The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1910, Image 7

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Stops Pain In the Bladder, K.d.'eys
and Back.
Wouldn't II bo nice within ,i week ir
so to begin to my goodbjo inrovcr to
tuo scalding, dribbling, ,
troquent passage of urine; rli. i,,re
heart and the back-of-the hejid aches
the stitches and p.dns In the back- the
grow Iiik muscle weakness; spot he
tore the eyes; yellow skin; sluggish
bowels; swollen eolldu or ankles leg
cramps; short bieith; sleep
lessnoss and the dcspntidcui y
I have a recipe lot the.,o Irniihles
that you ran depend on, and If yon
want to niako a quick recovery, yon
ought to write and get a (f,py or it
Jinny a doctor would eliaige ou $: M
Just for writing this preset Ipt Ion. but
I have It and will be glad to send It.
to you entirely free. ,ju,t ,ir0p ni (l
line like this: Dr A. U Robinson.
K 2fi Luck lluildlng, Dotiolt, Mich,
and I will fconi! It by return mail In a
plain envelope As you will see when
you get It, this recipe contains only
pure, harmless remedies, but it has
groat healing and pain-eonnuerlni:
; tower.
It Will OllleklV tliniV Villi llo nn,.
oneo you use It. so I think you Itad bet
ter see what It Is without delay I w 111
.send you a copy free you can use it
unci cure yourself at home.
Prospective Tenant (noticing .lev
i r.U Inches of water in the collar)
My, this cellar leaks.
Landlord It don't leak a drop. That
water has been In here for two
months and not a single drop has e3
caped. 'How Sharper Tnan Serpent's Tooth."
An Irritable old farmer and his un
gainly, slouching son were busy grub
bing sprouts one hot, sultry day, when
the old man suddenly stumbled over
a small stump.
'Cosh durn that everlasting; stump'"
he exclaimed. "I wish it was In hell!"
Tho son slowly straightened up
from hl3 work and gazed reproachfully
at his father.
"Why, you oughtn't to say that,
pap," ho drawled. "You might stumblo
over that stump ag'ln somo day."
The Right Spirit.
propo3 of Valentine's day, a pas
senger o the Rermudlan said:
"Mark Twain once told us, in a littlo
Valentino day speech on this boat, of
an Irish wooer who had the right
Valentino spirit Acceptance or re
jection he could take with equal
" 'Will yo bo my valentine?' lie snld,
on February 1 1, to tho girl he loved.
"'No,' sho replied; 'I am another's.'
"Ho heaved a sigh ami said:
" 'Sure, thin, darlln', I wish yo was
twins, so that I could have at lasto
the half of yo.' "
Cold Meat.
Mrs. nacon. They say these cold
titorago houses aro responsible tor tho
high prlco of meat.
Mr. Uacon. Is that so? Well, I
hope we'll havo no mores cold meat for
lunch, then. Yonkors Statesman.
Hope Is a flue thing, but it doesn't
alwnys enablo a man to deliver tho
.,. . Changes the Home Feeling.
Coffeo blots out tho sunshlno from
ninny a homo by malting tho mother,
or somo other member ot the house
hold, dyspeptic, nervousi and Irritable.
There aro thousands of cases where
the proof is absolutely undeniable
Hero is ono.
A Wis. mothor writes:
"1 was taught to drink coffee at an
early nge, and also at nn early ago be
camo a victim to headaches, and as I
grow to womanhood theso headacho3
becamo a part of mo,- na I was scarcely
over free from thorn.
"About flvo years ago a friend urged
mo to try Postum. I mndo tho trial
and tho result was so satisfactory that
wo havo used It over since.
"My husband and littlo daughter
were subject to bilious attacks, but
they havo both been ontlroly free from
thorn sinco wo began using Postum In
stead of coffeo. I no longer hnve
Uenclnchea and my health is perfect."
If somo of thcao tired, nervous, Ir
ritable women would only leave off
, coffee absolutely and try Postum they
would Unci a wonderful chunge In their
life It would thon ho filled with sun.
' ahlno and happiness rather than weari
ness and discontent. And think what
an effect it would havo on tho family,
for tho mood of tho mother Is largely
responsible for tho temper of tho chil
dren. Rend "Tho Road to Wellvlllo." In
pkgs. "There's n Reason."
