The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1910, Image 2

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    tMii ! m
to farmers eat the proper sort of food?
Tho rarmor of today liuys a much
Inrger proportloo of the food Umt goes
dii tho tabic than he did ton years ago.
It'll a Good thing tlmt this Is no bceauso
he has n great varloty to select from.
He fchould, however, uso great caro
In selecting for tho best resulta lu
health and strength.
Tho widespread tendency In tho city
to Increase tlie amount of Quaker Oats
eaten Is due very largely to tho recent
demonstrations by scientific men that
the Quaker Oats fed man is tho man
with Brentest physical endurauco and
i;rcate3t mental vigor.
Tanners hhould give this subject
careful thought and should Increase
tho quantity of Quuhir Oats eaten by
themselves, tholr children and tho
farm hands. G7
17 )'ihk "zz
1 - . M !!
Teildy Say, what makes yer have
it gun wld such a long barrel?
leddy 'Cause yr kin get closer to
do rabbit.
Avoid the Cheap and "Dig Can" Ba
iling Powders.
Tho cheap hiking poudi-is have but one
rrcntiiini-nd.itinii: liny icitniidy give the
ItiirclmMT plenty of powder fr Iiin mon
ey but it's not all hiking powder; the bull;
Is made up of cheap uinlciiiiW that h.ivu
Jio levelling powcl. Then! ptiwdcrri liKM)
caroli'M-ly made fiuiu inferior iiintuiiaM
Hint thev will not make lisht, wholesotno
food. lurlhcr, tliCKf cheap baking now
dent have a very hinall percentage of leav
ening gas; tlicieforo it' taken fium two to
thice tunes KSttiiutth of nidi powder to
aic the cake or biscuit, uh it does of Coin
jnct linking Powder. Theiefore, in llm
long run. the coH to the conmmitr
of the cheap povulcrH is inoic than Calu
met would bo. Cheap hiking powders
learo tho bread FoiuctitiMM hlcirhcd nud
ncid, koii'.ctirmvi yellow and iilknlinc, mid
Always unpnlntnhlu. They are ncor of
uniform strongth and quality.
Why not buy a perfectly wholesome ba
ling powder like Calumet, that U at tliu
tame time niodinite in price and one
Svliirh can lx lelied upon? ('ahnnet is al
"ways the fame, keeps indefinitely urid
i;iu's the cook the least trouble.
Untitled to It.
"How are things lookla' over to Din
Kledell?" "They've been lookln' purty squeam
ish for a spoil. Th' creel: got so blame
high It overflowed Pcasloy'B dam, an
there's two foot o' water In Wldder
llrown's cellar."
"Well, v ell, I B'poso you folks over
there will bo so stuck up pretty soon
tliet jou'll bo eallin' yourselves th'
'Parisians of Amerlky."
Simple But Powerful Prescription for
l.iieumatlsm and Lame Back.
. Thi3 was pioviously published hero
and cured hundreds, "Get ono ounce of
nyrup of Sarhap.ullla compound anil
one ounce TorLs Compound. Then got
half a pint of good whiskey and put
the other two Ingredients Into It. Uso
a tablespoonful of this mlsturo before
each meal and at bed time. Shako the
hottlo each time." Good effects are felt
the first day. Any druggist hns theso
Ingredients on hand or will quickly got
them from his wholesale house.
Called Her Blulf.
"lie's a biute!"
"What has he been doing now?"
"I threatened to leino him and ho
told me he would button my gown up
the back if 1 would hurry." Houston
100 1.
Important to Mothers.
Kxnnilno carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA. a safo and Biiro remedy for
Infants and children, nud boo that it
Hears tho
In Ufco For Over :) Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Nought
Don't kick when your wife asks It
her hat Is on straight. Itather feel
proud that she has the graclousncsa
to liken you to a plumb
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Rend 4e Mumps for live Hutniilci of our
cry best Cold ami Kill, KIiiIhIi IJIltlulay.
J-'lowor anil Motto ost Cunts; beautiful
rotors ami lovnllent ili-slgiiK. Art Post
Caul Club, 7V2 JaclHiMi tit.. Tnpcka, Kan.
