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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1910)
h 1 91 1 P o Hl 8 M !H1 IMIVIMMMUII IIW ar!P. f'P FIRE INSURANCE POLICY DON'T DELAY ORDERING 'i Hie insurance policj fi"ln us " dnglo tiny. I-'liu Isn't go.i.g tu stay away because you are h"t in sured. In fuel, it seems ti pick out the iiiuti foolish enough t be without d FIRE INSURANCE POLICY, Have us issue you it policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. The fire fletul may have your house down on thu list for ii visit tliis wry night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance, '-v P - M I M Wl fM -ri1i.vr " ImI HI ,ffl Hi! ONLY A FEW LEFT I SAVE DEALER'S PROFIf I I BY BUYING NOW 1 WITH I ge Chas. A. Schultz & Co. H ? H DC A I CCTATU RDAVTDC Kl I KB POTTER BLOCK RED CLOUD. NEBR. MM . w - . 7 ryi IH H n. BRAND PMI Ra Pyt- El lANI) riu.H in Kin nmJi j . . U litixc-i. caicu villi uiucjry I Take no orunn. nnr of your V nn.l mL. fur ' S V In mill Col. J. H. Elllnger I AUCTIONEER f Does livestock iinil general auc- f tionccring. Satisfaction guaran- j teed in every case. pedigrees mid ..stock values. i Many years experience Phone C liim anytime Red Cloud, Ncbr. 4'U'W'WAk'WU ''WWWWWW Widow's Pension. Thcrecoht act of April UUh. 1008 riven to all soldiers' widows u pension ot8t2 per month. Fred Maurer, the ntlorney, hah all necessary blanks. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND I.ADIKS t JV..U jour ItruitRlU for Cm-CIIHS-TIiR'R UIAMUI4U 111 ttoi.o tnt-tnUi ituilKin. Drvj-irLI UlAMONIt Illt.VNII l'U.I.H. lor twrnty-nvc jcirs rcRnrdcil m Ilrst.Safctit, Al'.vnyJ Hcllablc. at SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS U s n i A f i osh mlh'h cow NVwliMiisi! Uros Store. S everywhere si The Chief $1.50 a year. LIST OF LANDS IN SHERIDAN CO., KANSAS. FOR SALE by A. H. CARPENTER, RED CLOUD, NEB. cit.u i: ii iMsropAi IU'..I. M! IliiUs, I'astiir. SlTll'l' the llrst ll SlIllclllV.s in mill. lllll.V l ' III 111 til I loll HI I tl II 1 1 1 1 1 U M'lit'l"l (III tilt-llrst siiiuliij. Miiul.iy school nt I'Jo'cloct: eer Siiinhiy. Mrs. I' ll. Sniiili. Siiii'iliitinilciit. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. ., t mrmfJ ni idmij ! ii 1 . Ill T . 1 IjI u Mf sfms fn&l Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Nebr. No 1 TS20 acres lying .idjiieeiit to the town site of Seidell, high sidiool is tiilt on a portion of this land, the laud is all .smooth, level, rich black soil, . hundred and forty acre-, under the plow, ouo hundred and seventy acres )f winter wheat, all fenced and oioss fenced, a big snap at $32 per acre. No U- Itio actos adjacent to the town ot Seidell on the east, all good level land, 70 acres of winter wheat, 125 acres under cultivation, the balance in ptis fure, all fenced, ami good well and mill, niiecbJI'i per acre. No:!- MX) auref) '; tiiiln friun Selden, 1 10 acres uiiiler the plow, all smooth i s"J0d improvement'", new "ipiaie house, all fenced, a snap at StOOO. N'o J 2lu ucivs :i mile-, lioiu Seidell. Miiall 2 loom house, running water uid timber, and 120 acres under the plow, and the same in pasturo, I." acres of .rood bottom land, which is gnat for alfalfa, price J5 1000. No. :. MV.i iieres 0 mile from lloie, the couutv seat of Sheridau county, 1 10 acres broke, ail good level farm land, no sand on tho place Price S.'KiOo, terms i.ilf cusli and the balance left on the place. No. ii M'hI act c7 inilen north west of lloie. all good level farm, !" acies nruke. p.ut of which In in winter vvlieat, teuced, 80 tods from school house mil church. Price S.i20i, terms halt cash and balance to suit purchasor. No. 7 -:!2o acreh t mile-smitli east of Sfldeii, 70 actus in the bottom along 1 lie Solllllllin 111111,1 itf lllIM l in , 1 f f, 1 f,i I ill,,, mini fnx,,, lux.l orO Kin- broke, good tie s room bouse, good liarn, hog houses, granaries and Red ClOUd, ribs, scales and scale house all fenced it m I cioss fenced, well and mill. This place is a snap at tli price of MT.jO per aeie, terms to suit. No K -hOaoies of r nut black land which stones to the north, within 200 nnlsof thu Solomon, .ill fenced and cross fenced. W acres broke, most of which is good alfalfa land, 20 feet to water. This place can be bought lor it short time for JI'.Ou half of which may be left run on the place No. '.)