The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1910, Image 1

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"An Ounce of Prevention" A. check
account will run your business without a ':',
"hitch". When you pay by check, you ,!
get an itemized receipt for every bill. .
Then, too, you have a complete record ...
of receipts and expenditures in your
pass book. We invite you to open a
check account with us. Your account
small or large- will receive attention a
bove the average.
Interest Paid on time
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Win. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Advance Styles in all Lines
Pretty Cottons - Beautiful Linens
Handsome Woolens - Gorgeous Silks
Yard upon yard of the New 1910
Dress Fabrics
We handle nothing hut Reputable
Every article bearing our personal guarantee. We show
nothing but the Up-To-Date Styles. When selecting your
Spring needs call at
IS Miner Bros. Co.
General Merchants
We will be pleased to show our goods at any and all times,
and we assure you courteous treatment.
A Few of the Oootl Things
Sweet Pickles mo" "
Hulk Ollvffi 100 ' "
iiorso ituiuu too pei-bottio
Cat mm K'e " "
coiory Relish iff ' "
Mustard 1" "JB1"
Olomargcrino nuttor. . tw . ii.-.e per lb ,
M 0'V pcr.qt
The 4th Avenue Meat Market
State lU'n"'' """ y
JXtXJrZZXJZ "J",t""""s
The Chief $1.50 a year.
: - ,
lli r
t Rhode Island Red
Eggs For Sale
r D n, j r r
rrom rurc blood rarm Range
R. F. D. No. 2 Phone 1 1 on 1 5
Mrs. T. W. White
4 Newspaper That filvcs The News Fifty-two
Mr. lngchurt. moved onto t ho old
I i in Binigh fiirni.
Mis. House's nephew visited on the
farm lust Suinluy.
Jos. Hewitt lias ti new phone, lie Is
a new member on the line.
Koy Kent will live on the Marl.y
MeConUey place this year.
Clark Crow has disposed of his hor
ues and will work in (inldu Koek.
E. Haipli lias moved onto Mis how's
farm near Pleasant Hill school house.
A goodly number attended the Sun
day School convention at Cowlcs last
week. It was good and had the spirit
of the cause.
Fuller mid Ueiinott shipped two cars
of Hogs Wednesday.
Mr. Uiegory is here visiting his son
I'rof. L K. lircgory.
Mr. Dr. Calk is going to move into
his new house next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Moshang and Mr. and
Mrs. Seolt .Smith left for their future
home in southern California.
The Sunday .School Convention held
at the M. K. Church Saturday and
Sunday was well attended and their
was an uuusal interest shown.
Mr. Eugene Uurtoa contemplates
going to tie hajulhlll couutry and tak
ing a section -of govorment land.
Miss Jesse Squiros and MrH. Ida.
Squires loft Thursday for Sioux City,
Iowa for h snort visit with their re
latives Mr. and Mrs. Carl I'licnls.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank all the people who
assisted in our Into bereavement.
YourB truly,
Mrs. C. C. Bennett and Kutuily
Lewis Mauley and family weut to
(uide Rock Saturday on business.
The flue weather still continues ami
the frost is most all out of the ground.
Orant Shiglcr was on wind mill row
and bought a thoroughbred calf Mon'
Will Fisher sold a load of hogs
Saturday for $1)..'1". Pretty good only
more of it.
Mr. Townsend and family woie visit
ing at T. W. White's the last of last
week. They expect to go West soon.
Col. Wiggins has bought the Ccorge
Hall farm and expects to move on it
after the Hall sale and Mr. Hall ex
pects to move to town.
Will White bought some nice calves
last week of C. Wolfe. Hut George
Harris suys I hey can't come up with
his. as he has some glass ones.
Charley Smith and family were over
from Kansas and visited with Guy
Harnes over night and then attended
the Yung Uros'. sale last Thursday.
Mr. Tompson's house burned down
Monday morning. Wo did not learn
as to whether they saved anything out
of tiie house or not or how it caught a
Mrs. Thorlon took dinner Monday
with Mrs. Hoover.
Will lily lives in the house vacated
by Mrs Chas. Roland .
Mr. John Dunbar is now improved
from his recent illness,
.1. M. Holand and wife have gone to
North Dakota on a visit.
Mrs. Win. Elliott is entertaining u
i sister, Miss Thayer of Omaha.
The W. C. T. l meets with .Mrs. O.
J. K'ailey Wednesday afternoon March
Mrs. I). Kailcy has been visiting her
daughter Mrs , J. A. Sheoley in Hast
ings. ( . G. Parkinson has built a porch to
his residence In the north part of
Mr. ami-Mrs. Loutenuilch departed
Saturday for their home in Iowa.
They had spent several weeks here
with relatives Mrs. Louthcrmlluh is
u daughter of II. Miluor.
Weeks Each Year For $1,50
"Life is short.
worth living."
You miss your share of fan and pleasure if you wait fop that
Why not buy it now. We have an easy
, payment plan-ask about it.
A complete clean stock of ma
chines and a full list of records.
Victors $10 to $750. Records 60c to
Edison $12.50 to $200. Records 35c to $1.
Kil Sawyer and wife came down
from Kiverton Monday for a visit with
Hdson Minor is home from Lincoln
whore ho attended the "Lincoln Ilusi
ness College."
