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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1910)
hi M V i ! K hi- i .' i i i Ji The Chief C. B. HALE, Publlahop RED CLOUD, NEBR EPITOME OF EVENTS PARAGRAPHS THAT PERTAIN TO MANY SUBJECTS. ARE BRIEF BUT INTERESTING Record of Wliat Is Going on in Con Cress, In Washington and Ip v v the Political Field. ""' " r'orelan The governments of China and Japan signed a postal working agree ment on flic basis of the postal union rules. The agreement nIToets Man churia chlelly. China, by Its terms, recovers Hh monopoly of mail curry ing on Its own railroad together with equal rights over the Japanese rail road. It. C. Illhlct was examined at Hemic liy J. M. Sheridan and W. .1. Magce. of tin American department of tho Interior. In connection with the charge that certain parties had taken up patents to coal lands In Alnsiia with thf Intention or disposing or thulr rights to others. Itlhlet dnl:(l thut he had committed u statutory fraud. Tho Vienna Nouses Wiener Tugo hlatt publishes n long story of tho matrimonial troubles of Count and Countess Glzyckl. The countess was formerly MIhb Kleniior Patterson or Chicago, daughter of It. VV Patterson. I.u Paz (Hollvla) dispatch: William J. llryan. accompanied by his wile and daughter, arrived here All arc en joying good health. A reception In honor of the distinguished visitor was held at the La Paz Club, at which the diplomatic representatives anil various government ollltinls met Mr. llryan. President Vlllav.on has arranged to re ceive .Mr. Hrynn. who has expressed his great appreciation of the manner in which ho has been welcomed here. The new press bill designed to sup press dissemination of anarchistic lltcraturt) in India, and which was foreshadowed in the speech with which Lord .Mltito opened the im perial council, was introduced at a recent session of the council by Sir Herbert Hopc-UIsley, secretary of the home department, llrltlsh government of India. The measure does not create a censorship, hut provides lor the control of all newspapers and Jot prosses. General. It Is planned to have President Tatt present to aid in the Roosevelt recep tion. Secretary Meyer will be given an opportunity to prove the feasibility of his plans for the navy. President Taft Issued a proclama tion providing for minimum tariff rate with certain South American countries. The senate decided to go thorough ly Into the question of high prices. The senate passed a bill making Peary n rear admiral. Mr. Fairbanks gets tunny cables ot congratulation on his attitude toward the Vatican. The Iowa supreme court of Iowa upheld the constitutionality of the Ceson removal law which provides lhat public olllclals may be removed lor Intoxication. Only twenty-six seats are left to be contested for In the. Rrltlsh elections. P. A. Itahders. president of the People's Stale bank of Lnkntn. N. P.. which was recently closed by the state bank examiner, was arrested on u charge ot forgery. He was releaed on $7.IiOO bond First l.leut. Ilurton .1. Mitchell. Twelfth Infantry, aide d'eamp on the staff of lliig. General Frederick Funs ton, forwarded his resignation from the army to President Taft. Tests of tho methods of paper-making are provided for by an appropria tion made by tin- house The death of Representative l.orlr.g (if .Massachusetts was due to pneu monia. President Tuft prevailed upon John Kmbry to withdraw his resignation as I'nlted States attorney for Oklahoma and to remain In the olllce. The Indianapolis Sun has been sold to Rudolph Leeds of Richmond. Inil.. son of the late W. It. Leeds. Six hundred thoiiband dollars is tho amount the National Sugar Kcliulng company will pay the government as restitution as back duties for the iinderwelghing of sugar. John L. Sullivan, the former hcav- weight champion of the world, was married to the sweetheart of his rhool days. Miss Katharine llartnett. .leni Driscoll. the Kngllsh feather weight champion, has announced that he will sail for America shortly to tight Abe Attell. holder of the world's title, in San Francisco. Joseph A. (iraham, a widely known editor and author, died at his some in Salisbury, Aid. lie was widely known In the weat. Operators and miners at Toledo ico hopeful of