The diminutive chains of babil are
seldom heavy enough to be felt till
they are too strong to be broken
Samuel Johnson
"I'lnk Kjr" It Ilplilc-mle.
Altai ka tin) i;v m 1 1 .- .-: .ultimo. Is
Continuous uml (,'ailn ti Iduik-iIi itu Ac
Hon Murine l?yo U im Uy .iHurOH K- li
li bio I'f-liuf. It KooilicH. Aiily Munnu
1'iucly ami Freiiuuntly. ljocnu't Kmart.
No Deposits.
"Do you think there's money In
"Well. If there Is they keep It well
iiecured." Kxchnngo.
pr.i:s cKiitKi) in o 'i o i pays
TA7.0 OlN'l.MK.VI lnKunrunlil In film any raw
ot Ili'tiitiK. Illiml IliM-riii if i r rri.trwllDif rlla. in
C to H Uaj ti or uaouuy ml ui.did. Uu. "
Alwaya hold in mind that uvon fall
mo can bo the alphabet of success.
n-Mtuv n.wis I'.im'.i,i,i:h
Imnatinnvlalihirrpttiittliiiiiif uhkm my r.mnia
roliiuiln ri'iimly tor 1uiiii.iii.ii Klutiri, i luutin
Mllctii'K, t-tu., , !3j uml Ui. A will on irmMV
Somo men go to their graves with
out discovering that tiny were not a:i
important us tho thought they were.
Mr. WIiihIiiw'm SihiIIiIiii; Hjriiji.
Kiirclillilri'ii tt-Kiiiini:. ht.t t.-n Id- funis, rniuci-Hln.
Uaiiiui.iliuu,ulUyt)kili,iiiiuttviml tulle. 'i-caUjUtu,
Thu man who win ships u womnt
Will never dovetail ,luto a free thinker
InquiriRS Similar to One He Asks
Have Been Made Before.
Reports Concerning Economy General
ly Pigeonholed President Taft Not
Worrying Over Roosevelt's Re
turnInterest Over Investi
gations. Washington. Senator Aldrlch'n hill
to create a "government business
method commission" Is a measure
somewhat similar to others thnt have
been Introduced In tho past In con
gress. There havo been Inquiries
aforetime Into the business methods
of the departments with n view to dis
covering ways and means to save
money, but the reports which wen1
turned lu were pigeonholed as a rule
or. If net lou was taken, It had no ado
quale result In reducing expenses.
Years ago tlie term, "billion dollar
congress" was used merely for tho
purpose of getting the effect which
sometimes comes from n picturesque
exaggeration No one dreamed UO
yours ngo Hint at any one session of
congress there would be appropriated
for the expenses of tho government
u sum of money reaching anywhere
near the billion mark Last year,
however, congress appropriated $1,
010.000.000. nnd this year It will ap
propriate In nil human probability
about the same amount.
The government work constantly Is
expanding As tho people grow, their
expenses grow, nnd therefore If
In 1IH0. the appropriation bills
are just the same as they wer
In 11)00, It of necessity marks
a saving niter alt. 'i no laci
that there Is not likely to bo any
growth In tho impropriations thin
year over that of last year Is due
largely to the pruning methods which
have been adopted In tho committees
of congress which scrutinize tho sup
ply bills
Clever Political Work.
It Is regarded In Washington as a
bold, and It may bo a successful party
stroke for the leader of tho Repub
licans in the senate to come out ns be
has for a reduction of the expendi
tures of tho government. Tliu Repub
lican party has been charged with ox
travagance. The Democrats say that
even If Mr. Aldneh's bill becomes a
Inw, the business men's commission
llnd out real money can bo Baved.
and money finally is saved, this will
not clear the Republicans of the
charge of extravagance In the past.
The Democrats also say that If tho
commission shall tlnd that It has been
costing $110,000,000 to run tliu navy
department, for instance, nnd It can
be shown that the same results could
havo been reached with an expendi
ture of ono hundri'd millions, the ma
jority party Is bound to suffer.
