. ShEKS UK UHIH1N Prof. Locb to Devote His Time to Experiments. TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. N K'krw 1 vQ ND AT RID GAT t f . . V-" 1'iW s; H"T - . "." m.-J fn -" thh j.iiriiwKi-r.-ixr -1 - u rjoj r SrTylVS'71 v.V ILLUcSTRATlOm 3Y my WALTCRd COPYRKUr US 8 0C2BS -fiff?lU CO. y SYNCPSI3. Mlrt l'afr'rlrt tt'lluool- nm Mist Tl-t n JlOlljrOnli, I i-t nor, woi,. I'llttll-.lril li tlip euro of i.uriri i lionm.ni, a wr t r. UtnmrrliiR it- i- I't.rl Aiinuml.tle. i,. Patricia ml" I In tVwnwin lli.it hi rctirod her ln.,i.r lli-nrv, mm, rumed 1 ii liaiUt folltn. i id lo.isiiwxK iiiii'.ili in .1 ttnr. Dnrunuti 0 h overall ..ml o.iii.uii I nil lull uilir, who prnod t' lm Ue.-in.itil Villi. up O, H. lit. if for tllO I. .Illll (if lirlrri 'loiiovuii saw M s llnllnonU mill In r i.i tlinr iriiM t mi tncnilly terms Dnin in foili;lit nn Itnl'im usrilti lie met tin mini lie Mii..ni..l w.is lliilluo.iU, I. ut ulm ulil lie wurt I Lirirl'liff, u c.inoe-iiriki r Ml1! l'at inn'."iicori lirr li ltlmi nf ilKhlltiK ll"tiry ili'lhionl: ami mil n-eliins i motlirr lililltiK pl loc. lionoi.'M lint IM. n I in Kunlcti nt nlulit. Dupllilty of llrlni I wan ucmfi'wrt b tlm yoiiti'- l.iily At I mIkIiI, ilhistHsrd un a nun llriin (, . ) from Hie house Sho nnt ltej,tiviM i: I icflple, Willi trill her Ills love. ill": pie wan rnnfi,i'i'iil ly llnnnwui. At tin- I ..mi I IlllSlOlUee II 'I'll, Ut'licell rl'rtl llV l'l'llo- "it it, sipped (i drift for Ik r fttthi r Into t hi' li.ini' d'- rr tt.iPmi s'i'li". A v'i.i-i ; i lady tri inlilini; .Miss l!iln llnliiP-nk 'vriH olii'i i" r(l ni"tif In a i.itii'.', win ii tll'll'tl WIIM thntll'ht to li-XVr l'i II III lli'll'" 5lll(spo mill. "tril' ui It ij llr'in f.il.iiiiii fur her fiither. who bail thru lift to spend It Ml.ts H-len ami imnnvnn mot In tin nlnlit. IShe told lilm Clillnipie w.'H nuthin.; to hor. lie cotiI. 'rrd li'M 1M' for In i Donovati f ni'i'l (Jll.sii.. k i ; 1 ii'id i bound til a c.ib'n, Inli iliitcd liv the vil lainous Italian and HnUirooU. 1 Pi releawd him. Ilntli (tllleip'e and 1 1 itnn ,m ml mltto'l Invo for llili'ii. Ciillitn; liorm-if Ttniiillml a "voice" .iipr:iid lo Iimi-ivim for lirlp. film told lilm to k.i to the ( nvie niiikor't home and fee that no Injury In roll lilm. Ilo went to lied (lute At the canni'-nni''! r's home. Donovan found tlm brothel's -Arthur ami Henry JQolhrno' who had fnuulit c.u h other, In conHlilt'tt'nn "Ilnxnllnd" uppe ired. Ar rthur uerled a murder Pniiovan reiurn tlnir, met (VIP-ip'o nlono la the (lend of intuit. On 'lives' 'jut Ion he found llnry jlolbroolt. the kiU-t. and Mls'i Helen i-n 'KitiU'il In mi aiciiinont It was settled iind they departed. Imnovan met the irral Kosalind. who liv nlsht he had sop ipodoil to be ri'i'H Helen Holbrook. Hho rvnalrd tho mix-up. CHAPTER XVIII Continued. "They woro nont to St. Ap;atlia'B by patlior Studtlunl, an old friend of nine They hntl KiiTored many annoy. uicub, to iint it mildly, and came here io Kot away from their troubles." "Yes; I understand. Unelo Henry has acted outrageously. 1 have not ranged tho country tit nlht for noth ing. I liavo ovon lenrned a few things from you," she laughed. "And you must continue to servo Aunt Patricia and my cousin. You soo" and she smiled nor grave smile "my father and I are an antagonistic element." "No; not as between you and Miss Patricia! I'm sure- of that. It is Henry Holbrook that I urn to protect her from. You and your father do not en tor Into it." "if you don't mind telling mo. Mr. Donovan, I should like to know whether Aunt Pat has mentioned us." "Only once, when I first saw her .'ind nho explained why she hud come. She seemed greatly moved when she spoke of your father. Since then she lins never referred to him. Hut tho day wo cruised up to Hattle Orchard und Henry Holbrook's man tried to smash our launch, sho was shnlion out of herself, and she dechir-il war when wo got home. Then I was on the lake with her tho night of tho carnival. Helen did not go with us. And when you paddled