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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1910)
SHOWED WHERE HIS MIND WAS Oncle Billy's Question Proved That Sick Horse Was Uppermost In His Thoughts. "William," said Aunt Ann SUIlos to tier htiHbaml, after the Huppnr iIIhIich luul hcim elenred away, "lofrt ko and hour tho led uro tonlnht." I'm-lo Hilly luul foi'Bottcn Unit there wan n lecture, and when lie vvnn reminded that u re ttirni'd mifHlonnry wan miiiiK to tell all about India at the church he did not sran ovur-ciitlnisliiHllc. "I oughtn't to ko anywhere to nlKht!" Kiumhled llnele Hilly. "I ought to ho doctoring my sick home." "Well, you're not dolm; It, and .vou'ro not likely to do It. (iet ready and ro." Undo Hilly ineeljly oht-yrtl. lie sat patiently thioiiKh the lecture, which was both iiitorcstliiK and prolltable. At Ihu close of hln dIcourse the re turned iniHslonary mi Id: "I will wait a few minutes now for tho purpose of answerlnj; any ipies Hotis that interested persons in the audience may wish to ask." For half a minute nobody spoke. Then, to the horror of Aunt Ann and the astonlahment of the rniiKrt'Kutluu, Hide Hilly loaned forward and asked: "What do they use In India to euro horses that haw ot the heaes?" Youth's Companion. Who Are the Elect? Two modern statements of the doe tilne of "eleition," neither or which would ipilto satisfy John Calvin or Jonathan Kdwards. are kIvoii In the ('ongroKntfoiiallst. One was Henry Ward llcechei's epi grammatic and cimlncliiK phrase: "Tho elect are whosoever will; tin: non-elect are vhosooer won't." (nod as this Is, there Is another ex planation that is a star of eipial mag nitude. It was made by a colored ill vine, who said: "Hrethren, It Is this way: The Lord, ho Is always voting lor a man; and tho devil, he is always voting against him. Then the man himself votes, and that breaks the tie!" n. c&M ' N Jii'v rvrx nw wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little ones only the imwt wholesome and hcneiiciiil remedies and only when actually needed, and the weli-infornied mother ihs only the pleasant and gentle laxative rem edy Syrup of Fins and Klixir of Senna when a laxative is required, as it is wholly free from all ohjec tionahle substances. To jot its hen elieial effects always Iniy the genu ine, mnnufaet tired by the California Fig Syrup Co. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine timet in ten when the liver u right tho iiomocn nnu oowcu mc nQitu CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly pel a Uiy liver I do iti duly. Cuiei Co stipation, Indiges- tion, Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pill. Small Dole, Small Prica GENUINE must bear signature: AGENTS Drop everything elne nnd write to mn, G. F. Blblo niodo 3io o doy. CfManr ultra la j.or bwi ta. fo Ciiltal r(iilrvd. I furnlxli you with u com ilete wnrklUk-ouint. llullil n Inilfi'dnlcnl liurlnrm o( your o n. No rxprrlrM unco crHary. lirlVfoii auccopful inrtliiMi and militia plan. Aflrr tulKlillohlnt; a 1'iinlncK Inynnrown ton additional territory will lm an.1f.-nrd. Work iniltaManndiimntaiile to im-n and women I'mOtlon permanent. In tlila liiixlneaii r'on will not rum Mr money ntwo hour anil llien noth Inn moro Mr a v. rc-k but will imtoa nrnntahlo regular In comn of Ha to 110 00 a (tar. mrrv ilav. IliiHlleraalwayi main tho most money. I want Inmtlri IftiMlMCkftihynblfrti rlats lonu ndalillntird legltlntita liimliieHneoneflrn. Onlv nna renrr.nitntttH wunteil In em. lto iflur own rarli rilMrlrt. Wrltotodiy, Smiro your territory anil Hurt atonrr. Money inAdtithoflrntuay. EDWIN F. DALCH, 1 W. Klmle St., Chicago, III. BEOWN'S Bronchial Troches Instantly relieve Sore Throat, Hoiruncu and CouRhi. Unexcelled for clearing the voice. Abto luUly free front opiates or anything harmful. Price, 25 cents, 50 cents and $J.OO per box. Simple sent on rcqueit. JOHN I. BROWN Si SOW, Dotton, Mast. Best for Children i CURE WL BIST IKiWXL TQK (UI.Stf(gia$ Gives inJtantreliefwhen little throats are irritated and sore. Contains no opiates and b as pleasant to take as it ts eitectivc. All DrumtiiU, 28 cants. rWW S-A.'