ICtcr ronil 4 In nlo Ictti'rf A ner
otic iippriirM from (Imp lo llini'. Thry
ure kciiiiIih-, true, mitl lull of liuninn
God hard oil makes an easy running
A portable forge Is a time and
money saver.
Arrange so the chips do not fly all
ovor tho yaid when chopping wood.
"Do up the repair vvoik, especially
tho blaeksniithlng. before the opening
of spring's work.
An empty post-hole Is but ono do.
groo less dangerous to life ami limb
than an open, unprotected well. Pill
it up.
When the hoops come off barrels,
hoop them with wire. Cheaper than
buying now barrels, and mi body can
do It.
Tho man who puts a lot of elder in
his cellar to get hard Is laying up for
his boys something that cannot bo
kept In barrels.
Tho windy days or spring aie hero.
Hattlo n log chain down tho chimney
aud get tho soot out before It burns
out, and mnybo burns tho house, too.
Even tho much despised chicken
mito has a use. According to tho Ot
tawa (Kan.) Republic, they are
killing tho English spanows In Kan
sas. Two good eyes to a hill of potatoes
aro a-plenty. Wo niako a mistake
many times In seeding too heavily.
Good stocky shoots are better than
spindling ones.
Simply pull up any weeds which suc
ceed In pushing through the straw
berry mulch. Generally speaking, it is
best not to boo or cultivate the ft lilt
ing bed in tho spring.
Uurn all tho old brush heaps now
and get rid of a thousand and one
posts that havo their homo there
waiting for warm weather to bring
them Into activity again.
Cheaply Contrived Arrangement That
Will Capture Many of Small
Injurious Animals.
(By J. wr.Sl.i:Y GRIFFIN )
In making a rabbit trap one will
need two boards for the sides; one
board two feet six Inches long and
ten Inches wldo for the top. This
board Is nailed on the edges of tho
sldo hoards, making the box eight
inches wide and one foot tall In tho
There aro no end pieces. Tho cen
ter board la Sxl2 Inches, to which the
sides and top nre nailed.
A is tho side. I! is a ban el or deep
box set in a holo or hollow into which
A Rabbit Trap.
the rabbits fall when the bait Is
C Is the treadle or bottom of tho
trap which works on a pivot. A null
driven through each sldo Into C,
which slioiihl work easily, forms tho
pivot on which the tiap door works.
Tho end or C at tho entrance of tho
trap should bo just heavy enough to
balanco up the other end, so as to
reset after a rabbit has been caughL
The squnro holo In board C fits
ovor tho lower end of 13 and Is tripped
by tho rabbit when he touches tho
EE tho triggers aro mado of pieces
ono inch square mid nine inches long.
D Is two Inches wldo and six Inches
long which holds tho triggers In posi
tion. D and EE should be attached to tho
center barrel before the bottoms aro
fastened la place.
Tho pin through the lower end or
E keeps tho bottom board Horn going
up too fnr when tho trnp Is set.
Apples as bait will catch a do.on
or moro rabbits as they do not have a
chanco lo eat a great deal.
Handy Little Implement Useful In
Cutting Off Tops of All Kinds
of Vegetables.
This Is a handy device for remov
ing the leaves of tops of almost any
vegetable It Is made from a common
Home-Made Onion-Topper.
corn knife, is attnehed to tho edge of
a board, as Eoen In tho plcturo, and
things to bo cut aro placed beneath
the knlfo. Tho board Is of hard wood.
Oldest Vegetables,
Tho onion, nsparagus and cucumber
aro throo of tho oldest vegetables
known. Llko pens, tho Egyptians grow
them 30 centuries ago. To tho anion
belongs, probably, tho honor of bolng
tho flrBt vtgotnblo prlmevul man over
mado trlfi of.
tV Mwnum
- v
f II t?