Employes In Protest.
Any scheme for tho Investigation
of the departments with a view to cut- I
ting , down expenditures is bound to
be met with opposition from tho
Brent force of government employes,
some 110,000 In number, who are on
the labor rolls In Washington. A grea
many of these small olllclals, clerks,
messengers, stenographers, doorkeep
ers and laborers have families depend
ent upon them and with their
families they make up a large
percentage of the population of
the capital city If economy menus
n cutting down of salaries or a
dismissal of a part of tho work
ing force employed, the reason for the
opposition of thf clerks and others
readily can be seen
Declre for True Economy.
It Is possible nnd perhaps entirely
probable that economy In government
work can be secured without nny way
affecting the pay of tho government
employes The government spends so
much money In building battleships.
In putting up public buildings and In
contract work generally that It will
be found thnt tlie throe hundred mil
lions which Mr Aldrlch thinks can be
saved every year under tho applica
tion of business methods, inny bo
saved without tho necessity of going
outside of the greater bills which
Uncle Sam has put up to him every
it always has been said Hint there
could be a great saving In government
expenditures If ahsoluto business j the paragraphs setting forth tho In
methods wore applied, and It Is very '. vesications which are being conduct
nrobable that this Is Iruo If there ' ed will show that the Democratic
Is a chance to save three hundred mil
lion dollars, perhaps tho expcndltuie
of the lew thousands that a conimls
slou of luipiiry wlll cost will not bo
President Not Worrying.
There Is no evidence that Pres
ident Taft Is worrying lu the least
about what f'nl Theodoro Roose
velt may nay concerning the progress
or the lack of progress of the policies
of the prehent administration It Is
apparent that the president holds to
the belief that Mr Roosevelt will be
lleve lu his absolute sincerity of pur-
poHij. and that even though congress
does not put thiough all the advanced
legislation which tho president lias
recommended Mr Roosovolt will real
ize that the fault Is that of congress
and nut the admlulutratlou
it In curious from bow many view
points the return of the stieuunus ono
to this country Is looked at Thero
me those advanced Republicans, who
are so progressive that their fellow
early minubers call them radical, who
seem to think that the Instant the
former piesldent sots foot on this soil
he is going to Issue an edict of dis
approval of everything thnt Mr. WIN
llntn Howard Taft has done since ho
entered tho White House. Then thoro
nre the Republicans who nro progres
sive without being markedly so, who
say that Mr Roosevelt will glvo ex
pressions of approval to some of Mr,
1'nfi's nets and of dlsapptoval to somo
of bis other nets Then there are tho
old line Republicans who believe that
Mr Roofevelt will hold his peace.
Then come the Democrats, who
look at tho thing from a political
rather than from n personal point of
view, nnd who say that Mr. Roosevelt,
being a good politician and knowing
tlie wiluo of making the party record
appear as good as It can bo made,
will Indon-o the Taft administration
nnd will simply bend his own writing
energies to nld the energies of tho
president in getting the party to go
ahead faster than It has tiloug tho
line of progress-Ion
Hopes of the Democrats.
The Democrats say, however, that
tlie extreme conservatives In the Re
publican party who have control of
the bouse and senate will refuse to
go abend on thu new paths of prog
toss any faster than they have been
going In the past, and thnt ns a re
sult the combined editorial efforts ot
Mr Roosevelt and the administration
efforts of Mr Taft, will nvall nothing
to get the party to move fast enough
to satisfy the people-ergo the next
national administration Is bound to
be Democratic.
Theodore Roosevelt Is recognized as
being the man who was practically re
sponsible for making William II. Taft
a candldnte Tor tho nomination for tho
presidency. It is no secret, nnd Mr.
Taft does not deny It himself, thnt he
did not caro to enter tho campaign for
the nomination IIIh chief ambition
was to havo a sent on the bench ot
the supreme court of tho United
States. If ho had not been urged to
enter the field as u candidate for tho
presidency be probably would bo on
the supreme bench today. Ho yield
ed unquestionably to tho persunsions
or liis friend, who then was president,
nnd became an active candidate.