&s& HF"S Wi M r TrTi - AnOH nwHH;.---, JH CARTERS in-.BasMrBas w Sm IlVER AfmW Mr !- T fy J ' ' ' - iaB.F'rttJr jH IHy' r ic . w G TRUE CONDITION President Has Declared Intention of Makinn a Visit to Terri tory of Alaska. i MEANT TO GO LAST SUMMER Mrs. Tnft's Illness Alone Prevented Trip at That Time Ex-Prcsldent Roosevelt's Plans Three Senators In Trouble. Washington. Cojwckr Is ciikuhi'i! In tlio rmHHiw nf mi net to simplify and to HtrciiKtlH'ii tlu suvrrntwnt of tho Territory of Alimltu. Senator llov orlilgo Is the sjionsor for tin- iiionxiiro In tho Konato anil Uoprosontntlvc llniiiilton Is Its siuinsur in the holier. Pri'slilont Tuft has stuillcil the pro posed legislation eaiefully and If it goes through without too many amendments he will allix his slgua tu re. Last slimmer keen disappointment came to the president because he could not visit the northern territory of tho United States. The illness of Mrs. Taft forbade the long lourney, hut within a day or two tho president has said that he has made up his mind to make the trip to the land of gold next suninier. lSvory delegate who has come to co'ress from Alaska since it was made a territory has Insisted that the Alaska country and the Alaska people have been misunderstood. Alaska al ways has wanted a greater share In tho work of governing Itself than has been given to It. In the bill now be fore congress there are precisions for commissioners who shall In a sense form the cabinet of Walter K. Clark, formerly a Washington newspaper correspondent and now the governor of Alaska. This northern territory had been the hotbed of stiifo over mining and land claims generally. Out of Alaska camn tho chief trouble for Secretary of the Interior llallinger. The Cun ningham group of mining claims formed the basis of 11k- charges made against the secretary of tho Interior by some subordinate olllclals. It must not be understood for a moment that the Cunningham claims are the only ones In Alaska which have been under suspicion. One huge corporation has control nf much valuable land in Alas ka and in tho case of this corporation' it is said to have been a matter of closing the legal barn door after not only a valuable hors", but all kinds of valuable stock had been taken out. Special Agents Kept Busy. The special agents of tho land ofllec which is u bureau of the interior department have their hands full just at present Investigating Alaska min ing claims The law Is intended to prevent the securing of a great quan tity of mining laud by different indi viduals who Intend after securing It to form themselves together in a great company, and thus to secure as far as they can a monopoly. All ltlnds of schemes hnvo been worked to hood wink, nnd while many of them have been discovered and turned to the light there are men always ready to try it again. At the present time special agents are Investigating the working of a company which has one hundred and soventy-thrco members. Tho combi nation was made, tin tho faco of it, not for tho purpose of getting mining land collectively so that It might all bo thrown together and worked by a corporation, but for greater conve nience In entering claims and proving up on them. The government has be coino suspicions that all may not bo right and tho agents of tho depart ment aro at work trying to ferret out tho truth. After the legislation which congress Is putting through