. MX ' CO 1 ' 3 lif .'. ft CURIOUS CUSTOMS OF ASSAM Not the Least Peculiar Among Them Is That Known as Doing "Genna." Among the Inhabitants of ARanm tlicro nro ctirlutiH custoniR deHcrllicd liy a recent traveler: "The local no Neman who had consented to help tho ok In return for IiIh food plus pay had cnmplnlned In the morning of n Htonmch uche, the result, probably, of ii too liberal diet at my oxpeiiRe I had flowed him with KtroiiR Ringer, but ovenlm; found him Htlll In pain, and he refused to take more He expected one doKo to effect a magic cure, and 1f It did not lie considered the tnedl cine was not worth taklnR a hcfoikI time. An evil Hplrlt had Rot hold of him, ho confided to me. and th" only sure remedy win to proplil It by Miicriflclng a white tow I To il- r with full ceremonial three win.' dav apart from the world were iiei cHrury, and therefore he had to tender his resignation. "lie came to uec mo a few weeks ago In Sadlya, and wan much hurt at my mildly miggoMlng that 'the evil one' had been a Hiirfelt of pork Thn I'UHtom of RhuttltiR ono'a Relf off from contnet with one'M follows Ih com mon all nlonR UiIk frontier, on such occasions as a birth, a death, alckneHs or' some other unusual occurrence It la called doing 'Ronna, and takCB placa whenever the HllghteHt ground can be found for It. "There la n atory of a certain well known frontier officer being refused admittance to a house where usually ho was an honored Ruest. On asking the reason, he was told that the Iioiiko hold wns doing 'genna,' as the fam ily's female dog had JiiRt produced pups " HAD CHOICE BETWEEN EVILS Bachelor Could Not Save Rug Be In Time for the Theater Still Has the Rug. and A theater party waited half an hour tho other ovenlnR for one belated In dividual, who arrived breathless and profusely npoloRetlc. Apologlos en lulled explanations, and explanations revealed some of the exigencies, aa well the humor, of bachelor make shifts. In this case the gentleman who was tardy found It imperative to econo mize space Neeesfllty made hlu opera hat share a closet shelf with 'he Tarragon vinegar and the olive oil used at occasional evening spreads. One could multiply proveibs In tell ing the tale, for in his haste to be on time tho vinegar and the oil ciutip dowu unexpectedly with the opera hat, and deposited their contents upon his latest acquisition, the Shervan niR ho had Just treated himself to. It was ruin the rug or be late to the party, so, up came tho rug, on went the water in the bathtub, and to scrub bing fell he The rug was saved, and tho theater paity enjoyed the laugh they had over the tale. Good Letter Writing. "Authors, my altoRether dear worn- nn, can't write letters. At best they xiueeze out an essay now and then." James Russell wrote to this effect pre cisely 40 years iiro In addresalng Miss Norton, and he added: "They aro thinking of their punctuation, of cross Iur their t'c and dottliiR their I's, and cannot altoRether forget themselves in their correspondent, which 1 tako to be the truo recipe." Tho assertion of fact is true cnniiRh; tho author In seldom a Rood letter writer. He Is apt to ho like Or. Holmes, only "a very Rood correspondent as a reader of let ters." Hut with Low oil's explanatory principle one Is tempted to quarrel. The bent lettt r w liter does not for et himself In bin correspondent; ho leaves It to his correspondent to do the forgetting We Make Ourselves. In the east, writes Frances Camp bell. 1 have heaid a woman hay: "Oh, I unnnot do tint ; 1 would be bom" next time a hunchback!" That may not be true On the other hnnd, ho would be bold who would say It could not be so for even in this life wo make ourselves. The miser, the evil speaker, the drunkard and Rlutton, and those who deny the claims of