reaching a peaceful un derstanding as to it wage scale. One hundred womcus' tailors went to the White House and had the satis fnctlon of hearing President Taft innlte u brief talk. Although reported to have Improved treatly In health through his recent trip to tho South Senator Aldrich's condition Is canning his friends much nnylety. According to ndrtcw from pa, Mexico, Indiana In that vicinity are In nu ugly mood and an uprising In thought not Improbable. William C. Proctor announced that he hud withdrawn his offer of $500, 000 for the proposed graduate college of Princeton university. A cnblo message received or rel atives In Rnltlmoro from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony .1. Drexel, who are In Iou don, announces the eugagetnont of their daughter. Rear Admiral Sebree, coinmnnder of tho Pacific iupindrou, notlltcd tho navy department that he transferred his Hag ami staff from the cruiser Tennessee to the cruiser California. The average wages of laboring men belonging to. trades' unions In Kansas were $24 more In iliDIi than they were In 1008. President. Taft will celebrate St. Patrick's day with the Irish at Chi cago, having dellnltely accepted an In vitation of the C.ood Fellowship club of that city. Senator Curtlss of Kansas Intro duced to President Taft eight. Kuw Indians. In honor of the occasion the braves were attired in gorgeous native costumes. Sensational testimony was given by (he nurse of Colonel Swope at the In quifst nt Independence, Mo. Macon of Arkansas renewed his charge that the Immigration commis sion was an expensive luxury Archbishop Ireland JustiHcs the re fusal of Pope Plus to receive Former Vice President Fairbanks. All differences between men and railroad management In Mexico have been settled. Vice-President Sherman Is urging the reelection of Senator Smooth of West Virginia. Some one says, pay less for amuse ment, less for fun. and then there'll bo morn for tin slaughter house mag nets. A bill which would do away with the employers' liability law attracts attention in the house. The bill providing for federal chart ers for corporations will he Intro duced in congress. It has not yet been proved that the high cost of living Is a result, of cold storage. Niagara Falls was selected by a young woman of Hufl'alo as a lit place to end her life. Newton W. Gilbert of Indiana wan nominated by President Taft as vice governor of the Philippines. The Nebraska hoard of education requested the resignation of Presi dent Crabtreo of the Peru Normal. Washington. The president has Issued a procla mation granting tin- minimum tariff rates or the Payne-Aldrlch act to Ar gentina, Rray.ll, I'ragua, Paraguay, Mexico, Panama and Liberia. Figures supplied by the state department as to the trade with these seven coun tries show that during the year P.I08 the United States exported to Argen tine goods to the value of ?:il,:i". 1,000, and imported from Argentine goods valued at $12.1107.11011. President Taft sent a special message to congress urging relief for a number of workmen Injured on tho Panama canal prior to the passago of the act of May :. lOOX, which dellnltely llxed the compensation to bo allowed injured employers, or to be granted their families In case of death. Rear Admiral Caspar F. (loodrlch, retired, was it witness before thu house naval committee and while he did not directly attack the Meyer plan, be said he did not believe Sec retary Meyer had given the Newberry plan Htiluiifiit trial before replacing It with another. He said the New berry plan would save the navy de partment upwards of a million dol lars annually. On the basis of an equal dlstrlbu ion of the money in circulation in the United States on February 1 a person would hao IK cents less than he, or she had a year ago. Tho cir culation per capita on February 1 was J:m.81!; a year ago It was $115. Promotion to the high rank of rear admiral is one of the honors to be bestowed upon Commander Robert K. Peary, C. S. N., for his achievement In discovering the ninth polo received the endorsement of the senate. The house passed the agricultural appropriation bill, carrying nearly $i:!.t)00.0nn. a net Increase of $100,000 over last year. This In-rease was chiefly for the forest service, made necessary