'"' "'""I JfcBuuJ llP
This Can Be Done by Putting Into
Ground More Fertility Than
Taken Out by Crops.
iii r. s i
number of .veins ago a young
Pennsylvania nutchm.iu bought a :I00
acre fnini in one of the southern
counties of Indiana Tills farm had.
been run down until by the old motlH
irV "nr. JEac j&wSETa
Manure by Forkful.
ods employed it was not possible to
make a living on it. and the owner
had been compelled to pell because of
sheer poverty
The latliei of the young man who
bought the farm had become rich on a
larm most of which had been dug out
of the hillside. Ho began gradually
to imptovo the condition of tho soil
by plowing a little deeper every time,
lie started a three year's i citation of
ci ops plowing under the stubble on
the corn land to add humus. He
sowed lover i-very yeai on new
When the Indiana farmer sold at
auction his belongings, when ho lelt
tho place, he had less than a dozen
animals all told The Pennsylvania
man went in debt for a half-dozen
cows, fin head of sheep and a dozen
brood sows In three years he had
Increased this number thice or four
fold. lie made airangenients with the
livery stables in the country town
foui miles' distant to keep tho manure
Mi' 1 1
. l in
'. . 'bk.'bk.. J1. . ..
Manure Spreader.
hauled away rami their back door
and for live .eais all his spare time
botli winter and summer was devoted
to this task.
The manure spieader was not
known at that time, but he continued
to pile the iiiiuium upon his acres by
the fork! ul, until his neighbors began
to make fun of him. Somo of them
declared that he would destioy his
'arm by making it "iiiuniiro-slck;"
but the Pennsylvania man smiled and
kept his wagon going to the livery
stables and back to the rami with its
heavy load.
lie was among the 11 rat farmers in
the state to buy a inanuro spreader
when they came in style.
Insecticide Recommended That Will
Stand Considerable Wet Weather
and Oo Good Work.
div .s. Airmen .ioiinson. for.oA-
no AciiiicrirruAi. ouu.ixtn.)
The potato beetle is such a com
mon pest that a description scarcely
seems necessary, but since other in
sects are often mistaken Tor It, It may
he well to give a brief account or it.
Tho adult beetle Is oval in form, nbout
three-eights or an inch in length, and
Just n little narrower than long. The
ground color Is yellow. Tho upper
wings arc marked by (en black lines
running lengthwise.
The adults live over winter In tho
ground to the depth ot six to ten
inches or more.
In the spring the beetles nppear
nbout the time that tho potatoes
break from tho ground, and In n few
days the egg laying begins. Tho eggs
are bright yellow in color and aro
laid In patches on the under sides of
iho leaves. Tliey are very easily dls
covered by simply turning over the
vines with tho hands so that tho under
sides of the leaves aio exposed. Ev
ery potato grower should niako a sys
tematic examination of the vines by
pasblnp through his Melds aud turning
over the leaves of two or threo hills
in c ach row.
Tho eggs hatch In from four to
eight days, accoaljng to tho tempera
ture. The larvae are dark red grubs
with black heads. For tho first clay
or two they often cat the surface of
tho leaf iqion which they wero
hntched. Then they mlgrnto to tho
top of the plant and feed upon the
young tender leaves which aro just
The Ideal moment Tor tho first
spray In Just when tho eggs aro be
ginning to hatch. Eortunately, wo
now have an Insecticide which will
stand considerable wet weather and
still leavo enough clinging to tho
lenves to do very effective' work. This
is arsenate of lead.
This poison usually comos In tho
form or a white paste, though some
manufacturers niako a powdered
product. Tho arsenical is applied to
the vines In water at tho rato of six
or eight pounds of the poison to a
hundred gallons of water, or about
threo or four pounds to the barrel.
Tho best way to mix tho poison Is
to weigh out the required amount In a
pall, pour In somo water, and mix
thoroughly with a stick. Pour of, tho
top of the mixture into tho bnrrol of
water through a Boreened funnel. Add
moro water to tho loninlndor In tho
pall, mix, mid piocecd as beforo until
all the eubstanco has been dissolved.
The best method of application, es
pecially in large fields, Is by uieann
of a power sprayer.
" . ' ..Ml
-i V7rr-ii'rj-j
NEBRASKA IN BRIEF easter. and!
Religious,, Agricultural. Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Kiilleiton has voted bonds for a
new high school building.
(ii'ound been broken for the
new high school at llroken Row.
A "clean up ( riisude" Is on at Ne
braska Citv bv older of the mayor.