by us, Miss Pat was milte disturbed nt tho sight or you; but she thought it was an illusion, and I thought It was Helen!" "I have been home only a few weeks, but 1 came Just in time to bo with fa ther In his troubles. My uncles en mity Is very bitter, us you have seen. I do uot undorstand it. Father has told mo littlo of their dimcultlos; but I know, sho said, lifting her head proudly, "I know thnt my father has done nothing dishonorable. Ho has told mo so, and I am content with that." I bowed, not knowing what to say. "I have been horo only onco or twlco before, and for short visits only. Most of tho time I have been at n con vent In Canada, where I was known as ttosallnd Hartrldge. Rosalind, you know, 13 really my mime; I was named for Helen's mother. Tho sisters took pity on my loneliness, and wero very kind to mo. But now I nm novor go ing to lcavo my father again." Sho spoke with no unklndncss or bittornoss, hut with n gravity born of deep feeling. I marked now tho lighter timbre of her volco, that was (pilto dif ferent from her cousin's; and sho apoko tnoro rnpldly, as sho had said, hor naturally quick speech catching at times tho cadenco of cultivated French. And sho wns a slmplor na ture I felt that; sho was really very tiuliko Helen. "You manage a canoo pretty woll," I ventured, still studying her face, her volco, hor ways, cagorly. "That was very foolish, wasn't It? my running In behind tho procession that way!" and she laughed softly at tho recollection. "But that was pro fessional pride! Thnt was one of my father's best canoes, and ho helped me to decorato It. Ho takes a great do light in his work; It's all ho has left! And I wanted to show thoso peoplo at Pott Annandalo what a really lino ca noo a genuine Hartrldge was like. I did not expect to run Into you or Aunt Pat." "You should have gono on and clnlmod tho prize. It was yours of rlcht. When your star vanished I tiiougnt tho world had como to an ond." "It hadn't, you sco! lights bo that I could uuen." I put out tho get homo tin- "I Must Ask You Not to "Yotf gave us a shock. Please don't do it again; and please, if you and your cousin are to meet, kindly let It be on solid ground. I'm a little afraid, even now, that you are a lady of dreams." "Not a bit of It! I enjoy a sound nppctite; I can carry a canoo like a Canadian guide; I am as good a fencer ns my father; and I'm not afraid of the dark. You seo how very highly ac complished 1 am! Now, my cousin Helen " "Well?" and I was glad to hear her happy laugh. Sorrow and loneli ness had not stilled the spirit of mis chief in her, and sho enjoyed vexing me with references to her cousin. I walked the length of the room and looked out upon tho creek that ran sluglngly through tho little vale. They wore a strange family, these Hoi brooks, and tho perplexities of their affairs multiplied. How to pnnent further injury and heartache and dis aster; how to restore this girl and her exiled father to tho life from which they hail vanished; and how to save MIph Pat and Helen these things possessed my mind and heart. I sat down and faced Rosalind across the table. Sho had taken up a bright bit of ribbon from tho work-basket and was slipping it back and forth through her lingers. "The name Gillespie was mentioned here last night. Can you tell mo Just how ho was concerned in your fa ther's affairs?" I asked. "Ho was the largest creditor of the Holbrook bank. He lived at Stamford, where wo all used to live." "This Gillespie had a son. I sup pose ho inlieilts his fnther's .claims." She laughed outright. "I havo heard of him. Ho Is a re markable character, It seems, who does ridiculous things. He did ns a child. I remember lilm very well as a droll boy at Stamford, who was al ways in mischief. I had forgotten all about him until I saw nn amusing ac count of him In a nowspnper a fow months ago. Ho had been arrested for fast driving In Central park; and tho noxt day ho went back to tho park with with a boy's toy wagon and team of goats, as a Joko oa