The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 03, 1910, Image 3

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5!nnt!v Ct.! I r . .
, "' """"" n lor nurcb. 6, 1910
U sW"s!lyArtanir.dforTftUt'aPar
I.KSSOV TIAT M.itil.Pvi v !.u m...
ory .tk..i, j, ,
U01..;n Tl..Vr.--i..f took our In
III mill, s ami t, i,. out il. kinHsri -Matt.
O li.
TI.MK- Tin- pijiunipr of A p 2S, KoOn
rtiT tlir- Ki-tlimti in tin. Mount
I'UAl'i:- C.itMMiriutii null It Inlty, J..3H8
iioui... jui,,, t1(, it.M.iut m union ut
MltClliTUH Mstlc.
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
TIiIh and tho two following Ichhomh
tt'iicili us how .Icsua went about do
lnK Bod, and how his dlscir-lea uro
(o follow In htii fontstpna.
I'irat. The PactM. Imnuullutuly
tifti-r tho thrt-p rliapturs Htutins tho
principles and lawn of tho Kingdom
of Hcavon, thuro follow two chnpters
of miracles, ton In nil, together with
two recorda of numhera of slelt pco
Pip niado sound In health.
In thlfi iao his object secniu to
havo boon (1) to show the authority
of Jesus for tho truths he had taught,
11!) to Illustrate the truths by his own
Hfo und example, (.1) to show us how
tti follow his example.
I. Tho Healing of tho Leper. An In
curable. Vs. l-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke
5:12-10. Leprosy, lloth hi Hebrew
and Greek tho word translated leprosy
In tho authorized version "refers in
every Instance (except where It in ap
plied to garments or habitations) to
one or other of tho various types of
dlseapo called In medieval and modern
times 'leprosy.' Though leprosy 1h
rightly considered an almost incurable
dlsense, yet It docs, though very rare
ly, b'joomo completely cured."
"If thou wilt, thou canst make me
clean." An expression of faith In tho
divine power of Jesus; and the very
act of coining proved his faith in
(.'hrlst's goodness, whllo as this was
the llrxt recorded case of the kind ho
may have feared lest Jesus should not
he willing to help such a loathsome
outcast as ho was,
3. "And Jesus put forth his hand,
and touched him," to old his faith to
show his friendship In spite of his re
pulsive disease, nnd to teach him
whence the healing came. "I will; be
thou clean." Then n marvelous change
came over him. Tho blessing was
unspeakably great. It transformed his
body and his whole earthly life.
II. The Case of a Sick Man of tho
Palsy. Vs. 5-1H. "When Jesus was en
tered Into Capernaum, there came
unto him a centurion, sick of tho
palsy." Jesus consented to go to his
10. "He marveled," for his great
fnlth stood out clearly amid the pro
filing unbelief. Only twlco do we
read In tho gospel that the Saviour
marveled and at only two things:
Onco at tho unbelief of his fellow citi
zens at Nuxuroth (Mark 6:6), once
at tho faith of this heathen. Tho cen
turion's faith wns great. It was found
ed on facts that he knew. It over
came great obstacles. It was tinsel
llsh. It was faith that worked. It
wai faith In God and his son Jesus.
Jesus cured the man by his word.
III. Curing a Fever in tho Home of
a Disciple. Vs. 14, 15. This mlraclo
belong to a Sabbath day in the spring
of A. D. 28, about two months before
tho Sermon on tho Mount. In Caper
naum. Parallels: Mark 1:24-31; Luko
4:i 118. 39. And when Jesus was come,
from tho synagogue where he had
been preaching, and where during tho
services ho had cast a fierce unclean
spirit out of a demoniac. Ho went
with four of his disciples, Andrew,
Peter, James nnd John, to Peter's
house. "Hla wife's mother."
1C. Touched her hand. To express
his kindly sympathy and courtesy, and
to make it evident that the miraculous
euro came from him. Luko BayB, he
"rebuked tho fever," commanded It to
go, us If It wero an enemy. "Tho fever
left her; nnd she aroso, and mlnlstor
ed unto thorn," showing tho immediate
completeness of tho cure.