- lOOiicicb 7 miles north west of lloie, all fenced, 100 acres broke. Price $llr,(!o. terms to suit the purchaser. .No. 10 .i.'d acres of good latin land 0 miles north west ot Iloxio, f) miles south of Hclileu, hohool on the adjoining quarter, nil fenced and cross fenced, tin actes under tho plow an 1 into ciop, 'veil improved. Owner will give pur chtisw n f tho crop, delivered to market if Hold before tit daye. This it, the iu'sl baigaiu on the list Price fcSOOO. lVirchasor will be able to make hisown terms. This is in u good (ieruian vettlement. No. UIC0 HCf us 0 utiles south east of Suhleu, 90 acres broke, bod house, barn for II head of horses, fenced and cross fenced, granary and crib, well aud villi, 10 tods to school hoiiso. Price S3200 All cash excepting 1800. No. l2-:t20 acres It ', miles south east of Seidell, all luvel land exceptiog I druw, 210 acres broke, 170 acres in winter vv licit, all fenced aud cross fenced, won and null. Lies across the road from school. If Bold before May 1st, buy sr Is ro reeeive of tho crop delivered to market. Price fdooo. No. I.'! 1(50 acres ii null's troiu Seldcn. loo iteres btoke. 12.") aeren in winter wheat, 'a of the crop to Imdeliwtod for purchaser in Itevford if sold soon. All fenced Price laW. I Church Sf.nincs. Clllltl II HI'i IIIIIM. is ciinisn vn ("in in it i;v i. in Loan's n vv liIhlcM'hool to a. in. "scriuon and ('oiniiiiiiilnii II a. in. (.'hrNtlan i:iiiliavor . i!..!i) ji. in. 4'renihliic .. . 7::ii) p. in. I'raji isuiiil praNc. WcdiiiMlays. 7::!) p. in. suithfric. liiioit music. Come. Ililtm.witir lllblcs. tih'iiils and uoud chicr. L. An. IIi'ssiim.. Mlulsti r. w m IIOl KsUl'.SLItVICICAV.M. II. I 1 1 C I C ' 1 1 Si vnn v rn MiiivicKs. Sunday Scliool 10 A.M. I'rcat'hliiR UA.f. Class nice 1 1 nu 1'. ,M. i:vi:mmi Kpuorth league 7 1. M. I'renchlng K V. M. l'rayer mcctlnn Wi Jnisttny eveiilntjH r. M Ladlis Aid I'llday 2 I'. M. Your presence Is requesteil and u cordial luv Itatlon Is cxtcudid to all. M.T. SrihU.Kii I'aHtor. The daring aviators succeed in soar ing above the high prices of beef, lint it is only between meals. Market Report As Furnished by Hanson ft Trine Mens (fat) Ill Springs 10 Co a Ducks s Geese 7 lliitter 10 Kifgs frots out) 22 per lb. o .. Special February Clearing Sale At The Red Cloud Hardware & Implement Co. Store in order to Make Room for our Spring Goods. We are going to PRICE you Goods 20 to 33 1-3 Discount not Just on a few goods but on a full line. Commencing on Wagons, an $80.00 Burg for 30 days $65.00 Bettendorf Wagon, regular price, $80 for 30 days only $65.00 No II 100 aores (J miles south east of Seidell, I2.i acres broke, fenced and cross fenced, sod house, stable b! 21, crannry, com crib, well and mill, hog housOMalorc, 2r acref, of good alfalfa, ' ,' of tho crop delivered to purchaser. This is the finest farm in the vicinity. IVico S'00o. No. 15 Mill acres '. mill s south east of Seidell, 100 acres bloke, ;il acres in winter wheat, fenced ami cross fenced, small house, fair bain, well anil mill, oorn crib, granary etc.. ' , of the crop delivered to inniket if sold before April tit. Can buy all of crop if purchaser desires. Price SlSOO. Have u great many other ' invuins too numerous to mention. Gang Plow Sulkey IMow " Acorn Range Manure Spreader Ohio Riding Cultivator' Western Washer Cream Separator " Old Trusty Incubator " $65 for 30 days only $40.00 $38 for 30 days only $28.00 $55 for 30 days only $38.00 $120 for 30 days only $90.00 $27 for 30 days only $20.00 $4.50 for 30 days only $3.75 $80 for 30 days only $50.00 $12 50 for 30 days only $9.80 .lan other articles The Red Cloud Hardware & Impl. Co. Wm. Wolfe, Mev.n-3.gcr, (Continued from page four) not bolong to unions but thoy go on n strike vvhcu tho pay la insufficient. We think fooding, housing and nt teutioti go hand in hand but eaclt is essential in order to be snccesslul. It is not iiecessiry that houses be expens ive but c. can, dry and wed ventilated with no drutts and facing the south. Uy having laig doms you may have MiiiHulit t' o .vcar aiounil which Is a rfn'nt factor in the health of p-tilti.v ,s i at it piucis so ift n breed dinea i . ii'ik al-' plnjs mi imp rtnii1 P'l i ii t'tig .viclil. We Use a vaiiei.v I I ni hi I iic A eh iiige of Olel in ii iiilcc laying aii'i Uei p-tnc hen ii. i .ii Hi 'I lie fa i im r is in a posit