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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1910)
mtu-w. Wn gsigwuiftiici will i i i AT ALBRIGHT BROS. i LOCALETTES s Renew your subscription fur the Chief. K. II. Overman was in Hastings Monday. Itert Carr was up from Superior Wednesday. Clms. (Jront wont to Hastings Mon day morning. The Juniors entertained the Seniors Friday night J. C. Brooks of Otto was in lied Cloud Monday. Tho County Commissioners are in session this week. Mrs. Bert Morliart is up again after her reeent illness. Dr. Uoranville of Guide Itock was in this city Sunday. Vaner Maginness was in Republican City Saturday night. Bring in your furs while market is high.-.I. O. Camiwkli.. Soo Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Damerell's brothor who is visit ing here has the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Harry I.etson left for Chicago Sunday evening, deorge Hutchison returned from Texas Saturday evening. Cluis Crabill has the limps all on account of a boil on his foot. Lloyd and Guy Hradbrook were visiting with their mother Sunday. Wade KoonU and Jim Mcintosh were in St. .loo the ilrst of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Pattorson came down from Campbell Wednesday morning. Miss Dessie laylor entertained the Junior Whist Club Tuesday evening. Tho young folks enjoyed a dance in the Masonic hall Wednesday evening. Thomas Oarlock is visiting at tho home of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Cramer. Mrs. C. 13. ('rone of York has been visiting herdaughtor, Mrs. Kdnn Peter son. Mrs. Sherwood Albright returned homo from Stamford the last of the week. Foil S.u: Three show cases In quire at Xewhouse's for further par ticulars. Mr. and Mrs. Frees were entertained at the home of 1M Piatt and wife Saturday. Mr. mid Mi"' Miko Kraliek are the proud parent-' of a 'nine pound boy born Sunday. Kev. Jarboe will preach at school house No. II. next Sunday at ) p. in. All are invited. Mrs. A Scott or Stromsburg. Neb , spent Sunday with Mrs. Howard and daughter Mabel. K. U. Overman and Hen tiraut at tended tho base ball meeting in Hast ings Monday night. Charley Milligau and children were down from McCook Monday attending his father's funeral. Mrs. Kniily Myers entertained her little embroidery class with a valen tine party, Feb. ll. Take your spectacle imso to New house Bros. They will put your initials on it, free of charge Mr. and Mrs. John Potter ariived homo Friday night from Lincoln and other eastern noints, Mr. and Mrs. Philan I.eggett arrived homo Wednesday after a three weeks visit in Norton, Kansas. Fop making fine, rich atTtaTMaW Igl fine, rich, BaRaaB S A or plain food. 19atiP OF UlUlll lUUUa f SftPequally valuable 9 m nl covlnn. at MM KBla. tTil-a y JaVeValBJ Indispensable For Home Baking Mr. Wilson, district doputy for the M. W. A., lodge wns down from HaBt- , ings the last of tho week. Miss Mablo Robinson of Muscatine, Iowu is visiting at tho homo of her Uncle Geo. W. Hutchison. For Sai.k: Two typewriters good as now, one "Mnith Premier and one Rem ington. Inquire nt this olllee. Got your heating and cook stove in to shapo for w Inter. Order your stove repairs from Morhart Bros. now. Just as wo go to press we learn that Mrs. W. II. Roby died at Beatrice. Tho body wll Hrrivo on No. 15 tonight I am now prepared to do your lunil ing, price reasonable. Commercial trade solicited. V. T. Maoin.nkms, Manager. Morhart Bros, have their hard coal stoves on their tloor. Come (a f .id seo tho llnest line of the best stoves you over looked at. Rev. J. K. Throne will preach in the Brethren church at 11 a. m., ne.t Sunday, and Mr. Jarboe in the even ing at s p. m. Come. The ladies of tho Congregational church will hold their monthly market at the Home Grocery Storo the last Saturday in February. Mot hart Bros, carry a complete line of Fleetrie lamps, Carbon, Tungsten and Tantalum also hi-low lamps lli-1 Get your lamps of thorn. Mis. F. G.Turnure entertained about; ten ladies, whose birthday is in this' month tit her homo Tuesday A nice banquet and a good time is reported. Fou Sai.k Cheat-ii 10 horse power Traction engine in vicinity of Blue Hill, Nebraska. For full particulars, address, 13. care of IMitor