The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1910, Image 1

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I .
There arc many conveniences that
you would not be without, since you
Tiave tried them. It is the same with
the check account. No man can afford
to give it up when he experiences the
benefits to his money matters. A trial
convinces even the incredulous. It will
afford you safety and convenience as it
docs to others.
Interest Paid on time
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Mrs.. Horrickof Donaphln, Nebr., is
nmn visiting her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W V. Ultchey,
Mr. Thomns Dcalciu was in Axtell
this week visiting old friends. Ho
brought home a few pets.
Easter exorcises at the Congregation
al church Sunday wore well attended
and a fine program was rendered.
F. A. Good went to Lincoln Monday
to appear before the Hall Road Com
missioners in referonce to a rail road
dispute about train service.
One of the lady clerks of The Right
Place whllo pulling off bananas last
woek discovered what seemed to be a
big spider. But upon investigation it
turned out to bo a medium sized Tar
imtula. GARFIELD
Pcto Mauley is on the sick list this
T. W. White finished cutting stalks
How March did blow bis breath on
Ed. Wiggins had a horse cut in the
wire on Friday.
George Harris has his ground about
plowed for oats.
Archio Harris is working for Tom
Hawkins this summer.
Louis Manley and family were vislt
injr in Rod Cloud Sunday.
Mr. Fitz and family called on Mr.
White's Monday in their auto.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Wiggins are
the proud parents of a baby girl.
l'otu Mcintosh was on wind mill
row Sunday looking as smiling as ever.
Clyde Simpson was up and swuped
yams with Guy Barnos Sunday night.
Heed and Davis are having pretty
good luck braking mules on the Kaley
Quite a breeze Suturday. It looked
like several farme moving to town in
tho all.
Guy Harnes and Will Fisher cut
thirty acres of stalks Tuesday for oats
on the Audrus placo,
Munger, Davis and Robblns were on
wind mill row on Saturday night and
then went to the dance.
Charley Campbell has his house
plastered and most completed and will
soon bo ready for tho hop.
George Coon was out on wind mill Mniuliiv with a llvory rig. Looks
lileo he was running for otllec.
Mr. Manley and wife wero called
uxor to town on Mouday night on ac
count of lis mother being side.
Tom Hawkins and family went over
tho rlvor Saturday on a visit while tho
weather wa nice and came back Sun
day. .lesslo Wagoner camo In fiom Cliicu
goon rrldpy and vvpeets to remain
homo for a while and help catch some
f the dust as it goes over in tin
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It looks like a prosperous farmer
around Manley Bros., about work time
for Pete works six horsos on the gang
plow, Alfrod works fun on the disk
and Louis works three on tho stalk
cutter and then a saddle horso and
driving team lu the barn.
Good Friday has come and gone.
Some planted potatoes and some
plant them in the moon and they
never got there to teud them but we
would advise you to plant them in
good rich soil when tho weather gets
warm and cultivate them every Satur
day. Ed Wiggins had quite a streak of
luck. He started fur town on Mouday
and run a tirooiF from his wagon and
weut on to town and got u new ono,
Tuesday he tried to burn some sand
burs and the ilre got away from him
and burned u lot of tho bottom pas
ture and the whole neighborhood
turned out and helped fight the flro
and the next day his team got loose
with his new wagon and took a spin
down wind mill row and up set the
wagon in front of the picture gallery
and run about a Half mile into a mail
box where they stoppod. What is the
next excitement Ed.
Ri:d Cloud, Ni:nn., March 2J, 1910.
Tho Honorable Hoard of Webster
County Commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment. Members all present.
To the Hoard of County Commission
ers of Webster County, Nebr., I Clar
ence Ueed Justlco of the Peaco in and
for Red Cloud City, hereby tender my
resignation as Justice of tho I'eaco to
take effect March 7th., HUO, Clarence
Reed Justice of tho I'eaco.
