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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1910)
M i ;p i I- A LITTLb COLD. Ho inuisut a llttlo cold That was nil. So tho neighbors sadly said, Ah thoy Rathered round IiIh bed, W'lion they heard that he was dead. lie cnin;ht a llttlo cold Thai was nil. (I'uclt.) Ni'(!li'Ct of a coiibIi r cold often loads to sorlotis trouble To break up i cold In twenty-four hours and euro any coiiffh that U cnrublo mix two onncc'ij of Glycerine, a hiilf-omico of Virgin (111 of Pino ronipnund puro and I'lKht onnceu of pure Whlfllty. Tal:o a leuspoonful every four hours. You can buy tlu-Hi nt any rjood drop; Htore and waslly mix (hem in a large bottle. NATURAL MISTAKE. tSKte -TOur Tim CSIrl It Isn't fair for you to keep on your mask after I have taken off mine. Tho Hoy I didn't wear any IN AGONY WITH ECZEMA "No tonRiio can tell how I suffered for flvo years with Itching and bleed Inj; eczema, until I was cured by tho Cutlcura Remedies, and I am no grate ful I want tho world to know, for whnt helped mo will help others. My body and face wero covered with sores. Ono day It would seem to bo bettor, and then break out again with (ho most terrible pain and Itching. I Iihvo been hick several times, but novor In my llfo did I oxporlcneo such awful nufferliiB as with this eczema. I bad mado up my mind that death was iioar nt hand, ami I longed for that Unto when I would bo nt rest. I had tried many different doctors and medi cines without inicccHs, and my mother brought mo tho Cutlcura Remedies, In tdstlni; that I try thoni. I began to fcol bettor after tho llrst bath with Uutlcuni Soap, and ono application of tlutlcura Ointment. "I continued with the Cutlcura Soap .aid Cutieurn Ointment, and havo taken four bottles of Cutlcura Resolv ent, and consider inyholf well. TIiIh was nlno years ngo and 1 have hnd no return of tho trouble since. Any person haing any doubt about this wonderful euro by the Cutlcura Heine dloa can wrlto to my address. Mrs. Altle KlBon, !:! Inn Road, Hattlo Croek, Mich., Oct. 10, 1110!)." Clubwomen Plan Meet. Nineteen hundred and tun means much to club women, fur another bi ennial convention of tho (icucral Fed eration of Women's Clubs, with a mombtindilp of SOO.OOO, will ho hold in Cincinnati, 0., In May, bringing to gether women wltii a common pur pose from the four corners of the world. How's "This? We oltrr Onn lluntlrM Dollars llcwnnl for njr cm.v nl fitiurli Mutt cannot Ini mml tiy llnll'u UatAlrti Cure. 1'. J. ClirSUV A- CO., TolMn. (, We, t'ie unili ralsiiiil. Iuv- kn.iuii r. j (or Itic list lb van, anil In lime him f'tfertly hon oraliie l nil liusliipw tranurlltinii unit linanmuy 'Jul In cany nut nn otillratlmw mmlo lir liU Ilrui. Wauhnh. Kisnan ,v 1kiv, Wliiilmiie iiruirsnu. lolnln o UMI"K(ViWrrli Cure U ukt-n liiteninlly. nrllnic llrcrHy upon tde lilmxl nnil luurou Hiirliict-fl nt Ihn -U'iii TrsllniuiiliiN win trie. Trim 7J ctMJ lf tattle. Kniil li- nil Druvslit. fake lU.l'u f umliy i'llli tor cotutlpnllOQ. Doing Two Things at Once. man hurried Into u qulck-luiu-h reslaurant recently and called to die waiter: "(ilve me a ham sandwich!" "Yes, sir," said tho waiter, reaching for the sandwich. "Will jou eat it or take it with you?" 'Hnth," was tho unexpected but ob vloiih reply. Ladies' Homo .lournal. CUT THIS OUT And limit ti the A. II. T.i wis Moillvlnu Co.. HI. J.ouln. Mo., utlil tliov will hi'iul vim fri'ii u 10 day tiiiitiuont of NWTUUirs UWMi: T) (Nil tulili in) Oiiiirntttivil fur ISIicu- imllsin, CcmMliuUlon. Sick loiit1urhi, l.h it, Klilm-y nml Ulnml DImi-iim-s. Snlil liv nil UruuKWtii. lli-ttiT tlmn )MIU fur l.lwt lili Ifn fn,' to yim. Wrlti- ttnliij. His Stntua. Well, my llttlo man," Inquired a visitor pleasantly, "who are ynuV" "I'm tho baby's hroth-r!" was tho ingenuous reply. Tho Truth Seeker. If It's Your Eye Use Pettlfu Eye Salve, for ion, tya, itt-liinK lid, cyo icIkh, OefiH-tH df vixiim nml wiixitivitv 'to MiTiiig IK its. All (IruBRiMs or Ilmv.ird llnw., Jlull.ilo, N. Y. Aim nt excellence and excellence will bo attained. This I?. the greatest tiocrot ot success and eminence. Mortimer, my igp il5i x m HI 1 fl K m 3 flKS' ion ns QUANDARY Question of Adjournment Proves to Be Peculiar Puzzle to Republicans. DEMOCRATS ARE CONFIDENT day Taft In Pushing Their Policies President's Measures All Careful ly Drawn to Avoid Injuring Qualnefls. WashlnBton. When asked If con gress will adjourn early this year, tho Republican