of this paper. Hotsi: and Lots roit Sai.k. A nice G room houso and 1J-; lots located close in. This is a nice place. In quire at the Chief olllce for further particulais. llarrj Stroup received a telegram Friday noon announcing tho death of his youngest sister at Benklemau, Nob. Mr Stroup and family departed that evening Doyouwauta farm loan. Remem ber K. U Overman loans in Webster and Franklin cottuty Nebraska and Smith and Jowoll Co., Kansas Low est terms going. Mr. Frtiest Davis, tho jolly clerk in Cottlng's drug store, is an expert in finding over coats without the aid of artificial light. For further partic ulars see small bills. Miss Pearl A mack, a daughter of Frank Amack was thrown from her horse Friday afternoon and received a bad cut across the forehead which required eleven stitches to bo taken by the doctor. At last a cream seperator has beon built by a reputable house which is little in price yet big in capacity. The Beatrice Creamery Co . have one on exhibition In their branch otlice in this city. Messrs. Hanson and Tiine will bo pleased to 'how you. Teacher's examinations will be held at Red Cloud and I'.luo Bill Friday, Feb. IS and Saturday. Feb. lit Regis tration hours S a. m. to 10 a. in. and I p. m. to '.' p. in All who register must remain until close of registration hours. Maui. I. D.w, Co. Supt. The minister of the Christ inn Chinch will preach both morning and evening next Lords day February "JO. Mr. Hussong invites attention to the Im provement in the music, which tends to strengthen the order of service. Seats free. Meetingopen to tho public. Foil Rb.nt:--10 acre farm: Webster Co., Nebraska, li miles south of Iuavale, Nebr. 110 acres under cultivation, .'12(1 undoi feiiet for pasture or hay land as desired. Write or call on Dr. C. W. W.u.m.s. ileatrico. Nebr.. John D. Fn.Tiiv Uiverton, Nebr., or ISNK or iNAVM.i. lnavale. Nebr. If you will just take Kodol now and then you need not fear or hesitate to eat all the good food that you want, for Kodol will digest whatever you oat. Kodol is for weak and sour stomachs. Kodol is pleasant to take, audit is guaranteed to give reliof at once 'ld by All Druggists. - Mr. Harry Letaon, manager of the Miner Bros. Co., loft in company with his wife for the Chlcngo markets last Monday. Mr. Let sou Is an experienced buyer and knows the wants of his trade They expect to spMid somo little time in and about Chicago and will return with an excellent shipment of dross goods, laces, etc. I HAVNA quarter section 3 mllos from Red Cloud which I have just for sale this week. There Is 130 acres tin der cultivation, pint of it is now in crop. This place will sell on llrst siirht to a man that I- able to make his first payment. Can get posies-Ion by the First of March if desired. If sold aooti this place can be bought at a bargain. For further information call on A. II Caki'KNtkii. Miss Mabel Day, our otllclent county superintendent has been visiting the schools at Guide Rock and Bladen thliweok. At Guide Rock shu found the schools progressing and reports excellent work being done at that place. Likewise the BladeU schoo-s are Ueoping up to standard." They added the eleventh grade to their schools about a year ago and will soon have a full fledged high school. MlbS Day is much pleased with the educat ional spirit manifested all over the county. Webster is one of the best counties in tho state. I have a quarter section 8 miles south east of Red Cloud There is a good new house, 0 rooms, barn to hold 10 head of stock, hog house, two chick en hoiibcs, wood house, tool shod and other buildings. There Is 70 acres broke, 30 of which Is in alfalfa, 1.1 acres fenced hog tight, 3 or 1 good springs of water, good cistern, no well, do not need any, buildings are all painted. This place is in Garfield township, 1 mile south of the Dunkard church. The Methodist church is 1 JJ miles from it and it is only )i mllo to school Prico SG800. Can give good tortus to the right man. For further particulars call on A. II. CaiU'ENTKU. S. M. Milligan Found Dead Saturday while two boys, Simon lIulTor and Vernon Munsell wore hunt ing down by tho river thoy found tho body of Silas M. Milligan lying in tho channel of the river. Coroner Amack was informed and he at once