The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 17, 1910, Image 1
I I State Historical S0 I, y A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Hecks Each Year For $1,50. ;OLUME XXXV HI. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH IT. 910. N U"M HER 1 1 "An Ounce of Prevention" A check account will run your business without a "hitch". When you pay by check, you get an itemized receipt for every bill. Then, too, you have a complete record of receipts and expenditures in your pass book. Wc invite you to open a check account with us. Your account small or large- will receive attention a bovc the average. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster Coilnty Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. .: JEW SPRING DRESS GOODS ARE ARRIVING i j d. i ii jK AUYiiiiCG aiyrc?) iii an uina Pretty Cottons - Beautiful Linens Handsome Woolens - Gorgeous Silks Yard upon yard of the New I 9 1 0 Dress Fabrics We handle nothing but Reputable Merchandise Every article bearing our personal guarantee. We show Hothing but the Up-To-Date Styles. When selecting your Spring needs call at 1H Miner Bros. Co. THE BIO STORE General Merchants H. A. LETSON Mgr. We will be pleased to show our goods at any and all times, and we assure you courteous treatment. r. . ,, . . e Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses A rCW if the UOOfl I mng! Satisfaction guaranteed. mil Pickle ,Copcri,ossiTlipf1iipf $1 5ft a vpw sour rifuies ioc " ne i,mer $i.du a year. Sweet Pijklcs " ' "' - - - Hulk Olives loo" " i 111 i n l nurse itudioh ioo perbottio k, Khode Island Red Catsup ",tJ " '' coicry itciiHh ioo ' hggs ror Sale Mustard 1f "JKlnwip n .. ni 1 r n Otemurgerine UutiiT. . .'2s) 2:.o per lb V torn Pure lilood harm Range Oysters '" fltle per ,qt j Fowls. YOST & BUTLER The tH Avenue Meat MatHct Mrs. T. W. White SUNNY SIDE. Julm Kuthjoii move. I onto the Mizer fiirm lust week. (Jeo. Baylor rented Homer Honcr's fiirm for the coming year. lieo. Pioroo is quite hick. Thoy bad to call tbo doctor twice last Monday. Mrs. ltcnso'h nephew and niece spent Saturday and Sunday with them on the farm. Ij. C. Kngolhurdt shelled about 2.000 bu. of corn for ltasser. Uustand Hense l.ip.t week. Ciasoline seems to be all some autos need, some of them found it out when they had to walk or send for some of the necessary. Spring is on, the farmersnre getting ready to sow oats, the women are swapping eggs and sotting incubators at 13c per pound and eggs at 30c a dozen, the women will all bo wearing diamonds. GUIDE ROCK. Charles (luy is still very ill. Oscar Monia lias moved to his farm. J. S. (Jleason is building a porch or two on his house. Alva Stickley's little two year old daughter hirx been very ill. Itobuil .Jewell is improving the last few days. He was very low for more than a week. Juntos Young has two very sick children but both aro thought to bo a little bettor. Witt. Ityher has been very sick for soverul days but was much bettor the first of this week. Tim Ileiidriekson isbuihliuga hoitso for J. II. C'rurv on one of the farms north west of town. Mrs. Wade and daughter are staying at H M liner's at present. Sho is thinking of buying rosidonee property here. Harvey 13 alley after a visit with re lat ives here, at Hod Cloud and at Cowles litis returned to his farm at Mitchell, Nebr. S. B. Kly and family came up from Reynolds and spent the Urstof the week with the Kly and Vuughan families here and to greet Carroll Willhan and family who arrived hero Monday. C. F. Panzer moved this week to his farm, and Frank Shadley and family will occupy the Panzer property thus giving Mrs. Thortott possession of tho Malouey residence which she recently purchased. Hev. (J. W. Pool preached a splendid sermon Sunday morning. A ladies' double quartette- sang a beatlful se lection. They wore Mesdames, Fair field, Holes, Roland, Hunt and Misses Cooper, Vance, Dickerson and Pool. Geo. F. Hunt and Carroll Wllihan and families arrived by toam Monday from Lakowood, New Mexico. Thoy are glud to got back homo and all thoir friends aro delighted that thoy aro back again in good old Nebraska. They drove- througit In six weeks lack ing one day. Mrs. Sena Hartzell Wallace the noted W. C. T. U. worker will locture here on Thursday evening March 24 at tho Baptist church and Friday overl ing March 25 at the Opera House. All cordially invited. Admission free. A collection will be taken. He sure to hour this gifted lady lecture. While sitting in a buggy wuiting for another lady Mrs. E. C. Crlsty