Scarlet levei lias again got a root
hold at (intlioiihiirg, several new
cases having icceiitl.v developed
Calvin I. Steele, at one time com
mander or the Crand A t my of the
Republic. iMeil in .letl'eiron enmity last
John (Jtirrin. one of the oldest en
glneeis on the Riiiilimtnii railway, has
resigned bis position and will be
come a fanner.
The mlvei Using committee of tho
Commercial club at Kearnej has de
cided to adopt the phrase: "Keamev
A Capital Clt.v."
The new Imnk at llrldgeport will
soon he leady for biihlness. In the
near future a building lit will be pro
lded fen the bank.
Roone count) laimers aie llndlng
I the seed corn problem a hard one.
TI1080 who are testing their seed aro
llndlng a gieat deal ot It useless.
Emerson will decide the hiiloon
auestlon this year by popular vote.
The village trusteed will submit an
ordinance whlib, if ca-iled, will shut
out saloon-'
Kearney has paid $I1.",1!I7.'JJ In
freight and passenger fares dining
the last twelve mouths, and with only
two rnllm uls. stands fifth In the statf
exclusive of Omaha and Lincoln.
The business men or Palmyra aro
pushing the good roads idea, and sub
scriptions are being taken with a.
viuw to diagglng from thlity to forty
miles or roads leading to the village.
John Kennedy of Omaha, 2 ft yearn
of age, thought he wanted to diown
himself, but when he got out Into
the Missouri liver and found how
cold the water was he changed his
mind and waded back to dry land.
W. S. Wright, a retired farmer liv
ing at Vallej, was shot in the leg by
John Story, a Cnlon Pacific detective,
who was on guard in tho railway
yards on the trail of box car rob
burs. The wound Is not serious.
For somo time tho seniors of tho
McCook High school havo been rem
onstrating against what they call tho
'despotic rulo" of tho superintendent
mil principal and following the sus
pension of threo or the class tho
whole class quit school.
W. E. Porter, a farm hand, Is In
the county Jail at Fremont awaiting
the arrival of the sheriff from West
Virginia, having been arrested for tho
crime of seduction at his old home.
Huffalo county will got through tho
inheritance tax J.1,874 frcmi tho (Jeorgo
Melsner estate, now being Bottled In
county court. Tho interest on tills
amount will be added and will go to
tho county. Tho entire value of the
estate was appraised at over JCOO,
oon. A number or farmers In the vicin
ity of Holdrego have been conducting
some thorough Investigations ns to
tho probability of the wheat crop be
ing damaged. The unnnlmous opin
ion Is that tho crop Is entirely nn
harmed, and that the winter just
closing has left fields In most excel
lent condition.
Jncob Kinimell, who died at Kear
ney last week, was burled in a coffin
ho made eleven years ago. Ho was
S8 years of nge.
J. F. Roscnlleld of West Point,
.'anions as tho largest grower of
peonies In the United States, Is now
visiting at Honolulu, Hawaii Island,
having crossed from San Francisco.
He hns been sojourning on the const
for somo months preparatory to oin
barking anew in the culturo of peonies
on n twenty-ilveacro tract near
Omaha, bought by him last summer
for tho special purposo of propagat
ing this one plant.
About thirty members, heads of
families, in and around Hampton,
havo decided to start a (loruian Lu
theran church In that town, and havo
rented the Christian church building
for flvo years.
Ron F. Shults and Joss Cronk, both
of Curtis, had their preliminary hear
ing at Stockvlllo beforo the county
judgo on n. charge of "bootlegging"
whisky. Doth wero bound over to tho
district court. Shults, on two counts,
was required to glvo a $100 bond, and
Cronk, on flvo counts, was required
to give a $750 bond.
Sherman Orubb, who Is accused of
participating In tho theft of threo
liorsos from tho John Reeves plnco
In Morrlck county, on Soptembor 9,
Is now lu tho custody of Sheriff Her,
after having csenpod tho hands of
tho officers of tho law for Hoveral
Edward Russoll, with many aliases,
was arrosted In Hastings on tolo
graphic Information from tho western
headquarters of tho Scientific Amer
ican by their manager, II, L. Hay.
ward, and Is In tho county Jail. Ho
,ha3 boon defrauding tho company
through fake contracts.
i amfmyHHmt rMttriiniiMfcHW w'ii.i..