took charge. Tho old gentleman had un doubtedly attempted to cross but slipped and fell and was unable to get out and was drowned. The deceased was born in Warren Co., Kentucky April 8, 1840. Ho enlisted in the 17th Kentucky volunteer cavalry and was honorably discharged at tho closo of tho war. Ho is an old resident of this city coming hero in 1870. One son, Charles, of McCook survives him. In terment was niado in the local ceme tery W. . T. I). ITEMS. (This Space lit liius to the W. C. T. I'.. What does tho W. t T. U., mean any how? Little girls answer, "It means business'' and it dees in .10 countries of the earth. Theie is on foot a rebellion against alcohol, as powerful, vindictive and thorough as any that over dethroned a king of flesh and blood. The day Is not far distant when all the distilleries will be needed for tho manufacture of alcohol for purpose of light, heating and power. Today wo aro drinking it and killing ourselves. Dr. Crothers. Miss Willard's motto: No sectianisui in religion, No sectionalism in politics nud no sex in citizenship. FOR EXCHANGE BY C. A. SCHULTZ & CO. omen In l'orrim Hru.niNO 210 iicrcs of land within 4 miles of Oborlin, Kansas; one-half in culti vation, improved. Prico n5 por acre. U 10 acres, part bottom land, near state line in Cheyonno County, Kansas. 70 acres cultivated, 140 acres tillable, somo Improvements. Price S30 por acre. 100 acres 1 j miles north of Limon, Colorado. Laud lays line and could all bo plowed in one land, 20 acres broke, tmall houso. Price 83000 clear. Itcsidence new and modern, except heat, with 50 x 1&0 ft. lot in Holdrege, Nebr. Rents for 815 Price 83000. .1-20 acres near Palisade, Hitchcock County, Neb. 200 acres in cultivation, a lino tract. Price J!J0 per acre. 100 acres in Smith County, Kansas; 10 mllos from Ited Cloud, Neb. Tim ber, water and improved. Prico 850 pur acre. THESE ARE l-'Olt TRADE. SUB- MIT WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER, THERE Id NO TELLING WHAT A MAN WILL TRADE FOR. j Foit Sai.i:: A moat market doing a bueinoss of 81WX) per mouth. Cream, poultry and ico business.; slauKhtor lioube and ico houso with l2r tons of ico. Only market in town of COO in North Kansas. Price 81,'Uo for quick halo. C. A. Sonui.TZfc Co., Potter Building Rod Cloud, Nob. PROGRAM FOR FRANCES E. WILLARD Memorial Service to be Held In the Conftreftntlonnl Church. Ihursday Evcnlnft, Feb. 17th nt 730 p, m. Piano solo Miss Fay Tool Song We're out for prohibition Recitation of '..'3rd psalm Class of girls Prayer. Sung Choir of Brethren church Remarks by presiding otllcer. Song The fight is on Biographical sketch or Miss Wlllard. Five little pictures of Miss Wlllard ( lass of girls Song "Saloons must go"... .Children Tho object of Commemorative Meeting Mrs. Tool What the Memorial Fund has accom plished Rev. Hussong Tributes to Frances K. Wlllard Miss Neta Argabright Song Choir of Brethren church Quotations from Miss Wlllard Miss Cutting Present day Outlook of Temperance Reform Rev. Cressnuin Song--"Victory" Hcnodictiou. Worthy of Confidence An Offer Backed by One of Our Most Reputable Concerns. We pay for all tho medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. That's a mighty broad statement, but wo mean every word of it. Could anything bo more fair for you'.' A most scientitlc, common-senso treatment is Rexall Ordorlieb, which are eaten liko candy. Their active principle is a recent scientific dlhcovory that is odorless, colorloss and taste less; very pronounced, gontle and pleasant In action, and particularly agreeablo in every way. This Ingred ient does not cause diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any inconven ience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and dolicate-persons. If you suffer from chronic or habit ual constipation, or tho associate or depondent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Roxall Orderlies atourrisk. Remember you can get them in Led Cloud only at our store 12 tablets 10 cents: 30 tablets 25 cents. Tho Roxall Store. The II. E. Grlce Drug Co. SCHOOL NOTES (lY WlItHl'KIUNO SMITH) Tho High School was dismissed Thursday afternoon to attend the Farmer's Institute. The pupils of the High School had another attack of "Spring feavoWMon