Roosevelt's Probable Action.
Now. when It Is considered that for
years Theodore Hoosevelt leaned on
his secretary of war, Mr. Taft. aa ho
leaned on no othor member of his
cnbinet. and It Is remembered how ho
constantly alluded to the great work
which his war secretary was doing,
It can be readily understood why It Is
that the colonel's friends do not think
that ho will become hastily an ad
verse critic of the man lu whom for
so long a time lie hntl placed his con
fidence. It may bo that Col. Roose
velt Is disappointed because his party
already lias not cnrrled out every
pledge that was made in the national
platform It may possibly be that ho
Is disappointed In President Taft. but
even If this Is so his friends in Wash
ington say ho Is going to keep his
own counsel for a long time yet to
Investigations Interest.
Tho Interest In Washington actu
ally seems to bo sharper today
in tho Investigations under con
crosslonal supervision which nro go
ing on, than in any legislation which
Is pending before the lawmakers.
The Democrats say that the Republi
cans nro busy Investigating them
selves, but nonpartisan fairness would
make It appear that tho Democrats
are right only lu part.
Here is u list of the investigations
and Inquiries, for inquiry is a better
word to apply in somo cases, which
are now under way or in present pros
pect: Relating to tho olllclal conduct of
Richard A. Ralllngcr. secretary of the
Interior, and Gilford Plnchot, former
United States forester.
As to the cost of living.
An inquiry into the business meth
ods of tho various departments of tho
government with the view of discover
ing, It possible, why It costs so much
to run the federal machine.
An Inquiry Into tlie monetary sys
tems of other countries preliminary
to the Introduction of legislation es
tablishing a sound currency system
in tho United Stntes.
An Investigation with referenco to
A study of waterwnys at home and
An Inquiry to determine whether
tho maximum rates of tho new tariff
law shall bo applied to any nation.
Arc Somewhat Costly.
Somo of tho members of congress
have said that the expenses of tho
several committees and commissions
will amount to pietty close to a mil
lion and a half dollars. A study of
statement that tho Republicans nro
Investigating themselves has perhaps
bearing In real truth on only the In
vestigation Into the conduct of Secre
tary of the Interior Ralllnger and
former United States Forester Pln
chot Of course congress, which votes tho
appropriations, Is necessnilly to bo
held responsible for tho Increased ex-
pendltuies which there may bo in the
' departments of tho government, bo-
cause no branch of tho service can
bpeiul money that congress has not
I authorized by appropriation. Tito Ro-
puoiicans uciug in mo majority in
congiets necerBnrlly must bear tho
blame if It shall be shown that thero
has been any extravagance In the mat
ter of hiring too many dorks or spend
ing too much money In any depart
mental way.
Wasted Life.
Mo who lives solely for himself, lives
not at all
Revival or Rioting Coincident With
New Movement, and Fear That
It Is Forerunner of Se
rious Trouble.
Philadelphia. Pa. Hetween fWi.OOO
and 75.000 union workers on strike,
100 different branches of Industry af
fected nnd a renewnl of rioting In
which two meiijWoro shot, Is the situa
tion which confronts Philadelphia
early Saturday.
The police are apprehensive as to
the outcome. Witli hundreds of men
idle, forced to quit their usual voca
tions, as their leaders allege, because
of tho obstinacy of the ofllclals of the
Rapid company, It will be an
easy matter to fan the spnrk of dis
content Into a llame of lawlessness.
Director Clay, however, has no hesl
titlon In declaring that he has enough
men at his command to crush nny ii
rising. Tho Rapid Transit company stated
l'rhlay night that every effort would
be made to maintain tiolley service.
Cars will be dispatched from nil barns,
they state at as nearly regular Inter
vals as possible, ami will be increased
if police protection Is given.
Vn con raged by messages of sympa
thy nnd offers of assistance from labor
organizations from all parts or tho
country, the united workers of the
many trades ceased work at midnight
and Inaugurated what promises to be
one of tho greatest sympathetic strikes
In the history of organized labor. Tho
rcmnilttce of ten say that at least
7r.000 organised workers, as well as
many unorganized sympathizers ot
tlie street car men have ceased work.