the policeman." "I can well believe It! Tho fellow's here, staying nt tho Inn nt Annandalo." "So I unilerstnnd. To bo frank, I havo seen him and talked with him. Wo havo had, in fact, several Interest ing intervlows" and sho laughed nier- dlly. "Whero did all this happen?" "Once, out on tho lako, when we were both prowling about in canoes. I talked to him, but niado him keep his distance. I dared him to rnco me, and finally pnddlod off and left him. Then another time, on tho shore near St. Agatha's. I was taking nn observation of tho school gardon from tho bluff, nnd Mr. Glllosplo canio walking through tho woods and made lovo to me. Ho enmo so suddenly that I couldn't run, but I saw that ho took me for Helen, In broad daylight, and I I" "Woll, of courso you bcorned him you told him to bo gono. You did that much for hor." "No, I didn't. I liked his love-nin-king; It wns unnffected and simple." "Oh, yes! It would naturally bo simple!" "That Is brutal, llo's clover, nnd earnest, and amusing. But nnd hor brow contracted, "but If ho Is scoklug my father Leave Here." "Rest assured ho Is not. He Is In love with your cousin that's the rea son for his being here." "But that does not help my father's case any." "Wo will see about that. You are right about him; he's really a most amusing person, and not a fool,' except for his own amusement. He is shrewd enough to keep clear of Miss Pat. who dislikes lilm Intensely on his father's account. She feels that the senior Gil lespie was tho causo of all her t rou bles, but I don't know Just why. She's strongly prejudiced against tho young man, and his whimsicalities do not ap peal to her." "I suppose Helen cares nothing for him; ho acted toward mo as though he'd been crushed, and I I tried to ho nice to him to make up for It." "That was nice of you, very nice or ou, Rosalind. I hope you will keep right on the way you'vo begun. Now I must ask you not to leave here, and not allow your father to leave unless I know It." "But you have your hands full with out us. Your first obligation is to Aunt Pat and Helon. My father and 1 have merely stumbled In where we were not Invited. You and I had bet ter say good-by now." "I am not anxious to say good-by," I ' answered, lamely, and she laughed at me. "Wo met under tho star-r-rs, Mr. Donovan" (this was Impudent; my own r's trill, thoy say), "at the stone seat and by tho boathouso, nnd we talked Shakespeare and had a beauti ful time all bocauso you thought I was Helen. In your anxlet. to bo with her you couldn't seo that I haven't quito her noble height I'm nn Inch shorter. I gavo you every chanco there nt tho boathouso, to seo your mistake; but you wouldn't havo It so. And you let mo lcavo you there whllo I went back nlono across the lako to Red Gate, right by Battlo Orchard, which Is haunted by Indian ghosts. You arc a most gallant gentleman!" "When you aro quite done, Rosa lind!" "I don't know when I shall liavo a chanco again, Mr. Donovan," sho wont on, provoklngly. "I lenrned a good denl from you In thoso Interviews, but I did havo to do a lot of guessing. That was a real inspiration of mino, to Insist on plnying that Ilolen by night and Helen by day wero different per sonalities, nnd thnt you must not speak to the ono of tho other. That saved complications, becauso you did keep to tho compact, djdn't you?" I assented, a littlo grudgingly; and my thoughts went back with reluctant step to those early affairs of mlno, which I havo already frankly disclosed in this chroniclo, nnd I wondered, with her counterpart heforo mo, how much Helen really meant to mo. Rosalind studied mo with her frank, morry eyes; then sho bent forward and ad dressed mo with something of thnt prescient nlr with which :ny slstors used to lecture mo. "Mr. Donovan, I fear you aro a littlo mixed in your mind tills morning, nnd I propose to Bet you straight." "About what, if you pluaso?" "I can toll you exactly why It Is that Helon has taken bo strong hold of your Imagination why, in fact, you aro in lovo