The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1910, Image 5
r ME AT: ALBRIGHT BROS. (UKl t t ti-,A.'ITES m IM llu I Mitt'lii'll hits n new auto. Dr. Thomas wis in Tuesday. linnets your subscription fnp the Chief. ru'iinl a rut coihtrete. IiHiiliv at Topee. P.. M. Hard in down from Urn lid island. .' iM. .Iud It tilt ' spent last week in Cow It's. Mis. K. A. Brill Went to Itastitlgl Tuesday. Mis II. M. Urlee has open quite sick Lllt sit-U. Mrs E. W. Ciploii went t Lincoln Wednesday. 'liu4. Hmnt retained from Hitstlmjs Vodnesdtiy. Paul Sioivj Itff for l.iticoln Sunday Uloriting on ! I. 8. IS. rvtiuii'd from Lincoln Sunday e cuing. Mr. Tcel e tine home from Lincoln Hominy evening. Mr. Bourn of OoaIcs Was isiting it! the cit Ttusil.iv. Dell Tureate Mid v. He win. in Chester Tuodin . Sheet Mn-lij for ...! at Met-aif's Studio-. Iilr Itloek. Bring in , our furs while nttrkct is high. .). O. i him !.r. Mrs. (ins Itiiats .tinl daughter went east Saturday morning. Miss Ailuliiie Harmon of Teeuniseh arrived .Sunday i veiling. iloe Herburgi'r Is Moving into his ro-idciice on Ith uveuuo. Miss Kll i Wright is in tho countiy visiting with her mother. Miss Helen Overman returned home l'rlduy evening from Iowa. Mrs. Dodge of Kairbnry i visiting nt tho homo of L. I. Albright. Uoo. LlmNny left VVcdnosdny even ing for (.'ripple Creek, Colo. .Mrs. Fwd timid and children cnino from Itluc Mill Saturday 1 1' Hants, wife an I childron are visiting liis futhr-r. Xcls. Hunts. Mi". .1. '. Slns-'s ntotlier arrived from Lincoln Monday evening. Irving Walker and family of lnitvalc sjieiit Sunday with A T. Wiiluer's. Miss Marthona l.amarc of Iowa is visiting lier aunt Mrs. Dr. Il.tmercll Carrie Sliutt) lias accepted a school in the uoithcrii part of the county. Mrs. !'. W. Studeliaker and sons, .lay and lloy spent Snud.iy in Hastings, .John Uiillfdgi lias llnislied his woi'V in Nuckolls counU and is ".pending a few da,sat lio'iie before beginning his woriv in Uil'itfi iint. . ms6timmmm.. ' tmi&Yf&X32F&M8 ' ' '"...:,. wm&XZL .- '$ :. ?, ; iiw-syi.iii.iiiif, qsv ww- -rn' rr..' -. . - . . r - BSaea -. m. .;. : i l i7 ". ..'. "'?ili'. 'JmtSxSuSmnMwlSKlib. n "-'V" km m jffltM.!ilkHu ''f,W kkkkmkkm ikTfi iJITTTii i r'milVr U kM BmB iklkkBiW1 kkkK kkkH fli l 1 1 mfM fXw. Ifinlipst Highest Call and hoc the 1010 I'atcrnsof wall paper at -Sloss' Wall I'apor Store. V. N Kiuhartlson is quite sick at his homo In the north westoru part of the i city ! Will linsenornns ami J. II. Robinson .. . , , were in Koniiiomiin Momiay looking at j We arc not asking a favor when lllUl1, we ask you to witness the Chi- Mr-N. . Simpson ri.lurnelWelneSMNameDcmon,tralion in our storc day night from a two weeks visit in, .. , . , , ., , Peru. Sylvester l'rlsblo and wife and Mr. K. A. Ileal will leave Sunday for Cali fornia. Foil S m.i: Three show eases. In quire at Newhouso's for furllier par ticulars. I Mrs. Wouderly of liiitvuloeunic down Monday going on to Hellion Tuesday iiiorning. ' Mr. and Mrs. urilvod Satnr I day. Mrs Sloson Is a sister ol Mi. I. C. Sloss. Tiie Chief ollli'u takes subscript' niitl lenewals for tho Twentieth it-1 tury Farmer. All tlte great nrtlRt. .sing for the Victor and Klison. Hear litem ai New house Uros. Mr. Thcmu of Cowles spout the Hrst of tlte wek ui the hotjie of hor .son's Iir. Thomas. Take your spectacle ease to New house Bro. They will put your initial on It. free of charge Kiitlik Noble of Ktst St. Louis luti been visiting the past week with Vic Fulton and chil I) ri. Ut't your pictures framed, ptstel paintings and sheet nuisle, lit Metealfs Studios, Potter Block.. Neo. J. Warren returned from I'ltol . K:is , this morning where he utteiule.1 tin funeral of his brothn'. Walter Means nud Arthur Drain at tended the Woodmen class adoption ut Hustings Tuesday evening. Tlte ( hriitain chitrclt ladies will hold their Market at Kd Amack's store Saturday March 12th Bob Moore departed litis week for Akron, Colo., to make his future home wluTc In bus bought a farm. FoB Ku.M-Ttvn typcwrlteisgood an uew, oue w'mith Premier und one Rem ington. Inquire at tills ofllce. All members of the Uehekah lodge drill team are requested to be present, tomorrow night (Friday) to practice. The oi dels given to the lady agent for Goodrich Voletinn Toilet Hoods are now roadv for delivery at Colllng'p. Mrs. Olins. Hale icceived word t lint her brother. S.imi Wright, was uperiit cd upon for uppcndlctis Katurdav at tho I niversity Hospital Kansas City. Mo. Hot si: .M Lois poll Sai.u.