IV. A Sabbath Day's Work of Jesus
for tho Drlnglng Men Into the King
dom. Vs. 10, 17; Mark 1:21-34; Luko
4:31-41. This was tho same day as
tho healing of Peter's mother-in-law.
"When the oven was come," as tho
sun was setting (Mark). Tho multl-
V? tU( camo llftcr Bunsot. "Many that
were possessed with devils." With de
mons or evil spirits. He lnld his hands
on thom as ho did with Peter's mother-in-law.
All this fulfilled tho plcturo
of tho Messiah painted tn tho hook of
Isaiah, chapter 53.
Illustration. Tho Wishing date. In
view of what Jesus did for tho people
In his day, nnd his readiness to give
whatover la best for us, wo can im
press tho truth on our scholars by tho
i parable- of tho Wishing Gate. "Among
the English lakes, nbovo tho bountiful
waters of Rydalmcrp, there Is a lovely
spot called tho 'Wishing Gate.' As
some traveler describes It: 'An old
gray wall fences in a road which runs
beside the slopes below, Bhaded by
varied trees and rich with wild flow
ers. In an opening In tho wall standH
an aged and vcnerablo gato, much in.
scribed by names and initials of many
generations.' "
An Austrian Presbyterian preacher
in IJaltimore, Hov. Vanek, has rocelved
from Emperor Francis Joseph tho
golden cross of merit tho only one
over recolved in this country and a
gift of J2.C0O In money, bocauso of hla
services to Austrian immigrants In
As wo must render an nccount of
every idlo word, so must wo of our
idlo silence. St. Ambrose.
The Moody Institute. Chicago, re
cently dedicated a now men's build-Ins
Itoma of Interest Taken From Here
nnd Thore Over the State.
March 11 Fairmont will dedicate tho
uew high school bullillii':.
Win. Hllfort, Garfield county, died
from fractured skull which In ivutcil
In a fall.
The Nebraska Suspender f.icorv
has been Incorporated at Ke.intcy
with J J 5.000 capital.
Tho farm house of John Jenlt".
Saunders county, burned. Souie ol
tho furniture was saved.
At Union a thief was found trying
to unload a car of meicluinillMe. When
ulllcers nrrlvcd he and Mown.
Uushvlllu was temporarily without
any city water owing to the bur.UIng
of tho city main, due to the front.
An appropriation has boon made
oy the Hut'llngUm nlllcliil for a new
depot at Peru, and plaus are uln-.idy
drawn for It.
The highest pi Ice ever paid for hogB
nt South Omaha. $1U0, v.u received
Just week by a woman who had a
shipment from Curtis.
Hov. Father Petrasch of Heatrlce
ivho Is traveling through Euiope for
tho benellt of his health, writes that
ho will return home in April.
The State Hoard of Public Lands
nnd Hulldlngs will buy a moving plc
turo machine for the nniUHcmcnt of
tho Insane patients at Die Norfolk
George Harmony, ono of tho oldest
mall clerks on the Northwestern rail
road, was found dead tn his mall car
near Casper. Ills home was at
Tho Duffalo County Declamatory as
sociation meets lu Kearney on Friday
night, March 25. Each high school in
Huffalo county Is entitled to two con
testants. The hotel sltuntlon at Albion Is still
up in the air. The Commercial club
committee bus succeeded In getting
some promises of stock subscriptions,
but not enough yet.
County Treasurer E. H. llosman of
Otoo county left for Rochester, Minn ,
to bo operated Upon for a cancer on
the right side of his Jaw. He has been
suffering with it for several years.
The village of Elm Creek, Huffalo
county. Is advertising broadcast and
offering a grand prize of ?5 for a new
name for the town. Tho present
Tiame has been worn for twenty years.