Promptly at midnight union or
chestras playing in the leading hotels
and cafe picked up their Instruments
and started for their homes. Union
cub drivers nnd chauffeurs also aban
doned their posts, and the hotel and
lallroad cab and nutomoblle service
in tho city nro members of a union,
ami refused to take out their machines
after tho strike hnd gone Into effect.
Demands the Proof.
Washington, D. C -Proor.s or Com
mander Peary's discovery of the north
polo cnused a row in the liouse com
mittee on naval affairs Friday. Two
niembors of the national geographic
society appeared before the commit
too with copies of Mr. Peary's proofs
to urge tho granting of a suitable re
ward by congress to tho noted ex
plorer, hut the committee declined to
recelvo them in confidence, with the
usual result thnt tho committee hns
made It known that unless tho Peary
proofs are forthcoming to the full sat
isfaction of the committee that every
bill Introduced for the purpose of re
warding the north pole discoverer will
be nlgeon-holeil.
Three members of the committee
were in favor of recognizing the
Peary proors and making them public.
Renresontatlve Macon hotly objected,
and after declining IiIh position,
stalked angrily from the room.
"I am against any legislation in tho
dark." Mr. Macon sharply told the
committee. "Furthermore, 'if this com
mittee decides In favor of Peary with
out Inspecting the full reports and
making them public, i Wlll expose the
wholo business on the lloor of the
house or In a statement to the press.
The American people havo a right to
know what wo are rewarding him for."
To Welcome Colonel Home.
Now York. Ono hundred nnd fifty
prominent Now Yorkers were named
by Mayor C.aynor to comprise tho com
mittee "which will glvo Theodore
Itnnepvelt a welcome home from his
hunting expedition In Africa. Cor
nelius Vnndoibilt heads the welcoming
committeo as chairman, the second
narno being thnt of Mr. Ixieb. Tho
committeemen include the following:
Sotb Low. Otto T. Hannard. Ilermnn
RIdder, General Hornco Porter, Levi
P. Morton, Andrew Carnegie, Joseph
II. Clmate Klihii Root, jr., Paul Mor
ton, Ceorgo II. Corlolyou, John Fox,,
president of the dranintlc club; John
Hays Hammond. J. P. Morgan, Jr., anil
Lloyd C. driscom.
Editors Endorse Cannon.
Danville, 111. Twenty republican
editors of tho Kighteonth congres
sional district of Illinois, represented
In congress by Speaker Cannon, Fri
dny nt a meeting In this city endorsed
tho spevker's policies, called upon him
again to be a candldnto for congress,
approved tho Pnvne-Aldrlch tariff bill
and paid high tributo to President Taft
and Governor Peneen.
Farmer Is Shot and Killed.
Ashland, Wis. Gustavo Klrston. a
prosperous farmer, living nenr Putter
nut t-hot and killed John Iirynn during
a quarrel with Frank Sturgeon, whom
Iirynn was trvlng to protect.
llryan got botween the combntants
and was shot through tho body. Stur
geon ran nnd ban not been seen since.
Klrston gnve himself up.
Montgomery Ward Injured,
Pnsadona, Cal. Montgomery Wnrd
of Chi en go was seriously Injured In an
automobllo accident here. His left
Bhoulder was broken when ho fell from
tho tonnonii of the machlno. Ho re
fused to bo operated upon. Tho nuto
mobile top collapsed while Mr. Ward
was out driving nnd ho was thrown
out of tho machlno. An examination
at tho hospital showed that his left
shoulder had been fractured and that
ho had sustained other injuries, wlilch,
on account of his ago, will mako re
covery slow.
