The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 17, 1910, Image 4

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    a . ..m,
ah HU
"Who wrote tlio dictionary?"
"I don't Know, but I bet ho couldn't
explain things to hla wlfo when ho Rot
homo nt 3 a. in. uny hettor than any.
body else."
Famous Cough and Cold Prescription
Has Cured Hundreds Here.
"Got two ounccH of Glycerine and
half an ounce of Concentrated Pine
compound. Then get half a pint of
Kootl whiskey nnd put tho other two In
gradients into it. Tnko a tcaHpoouful
to a tnblcspoonful of thin inlxturo after
ench meal and at bed tlniu. Shake the
hottlo well each time." This 13 said to
be tho quickest cold and cough remedy
known. It frequently cures tho worst
colds In twenty-four hours, Hut be
Hiiro to get only tho gcnulno Concen
trated Pino. Each half ounce bottle
comes put up In a tin screw-top case.
Don't ubo tho weaker pino prepara
tions. Any druggist has It on hand or
will quickly get it from his wholesale
Fldo'o Portion.
"Did you give tho licraps of meat to
tho dog, Norah?"
"You forgot, mum, that we'd quit
eatin' meat, mum, but 01 glvo tli' baste
th' carrot tops an' perlaty parin's."
l.os Angeles Express.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully overy boltlo ol
CASTOKIA, a safo and suro remedy for
infants and children, uud see that It
Tlonrn ihn Ss
Signature of UlLa&M&
In Use For Over ,'JO Years.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought.
"It seems to mo that your husband
is not of a very oven temper."
"Oh, he certainly Is. He growls tho
whole time." HIro.
If You Ar a Trifle Sensitive
Alxint tlifl Hlzn of your bIiik-m, mnny fionplo
wear mnnller bIiooh fy uhIiir Allcn'H Foot-Eni-p,
the AnUiic)tio roivdcr to utiakn Into tliu bIioch.
It currw Tired, Kwollcn, Aohlnir Feet ami
;lveH rest nun comfort. .mi mo iiiiiir lor
lri'nkliiir In now hIioch. 80I1I everywhere. ZZa.
Sample Hont FUIS12. Addrebti, Allen 8. Olmsted,
iMiioy,N. y.
Endurance is the crowning quality,
and patience all tho passion of groat
hearts. Lowell.
Pcttlt's Eye Salvo 100 Years Old,
rclicvcH tired even, quickly cures uyo aches,
ititlatncd, Fore, wati-ry or ulcerated eves.
All druggibts or Howard HroH.liulfalo.N.Y.
It Is almost as easy to do good work
us poor work after you onco learn
how, and much moro profitable.
Aclwiill uverV Tlirout Mini, ulllirlillls' Ttjntliln
tirlpiii'. I'trru Ihif ' l'ii nkilirv will tireitk It uiilf
Uikon iroinitly. AIIUruIi'iH,35v, Sound toe bottle:,.
There is no wrong it man can do
but is a thwarting of tho living right
Mnc Donald.
tlio Muimliirn if. K. W. (JHOVK. Utcd tliu World
ou'i toCureaCuldlnOnuiluy. &c
When tho worst comes to tho worst
one may as well try to make the boat
of it.
Many who ufcd to nnukn 10c t'is.irs
v buy Lewis' Single Hinder straight 5c.
Tho decay of pootry may bo duo to
the fact Hint so much of It Is rotton
".".IIUI Thompson's Eyo Waier
41 ujf i
Mh- ! ' t!K, I
J 1
A Ml i
Plans of Secretary Meyer Arc
Not Generally Regarded
with Favor.
Claims Made That It Means Immense
Expenditure of Money and Is
Merely an Experiment Flfjht
Over Amendment to Inter
state Commerce Act.
Washington. Secrctnry of tho Navy
Meyer's plan for a 32,000-tnn Dread
nought to bo authorized for tho Amor
lean war fleet at the next session of
congress Is meeting with strong op
position. Tlio friends of tho plan are
just as energetic as aro its enemies,
nnd It is likely Hint there will ho n
fight worthy of tho traditions of tho
American nnvy when the bill for the
big ship gets before congress next De
cember. KeproBcntatlvo Tawney, who is
chairman of tho houso committee on
appropriations, objects to the Dread
nought, first, on the ground of Its
cost, and second, on the ground that
Mich a great vessel will bo largely
experimental and It might not be
found really serviceable after It Is
built. In tlio contentions that tlio
ship may not provo all that might
be expected, many lino officers of the
navy have a part.