humanity, those who Ignore the poor, the suffering, tho outcast see how they have made themsolvos! Furtlvo eyes, hard mouths, unlovely Jnws, forbidding countenances Theyi have no lovo, so no love Is theirs. The false, tho wholly mean, the unreal' have no beauty; theirs Ih the hard and stony afterward, for evon here wo havo a choice of ways We can mnko ourselves us we will, beautiful or oth erwise Homo Chat. A Musical Burglar. An ingenious burglary was recently committed In u fushloitable Jeweler's shop in Vienna, the thief having en tered by a hole he had made In tho celling while playing the flute. Tho tint above was let in lodgings, and tho landlady Informed the police, when tho burglary was discovered, that 3he had let a small loom to a well-dressed young man, wl.o played the llute all riunday morning and afternoon In the evening ho went out anil did not return. A Jemmy and other burglar's implements were found In his lug gage, and tho man must havo made, the holo In the floor with ono hand, while he played the llute, in order to drown tho nolae, with the other. Insufficient Data. Hlobbs What in Guzzler like when ha'a sober'.' Slobba I don't know. I've only Undtin him about nlnn yearn ol. J, M, Elllnger ADCnONEER Dixs livestock mill gi'iu'iiil uiii' 1 innccriiiR. Satisfaction Riiurnii ticil in every case. I'liilerstanils 1'cillRives' and 'stock values. Muiiv vents c.i)t!ritiice. IMmne hiui iinjtiinc Red Cloud, Nebr. ; . 'WWWWV'W I Widow's Pension. I'lu- it cent act of April lSlt.li. I'.tOS irne- to all soldiers" widows a neiibioii fSI'Jper mo nil,. Fred M inner, the ft.niiev. lias nil necessary blanks. Nwrm A fic-li inUchcow liinuiie ,ii No vluitiM) Bros Store. Clitircli Services. cnutrii Di't'ilttisr. I s i iiKisii s runic ii Kvi:m l.nun'.s n l!iiiii ii'Iku.i . io a. in. s. i moii mid Cuiiitiitiiiloii II ti. in. i lirMInn Dmlcnor . iti'i) p. in. I'm:.. IiIiiu .. . ":"0 p. III. I'..i. ers iuhI pralM'. WedilCMlavs. 7SW p. in. -cits fire, iltiuil iiiuslr. Cnine. Ilrllii; j our It.liU". Ii Icn.ls Mit.l uoo.l rlu er. I.. ti. llrMin. Minister. imt i:-ikskuvici: at m. k. fiicitcn Smiiivtii Skuvic:ss Siniiltt School ... 10 A. M. Prcachtnu' II A. M. cinss iiu'ciiim vi M. llVKMMi Kiiworlh li'imiu "P.M. 1'u itching HP. M. t'rajer inci'tlitK WcilursiUy evcnlntsH P. M I. mile A Id I'rM.-iy . ... . 'J P.M. Your pifxcuec It rcipu slid ami a cordial Invitation is lAti'iiilcil to all. M.T. Mii-n.nt Pastor. I HUM) Kit M I'll I H, . r t. "ity-tlx--: late;-! ! i Jin i.Sjwi.A WiijH' UlilC. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMl TRIUU EVERYWHERE WciRTII IhJjTl'.l) I Market Report As FurnLstttul by Hanson ti Trine lU'iis(lul) l'J porlb. i CHICHESTER S PILLS j Al DIAMOND X BRAN BliiJk A.u'jronr lr.mrlt f'T CIII-CHRS-TIJR'S A . , , '"YllmWr UMMONU iiKANli 1'XI.l S in Kl n nii'lA I J '.'S tl Bllj lioi n melilli- 1 c, sealol with l)lue(0 i I u X. xfjp l k t.i . Tier v . ..f. jT I I HI 111 . fi 1 Til j Spring 8 Cox :i Diii-kh 8 Ul'l'hO ) ltuttcr... IS KtfKfc (rots'out) IS ii ii ONLY A FEW LEFT SAVE DEALER'S PROFIT BY BUYING NOW AftGABRlGHT KITH Chas. A. Schultz & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD, NEBR. j Specsal February At The Red Cloud Hardware & Implement Co. Store in order to Make Room for our Spring Goods. We are going to PRICE you Goods 20 to 33 1-3 Discount not Just on a few goods but on a full line. Commencing on Wagons, an $80.00 Burg for 30 days $65.00 Neuendorf Wagon, regular price. $80 for .'0 days only .