mi t .i msli a well I tiltiiiced uitlnu Willi i 'ii.Miig liltfh priced patent foons. v ni Kill mention tout clean fnsli it i oi slit slid! grit, coiiiin icial ( i se i- iiixl 'lr. biaii sliotiM at all ii ii lie tietoie ihetii. Ibis with a k nie-y of giain and o her mixtures constitute their bill of fare. It makes viutei seem like summer when you nave mangel vvcrt'els, cabbage and potatoes for them. Next conies attention which is just is necessary as feeding or housing. By attention we mean "tho ever day kind not the haphazard way. What in worth doing at nil is worth doing well, lie regular in your feeding, do not dis appoint the poultry for thoy know when tho feeding time has arrived. Success depends upon the management and management depends upon the man, ami his hinges upon the question of prollt and loss, 'pile most success ful poultry keepers uie those who at tend to the small details catefuliy. If anything on the farm is to be cheated or neglected it is usually the hen. Many go into tho poultry business on ly to fail aud then decide that the poultry business does not pay. Op porttiuities we are told knocks once at the door of every man. If we are iu dilFerent when opportunity knock-, we miss tho golden chanco: it is the man right on the spot that wins Make friends of your fowls and they will not be frightened when you go among them. A severe fright docs much to decrease the profits. It is seldom neci'ssiuy to feed condition powders to poultry which are properly housed, led, and well cared for. Clean dry ipiarlers, wholesome fond and plenty of straw on the Moor for them to scratch in is the attention that they should receive. Do not allow the fowls out doors when there is snow on thegioiiud, neither expo-e them to taw windy days nnd iomember that tee water is not good for them. There are a ki eat many farmers who have the idea that because they do not keep fowls for any other purpose than for their own use t hut it is not necessary for them to keep anything but inon gerals. .Most of these people have so long been accustomed to believe al most anything will answer for them selves that the.v fail to appioclato what they desire. It may be alright for them to think Unit they do not need as good as the land offers but lot some one tell them and see how quick they will resent it. There tire many reasons why thorough bred fowls are to be preferred to moil goials or scrub stock and as the best is none too good it is for the farmer's in terest to acquaint himself with the comparative qualitiosof the more de sirable breed, and when convinced of tho greater excellence of thorough bred poultry, dispose of tho present flock of scrubs and replace them with some particular breed or varietv of fowls that is thought to be the most suitable for thu farm. In farming as in any oilier business tho gieatest possible profit is the object that stimu lates the never tiring efforts and as farm poultry with proper care and management are more profitable than any other thing on the farm with the same amount invested they should re ceive ut least the share of consider ation and attention. The best breed for tho farm is some general purpose fowl or any good breed which is taken a liking to. A good strain of thorough bred towls will bo far mote profitable as layers than the usual farm flock of doterrated mongrels are incomparable but more desirable for market put poso than the small bantam bodied mixed birds which are more tame and easier to handle and last but not least favor able quality is their beauty. How much more to be admired is n Hock, every spooimen of which is of the same form and color than on where the birds aro of every color uud more like quails than fowls. Any one would hardly bellove that persons that op penr intelligent in moat matters per taining to the farm and farming would have such erroneous and often absurd impressions and ideas of thorough bred fowls and their usefulness or rathor vvorthlesneSHon tho farm unless con rinced of it by personal conversation or observations. I have had parties argue with me that mongrel henH were very much more superior us lay ers than thorough bred hens, that thorough bred:, were not so vigorous and moio subject to disease and n greater percent of them die in a year than tho poultry that boasted of not any blue blood or aristocratic breeding