lenders answi-r. "Wo will adjourn curly If wo can." Usually thero Is a sort of Vovert smllo accom panying tills answer, for congtess can adjourn early If It will. The real sit uation is that the continuing majority llnds Itself In a peculiar position. It fears that IMcglslalion Is put through and If oarly adjournment comes, that tho members will bo blamed for not giving duo thought to the bills that have been passed, provided any one of tho bills proves to bo weak when it takes on tho form of law. Another dllllculty Is that some of tho congressional primaries will bo hold early this year nnd If congress makes a legislative lipurt and does Its work nml ,-idlourns, It umy bo said that thero was hurry so that tho mem bers might gut back to their baili wicks to look after their personal po litical fences. In the house by tho adoption of a rule on each legislative suggestion, a bill can be debated mid passed In a few days. The house la n law unto Itself In this matter. In tho senate, of course, there In no such thing as shutting oft' debate except by unanimous consent, but this will not be hard to obtain on any great meas ure, because no ono man probably this winter will care to object to tho vote on any one of tho major measures tho president has recommended. Position of the Democrats. The Democrats apparently look up on somo of Mr. Tnfl's recommenda tions as being In line with good Demn rratlc doctrine. Their attitude to ward tho Administration's leglslatlvo wlshetr In Just nbout what their attl tndo was toward most of the Uoose volt policies. Tho llryan Democrats in both house and senate saj that the opposition parly has stolen tho am munition of Mr. Hrynn and his follow ers. The more conservative Demo crats express thcmsolves as being of tho opinion that the progressive poli cies ot Mr. Taft are Just what might bo expected of u Democratic presi dent who was not given over to the llryan theories of government. So it appears that for entirely different rea sons tho Democrats aro pretty well united on tho advisability of sanction ing after duo scrutiny tho bills after a suggestion of how much better they could bo mado by u Democratic admin istration. It has been said that at heart many of tho Republicans aro opposed to some of tho president's rocomtnonda tlons, but that they will vote for him for party reasons. Tho members of tho majority party who an. in oppo sition inwardly, but not outwardly, to tho making Into law of the Interstate commerce recommendations nnd some other measures aro In the main tho Hepubllcans of tho high tar iff school, tho men who have stood stnnclily by Mr. Cannon In tho Iioueo nnd by Mr. Aldrirh In tho senate. Their opposition Is based on tho foaling that tho old ways aro best and thnt In the mntter of "regulating things," tho Re publican party is going altogether too far. See Change In House Majority. The Democrats In tho house, and in the sennto, too, for that mntter, havo not lost ono grain of their re cently acquired confldenco that tho next bouso of representatives Js to bo Democratic. Tho recent election In tho sixth district of Missouri, where tho successor of Representative David Do Armond was chosen, has filled tho Domocrnts with renowed hope nnd positive assuranco of victory next November. Tho Democrat who was elected to succeed Mr Do Ar mond wns chosen by a majority that was double that which was given to tho former Democratic represontativo from the district. Two or three Re publican otilclnls of national famo went into tho Missouri district In tho endeavor to elect a Republican candl dato, and falling In this, hoping to out down tho Domocratle majority. Not withstanding tho aid of ono cabinet olllcer and ono United States senator, tho Republican voto fell off tremen dously. Tho Republicans In tho lower house whoso districts nro at all close, nro telling tho loaders dully that thero must bo no weakening of tho Tnft recommendations when they aro put Into form for pussago. They say that If thero is any going back nt all. they roar tho results at homo, and that any marked chango la tho form of the presldeat's legislative suggestion when put on pnssage In tho bouso will bo virtually cortalu to lose thorn tholr tents. Business Interests Safe. Attorneys who represent great I business Intcrats recently havo lo'cn l making specchoa nt dlnnors . and at other gatherings to tho pffect that notn i) of tho lcgialntlon ' which President Taft la nttempt'ng to Imvo