The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nebrnako.
Intored In tho rottoftlco at HetH:loii(l,.Nrli ,
lie Hoeond C1m Mttet.
Wo sorfietlmus think Unit rout old
fn.sltioiiotl town muetltiK would he pro
(ltiulivi! of much KHw. If on: '''
our oitleiiH could K-t totft'ther itml
dlhcuhs tho mvilsof thi! city mid the
policy to be ix'tsiicd for t lie eomfi'm
yt-ur inanv of tlio ciiiplnlnts mid tin
fault llndiiiK" would lie eliminated.
llvhletitly congress has foigolten the Trust Or perhaps tlu-y niysldc
stopping. Hy its own confessions this
trust Is the must orrupL organization
111 rxistoiu'. and yet nothing is done,
Whulovel' jirivlli-dge it obtaim'd from
i In large campaign contributions we
do not know but it has stolon muny
limes the amount contributed and yet
Is permitted to live. Why?
.. .
The spring election Is less than three
Weeks distant and hs yot no move litis
been made to nominate candidates'
We believe t hut ample niiHci hioiiII
b3 given wlun calling a caucus or eon -
Volition. Kveryone ought to kuow
when snch a meeting is to bo 'icld nnd ; sehooi wnild have been without light
bo given an opportunity to be present, had not principal Urabtree induced a
Tho nominating of candidates H' more man to run the dynamos until aiiengl
Important than the election yet up-1 neer could bo secured. Political
parcntly the Interest is the other way. i I'rcuolivr Ludduti, who has long drawn
,ill ; ji.ii .mi i i illegally a salary us secretary of the
At the last Tweeting of the city ! bi!ml- b Uot .v'1 mtll' Kootl "
couuull a resolution wn adopted ,,,rvnt lo "Pv Crnbtreo." The
whereby tho city will purclw.- i Urjr l cuiifliilnir blii rebuttal lo
olectrie light meters This is as t ! ! vociferous noUw. tuu ono
should be. Tho City ought to own and ll,i"l?tUHl ,1,,h " im 'oo-. in
control tbo meters. The elly derives J l"bllcan vouvcutlous.
its revenue from thA-urrent used mid; The Lincoln Brj an Club is Uropar
If the meters do not .1 twister properly j K to properly eJlebrute the birlliday
lite city will be at aloss. . The samo is f tlllJ tuu fol. WU)1U t,c t.;ut, s n,uu.
true of the water motors mid the city , t.,. Mr. 5ri ah w uot be here The
Should take steps at once lo own nil celebration will be held at the Lai or
Water as well as electric li-.'ht meters. Temple, and Ihe entire day and even-
Wc have beard every water com-; iK Hpent in social festivities,
lulnsiouer the city bus had since the
motor system wiis installed complain , l ' normal .schuol board law enacted
that the eitv is losinir muiiev uwinic to
dofectlvo meU'is and that it is impost'
hiblu lo gut customers to ' 11. ' them.
I'oi-years tho city has failed to collect possible Mich disgraceful scenes n
tor all the water pumped nnd it would "avo "cell w It ncssed In connection
seem as tho the proper method of top-j with the Peru Institution duriug thu
ping the leak would bo for the city to j Pit two or three months. But to take
own tho inctets. k'oep them In repair ' the management of that big institution
:iu d iccolvo pay lor every gallon ofj"" "f the hands of the republican
Water used. j maihiuo did not strike the icpublican
No private individual would bo satis-j "incliiuo tenders as a good political
lied with pieseiit conditions and it is I move, honcc the willingness to sneri
Mirprisiug that the city would neglect Mice the educational interests of the
its own lulorcsth. i state in order to advance the interests
' of the g. o. p. imivhiiie.