this winter on be half of Alaska has been given a trial tho president will judge of results, and will mako further recommendations for laws for tho territory, in tho meantlmo he will go to Alaska him self to look tho land and the people over. Ex-President Roosevelt's Plans. Friends of former President Itoosn nit now say It Is dollnltoly decided that ho will go to Kug land In May and from there return directly to Now York, giving over his plnnned trip to Paris and Berlin. If tills Is tho caso tho talk about the around tho world trip and the land ing In San Francisco nnd a journey through tho heart of his beloved west Is all talk for talk's sake only. There seoins to bo a general misun derstanding as to tho nnturo of tho collection which Col. Itoosovolt has sent to tho Smithsonian institution In Washington. Tho olllclals of tho In stitution say that visitors como thoro every day expecting to sco grcnt groups of African animals, elephants, lions, leopards, huffnlos, gnus, rhinoce roses nnd other creatures all grouped nnd beautifully mounted among repro ductions of their nutlvo African sur roundings. It is perfectly truo that tho Kooao volt expedition has sent thousands upon thousands of specimens to tho Smithsonian Institution, but where Micro aro ten largo anlmnls thero aro 600 small ones. Tho species In tho eollectlons range from tho slzo of a mosquito to the sl.o of an elephnnt, nnd when It Is snid that thousands of specimens have been sent It does not ntenn thai Col, Itoosovolt and hla son sad the rest of the expedition hnvo been killing thousands of great game animals. There are more mice In the collection than thero tiro elephants, lions, leopards and other great animal" all told. Taxidermy Now an Art. The lloosevelt animals only In small part will be mounted and grouped for public Inspection in the main halls (f the National museum In recent years taxltleiniy has been put upon the plane of arts, and where in past years the custom was merely to "stun" the animals and to wire tliein so that they would stand up. the work today means an eact reproduction of tho live animal with every vein marked and every posture carefully studied. To the modern taxidermist, the vorb "stuff" is ubhoirent. Kvery detail of the surroundings of the different animals Is studied in the land where the cteatures live. Noth ing is left to chance and nothing Is done In a haphazard witj. If in two years from now there are live gioups of the lloosevelt animals on exhibi tion In the National iiiiimmiiu. It will ho a surprise to the scientists. Senators Have Opposition. Throe I'nlled Stales senators, all llcpuhllrans and all men of long continued service, are con fronting contests In their states, and In the cases of twti of them theie Is a real chance that the may be "over come by tho enemy." Senator Julius Caesar llurrows of Michigan has b"cn in congress In one house or the other for over HO years. The senator is a candidate to succeed himself, but a hard light Is being made by Representative Charles R Town send or Jackson. Mich , who for a long lime has had an ambition to enter the upper house Kiigene Half or Maine has been In the United States senate continuously ever since 1SSI. For the (list timo in his senatorial career he is facing a hard tight in the home state. Already n candidate has appeared who rep resents whnt is called the progressive element of Hepublicanlsin in the Pino Tree state. The candidate who has bad the temerity to go this early Into tho Held In opposition to the senior senator who has has had such long service. Is Judge Frederick A. Powers of llolton. There are three men in the state of Maine who before long, it is said, will enter the Held against Mr. Hale. One of theso prospective candidates Is Carl S. Mllllkln. who