written into law Is hound to hurt tho commercial iniere&ia oi tu o country. ...... i witnout attempting in any way to express an opinion as to tho validity of this claim It may bo slid that the president Just now Is undergoing tho same kind of critical assault Tor leg lslatlvo endeavor that waa mndu on his predecessor In olllco tlmu nud time again. It can bo said, nlso, thut tho present ndnilnlstratlon docs not seem to be In nny way moro disturbed over the attacka than was tho strenu ous ono which occupied tho White House buforo it. It Is a matter of record thnt onco on n tlmn Theodore Roosevelt said that his "withers would not be wrung" If there wero a dozon financial panics, provided, of course, ho knew that they wero disturbances growing out of a re form thnt wns necessary In order to make honest the business consclenco of tho United States. Administration Measures. Tho president fully expects to havo enacted Into law, beforo tho session closes, tho postal savings bank bill, measures for safeguarding tho natural resources of the country, his Inter state commerce amendments, and, It inuy be, a law governing tho matter of Issuing Injunctions. Mr. Taft has ghen whnt may be considered his legal opinion to the effect thnt all of th'sc measures will stand tho test of constitutionality. Willie tho federal Incorporation plan will not be actively discussed in con gress until iioU winter, It Is today tho center of discussion In nil tho llnanclal centers ol tho country. When Mr Taft first Intimated what It was intended to accomplish by tho bill, tho corporations of tho country thought apparently that It would prove to bo u good measure from their standpoint. Now there seems to havo been o chango of feeling, and tho representa tives of corporations nro nttncklng tho president's plan witli great bitter ness. They do not liko tho paragraph which prohibits any company which takes out Incorporation papers under the natlonnl government Irom inquir ing ttoek in u company whose busi ness runs along similar lines. Thero aro other provisions In the bill to which objection is being raised in many sections of the country, but ap parently the objectors havo mado no progress In tho nttempts which havo been mado to get tho president to change his mind on the subject. Dnlllngcr Inquiry to Be Long. Thero la a feeling In Washington, growing stronger day by day, that tho Halllnger-I'Inchot Imostlgatlng com mittee may not conclude its hearings for n long time to come, and that its final report will not bo given to tlio public until after tho congressional elections next November. The hearings havo taken no more ot the form of a real trial than they had when tho proceedings wero opened. All parties to the controversy are now represented by counsel nnd thero nro direct nnft cross-examinations, Just nn ono hears them In any court. Louis R. Cilnvis, who was the first govern ment ofllcial dismissed from tho ser vice on account of tho charges which ho brought by Inference, at least, against a high officer, has mndo a much better witness for his side of tho case tlmn his opponents thought possible. Pinchot a Busy Man. Clifford rinchot, the former chief forester, who was dismissed from tho service because of tho letter that ho wroto to Senator Dolllver, Is tho busi est man In Washington these dnys. Ho is president of tho National Con servation association nud of tho Joint Commltteo on Conservation. These two organizations probably soon will bo joined In order that tho conserva tion work may not bo duplicated. Tho Idea Is to concentrate the efforts of all tho friends ot conservation. In addition to his work as chief of tho two civil conservation bodies, Mr. 1'lnchot was busy for a long time pre paring himself for tho witness stand In tho congressional committee room. Tliero is beforo congress a bill for setting nsldo forest preserves in tho southern Appalachian mountains and in tho Whlto mountains of Now Hampshire. Glfford I'lnchot hns felt, his friends say, that Prof. Mooro's statement that the forests havo com paratively little influence on strcnm flow will. If accepted, be taken as a strong argument ngainbt setting aside nn Appalachian forest reservation. So it Is that Mr. Pinchot has felt that ho must answer tho statements of Prof. Mooro. Scope of Inquiry Broadened. There seems to havo been something of a misunderstanding about tho con gressional inquiry now being mado Into the conduct of tho officials of tho two different