-r- v m jj In i n 7 Hi It ' 't I ft ft 13 ,JWW Tff 55S55 S'ulc llisiorlcnl HoM- ty mm .;. iaiff;aMT)niiilT.iM , , maagfc,!, yfaf jjBgjMMBMMHMBM;..fi-J-iTTrt-. VT fTi', t-TFBHt v.i tri- ri I I f'n3 T' ft" - f Leeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeemlf 1 MBW mWmtBBImKaMw "tf Jr r,l,J:'B,B 4 Newspaper Ttiat filves The News FJfty-tw Weeks Each Year For 51.50 VOLUME XXXVIII. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 24. 1910. NUMBER 8 "'An Ounce of Prevention" A check account will run your business without a -hitch". When you pay by check, you get an itemized receipt for every bill. Then, too, you have a complete record of receipts and expenditures in your pass book. We invite you to open a check account with us. Your account small or large- will receive attention a bove the average. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. SUNNY SIDE. Hurt Totinnut bought a span of mules of Will Robertson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. Hewitt vlalted in Republican City this week. Oh! you hiiow; Wo got off easy com pared with ournorthorn neighbors 18 to 24 incites is reported. Lloyd Uust is homo a few days, lie tnut with mi iuavotdablc accident while working ou the Koontz farm and fractured a couple of ribs. Mrs. W S Dense mid children came out Monday. Billy Hays it beats batch ing. We welcome them to our tnidBt. May success attend them iu their enterprise. JflEW SPRING DRESS GOODS ARE ARRIVING Advance Styles in all Lines Pretty Cottons - Beautiful Linens Handsome Woolens - Gorgeous Silks Yard upon yard of the New 1910 Dress Fabrics We handle nothing but Reputable Merchandise Every article bearing our personal guarantee. We show nothing but the Up-To-Date Styles. When selecting your Spring needs call at W Miner Bros. Co. THE BIG STORE General Merchants H. A. LETSON Mp. Wc will t pleased to show our goods at any and all times, and we assure you courteous treatment r A Few of ttrc Good Things Dill Pickles 15c per doz SourPichhw 10c ' " Sweet Pickles too " " Kulk Olives J " " Horse Radish 10u per bottlo Catsup ...10c " " Colory Relish 10c " " Mustard W? "J '" Olemargcrine Butter. . 20 & 2r,c per lb Oysters 30 00c por Jqt YOST m BUTLER The th Avenue Meet Market See Dr. Stockman for eye glosses Satisfaction guaranteed. Morliurt Bros, carry :i complete line of Klectrio lamps, Citroon, Tungsten nnd Tantalum also hl-low lamps RM (let your lumps of them. Services at thr. Brethren Church Next Sunday as Fellews: 10 a. m Stibbatb School 11 a. in Sermon by J. K. Throne 7:.T0 p. m. Mute services itf the Mute Language conducted by Mr. Long of Cheater, Neb, 8 p. u Hernion by J. K. Jurboe Ercrybody welcome. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Churlcs Hodges is ill. Clnis. Guy is still quito sick. Mabel Alison has returned from Ohio. Airs- A. J. Hayes bus been ill sever al days. .1. H. Oleasou visited friends at Hub bel Saturday. Mrs. George Parker received OScardB Monday, it being her birth-day. Mih'. Haines, a daughter of Mrs. (Mass, went, to Beatrice Sunday morn ing Moll ami I'earl Smith spent Sunday with llieir grandparents, 1. X. Smith and wife. - Tho V C.T I-'., meets with Mrs. Dwiglil Jones next Wednosdoy after noon, March 2nd. Harvey Taylor and family moved last week out to the farm of Gus l'undt near Lester Rob't Jewell was quite ill hist week. The W. C. T. U. met last Wednesday with Mrs. Fred Miller. Lee Columbia and family have moved out on the farm of his father, Chris Columbia occupyiug part of the house. It seems the majority of the residents of Guide Rock and vacinlty have birth days in February judging by the postcard- bbowera,. Wilbur and John Watt wont to Endicott Sunday to visit their Bister, Mrs Richard Lambert. Wilbur will return in a few days bnt expeots to re main on the farm during the summer. Chas Hodges and his daughters, Golda and Gladys were iu Superior Tuesday attending the funeral of the mother of Mr. Hodges who died at Superior Sunday after a long illnois. Win. Montgomery has roceived a loiter from the Xatlonal