It Is maintained by tnnny of the old
limcrs of tlio service, that the expo
llonce of tlio years which havo passed
since the first modern battleship was
built goes to show that there Is a
limit of efficiency which Is marked
by n limit of size. There are officers,
nlfto, who aro opposed to tho Incicase
In the caliber of tho great guns which
aro used on warships. Some of them
say that the 12 inch gun is just as
servlccablo as tho It-inch or tlio 10
inch gun, and that any increase of
caliber from the 12-Inch motlol Is n
waste of money and tends In no way
to Improve the lighting qualities of
the ship that carries tho big weapons.
Roosevelt's Naval Program.
It was Theodoro Iloosovclt's Idea
that at least two battleships should
be added to the navy ench year. The
former president wanted tho United
States to keep pace with foreign tin
tions in the mntter of battleship
building and to retain its relative rank
In naval Btrcngth. In order to Insuro
that two battleships at least would
bo authorized In one year, Mr. Roose
velt, asked for four of the ships, know
ing Hint in all human probability con
gress would compromlso tho mntter
and give him tho two ships that he
really wanted.
It wns said at tho time that If Mr.
Roosevelt hnd asked for two ships, ho
would have been given only one. For
sotnu reason or other congress did
not glvo tho former president the sup
port that apparently tho country wns
giving him in his various fields of
admlnlstrativo endeavor. When the
Panama cannl Is opened, the voyage
from tho Atlantic const of the United
Stntes to the Pacific const will be n
comparatively Bhort ono, nnd there
fore it will not be dllllcult in cases
of emergency to send a iiugo fleet to
tho western waters. As things aro
now, of course, tho voyngo has to be
mndo around Cape Horn, following
the track which tho battleship fleet
took two years ago In malting tho first
part of its Journey around tho world
Some naval officers say thnt It
might bo a good plan to build n :52,000
ton Dreadnought and put into its tur
rets guns of tho largest caliber for
tho purposo of testing the sailing
qualities nnd tho lighting ofllcioncy of
such n boat. If a Dreadnought of tlio
size planned by tho secretary of tho
navy should be built nlong tho most
careful lines and should provo to bo
inefficient, tho lesson tnught might bo
worth tho 14 or 15 million dollars that
It would cost to construct it, for if it
wore shown that such n vessel were
Impracticable, tliero would bo no moro
experimenting, and all tho energies
of tho department would bo exerted
to perfect vessels of tho slzo thnt It
was known could bo built and oper
ated surely and with high offensive
Dispute Over Elkins Bill.
The sonato has taken hold in ear
nest of tho bill introduced by Sena
tor Elkins nnd which provides for
amendments to tho luterstnto com
merce act. One featuro of tho bill, ns
Is well known, Is thnt providing for nn
Interstato commorco court, whoso duty
It shall bo to hoar enses that aro car
ried on appeal from tho decision of
tho interstato commerce commission
One of tho main reasons advanced
for tho creation of tho interstato com
merce court was that It would expe
dite final decisions in cases In which
the grcnt carrier companies of tho
country woro interested. Of course
nppenls will Ho from tho interstate
commorco court to tho supremo court
of tho United States, but it is urged
by friends of tho now court plan that
parties to litigation will be satisfied
in ninny instances with tho doclslon of
tho lower court and that anywny, In
asmuch as it has only ono class of
cases to hear, tho now court's work
will be dono quickly and that the route
to Justice will bo much shorter than
it has been In tho pnst, Tlioro is
strong opposition to tho Interstate
commorco court amendment among
borne of tho Republicans of tho sennto
nnd among a considerable number also
In tho house of representatives. Sen
ators Cummins uud Clapp aro lighting
the provision for a new court. It is
said by the opponents of tho plnn
that tliero have only been 20 cases
taken on appeal from the luterstnto
commerce commlrslon within tlio tlino
space of several years, and that tliero
seems to bo no Immediate chance that
tho number of cases will Increase.