Twenty-four Carloads Purchassd for
Lewis' Single Binder Cigar
What Is probably tho biggest lot of
all fancy grade tobacco hold by any
factory In tho United StatcB has Just
been purchnseil by Frank P. Lewis, of
Peoria, for the manufacture of Lewis'
Single Binder Cigars. Tho lot will
niako twenty-four carloads, and Is se
lected from what Is considered by ex
perts to bo tho finest crop raised In
ninny years. Tho purchase of tobacco
is sufficient to last tho ractory more
than two years. An extra price was
paid for the selection. Smokers of
Lewis' Single Hinder Cigars will appre
ciate this tobacco.
Vcorla Star, January 1G, 1D09.
"I can slni;," unlit otic Toucan, "you bet,"
"I ton. run," until nun Hint ho mot.
"Po If I ran, unit you can,
We two win, wo Tourani."
So the two Touch mm Kami u duct.
Los Angeles, Cal .Jan. '2, 1910.
1127 West 2Sth Ht.
Uncle Sam's llreakfast Food Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
My mother bus used your food
for over ono year, nnd it has done her
so much good that she feels she can't
get along without It, and ns no one has
It out hero, I want to know what a case
of 1 or 2 dozen packages will coat
me, F. 0. 11. Omaha or Los Angeles, by
Yours Truly,
We certify that the above letter Is a
true copy of the original and was not
U. S. 13F. F. CO.
Thinking of Garden Time.
Ilacon I think much of the man
who can make two blades of grass
grow where one grew before.
Kgbert I've not got my eye on him.
I admire more the man who can make
only one weed grow where a dozen
grew before.
$100 Reward, $100.
Too readers ol tliu pirxr will be plravil to Irani
that Hurt' H ut Ircut cm- ilrrnucil ilLe.w Hint enenro
lin.1 been able to cure In nil Iti rliiKis. nnil tint 13
Caurrli. llnii's Cnurrli l.lire I llio only poitho
euro now Known to tlio inrtlkal trntcrnlty. (aliirrh
brlni a niimtltutioruil cllcusc. requires a ro-iMitu-tioiul
treatment llalfs t'-it.irrli llirc I) tnkrn In-ti-rrully
actliu illmtiy ujKin tin- blmxl nnil tnurmri
mirl.irtfi ol the Eastern, thirrliy iliftmylnc llio
Iiiindjlloi ol tlip illrnM nnil clvlnii tin- pallrnt
Mnnaili by bulUllni: up llio romtltiitlnti nml nsil
Iik luliiri- In ilolni! Im work, lb" proprietors liave
mt imirli t.illli In Its runtlvi- p-iiwrs Hint lliey nllrr
Ono Hu-iilrril Doll-m tur nn rnvo that It tails to
rurc sonil tor Hit of tivllmonlil
AililrrKfl 1' I I III M Y .V. I O, 'lolfilO.O.
Solil liv nil UnuwUH " :
Tale llall'6 l-amliy l'ills for constipation.
Excellent Connection.
"Is bis tamily well connected?"
"Kxtremely so. They have an ex
clusive private 'phone."
itiir.AK ri tii Tcnrr.n
ttltll.HVii .( Ilii'iim. Hv IiiiiiHt rem.
itl. It riinnlirri-ollii-l leimUli", tall. All (U'Jl
vi. Sjv.MW,H.Ul)lottU-.
The decollete-gownetl woman Is sel
dom deceitful; at least, she doesn't tiy
to conceal much.
to crrtr: a cvm.i tn onk day
l'nlii I,AATI I. IDliiMD l.iiilnltm 'lublfls
1 n cirlMsrrimul n iinrv It li f.iil In euro. U W
UUul L. S i.iuli liu. lit.
It doesn't take one long to become
an expert fault Under.
flrTi-.,l- TZTN
sclf regardless of digestion and nutrition. He might almost as well cut ohav
ings for nil tho good he gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach
grows "weak" the aetion of tho organs of digestion and nutrition arc impaired
and the man bufTors the miseries of dyspepsia and tho agonies of nervousness.
To strcn&thcn tho stomach, restore tho activity ot the or
Hans of digestion and nutrition and braco up tho nervesp
V30 Dr. Plcrco's Golden Medical Discovery. It Id an un
falllni remedy, and has tho contldenco ot physicians as
well as tho pralso ot thousands healed by its uso.
