The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 17, 1910, Image 9
,.'V- wj , ji,?f "" v 7.1,-, , , .mniiBiimrun' nrmnrnn ti n 1 1 m i i n 1 i i ,wravnaM.Twii-t-" W. C. T. I). STEMS. (TIiIm Sparc lli-loind to Uic . . T. I lVlint Good Docs n .Saloon do n Tokii, And Why Docs n (iootl Citizen Vole To tJclaln It? Close the sulooiih In a town, mul the bunk deposits tfrovv. nl thinK f- I'll' bankers. Close till HIllootlH In u low ll "I"'' H"-' depositors of tlio bunk increase in number. Cooil tliiiif; for tin U'p"lt ors. Close the saloons in 11 town. "'"' ' pollco force can bu decreased I IhliiK' for law and order. Close Hie Millions In a town, mul tie pilblie fcclmol teachers mnrtt be III creased In iminbcr. flood tlnnjr f'" the eliililn n Close Ike mibions in n town, ami 1 1 old uecotiulsareipiiclilysettleil tioml tiling for tin- business men Close the saloons In a town, and tlio streets ate free of drunken men. (Jooil tliinj,' for the women and elill dren. Clos. the saloons in a town, and mime is decreased, (bind thing for the tax payor. Order To Show Cause. Stille lit NubrilSUll, L flip Piimilv f'uurl Webster Uouniv. I "' n,e Cou," Luurl At n County Court livid nt t lit County i!ourt room la and for wild eotiaty Monday Mnrchlltli A. I)., l'JIO. In Ilia mutter of tli estate, of lck It. Korgiiuiii, Hcccased. On rcnillni; ami IIIIiik lliu iictiltoii of Die llerRiiinn flletl (in tliu lllli day of March A. I)., 1110, prnyhiK for the examination ami ill lowance of his (1 mil iicrount of the rami' date, nn order dlKtrlhulliiB tie residue of jicr houal eNlto mid there upon nn order dls lmri;lni? Ill m from further harden nad hit vlro la IiNk.iIiI olllrcaH administrator. OiiiiK.iu.ii, Tlml Tuendiiy the rah day of April A. !.. l'JIO, nl one o'clock p. in., W iisHlcncd for henrlmi nld petition, w hen nil pvrHoni Interested In said mutter mny appear nl a County Court to he held In mul fur Mild ((unity nud hhow enuvu why prnyer of jietl lliiiiiTHhinild not Im' Krnuted; nud Unit notice of the pendeiiry of Mild petition nnd the hear, tag thereof he given to nil pcrHoiiH IntereHted In Bald matter, by publishing n ropy of thin order la the Kcd Cloud Chief, a weekly newn paper printed In said county, fur three con secutive. weekH prior to snld day of licarlm;. frtKAI.l (. V. Knso.s Count v .Indue. Order to Show M WebCoum": f '" '"'-"" At n County Court held nl the County liourt room In nud (ornnlil eouiityTliurKilnj Mim-li 10th A. II., l'JIO. In the matter of the estnte of Susan I,. Jlnxler, Deceased. On re.idlni and llllut: the peiitlun of Sarah M. ItiiKter llled on the lOlh day of March V !., l'JIO, prnylm; for the examination nud al lowanced! her llnal account of theHaiucdatc, :i decree of aH.diUiiii'Ut of the InudH belong liiK toHiild cNtale tothe persons intltlcd to the Name, unorder dlstrlhiitliiK the residue of personal estate nud there upon nn older dlhchnrulm; her from further burden and orvlce In her mild olllco as Kxecutrlx. nillr.lti:i. Hint Wednesday the lilh dny of Apiil A. II. l'JIO at '.! o'clock p. in., Is nislmud for henrlni; said petition when nil persons IntereHted In unlit inatterjiuay ap pear at a County Court to bo held In nud for Mild County and show cause why prnyer of pt'litiimerhtuiiihl nut b granted, and tlml notice of tho pendency of said petition nud the hearing thereof be ulicn to nil persons interested In raid matter, by piihllhhlug a copy of this order In the lied Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper piloted In said county, (or three cnuscciiUiewickh pi lor to said day of hcailng. I. i.hsun, ,Sl"il' Comity .Indue. m Order I .Sliou Cause 'Wta? ! in.hecouu.ycou,.. A i. a County Court held at tlio County i ouii loom in and for said county Thiirsdnv. l.uch lillli A. i uin. Is the iiialter of the istalu of John tlirrett, liceeasul. o.Mcadliigiiiul llllug the petition of lolin Mcruiur lllisl