branches or government. It has been understood by the people, apparently, that Secretary Hnllinger's nets nlono nro under Inquiry. Tho in vestigation wns broadened to iiuiudo tho acts of tho forest service officials, and so It Is that Clifford I'lnchot, for mer Law Officer of tho Forest Ser vice A. C. Shaw, former Assistant I'orestcr Overton W. Price and Louis R. Glavis, who was an employe of tho reclamation service, nro also, so to speak, fellow defendants in the ease now engaging tho attention of tho congressional committee. Of course, tho majority of tho mom bora of tho commltteo uro Repub licans becauso tho liousn is Repub lican, and committees aro ulwnyi. eo named as to givo tho dominant party control. It Is said in Washington by tho friends of tho forest horUco thnt there will be no report lisued by the commltteo until after tho congres sional elections, becaiibo they say no matter which way the report runs, whether in favor of Mr. Halllngor or in favor of tho others, (hero will ho of necessity a good deal of feeling created nnd that this will havo Its effect on tho elections. Tho members of tho committed, however, bay that they will get through Just as s ion an tnoy can and that criticisms of alowncss of movement nro entirely ' uncalled for PICKPOCKET IS SLY Veteran Detective Tells of the "Dip's" Tricks. Warns Against the Man Who Fold3 His Arms Danger Behind a Newspaper 8ome Cut Your Pockets. Chicago. "This burg Is having an unusuul number of jobs by plckpock otB," said a veteran detcctlvo a few days ago. "I hardly understand thu revival of this ort of crime, as tho best of the 'dips havo been pretty well stowed away, and the complaints of 'lifted' leathers and tickers havo been fow until recently." Ily "dips" tho old sleuth meant pickpocket. When ho used the word "lifted" ho referred to tho taking of an article by a pickpocket. In tho vernacular of a pickpocket a pocket book Is a "leather" and n watch la a "ticker." A diamond Is a "spark." "I don't know whore this mob comes from, as I haven't been working on the cases," continued tho detective, "but It seems to bo composed of a pretty clever lot or dips." It may bo necessary to explain again that by "mob" the old thief-taker meant a hand of pickpockets. "Those fellows usually work In pairs, and U la not unusual tor them to clear up sovoral thousand dollars In a few days. "If one of them falls, that la being Some Methods of Pickpockets. nrrested, thero generally la a fund on! of which hla lawyer's feea nro paid and tho rest of tho RatiK stnnda bj him, makliiK ovory effort to cleat him. "You link mo how to avoid having your pockolH picked. Well. 1 don't bo Hovo nny man can rIvo advlco on that subject. It la hard to toll what Btyln a pickpocket la roIiik to ndopt. Usual, ly bo works In a crowd. The Jnm on the elevated stations Is a good place, hut thero Konerally Is n pair of fly cops on each of tho loop stations nt night, nnd tho crooks know It. Then thoy got on tho surface oars ami work the plntforms. Sovornl of the recent Jobs havo been done that way. "Ono of tho commonest inothodu of stuallu;; a diamond stud Is to uet them with n pair of pincers having a pocket into which tho stone falls when It Is cut off. Tho dip usually works from behind a newspaper. Of course, you can't watch every man with n newspaper on a street car, but It you havo anything valuable about you, it is well to do 80. "A skilled crook may use a knlfo with razor-llko blado to cut nwny tho pockot. Keep your eyo on tho man who folds his arms. Ills hands may bo at rost or thoy may bo engaged In picking pockets. "We call tho man who robs women a moll buzzer. Whllo tho victim Is looking in a shop window or standing In a street car ho opens her hand bag nnd gets tho leather. There aro not mnuy of these Jobs nny more, for women havo becomo wise." Plum for Plttnburrj Firm. Tho province of Ontario has ordered 1,500,000 pounds of half-Inch aluminum wlro for the electric power lino from Niagara l'alls. Tho order, worth $100. 