was thrown to the ground striking against a tree hi her fall. Thu horse suddenly took fright at something and cramped the buggy throwing tho lady out. Her face was severely bruised but other wise she was not much hurt which scents almost a miriclo under tho circumstances. Mr. Hull moved to town Friday and Mr. Wiggins moved in the same day. Lewis Mauley and Guy Haines went to (ittido Hock Tuesday on business. Artie Hlcherson is going lo do the bossing on the Wiggins place this summer. Kd Perry and Hlllio Coons of (iuide Ilock werccallorsat (Juy HurnosThuih day night. Sam Shuck was on wind mill row Tuesday with a line bunch of cattle consisting of about 100 head Mr. Hall had a good sale Thursday stuff sold well and it amounted to a bout thirty live hundred dollars. Kobert Buitty left Thursday night for Sheridan, Wyoming after a month's visit with his sister, Mrs. Ij. A. Manly. The surprise party at Manly Hros., was a success and every body had a good timo and stayed until the little hours. Rood Davis and Kaley took thoir cattle to lied Cloud Saturday and shipped them to market they looked pretty good. Charley Smith had quite an accident the other day while earring his mules and was between them one knocked him over in under the other one and it tromped him pretty bad. Frank Amuck is the puglist of wind mill row He is practicing for the nigger heavy weight. He takes a round with the hogs for past time but he hurt his (1st u little and he says that goes with the business Alfred Mauley has quite an eye for business as he was seen on wind mill row with two nice pieces of dress goods in under his arm and wo wonder what Is going to happen for ho went to town and got a dress pattern the next day. Congratulations Alfred. : ' " ""; rV': n"jnrT-. -- -?? .jZ Scene at Frank Amacks Photographed By Lou Manley About sixty friends and neighbors went with well (Hied baskets to Frank Amacks and surpr'tstd his good nattired wife on lior birthday on the slxthj Everybody seemed to have a good timo pitching horse Mines until they hol loed dinner and then everybody done his licst. But thoy wero careful for tho Coroner was there and no one seemed anxious to nive him a job and after dinner Mr. Manley took a picluio of the whole crowd and then the children and several other's pictures and lie got one of Clyde Simpson which looks like the last of the Mongolians and they gave Mrs. A mack a nice rocken chair and told her to use it and let Frank do the work. For S.t.r.: Two typewriters good as now, one Smith Premier and one Rem ington, inquire at this oilhv. The, Memory. A chief of police reports that many oi uiu criiiimms who cumi) mmei him charge confess that their fall came as a result of reading exciting Itales of crime. These stories are forgotten porhaps for years, or until the einer gencv arises, and then there Hashes j through the mind the plot or device cleverly suggested liy those early stor ies. In the belief that he will not be caught, the tempted man repeats some one experience with, as he thinks, a little added cunning. Tho result is disgrace. One of the mo eminent surgeons in New England recently said, "I was in fluenced more in my early days by reading The Youth's Companion than by any other factor." Successful men from every walk of life voluntarily testify that some influence in early life, sueh as reading stories of really heroic men and women, has hclpod ' thein to solve difllcultles and to be fearless in right doing mid at crucial , periods. You may look through any ! irimber of The Youth's Companion, and a sample copy of any current issuo will be sent you on request, -and you j will find that while The Youth's Com panion prints stories that are enter taining and oftentimes most exciting, (here is never one that suggests evil conduct. See The Chief for job work. Josh Billings Says: "Life is short. If it ain't jolly it ain't worth living." You miss your share of fan and pleasure if you oiait for that EDISON or VICTOR Why not buy it now. We have an easy payment planask about it. A complete clean stock of ma chines and a full list of records. Victors $10 to $750. Records 60c to 7 Edison $12.50 to $200. Records 35c to $1. GARFIELD Miss Julia Kngels is on tho sick list this week. T W. White went to Bladen with n load of seed corn .Saturday. G. Harnesand wife stayed over nlghl atC. Smith Friday night. Mshoris improving tho good wciith by cutting tocks on Saturday NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. W "V $ajt ""rir - 4 J i1,t.v'- iUi -1., --.. -