They say, theiefore, that tlio court Is
not needed. On the other hnnd, tho
friends of the court say that becnuso
of the. long litigation that was suro to
bo ahead of parlies to a suit In tho
past appeals have not been taken and
that Injustice, therefore, wns dono.
Provisions Objected To.
The new court provision Is not tho
only ono to which objection Is mudo
by some of tho Republican senators,
most of whom uro what Is known ns
Insurgents. In tho main tho snnio
men wero opposed to many of tho
provisions of tho Payno-Ahliich tariff
law. Tlio charge is mndo thnt powor
Is taken away from tlio Interstato
commorco commission to pnss Judg
ment on all tralllc agreements between
tho rallronds which arc allowed by
law. It was ono of President Rooso
velt's ldcns thnt these tralllc agree
ments should bo allowed, but tho son
ators who aro in opposition say that
Mr. Roosevelt Intended to glvo tho
Interstato commerce commission tho
power to dccldo on these agreements
nnd to reject them If thoy were not
considered proper nnd within tho
spirit of the statutes.
The friends of the court provision
In the bill r,ay that If tho agreements
between the rallronds aro of tho kind
to tlx rates at too high n Ilguro tho
luterstnto commerce commission can
act just as it always has acted. Tlio
opponents of the bill declare, how
ever, that agreements ntuy bo mndo
which aro in effect deadly to compe
tition and yet they may not seem to
lix extraordinarily high rates.
Wants Legislation Pushed.
President Taft is beginning to show
dally more of tho "spurring" qualities
of Theodore Roosevelt. Ho Is seem
ingly dissatisfied with tlio compara
tively slow progress which the legis
lation Hint ho lias, recommended is
making In congress, and, moreover, ho
seems to havo been somewhat dis
turbed by the reports that tho coun
try is taking more Interest in tho mut
ters now under investigation by con
gress than it is in the progressive pol
icies of legislation which occuplod all
Its attention during tho Roosevelt ad
ministration. Recently reports were published to
tho effect that Mr. Taft hnd practical
ly given over all attempts to Induco
congress to pass tho majority of hla
legislative recomrnendntions at this
session. To his political friends tho
president wns quick to make dental of
any such intention. Ho has let it ho
known that ho not only wnuts postal
savings banks, chnnges In tho inter
state commorco law, and conservation
laws, but an anti-Injunction statute
and all recomrnendntions that ho baa
made, put through congress In law
form beforo tho session closes and
tho congressional campaign opens.
The lenders In houso nnd sonato
havo tried to talk the president out of
giving public expression to his deslro
that a comprehensive legislative pro
gram shall bo put through. Tlio lead
ers seem to be of the opinion Hint If
three or four bills which havo attract
ed public attention and public support
aro enacted Into lnw at this session it
will be enough in tho wny of accom
plishment to satisfy tho country- Tho
president is telling the leadors that
tho country won't bo sntisilcd with
three-quarters of a loaf, and that it
must bo given a whole loaf. Whether
or not attention will bo given by con
gress to whnt tho administration is
urging, will not bo known for a fort
night, probably.
The President's Contentions.
Tho ndvisers of tho presldont say
that all through tho tariff debate Mr.
Taft was firm in his belief that by
gentlo measures which wero In con
trast to thoso of his Immediate pre
decessor, ho could get moro out of con
gress than could bo obtained by big
stick methods. He professed satisfac
tion with tho tariff lnw, but it is said
by those who seem to Know his In
ward feelings thnt ho would havo ox
pressed n much stronger and dcopor
satisfaction If tho hill had gouo furth
er than It did In tho cutting of customs
It has been said many times recent
ly that tho country seems to bo moro
Interested In tho Ilalllngcr-Plnchot in
quiry nnd In tho matter of tho high
cost of living than It Is In tho lcglsln
tlvo program of the presldont. It is
believed that Mr. Tart holds that tho
lack of interest in legislation is duo to
tho bellof on tho pnrt of tho country
thnt tho organization leaders aro not
going to do very much with legisla
tion, nnd so naturally tho Interest to
a consldornblo extent has subsided.