and alio that thorough bred fowls re jquiie much mote care aud attention ments as sited are mado through luck of experience with thorough breils and through absolute ignorance of their excellent qimlilicHandoliatiieter istics. I have had experience with scrubs and with the much to be i re ferred thorough buds iitnl the hitter ate so much in re i rolltablu undiicsir able than the foim v that iju-y should not bo spoken 'if us lielojigitig In ilio tiimiiy with them. The gieat pi fit rcaliftl fiom ihe tlioioiigb b iK. the eggs so much linger in size ml gi .it er in hiiinliir, their hnue plump e u casses when iiifsed icmly for iiuukct should aM ciiim lued pcr-lllidc iinvoiio to clinoe them in piefeienee to a Hock of miiiigc nils. Astoiig r uii'l health fulness of thoionvh buds I have never had any c uipl.iitit and have found them less sin. jcet to niscase than the s i ub stock I hen to lorui a iluck of thor..iiLf!i In eds by expending a small sunt each year advertising joit can sell your surplus cockrels at u premium for breeding purposes nnd during the hatching season realize from one to live dollars per setting for your eggs. As to requiring more caro nnd atten tions than mongerals this is another mistaken idea. I will admit though that is as sadly taken enro of aud left to scratch for a living and allowed to remain homeless aud houseless thru sun and a stonn like so many farm flocks are, very little profit can be realized fiom a flock of thorough breds oven if it bo the most noted egg pro ducing strain. How much moro to be admired is a Hock every one of which is of tho same shape und color one can imagine. It js profitable for every breeder to have a flock that will in their beauty and profitableness bo the admiration of all beholders. So why bo satisfied with inferior unprofitable poultry when the best is easily ob tained. If you keep fowls and do not keep thorough breds do so at once and you will see for yourself that they arc much more preferable. What I want to bring boforo you is, a person will get out of their hens just what thoy put In it und uothing else. If you give your business your earuest con sideration and plucc your whole will power behind it you will no doubt make a buccess of what ever occupation you aro engaged in. Now the poultry busiuess is no exception. It offers the finest opportunity for u man or woman who will give it their best work and consideration. It is now iu its infancy aud if you will get you a few hens aud care for them one month I will be will ing to bet that von will never give tliein It is very fascinating to care for poultry and you will not mind It a bit but will learn to take great inter- ... . I !.!.! , , usi, ui yuur uinis nun learn 10 love them and now is tho time you will be gin to reap your profits from them Whenever a person gets to enjoying his woik lie is bound to make a success out of it. Now is the time for you to open up an egg farm and get winter eggs vv lule they aro tho highest. Start at first with about one hundred liens and giadually increase the nttmbor as you get better informed as to how to caro for them. Do not try to go into itallatonco but crawl befo.e you learn to walk. Remember that the things I huve brought before you aro very important. When it comes to winter egg question first, n hen must bo brod for heavy egg production, second they must have the propor housing, third the proper food und fourth the right kind of care and at tention. If you will follow the four points I know you can get eggs the whole vvintor through. If you will give the hen the right kind of caro aud food you tire bound to get eggs for it is nothing more than naturnl for her to lay. W. A. Haskiuiook. Information Wanted. To find tho whereabouts of Klizcbeth Morton, daughter of Henry Morton, last heard of was about the year 1802 or 180.1, when she lived with hor grandfather, David Carter, near Keo kuk, Iowa. If living must bo about DO years old. She would do well to write at once to her mint, Mrs. Klizn both Morton Carson, Miiitinsvillo, Ohio, K. F.D. No. 1. (Exchanges please copy.) WDEHTAW We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services offiAlbright Brothers on Short Notice withoutjlixtra I than uiongeriils iitnl were nunc ililll cult to niisc t i inaliiritv. tench statu. Charge to Patrons. G. A. WEILS COWLHS, NISHR. , m u V