Fire destroyed the roundhouse of
the Hurllngton at Table Hock. Every
thing of vnlue una saved from tho
hulldlng. The origin of the lire Is
supposed to be from tho explosion of
a lamp.
A swindler got In his work In tho
neighborhood of Sterling one day re
cently. Ho sold (i farmer tho right
to write insurance and make farm
loans in the county, receiving a nlco
bonus for the privilege.
O. P. Sullenberger of Ponca went to
milk his cow and feed tho Iioitp in the
evening and when he roturned to the
house was badly out about the head
and was unable to give auy account of
whut hnd happened.
Word has been received at Sutton
of tho dentil or Rev. T. S. Fowler,
formerly pastor or the .Methodist Epis
copal church, but later of Portland.
Ore., where he had been making his
home with a daughter.
Triplets were born to George Nor
ton of Osceola. All are boys. Tho
parents havo a foil Cail, lacking a
week of being a year old, making four
boys less than a year old. All are
healthy and strong.
Carl McDowell, who has resigned
his position on tho rural route at
Lyons, has, during tho four years nnd
eight months of servlco driven a dis
tance of -12,78-1 miles or vltv nearly
twlco around tho world.
Arthur Anderson, colored slayer ot
Arthur Newell at Hastings, Is lying
close to death as a result of tho am
putation of his fo't Tho operation
was mnde necessary by tho freezing
of both feet whllo ho wan hiding from
his pursuers.
Many farmers of Nuckolls county
ire of the opinion chat tho fall wheat
has been seriously Injured, by tho
many sudden extreme changes In tem
perature and tho unusually severe
weather experienced during tho win
ter. Arthur Audersou, colored, murderer
of Arthur Newell, white at Hastings,
waived preliminary examination and
was bound over without bail. His feet
wero frozen in his seventy hours' ex
posure and had to bo amputated
above tho ankle,
Tho short course In agriculture and
domestic science, conducted under the
direction of tho state university,
closed at Franklin after n very suc
cessful week. Six Instructors wero
constantly engaged and 300 students
wero enrolled. Franklin academy
furnished fifty students.
Ed Watson, aged 52, living live miles
northeast of Utica, dropped dead at
Vandelft's sale. Ho was engnged in
conversation with u number of men
und grew very much excited about tho
subject under discussion and, as ho
was troubled with heart failure, It Js
supposed this caused his deatli.
Gus Olson, machinist at the Union
Pacific round In Columbus, had
his log broken as a result of tho ex
plosion of tho air drum on a passen
ger engine.
W. II. Paddock of Holdrege Is ex
hibiting an old and time-worn relic
in tho form of n metal tobacco box
which camo over In tho Mayllower.
It bears tho dato "1C00" scratched on
tho Insido of tho cover, and on tho
outsldo the Inscription "Mayllowori,
1G20." Tho box. has boon handed
down from generation to generation
In tho Paddock lluenge, always going
to tho oldest sons of each line.
BBEfinnLyjrotEJINMVUmTBWBiflBBJHWiBL "-TTWP "MmttJri)TL'tTmitfffTttt!lJ1Ti'yvTt WfliUt,,Ti'AyiWMtMttBynWiBaByiMCMBMKMyMMMMiMi
Weniy is tho back that bear.1: th, burtlt n of kidney ill4?. There's no rest nor pence for the man or
woman who has a bad back. 'J lu distress begins in eaily morning, i ou feel lame and not refreshed.
It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden
movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten. At night the suf
ferer retires to toss and twist and groan. H.ukaehe is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching in the kid
neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the" cause, inside.
