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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1910)
I Y . i!' ih v l t iV U II Letter List. List of letters nMiialiilng unonlh'd for at poitollk'i ut Kod Cloud, Ned. lor the week ending Mar. 10, HMO. i. V: JJowui.", I'Viuik V. Cordon, iliolt McDonald. K. K. Smilli U. A HiiiulniH, Mrs, Mary A. Sliniison. A W Thomas ami Chas J. Ward Tho'o will li soutto tho (load lullvr oilleo March 21, liMO, if uncalled for lioforo. Wlion nailing for abovo plonso nay "advertised." T. C. IIackkh, Postmaster W. C. T. U. ITEMS. O litH.Spnru IIcIuiikh to the V. ('. T. t'.l Supt. I' says of the irrowtli of tho Stato AutiSaloou l.cairuo, "Our membership increased fiOOo between January SOtli and February ltli It now numbers Hr,ooO ami probably will soon pass the loO.Otll) mark. This is not a list of nondescript names, bill is a Holeetod lot of men who presumably stand for the tilings that are truly American. This is not tho work of any one man, nor of any one church or .society. It is the woik of the people of'Nolmisha themselves who believe they havo a right to govern thouisclvos on u question of such vital importance as that of the lhpior Iratllc. Tho Atiti Saloon League will mako tho Issue vicar and definite. The people have the responsibility of voting." Mr. Uryan'.s article on county option is about as clear as the Knglish lang uage can make It. In spite of this fact, editors are calling him a prohibitionist, s if that were a term of reproach. If they mean lie has gone over to tho ranks of the prohibition party, they are not telling tho truth, and they know it. If they mean that ills article is an argument for prohibition, they )ire eijunlly culpable. It looks to us as If Mr. IJryan's posi tion was carefully defended, lie is vldcntly a democrat, but a consistent niie. In this respect he differs from the whisky doinnorts who favor the mlr of the people, if the people will lot tho lhpior t rattle alone. This is not consistent for a democrat but inite so far u whWkuyitc This is no time toiudulgc in person alities mid no time to waste in passing i omplinients. but Mr. Ilryan's stand stamps mm as one of our truly gn-at ucu. lie has deliberately taken a stand on a great moral question that fs porfectly consistent for a democrat, but one that will forovcr alienate tho vhisky element in the dominant par tie. It will possibly interfere with vmj porsonal ambition ho may havo uvl, though wo think it will mako hlta more popular than ever. If Mr. .Bryan doos espouse tho cause of tho Anti-Saloon forcoa, he will put njcharge vt moral dynamite beneath tho liquor (raffle thut will cau&e tho utter destruc tion of nil that is tied up tojthc erlmc resdinR Institution; traflic and par Utw. lli-s declaration, "The democratic party oiwmotHlfordtoactahthe mouth jdrwoftho liquor luterests. It can ftave nothing In common with tho sol tlsh, mercenary and conscienceless crusado that the liquor Interests havo. organi.ed against the home and the tate against private virtue and pub lic morals," marks a now epoch in this miti-saloon warfare. Tho liquor tratllo lias too long out raged public. sou tlment: even today with all its protestations in favor of closing tho objectionaVel dives, it is still trying to defeat legis lation that is designed to give the people their rights. Hvory move the liquor people make is a blow at demo raey. No wonder Mr. Ilryan rebels, lie will have a largo and respectable following. Mr. llryim's utterance docs not tamp him us a fanatic; improves him to be a democrat. What abMirb posi tions some men are taking to justify the parly label! Parties aie divided into at least two classes. Those win ore partisans because they believe in Mic fiiuduinqiitul principles of tho party, and those who wear the party label to get into otticc. One class is Mouorahlc, the other onerv. Heal Estate TransTcrs. I'liinsfers reported by tho Fort Ab stract (.'o. for the week ending Wed cu'sday, March u, lio. 