The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 10, 1910, Image 3

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It is not only from Kentucky, but
from thlrty-ilvu to forty different
States tlmt there conies the expression
of satisfaction from those who have
taken up landa In Central Canada an a
free homestead or lmvo purchased
Mr. K. K. Hell, of Frankfort. Ken
tucky, writes to a Canadian Govern
ment Official, and snys: "I have Juat
returned from Alberta, overjoyed with
my trip. Your literature was very
flattering, but m half what I found It.
I botiRht a half section between Cal
gary and Kdmonton, one mile from
railroad, near a good town. This Is
the best country 1 ever saw or ever
expect to see. I will go In the spring
and get to work on my place. I think
It is the coming Country of the World."
Some of the papers describe the set
tling of the Canadian West as "be
coming n fever with a great many peo
ple. The lure of Its golden promises
Is creeping Into their hearts and tunny
arc they who are answering the call
of that unsettled territory." This pa
per editorially cautions Its readers to
exercise care and thought before mov
ing to a distant country. This would
be a wise precaution, and Is exactly
what the Canadian officials ask.
Tho success of the settler who has
made Canada his home for years Is
the best evidence- that can be offered.
And of tho large number of Americans
who have mnde their homes in Can
ada, very few lmvo returned. All are
Uncle (to Marjorie, who has mar
ried a millloimlie) I really think
you'd bo happier if you bad married
u man who had less money.
Marjorie He will have less after a
kw years with me.
"I bad eczema on my hands for ten
years. I had three good doctors but
none of them did any good. I then
used one box of Cutlcura Ointment
and three bottles of Cutlcuru Resolvent
and was completely cured. My hands
were raw all over, inside and out, and
tho eczema was spreading all over my
body and limbs. Ileforo I had used one
bottle, together with tho Cutlcura
Ointment, my sores wero nearly
healed over, and by tho tlmo I had
used tho third bottle, I was entirely
well. To any one who has any skin
or blood disease I would honestly nd
vlso them to fool with nothing else,
but to got Cutlcura and get well. My
bands have never given mo tho least
bit of trouble up to now.
"My daughter's hnnds this summer
became perfectly raw with eczema.
Sho could get nothing that would do
them any good until she tried Cutl
cura. Sho used Cutlcurn Resolvent
und Cutlcura Ointment and in two
weeks they wero entirely cured. I
havo used Cutlcura for other members
of my fnmily and it always proved suc
cessful. Mrs. M. K. Falin, Spceis
Ferry, Va., Oct. 19, 1009."
What the Doctor Did.
Gustavo llllyatt has a little daugh
icr who hasn't been well recently. The
other day a physician wns called to
the Ullyatt home to see her. He ex
amined the child with the aid of a
stethoscope. When her father came
homo that evening ho asked what tho
doctor had said.
"Nothin'." replied the little girl.
"What did he do?" asked Mr. Ull
yatt. "Ho just telephoned me all over,"
was tho child's reply. Denver Post.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by locnl applications, ns they rnnnot rrach the dl
caned portion of the ur. 'lucre Is only onu way to
cure tlciilnau, ami tint Is by constitutional remedies.
Dratnm Is caused liy au Inflamed rendition cl the
mucous llnlnK of the l.ustailiun 'lutie. Whin this
tubo Is Inflamed you hive n rumbllnu found or Im
perfect hr-arlim, and whin It It entirely closed. Deaf
news Is the result, and unless the Inll.immitlon can bo
taken out and this tuhn rcrtorcd to Its normal coiid
Hon, hcarlnu will lw destrojnl forever: nlno ra.'j
out ot ten am caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces.
Wo will Rim One Hundred Dollars (or any can" ot
DcatnoHS (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Semi (or circulars, tree.
' T. J. CIli:.N'i:V & CO.. Toledo, o.
Bold by nrumtlst. 78e.
Take Hall's l'amlly J'lils for constipation.
So Touching.
Anxious Suitor Hut, sir, 1 thrill at
your daughter's slightest touch.
Practical Father Young man, 1 find
her slightest touch Is usually for n
hundred dollars.
Free to Our Readers.
Wrlto Murine Kyo Homcily Co., Chlca
KO, for tS-niiKi) lllUHtratiil Kyo Hook lreu.
Wrlto all about Voiir ICyo Troublo and
thoy will atlvlso uh to tho Proper Appli
cation of tin. Murine KyoKerni'dlfs In
Your Bprelul ('two. Your DniBKlst will
toll you that Minim- IH'IIpvph Hon- Eye;,
StroiictliPiis Wonk KyoH. Ooesn't Smart.
Hoo .oh lyo Win. ami soils for Mc. Try
It In Your Uyi-8 ami In Baby's Kyis for
Hcrtly Eyelids ami rjninulutlon.