A Cure of Severn Kida-y Dlieaao Veiiicrl
By Trtt of.Tlmo
AVllllnm .M Sears, fJ3 VS. Cherry
fslti-i't. Nevada, Mo., wiyn: "I w is
i otivlm-tl of the re;it vahn of
Doin's Kidney I'llls through p.'i
wmiil exp'rh'iice. l-'our or tli.
nieutlm iiRo 1 MinYieil a KP'tit dual
1 a ,1 ii ii tuilii in runs the mnatl of niv
back, extending t times Into iny
llmliH nnd Hliouldi-rs. When i
t-,tooe1 or did any woik tlmt
hroiiulit ii strain on tho inuurlc) of
my hack, my irouhlo was iiKitru
Mit'd. 1 tried ii ntunlxT of reme
dies lint without success. AfN r .
uliort time I conlil see tlmt tie y
wero benelltlni: me, und the eon
tents of two nnd one-hnlf boxen
runil ine." (Statement given In
May, 1!W,
On Pec. Ilrd, VJ0S. Mr. Senrs h.iM
"I HtJII Iiiimi Kront faith In Uoaii'i
Kidney IMIIfi. I feel Justllk'd In te
eudorsltii; thin lemedy ns It liu'i
dime so trim Ii for me."
Itt Your .uimvsV
"This iH a portrait of HIx, the deaf
mute." "A very Btrlklng picture. Hu looks
as If hn wero Just roIiik to speak."
Uncle Sam's Ilrcnkfust Pood Co.,
Omaha, Noli.
After ukIiib "Undo Sam's
Hnakfast Food" for tho past threo
weeks 1 folt like I must write and toll
you what a mistake you niako In not
advertising your excellent food.
It ought to he advertised in every
newspaper In tho country.
I can not praise it too highly for the
great henellt I have derived from tho
use of it.
Havo had stomach and bowel t rou
ble for years, but feci now this food
is going to euro me.
I rocoinmend it to nil my friends
who havo any stomach trouble, hut
some of thom tell mo they aro not able
to procure It from their grocers, say
thoy never heard of It.
Wishing you nil tho success possible,
I am yours respectfully,
.MItldletown, O.
Wo certify that the nbovo is a tnio
copy of the original und wns not so
licited. U. S. I1R F. CO.
So you wouldn't let Hombazino Mill
sit on the Jury that tried the horse
"No," answered Three Fingered
Sam. "we do things fair and square
( in Crimson Otilch. Hill's a good man,
but the fact thnt ho runs tho ouly
undertakln' business In tbo county
couldn't help prejudlciu' him some
agin tho defendant."
This Will Interest Mothers.
MotbnrOray'aBweft 1'ihmUtb for C'Ulldrrn,
cum KeTrrluhncsH, IteAdoctiv, Ilud Htouinch,
TrrthlDK DlaonlerH. lloirulate the llowcU unit
Utroy WonriH. Tliey liri-ivk up coIiIm In SI
hoiim. Plfawntit to tnkn, and lmrmlert a tnllk.
Tlie never full. At nil ProRfrlatH, 26c. Sample
mnllcil FRKli. Addreus Allen H. Olmatrd,
J Itey, N. V.
Nothing New.
"Congratulations! I hear one of
vour dnughtera is engaged. Which one
It is?"
"Cot out! It's only IIuksIo again!"
Meggendorfer Hlaetter.
How To Tell When The
Kidneys Are
ItneKr.i lie, "Ideache, imlns l n nloopliiK or lifting, surl
di ii Hliai tuliiKii, ilieiuii.-itle paltm, ii"iirnli;la, palnfut.
M'nnty oi loo freiuent initiation, dizzy Hpcllx, drop's',
DlKi-nlori'il or eluiidy nrlnr. I'lliif that eoutulnH pedi
ment. I Hue that Malnii the limn. I'alnful iMpxnK"
lllood or shreds in the mine. Let a hnttleftil ol the
inornliiK urine i.tnnd foi 1M honri- If It shows a , lond
ot llecey sittlltiK. or a layer of line cnilnti. like Inlck
diist. the kntnoH are disordered.
Cut out this coupon, mail
t o . Hufialo, N Y A
Doan s Kidney Pills
jSoW'by'alfdcaloBi. jPricoTso'ccnts. Foster
Color more aoods briohter and latter colon thin inr other die. Ono 10c oacViao color ill fiber. The? dio In cold water better than any other dr. You can drft
awoirnnntwllhwit rlopino apart. WntoloilreobooUat-tlow to Die, Bleach and Mm Color. MOMROC ORUO CO., Qulncy, tlifnolm.