with her." "Not that not that." Sho snatched tho foil from tho tublo nnd cut the air with It soveral times as I atnrted toward her. Then she (iJfc li Kt:Mnp''l '''! font and H.iluted me. rtiiiml where iu aie, sir! Your race, Mi Donovan, lias a bad reputa tion In in. itiets of tho heart. For a mo iiHMH ou I nought you were In lovo with mi', lull you are not, and you are nut culm; lo lie. You nee, 1 understand Oll prtli'i'llj." Th.it h what my sisters used to tell me." Trci'iM l 7 And I'm another one of onr Htstern ymi tuiu.t haw Mores of them' und I expect you to lie Increas ingly proud of me." Of uuiiM' I admire Helen " I be gan. I tear, a 111 tie sheepishly. "Ami oii admire most what you don't utiil'istand about her! Now that you t v.iiiino mo In the light of day ou hi i- what a tremendous difference lliete I-, between us. 1 am altogether nlnloti. Dut lid You did and .Mm I am not the least bit subtle, en pules and thwaitn Min nie a great service last night, would serve me again, 1 am confident of it; and I hope, when all those troubles ate oer, that we shall continue -my father, and you and 1 the best fi lends In tlto world.'' I cannot deny that I was a good deal abashed by this declaration spoken without coquetry, nnd with a slnceilty of tone ami manner that seemed con clusive. I in gnu stammering some reply, but she lectured abruptly to tho serious business that hung over us. "1 know you will do what ou can Tor Aunt Pat. 1 wish you would tell her. if von think it wise, that father Is here. They should understand each other. And Helen, my splendid, cour ageous, beautiful cousin you see I don't grudge her even her better looks, or that intrepid Ik art that makes ns so different. 1 am sure you can man age all these things In the bent possible way. And now 1 must llnd my father and tell him that you aro going to arrange a meeting with Aunt Pat, and lalk to him of our future." She led the way up to tho garden, nnd as I struck off Into the road she waved her hand to me, standlm; under the overhanging sign that proclaimed Hartrldge, the canoe-maker, at Rod Gato. CHAPTER XIX. Helen Takes Mc to Task. I paced the breezy terrace at Glen arm, studying my pioblems, und stum bling into new perplexities at every turn. My judgment lias usually served inn poorly in my own affairs, which 1 havo generally confided to Good Luck, that most amiable of goddesses; and 1 glanced out upon the laKo with some notion, perhaps, of seeing her fairy sail dtifting toward me. I tut there, to my vexation, hung the Stiletto, scarce ly moving in the Indolent air of noon. There was, I felt again, something sin ister in tho veiy whiteness of Its pocket-handkerchief of canvas as It stole lazily before the wind. Did Miss Pat, In the school beyond tho wall, seo and understand, or was the yacht hanging there us a menace or stimulus to Helen Holbrook, to keop her alert lu her father's behalf? "Thore are ladles to seo you, sir," announced the maid, and I found Helen and Sister Margaret waiting in the library. The sister, ns though by prearrange inent, went to tho farther ond of the room and took up a hook. "I wish to seo you alone," said Hel en, "and 1 didn't wnnt Aunt Pat to know I came," and she glanced toward Sister Murgaret, whoso brown habit and nun's bonnet had merged into tho shadows of a remote alcove. Tho brim of Helen's white-plumed hat innde a little dusk about her eyes. Pink nnd white hecamo her; sho put aside her parasol and folded her un gloved hands, and then, as sho spoke, her head went almost Imperceptibly to ono side, and I found mysolf bending forward as I studied tho differences between her nnd tho girl on tho Tippe canoe. Helen's lips wero fuller and ruddier, her cyea darker, her lashes longer. Hut there was another differ ence, too subtlo for my powers of analysis; something less obvious than tho length of lash or tho color of eyos; and I was not yet ready to give a nnmo to It. Of ono tiling I was suro: My pulses quickened boforo her; and her glanco thrilled through