Mr-. Win.I'eevcsand little daughters
of Red Cloud visited at George '''air
Held s Friday.
Mr-. Wallace will lecture here in
the interest of the W. C.T.I. Friday
evening March '!."
Chas. 5uy was operated nn for ap
pendices Sunday at his homo here by
a specialist from Lincoln.
Mrs (Irani, mother of Mrs. Garrison
fell on the walk one day recently and
was quite severely bruised.
T. .1. Malouey has sold his property.
Mr. Shadley will move from it to the
I'auzler rosidenco in the east part of
L. (ileason, so,i of ,I.H (Ilcason of
this place, moved he-re the past week
and will occupy one of Mr. Huntet's
farms near the state line.
Mrs. .1. II. Crary will entertain the
Christaln Aid Society this Friday
afternoon, hunch will be served by
"Division A" of the society.
A number of children are ill, among
them being the children f Chas. 1 lod
ges, Alva Slickley, ('. H. .lones. .1. T.
I Mason, I. M. I'arkerund many others.
I Relatives here received word of the
death of Are.hio liedilou of typhoid
i fever at Omaha Hospital one day last
week. He leaves a wife and two child
ren. J. 11. Trost who occupied Floyd
Crow's house and Luke Tompkins who
occupied the Itoland properly bunk of
Henigan's store traded places a few
days ago,
1'. W. Holahd and wife colebrated
the tenth anniversary of their mar
riage Tuesday evening March 8 with a
big party at their hotel. Aline sup
per was served.
"'"" ' "-- SUNw1"- - " "" J? S
10. li)l().
If it ain't
W.S. Lambert uud wife had guests
from Chase County the last of the
week. They were Mrs. Mary Harnes
sister of Mr. Lambert and Tom Wells
his brother-in-law.
Mrs. A. .1. Bragg was much surprised
March Uh to receive (i! post cards to
remind her that she had celebrated
her birthday. The cards came from
Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, South Dakota,
California and Nebraska.
The Degree of Honor Lodge celebrat
es its l'lth anniver-ary March 'J'2
Workmen and their wives, Degree of
Honor and their husbands are request
ed to attend. There will lie addresses
and u lunch furnished by D. of II.
members and wives of A. o. U. W.
On Tuesday evening March 1 the A.
O. U. W. initiated two young men.
Alfa and Chas. Hansen. ThoA.O. U.
W. brothers furnished oysters which
were cooked by D. of H sisters. The
sisters also furnished pickles sand
wiches, cake and coll'oo. A social
time was enjoyed by a largo crowd
Bankrupt Notice.
In the District Court of the United
Slates for the District of .Nebraska.
In the matter of Stoti'er ,v Olmsted,
as a firm and also, individually, bank
rupts. To Creditors:
mi art- lift thy notllleil t lint tin- above
nainetl bankrupts, have HUM their pc-tltjons.
In thenlxnc imiitotl court for their dlveharnc
(a bankiiiptcy, tnitl that It lias hcen ordered
that the loth day til March lulu, and tint
saine hereby Is lled as the date on or before
which all creditors of, and nil other persons
Interested In said estate ami la the mailer of
dheharueln bankruptcy of said bankrupts,
shall If they desire to oppose the same, file In
my ollleo In Hastings, Nebraska, In said dis
trict, their appearance in writing, In opposit
ion to the Krnutliu; of said dNcharne, anil
also within tea days thereafter, Hie la my
said olllce. spi. Ideations of the grounds of
.aid opposition,
Dated March bill. lUIO.
J, A. (Jauiunui, Itefcrcc.
jolly it ain't
Notice This News Item
Unique Test Of Seed Corn
Besides testing corn to see if it will
grow and warning farmers of the poor
condition of seed corn this year, the
Conunerical Club of Omaha has made
a test wltlch shows the result of freez
ing corn which contains a good deal of
moisture. The result shows that even
some of the corn standing in the llelds,
supposed to be the best seed corn
Nebraska has this year, may bo worth
less for seed.
Ten ears of corn were selected which
were shown by tests to bo strong.
Mvery kernel tested had good sprouts
and a strong root system. A govern
ment export at the Omaha drain Kx
change tested them to learn the moist
ure. It was less than 1(1 per cent.
Then these ten good ears were soak
ed for various lengths of time and
after the water dried Into the corn,
thov were again tested to Hud out how
much moisture they contained. Tlioso
soaked .1 hours had percent: (5 hours
27 per cent and 8 hours !lu per cent,
All were put in a refrigerating plant
where the air was 15 degrees below
After 7t! hours exposure, the corn
was again tester1. Of one hundred
kernels from the ears which had ',':j
per cent moisture, only US germinated;
whilo but t!(5 kernels in one hundred
from the ears with 27 per cent moist
uro sliowod sign-, of life, and but '21
grains in ouo hundred taken from tho
ears containing :il per cent moisture
This teat shows that corn containing
more than '2i per cont moisture cannot
stand freezing for cvon a short time,
without killing a large purccntago of,
tho kernols and making the cars
worthless foi seed. ,
Good Farm For Sale
on reason tblo Term. Also some gocd
City residences for sale. Inquire oC
Cwiv.y OiTici:.
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