'That child eiH ovetj thing
"And still It neei netn what It real
ly needs."
"You HtirnrlHo me!"
"It needs n spanking."
wlionjou wmit I'erry Iwcli' JmiiI-, utrmtlitnR
I. iin k'ood fur rtuMiiniitlvii, ln-iiniliila und Hlmllur
iroubli-e. T0)e:iniliieoiiH.iiit un 'i , X uihI Wk-.
One should take care not to grow
too wise for so great a pleasuie of life
as laughter. Addison.
Lew it' SiiiKlo Hinder gives u iiinn lmt
he uautH, a rich, inelliiw-t.iHting ei'ir.
Take trom my mouth tho wish of
happy years Shakespeare
:'I"IJIII"'I'I'" l!!!lllll!lll!'l"lll'll!l!l!!!l.l
gjliririirf:"!"':;! rri'Mf.'ffnrft-riiTrriTmrr
AS'eC-'lable Prepiralion for As
similaling iheKootlaiuincguJa
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.Clwcrful
ncssandHcst.Contnins neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
Xuipt tOMDrSAM'ElimXSft
Lmfim Suit
Anitt Stt 'J
H'rm Sftd
ftubrjrrtm Jt tr
Anarfpz-i Rrmptlv CnrConsliDa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
awaavavaaaaaaaaa aalaaaaiaa.
The Centauo Compaxy.
Guaranteed ttiulcr tho Foodam
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Test Doan'f Kid
ney PilU Yonntlf
it to l-Vwter-Milburn
freo trial ptrk.i;o of
will he milled you
w N i'.
- Miluurn Co.Duffalo.'N Y- Proprietors.
6POHN MEDICAL CO.tOMiaiittEiiDMUrioinbu, Ooahon, lnd.f U.S. A.
15 ounce to
I waao lPllluaa WIRIIHII luo enikHKO
uiner KMri'nn onir it ouncew inraa price ami
DMTEIIT YOimiOKAK. ThcTnittj-lmntf ti v,).,iltli, M-ik" Ilook Krrp. KM. IHM
' i-ntw-mld A r..rat.AUr..lkixK. C
It miiii'tiii villi'
I Thompson's Eye Water
horouri', Uho
' W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 10-1910.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
the caarrauM ooaiPANr, ntwToaaonr.
bid I UKin
fci' u h av an 'T as lakvaaaa
Bears tho aA
Signature JA
fr X Usi
A Complete Cure of Kidney Trouble
and Dropiy
Mm I.. I., llalirrn, ICl.r. Terry St..
Houston, TeUH, snvH "1 hold a
very high opinion of noun's Kid
ney fills nnd with ;ood reanon, for
thteo jenitt iiko they enied mn of
hldm y trouble that had cIiiiik' tn
me for tiewiriil years, Thern wnH
ti dtopMenl swelling of my foot nnd
llmhs In addition tn other symp
tom:! of kidney eomplalnt, nnd ill
thoiiKh I used various remedies, I
was not helped until I proeurcd
Duan'n Kidney I'llls. Two IiOncm
of this preparation eiired mo und I
have never had the slightest return
of my trouble. I have recom
mended Dean's Kidney I'll In to
many people who have iiuestlnned
me about them, and t know of sev
eral eases In which they havo dono
the Htmio Rood work."
HBM HjtaBBBBBaW aaaal
Gin txitiutullnl titt mullr. Tlionlelraracurwl, and all other l
NiuinUtlt, no miller liuvrMciioM,l,''Lft iron) having tliadla
vara, hy tmlnir Hl-iUIN-b LIQUiu DlHTK.MI'Klt CUIIC fllra on
Ilia toniruo.or til t.-.-.L Ac I on tliu Mood and eiiUl RTirnn of
ail wrDiNoi iiiiwniir. onirunmij ever Known lormarva in loai.