Tho members of both houses nro
still getting scores of lottors from
their constituents weekly, expressing
tho deepest concern over tho high cost
of living, nnd nlso expressing a foar
that tho committee on investigation
now sitting, Ib bent on giving Secre
tary Rnlllngcr a clean bill of honlth
Tho president Is concerned over tho
feeling thnt tho committee Intends to
clenr the Interior department officials
mil to clear them ns a mntter of
courso and politics. Mr. Tnft said nt
tho outset thnt ho wanted tho truth
and nothing else, nnd thnt ho did not
caro whom It hit, provided It was tho
truth. Ho Is a good enough politician
to know that anything that was ap
parently In the naturo of a whltowaoh
would do Mr. Dalllnger no good, and
thnt if ho had acted In n wny thnt ho
should not have ucted it would ho just
an well for him to havo that fact noted
la tho report as it would bo to havo
It unnoted, but Btill perfectly plnln to
tho pcoplo at largo.
Simple Home-Made Remedy That in
Free from Opiates and Harm
ful Drugs.
An cffectlvo remedy that will usu
ally break u,) a cold In twenty-four
hours, Is easily mndo by mixing to
gether in a largo hottlo two ounces of
Glycerine, a hnlfnunco of Virgin Oil
of Pino compound puro nnd eight
ounces of puro Whisky. Tills inlx
turo will euro any cough Mint ia cur
ablo, and Is not expensive as It makes
enough to last tho nverago family an
entlro yenr. Virgin Oil of Pino com
pound puro Is prepared only In tho
laboratories of tlio Lench Chomlcnl
Co., Cincinnati, O.
Henderson Ever meet with uny seri
ous accident whlio traveling?
Henpeck Did I? I met my wlfo
whllo traveling n broad.
"Our baby when two months old
was suffering with terrible eczema
from head to Toot, nil over her body.
Tlio baby looked just liko n skinned
rabbit. Wc were unablo to put clothes
on her. At first it seemed to bo it few
mattered pimples. They would break
tho skin nnd peel oil leaving tho tin
doruoath elcln red as though It wero
scalds. Then a few moro pimples
would nppear and spread all over tho
body, leaving tho baby all raw without
skin from head to foot. On top of her
head thero nppenred a heavy scab 11
quarter of an Inch thick, it wns aw
ful to uco so small a baby look assho
did. Imagine! Tho doctor was afraid
to put his hands to tho child. Wo
tried several doctors' remedies but all
"Then wo decided to try Cutlcura.
By using tho Cutlcura Ointment wo
softened tho scab nnd it caino off. Un
der this, where tho real matter was,
by washing with tho Cutlcura Soap
and applying tho Cutlcura Ointment,
a new Bkln soon appeared. Wo also
gavo baby four drops of tho Cutlcura
Resolvent threo times dally. After
threo days you could bco tlio baby
gaining n llttlo skin which would peel
off nnd heal underneath. Now tho
baby Is four months old. Sho Is n flno
picture of a fnt llttlo baby and all Is
well. Wo only used ono enko of Cutl
cura Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Oint
ment nnd ono hottlo of Cutlcura Re
solvent. If pcoplo would know what
Cutlcura Is thero would bo fow suffer
ing with cczemn. Mrs. Joseph Koss
mnnn, 7 St. John's Place, Itldgcwood
Heights, N. Y.. Apr. 30 and May -1, '09."
No Joke.
"If an old maid says 'No when ho
proposes, is sho playing tho coquette?"
"No, she's playing tho fool!" Cleve
land Lender.
PII.KH Cllltni) IN It TO 14 DAYS.
PA7.0 OlNT.MKNTIhUUiinmtciMl In rum any rao
nt llrhliiK. llllnil, Jlli-i-dluK or I'rnUuUlui: I'llei lu
Ulolldayaunuoucy refunded. Wa
Never depend on a stuttering man.
he'll break his word.
Mr. Wliiilmv'n Soothtwr Kyrup.
I-'nr children ti-utluriit. Miflenmiiii kiwis, miners In
Uj ai iiiulluu,ullu)Jln, cures wluduille. Xo a bottle.
It's never too into to mend until It
Is too late.
Lewis' Sinplc Ilimler, the famous
Btraight 5o cigar annual rale. 0,500,000.