Tribune. published at Washington I). C, asking for the picture qf tho live generations of his family. The groop includes the aged mother Mrs. Montgomery, her son Wm. Montgomery, his daughter Mrs. Hose Sheeley, her daughter Mrs. Maude- Hyatt and her small child. This is n flne family record. .GARFIELD Floe weather this week. Will Flshor lost a yearling calf Sunday. Mian Grace White in ou tho sick list this week. More greeting from the North Polo Sunday morning. Artie Richorson is hkqckug corn for Mr. Hall this week. Pearl Amack is gettiug along nicely from her accident of last week. T. W. White ilnishod shucking his blue ribbon corn last week and now Is a man of leisure Will Kent shuck the farmer dust off from his feet and moved to town a re tired farmer Mouday. By tho sound of the artillery the doga had better keep shy of Mnnlcvs for they ore making sausage this week. Joo Mudd will soon move down on tho creek for ho says that It Is hard to koop his name up thcro on a dry farm. Robert Bentty dtil think of going in a blacksmith shop In Guide Rock but now thinks some of going in tho restaurant business in Red Cloud, Why bo Robert? 1 o 73 r Hz 90 P o o H O On O o CO C so a z o o o o o. 9 on 2 -a 58 E a ss 2 P3 5f o o en SO 0) o m z a in O Z to o m 3T 3E rn 79 B rn ? o Wo now havo a photographer and barber shop at No. 7 wind mill row. He will singe your whiskers while, jon wait. George Harris is done shredding corn fodder and now all ho has to do is to talk to the cook and watch the pigs grow. Frunk Amuck shipped a cur of hogs to umrkot last week and they sold for 19.05 por hundred and now you would think he was the whole meat trust to seo him. Manloy Iiros., G. C. Ihtrnesaud Will Fisher butchered one day last week. Guy practicod ou them uutll he could shoot them pretty good and Louis did the lino part of It. T. W. White is .lamenting about. The Com. Ad.'s Gartlold newi said that he took a number of ribbons at the Farmer's Institute but did not sy how he got thorn. Please explain. There was qulto a pleasant gather ing at Col. Wiggins on Saturday night. Everybody had a good time and plenty ' U eat of oysters and v cakes. You conld not hardly chin tho pile but Bert King aud George Amack tried, to get outside of the wbolo business. They tnU6t a hare had holes in their socks by, tho. way they.ate. They fee from both sides nntil it was thought by friends that they would havo to choke them off, but they got so they could tuck the oystoro down with their fingors and quit with tho promise of an early breakfast. A New Passenger Train Promised. The Greatest Csnventlen this county will havo this year will be tho County Convention of Sunday Schools to bo held In tho M. K church of Cowles on Mar. 5 nnd 0, 1010. Thoro Is no church problem that tho Sunday School con not solvo. There is no civic problem boyond its solu tion, aud you can learn how it is done at the above named meeting. Bring your hard questions for the state workers to answer. Hoar thorn dis cuss tho child, the boy, tho man and the relation they bear to tho Sunday School, the church nnd the commun ity. Nellie Rurabatgh, County Secretary, We received a telephono message yesterday from 'Hustings informing us that a passenger train will iu all probability bo put on the branch iu tho near future. Railway commission ers Kenady and Clark held the investi gation. Attorney Dlllman represent ed the railroad people and Ileruard MoNony represented tho people. Tho principal witnesses wore F. V.Cow,den, Rod Cloud; F. A. Good, Jus. Mclirido aud R. B. Thompson, Cowles; and R. Simpson of Blue Hill. Mr. McXeny impressed the commiss ion with his straight forward present ation of facts. An adjournment of three weeks was taken to allow the O. II. it Q. to prepare a roply. All the cities including Red Cloud and Hastings will be greatly beuoQtcd if a good passenger .train wore j$? stalled. Prospects are very bright'. 1 '.'? vi a I f y w. at. i ? l "JIL lSfl' " " , -,.- - 'A (KW '" ,J'f" ..."r -'- iki'kiL.. ' uk"sari:ltMrTiwiiM ' 'MMHiptq Will I .&0,40 EK