day, but thanks I o the weather-man, it didn't last long. Why was the High School so peace ful Friday afternoon? Well, tho In stitute was interesting, anyway, and I he Juniors did work hard, for once in their lives. Friday evening. February It, the High School teachers and the Seniors were eiitertatned by the .hiniots at tho Masonic Hall. The hall was tast fully decorated In blue and bull'. the Seniors class colors. The owning was spent in various game-, tho most popular ono being the Proposal. The prize for the best whi ten proposal was awarded to Mr. Oris Fearn, and for the best answer, to Miss Clara Miller. Supper, consisting of sandwiches, pickles, olives, coffee, ice cream and cake were served. The guests departed at u lato hour after spending an enjoyable evening. Tho program for the Washington Literary Society, Feb 18, will be: Vocal solo Irene Kent Essay Lloyd Mclntyrc Vocal duet-Pearl Smith. Lois Simmons Recitation Walter Popo Paper Lillian Koontz, Albert Vuel Instrumental solo Phoebe Oeor Dialogue Laird Potter, Mabolle Smith Chester Dickey, Iva Rutledge, Ethel Wisecarver, Veda Ludlow, Alvin Rathjeu, George Miksch. Debate "Resolved that women should have a right to vote." Aftlrmatlve Negative Katie Fox tlraco Boyd Hazel Williams James Ricker Vocal solo Ma Drake Report of judges. miKTHKKNCIIUUUM. Corner of ftth Avenue mul chMtnut street, 10 a. m Habbatli School 11 a. m I'rnatiliiK 7:15 p. m Clirlbtlun Worker's llaiul 8:00 p. in I'reaptiliiK All arc I n v I toil to uttcuil. .1. K..I vitiion. Minuter. X Few of the Good Thing Dill Pickles loo per doz SourPickles 10c ' Swoot Pickles too " Uulk Olives too ' " Horso Radish le per bottlo Catsup 10c " Celery Relish lOo ' " Mustard luc " glass Oloraargoriae Duttor. . 'JO t 'J5e per lb Oysters ''& (0c per .rjt YOST & SUTLER -..........,w,.. -... 4 6ieFREE If he lias worked with automatic hop machinery, or on the farm with automatic harvesters, He will appreciate iFfi&BE. He will not want ou to sew for the family with a maclii which hasn't been improved to speak of for 25 years. Bo of you will he enthusiastic nhout such improvements as:- The "RotoKltlo" Movement The Notary Spool Pin The Automatic Shuttle Klcctnr The H Sets n( IU1I IWattnM The Automatic Iocklnul)rawcr The txautlful French led de The Automatic Tension Keleate l2n wfikh does Dot ihow iluit and (core of other points. nWG is the Only Insured Sewing Machine! Tha Fraa Attachments) are of the beat make. Come and see It. ED. AMACK 'XSrX:- : WE ARE READY To show you our new line of Spring photo mounts of fine quality. We have all size Card mounts, Squares, Ovals, Panels, Bust, Different sizes for family groops. Folders, of neat quality. Come and look at them. See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. lvvw I.. '. .,. ? .. Ivta SAY MISTER ! ! ! Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at $ a BIG BARGAIN, we are COME AND SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. 9i44iiii1ii39: .55, -0" ?2 T5 T5 tt ."5 5 .-5 5 .-5 rn The home Grocery P. A. Kill I brand t, Prop. w ' (f E m m I carry a complete line and my prices are such m your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. Cleanliness Yoi eanuot buy tiroceiles in a dirty, Ill-kept placo and bo suro o pure goods Cleanliness;and sanitation are our hobbies. : : m "fc "teeeesse eeeeeeeeee-:.?:- $a&&iRKaBiVGGi8lLi htasftwaK IF YOU WANI a monument for Decoration day place your order NOW! PLACE IT WITH US and it will receive the most careful attention. Material first class, workmanship un excelled. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red;Cloud, - - Nebraska. l! iiniirffnrminTr ir'TTmrai Bring Your ffusbandl 4jhe with you to see J " Sewing Machine lockinc dk. automatic me Both I hi i 2 IS 3 (AVAVAw bnavaViia a,aaJ !st fVV4 -. willing to divide with you. m m .-5 .-5 y r5 d .5 ? v" C!?,-JS it i it ifc i i i it 0) i U it h U U Xt ft it ft i It ,ttr- very thint IN atables of strictly fresh that it .will pay Groceries, you to do 0j 0 In a Crocery store more than in anything else, buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. 3 , M' I'", . i- I' J'- It I ..! m M The Chief $1.50 The 4t Avenue Moat Market sW3tfsra;m! --rsj(SSBPtt3r?fc ... jr wpp '-. rt... u .- - rs3TTT"