h ' H i ' i.V II KH r; w Letter List. List of letters rnnininlng tineolleo for at pnslolllce nl Ked Cloud, Nel tor the week ending Mm. in, I'M" 1. t'. Hower, l''rinilc V. Hoi den. Mick MeMnimlil. K. IC. Smilli (i. A HninlniH, Mrs. Mary A. Simpson. A W. Thomas ami Clius J. Ward Thine will Imi sout tot he (load loiter olllce March 21, l!M0, IT utiuallvil Tor Ijoftiro. Wliun calling for above please say "advertised." T. C. Haokkk, Postmaster W. C. T. D. ITEMS. CI IiIh Spare Iti-loiiKH to the V. C. T. l.i Supt. I'oulr.on says of tlit growth of li Stalo Anti-Saloon I.cairue, "Our membership Itierensed r.OOO botween January until ami February Ith It now numbers S.V'oO and probably will soon pass tlio loO.Uod mark. This is not a list of nondescript names, but is a selected lot of men who presumably stand for t lit things that are truh American. This is not tho work of any ne man, nor of any one church oi society. It is the wnik of the people of Nebraska themselves who believe they have a right to govern themselves on n question of such vital importance as that of the liquor tralllc. The Ami Saloon League will make tlio issue lcar and definite. The people hac the responsibility of voting." Mr. Hryiui'it article on county option is aliont as clear as the Knglish lang uage can make it. In spite of this fact, editors are calling him u prohibitionist. if that were a term of reproach. If they mean lie lias none over to tho ranks of the prohibition party, they nre not telling tho truth, and they know it. If they mean that his article is an argument for prohibition, they arc equally culpable. It looks to us as if Mr. Bryan's posi- ion was carefully defended. He is vidently a democrat, buta consistent me. In tills respect he differs from he whisky deinocit.s who favor the Mir of the people, if the people e.i'1 'I the liipior trallle alone. This is not consistent for a democrat but lii'le so far a whiskeyite This i.s no time to indulge in person- iiitie.sand no lime to waste in passing Jiupliments. but Mr iryan's stand stamps him as one of our truly gieat 'urn. He has deliberately taken a Maud on a great moral question that sporfeetly consistent for a democrat, )ut one that will forever alienate tho whisky element in the dominant par eic. It will possibly interfere with hmj por.soual ambition ho may havo fcjul, though wo thiuk it will make Mm more popular than ever. If Mr. .Brjiui does espouse tho causo of tho Auti-Snloou forcoa, ho will put achargo of moral dynamite beneath tho liquor traffic thut will cause tho utter dostruc Mon or all Mint is tied up tojtho crimc krwdiug institution; traftic and par- Ills declaration, "The democratic party oiuinoUu"ord to act as the mouth ileoooftho liquor luterests. It can Rve nnthliigln common with tho sol tish, mercenary and conscienceless erusado that the liquor interests havo orguni.ed against the home and the state against private virtue and pub I' a morals. " marks a now epoch in this .nutf-saloon warfare. Tho liquor tralllo lias too long outraged public sou tiincnt: even today with all its protestations in favor of closing the objectlonutel lives, it is still trying to defeat legis lation that is designed; to give the people their rights. Kvery move tho Junior people make is a blow at demo cracy. No wonder Mr. Hryan rebels. lie will have a large and respectable 1 nl lowing. Mr. Itr.van'.s utterance docs not .stamp him as a fanatic; improves him to be a democrat. What abMirb posi tions .some men are taking to justify 'hepart.v label! Parties am divided into at least two classes. Those wl o ire partisans because they believe in "ic fundamental principles of tho narty, nod those who wear the party MDeilogHt into oillee. due class Is oiui.rable. the other onerv. Ileal Eslatt Transfers. Transfers reported by tlio Fort Ab--tract Co. for tu. week ending Wed ciesday, March '., lino inseph Tophnni to ,1. I! Wine- carver, part ne no :(; u, vu -llUi.iui Mistav Kottwiu to .lulitih K. KuepUe. no I 1-10. wd IIV.O.uo Menry A Auliman to V. (!. Shannon, e '. se :7-t . tt,i JSti.ViMl "Mto of N'ebrusl to ('utricle Iv'ollott. lie It!