As indicated in our article of last Luwson fJ. Brian, state treasurer
week the people Ih iug in the noi them n'i'l nno of t he uot mill school directors
pai t of tho county favor a passenger
train running south in the morning
and back in the evening. The Blue
Hill Leader very strongly advocates
such a schedule. It showed how ad
vantageous it would be to residents in
Blue Hill to be able to transact busi
ness in tho county seat and return the
hiuno day. Likewise when the district
counts in .session it wouui Ui veri
convenient. The people in Bliio inn ,
want the train to run south in the I "u,ni1 h,m
morning. -Pho men who handle tho traiiih of
Tim Campbell Citien add- iu in- j Xobraska. tho passengers who ride
lluence. It points out that a morning I thereon, and tho .shippets who patron
Muth tiain is tho only logical plan. , i.e thorn, should not over look ono law
Tho Citizen pas its repeclh lo banker j enacted by the last legislatme -House
llildretl; of Franklin and is surprised Koll 1171.
that ho is s.j concerned when ho will J This is known us tho "full crew bill, -shortly
lime t.. .als .if his o n and it not only makos for tho safety ol
lending to Hastings and ean niuku Ills ' railroad mou. but for tho unfety of the
own sehedule. If he wants to go to .traveling and shipping trade. This
Lincoln In the npiing mid again in tlio law eompeU all passenger trains over
fall lie can use a special. tlvo citis iu length to have a crew eon-
The Bladen lintorpilso character- slsllng of an engineer, a llremnn, a
lstlcally says nothing upon the sub- j conductor, one brakenian and one Hug
jcet. Ono would infer that the uows j man. The necessity of a ilagman in
has not vet penetrated thu olllce of these days of intensive railroading
that paper. Wo have cuiitldential in-' will bo recogni.ed by every traveler.
forutation that that progressive sheet j
intends to suppoit (ieorgo Washington
Jor a third term at tho next president
ial election. I.owever wo aro confi
dent that the good people of Bladen
would verv much like to sen n i ruin
running south in the morning. !
llie entiro county of Webster wants!
.such n schedule and tho Burlington
people will undoubtedly see the wis
dom In making arrangements to the
county most effected.
- ' "doro houses, warehouses, etc.. with a
The Psvcllolody Of E$ftS. view to rendering them less liable to
It may be too late to do much good ' lire. All basoments will have to bo
this season, for tho cruel winter is .leaned out. tiro apparatus installed
about over and common hen s eggs ul- ., ,
ready begin to show bearish toiuloii-, tt,,,M,r,"K u '" '""1 proper safe
cies. But there will be other wlnteis j """rdstaken. Althoiigha new depart
coming, so it may bo well to spread "ll)t of state the tiro commission has
tho tidings of a New Yorker's inven-1 rendered splendid snrvice Sevor-il
tlon of a simple method to make hens ' Incendiary llres have been discover-d
lay eggs iu the winter time. ! ...
Paint the henhouses and everything1
else around the chicken quarters !k
grassy green that is all you need to
do, and then go out next day and got
tho eggs. Tho theory is that the greon
lint produces an illusion ot spring,
just as iu the well known cuso of tho
green spectacles and tho shavings and
lh Irishman's horse. But, rcgurdless
of theories, tlio New York tntitt deposes
uud snys tlmt In actual fact "his ilock
of hoiw lay from ono to three etftfs
more n, day ho put tho green
paint on tlio hen house."
Whether he means one to three eKK
apiece, or one to three ctftfs rnoro from
tho whole Hook, is not pluin from Ms
ItuitfUiige. But no doubt thin can be
determined by experiment, and It
hhoultl bo worth while to try It the
next tlmo.eKKs .sour up to ouch u price
that they lire no longer numbered
uuioiiK tho six bestsellers. If it works
out all rigJil the principle may be ox
tended to other simple-minded ani
mals: for Instance, when milk gets
scarce, if one would paint the Insideof
the barn u verdant, vernal green, and
put some artillcal robins to singing up
in the ha.lott, it might cause the old
brindle cow to have a calf. Ilolbroolt
j - - --
I Lincoln. Ni:iiii.. .March s- (Special
! l'orri'p)iidoliee.i -The trojible at the
j I'eni Noiinal 'eliool, caused by paiti-
sun Peptildienii nieinOeis of the normal
sellout hoard, has reached an acute
st.ige. Kmplojes are resigning in ills-
'ust, elaiming that thorestdeiitdiieet-
or, hhellliurti. is insisting that they
plav pulities instead of attending
' strictly to their dalle. The otherduy
i the engineer and two or three othets
' threw up their job tatlier than sub-
! mil to Nhellhorn's political demand.