.llnnbottlHiruanuitmltnriiroononM. douan',tlahnttloil9anl
I flodorunnf (lnjCKllanillianinudrleni.nrHrntaiprei)aiiald In
ttianiifacttirerK. Cut Known liow to nnultlre throaU. Our frwa
1 ItoLIMalvril(.TrrTthliur. IM-al atfpntfl wantMl. lanaraAt aullln
iv iiorrorpuiwlTlnuiUtenuo twrlvuycara.
WhalJ.l. Hill. th Qraat RaHroad Marcnat.'
Says About Its Wheat-Produclns Powara
'Tho Kratt thkhI of .tMa connrrr
louininiaieii inanninnrKftnara-
uon oriwowiii im uinpro
. vlillnx ot bomra for Ua
IxxtpiD and iinxlarina
afiiclnUfortiinm. Tlo
da)a ot nnr prvmlnrinr
aa a whiil ,iiortlna
coantry aro aone. Can.
B'l( la to Im (ho Brrut
Tiutn U tAklnu a.lvantaxu
nt tho iltiiatluii liy x
tantrn rnllwiir ImiIIiI
I n a I o tlm w haiit f liUita
of Wcateni Conuila.
Upwards of 125 Million
Dushols of Wheat
-Alinrvi-atnlln 1000. AveraM
hn tlirm provinces of Altrlu,
katcliuwnn anil Manllolm will b
nrJaof li'. himliela i,r ncr
n-AliDiiiiwteiiilaaf ItlOorrra,
I ndjolnlnir priwmnUoiiiiiit
I nrn-t mt t'. M-r iirrni, nm to
on una in iiiu ruoirrar. umirii'ia.
ScIiooIh cnntrnlont. rlliunln
cxrclleiit. aoll tlio ery lirt,
rulluiiyH rliMit ut linuil, liulliN
Incliiiiilicr ilit-np, furl cuuy to
Eft unit rennoimlilo In prior.,
uutcr emlly pnxiinMli mlicd
fiiriiiliiB li aurrru. Wrlto ua to
teht. lilac, fnr htt.lfmnnt- Bt.tlli.r1
Inw railway rnti. ilcM-rlptltaillas.
trntl"J,nt llnl Wwt"lMint frea
na iippllcutloni.un'l other Inforna.
tltin, to hu.'t of lmiolKratlnn,
wunwu, van., or 10 uio iwiiauiau
Uovemment JuwnU
Room 4 Bit Bldf. OmjSj, Rib.
TJo adJrtnanoarwtyoa). Wl
Cured by Electropodes f.
Nnr lDtctilc TrMtmtnt. Mrtil Inulet worn
lotldr totu Bod). ttonw miinrt arrrti lha
(on&KtJoz wlrrt. rcifive cvi Icr ItbrumilUm,
KruuljU, rUtkichc, KWucy tod Mm ton.
pliloll. Only fl.COwlr (iouutra ilfaed with
eicn ulc. II Llrctropodrt (all to curt, moatr i
luronl. II not at your Ururclst't fad ui (1.00.
Ytt will tea tlt you art luppjd.
117 Lot AnftlM Bt, Loa Ansclea, Ckl,
A Miracle of Comfort and Convenience
CUtnn aiu) Uanlirict (Im hair.
1-rontuui a laiurUot Rruwih.
ffovrr Falla to IlMtoro Oray
Holi- to lta Youthful Color.
Curta Klp dliuwt U hair taulufl .
aiftamltUOat DnanrUH
3i?V. fit ,'
If '
1 37 .
I fJt?7-
- m:
. . 1 J
WjSTllC3BK!vj.BaMfaMita:1 aatiijijafafafiaiaafafaWaaiaalai-L-i aaaataaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaataBlWlBfBL!aBBPalaWa T
-. - .it.y-,.- a-.ij