by the addition to the na tional forests of 20,1.28, US!) acres. Personal. The Mississippi legislative caucus came within ten votes of selecting a successor to tho late Senator Mc Laurln. The president will not Insist on early action by congress on the fed era I Incorporation bill. Sown men In a motor car wore blown to atoms by an explosion ol dynamite near Phoenix, Ariz. Wade 11. Fills has resigned as as sistant of the attorney general to manage the Ohio republican campaign. William J. llryan, accompanied by his wife and daughter, arrived at l-i Paz. Rollvia. All of them are enjoy ing good health. Pittsburg, aKs., olllcers made a vain search for tho bunch of train robbers who held up passengers. A delicate situation attended the visit of Former Vice-President Fair bunks to Rome. During the months of July. August and September, 1001), tho total num ber of persons killed on the inilroads of the country was S52 and tho in. Jured I ,U24. The cross-examination ot Ringer Hermann, on trial for alleged con spiracy to defraud tho government of publlo land, was concluded nt Port land, Oregon, alter lasting three days. HE W LL NOT RESIGN HEAD OF PERU NORMAL IN MOOD TO FIGHT BACK. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What la Going on Hero and There That la of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Porn, Neb. News of the action of the statu hoard of education in its mooting nt Nobraska City Tuesday night, when It adopted a resolution requesting the resignation of Presi dent Crabtreo, of tho Peru normal school, caused no great surprise here, as tho notion was In n measure antici pated. For it community thai Is ad mittedly on tho side of Mr. Crabtreo. there was little outward showing of resentment, and practically no com ment outsldo the student body. The students, In order to show their loy alty to tho president, adopted some thing of an Innovation, which might be termed a two days' strike. Wednes day all remained from their classes, land Thursday morning thes.uneeourse was followed, but to resume work as usual Friday. A Mag on the chief nor mal building waved a half mast throughout, the day. The demonstra tion was limited to the students, and while tho lactulty took no part in furthering the two days' "strike," there was no evidence of an Intention on the part of the teachers to discipline the students for remaining away. That President Crabtreo will not voluntntialy resign at the close of the term, as requested by the board, Is nearly a foregone conclusion. "Tho fight is only begun." President. Crab treo is quoted as saying Wednesday, which Is taken to mean that there will be another round up before a now head is Installed for the school. Mr. Crabtreo takes tho position that noth ing dono by him warrants his volun tary withdrawal from the school, and Iho conclusion reached Is that It will take something more drastic than a request for bis resignation to displace him. Who the members of the board have In mind as a successor Is not known hero. Change In Holdrcge Bank. Holdregc. Neb.- An Important busi ness deal was made In which the City National bank passes jnlo new hands. Cashier K. P. Dunlap Is the only mem ber of the old organization who re mains. The purchasers are K. L. Kip linger, F. W. Kipllngcr. C. W. MeCon nughy, L. Uiown and T. L. T)ohert; all of Holdrege: John A. Sinter or Mlnden, G. H. Hlrchard of Lincoln and C. K. Rodman of New York city. A meeting will bo held at once and of ficers elected. It looks as though F. V. Klplinger would be chosen for president and 13. I'. Dunlap. cashier. The poor hoalth of 1). Hnnna, presi dent of tho old bank, is the cause of the change. There has been a gradual growth and Increase of business of the bank under tho present ownership end management, and 111 health Is the only cause for tho change. The new bank is considered strong. Hold Wedding Anniversary. Nebraska City, Neb. Tuesday was Iho thirty-fourth wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Slsson. Rev. Mr. Slsson Is the pastor of the M. K. church, and "the annlversay was cele brated at the parsonage, and the cere mony took place In tho church. There was a large number of friends and relatives present to assist in the cele bration. A special musical program