- A nice G room lionse and l.'j lots located In. 1 his is ti nice place. In quire at the Chief ofllce for further dartlcuiais. Sloss Wall Paper and i'.ilnt store is now open for tho Spring trade. New and artistic deigns in wall paper, and the strictly Uunranteed Uepullinc Drand of Paint The Laymen's Missionary Movement is educational in its scope, and Keeu live Secretary Clark wishes it under stood, that tlieio will lie iiocolleutions of any hind taken at this convention. Laytneii must register at once, if they wlh seats at the opening hautuel. of tlio t veiiingof March tl.."iOeovers botli baniiei and registration fee. f fJ ... ''.-'. ."T'.l 1 l .' 1 '.': n Scientific Authority Has demonstrated that ol two loaves of bread, one raised with Hoynl Baking Powder and the other with alum bak ing powder, tho Royal ralsad loaf Is 32 pot cent mora dlgoatlblo than tho othop Pure SUGGESTION NO. 3. on March 1 8th and 1 9th, but ex tending one. It will be your op portunity to learn from the Manu facturer's expert many things in re gard lo the treatment of interior word work, furniture etc., and the many ways in which the Chi Namel Graining and Varnishing Ptoecss may be made to serve the h ttspwifc. "Don't fail to attend. It will be worth many dollars lo you. : : : CHAS. L. COTTiNG, THE DRUGGIST. I i.e U' lirkahs mitiati'd Hire" i)"W in.'Hibcrs List Thuis hiy evening. Ir Thomas made a nice talk on love ittid hoc it should prompt us lit our every lav !ne "tit of the lodge room an well lis ii, it Preaehii'g sen ices ut the Christian chinch Lord's day Mar. tilth., nt the usual hours. Morning theme; "The Law i f Cuiiipensntloii." Hvoning hor tn in. on "Htery Man's God." Hood Ut it i". iats fn e Every hotly wel v unc. The gliaf se.Ntelte from Lucia asre cordt.dly the Victor is tho grenlosl feat ever uccoinplishcd in recording the human voice. Such an array of talent lias never been gotten together bi fore. Caruso, Scott i.lournet, DtuJdi. Sunlirlcli and Ilouier are the singers Hear thf record at Novhous III.. v i...- Ii-.siin,.ftl..(if Its own., The building formerly occupied by the Nebraska Telephone Co., lm been routed and tKcd up into quite coin foiLable (iiarters. This litis u long foil Witu t. The 'Ouncil deserves com mendation. The telephone oillce has been moved into the Topee building Mr. S. U. Van Doozer tho now man ager of the Independent telephone, company arrirtd in thisiit. last week and has assumed charge. Mr. Van l) is from llacluo. Wis., and is tliornly equipped for ills duties being an i. peric!. cod elect lician and llue tuilii. lie is well iualilied to put the system upon a hystematlc basis. The operating room will he moved to the secouil IJoor and many improvements' are planed for tin coming year. Very little of importance was trans acted itt the .school boaid meeting Monday night except the following: "Moved by Fulton and .seconded by Huckwith that Hie board engage tliu services of 1'iof. Morit.l'or tlirco yeais at SUt.'O Motion can led.'' l'rof. .Morithas mado goodussupe -intendeut of our city .schools and is justly entitled to the, 6ir.O raUe in salary owing to the fact that lie ln-iran heie willi a liiii school enrollment of 7'J and tills year's, enrollment numbers 175. Iiitsides three uew t:ourcs have been olfercd students dining his in cumbering. ROYAL V.'.'