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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1910)
B ItfrtST? . - "".- 4HIMB.J! , c i . 1 li i R I -srtji-. 'L.M-: s'vy SJxy.vSgg VOLUME XXXVIII. "An Ounce of Prevention" A check account will run your business without a "hitch". When you pay by check, you get an itemized receipt for every bill. Then, too, you have a complete record of receipts and expenditures in your pass book. We invite you to open a check account with us. Your account small or large- will receive attention a bove the average. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. COWLES Vhe North Pole must have moved htHith a few points. It O, Keeney shipped h car t hog-, to St .Too this week. There will bo a clearing hale tit The Ituht Place next week. Morgan Davis is building u house ou his lots soutli of his -home. The wedding bells aie ringing tint week Many congratulations Chni Mr-.. I!. A Wells and .Miss Myitle WolMvcre Blue Hill Mtots this week, A number of young people spent a erj pleasant eteuing at the Squires homo Wednesday evening. Muish and Son our energetic black smith has made .1 number or good im provements in their shop thi week. WESTERN WEBSTER sit-, 1'uither lias been viMtiug ner diughter Mrs I O. Walker. Little Maurice Cockraue is tpnte siok with the whooping cough. Ficd Watson shelled corn for (). IS. ar. I .John Harvey last Wednesday Mr. nnd Mrs. I, Herrick ol Campbell viiltod Sunday at C. L. Heniekn. Another cold wave struck thin it Tuesday. Spring is not here by soveial weeks. Mr-.. P. .1. Wuyman visited her hister Mrs. K. M. Jnhnstou on Thomson Oreok Monday. Mih. Win. Ireland, an old tune West ern Webstorite now u resident of West ern Nebraska, is visiting friends mid "? f.. ntivi.s in this vicinity. There will be quiet hlt of moving In this neighborhood during the nest two weeks. A good many places are changing hands this spriug. good muuy from this neighbor hood took in Wallace Carpenter's sale Monduy. And sales by the way, are ovory day oecuranccs over this way. BATIN .John Zajlc ha ordered a new manure spreader. Rd Uiethauer built a new hay nick or Mrs. O. Hou6on. The woather proves that the ground hog aeon his shadow. Mi6s Mury Jelinek la sewing tor M,iss Minnie Kellet this week. Everybody in this locality hays they are going to KoonU'a sole. Prank Kudrnu spent Ust Hnndny evening with John Pavllck. Sorgersou Bros, shipped cattle to Kansas City ono day laat week. Misses Surah and Martha ilauson v.1 "Uh.Tuu-8 inim lMoksou sliciieu corn nisi week. Nelson Bros, did the shelling. P.mill'olnleky got the .second prize on corn mised by him at the Punnet's Institute Louis Vavricka llm.-hed .shucking com last Tuesday. He as that tickles him i grf'r' rai5KS'4i(S3?rr -aferi ,,.-ri 3aVf - aiCfate3g - W mmmm-mmm-F Mike Kudma got the first prize on wheat at the Farmer's Institute hold in lied Cloud last week Messrs. Joe and Paul .lelinek, l'rank and John Soeheck .spent last Sunday with Willie and Ralph Yu widen. Messrs. Finnk and Mike Stiobel wore m Wostein Kansas looking at some land last week They returned Sundaj Me-srs. Finnic and Willie Vavricka keep their mauuie .spreaders on the fnt go but since the cold snap its no go at all James Buckles and son, Ales weie out west looking at .some land last week. They leturned and James went back again last Wednesday morning. SUNNY SIDE. J. K. Winteiswas out to his farm last week. Joe Crow is stiiieiiug with u case of blood poisoning in his hand. Mrs. Hurlun Kd wards' father and mother lrom Kansas aie visiting them uoar Cowles. Ailliur Kngels of Liinon, Colo., was visiting in this neighborhood Friday. He started home oterlaud Monday. The Misses Ciei lit and Ida Hill and bi other nnd Miss Pmma Delph were callers on Miss Ha'el Rust Sunday. Unite a u umber from this aeinity attended the Institute in Bed Cloud and were well pleased with it. May it grow in interest and numbers. I. T. Barker loaded his car for Blue Mound, Kansas, Wednesday. His family started Thursday. We are sorry to loose them from our midst but it is Kansas' gain. W. s. Beuse came unto his own wliou Mr Barker moved out. He will now bo a full lledgod "granger." He is hav iug his house papered and painted be fore he moves his family out. GUIDE ROCK. Mis. Kli Fowler has been ill, Mrs. Bella Watt is on the stole list. There has been a large uuinber