me as Ros alind's hnd not. "Mr, Donovan, I havo como to ap peal to you to put an end to this mis erable affnlr into which ' we havo brought you. My own position hns grown too difllcult. too equivocal, to bo born any longer. You saw from my father's conduct lust night how hqpeless It Is to try to reason with him. He hns brooded upon his troubles until he is half mad. And I learned from him what I hnd not dreamed of, thnt my Uncle Arthur la hero here, of all places. I suppose you that." (to nn CONTINUED.) know Forestry Work In Sweden. Sweden's roynl forestry commission last year supplied forest productB worth J13.2JO.000, yot accumulated timber resources ununl to twjee tho amount of tho timber felled. Scientist Who Became Famous .it tho University of Chicago Will Con tinue Researches at Rocke feller Institute. San I'Yanclsco. After 211 years of pperlinent.i that have already brought htm closer lo the mystery of the cre ation ot lite tit. in any oilier man. Prof, .laqtic.'i l.oeb will mioii have the I'nl veislty of California for the end, wheie he will devote his entlie time to lesearch .work nt the Rockeleller Institute for Medical Research. Prof l.oeb, who l.i a native of Ger many ami received degrees at Str.it.s burg and Wuizburg belore he caiuo to America, achieved world-wide tamo In P.IU2 while u professor nt the L til wisity of Chicago, when he an nounced the Miccessful outromo of ex periments in artilicially fertilizing tho egg of sea urehlim and producing life In that manner He aho proved that hearts of ani mals could be made to throb exactly as they do in life by being placed in a solution oT common salt, and that the addition of other chemicals slopped the organ's beating. In speaking ol tin ambitious which have kept him' constantly at work in his laboratories, Prof, l.oeb has bald: "I very early ramu to the belief that the forces which rule the realm of living things are not other than thoso w know in the inanimate world, Kveryth'ng pointed that way. Gal vanl, watching a frog's muscle con tract, discovered what wo call gal vanic or voltaic electricity. The con nection of tho two may bo very clobo, JXas ultCQtMZjOiUi- yet a century hns elapsed with hardly a step of renl progress, "I wanted to go to tho bottom ot things I wanted to take life In my hands and play with it I wanted to handle it in my laboratory as I would any other chemical reaction; to start it, stop It, vary It, study it un der every condition, to direct it ut my will." At tho Rockefeller institute Prof. Locb can devote his entire time to his experiments, untroubled by tho duties of instructlcn und administration which ir.ust bo performed by a uni versity proiossor. He lias been pro fessor ol phyblology nt tho University of Calilornia since 1002. when ho loft the University of Chicago for tho western post. Ho is 51 years old. Maori Marriages. It Is 12 o'clock, nnd nlrcndy tho father lias been warned to repair to tho "whareUarnkla" (church) and to don ills canonicnls. So wo obey tho Munitions of the warning hell nnd take our way to tho church. The grinning, fantastic heads on the enrved door posts posts which lu tho lighting days of not so long ago stood on either hand of tho gateway of tho stockaded "pah" (fortress) look with lmpasslvo stare on tho entering throng of friends and visitors. We, as honored guests, find a place near tho altar. Trailing robes of white clematis and golden "kowhni" bloom festoon tho building. Tho carved rafters of the roof aro hidden in greenery, whllo here and thera jbunches of crimson "pohotuknwa" llowera stand out In spots of vivid color. Father Mahoney, assisted bj tho Maori "toliunga," pcrlorms tho marriage service. Tho "toliunga' hands wator in a cup of woven (lai leaf to the bride, who, drinking first presents it to tho groom, to bo emptied at a draught. Tho coromony is now complete, and, with a loud volcu, the "toliunga" pronounces tho pair rnau and wite. Danger In Single Eyeglass. Novor uso a single eyeglass unless thero Is n difference