ts known as' a young and active Konublican of the Itooso volt typo Would Succeed Senator Lodge. In Massachusetts a representative In congress. Hut lor Ames, a grandson of Maj. C.en. Henjainin F. Hutler and a son of Maj. On. Adalbert Ames, has announced himself as a candidate to succeed Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. It is admitted by Col. Ames' friends (the representative was a lieutenant colonel In (he army during the Span ish wnr) that ho has no particularly brilliant chance of getting possession of the toga of Senator Lodge, but It Is promised that enough of a fight will be put up against the senior senator from the old May state to mako things somewhat lhely during the coming year In Michigan, win- o Senator Har rows Is trying to secure permission to hold on to his seat and where Representative Townsend Is trying his best to defeat tho senator's pur pose, there Is a primary law, and while the senators are of course chosen by the legislature of the state, tho voico of tho voter as heard at the primary is supposed to bo obeyed. In Illinois the primary law did not work much as It was expected it would when tho time enmo to elect a sena tor to succeed -A. J. Hopkins. Tho Michigan law Is somewhat similar to tho Illinois Inw, but both Senator Har rows and Representative Townsend have made public declaration that if the majority of the voters In Michigan declare for one or the other of them tho wish of tho voters must bo bind ing on the legislature. This means simply thnt If nurrows gets more votes In tho primnry than Townsend It Is thought that ho will succeed him self ns sonator. and that the reverse will happen If Townsend gets the most votes. Means Much to the Senate. If by any chnnco these three Repub lican senators of Biich long service In tho senato should bo compelled to give up their seats, each of them would lenvo behind him a position which can bo defined only by the ono word, "power." Legislation In the sonnto is done largely through com mittees, for what a committee recom mends ordinarily Is passed by tho sennte aB a whole. Senator Burrows Is a member of tho llnnnco eoinmlttco, tho most pow erful subsidiary body of tho senate, nnd of tho committees on naval af fairs, Philippines, postofllces and post roads, and is the chairman of tho commlttoo on privileges and elections. Four of these bodies aro of tho llrst rank hi Importance and tho power that they wield Is enormous. Senator Halo of Maino Is tho chair man of tho committee on appropria tions and ho Is n member of tho com niltteo on ilnance. Tho Maino senator also Is tho Republican leador on tho floor of tho senato most of tho time, for Mr. Aldrlch, oxcoptlng when tariff bills nro up, raroly oxorts his right of leadership. Senator Lodgo Is the cnnlnnan of the Phlllpplno oommlttco and has a membership In tho connnittco on fi nance, foreign relations nnd immi gration. Harrows, Halo and Lodge aro three of tho moat powerful sena tors In congress nnd they aro omdo powerful largely by their comrtltteo holdings. If any ono of thorn :oses out ho will drop not merely tho wma torship, but a great bundle of power and Influence, GEORGE CLINTON. THE SHADOW OF DEATH Remarkable Recovery of a Washing ton Woman. Mrs. lmos Shearer, Yew and Wash ington Sta., Centralla, Wash , with one kidney gone, the other badly diseased, nnd live doctors In consultation, was thought to be In u hopeless state. Tho storj of Mrs. Shear er's awful uulfeiingH, and liar wonderful cure thioiigh using Dean's Kidney Pills, Is a long one, but will Interest any sufferer with backacho or kidney trouble, and Mrs Shearer will tell It to any one who writes her. en closing a stamp. "I am well and active, though lifi years old, and give all tho credit to Dean's Kidney