?.: F more digestible and wholesome oya ykMLH& roWoti Absolutely &-M '4 vdSjrZ ;w 'm &&' ftUA Tho funeral rites for MIns Eva lion nott wlio died at Cowles on March 3rd., were directed from the ChriHtlaii church there by Elder L. Aa. Saturday March ftth. The interment was made at the request of the deceas ed at (hiiilu Uock. She was well known in the eastern half of the county hav ing lived there 35 years of hor 44 years 11 mouths and si! days of life. Her mother, 1 sister and tlirco brothers nt main as members of the family to mom u her death. Largo companies at Cowles and Huhle Uock joined in giv ing tributes of respect and their sj in-pathles. A icconnitioii social was planned as a smpnsc und diil.N fill lied out on1 Eldei lliissoug and family In, liis chinch uieintici's and many of tlieii Ii ii ns last Tuestlii night llu'cxeu-, nij: whs nieal and tiie miinstei was hi il at hollle by two w hoai I iteiteai l . although other meetings were lather' iiiwuii. to him that night. l i it; lit ocloel; a couipan ol the pioih rs ari tM'tl ninl the poinnlnif; ol the kiiimI pui'Miu und his luiiul.N was s,, lii'ii.aihlny doiic, that in high glee alio ' ' d It ilowobip the company took a tin' of book-. scenic Mews, iuuic mil innocent nliitint mi-ills fur some i.mi hniis. cotiuiiug a vlctoiy to ill till' tlltdt's high willi tho M leel t .nifty tlf good tilings, to w hole ouiu liing and pits-, bllvcr puces into the pitliu of tlielr nnliis ! i ami wile All (Hi sent otid it a ph ii-iirc ai.d prollt to pin t'n ip.tte in t h s sufinl, I lutM-.'l.'u acres I mile cast of H d (load. There is a good 7 room house, i.' iJtrt, all rooms are Hlxis except ii g Hie kitchen which is lnxll. Tlieic an J porches good cistern With well at the door, cistern will hold 2"0 bbls. o. witter, good brick walks. Imnscniee iy p tinted, all kinds of shitibciy. '.'O ' Kinds of eoses, fntit of all kinds. Il.tin', mow that will hold lio f ton ol hny, 3 cribs that will hold MIOO ! tin. of corn, all other out buildings ! ilmt arc lieccsMity mi a fain. I mod iMiig spiings. :t wells g.did I good feed lots. There i about to f pasture, " -'cstti anuiiii, I n acres the pristine Innil Is ill tVM (lillelelit, ihe balance of the land under cultivation This is a river bottom farm. There aie 4 lion houses, i one of them in now used us a stoic bouse This place is all fenced and cross fenced Tlieic is &oute native timber in tho pasture. I also have -10 acres liiuilfs south of IHvcrtou, Nebr. There is n good house lH.;ui, addition lOx'Jl. Hum '2 Ki. granary la.slil, corn crib lo.slo in ft. long, buggy sin d C.'.vlO. hen house, cattle shed, set of scales, feed lot. I till acres in cultivation, .'to ubics in allit nlfii. timber and pasture. If these places arc sold williiu the next :i0day they can bo bought at 'a bargain. i''oit ruiiTtti t: I'AiritoM mis cam. on A. II. Cwii'i sti:ii. Caucus Call. The Citizen's Caucus will meet at the C'ouit House Thursday evening. March l"t Ii. for I lie purpose of nominat ing city olllccrs to bo voted on at next regular election and also two members of the school board. Oimii.k or Com. Base Ball Meeting. A meeting ol those iuteresled in baso ball is called lor Friday night. It .seems under the icgiilatioiis con trolling league ball that hull associat ions must he incorporated. The action at tho last meeting when tho otlkcrs were elect cil was tlieieioio Illegal whlchii'ilsl.ii alio: In r election and propei organization 'I his, alter all. will be it benefit and rfn advantage and v ill rekindle baso ball ituthuiusin. Incorporation menus rules strlctl, inforced and already people arc taking a much more active interest in tho game. IJy all means! let us all turn out ami make tills tiicj host most euthuiastiu babe ball meet ing over held in tho city. The league is assured, now lot us organi.o pro perly and give the enterprise of strong and hearty send on". Itomcmber To morrow night at the Commercial Club room. Two more towns