000, ges to u Pittsburg firm. Always the Fashions. "Yea; I am going nbroad." "And how nro you going to urrango yon: Itinerary?" "I understand coronet bral'la are tho latest thing." P WWW I I ii mm mrnwr o Pmw nml in Satisfaction Jr A jArga can aml a email cost tloeu not mako baking powder chenrr- or oven less cxponsivo than Calumet-tho high-duality, motlcratc-prico kind It certainly cannot make it u good. Don't judge baking powder la this way-tho real tl-tbo 5150! of raWng power. - uniformly mfe v wnoicsonicaess auu uui.iuusui;ii 1 jPk3mts& JrA BAJ&MG POWPEft 13 a better bakinR powder than you havo ever used be fore. And wo will lcavo it to your good judgment for proof, liuy a cin today. Try It for any bal:ingt pur pose. If tho rcsulta aro not better if the baking ia not lighter, moro delicious, tako it back and get your money. Calumet is medium in prico but great in satisfaction. Free largo handsome recipe book, beau qc ana clip lounu in pounu can. Calumet Received Highest World Puro rood Exposition HE WOULD DO BETTER. : Chaplain Tommy, I wns very sorry to seo you In a state of inebriety last night. Tommy Sorry, sir. Tn futtiro I won't go out when I'm drunk. TACK THISTP Prescription That Breaks Up the Worst Cold In a Day. Kvery winter this prescription Is pub lished hero and thousands have been benefited by It. "Get two ounces of Glycerine and half nn ounce of Con centrated Pino compound. Then get half a pint of good whiskey nnd put tho other two ingredients Into It. Tako a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful or this mixture after each meal and at bed time. Shako tho bottle well each tlmo." Hut bo sure to get only the genuine Concentrated Pine. Kach half ounce bottlo conies In n tin scrow-top case. Any druggist has it on hand or will quickly get it from tho wholesale house. Many other plno extracts aro impure nnd cause nausea. Talkative Woman. How III Some men talk and don't suy anything. Jewott Yes, my wlfo is just that kind of a man. Mm. W Imtlnw' Soothing Syrup. Fnrclilliltvn tot-tlilntr. MftwKlliuKumi, tfiliii'Oiln. tUuiiu.iUiiii.allHji,iialu.cuiv4 wind colic, -jio.i uuio. Two-thirds of all a man's troubles wear petticoats. ONtW (INK "IIUOMO OlMNIMC." ThttlnliAXATIVi: IIUOMO orlMNK. 1HiH fur tin. KlKniitnm nt l. W. tillOVK. I uM tlm Wornl iit tu t'uio a CoM 111 One Day. ': .Many people want assistance aud a lew really need It. 1 THE APPROVAL of the most EMINENT PHYSICIANS and its WORLDWIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELL-INFORMED, BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT PARTS ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT, .HAVE GIVEN TO Syrup of Figs JBZIXIR. of SENNA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. TO GET ITS BENEFICIALJEFFECTS, ALVmSBmrTHECEKUINE H,NUFACTUREOByTHECALIF0RN!AflQ5YRUPCa FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS UNC SIZtONLY.RECULAR PRICE 50 f PER DOTTLE Baby Smiles When He Takes Pi c CURE Vt BIST Wmtl TNI (j&UWStsVBS So pleuAttt tint h tiles it Q(1 conttini no opi atr. nirii i nutnuig in Anhm and all tioubltt of 1 A Suodaxd Remedy lor hill i All DruirKlttst SO'S Chcao and Big Can Baking ilcr is Only Bis in Size - Nof -Not in Economy w.w j .- HaDttV I& 1 Medium illustrateu in coiora. Award - The more you cat Quaker Oats the better your health will be. Practical experi ments with athletes show Quaker Oats to be the greatest strength maker. B6 Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt ReliefPermanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never. ftil. Purely vejet- able act surely but gently oa the hver. Slop titer. dinner diitreu i cure iiulufl guon improve tho complexion brigbtea the eyet. Small Pill, Small Dose, Saall Prict GENUINE mint bear signature : .. ., . ... BROWN'S I Beonchial Troches I An .lttolutily tiarmlcu remedy for Sore Throat, HoJtuncis and Coughi. Give tmiuedUu relict In UroncliUl and LunR Affection. Fifty years' reputation. Fri:c, 26 cents, SO cents and 31.00 per bor. Sample sent on request. I IQHN I. BROWN ft- SOU. Rnton, Kit,,. DEFIANCE STARCH-irs: other itarr l)" only li ouncen mo prlcu nml "DEFIANCE" 18 6UPERIOR QUALITY. llmikand AClTlcnFUKK. Mn l.,.lilUr WiKlilnuton. 1) V. Kit. 4'J JfH. llct rvlvmucvk Constipation Nearly Every One Gets It The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarct taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe aud that tipBet sick leelmg. 9x Ten cent box, week's treatment. All ilrour More. Merest seller In Uioworld-mlluon boxes a month. ML--mChVTZL ai-ww sbitti e tWB IlVER -mwmm-Wm-w ) t r -flflf """" yf W3M BHpGBb 'm$H$tt 'mZmtSk-m mWmm lykBfi9Q jh W fUBBflclvSI HwBR ''WiiMtfcillr' ilrWnffiW KJrogMWfflFffgiTrnaB B&aB$aasS8sl ill .t ' V9CT tWmmWmmVL fWnB.ttkbPSrAM ! -n N iMbmsrrwmiktimms n,i , i iiap1! imwv .nwvis wmm-i iiWMYMfly. (gggpiJliailii) ;- ,rl JUwi. WWMfelKS,1"fc' "'" ""ww V..4.HilW,tiWwt) . V... . 'm,ywt,mmtmmmt