, hd it is ullegi.d, and tin a result the
elcci iienl plant was "donil," and the
"' tho demoeratie legislature,' and
which was declared wild by a partisan
supremo court, would have made ini-
who prefers playing polities to tho
building up the educational institut
ions of the state, has practically an
nounced his candidacy for the repub
lican congressional nomination in the
Third district. If intense partisan
ship is a recommendation for congress
ional olllce in these times, or if -.stand
pat' doctrine is acceptable to the
republicans of the Third distriec, then
Mr. Brian ltns many tilings to recom-
Freight trains must have an equally
large crew, and main line local freights
carrying passengers, doing switching
and carrying merchandise must have
three brakeinon. Not only does this
make for tho safotv of the nubile and
the employes, but it Increases tho op-
I'ortunlties for tho employment of rail-
mad men.
State Kiro Commissioner Johnson is
now actively engagod iu making an
I examination of all nubile bulldiiiL's.
"" '""Hmuu,s (,M1K"1 'iirougi,
tho activity of tho deputies, and tho
danger of lire from any cause whatever
greatly lessened. Commissioner John
son's force is now at work in Lincoln,
and when tho investigation is com
pleted there other cities of tho state
will be taken up its rapidly as possible.
Another law passed by the lnt
legislature Is deserving of mole thmi
passing notice. It is the law recpiirh.g
all paints sold in the' state to be ac
curately labeled, nnd provides a heavy
penalty for nny who noils flaxseed or
linseed oil that does not nnswer all
tho chemical tests for purity recog
nized in tho United States I'htirmnco
poel The pressure brought to bear
to dofeut this bill, and to have It veto
od after It was passed, was terrlllc.
This, of Itself, was evidence of tho
necessitv for such a law.
The assessors will soon be at their
wot k nnd the taxpayers of tho state
will realize more than over the good
woik of the last legislature iu provid
ing for the election of precinct assess
ors. It is no longer possible for the
state board of eiinaliatioii toarbitrar
ily raisu or lower the assessed valuation
of a county, and tho piecinct assess
incut is made more equable by reason
of the fact that lhoasse..Hiuont is made
by one thoroughly famllnr with the
local conditions.
The oil rate law enacted 1 the
democratic legislature of I'.iii!) Ine ai
ready saved to the oil eon-uineis id
tin stale malty thousands of dolim
and has worked to the ndvautiie ol
llie Independent r llneries of KmiMi
sad Oklahoma. All attempt- ol the
g. o. p. managers to deprecate tin
good effect ii of this law lme been
thwiirttd by the evident fact Hint oil
is cheaper, the freight rnte b ami
and tho quality of the oil ennsnmul
better. The g. o. p. organs that -ti-
so faithfully to belittle the urn. of
i no ueitiocritiio legislature toi.iitie
themselves to mere assertion-, but al
ways earefully uvonl any appearanei
of (baling witlt the real fact.
Kc&lstrrutlcn Must bo Hnt!c at Onic.
Ilepolt- .t!ie:id Irwin t tfiil y ti
("unities indii ites a liy re;-'st i.iti'Mi
for tho ennv litioti of the L;u n en's
Missionary movtme'it be le I.I in
Ltiiici'ln. Match !"tli and 17th. Men
who do not vint to mi'-s Mich an op
portunity of pni ticipatiug in this w oi Id
wide movement should send in t In i i
registration at once to head ipturtert
at Lincoln Y. M. l". A. Fifty or more
registrations ate being received each
day, and Mr. K. IX. lalzer, the chairman
of tho central committee, of Lincoln
says that Lincoln will not be satisfied
with less than two thousand delegates.
There can be no better opportuulty
for the busy men of this stato than to
spend three days of their time at this
big convention. Be on time at tlio
open session banquet, heie twelve
hundred men will sit down together,
take earo of tho Inner man. and then
listen to addresses by men who ate do
ing "big things" In this eountty of
ours, to develop a greater interest m
the evangelization of the world in this
Millions of Lives Lost
An Ahitil Toll Collected by Consumption.