-;1 !1. deed jmill.i'O lohn (illbciLelal to Milton V, steel, w .' , nw .t'M.ll. -d... 70ll.lK l..rn U. tiitrbor to Joseph Tup- ham, pt w i' nw 1-1-11. lot US annexation to IJed Uloiul.wdlOMOuO Lyra C tiarher et al to Joseph 'J'opham, lots i to K), pt II. lllk b, tmrbers add to Hed Lloml, ijeil j mi JViul llniinnu in Wlllinm lt!o baum, sw 'Jl-.'l-i0, w.l I230i.uo Fulitis Nelson to Uavld II. Kaloy. no and uii se 1 1 Ml!, '' ltiOllnUd Muiiiiu Towjisond to William 1 Koon, pt nj no !)l'J-l I, wd . . :i!HH) 00 AiiKitst Itliim to (.hiulu.s Hart- man, wi.J l.',ii), wd l7;'0t).tMi Htato of NobriisWa to KrankA. Waulle. ne sw UM-U', deol T'Jd.OO State of Xebratha to Fntnlt A mHIIIIHIIIIII WTMMWigMWMBWtWM M1IUH1 . mm i.n rTTTITTirminimpMIMiillllMIl MMII. m ffi E3i Waulle, ojnw 10-L12, deed 1200.00 1 Stato of Nobraska to Frank A. I Waulle, o4 nw lfi-M- deed. 280.00 ' W S Davisson to iloury Aretids pt sw O-LIO, sj; Blk. 10, all Hlk. 11, Svvoezy'Hadd to lllue Hill, wd 850OOO Peter Hehllehtman to David Wu.ltuan, aw 31-1-10, wd 10000.00 Jacob vloulato Abraham Zlm mermann, no 2-2-9, wd lOlUU.oO John Fringur to Carl Sehultt- Iter, pt He 8v 3-1-0, wd John Dunbar to John Krlngor, pt so sw 3-1-0, wd O.scar (Jiinnaraon to Robert A. Simpson, nw ii-2-lo, wd asoo.oo 2300.00 7000 IK) Frank Zitek to Martin Kniif- man. sw o-3-ll. wd 1.1000 00 William MoniatoJohn Monie, .-j sv, s',. .so :i-2!', wd I'htlip I'asslcrto IJoruC Wil son, lots 1,'J. :i. 1J1I ;i, (Jnis. ils subdivision to Koluer.s mill to Ulue Hill, wd Robert A. Simpson to Hello V. JSOO.(H) 1.00 Miller, mid '., nw tX'-lO, wd 3U.-.0.U0 John I'.arkley to Nelson l'helps hits S. It. n , ijlk. ;j, Veiser.s add to Red Cloud, wd Maude Wll.son to Oliver i). iled(,'e, ne .iJ-3-12. wd Ilunii ScheidiiiK to tleorge W. 111 .'..10 0..UO 00 1 lultel, sw 22 3-10, wd 1021'lMiO eia Wil.sou to Maude Wilson Iiu2)-:i-12,qed i no I'avnt A. Dickey to .lames F. Uicliardsou. lots in, 17, is, I11U. i.. (iarber.sadd to Red ' '""'d, Ml -,1,11.00 M.(i. Stiilll, Referee to James R. Dunham, no 21-1-0, Ref D 8ii00.u0 M. H. SlulVl. Referee to I'. I,. I.aiid, i)t uw2l 1-11, Ref. ) Mllnnu M. 11. MllII'l. Refeleo to Joe Ivoinelcher. sw2ll-U. Ref. D 12200.00 M sunn. Referee to John lie.Ue. w , ii v yl-i-ii, Rof. D IsOO.IMI M.(i. Stull't. Refere.i to Sarah A. Kill,', m'21-I-ji. Ref. n ... I'Ved Ulmstede to Sherman Shipmau. s . nw. ic sw 3U-l-io. wd tiiudo Rock Ceini'iery Assoeiiit luu toRobeitT White, lot 1 Rlk. 107. (luiile Itoek Cenie-tLM-y, wa DaVid I'. Nieholusto John Me OToii (Kl "nilO.OO 1V.00 ljuiitfhlln. lots l tu 1 1. Rlk. ii liliuleil. wd I lOH.l.O John YAlok to John Mohnngh Un,sw3Vl.. wd liuOMio 23i.hi52.."0 MorlgMnes tiled, ioO.VtS.b'd Mortat'es released,? ',.-)-.(j,oii The Chief $1.50 PI A NOS! ONLY A FEW LEFT SAVE DEALER'S PROFIT BY BUYING NOW ARGABfllGHT WITH Chas. A. Schullz & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD, NEBR. 9wltt's Premium Hams or aeons. fmrnM Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. UHIGll At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone!31. CATA Ely's Cream Balwi Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. gives relief at once. It clonuses, booIIim, In ah niel protei U the diMonxeil liicmliriuio rr , hingfrim (' turr1 andilriviMiiu.iyarolIiutlii Ilt;idi in U'. Itestoies tho fien-es of Tasto and .Sim 11. l!a-y to use. Cuiit.tiiw no injuiintis iltu-i pplled into tho ii"Mtiil; and nbsorbed Laru'o Kize, '0 eeiitn at Onanist r or lv mull I.npiid C'rcam )a,:n f,r us in atomizers, 75 conts. ElY BROTHERS, 6G