Young man, don't marry a parlor
ornament unless you can afford to
hlro n cook.
After u man has been married three
years his bump of hopo becomes a
Mi m
joti'm iiiukIiIiik nd iru -lltr. When you've nil old.
rafcliloiieiirieel'-i-'.iled ed d. tali- Alltn't l.nna fill
iliiill rClil by "II tlrivilltt. 2.''. c '"id ll-W l'lcs.
Many Congressmen Fear Their
Seats Will Be Endangered
By Dissatisfaction
Democrats Discuss Harmon, Marshall
and Gaynor for Presidential Nom
ination Numerous Candidates
for Speaker Cannon's Place.
Washington. Many of the Republi
can members of congress, especially
those of the lower house, who fear
tlmt their seats may be ondangeied at
tliu coming election, are In favor of
having n widespread Investigation in
to the cases of the high prices of tho
necessaries of life that shall take in
tho entire country. It Is possible that
under the scope of the resolution in
troduced Into tho sennte by Senator
lSlkins the Inquiry which many of the
Republicans desire may be underta
ken. Uncle Sam is looking Into tho mat
ter, as it relates specifically to the
District of Columbia, over which he
tins full legal control. The committee
thnt Is probing Into the reasons for
the high prices of food in tho District
is getting much material that relates
to the rest ot tho country, and It is
possible thnt this one investigation
will do much of the work that tho Re
publicans who fear a loss of their
Beats, think ought to be done.
Representative .1. Hampton Moore
of Pennsylvania and six fellow mem
bers of tho hotisn committee of the
District or Columbia are still hard at
tho task of trying to Hud out what It
is that makes everything that a man
wants to eat and to wear, cost so
much in these United States. Mr.
Moore is a protectionist of protection
ists and naturally he hopes It will be
proved that the tariff has nothing to
do with tho present high prices. He
seems to be full of confidence that
Htich will be tho case, but the Demo
cratic members of the committee who
nre looking into the subject believe
that when thoy got through they will
have mnterlal which can bo used to
the advantage of tho Democratic par
ty In Its contention thnt the high tar
iff makes high prices without a cor
responding increase in salaries and
President Deeply Interested.
There is a deep interest felt by
President Taft In the Investigation
now in progress. Tho opening day of
the inquiry in the committee room of
tho house of representatives was tho
same day that saw the beginning of
the Investigation Into the activities of
the meat packers in Chicago. The lat
ter investigation is a grand Jury af
fair, but it is possible that when all
tho returns are In that the evldenco
adduced in Chicago will be of service
to the members of congress who are
trying to got at the facts. Ity the
time the subcommittee is ready to
report, the public will have pretty full
knowledge of tho testimony of tho
witnesses that have appeared before
It, and the country probably will have
made up its mind as to the facts In
the case and will not be moved from
a decision by tho report which tho
committee turns in.
Some of tho representatives in con
gress, Democrats as well as Republi
cans, think that tho wholo thing will
resolve itself Into a case of statements
and 'counterstatements by tho produc
ers, the middle men and the packers
and manufacturers. If. tho congres
sional committee can get the truth of
the case the country probably will bo
glad of it, provided a remedy can be
applledl . There are those In Wash
ington who say, however, that the
whole Investigation will be futile.
Democrats Eye White House.
Gov. Judson Harmon of Ohio, who
will try to succeed himself In tho
chief office of his state, has said that
he will do nothing to further any pos
sible presidential ambition which he
may have until after he knows wheth
er the Ohloans like him well enough
to re-elect him ns their chief execu
tive. In this way the governor has tried
to take himself out of the immediate
Held of presidential speculation, but
the Democrats in Washington will not
so lmvo it. The members of tho pres
ent minority party in congress seem
to feel perfectly sure that they are to
control the next houso of representa
tives. The Republicans naturally
laugh at tills claim and say that the
Democrnts nro simply In tho same old
hopeful mood and that hope Is all
that thty will get out of It. Tho Dem
ocrats retaliate with the statement
that the mnjorlty of the people of the
country do not like tho tariff bill and
that they are blaming I? for the high
price of living and thnt on the
strength of theso two Issues alone the
Democracy Is to come Into power In
the lower house in the Sixty-second
Tho Democrats are talking about
Gov. Harmon and about Ho v. Marshall
of Indiana and Mnyor (laynor of New
York, and Inst, but perhaps, or prob
ably (as you like), not least, William
Jennings Hryan of Nebraska. It Is tho
seeming certainty of the Democrnts
that they are to carry the next house
of representatives thnt makes them to
day so active In their gossip about the
party's nominee for the presidency,
nnd so Gov. Harmon's deslro to be Ictt
out of consideration until after he lias
shown that he can carry Ohio again
lb not being heeded.