To enjoy love or sausages ono must
have a lot or confidence.
r 2 5Wi
Words of Praise
For the several ingredients ol which Dr. Pierce's medi
cines aro composed, as given by leaders in all the several
schools of medicine, should havo farmorc weight than any
amount of non-professional testimonials. A booklet tnado
up of theso Ecnt free. Address as below. Dr. Tierce's
Favorite Prescription has tub dadob op iionestv on every
bottle-wrapper, in a full list of all its ingredients printed
in plain English and sworn to ns correct.
If you are an invalid woman and suffer from frequent
headache, backache, gnawing distress in stomach, period-'
ical pains, disagreeable dragging-down distress, pcriiups
dark spots or specks dancing beforo tlio eyes, faint spells
nnd kindred symptoms caused by female weakness, or
other derangement of tho feminino organs, you can not
do better than tako
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
The hospital, surgeon's knifo and( operating table may bo avoided by the
timely use of "Favorit? Prescription" in suclt cases. Thereby tlio obnox
ious examinations and local treatments of the family physician can bo avoided
slid a thorough course of successful treatment carried out in the privacy of
the home.
'Frworito Prescription" is composed of the very best
nativo medicinal roots known to Medical science for the
euro of woman's peculiar ailments, and contains no al
cohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs.
Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription;" it will not perform
miracles; it will not dissolve or cure tumors. No medicino will. It will do
as much to establish vigorous health in most weaknesses and ailments pecul
iarly incident to women as any medicino can. It must bo given a fair chance
by perseverance in its use for a reasonable length of time.
You can t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this
remedy ol known composition.
Sick women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All cor
respondence is guarded as sacredly secret and womanly confidences ere pro
tected by professional privacy. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asso
eiation, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce b Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of tho bowt-k.
Color more aoodi brlahter and latter colon than
You can dro any garment vritliout ripping apart. Write
re Economical than
Cheap and
-and MUCH
WHY? Because Cnlumct Baking Powder is moro'
certain in its results the baking is always lighter,
more delicious and more evenly raised. You never
have a spoiled batch of baking by its use.
It requires less hence goes further.
IS tho "full vnlno" baking powder tho highest quality
halting powder at a medium prico. And wo gunrantco that
It will Rivo yon moro real satisfaction than any bakiutf pow
der you havo over used ask your grocer.
Frco larRO hantlsomo rccipo book, Illustrated In colon.
Send 4c and slip found in pound can.
Calumot Ricalvod Hluhost Award World'e Pure Food Exposition
Tlilsll00roSi:Oi:UHrUOMI'IANOIf you unit nn tliplirnl nrniwcr In Din follow I m(
rehiis. Alvi ULkjjii 111 iiiin'f e.iMi t..l k iirirr li uitirtllan our luetnry unit lh
IutibtKn"liii' I1 anu miiiiufocturltigliuftltictiitu tlm United Mtaios, inlollowsi
aIHr1lfiw!nif ;wroQoo
sp t? lusa beBs ciiD
i, litJtli - iit 1 forir
riUVr ri:!.i:-ONi; inO.UOSltCKttsrnoU
TIICN !l.mtXlnllUniillvMivllnniiiotiiitHfrnmC5tK) loJIKHO uretinllng In merit. Mlieso ftwnrjl. r
Kkk1 J ut t lie B.iiue u s mi luucli inotiejr tun ,in!s t tin puruhiica o f uny new I'liuui 1 11 oil r Morn, I
I M I'OllT.t N 1' No one wlio Inn liren n wunlnl n prim In nny of our former ronlonti nlll tin II lent Ml to
ruTiit" t" In HilHfiinliMi, Oiilriinn mishit n 111 bonieelVfU from uny oiui fitiullr.otlicrvilio tUo conloil t'
f leu iiml oih'II to iinjiiiie In tliu United States.
WonrnienillnK!tfnrtiiiiornchyrarliinilviirllKlnRllinHK(lKllSTIlOM PIANO direct from Omtronrw
of Kitlittftl etiMnmiTa n lileli, utter nil, li tlm very Ik-si ndvrrlltoiuunt mid wn luleml lu tucuuiplliti lu qn
) rum lint ot her inuiiiiriietiirnrH Inro Liken fifty yi'iirntndo,
Ml'tiiittpenln million iliillurH 1 11 advertising tliu lucxluet'iof liWmnmifnctniv. WlmKuyspmnomKf?)