'osepli Topham to ,1. I!. Wise carver, part no ne a.VJ-ll, wl iMiit.on iJustav Kottwii, to Julius !:. Kiiepke. lie I 110, wd II.ViU.uu Henry A Aultman to W. CJ. Sliunuoii. o ', se '27-1 It. wd -J-Jiiri.UO ttite of Nebraska lo Patrick Ivollctl. ne U-i 11. deed John (iilbertetal to Mtiton W. steel, w 1,' niv 3'M-U, (!... JCuo.i 0 701HUW Lyra U. (iarbur to .Joseph Top ham, pt w 't nw 1-1-1 , lot IS annexation to Red Cloud, wdKMUO ut) Lyra C tiarher el al to Joseph Topham, lots i to 10. pt 11, Itlk ti, (iarbers add to Ued Cloud, qcd i Q.i Paul Hanson lo William Ilk. bauin. sw 'Jl-Ji-lO, wd 12300,00 Julius Nelson to David II. Kuley. no and n'j se Ilu'-l'J, wd llitlOnilo Thiuiio Townsend to William L Koon. pt )i ne Hl-'J-i I. wd. . ."S'.H'O ot) August Ilium to Chuilus Hurt man, w', '.',), wd 17'iOO.OO Htato of Nebriiska to Frank A. Wauflc. ne sw 10-1-12, deod T'JO.OO Htato of Nebraska to Frank A ii Wauflc, oH nw 10-1-12, deed 1200.00 Stato of Nebraska to Frank A. Waullo, oK hv 16-4-12, dood. 280.00 W a Uavisson to Honry Arends pt sw 0-4-10, ai( BJk. 10, all 111k. 11, Swoezy'sadd to ltlue Hill, wd 850OOO l'ctor Schlichtman to David Wo.lman, sw 31-4-10, wd 10000.00 Jacob Mouiato Abraham Zlm nermann, no 2-2-9, wd 10400.00 John Fringor to Carl Schnitt leer, pt se sw II-1-0, wd 2S00.OO John Dunbar to John Wringer, pthoswIM-P, wd 2300.00 Oscar (fitunarsou to Robert A. Simpson, n w ii-2-li). wd 7000 K) Frank Zitek to Martin Kauf man, sw o-;i-ll, wd 1.1000 00 William MoniatoJohn Monie, sa sw, s'jse :i-2-! wd I'liilip Fassler to Dora C Wil 7800.00 son, lots 1,2, :, Ulk :i, (Jrus ils subdivision to Rohrcrs mid to Ulue Hill, wd 1.00 Robert A. Simpson to Hello V. Miller, mid ',, uw 0-1M0, wd .'W.lO.UO John llarkley to Nelson l'helps lots 8. !), n , lltk. ;j, Yciser.s add to Ued Cloud, wd Maude Wilson to Oliver t). Hedge, in: yil-:i-l2. wd 1(1 .'..10 O.iOo 00 Henri Schciding to (leorge W. 1'lcUel, sw 22-li-IO, wd Hril'O.OO Vol a Wilson to Maude WiNon nu 2ii-.l-12, qed Uaviil A. Dicker to James F. 1 00 Richarilsiin, lots 111, 17, IS, lilk. ii. i iarbers add to Red I'lotul, wd MiO.OU M. i. Stull't, Referee to James R. Dunham, no2l-l-!, Ref I) 80UU.O0 M. ti. SlulVt. Ueferce to I'. L. I.aiul, , mv2l IP, Ref. I) :;ll)ono M. ti. Mull'l. Refciee to Joe Koineteher. sw 211-U. Ref. 1) PJ2UO.UU M. .. MtUVl. Referee to John lie.vke. w'j nw Jl-i-o, Ref. D .isOo.uu M.ll. Stullt. Refere.i lo Sarah A. King, se 21-1-H. Ref. D H7ou 00 Fred Oliustede to Sherman Miipmau. s'., nw. n1; sw :jil-1-10, wd (iiilile Rock Cemotery Abhociut lon to Robeit '1' White, lot I Rlk. 107. (iuide Rock Ceme tery, wd TuiiO.OO U'.OO D.iVid I. Nicholas to John Mc Laughlin, lots l to II. Rlk. ii Uliiden. wd 1 nKMiO John Zitek to John MoRuugh-iin,sw:i:,.-li. wd liniuoo 2!l.Hii2.r0 Mortgages Hied, KjO.I.'IS.i:!) Mortgages released, Sl'J.VJII.Oo The Chief $1.50 riwiirriwiwrrwTWTWTwisinwnJrtwfTT PI A NOS! ONLY A FEW LEFT SAVE DEALER'S PROFIT BY BUYING NOW AKGABRIGHT WITH Chas. A. Schuliz & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD, NEBR. 'wiwi' ' 9 win s Premium Hams or Bacons. sAm y j n)if nirtss- Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. .. S. l:UGll At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone13f. CATA ?m RftVA Bfe , r.ouu 7N vYA gY-FEVER L$ m V$r &$$: fievyoia Ely's Cream Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. OlVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It clPiinsca, soothes, lmnls mid protects the di-wiscd iiieiubniiiii lrsultiug frmii Ci.tarr!) and drives n way a Col I in the Head qiiik'v Restores tho Hunus of Tuto and Hnu il, liisy to use. Cout.iiiw no iiijiulmw drugs Applied into tho instills and absorbed largo Klzo, fiO cents at Druggists or by niiill Liquid Cream Ifcum for use iu atomizers, 75 conts. ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warren St.. Now York. -J. f.w x 1W l.flvi rr wv lit. Mfi WJ I 0 am, i i i i mm mm Col. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every case. Understands pedigrees und '.stock values. Many years experiouce. Phone him auytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. Widow's Pension. The recent act of April 10th. lliOS gives to all soldiors' widows a pension of 612 per month. Fred Maurer, the attorney, has all necessary blanks. anti:i A fresh milch cow. Inquire at Nowhouso Hros Store. Church Scrvlecs. cui'iti'ii oi-'ciimsT. iNCiiuisii n Clinic ii Kvnnv I.iikk's H llllih' scliodl Ida. m, seriiiim mid Coiiiiiiuiiloii U a. in. riirlstlan i:ii(li!inr (!::10 p. in. I'reaclilm: 7::iu jim. Prayers ami jiralse, WeiluiMlay. "SID pTin. iseats free, (food music. Coinr. Ilrlimyour llllilcs, friends ami unoil clucr. I.. Ail. Illl.ssiivi,. Mlnlslfr. utHKsor.snitvicHAT.M. i-:. rumen SMIIIATII SlUIVICI-s. Siiiuliiy Weliool Preaelilim Class mcetlmt . Kvkmnii 1 :ii worth leiitfiii) Prenchlm; IDA. 11 A. IJ TP. 8 P. Prayer iiieetlm; NVeilm-silny (veulmtK P, M Ladles A hi l'rlilay a P. M. Your presence Is ruiucHteil ami a ronllal ln nation In i tiinkil to all. M. T. Hnn i.i. a Pastor. SH8CHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND Ill UlllMl II KAMI 1'IJ.I.K, lor twt'lity.flvo enra rcRarucu ni licst.hnNbt, Always I'.cllnblc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tl.MK TRIUU EVERYWHERE SIX Market Report As Furnished by Hanson ft Trine Hens (fat) Spring.., Cox Duck O 00.10 . Butter ... .1:1 10 ..a . 7 . .8 .17 per lb. dSSk r.Anins i -r ' AtU jup lruirK!t for CIII-CItHSTHR'R A I DIAMOND IIKA.NI) P1I.1.S in ISn nnilOv Ooi.n metntUc tmxei. eealeil wlili lllui- , Kililinn, TAKn ?io otheh. Hur or jour VY ' ItmrfflU mid nU for I'llH'IIIN.Tf.U 8 v HL'Kb (rots out) ft . A. SCHULIZ 8 GO. Uml Estate Brokers We have a select list of lands in 1 .stern Colorado, Cen tral anil Western Kansas and Nebraska. We have the best of facilities for showing you any of these lands at. no expense to you except Rail Road Fare, which will be refunded if you purchase from us. Before deciding upon location it would be well to call at our office and see on the map just where our lands lie. We can locate vou close to any of these towns: AKRON, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, BIRD CITY, KANSAS, GARDEN CITY, KANSAS, AND RLD CLOUD, N1B' Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOUTH 1 LANDS REMEMBER "One personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." We loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insuiance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C. A. SCHULTZ (Si CO. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. NOW IS THE TIIWT to Bring in Your DISCS and Have them Rolled Out on Our rS.1 i, Roller Disc Sharpener. Or We will GRIND them for You! See us for first-class work in our line. WOLFE & AMACK General Blacksmlthlng, i i "-" fl 11 IK.E. INSURANCE. POLICY weasKwess Mtt.i.ST- Don't Delay Ordering u lire iiisurancL' policy from ,ns a iiilile day. File ion'l Koinjj to htay away bucaiiao you aro not hi surud. in fact, it .st.'Diiis to pick out tliu iiuiii foolish inoii(rli to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Havo us i.vsuo you a policy to-day. Don't hchitatc about tho matioi. Tho fire ilond niiiy- have your housic down on tho for a visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. B .! -i -if ml 'nTTTMHBHHTU .i.iii 4.TJI QM ENGRAVING UM'IJTA'i fFa ta II VR u I w jm S Announcement! QhKVmHHHIiA I wish to announce lo my fellow Farmer and Breeders that I'll be at my Barn in Red Cloud, with my Horses and Jacks after March 20, 1910. H. A. JOHNSON UflDEHTAKHto We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services ofjJAlbright Brothers on Short Notice vithout;ixtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COWLES, NEBR. V t-rr' t?!'''"'ax's- ' '"iwsjBrr i;tj fMfwmiyaarr-gtJi'"i''''TI"e- T t.W' Awuo-. - . iin.l.wi,'i.,WFMiMI:li 5vyH-Hasrrv.xti fciu -, '..iw jgpsasa2si)i3