In power botween tho two eyes nnd tho glass Is used to bring tho power of the dofcctlvo eo up to that of tlie other. Tho differ unco In power Is known ns astlg. mntletn, and such an oycglass would have to bo recommended, after careful bight testing, by a professional opti cian or oculist. When tho eyes aro equal lu power, nu eyeglass sets up Inequality, equal In effect to real astig matism. Of courso, that is not tho caso when the glass Is quite flnt; but even then Kb use Ib had, for it teaches tho user to look chlelly through ono eye. Aiso, thoro Is tho minor consid eration that It causes permament wrinkles of tho skin EZfeSS glltZ3 irsi 1 WW.' W n . hmrnM m coipfli lMi.Ji UlllUiiJ Nebraska Directory Aha iriS ARE THE UEST ASK YOl It MH'AI. lllCAt.r.H Oil JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA. NEB. pain of nudum tv nimlo kikxI in ikhv. WiiIiIh ensi Iron, r.iit tcul. nliiiiilin in. crnieer, linist ir nnv ether inct.il Ft pit! nuliiltitiliito rri.aliliiL'. UEI1T6CMY MOTOR CO., Council Uluffa. Beatrice Creamery So. 1'iiyn tlie lilututit prlcu for CREAM AIR COOLED ENGINE CASTINGS We fill nihil ((impli'le enHtlncH iuhI jinttM niiu'liliicil er In the ruiii;1i for 'Jt'i motor. Will ilevi'lop 'J liiirni'-lMiwer. DERTSCHY MOTOR CO., Council Mutts. Iowa. WESTERN CANADA What Governor Denoen, of Illinois, Says About It: overnor HoneoriiOf Iltlnntn, (mm n loa ol innn iu nnkitirnwun. l;nniln. lli riiu MUil in nu InUTTlnw! "A mi American I nm (Iolli:htoit to mo tlin ri mnrkhlilo iirourotm nt WfNtorn t!uniuln. Our ImoplonrolliH'klnuiUTonH ho tHHtii'l'iry In thou, lutnitii. Bin 1 1 hnvn not yet tnol OTiit ulio lulmlttoil tin hR'l inii'lo n mlankn. limy nm till ilnlmi wull. Thorn In M'-irnW, n mtn munlly In tho MliMlu or WriMtfrn Kttititi thnt. hni. n rnnriwMMitntlu In Munltobu. iikU himim ur Allwrln." 125 Million Bushels of Wheat in 1909 Vrtirii Rnnailit flcM rrop for Kfl "III fiinllf iiM tntlin rntiu ur A 1 7li.()l)l.(i(l(l.(l( In r:i.h . I riitlliimcHtciiiltiir lIMIm-ren. nnd triwiiiilt(tii r lil(iur('i lit .I.H0 mi mm. Jlnllwny nmt Jjiinil ('tmiuii!i" luivo lum! fur Nilo ntnmvmiililitirliv. Alnny fnrni th line iMiltlror llK'IrliiiKliiut of tin itriM-viiH of (inn crop. Hiilcnillii i llnmtc. kihmI M'lioi)i4. Kx-illi-nl riilltvny fill Mlllex.lew fremiti riKi'i. wimmi, vtmiit iiiiii iiiiiiit-i-ciioiiy iiiiiniiiiMi. a'or imminni'i in i-i nri, Huiuutio locnuon 1 niLo. noiily to titration. OttitWH. Canullun Uov't AkoiH. fJLNNETT Room 4 Bo5 DldfT. Omiha, Xtt. (I'kitiililiPKHniinrMtyuii.l (I) TIMBER GROVES irii:iin mm Hr.NI) FOB WTBKATIIICK anvvriiiiirnt lli-porlH unit Views of thin iirotltuMo 1 1 u rd wiim I tlmlier crown In Soiitnuni California. Iiy u ri'HHinill1 eoi'iiorntloii " Irrlunto LciiiIh neiir Un AiikuIcu. Uro-cu bold uu vauy teruiH. SYNDICATE G1VI3 THKM Martin's Roup Remedy AND KI3KP VUUIt II K NU W K 1.. I. AND M A K K T II KM COO U LAY HUB. Chicken Roui n. Ml klmlreil illKciiHot are pronlrnt tlio jri-nr run n J, u ml In lv53S2 'P.W-'- in.'iny cam's tho entire Hock becomes illMuiftcd (lint worthless. Tins eotiilltlon cannot exl.it wliere MAHTIN'B ItOlTl' UKMHDY Is Kly- ii in the ilrliiKIni; water, tlm rwiH'dy THAT IS (if vit NNTHKIl TO (JUltlO ou MONiJY moi'iiN'nni). .lust tho thlin; to Klvu thn yottnK lllc-r'H It ulinoit liwtniitljr euri'H tho hick ntnl prevents tho will ones from disease, nnd million it uiiiiui'css.iry to m-pirntu tho Hook. If your drtiKulat cannot supply you, a full sized pitd.a;p will bo sent to vntir nddreiH. piepniil. upon reee pt of r1 rent" and Mmr druiriilsU'n tinine. E. MARTIN C0..5l8S.40lbSt.,0.ha,Neb. Invcntori.'hook'i fnv, JIMer ,V Itohti, IMU A t)S.. LM-UiT Mciil ll lildK., Wash., 11. U. m BfckJlflHbd not TTSHH h Wit V, '.- ,M??'.'.:'ffi?i .'Vti.1iSrt: Vi,itZ' Witt pntiniinri in ui Jrtf.WTtWiW And LVtM I if il ' lftVll Hun't of linm AV'jll I III" Can., or to ' mlWw w. v. km m WwlW Pl a4- PATENTS is the word to remember when you need a remedy' 'Coughs '-to .' Ti .-t VeV "'V.' i&ti l i-i iki . n . Ttfr-Te' - If