I Surdajr School Lciion for March 27, 1910 gj
I jpuiilly ArareJforThli Paper fl
CUII.MKN TlWI'tf Ji'hiim wont almtil
nil cliiliiir li'm IiIhk In llirlr MyiniKogues
mill lu.'iii hlni; (In- k'i I of tlic kliiKilniii,
uul lii-ulliiK all niaiiiii'i of xli km km ami
ill timinii'i of ilifti mkc iitnniiK llir pi'iiplr '
Mutt I -'!
' I inn In- llw'tli iiinl w tx id ul
mil, lirlietil I ma alive lm imi moi
lll'V. I is
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
These two ' (Jolden TeMs" cpresi
the truth and suggest the methods ol
one of I he best and most Interesting
of Easter lessons
For they teach us the most impor
(ant truths we need to know for oui
life here and for our lire loreveunoie
That the Jesus who once lived lu
Palestine and did (he works we have
been studlng,
Showing the love of (iod tor man.
Teaching Hie eternal truths or
Kptf slug in visible tonus the lov
lug kindness or our Heavenly Father.
Setting us u perfect example,
nd giving tils life that we should
not peilsh but have eternal lite,
This same Jesus Is i cully living to
day as lie was then on earth
lie Is with us now as when he dwelt
in (ialllcc.
Is now inspiring the same lire,
Teaching the same truths.
Doing the same works,
Is our present King. Saviour, Helper,
(iiildc and Filend.
To reallre these things will make a
blessed Easter clav t0 toucher can
lake up the lessons one by one with
his scholnrs and show that the Risen
Snvlour Is our present Saviour
Wo are tempted. Jesus Is "touched
with the reeling of our Inllrinltles"
Hlneo "he was tempted in all points
like as we aie. yet without sin "
1 Wo study the laws of his kingdom,
ami we know ho who "as a Son learned
obedience by the tilings which he suf
foicd," 'became, unto all them that
obey him, the author or eternal salva
tlon," "for he dwelleth with jou, and
shall bo in jou."
The review ol' Lessons IV. In IX will
bring these truths to mind
We have been studying his good
deeds to the bodies and souls of men.
Jesus the living Saviour, Is continually
here and now fulfilling his promise.
"He thai bellevelh on me, the works
that I do shall he do also; ami greater
works than these shall he do; because
I go to the Father."
Lessons X. lo XII show what these
works are
No Period Can Be Happy or Beautiful
Where the Lord Is Left
Ouo lonson why life Is so serious
Is because we must give account of
It all. Jesus hinted ut the large mean
ing of this truth when he said that
for every Idle word that men speak
they must glvo account If for the
Idle woals light, trivial, empty words
how much moie for the words which
are filled with bitterness, or with
malice, or with the evil of falsehood,
of envy, of Irreveienco! We aio not
clone with life as we live It; wo shall
meet it all again.
Those things being true, how should
wo enter upon tho new year? For
one thing, wo should begin It with
Christ. Who Is sulllclent for the seri
ous problems of living without tho di
vine grace and help? There Is no oth
er hand that can guide us safely
through tin1 new and strange experi
ences. Another suggestion for a prosperous
new year is that wo should fill its
overy hour with duty well demo. Duty
is a huge woal. It Includes all that
we owe to (5od- honor, love, obedi
ence, faithfulness It Includes all that
we owe to men. No year can bo hap
py or beautiful with God left out.
The only way to have a year at Its
close stainless aud beautiful, is to
keep tho days, as they pass, all pure
and lovely with tho loveliness of holy,
useful living. It is in littlo days that
our years como to us, nnd wo havo
but tho ono small fragment to fill and
beautify at a time. Cod never gives
mi years, or oven weeks. He gives us
only dnys. If wo llvo each day well,
all our life will, in the end, bo radlunt
and beautiful. Rev. J. R Miller, I) 1)
A Great Christian Man.
(iladstono was a member of parlia
ment seven years beforo Queen Vie
toila ascended tho thinuc, and was
as great a llguio lu the world's eyo
as the queen when she celebrated hor
sixtieth regal anniversary. Ho was
great in tho splendor of bis setting
sun, sublime, ns his death approached,
as lio discoursed of Cod, of the for
giveness of sins, of tho great here
after, and mndo sublime In tho oyes
of nil men when his lifelong opponent,
Lord Salisbury, conferred on hlni tho
highest tltlo that even tho Creator
himself can bestow upon n humnn be
ing: "A great Christian man." Dr. J.