Many Unnecessary Deaths from this
If people could only understand that
systemic catarrh is an internal disease
that external appHcationscaniiotciire.
they would not need to bo warned so
often about this malady, which, when
neglected, paves the way oftentimes
for consumption, at tlio cost of millions
of lives every j ear. Yet catarrh may
bo cured, if tlio right treatment is ein
pMoyoH. Catarrh is caucd by a general
diseased state of tho system which
leads commonly to annoying and pi-r-haps
serious local conditions, ubicti
may prove a fertile breeding (.round
for germs of consumption. Mxteinai
remodies give but temporary eae.
The only wav to successfully Heat
catarili is by employing a medicine
which is absorbed and can led by tho
blood to all parts of the system, so
that tlio mucous membrane or internal
lining of the body is toned tip and
made capable of resisting the infect
ion of consumption and otherdiseases.
Wo have a remedy prepared from
tho proscription of a physician who
for thirty years studied and uittdo
catarrh a specialty, and whoso record
was a pationt restored to health iu
every case whore his treatment was
followed as prescribed. That remedy
is Roxall Mucu Tone. We tiro so posi
tive that it will completely overcome
catarrh in all its various forms, wheth
er itcute.or chronic, that we promise
to return eveiy penny paid us for tho
medicine iu every case where it fails
or for any roason does not satisfy the
We want yon to try itexall Jltioti
Tone on our recommendation and
guarantee. We arc right here where
you live, and you do not contract any
obligation or risk when you try Uoxall
Mucu-Toni! on our guarantee. Wo
have Ko.Mill Mucu-Tono in two sizes,
Go conts. and 81. Very often the taking
of one r0 cent bottle is sulllclent to
mako a marked impression upon the
case. Of course iu chronic cases a
longer treatment Is necessary. Tho
nvcrngo iu such Instances is thrco 81
bottles. Remember you can obtain
Itexall Hetnedics In Bed Cloud only at
our store, The Kexall Store. Tho II,
K. Orloe Drug Co.
To close out what is left of our
winter underwear will close out
cheap as I do not wish to carry any
over until next year.
Children's fleeced drawers or vests
size 16 at 10c were 15c.
Children's fleeced union suits, size j
4, 5, 6, at 20c.
Children's heavy fleece union suits,
size 4, 5, 6, at 40c.
Ladies cotton fleeced vests and
drawers. The 25c ones at 20c, the
50c ones at 40c.
Ladies ficcced union suits, the $1
ones at 80c, $1.50 ones ai 1.10, $2.50
ones at 1.75, $3.00 ones at 2.25.
Outing night dresses from SOc to
are 10c
OW thai: you're ready to have us
A. 1
upc;ii uic
and we're ready to do it we intend to open your eyes,
and your pocketbook, by such a showing of fine clothes as
youVe never before looked at; at such prices as will make
being well dressed so easy that you cant afford to be
anything else.
This spring we've made special efforts to prepare for
our friends an unusual display and stock of the finest
clothes we can find.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
most perfect products, in a fine array of new and pleasing fabrics,
colors and patterns; you cant appreciate how good these clothes are
without seeing them; there are no words we can use to convey to you
the beauty of the fabrics, the smartness of the styles, the perfection of
the tailoring..
Seasonable Merchandise at
stocking feel,
to $3.25.
. II .-,l
v IT'
This month's Bullenck Patterns
and ISc none
uau vvjluaajicvv
Nazareth waists for
children are the
handiest garment
made, have metal
tubes for hose sup
porters all sizes 25c.
Stop darning hose and
come in and buy the
4 pairs for 25c.
Ladies muslin
nightdresses at
50c up to $1.50.
Ladies muslin
corset covers at
25c up to $1.
Ladies musiin ttJ
drawers afc 25c
up to $1.00;
Ladies muslin
skirts at 50c up
t r-fu-m. vjnm?..
ojJAAiig luLrlcb,