have been added Kearney and Columbus. Klncald-Llndsey. On Wednesday, March '2nd, at high noon, at tho home of the bride's par ents ucnr Inavnlo in the midst of a host of friends and relatives Miss Laura Kincaid and Mr. Hon I.indsey from noar lied Cloud wore united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Kcv. Points. Mrs. Hcrtha Llndsey, sibtcr of tho bride and Mr. Harry brother of tho gioom acted as bride's maid and best man. After congratu lations tho party led the way to tho dining room wheroa.sumptuoubdlniior was Borvod, The brido was attired in wlilto cashmere and tho groom wore the conventional black. Many beauti ful and useful presents were received. They will go to house keeping in tho new liouao on Mr. Sam Llndscy's farm Among those present were Mrs. Fluttio Ureoro and daughters Cora and Doru from Seattle, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs Frank Nelson of Hod Cloud. Their host of friends extend their heartiest congratulations. -1 i-nrwrorm Bring Your Husband with you io see j " 'feneFREE"Sewing Machine ' If he has worked witli automatic shop machinery, or on the farm witli automatic harvesters, He will appreciate Hewill not want you to srw for the which liaMi't been improved to prnk ot you will lie entlumaMic aliout such imprnvements a:- Tlie"Uiit(iKlll(i" M(irntcnt 1 he Spool Pin Tlic Aiilmn.itlc Slitittlo l.kilur 'I lie H Sit ol IUIIIlcarln The AiitiiinallcluklimDrnHin The hc.tiitiful I'irncli Ictftlr 'lhc Aulocutlc'IiiHlnn nUnwhlcliiloeiiiiitthowilutt ami uorcsnf ntlicr rulnts. tSbFlEEJ is the Only Insured Sewing Machine! The I'rpo Altnchtnvnts arn of tho best nitvltc. Comr nml cc II. ED. AIHACIi WE AM READY To show you our new line of Spring photo mounts of fine quality. We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals, Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops. Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them. See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. -:::' !-! s ' SAY MISTER !!! I u 'a tl 1 , 1.1 itri. .'f Having secured three t, nin DADPAIM ,a BIG BARGAIN, we arc Ml tk th il' tl th Hi tb U. H lb e mmh AN83 SSbfc, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. i3 3is5i35-523 3 3a359J35-3a3a332ai-25-3333ai2:, -sT l m T -Hf -w f M fiJ$ ,'" mfm " n:- f r f tJ rs M rs wstk 1 m mm Si P. A. Wullbrandf, Prop. E m ri I carry a complete line of (j and my prices are such that it will pay you to do (J (j) your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class (f) brands of canned and package goods carried. l .?. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. id m PtnM1itArr '" !l i,ot'0,'J' s,iri' moie than in iiiij thing else (Q UluCilIlllLOu ijuyf.r- should demanil Absoluto Cleanliness fj( Yoi cannot Imj tiioceiies in u dirty, ill-kept place nml bo smo i fh pin. goods Cleauliiicss and sanitation arc our hobbies. : : ' sS''ff'.' ? SLizj.'i Hit c s:;2L!:fii:JX;SL'2i.'2?'L:X.SL'"'-'' " r( Of all Sound-Producing Instruments of the Cabinet Type the New Grafonola "De Luxe" COTTING & MITCHELL AGENTS. nniiimir"-fnfniTn"MMiiinnTiYni wniTu mini iockini? desks, automatic family with a macliii of for 25 yean, lio ne th i V V I.. ... .-.-..' carloads of wire fencing at ;;; ll t J 1 il willing to divide with you. 'It It It 'fi It it M It It '0 1t nx n a m ?i - J - -4 -H"-? T 0-0 00 0 0'0 -.JS vl 0 il ii il) ircery Oir verything IN atables i strictly fresh Groceries, iiv Vi i Hi il l ft to made by the Columbia Phono graph Co., is by far the most com plete in its beauty of appearance and its unequaled reproducing qualities. The Motor is the strong est and heaviest ever made for any instrument of this kind. As an in terpreter and reproducer of music the GRAFONOLA has no peer. We would be pleased to show you the advantages of the Gw? fonola over any other instrument HtJ Tl ' U a i n 4 i. ..- r m i W .m. MWJJ 'yjjjucrjT: T v-ti-s lll !' J? toi.iimtdh zaaaBaraasaxrsMr'S it j Jt,