of blrth-cHrd showers this month. Mrs. Ivans A mack and daughter Ceyclo are roported ill this week. Will Kly and family have returned to Bert rand at least for the present. Charles Guy has been very ill for several. days but is considered a llttlo better at this writing (Tuosduy.) Mrs. D. B. Htunkard has boon down from Inavalo visiting hor parents, W. E. Thompkins nnd wife alao visiting other friends Mrs. James Young went to Inavulc -;;- ; - Saturday evening to spend Sunday us Kddy who has been very ill. She was reported a little hotter Monday Mrs. Mae Cathcart of South Dukota is hero visiting her parents J. M. Ro land nnd wife, her two brothers C'has. and P. XV Roland anil hor sisters Mr. II Wilt and Mr,Tiosl 1, mnm m'iii.wy-. . - ..- - 1 rr!&--efc!gvi .asta. i-ajfaa?5d:MBaaajMt , - 4 Newspaper That filvcs The News Fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, KKKKUAltY Thy Parmer's lnstiti t here Friday and Saturday was well attended A lino lot of premiums were donnted by our business men. The exhibits weio esceptionally Hue. The speakers wero all interesting, and instructive Last week thero were hurt while culling wood. Kdw in Jones cut a bad gash iictoss his ankle with an n Hnj Miner had a linger badly cut and Alwi Stickley had his font seoiel,v bruised by a heavy block of wood i oiling over onto it. The young people' W. C. T. U. gave a most delightful Valentine Social Monday evening at the home of J. II. Ciary. The rooms wero nicely de corated, games were played and a lunch served. All report a most en joyablo evening. Mrs. Hattie Scott of Stroinsburg, Grand Matron of the Eastern, Star lodge, visited the local chapter hero Saturday. In the aftornoon n tea was served by Mrs. I. A. Pace in honor of Mis. Scott and all the elective oillcers of the lodge invited to meet her. In the evening a session was held at which a great deal of instruction was received by the lodge and a tine address given by Mrs Scott A banquet was served at Elliott's hotel GARFIELD Pino weather this week. Artie Richesun llnished his coin Pri day. Charley Wolf and family werecalleis atT. XV. White's last Sunday Pete Manley was a pleasant caller at Will Fisher's Sunday night. Theiu will soon be lots of moving and they all move for the better. Muriel and Bthel Fisher called on Rolleii Wiggins one night Inst week Alfied Mauley took a 1(H) pound hog to town in the buggy. He says that beats going in the wagon Tho Will Kent sale was well attend ed and stulT brought a good price with Jake Elliuger doiug the wind work. Manley Bros, got third prize on yel low corn at the Farmer's Institute and T. W. White got first on white corn. Henry Hansen seoms to have quite a mouth for pio for he only bought fourteen pies at the sale and quite hungry then. Old Mr. Milligan was found doad in the river last Saturday afternoon and supposed to have been in there since Thursday night. Ain't it queer! Don't you know nbout the peoplo on wind mill row for they nil Rot up nnd go when thoy hear Tart's whistle blow. Omer Wolf sprained his arm Inst week either on tho big oars of corn or on the big girls. We linve not learned which. How nbout it Omer'.' Tho Odd Fellows and the queer one wont to lodge Monday night. Fisher, Barnes and Amuck were the odd ones and Clyde Simpson was tho queer one. Thero was something seen headed for Bed Cloud tho other day that was thought to bo an airship but on close inspection was found to be Eli and Bud Uouchiu and Frank Ailes in Eli's carriage with all sails a flying. Whilo Pearl Amuck, daughter of Frank Amnck was roturnlng homo from school on horso back laat Friday ehe met with a painful accident. Her horse got frightened at something and started to run awny. Fortnnntoly the teacher was also riding horse back and otarted at full speed for the llttlo girl. She caught up just as Pearl fell but uot iu tlmo to prevent this horse's foot from striking her face. Her scalp was out clear across and hung down over her eyes. Tho doctor was hastily summoned and tho wound dressed. Sho is doing nicoly nt this writing and will bo all right again in a short time S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. UMlQll At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone J 31. Weeks Each Year For $1.50. 