was carried out and tho couple was presented with a purse well lllled with gold from the congregation and their friends. Rev. Mr. Slsson is one of the most popular ministers In the city and Juts for his congregation many people who aro not members of any church, but go to hear his sermons and enjoy them. At the dose of the exercises lofreshments were served In th lecture- room of the church and a most evening was passed. Contract Let for High School. Rroken Row, Neb. At a meeting of tho school board the contract for build the new high school was awarded lo John Neptune of Aurora, Neb., who put In the lowest bid or ?2'J.s;i;,. in all there were eleven bids tiled, that of Neptune being $000 lower than that of R. W. McIInle of Fairbury and $1,000 lower than the next man, James Os borne, a local contractor. The bids ranged from $2!i.SS!"i to $,".0,5 10. the latter being the highest and also made by a Rroken Row contractor. The building is to be of brick and modern In every way; particular attention be ing paid to spacious class and assem bly rooms, gjmnasiuni and recreation grounds. Work will be commenced as soon as the weather penults. Six Calves In Two Years. Hartlett, Neb. Six strong, healthy calves iu two years, being two sets of triplets, is the "natural Increase" of a red polled cow belonging to Henry Huff, a breeder of this count. A pho tographer was called recently to pho tograph the family group. Planning a Big Chautauqua. Hastings, Neb. Tho fifth annual as sembly of tho Hastings cliautauqua will open Friday, July 29. and close Sunday, August 7. In diversity and general excellence the program prom ises to oxcell any of tho four previous assemblies. Extra efforts have ban nmdo by tho management In the il reel Ion of variation and tho featnrfls havo been so distributed as to elimi nate "star days," although the pro gram for tho Sundays and "Hastings day," which will bo on Thursday. A.UtiEt 4, will be of especial note. NEBRASKA HAPPENINGS, State News and Notes in Condensed Form. TTie nrso'iated Ad clubs of America will hold their national convention this yenr In Omaha, July 11 to 15 In clusive. Thursday a freight, engine attached to a south bound extra freight train on the Missouri Pacific railway, went through u bridge two miles north of Julian. All of the train crew escaped Injury, save the flrcmnn and engineer, who both received slight injuries. Two hoys of Albert Torey, nenr Ox ford, wrre mixed up In an alterca tion regarding a pipe. Tho younger boy, about eighteen years of age, shot his older brother. The bullet, entering the nostril. The boy who did tho shooting escaped, but has since been captured. The Injured boy will live. C. Powers, fireman on engine No. US of the Ro(1v Island, was Instantly killed In the South Omaha yards. Ho went out. on the back of tho tender to attend the water spout and in some way the spout knocked him off upon the tracks, where tho engine hacked up and ran over his body. He died In stant I. He lived in Council Tlluffs smd had relatives In Hie east. The mangled body of Stephen O'Connor, twenty-two years of age. a switch lender employed by the Union Pnclllo. was found ljlng near the cut off back of tho Krug brewery iu Om aha nt fi o'clock Thursday morning. So far as it is known there were no witnesses to his death. The body was found by .Tamer, Finch, a railway worker, who notilled the olTlco of Willis Crosby, coioner. Fire destroyed a $.1,000 barn, erected by "William Heler ve.l of Murdoch last summer. A three-yoar-old child played with matches and caused the lire. J$y hard work of the neighbors the house and also that of August Il.ulke, a neighbor across tho rond, were saved. The barn was Insured for $1,200. The contents, Including twen ty tons of hay and 800 bushels of oats, were a total loss, but tho live stock was save d. Fremont men who have been watch ing the interurbau situation declare they believe tho Rurlington railroad company is behind tho move. 13. I,. Whltcomb. one of the directors of the company, has been doing extensive work for tho Rurlington. That Is ta ken a sone reason for tho belief. That tho Huiiingtou four years ago made a survey for a railroad over precisely the route picked out by the Interurhan promoters is another. The Darlington