Pills," says Mrs. Shearer. Iteiuonibor the name Dean's. For sale by all dealers. .'0 cents a bos. Foslei-Mllburn Co., lluffalo, N. Y. HOSPITABLE MAN. ' Our master Is a charming man Kvery year he admits one of us to his table " A Holiday Sermon. ' In tuklti' up de collodions for de holiday heathoiis," said Hi other Dltltey, "don't forgit dat (ley's 'cross ( de water. My advice Is ti-r save all lie u nviii l.lvi-r fni- f 1 1 hiiinc ln:itliens slch ez blankets, an' td' overcoats. Deni heathens wiiar de missionaries i go lives in a hot country, an' all do ' klver dey needs is a umbreller tor keep de sun off." Atlanta Constltu-i tion SrvTr m Ohio ctrv or TniMKi, t Iacas rmvn. t - I'niMC J. Chfmv nutti tliat hi" l Miilnr lartiit-r ut the linn ut I J t'iil.M.t A. Co . ilniiiR iivl'it is in tlie Oily nt lolcilo. County -mil Hute i Utorc-uM. ami thai hi Id llrtn Hill I'm tl.f Mini ot ONI. llt'.VOltl 11 DOl.t. MIS for r.irh atut i-MIT ca" of CtTMinii Hint i-atiiMil In- inriil liy tl.o Ucv of lltll. n ( avu.iiii I -i xr. rnvNK j. oiii:si:y. Snnrn In btforc mi- anil Milm-rltnii In nil iirriwiirt ttih Mil d.iy of Duciulnr. V. I).. IfcK. I - I A. W. (!l.i:.HOS seal t NotAiif nunc. II.iii n iiwuiii uir n i.mii in,, ... j .... tt, illrrctl upon tho liloml :iinl imiumi H.rlaciH of tt.o trstcin. M-ml for titlir.nilaK fru-. r. j. i'iii:m:v & c;o . 'loinio. o. Sold liy nil Druwl'tr. 7.V. 'lake Hull's 1 uiMly I'lllii Mr un.itlimUan. Will Have to be More Careful. Thoro Is an Artemus Ward ,lr, a New York assemblyman, who is said to be a wit like his famous namesake On a recent occasion lie nominated Ward F. (Mute of New York city lor head doorkeeper, but lorgot the olllce, and had to rise again to rectify his mistake. It Is to be hoped his reputa tion for wit does not rest solely on this occurrence. No matter what his rank or position may be, the lover of books Is tho I richest and the happiest of the chil dren of men. Langlord. Great Home Eye Remedy, for all dit-ciiFPH of the eve. quick relief full'.. Kn, .....a In . V li.l, .nnllt. n.i.l n.l. from iimhi; I'K'iTJT'S l-.YH SALVK. All druinrifth or Hnwnrd Hid-'.. HuuuIii. N. Y. i hen a woman marries a man to letorui him and succeeds, she feels that she has no more worlds to con quer 1MT.F.S CIIKKU IN O TO 11 HAYS. l'AZO OINTMKNTIxKuitrantii'il In niro nnr ratio of lu-lillitr, lltllKl. lll.-iMlliii; or I'miruilini: I'lltoj in tltoUU)oruionerrrundi-U. tOu. Loyal to the Last. Tim. 1 hear the undertaker died. Sim. Yep, the llrtn was falling and he had to help It out. havi: voi' a enroll, oh eot.ii-.' if so, tuVoiitnnco lld t l.iixi Itmuim unit wnlrh ri-tulM. rtlinnlo, Kifo. i Iti-i-tlvo All il uli-rs. l-op- uur pnerk iOv-.iw.nmi i tu ihhiii And a lot of good resolutions manufactured the morning after. are i 1 Nursing Mothers and Overburdened Women In oil stations of life, whotc vigor and vitality may bavc been undermined and broken-down by over work, exacting bocial duties, the too frequent bear in)! of children, or other causes, will find in Dr. 1'ierce's Favorite Prescription the most potent, in vigorating restorative Ktrcngth-giver ever devised for their special benefit. Numinfi mothers will find it especially valuable in hUktaining their btrcngthond promoting un abundant nourishment fur thu child. Exnectant motherb too will find it a priceless boon to prepare tho by&tem for buby'w coming and rendering the ordeal compara tively painless. It can do no harm in any state, or condition of the female system. Delicate, nervous, weak women, who sutler from frequent headache, backache, drajltilnsi'dawn distress or from pain' Jul Irregularities, jinawlnu or distressed sensation In stomach, dizzy or taint spells, see imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have disagreeable, catarrhal