on IhelOth day of Maieli li. l'JIO, lia)ln for the examination and allowauceofhls ilnal account of Uic haine date, nn order adjudicating the claim of ileorisc . Chamberlain and dlslrlbutliiK the residue of personal eMatennd Iheieupon nn ordii'illselinrulim him fiom further harden nnd sen Ice In his Haldollleens administrator. Oliiihitim. That W edliesilin n, ,, of prll A. II. pjii), at io oviock , , isjiwlKiieil for hearhm' said petition when all persons Interested In said matter nm appela nt a County Court to be held in nud for aid county and show cause whj prn.ier of petitioner should not be Kianted; nud Hint notice of the pendency of mM petition nud the hcarln thereof be uUen to nil,.., .nteresled In Mild matter, by publishing a eopyof this order In the t,d Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In Mild county, for three consecutive cekn prior to snld day of lit'iirln lt. fsl-"-l I. W. Kiisov County Indue & tixMt &i&i&ic&toiiteii,tetem xtixai&&i(&xi(...x& m IF YvU WANT a monument for S Decoration day place your order NOW! DV A T T HrWM VYO riiic 11 nun u the most careful attention. Material first class, workmanship un excelled. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., the: monument wen, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. s ti mmiWZ&ZVIMlFZimRW rgs . A. SCHULIZ 8 G0. g Real Estate Brokers H E rvsr riiiTM i- ! i iiwi Notice Farmers & Breeders That the IVrcheton Stall. on, M.VU tijai ((!7II7!)) Imported from France iu 1010 by Stream A' Wilson of t'ruton, Iowa, is registered ill the Amorienn Hreeder.s and Impotter's I'orchcron Keglslery. and tlml lii-s reiordcd num ber is .V2!)'22. Color ana Description, Black. I'r.nnim:!:: I'olded .June 0, 100.".; bred by .M. Tisoii Commune of Sar&uus, department of Sartbe; got by Daussot (")lT21)hobv Ayor a7.'J:.r. (isiir.) ho by Uotitoo tr.).V0)he by Picador III, fl)78 (ISl.-iihoby riiMilor l.'.'il (78(0 ho by rieulor tlli-il) he by Favoii. Oam: Charm mte i,-''S"') by Ver inout'i (.MD7I he by l'ieadir 1 (10) be bv lla.atd(0r."i) he by I'st iba lS7(7Ul he by a khi of Jean Lo ltlnnc (730j. HbtiCKV UDY and M UTKAU will inako this seam i at the Oay barn. R. . BORUM Ohm ii phone No Mil. promrtlr oliUlnrrt In nit rountrlf . or NO rtt, TRADE-MARKS, I'llYflltl lltlil ll)lvrlllH Ttfllt- teml. iiil Kkrlili, skhU'I or I'liulo. lor free renort tin iMt-nutUUy. all business bTHicikT vunriucnTiAL. r.ucni ptACllce ex luilvely. MiriMiuuiK rele rrmv. uii'AHrHKi) iiivfinura (iiouui iiuve our nana N)i on I low to ol'Ulll nl Srll In M'liilont will pny.llow to iwt ikrnrtiit'r.Knloilirr Tiiliutle Information. Htnl tree to any addreti. D. SWIFT & CO. Seventh St., Washlnnton. D. C. V 1 ana it will receive ELY BROTHERS, CG Wonen St.. Now York. ONLY A FEW LEFT SAVE DEALER'S PBOFIf BY BUYING NOW ARGABRIG8T WITH Chas. A. Schultz & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD, NEBR. i- i-i-i-iii i-m Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. t(miTt& Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. l:IIGH At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonel3I. CATARRH foMBAltt 3JW-EEVER Elvs Cream Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. . GiVCS RELIEF AT. ONCE. It eleiiw-es, nontlics, heals aud pvolcctrt tho dioaieil mi'iuhraiiq niultlnB frmn t'.itarrl. ' and drives awaj a CnldiutliIIeiidipiieklr, ItiMtores tho Kenoi of 'I'a-to and Smell. I'.usytoUM Contains no jnjurii ms drills ' pplied into tho nostiils ami iiliioibed Laiun hize, 10 rtnta at Orn ,'k'Hf or ly j iiiil Liniild Cream ll.iiiu inr ur m atomizers. 7fi cents. Bacons. ' i ' 'I s. ? J. I M w. THE zr.. Km. m. 'iLUMuniim m lf?ATm" WVV m OR COUJI i- iTi-rTsrTSTnm-rT Gol. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock anil gcni'i'iil iiiic1 tionccrliiK. Sutisfni'tioniiariiii tct'il in every case. Understands pL'illjjrie.s.' ami stock values. Many yeais exptrioneo. I'liono him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr, 's''U'VArA Widow's Pension. Tne recoil t act of April lth. l'.iOS gives to all soldiurs' widows a pension ofSl2 per month. Fred Maarer, the attorney, has all necessary blanks. .nti:ii A frosluniluheow. Impure at Xoivhoiiso Bros Store. Cliurcli Services, riiritcu oi-'ciutisT. In riiiiisn in Ciii'iicii llvr.iiv I.oicn's I Illhlo scliodl 10 n. in. .sermon anil Communion II n. in. ChrlMtlnn Knilenvor liito p. in, I'rcarlilni; 7:;io i. m. I'rnycrH anil pralNu, WcilncbdnyH, "::10 p. in. SeatH Iree. (food music. Come. Ililnu.vour llllilcs, (rlniilN and gimd cheer. I,. An. ItUssn.Mj. MlnlhliT. UnritSOKHKItVlUHATM. K. Clll'Hfll Saiuiatii Si:iivici:s. Sunday .School 10 A.M. I'leiiclilni? II A.M. ChiKS niecllni4 V M. 1IVKXIXII lOpworth league ?.... . 7 P. M. 1'rcncIiliiR 8 I'. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 1'. M Ladles Aid Krldny 2 P. M. Your prcKcnco Is requested and a cordial Invitation Is extended to all. M. T. Stifklkii I'astor. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND LADIUS I BRAND ?erc . Art jour UruRgUt for CIII-CHKS-TKR'S A DIAMOND IIUAND VlhUI In KliD enij Uoi.n taetalllc boxes, scaled with IMtiKw) Ribbon. TAicn no oniua. Bnruf jnorV llrujtul.t n.l uk Top ClII.CIIL's.Tf U 8 V I)IA1M.M IlltANU I'U.I.M, for twenty.flvo jcar regarded ns Ilcst,Sart, Alvrnyl Keliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUCGISTS ffl'L EVERYWHERE Market Renort As Furnished hy Hanson ii Trim: liens (fall !,' per lb. Springs in " Cox i " Ducks . ... 7 ' " Geeso s " ' Nutter IT " " V.ZKS (rots out)..., 17 "' " Wc hive ;t sulci t list of lands in K sIltii Colorado, Cen tral ami Western Kani.tsaml Nebraska. We have the Ivst of facilities for showing you any of iv-sc lauds at no expense to ou except Rail Road Fare, vhiih will be refunded if you purchase from us. ! .re deciding upon location it would be well to call at :r office and see on the map just where our lands Ho. We i . 1. 1. ite vou close to an of these towns: K, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, 1JIRD CITY. KANSAS, C.ARDLN CITY, KANSAS, AND RED CLOUD, NEB Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOUTH li LANDS REM EM HER ''One personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." We loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C. A. SCHULTZ . CO. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. NOW IS THE TIME to Bring in Your DISCS and Have them Rolled Out on Our 4S?3BS .- AiSsStlHSfw'-' ii-W 'M 1 fc't'.!WlVt Hit mm -, V Jk -' . -r- v...s it.MAii'' 'u jiint'ti:!.- iiirjBtiaBN r m i i Roller Disc Sharpener. Or We will GRIND them for You! See us for first-class work in our line. WOLFE & A MACK General Blachsmlthlng. iiiiHiii.Ii' 1WC.W 11. FIRE IN5URANCL" POLICY i 'wrmmzpsiito tM.,,TT Don't Delay Ordering u tire insurance policy from iih a slnjjlo day. Fire isn't. Roiiif? to stay away becnuno you nrc not in hiirod. In faet, it seems to pick out tho mini foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Hiivo us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tho fire fiend may., have your house down on tho list for a visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY r Reliable Insurance? I Q 3.-1 M j i-lWtttMrX :;:'J j ;f.- OCKS EMGRAVIHGlO mm m)- i aii.n"- " ir m rmtimiwTm i -.ii vAi$-- tH-; ? "rfi Announcement! 1 wish to announce to my fellow Farmer and Breeders that I'll be at my Barn in Red Cloud, with my Horses and Jacks after March 20, 1910. H. A. JOHNSON We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Wave ar ranged to secure the services ofjJAlbright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjKxtra Charge to Patrons. 6. A. WELLS COWLES, NMliK. NBfcTllS -." n rvmzmMM $( 4' V j3$BrX3. ,aBHHHIrycrsivVK3.w A M1 .J T ll I fJWK ! f -4 I '-IT t . -;.ifeisssA.' ''ijOiaat Ljjtv'y&y3tfv nttyy. -faattZl-