It is said, is- offering no opposition to the scheme, while tho Union Pacltl and Northwestern are lighting It. "Double the acreage of alfalfa in Custer county during the year 1910." is the wlogan of the commercial club of Rroken Row, and at the first, meet ing of the executive committee a spe cial "alfalfa" committee consisting of Messrs. Caldwell, Rruce, 13astham, Mulling and Rowman. was appointed to boost this Idea and keep it before the people for the coming yenr. Other committees were appointed on photo gi.iphy, sewers, city hall, literature, membership, free express delivery, federal building railroads north nud south and good roads. The committee on literature is authorized to publish descriptive pamphlets of Rroken Row and Custer county for general distri bution. Ret ween 2 and : o'clock Thursday morning four or live men forced an entrance Into tho front door of the Bunk of Memphis, and blew the door off of the safe and escaped with about $2,000 in cash, part of which was gold, silver coin and currency. Charles Deck, residing east of the bank, beard the explosions, live in number, nltro-gli-cerlne being used, but was unable to give warning to anyone else, as two of the robbers covered him with re volvers. Refore beginning the job the men broke into the two elevators and took several grain doors and also se cured barrels from the stores and used them for barricades. Tools from the Rurlington section toid house were also taken to effect, an entrance Into the bank. The bank safe was totally wrecked and the fixture"--, were badly damaged by the concussion. The electric light proposition has at last been solved, and It is safe to say that In a few months Rroken Row will have a thoroughly up to dato plant in good woiklng order, a franchise hav ing been granted to Kdgar P. Steon and Charles C (ilbson. both of Crip ple Crd'k, Col. Tho franchise stipu lates that they commence construction under ninety dajs and the plant be ready to furnish current on the 1st of September next. A certified check or $'.oo R-ns given to the city to Insuro work within the ninety days and a bond of $ was tiled to Idenmlfy auaniht. damage during construction, the rate schedule Is reasonable and M'cms to meet with general approba tion. The consumer pays per kilowatt nour ior his total consumption. A minimum charge of $1.25 per month will be made against all consumers connected and a discount of 10 per cent will be allowed on all meter bills in excess or the minimum if paid on or before the 10th of tho month lhat in which servico was rendored. Tho Omaha water company has a gang of men at work putting in wire matting about two miles abovo tho Florenco pumping stntlon, on tho Missouri river. Alwut 1,000 yards of matting will be placed this year. This Is a continuation of work which tho company does every yenr, In an en deavor to protect the river bank In the vicinity of Pigeon Creek. Thorols always some danger, considered re mole, liowover. that tho river will cut over a section of ground iu a bond at thai point, shoot south through anow channel and lenvo tho pumping station some distance behind. THE GOLDEN RULE Sanctty ScLool Ltitoo for Feb. 20, 1910 Specially Arraneed tor Thl Paper 1..EBSON TKXT.- Matthew 7:1-12. Mem ory viTsen, 7, S. GOIiDDN TKXT. "Then-fore all thine whatsoever yc would that men do lo you, do even yi even so to tlmm; for this Is the law nnd the prophets." -Mutt. 7:1". Suggestion and Practical Thought. Tho (Soldon Utile. V. 12. "There fore," referring to the whole three chapters ns the sum of all tho pre cepts given to the subjects of his king dom touching their conduct toward their Tellow men, which conduct Is also a test of their dlsclpleshlp. As Luther puts it, "With these words he now closes his Instruction given In these three chapters, and tlcB it all up In one little bundle." ' "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do lo you." All that you. would have a right to expect from others, all lhat would be really for your good, all that would be light and fair. "Do ye even so to them." All our actions, our business dealings, our friendly Intercourse, our giving, is to be In accordance with this rule. Rut this does not require indiscriminate giving of everything one asks, for