drain, prolapsus, antevcrslon or retroversion or other displacements ot worn only or&ana from weakness ot parts will, whether they ex' jterlencc many or only a few of tho above symptoms, find relict and a permanent cure by usln& faithfully and fairly persistently Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription. This world-famed specific for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is s pure glyceric extract of the choicest native medicinal roots without a drop ol alcohol in ils make-up. All its ingredients printed in plain Englibh on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullest investigation of his formulu knowing that it will he found to contain only the best agents known to the most advanced medical science of all the different schools of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about tho composition and professional en dorsement of the "Favorite Prescription," send postal card request to Dr. It. V. Pierce, HufTalo, N. Y., for bis free booklet treating of sume or, better till, send 31 one-cent btampb for cloth-bound copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new, revised up-to-date Edition, 1008 pages. You can't afford to accept us n substitute for this remedy of known com positfon u secret nostrum of unknown composition. Don't do it. It is not only foolish but often dangerous to do so, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more poods brloMar and fatter colors than snr other die. One lOo oackaoe colors all fibers. Then due In cold water better than an other dro. You can dia linjotrment without rirelnaftWt Write lor tree Dootlel-Honr to Dje, Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DltUO CO., Qulncy, llllnol. CALUMFT Baking Powder Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Expooition Chicago, November, 1907 What does this mean? It means tint Citumct has tet a new Standard in RA!iij Powder the etautbrd of the World. Bocnuno this award was Riven to Calumet after thorough lets and experiments, overall other baking lotvders. It means that Calumet is the best halting ponder in every particular in the world. And this means that Calumet best, most delicious, lifthtett, and purest baking of all baking powders. Doesn't that mean ore free Homesteads Siontary Ballmuor lias ordered 1,400.000 ;ur; of choice land thrown open to si'tllois under the liouio-Mi-ad laws, on and altci Manii 1, 1010. This land i-. mostly level or t tilling piairie and in covered with a heavy growth of wild grass. The soil is n brown ci.iy loam. This land lit s 111 Valley Coiintv, Eastern Montana It is known to be very fertile and wherever farming has boon carried on, good yields of wheat, oats, rye, barley, flax, alfalfa, hay. potatoes and even coin have been obtained. The land is free under the homestead laws. No registration- -no drawing. No long waits and disappointments as is thecasewith the lottery sys tem. No expense---except the few dollars for filing fee. Tho (ire-it Northern K.iilway is now building a branch lino through tho very henit of tho tract Low- one way and loiuiil trip rates during March and April Snid for map folder giving full details. Atk (or "Rocky Hoy" Indian LinihCirrulir. E. C. LEEDY Cirnrrnl liiimlilrntliui Aiirnt llTi Grout Northern hldif. St. Paul. Minn. For DISTEMPER 5(5 rWfi Jiu Rursnirr anil po ttlvn firei rntlTO, no matter how homm at anr wt ara Inf oct or "Mooned " l.liiniil.Hltrn on tlio tonnuni arn on th IIIimmI and llUncIm Ftpl tho PitxiiiniUKrnriafrointlinlMxIy. irr Iilntoiniwr In Dol-h and Hhrxp ami Cholrra In oollry. Ijirif(.twllliieUtol('k rmni1)T. Ourr I (lrlitw amonir human boUnc an.l Haflno KldiifT rrinedjr. Mr and II bottle, UandllOadoun. OiittuUcnt. Krrn lu noow 10 jonronifrifiii. who wihkui i lorjuu. r rvo dookioi andUuren." biKKlalacrntn wantnL SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Impaired Dignity. 