Mm alunutlr. Today he. la heralded hy lieadnuf Kiiropo, liwl:ilni"d tlm Klnu merchant. Il
I'liystnndrertU'iuhrn jnurcnoiMiimrlitlit. Win oil nnirn plniion wliulnriiln nnd retail I linn any other
iiiantifnctmlm; concern In th" country iiml our plun niipenli to thn thlnklnit ImyrnionnccoaulofQuf
)btemot KnllliiKplanimllrert from factory to hoinnvdilfliullnilnntonull mliliUeninn'H profits. 1
Kvery ciiiiicMiint. will Im tinswercd hy inntl. hul Do tiro and unclotna eclf atMres'.od eirrolov1
ntsuro Unit your auarl nlll not bo nil vent or lot In tho mull.
The Right
In all Cases of
Of all Horses, Ilrooil Marcs, Colts,
SuiiliouH, is to
On their lont'iiis or In the feed tit Sjiolin'n Llqold
Compound, (ilvu tlio rctiudy tor.ll o( lliem. li
nets on the blood nml child's. It routs tlio (IIwrko
by cxncllInK tlm discasu Rrrins. It vr,iri!(i off tlid
troulilono matter how they arc "rxpoFeil." Abso
lutely Iteo from niiylljlm; injurious. A child rnn
safelv tako it. W)ceni nnd ei.COj 5.00 nml If 10 CO
the dozen. Sold liy (Iriincistn, linrners denlrrp, or
sent, express paid, hy tlio manufacturer!;,
Special Agenlu Wonted
Chemists and Bacteriologists, Gosticn,inJ.,U.S.A.
ETD 2 ifi I U A liiiiitcil amount orGrciit Western PorV
r J ff SJ 4 Ir. EL land Cement, paying ;i dividend or 8
Wo an; obliged to enliu-tfi; our ltltuit, 1I110 to tlio liicroano In Imslius&j,
anil oN'ortJiu abovu stock to those Nocking- invohliiicnta.
For purtieiiliirH, address
UEtti El Cured by Elcctropodcs J
flsaftHlBntm Sm N Urcnlc Ticatmtnt, Mttll loiolfi worn I
flHfJHflfwmjL ID IntlJo ttuxv r.ixiy Ixiointl nuencf atnn tha
Tr n connecting wlrti, l'oilllre cute lot Rhrusmhin, '
yJ&'Qir- Ul NcumlcU. llacLuhr, KMnry ml Llvti com, J
VS. WE tUlnu. Only Jl. CO pair. Cuinctraflrned lln fl
JBgrSw. ill nchMlo. U UiTtruii,let fill to cure, money it.
2 -KPSri LJ li'to'il. It not at yw-r DruggUVi lend Ul Jl.W. J
BTVV ! We lll (to that you are lupplltd.
H I 1 1 ! 217 Loa Aaccl" BC, Los Angeles, Oil. ITI
any other die.
One tOc package colors all fibers.
- How to Dye, Dleach and MJ Colon,
(or tree booklet-
Big Can Kind
riANO to tlio unonhu fccnUilti Uictcitivmne
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. 'fry
a box. Kvery dealer, every where
Ycrar Liver's
Your Life
A dead liver means awful sick
ncss don't let it come whtm
it can be prevented. Cascarety
keep the liver lively and boweki
regular and ward off seriovt&l
fatal illness. wr
CASCARKTft-toc boi-week trctt
meat. All ilruBgibta. lilgget seltet
iutlieuorlJ. Million tjoxea a tnontu.
PATFUT VOtmiDCAS. They may bring
rAI Cm wraith. M-i.aK'i Hook Vrre. Ht; fMJ
tltwamld Co.. l,BUAtlys..lJoi K. WalUngton,H.a
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 12-1910.
They dte In cold water better than any other d.
MONROE DRUG CO.. Qufnmy, llUnohtt
nsftat TTiSlffllM fir si8. urf&i
t Wtailw m mmm
RhRM 'Marin
IT.. . ill "a
.HtfyWffiw ., U,,,,. - , ,fc
r-.iUfi. .A-
... --J&w&hr, in -ii gjmiuifijiitu: . 0