$65 00 Gang Plow Sulkey IMow Acorn Range Manure Spreader Ohio Killing Cultivator" Western Washer i Cream Separator Old Trusty Incubator " Many other articles The Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co. Wm. Wolfe, MoLnacger. Swift's Premium Hams or tfmiTnl&W Fresh and Salt Meals of All Kinds Red Cloud, Nebr. llclli'W your MibMiription Chiof. for the Fur Sau:: Two tvpi'wrltorMjDtid as now, ono Smith I'romii'i- and oik Hem Inton. Iniitilroat this (ilIKv. Bacons. .Mr, " $65 for 30 days only 40 00 " $38 for 30 das only $28.00 " $55 for 30 days onl $38 00 " $120 for 30 days only $90.00 " $27 for 30 days only $20.00 " $-1.50 for 30 days onlv $3 75 " $80 for 30 days on fv $50.00 " $12 50 for30 days oi.lv $9.80 The Woodmen Accident Association Lincoln, Nebraska The Largest and Strongest Society of Its Kind In the United States Fin NOiu.hTTi:Jii:NT'Di:cKMiii;i!.'tl. 'oil ASSKTS Fir.st Murtiio.s on Koiil Kstnto .... $i'j'j,:ji io.ro DepiisltiMl with Instinuico Di'parttneuts 'J.OOO.Oo Ui'posltt'dln Uunks ."i l, 01 1.88 Aci-rueil luturest l.'.'iD.'J.l Fiirnituro and Fixtures l..(iO(io ToTW. $H1 I'TI 1.1 I.1AIMLITIKS l,ns(s Due mid Unpaid l.iihii-H Adjusted, but not diii' I nii in I'rout'Ss tif Adjust- iiit'iit Li s.sus ltopuitud l'i'flbiiblo Liability .... Ni in !' M ' i 0 -i',.'l it i" JJIKIVMU) Total AiiiijiiiH paid to iiH'inlh'i'rt in l!K)i t'lTtMrJD.'Ji Total paid in loslO hlncu oiKaliizatloii Sl.-.'l.oiS.lO Ciihl $8 00 jut year. 1 am ayont for Webster. Adam, Clay and Nuckolls1 count U-h. W. A. KENT. C. A. SGHILTZ h GO. Real Estate Brokers We have a select list of lands in E stern Colorado, Cen tral and Western Kansas and Nebraska. We have the best of facilities for showing von any of these lands at no expense to you except Rid I Road Fare, which will be refunded if jou purchase from us Before deciding upon location it would be well to call at our office and see on the map just where our lands lie. We an locale vou close to any of these towns: AKRON, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, MRU CITY, KANSAS, OARDKN CITY. KANSAS, AND Rl 1) CLOUD, NEB' Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOU THE LANDS REMEMBER 'One personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." We loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C. A. SCHULTZ & CO. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. NOW IS THE TIME to Bring in Your DISCS and Have them Rolled Out on Our V" IVr-TJTrv'i IiTJlWBF7TT AiJn.tr.1 k. im..acoib. -if'A 'jrnnana t ,f' tj&r I: &s Ji&si .mm mm 'i&'i&r- JmEBt$'u, A$k WB'mtfi :':n ''civnsM.w .jEamA . Jx&Mft mfc 1 ' ciE-TrhC7- 1-- 5 .''"'. " - fSSS e sc r We witg 8BIND them fer Yen. See us for first-class work in our line. WOLFE & A MACK General Blacksmithing, CATARR ,5, ..N .- ', ffpi.wsif"ir rr- mi "rfflJFGATu nHT-rtvLW i iJ j . . .,, y. m m Ely's Creaks Balm Suro to Civo Satisfaction. ClVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It I'lonns, ftootliCH, lit'iils nuil protects tho lioast'(l inonil)nino ii'Hiiltin.,' friiii Caturrh niul ilrivt'Siiwny u Cold in tin Un.id qim klv. lliHtorcs tho Bensps of Tusto mid Hmcil. Iji-y to use. Contains no ii:jurius il-ny- Applli'd into tho siostiil-i mid uliMir!cit Ijtko Sizo, fiO ccnti at T)nif,'nists or ly mull. Ijupiid Croiuu Haim for wi h ntoinizorR, 75 contB. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren SI.. New York U.Lf.LU L-ll'L-r.! L.Ar I J ' r n T.t T -.K: m fciit u i ill wmmi mKKM'A'XJA. ml u 1 1 The Chief $1.50 ",r'c??WS5s-. !MkK(( J-T arpeoer. LP Announcement! I wish to announce to my fellow Farmer and Breeders that I'll be at my Barn in Red Cloud, with my Horses and Jacks after March 20, 1910. H. A. JOHNSON UNDERTAKING We Carry I7unural Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services ofAlbright Brothers on Short Notice without) Kxtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. UEIIC II M LLLtl COWI.ES, nebk. ty!&-?J a2LL yJF'S'A tfw'V . I J " I IT. Hi iTTI MWIHi , y jiXXioarw ';' flSftyiTj i MUU.! WPt WM-VMh.. f V n-v5 " sftro'" "-Vf '"-r"U" "-;