Warren St.. Now York. -JL i " nwu rr- itj J)j RRH Col. J. H. Elllnger AUCTIONEER Does livestock and general auc tioneering. Satisfaction guaran teed in every case. UnderstandB pedigrees' und stock values. Many years experience, l'lione him anytime. Red Cloud, Nebr. Widow's Pension. The recent act of April 10th. HiOS gives to all soldiers" widows a pension of 812 per month. Fred Maurer, the attorney, 1ms all necessary blanks. Wantt.o A fresh milch cow. .Impure at XowIioiim) Bros Store. Church Services, ciiritni ori'iiui.sT. I In t'linisii n- cnriK ii Kvrm .oiui Ii llllileseliiiol Nerniuii and Ciniiiiiiiiildii . ClirHllan i:ndcMor I'ri'iii'lilnv! I'rayersand praise. Wcdiuwlnys. s.eatN(ice. (iooil music. Conn. Illliles, (rieiidMiiid uikmI cluer. I'Ml. Ill, II II. 111. . (;:! . in. 7-!u p in. 7.:m p. in. Ilrlm; your I.. All. IIo.ssom.. MlliUtCI noi ks di'si:uvum: at.m. i:. ciiiiicii s vmiArii si:itvici. Midday hcliool Id A.M. I'ri'iiehliii; 1I...M. J lass iiieclluv; i , Kvi'.MMi i:Hvorlh lem;iiii 7 m. rrcaclilnb' Hi'. M. I'rnyer meetlm; Wednesday evcnlintH l. M l.ndlis Aid I'rlday a I'. M. Your preseuro N n Minuted and a cordial linliatlmi Is i ti iideil to nil. XI. T. Sin i i r.ii Piihior. I.ADIRS I Ask fuur niRtt!.t for CUI-CHI's TltR'R A DIAMHNU IIKANI) 1'II.l.S lu !, i nn.l Com mrtnl'i. ti.ixri. fealed una lllur( Kili...n T'kr :o ctmf.r. Ilur or jour vy lirurrlit nml nU fur l'III.('lll'S.' t s V i'lUIOMI II KAMI I'U.I.s, lor twinty.fivo juirsi rccarueil ni Ilcst.SnRbt, Always '.nble. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TiMi' CWCDVWUCDr vnTir TR1UIJ "JhalliU GHIGHESTER SPILLS! DIAMOND 5( BRAND Market Report As Furnished by Sldiison Vt Trine Hens (fat) y ,.,- u Springs in Co.n : Duukh 7 CJee.se , Itutter 17 o Kk'gs i rots out) if, g.a.sghuijz$g0 Real Estate Brokers j UY have a seh-ct list of lands in 1 stern Colorado, Cen tral and Western Kansas and Nebraska. We have the best of facilities for showing you any of these lands at no expense to you except Rail Road Fare, which will be refunded if you purchase from us. Before deciding upon location it would be well to call at our office and see on the map just where our lands lie. We can locate vou close to any of these towns: AKRON, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, BIRD CITY, KANSAS, CARDEN CITY, KANSAS, AND RED CLOUD, NEB1 Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOU THE LANDS REMEMBER 'One personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." we loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C. A. SCHULTZ (& CO. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. NOW IS THE TIME to Bring in Your DISCS and Have them Rolled Out on Our Roller Disc Sharpener. Or We will GRIND them for You! See us for first-class work in our line. WOLFE A AMACK General Blacksmlthlng, 4 FIRE I IN8URAMCE POLICY I. a. . m A - ncrsrzmmubb Don't Delay Ordering a lire insurance poliuy from lis n single day. Kile isn't going to stay away heeaiise yon are not in sured, in fact, it seems to pick out tlio mini foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Havo us issiio yon a polley to da.. Don't hesitate about tlio mutter. Tho fire (lend may have your house dow ii on the list for a visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY Reliable Insurance. B ' Js-f n . nrKBBHnrTri7 mj j -iffl CLEAR ENGRAVING! UM,J !J.LLLUfjyJ Announcement! I wish to announce lo my fellow Farmer and Breeders that I'll be al my Barn in Red Cloud, wilh my Horses and Jacks after March 20, 1910. H. A. JOHNSON UNDERTAKING Wc Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day . or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services ofjJAIbright Brothers on Short Notice without, Iixtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COV'LKS. NKHR. .;4i rt - X ! x -i 4 t I. &- i