The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1910, Image 4

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The Omalin Examiner wanes the
next Xebruskii senator to be ebosen
from Omnliii. Hither llht or dark
hair, republican or democrat, or even
(well burdly) a county optionlst.
Ccpyrlj&t Itart Scbiffntr & Miri
YOU very dressy men, particular
about style, about fit, I about the
shape-keeping quality of your clothes;
be particular about quality, too; be
sure you get all-wool fabrics in the
clothes you buy, whatever you buy and
whatever price you pay.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes offer you all you want in clothes; better
style than the average tailor can possibly de
sign; better workmanship than he can produce;
and every fabric strictly all-wool.
There are no other ready-made clothes like
these; and that's why we sell them. The best
isn't too good for our customers.
We want you to sec early the new colors and
patterns, and the new snappy styles we've got
ready for you in suits and overcoats. Suits
$20 to $50. Overcoats $16.50 to $40.
This store is the homeof
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Such faces. Last Satuiduy wbilo
the wind was blowing up the street
at u rate of fifty miles an hour every
person one met, consciously or uncoil
sclo'isly made face. We are confi
dent that the ill feeling displayed was
inspired by that unholy wind and not
by any repugnance of the person met.
"Wo never speak as we pass by" seem
ed to be theprevailiugopinion. There
is one consolation, house cleaning
will be posponed until after the April
showers anyway.
The dlscussiotiof the water question
brings to mind the apparctit neglect
of our water works system which has
prevailed over sinco the electric light
plant was established As far as we
can see very little attention is paid to
the water works department. An ad
ministration which has the ability to
place the elect lie light department on
a systematic basis ought to have the
ability to systematize u smaller in
dustry. Does the city receivo pay for
every gallon of wator pumped'.' Un
der present conditions theru is no
means of answering that question
intelligently. Without a meter show
ing how much is pumped no check on
the wator used is possible. Again
water commissioners all complain that
most of the customers1 moters aro not
In repair and hence the amount of
wuter used must bo guessed at. This
is all wrong. The city should own
every meter and keep them all in re
pair then wo will be assured of receiv
ing all that is coming to us and no
more. In 189.'$ according to the re
cords tho entire cost of the water
works including salaries, coal uud re
pairs were $l.iir..12.
l'ocsibly our water income is at pre
sent in excess of that amount but does
the city receivo pay for all water pump
ed? We boliovo that more attention
should bo paid to this department of
our municipal niraiifi. We trust that
the next report of city finances will
be broad enough and definato enough
to show where the water works de
partment stands.
New Spring Silks
It is with pleasure we invite our
customersto view our line of new
Black and white sheppard checks 36
in. wide $1.00.
Tan with self colored dot 27 in. wide
Blues, greys, reds and greens 27 in.
wide $1.00.
All black guaranteed taffeta 36 in.
wide $1.00.
f& Look our line of Silks over before
buying as I think we can save you
money on your silk dress or waist.
While all cotton goods are higher
than a year ago we can give you a
good value in unbleached muslin at 7,
8 1-3, 10 and 12 1-2 cents.
In bleached muslin at 8 1-3, 10,
12 1-2 and 15 cents.
tSk Flaxon I
The latest develop
ment in White Goods,
permanent Linen thread
finish. Has all the
merits of a Handkerchief
Linen Lawn, with double
the strength and durabil
ity of India Linen or
Persian Lawns. Uses White Waist
ings, Suiting, Underwear.
Rd Cloud - . Nebraska
Bnlared In the I'oitofflco atiHcd Cloud, Neb.,
i Second ClMNMfttlcr.
Wc have heard some talks on the
troet in regard to tho formation of u
Civic Longuu. This meets with our
hearty Indorsement. A league of that
character would provo to bo of great
benefit and would unquestionably pro
duce excellent rosults in tho course of
ten years. Therein plenty of woilc
for huuIi an organization. Wo need a
park, a library, a gymnasium, a sewer
age system, ii debating socioty, a town
meeting, a progressive booster olnb
and tho goodness luiows what.
Orgnnizo, gentlemen, and got busy.
Itcd Cloud is forging to the front ami
theso enterprises ought to find a placo
in our midst. All of these things can
not be brought about in a day but
they can all bo realities within a de
cade. Homo of the youngsters should
jump into the game and put a should
c:r to tho wheol. Some clay they will
delight in telling their grand children
nbout the beauties and comforts they
lielpcd to make possible.