3za FARMER'S INSTITUTE AT COWLES Friday nnd Saturday, Fell, 25th and 20ih. 1!M0. I'rirtlih in II i. Kuiuj. Sic ( I I'ntnnii! I'lllI) vt l:.iu Corn, ullall.i Mint the hoc Hon i: 1'. Himui, lnc. .i lir. DciiioiistrntldiiH hi JiuIkIiiu torn Mr. I. V. li'iHsoti. I.IihoIii. Si bi l'. rsi so SKssiov . . . luiiorl:uit prohli ins hi iliilrluu Mr. Dnwsuu .. 1 lie miIiiu dI know I ni; liou nnil uhy Mi. llroun h I L' It II . liH'rt.isluu the yield nl thi'Himill urnlii Mr. K. i:. Nelson, Ahum, Iowa .I'rolltK from a Hock of tieiiH 1-10 Hr.10 1:30 .. crop 'J.J0 .. Mr ii.C. Hull, Mum. Nihr. IIVh.MNII SISSION 7SI0 UhnntaKixol the Inrm lionie Mr. Hull h; Agriculture In thu rurnl hcIiooIh Mr. Nelson There will bo discussions of tho var ious subjects by local talleiit The forenoon of each day will be de voted to special local work. There will be a report fiom tho dele gates to the National Corn Show. Meals will be served each noon and evening by tho Congiegutioual Ladies Aid at the A. U. U. W. hall. Everybody come and bring your family. Sunday School Convention. The County Sunday School Conven tion will he held at Cowles on 5 and U of March. The sessions will be held iu the M. B. chutuh, and we aie given a hearty welcome, and the inteiest hhowti at this date piomises tho best convention we have over had. Every Sunday School in tho county should hiuo at least one delegate in attend anco. Rev. Chns. H. Lewis, the State (ienoial Secretary, is well posted on the Adult Department of the school atijl will be ready to answer all your questions. Ills "Better Engines and Hotter Kites," will stir you to do big ger nnd better things. You will want a delegate from the Adult Depart ment iu your school to hear him. His "Heart of a Boy" will bo helpful to holution of the boy problem. Miss Mmgaret F. Brown, the state Element ary Superintendent, pieseuts with tho children in her own charm ing and convincing way. Her "Little People, Big Plans, and Proven Possi bilities" will make you want to bo a teacher of Little People. You must have a delegate from the teachers of children. Red Cloud School's Bi-monthly Spelling Contest. So. lowest IiIbIi acrugo tnklni; part percent pewrU Hlnndlne (I null 7 llojs II 'i !U K0 (llrlH I.I ' wi Ut nrailefi IIojh 17 7U 100 W (llrls 'it W 101 W (trade " Hoys 17 72 ltf UU (llrls '.-., VI IIW ' c.rade I Hoys l rfl 100 Ml (llrls 'SI IW ICO "!) (trade 1 Hoys 22 Ri 100 HI (tlrls Hi 70 100 l Boys and girls having tho highest standing hi spelling woro as follows: Grade 7-Paul Polnloky, Everett Stroup, Laura Pierce, Alison Cowden, Anna Jernberg, Iva Amnck, Josie Eselg, Blanche Boner, Bertha Osborne. Grade (J Four boys and twenty one girls mado a perfect grnde 100 per cent. Grade oFlvo boys and seventeen girls made a 100 per cent grade. Grade 4 Murvol Fentress, Merlyn Boner, May Huifer, Thelma Lamboru. Grade U-rTwolve boys and girls mado a perfect grade. Public Sale. As I nm moving to Colorado, l will sell at my residence 2 miles north aud 1 H east of Inavale, known as tho Ralston place, Monday, Feb. 21st. commencing at I o'clock the following property: UG head of liorsos and cattle consisting of III head of cattle and G, head of horses, farm machinery and ot'ier articles too numerous to men tion. Bl. GlIObSM N Fred (i Kolli Auctioneer. sagaaaaiWte,.,, 17. 15)10. 1-2 "W'jtlfCllK te On Entire Stock of CLOAKS AND SUITS Special Prices m Miner THE BIG C.A.SCHILTZ&G0. Real Estate Brokers We have a select list of lands in liastern tral and Western Kansas and Nebraska. We have the best of facilities for showing you any of these lands at no expense to you except Rail Road Fare, which will be refunded if you purchase from us. Before deciding upon location it would be well to call at our office and see on the map just where our lands lie. We can locate vou close to any of these towns: AKRON, COLORADO, OTIS, COLORADO, BIRD CITY, KANSAS, GARDEN CITY, KANSAS, AND RED CLOUD, NEB: Our list is too large to publish but we want to SHOW YOU THE LANDS REMEMBER 'Our personal investigation is worth a hundred descriptions." We loan money at lowest prevailing rates on Real Estate, and write Eire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance on your property. A competent Notary always in the office. C, A. SCHULTZ (& CO. Potter Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. See The Chief for iiHodate iob work , w,, ! ' 'ifc wJlmrr4ipi M NUMBER 7 OFF Fi on rurs. Bros. Co. STORE Colorado, Cen 4 n 'ti t '! if & n t 'J rt.a TM 9 I m