'Why Is a iiian never a In-m to his valet?" "Probably because his valet sees him in the slippers, smoking; cap und lounging jacket that he got for Christ mas." - Washington Htar. When Rubbers Become Necessary Ami your slitifs tilncli. shako lulu your .1iiioh .VIli'UH l-nit--.uM'. the Iillt Irrpt li imwdcr fm the foot. Cures Urn, urlilng- it't'i mm umrn lilt' fllllK mil in v ill iih HUH HilnlniiF. Alw.'iVH iipi' It fur llicnkliik- In j Now slinos unit for dam I tin p.irtli'x Hulil cvorvwhoro 'jUi: Hamuli- miilli-il I li;K AiMi ffr-. Allen H. Olmsted. I.e Hnj, N The more cause one has for loss of patience, the more reason thero Is for holding it Stuart. lira. Wuuloiv'n Soothlnc Syrup, i'or i tilldrrn trrtlilnir, mftrna ttioKntji", rriln n In Qimtaatlon, alluyn pain, curei InJ i olio i-.c a liottlo. A girl is never satislled until she has hypuoti.eil some young man into telling her how handsome sho Is Lewi-' Suntle Hinder cig.-tr. Oiigiual m Tin Foil Stiiol.or l'.ick.ige Tuke no eiilKtitute. The more expensive u thing is the easier it is to get along without it. It .fftMjQrr- "T "O produces the everything to you? Pink Eyo, Eptrootlc Slilpplnrl Fever & Cutnrrhnl Fever Dliteuipar, Cam Ctinmlntn nnd enCIICU llin II C I Dootorioioaiut- uuonxn, IHU. 1 U. ) Ha WESTERN CANADA What Prof. Shaw, tho Woll-Known Arl- culturiit. Say About It "I would toonnr rolw rnttln In Wrttrrn uanailu thmi In tho rorn lolt or tno UKltfil Ulatoa. teril la rliraprr nml alluintfl riiitlcr for tlio purpono. our marknt will lm. irovo fttitrr thiin jour inrniom will pnxlnro tlio mippllm. VVliunt run Ik eronn iiti to tlioOJtli par rllrl l0 mill north of tlio Intrrnntlonal Ixmnil nry). Your incnnt land will bo tnhrn ut n rato Inborn! prciMiut connn tion. Vtn hnvo enouuh I'C-oiilo In tlio Unltml 'Ktatfti Alnnit iihn aunt hcroei to taks up this land," Itcarlj 70,000 Americans Mllli-ntrrnniliunkotlirlrlioinrs In Wi-olcrn t'liniula tlila jinr. iliuu iinmuctii iiiioinrr mrtko crop or lioiit, on I a nml Hurler, In nililltloii to ulilili (lie nitllo citMirta win an liiiiiirinto linn. 1'itttln rnlolnv. tlnlrjrliiR. rnlin-l farnilim nnd cmlti crowing In tho liriivliire of Mnnltobll, SmUllt clu'iinii nml Alliertn. I'reo lioiunteiiil nnd prrwnip tlon nrona, iui well on landa hulil liy mllwnr nnd landrornpnnloa.wlll Iiroiino iinmi-H ror million Ailimtatilo aol lienltliful ill- mute, uplendlil liooln and clmrt'Iii-H. nml cooi I rullwnTX. ror atniirra rnira. ai-rcripnvo trratliro 'ijmt llit ttiL" hnw to reai-li tlio rountry nnd ot tier par. ticnliira, write to Nnp't of Itnml. sratlou, Utlnvra, Canada, or to tho CauaUlan Uovurnmunt Acent. W. V. DENNETT Room 4 Bit Bldg. Omaha, lib. (IIni ilre.snenreityon,) (S) Suicide Slow death and awful suffering follows neglect of bowels. Con , stipation kills more people than , consumption. It needs a cure and there is one medicine in i all the world that cures it ! CASCARETS. I Cascarets 10c. box week's treat ment. All druvelsts. Mlccest seller i in the watld million boxes a month. For a Tough Heard or Tender Skin NO STROPPING NO HONING mn KNOWN THE WORLD OVER PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClrtnKt and bMuitlflci tha hair. Promottf a ImurUut growth. Never Fall to Ilaatora Gray Italr to Ita Youthful Color. Curt acalp tllw ihi at balr fatling. fOcandlltUat nruqrltta DATCUT YOUUIIIKAH, Th.iyinnj prltiK you rAI CHI nmllti. I'-t-nuiHi Hook Kreo. Kill. 1K0. Kltwrold & (.' , 1-m.Atl jsUox K. WatlilrujUio.Ii U. "aKirusSI Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U., UNcbLN,"NO. fM910. II V ! - n "BBai' 'flKrf vEfcSBBB1 lipp 1 IM IN I M I.A . .,.y. lm aaaaaV - m t "t , . ''juizZ i"i"tulr j '