M. Rucklcy, in the Christian Advocate.
Value of Church Attendance.
No danger Is moro subtle or fatal
than tho philosophy which disparages
tho value o: church attendance. Ureal:
up the Christian assembly, nnd
Christ's grip upon tho nation Is bro
ken. Tho senso of Cod nnd the sense
of sin, tho august beauty ot titith and
tho high dignity of duty, tho sweot
iiess of communion nnd the raptures
of heaven, nil theso aro heightened
nnd mado real In tho great congre
gation, Wo kludlo ono another nnd
lift up ono another when ns brethren
wo meet to medltato and pray.
Charles W Gordon, whose picture Is
given above, Is agent for the Atlantic ,V
Pacific Tea Company In Ogdensburg,
N. Y, nnd lesides ul 7S King street,
that cll In giving let ti.nony rei ml
lug his own case. Mr Gord in iccently
made the following statement.
"Some time ago. while nutT"rlng from
stomach caiarih, I was advised to take
Cooper's New Discovery, anil did so,
two bottles of the preparation putting
my stomach Into good condition. Pre
vious to my taking tho New Discovery
I could not eat a meal without expe
riencing pain and diacomfoit after
ward. "1 had been lu this condition for a
long time, although I had tried many
different lemedles lu search of relief,
and at last reached tho conclusion that
I had exhausted every available re
source. Cooper's New Discovery was
therefore to mo almost a heaven-sent "
blessing, mid the work of the medi
cine was so permanent and lasting that
I have had no recur: once ol my foimer
ttoublo whatever.
"I can eat anything I care for with
out noticing any bad offoctn afterward.
I have recommended Cooper's New
Discovery to many persons of my ac
quaintance, unci it never falls to give
satisfactory results. It reaches tho seat
of stomach trouble In mighty short
Cooper's New Discovery Is sold by
nil druggists. If your druggist can
not supply you, wo will forward you
the name of a druggist in your city
who will. Don't accept "something Just
ns good." The Cooper Medlclnu Co.,
Dayton, Ohio.
Abel Strlnghaui I tell jou, my boy,
Shakespeare could never havo written
u drama like yours
Playwright You aio very compli
mentary. Abel Stiiiigliain Not at all Take,
for Instance, that trolley car accident
in the third ant.
From Daily Wretchedness and Pain
to Normal Health.
Mrs. R. Crouse, Manchester, la.,
saya: "For two years my back was
woak. Rheumatic
pains racked my
lower limbs, day
and night Tho ac
tion of the kidneys
was annoyingly ir
regular. When I
started using Uoan's
Kidney Pills, these
1 troubles soon less
ened and tho dull
backacho vanished. The kldnoys now
act normally and I glvo Doan's Kidney
Pills credit for this wonderful change"
Romomber tho name Doan's. For
salo by all dealers. SO contn u box.
Foster-MIlburn Co, Huffalo. N Y.
Getting Rid of It.
Dusty Rhodes. 1 wouldn't have to
ask for help, but 1'vo a lot of real es
tate on my hands thut I can't got rid
Mr. Rural Try soft soap and boil,
lng water.
She Was.
"Mrs. Gay has beon dcucrted by two
"The abandoned creature!" Clove
laud Leader.
Hold fast to the present. Every po
sition, ovory moment of life, is of tin
speakablo valuo as tho representative
of a whole eternity. Gootlie.
imi.i:s ririti:ii in n to i j iiavh.
r70 (lIM'MHNTlHRiMmnliHMl In oii'ji iinjr raw
ut ItWilnn. Ull ml. llli'itllDit or I'ruiiuUiug IM04 in
OlollcUjaoriuuurr refunded. MKi.
It's dllllcult to convince) a woman
that other women aro ns good as they
wunt her to think they aro.
1'Kitnv davis tlmmuiilily rubbmt In relluvivi unilim ftnl
Hirilns In Joints or tausclns Irani nnr rutiui. All
OrugjjInts.'Ji, 3. Wo silo, liirg-e Umliw t ho clKMipout
Father Tlmo was probably nursed
lu the lapse of ages.
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