It was moved and seconded that the
above and foregoing resignation of
Clarence Reed, Justlco of tht I'eaco for
Red Cloud City bo accopted. Carried.
In tho matter of the Petition of J. C.
Saylor, W. L. Fox, and others to tho
Honorable Hoard of County Commiss
ioners of Webster County, Nebr., ask
ing for the appointment of J. A.
Burden, as Justice of the Peace, In
and for the City of Red Cloud, to fill
vacancy caused by tho resignation of
tho formor justice Clarence Reed.
It was moved and seconded that the
above and foregoing petition begraut
ed and J, A. liurdeu, be and is hereby
appointed to fill said vacancy in and
for Red Cloud City, Webster County,
Nebr., for balanco of year of 1010.
Motion carried.
The olllcial bond of J. A. Burden as
justice of the peaco was approved,
It appearing that thcro wero'.' vacan
cies in tho office of the Peaco in and
for Red Cloud City. It was moved
and seconded that I no. B. Stausor, be
and Is hereby appointed as justlco of
the peace, in and for Red Cloud City
to fill ono of said vacancies, for thu
year 1010. Motion carried.
In the matter of thu petition of
Theodoic Bent.. 15. Mellride t. al.
asking for tho appointment of Hugo
S Omit., as deputy ihh' sor, In an I
fo'1 1'ots.dam Product, of Wcjstcr
Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two
County, Nebraska to fill vacancy in
said oftlco for tho year 1910. Also In
the matter of the potltion of Geo. J
Keohlor, F. T. Hopka, and others
petitioning tho Board to appoint C.
Fasslor, ns doputy County Assessor, to
till vacancy in Potsdam Precinct for
tho year 1910, and also in the matter
of the petition of Dean W. Fay, C.
Wegmann, ot. al. asking the board,
acting in conjunction witii the County
Assessor, as provided by law, to ap
point Onno Goos, ns deputy county as
sessor, to fill vacancy in Potsdam
Precinct for tho year 1910. After care
fully considering tho ubovo, and fore
going petitions it was moved and
soconded with the approval of the
County Assessor, that Hugo Schult,
bo and is hereby appointed deputy
county assessor to till vacancy in and
for Potsdam Precinct, Webster County,
Nobruskn, for the year 1910. Motion
On motion Board adjourned until 9
a. m., Marcli 23rd, 1910.
iW Alton 23d, lfllU. Hoard met pur
suant to adjournment. Mombors til
It appearing that II. C. Scott,
ounty Assessor iu and for Webster
County, Nebr., was sick during the
board meeting of January 11th, 1910,
and not able to appear, before tho
Board at that time, to mako applloat
ion for clerk hire during the year 1910
Application granted.
In tho matter of tho road petition of
Henry Giger, John It. Frey, N. M.
Doudna etal, petitioning the board to
open the public high way, along the
route hereinafter described, commenc
ing at the south east corner of section
1, town 1, range 10, Webster county,
Nebraska, running thence about 10 rods
west, along the line between sections
1 and 12, in said township, thence Bouth
along the present private road, to tho
north line of the C.B. & Q. R.R., right
of way, thonco in a northwesterly di
rection, parallel with tho right of way,
of said C.B. & Q. R.R., to the section
line between sections 1 and 2 in said
township, thence north along said sec
tion line, to public nighway, at the
northwest corner of section 1 and the
northeast corner of sectiou 2, said road
to be 40 feet wide.
It was moved and seconded that the
above and foregoing road be granted as
asked for in said petition. Motion car
Moved and seconded that the annual
statement of J. E. Fox as overseer f
highways , rood district No. 9, Webster
county, Nebraska, be approved. Mo
tion carried.
It was moved and seconded that the
clulm of $318.09 in favor of Elmer Wil-
Bon for balance on team of horses, pur
chased by him to use on poor farm and
other necessary things for use on Baid
farm, bo allowed and the clerk ordered
to draw warrant on pool farm fund, in
payment of same. Carried.