that kind of giving would not bo good for us. Wo nre under obligations to give so that we really do good. It Is not no much a question of the worthy or tho unworthy poor, as of really bene fiting the recipient. "For this is tho law and the proph ets." It is the sum of the duties to man required by the law and taught by the prophets (Matt. 22: 10). It im plies the state of the heart and life which It was their purpose to produce. The Adventure of tho Golden Rule Into the Judgment Hall. Vs. 1, 2. "Judge not." The word "judge" here does not mean form an opinion, for everyone must do this of many persons and things (Luke 12:57: John 7:21). It does not forbid us to condemn wrong actions, wrong principles, and speak out our condemnation. The Adventure of the Mote and the lleam. Vs. :t-5. Still in the judgment hall. Two men are presented, one with a "mole" In his eye, a small fault that keeps him from seeing clearly the paths of right or wrong. The other with a "beam" In his eye, a great fault lhat blinds him from seeing the truth in himself and others. And yet the man with the beam Is trying to correct tho vision of the man with the mote. Tho Adventure of the Pearls nnd the Swine. V. C. In the same Judg ment hall there Is presented another scene. A man with rich and costly pearls is casting them before swine, who care nothing for their beauty, but would rather have the swill in their trough, and rinding that tho pearls are not food, will "turn again and rend you" In their anger at their disap pointment. Vou must change their na ture before the pearls of holy things will do them any good. The Adventturo of the Golden Rule In the Prayermcetlng. Vs. 7-11. The Golden Rule Is the chief Insplrer of prayer for tho temperance uubo. Prayer is the door to the divine treas ure house which contnlns supplies for all our needs. The living according to the principles set forth in the Sermon on the Mount is so diflicult an attain ment, and bringing tho whole world to obey them Is so colossal an undertak ing, that without continual connection with heaven, and supplies of grace and power from heaven, the achievement would be impossible. And this Is ns true of temperance as of any other virtue or reform. There aro three methods of praying. (1) "Ask." Ex press your desires to God, both in se cret, and when God's people are gath ered together. (2) "Seek" by all active efforts, which are acted prayers; uso all pos sible means, ns In tho parablo of tho pearl of great price. It is useless to pray with words If wo do not put forth every effort to accomplish our part of the answer. (3) "Knock" at tho door of God's treasure house of blessings for tho blessings which no seeking can obtain, but which must bo given directly from God. 10. "if ho ask a fish, will ho give him a serpent?" Never. Hut if he asks for n Borpent thinking It to be a ilsh, he will give him tho ilsh nnd not tho ser pent, thtiB really answering his prayer; for tho son wanted a fish, and not tho serpent. Tho answers will not always bo given In Just the way we expect, but thoy will come, and In tho best wny, through tho ones that pray. Wo pray for hotter fruit. God docs not nn- Bwer by rnlslng apples and peaches and grapes, nor by sending them In barrels. Ho gives us gardens, and skill, and seeds, and sunshine and rain, and this Is u thousand times tho best way. Wo pray for temperance. God's lightning does not smite tho sa loons nnd those who sell iu them Rut ho is answering the prayorB nil tho time, and never so abundantly ns to-day. Mootly Expense. "That is a fat, prosperous-looking envelope Does our salesman send in a big bunch of ordera?" "Not exactly. That envelopo con tains a receipt for his last check, his oxpenso account for this week, n re quest for n salary ralBO and a requisi tion for somo more expense-account Manks." Louisville Courlor-JournnL GasLatfon Atmosphere. If It Is true, 04 uclcnca tenches, Tlmt sound wnveH travel on for year, The air Iu full of wasted speccbea, Ukewlte, nlso, uicless cheers. PHYSICIANS OF OMAHA DISAGREE DIFFERENT OPINION8 ON COOP- ER8 REMARKABLE SUCCESS HELD BY MEDICAL MEN OF NEBRASKA METROPOLIS. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 1C Tho aston ishing sale of Cooper's preparations In this city has now reached such im mense figures that tho medical frater nity at largo havo become forced Into open discussion of tho man and bis preparations. Tho physicians ns a whole seem to be divided with regard to tho young man's success In Omaha some be ing willing to credit him for what he has accomplished, whllo others assert that tho interest ho has aroused Is but a passing fad which cannot Inst, and which will die out as quickly as It has sprung- up. The opinion of these two factions is very well voiced in tho statements mado recently by two of a number of physicians who were interviewed on tho subject. Dr. J. 11 Carass when questioned about tho matter said: "I have not been a believer in proprietary prepa rations heretofore, nor can 1 say that I believe In them at present. But I must admit that somo of the facts re cently brought to my notice concern ing this man Cooper havo gone far towards removing tho prejudice I had formed against him when tho unheard-of demand for his preparations first sprang up in this city. Numbers of my patients whom I havo treated for chronic liver, kidney and stomach troubles have met mo after taking Cooper's remedy nnd havo stated positively that he has accomplished wonderful results for them. I notice particularly in cases of stomach trou ble that tho man has relieved several cases of years' standing that proved very obstinato to treatment "I am Uio last mnn on earth to stand iu tho way of anything that may prove for the public good simply through professional projudico, nnd I am inclined to glvo Cooper nnd his preparations credit as deserving to somo extent tho popular demonstra tion that has been accorded them in this city." Another well known physician who was seen tool; the opposite view ot tho "Cooper-manln," as he called it. which now has-this city in its grip IioH.-ild: "I enn only liken the present btnte of affairs to a certain kind of hallucination. For want of a better name, I might call it 'Cooper-mania.' Tho people of Omaha seem to be firm in tho belief that this man Cooper has health corked up in n bottle. "Somo of them imagine that he hai completely cured them of various ills. Judging from their statements. It If beyond me to say why the city hap gone crazy over tho man. It may be safely put down, I think, to one ot the passing fads that so often attack the American public. "Sooner or later the people nre bound to regain their senses and wHl then realize that the reputable physi cian is the one to whom their health had best be entrusted." In the meantime Cooper meets sev eral thousand people dally, nnd only smiles when statements of the above character aro quoted to him. Johnny Knew. The c labs In physiology was being called on. "Remember, children," said the teacher, "there nre no bones In tin stomach." Johnny Smith's hand went up. "If you please, teacher, my baby brother has one in his. Ilo swnllowed u dollar yesterday." Rheumatism ts Curable NATUUK'S UKMUDY (NU tablets) wilt cure Rheumatism and do it quickly. It so thoroughly tiwinscs and regulates the kldneye, liver and digestive system that Its cures M:m almost magical.- Jtcsultr laianintecd. Take one to-night, you'll feel hotter In the morning. Oet a yrc Hox. All DrurfglHts. Tho A. II. l-owis Mcdlclnu Co., tit. Iouls, Mo. There uro plenty of people that have good judgment, but fow that havo reso lution enough always to follow it. Carleton KxrosimK to ;oij ninl wft Istlm ilrM. Mi'i In rnrunmnlu. Tnie JVrrf fnU' J'liinCtl.r unit llu- iIiiukit Ih uvnrtiil. I Jr. -mjimlitl forcuiilfc. win- ttinmi.iiulnsyJ&o.rj'icundWi.' lCvery man Is worth just iib much as the things aro worth about which he Is concerned. Marcus Aurellus. ONLY ONt: "ItltOMO QIUNINK." Tlmt ImIjAXATIVIC IIKOMOOlilNINi:. Irfink for tin. riKimtiirit nil:, W. UltuVi:. UmmJ (hi) Vir,0 ovi r In Cure u Cold In One liuy. Uic. Noncommittal. 'What do yon call your cook?" ' Mary Is her name." KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten Yean Relieved in Three Mont Its Tluxnksto PE-RU-NA. O. B. 1'IKHK, Mt. Gtorllng.Ky., says: have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past. "Last March I communoed, using Poruna and continued for threo months. I liaVO not UBOd it nlncn nn l.n-rrrv T ol JpaJn. I n b' ! I K I t v s IW..