glen Walk
er of tho state university. They were
appropriate and bountifully reudored.
Tho church greatly appreciates his
helpful services, aud always extends
to him a welcome.
Tho children who took part in the
evening program equipped themselves
nicely aud added much to the enjoy
ment of all present.
Iu the Sunday School colored eggs
wore given to the children and in the
evening the pastor presented each
with u bountiful Easter card. The
church was decorated very appro
priately with flowers, pictures and
mottoes. An otTorlng for benevolences
was taken amounting to 315. It was a
day long to bo remembered by all
I have .'120 acres 1 mile east of Red
Cloud. There is a good 7 room house,
sizo 32x18, ull rooms are 16x18 except
ing tho kitchen which is 10x14. There
are 2 porches, good cistern with well
at tho door, cistern will hold 200 bbls.
of water, good brick walks, house nice
ly painted, all kinds of shrubcry, 20
kinds of roses, fruit of all kinds.
Barn 58x38, mow that will hold 00
ton of hay, 3 cribs that will hold 8000
bu. of corn, all other out buildings
that are necessary on a farm. Good
living springs, 3 wells, good windmill,
good feed lots. There Is about 40
acros in alfalfa, 140 acres of pasture,
tho pasture land is in two different
pastures, tho balance of the land is
under cultivation. This is a river
bottom farm. There are 4 hen houses,
one of thom is now used as a store
house This place is all fouccd and
cross fenced There is somo nativo
timber iu tho pasture.
I also huvtt 210 acros (5 miles south of
Riverton, Nobr. Thero is a good
house 13x30, addition 10x21. Burn 21
x31, granary 12x10, corn crib 10x10-10
ft. long, buggy shed 12x40. lion house,
cattle shed, set of scales, feed lot, 120
acres In cultivation, 3() nines in alfa
alfa, timber and pasture. If these
places are sold within tlte next 30 days
thoy can bo bought at a bargain. Foit
PUHTIInlt IMIUIOM'AnS cam, on A. II.
Charles Edward, infant sou fo Mi
ami Mrs. William Homo was born Oct.
10th, lOJl), and died March '.'nth, lifter
tin illness of a few days. The funeral
services were conducted at the homo
by Rev. A. A. Ciessinan op Kuiidnj
afternoon, March '.27, UMll. The bubo
was laid to rest iu tho Red Cloud
cemetery. The sympathy of a luigi
oil ele of friends are extended to Mr.
ami Mrs. Bouse iu this their hour of
bereavement and loss.
Mrs. Emily Leiihart died on Mutch
22 at the home of Mis. Jane Mnglnuoss
and was burled in tho Red Cloud
ceiuoto'-y, from the residence, on
Satuiday March 20th. The funorul
rites were conducted by L. An. Ilus
soug of the church of Christ. Tin de
ceased lived to u good old age but all
recoid of her birth has been lost. A
daughter, Mrs. G. V. Harvey of
Gregory, S. Dak., ami L Lenhart, u
step sou were hero to attend tho bur
ial services.
Similar Names
Mark Nodding
1 he Couples of Sumo Name
Marry nnd None Arc
Santa Ana March Ui. A double
w edding distinguished by a remark
able similarly of the tinmen of the
piinelpals was cclebr.ited hero to
day. George linker, 711 years of age,
was married to Sarah linker, GT: while
Florence 1) Saladen, a.", became tho
wlfo of Alfred R Saladen, IS.
Save that Mrs. Saladen is a daugh
ter of Mr. Raker, uouo of tho princi
pals in tho double wedding are re
lated. Tho two couples will travel
together on thoir honeymoon to Red
Cloud, Nobr., tho homo of Mr. linker,
returning lator to make Santa Ana
thoir homo.
A Bift Class Adoption of Modern Wood
men. 00 Candidates.
The Modern Woodmen of America
under the cflicient leader ship of
deputies Wilson and Grout is making
rapid progress these days. Already
thoy havo secured 10 applications for
membership for the local camp besides
120 iu Guide Rock 11! in Cowles and 15
iu Iuavalc. Arrangements havo boon
made for a largo class adoption to
take placo here Thursday April 7th.
State deputy Kostor will be bore to
tako charge. Kvory Woodman is
tingling to his linger tips in anticipat
ion of the pleasures of the evening.
Tliis is a romiirkiibl growth for any
society and we are pleased that this
camp is classed among tho live ones
It is possible thai the work will be ex
emplified with the new lituals. Sup
per will bosei veil at II o'clock p. in.,
at a nominal charge
Card of Thanks.