Isn't it about time to begin preparat
ions for the old settlers' picnic'.' No
ono looks forward with moro plcnsurc
to occasions of this character than tne
old settlers themselves. Wc do not
know who has tho matter in charge
but we would suggest that Brothers
Qllham and Hummel prepare a pro
gram and seo that it ib carried out.
Western Nebraska is e-alninu inn.
siderable notoriety owing to tho re
cent activities of Congressman Norris,
Representative from this district.
Papers and magazluos all over the
country aro full of his doings and
most of them contain his picture.
Norris of McC'ook is tho man of the
hour. Ho is to bo commonded for tho
magnificent manner in which he mar
hhallod the forces of tho insurgents
and domocrats against thu well in
trenched system. Hu struck fhe
money power a fearful blow and gain
ed a signal victory for tho people. In
falling to depose Speaker Cannon
when the opportunity presentodltsolf,
however, lie showed a weakness which
casts a shadow over his apparent great
ness. Ity this act ho revealed the fact
that he Is not a man of the highest
callbro. When he had Cannon on the
run the thing to do was to chase him
clear out or ollii'o and do away with
him for good. Anything less was a
weakness. Principle should always bo
above piuty.
In regard to that water question
again it seems that it were time to
settlo once and forever the theorv
that enlarging the present pipes or
extonding the present pipe lines will
bring moro water. This city has
dreamed about a gieat supply of
water being hidden somewhero beneath
the surface of the ground and lias
.spent untold dollars in trying to
bring dreams to puss and the result
has always been a failure. For our
part wo can not conceive of a snoni-e
holding more than a sponge full of
water no matter ulieio it is tapped
and that sand bottom is just like a
sponge. Councils heretofore liae
utteily disregarded tho plain pio
visions of the law and have expended
the city's funds without any shadow
of a legal right and it is time that
that kind of pioceednre be abandoned.
No private citizen has any conception
as to what a UOO ft. extension would
cost and it would seem as tho the city's
otlleers would hesitato to undertake a
project whoso ultimate cost was un
determinable. Let no work be performed unless
by contract. Laws aro made for the
protection of people and laws should
be obeyed by those whoso sworn duty,
it is to uphold those laws. There nro
two propositions entertained by mauy
elthor of which seem to offer a solution
of this water problom. Oue is to
plpo the Maurer springs and there
aro mauy advantages to be received
from this course. In the ilrst placo
It would insure plenty of pure wator,
it could bo made to flow directly into
tho mains and supply two thirds of
our patrons thus having all pumping
oxpouses. The wells would supply
those in northern and northwestern
portions of tho city. Mr. Maurer of
fers to sell ten acres for 81000 and we
boliovc the sum to be very reasonable.
The other proposition, and tho ono
which wc personally advocate is a
doop well. By a deep well wo mean
bolow the bluo shale and on down to
whero there is good water. We be
lieve that practical well men can be
found who would guarantee plenty of
good water for a reasonable amount
of money. No water, no pay. If an
artesian well were found so much the
bottor. This would likewlso save
pumping expenses. What ever plan
1b porsucd wo boliovo that our eitizons
will not tolorate any plan which calls
for the expenditure of public money
oxcopt in accordance with a bona lido
contract. Tlioio liavo boon experi
ments enough. Let us got down to
Before buying your laces, embroid
eries and wash goods look our line
over, know we can save you money.
Muslin Drawers
Ladies muslin drawers, flounce with tucks
at 25c. Ladies muslin drawers, embroidered
edge and tucks in flounce at 40 and 50 cents.
Ladies muslin drawers, embroidery or lace
ounce at 50c to $1.00.
THE Chicago Specialists!
Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only.
Rod Cloud, Royal Hotel
Consultation Free, in German and
Wednesday April 6, 1910
Good Farm For Sale
on rensonablo Terms." Also some good
City residences for salu. Iiiunirc of
Complete Satisfaction for All-
One Price to Everybody.
That is our store policy
We offer you only such goods as we can heartly
If by any chance any article bought here does not give
full satisfaction, we will cheerfully make it right. We
prefer to lose money on a sale to losing a customer's confidence.
Nothing unworthy . will be
allowed a place in our store.
We have but one price for everybody. No
exceptions will be made to this rule. : : :
J In every case the price will be as low as is consistent
with good quality.
We have the largest and most complete stock
of New Merchndise carried in
Southern Nebraska.
General Merchants
Dont fail to see our fine line of Spring Suits and Coats.
Ciunr Omci:.
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