In tho Etrictcst sense "Golden Medical Discovery" Is n tempcranco medi
cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free from alcohol
ns from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drugs. All ingredients printed on
its outside wrapper.
Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There is no medicine for
stomach, liver and blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery."
D(s U! 1)011
25c BOX
?tm MEE&fflmaES&' su"oact
Wo we o1ilif;pl to enlarge, our plant, due to tho Increaso in business,
uml oH'ertlio above stock to thoso seeking ln est menus.
For particulars,
A Worthy Remedy.
If you suffer from any Stom
ach, Liver, Kidney or
Bowel trouble, you will find
Ilosletter's Stomach
Bitters a thoroughly reli
able remedy and worthy
of your utmost confidence.
Give it a fair trial and sec
for yourself how good it is in
cases of Poor Appetite,
Belchinji, Sick Head
ache, Indigestion, Cost
ivencss9Colds,Grippe& General Weakness. Gel
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Why You'ro Tired Oat of
Gort Havo No Appetite.
will nut you light
10 a lew dayt.
They do
their duly.
lion. Bil-
iouiacn, Indigestion, and Sick Madiicns.
GENUINE murt bear signature :
Cured Right at Home
by F.I.V.CTnorOIlES. Vtw Electric Treatment.
Galvanic lol eeppT inl 2lnc worn latldo
ihoei. Introritc entire )). rlenre become "live
wlrn." I'uvlllie ore lor RheumiMm, NeuralsrU.
tlackiche. Kidney an 1 Uver con.rllnt. rr'ce
only $1.00. Your money trturnetl II not utktactory.
Guiriutret;ne.l with each tile. riectnpx!rs re
tnilltle. II not t your Dmrrlifi, lend u J1.0J.
State whether lor man or woman.
213 Loo Ansclej St., Ios Anxeles, Col.
"I used Cascnrcts and feci like n new
man. I havo been a sufferer from dys
pepsia nnd sour stomach for the last two
years. I have been taking medicine and
other drags but could find no relief only
for a VJiort time. I will recommend
Coscarets to my friends as the only thing
for indigestion and sour stomach and to
keep the bowels in good coudition.
They nre very nice to eat."
Harry Stucklcy, lYIauch Chunk, Pa.
Pleasnnt, r.ilntfiblc, Potent, Tnsta Oqotl,
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 25c. 50c. Nuvtr mM In bulk. Tho iron
ulnc tablet r.tumrx'i! C V C. (Juurantccii to
cute or your tuoui-y back. 929
KiirSlwlanil WixolI'mnii-s. I'.Titirnl
ui. ) ri'o uh ui'l.jir you nny.
;jrW" h,ivn ou money. Aim
i-uiupn una vtimi .uiun.
I.I ikJU3l UI'.UJ., UcUuh, It.
I'.onknnrl ArtTlen KltKK. JIin,
Irnwitk K Ittnrrnf.-, UhlllPCbin,
U.C. liU4ii vi j. Ileal rotrit.cek.
U., LINCOLN, NO. 11-1910.
Jiiffl Carter
Jmflamr KITTLE
reDDEfi ' ? ue
r"PlATE "31
! I
1 W. N
The Tenderfoot Farmer
It was ono of these experimental farmers, who put green
(pcctacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory
wai tlmt it didn't matter what the cow ate bo long as she
was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had
not entered into lib calculations.
It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that would try such
nn experiment with a cow. Hut many n farmer feeds Afia-
Cures the Bleli ana nets ns a preventive for others. I.lrjulit rrlven on
thntniiiruc. Siift-fur liroml inures ami nil others, Ik'htlddiiM' ri-iui'ily; to
cents anil l.UU it bottle ;tt.00 uutl JIUIH) tho ilozen. Holil by nil JriiK"lsts
ond horMj uuimIs Iioubus, or sent express palU, by thu manufacturers.
udiMe&iwtttedii Esy-
A limited amount oNlroat Western Port,
liiml Cement, pitying a dividend of 8
is the turning-point to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a dox. J'.vcrytlealcr, everywhere