To those kind friends and neighbois
who so graciously aided us iu our hour
of giief, we extend our most grateful
thanks. Mr1 aud Mrs. W S. House.
Cards of Thanks
1 wlsli to thank the kind friends who
so kindly ministered to my mother
during her recent illness and 1 ulbo
thank those w ho were so kind to 1110
uf tor her death. To all I extend my
most grateful thanks.
Mrs. Martha Harvey.
Causes 95 Per cent of
Advice Concerning Stomach Troubles
and How to Remedy Them,
Do not neglect indigestion which
leads to all sorts of ills and complicat
ions. An eminent doctor onco said
that ninety-five per cent of all tho ills
of tho human body havo their origin iu
a disordered stomach.
A physician who made a specialty
of stomach troublos, particularly dys
popsia, after yours of btudy pcrfocted
the formula from which Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets ure made.
Our e.xperionco witlt Roxall Dyspep
sia Tablets loads us to boliovo them to
bo tho groatcst remedy known for the
rolief of acute indigestion and chronic
dyspepsia. Their ingredients are
soothing and healing to tho inflamed
membranes of the stomach. Thoy arc
rioh in pepsin, one of tho greatest
digestive aids known to modiclno.
Tho relief thoy afford is almost imme
diate. Their usb with persistency and
regularity for u short time brings
nbout u cessation of tho pains caused
by stomach disorders
Rexall Dyspopslu Tablets will insuro
healthy appetite, aid digostiou and
promote nutrition. As evidence of
our siucero faith iu Roxall Dyspepsia
Tablets, wo ask you to try them at our
risk. If they do not givo you entire
satisfaction, we will return you the
money you paid lib for them, without
quostion or formality. They como in
thrco, prices L'5 cents, SO cents
nndSl.Oo. Remombor you can obtain
them only at our store, The Roxall
Storo. The II. !:. Griee Drug Co., Rod
Cloud, Nobr.
Itov. J. Ml lliitiM, 1'nMor.
Sirvlco the UriU two HumliiyK In each
Holy Communion at mornlnc Kcrvlcc-H on
Kuniliiyhchooi nt I'i o'clock every Sunday
Mm. i;. II. Smith, .Superintendent.
ivTulP lUeis
If lie lias worked with automatic
shop machinery, or on the (arm with automatic harvesters,
He will appreciate
Hewill not want ou to sew for the family with a machine
which hasn't been unproved to speak of for 25 years. Both
of you will he enthusiastic about such improvements as:-
The "Kototcltlo" Movement Ttic Notary Spool Pin
The Automatic Shuttle Hector The H Set of lUII-lltarlnu
The Automatic IKklnitDrawen The beautiful 1'itncli letf de
The Automatic Tcnilnn Kcleatc slcnwhlchiloesnotthowUutt
and Mores of other points.
tfPFREB is the
Only Insured Sewing Machine!
Th Fra Attachment are of the beat maKe.
Come andaoelt.
To show you our new line of Spring photo
mounts of fine quality.
We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals,
Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops.
Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them.
See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. E
Having secured three
a BIG BARGAIN, we are
Yours truly,
P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods.
The home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
I carry a complete line
fjfi and my prices are such
your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class
brands of canned and package goods carried.
All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices.
$ Cleanliness
(W You cannot buy Groceries in a
ff pure goods Cleanliness'nnd sanitation ure our hobbies.
Of all Sound-Producing
Instruments of the Cabinet Type
the New Grafonola "De Luxe"
,,,Mir..tmfmrvmtttll Trwrwrnniii
Bring Your Husbandi 'jjhg
with you to see j "
lockine desks, automatic
carloads of wire fencing at
willing to divide with you.
of strictly fresh Groceries,
that it will pay you to do
lu u Grocery store more than in anything else,
buyors should demand Absoluto Cleanliness.
dirty, ill-kept placo and bo sure o
made by the Columbia Phono
graph Co., is by far the most com
plete in its beauty of appearance
and its uncqualed reproducing
qualities. The Motor is the strong
est and heaviest ever made for any
instrument of this kind. As an in
terpreter and reproducer of music
the GRAFON01A has no peer.
We would be pleased to show
you the advantages of the Gra
fonola over any other instrument.
t ft t' t f fc 'V t fc ( -T1'
" k rtiJl-4 &