It was moved and seconded that tho
claim of $50 in favor of Elmer Wilson
to use for incidental expenses on poor
farm, and clerk is ordered to draw war
rant on poor farm fund In payment of
same. Carried.
To the County Commissioners of
Webster county, Stato of Neb., We,
your committee on poor farm, submit
tiie following report. Wc have ex
amined tho vouchers and receipts and
accounts, and we, in our judgment, find
them correct. Tho 4th quarter ending
March 1, 1910, total receipts for the 4th
quarter, $1,323.02, balanco on hand car
ried forward from 3d quarter $125.G5.
$1,449.G7 total. Total expense for 4th
quarter $551.93. Balance on hand Mar.
1 1910 $890.74. Mar 1, wo find on poor
farm registered cattle 34 head, hogs of
all ages 40 head, horses of all ages 7
head, mules of all ages 2 head, corn GOO
bushels, oats 300 bushels, hay enough
to feed, consisting of wild hay nnd
alfalfa, and nil necessary machinery, to
run tho farm, 10 dozen chickens, pork
on hand 11 shoulderd and 7 hams), side
meat, 12 gallons of lard, 58 quarts of
fruit, house furniture for inmates in
good condition, 1 inmate. Wc find the
farm and buildings in good condition.
i The foregoing is what we, your com
mittee find on hand, Mar. 1st, 1910,
" and the same we have turned over to
h 'm r Wilson, fucei pr to Mr Coplen,
keeks Each Year For $1.50.
Josh Billings Says:
"Life is short. If it ain't jolly it ain't
.1 1 "
worm living.
Yoa niss yoar share of fiin and pleasure if you mail for that
Why not buy it now. We have an easy
payment planask about it.
A complete clean stock of ma
chines and a full list of records.
Victors $10 to $750. Records 60c to 7
Edison $ 1 2.50 to $200. Records 35c to $ I.
Come In, See One and Take Advantage of this Great Opportunity.
GEO. TRINE, Agent.
also find that M r. Wilson furnished his
own bedding and furniture for his own
department and haa tho right to remove
tho same at thu expiration of his term,
qb overseer of said noor farm and also
. 102 quarts of fruit to he returned to
him at tho end of his term.
! Respectfully submitted,
Geo. W. Hummel,
1 J. G. Overman, Com.
; h. P. Schmidt, )
It was moved and seconded that the
above and foregoing report be approved
and spread on the commissioners re
cord. Carried.
On motion board adjourned to March
21, 1010,
March HI, 1910
ill. 1910.
$25 to
500 Pounds
Other Sizes at Other Prices
Tho Dost Separator Ever Sold rU any Prico
Surpasses all others in
Efficiency, Simplicity and Durability
Absolutely Guaranteed by the
Lincoln, Nebr.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
and all members present. On tho
following plana and specifications there
fore for bridges furnished by tho state
engineer, were adopted by tho board
anil Qlcd with the clerk, designated as
follows: Plan "A"' concrete bridge, 20
feet. Plan "H" concrete 1G feet. Tho
county attorney was instructed to cor
respond with tho stato engineer and
produce plans for 8 nnd 12 foot, arch
concrete culvorts. ISGxfiO foot steel
bridges with concrete floor and steel
piling with concroto backing and wings.
siO foot wood pile bridge.
On motion hoard adjourned to meet
April 15, A. 1). 1910.
K. W. Kobs, ( ounty Clerk
See The Chief for job work.
Citizen's Ticket.
l'or Mayor c. H. Potter
For Clerk o. C. Teol
For Treasurer !. O. Butler
For City Engineer Geo. Ovoring
For Polico Judgo James liurdeu
Flr&t Ward jou Fogol
Second Ward (Jeo. W. Hutohlson
Mumiichs ok Sctiooi, Itovnu
Homy Gilham FIcjiry Cook
r, rMwrnr-
J! I 'n