The Washington Democrats would
like to know on whom the snillo of
William .1. Ilryan will shine It Is
admitted that Mr Ilryan's Indorse
ment Is absolutely necessary to give
any Democrat's campaign for the pies
idency n fair start
There are Democrats who believe
that Champ Clark, the Democratic
leader In the house, may bo an out-und-out
candidate for the presidency
i ami tuai tins win tie moic tiseiy iu
happen if the next house shall be
Democratic and Mr. Clark be honored
Willi its spcnkcihhlp.
The Republicans leallze that Gov.
Harmon has a good deal ot st length
In Ohio, which Is Tail's state One
Demociat said, "Harmon can carry
Ohio." Another Democrat Instantly
answered, "Marshall can carry Indiana
and Ohio too," and another Democrat,
not to be outdone, said, "Champ Chirk
can carry Indiana, Ohio and Missouri,
Many Seek Speakership.
Who will be tho next Speaker of the
House of Representatives? Matters
have moved along so rapidly In ono
direction that most of the close friends
of Speaker Cannon In the House ad
n it that the chances are before very
long he will come out with a state
ment to the effect that ho Is not to
be considered as a candidate for re
election to succeed himself In the
olllce that generally Is accredited with
lialng more power nttached to it
than any other olllce except that of
president of the United States.
The number of men who would liko
to be Speaker Is perhaps limited only
by the membership of tho House.
There are comparatively lew members,
however, who by length or service and
by shown mid known ability have the
right, without exciting either Binllo
or criticism, to announce their candi
dacy for the high honor.
Cannon's Re-election Improbable.
The men who are close to Speaker
Cannon personally and politically,
have been saying very freely recently
that while they do not think there Is
any real reason why Mr. Cannon
should not aspire to bo his own suc
cessor, (here Is, as far as they aro con
cerned, a real reason why they should
not urge him to stand for re-election.
They Bay their constituents lmvo
come to believe thnt Mr. Cannon has
been In olllce long enough and that
their representatives In congress
should voto for somo other man.
It Is uu assured fact that enough
of the so-called "regular" Republicans
hnvo Intimated that they will not voto
again for lIr. Cannon to Insure that
his re-election to the Speakership Is
practically Impossible. Tho regulars
whose constituents have said that
they do not look with favor on nnother
term in the Speakership for tho Dan
ville man, added to the Insurgents who
hnve been against Mr. Cannon's rule
of the House for a long time, runko
enough Republicans virtually to com
pass the Speaker's defeat If he should
offer himself again for the llrst placo
in the House.
II is probable that If Speaker Can
lion could name his successor In ofllco
be would select Representative Olm
stead of Pennsylvania. Mr. Olmstcad
has presided over the nffnlrs of the
House when it wns sitting "as a com
mittee of the wholo" a great many
times, having been cnlled to the chair
by tho Speaker to prcsldo In his tem
porary absence. Mr. Olmsted politi
cally Is a firm believer In what tho
'ountry has come to know as tho
Cannon doctrine. He Is mi extreme
high protectionist and he believes that
the rules of the Houso as they at pres
en exist nro the best possible regula
tions by which the House can be gov
erned. Hope of the "Insurgents."
With the exception of the Republic
an members from tho state of Wis
consin, most of the representatives
from tho middle western states which
lie east of tho Mississippi river have
stood consistently In tho ranks of the
regulars and In support of the rule of
Spenkcr Cannon. The eastern repre
sentatives in tho main have been "reg
ular," although Representative Augus
tus Peabody Gardner of Massachu
setts, son-in-law of Henry Cabot
Lodge, has been as much of an Insur
gent as has Victor Murdoch of Kan
sas, who ordlnnrlly Is looked upon an
the chief of the "rebellious" forces.
Most of the real Insurgents, those
who have been Insurgents through
good weather and bad. come from
west of the great river. They aro too
few in number to hope to elect one
of their own kind ns Speaker of
the next Houso and they seo little
chanco of enough Insurgent gain In
tho cast to overcome the majority
which tho regulurs now hold, nnd
which they seem likely to hold In a
depleted form during tho next con
gress. It Is the hope of the Insur
gents, ns they exprcsB It openly, that
some middle westerner may bo chos
en who is neither a hide-bound man
ns Speaker whose election will bo
something In the nature of n compro
mise nnd who of necessity will bo
more kindly disposed toward tho In
surgent ranks than Mr. Cannon has
Of course In casting about for can
didates for the speakership tho Re
publicans aro taking for granted a
victory at tho polls noxt November.
They admit that they will havo a hard
light on their bauds, and thnt they
will bo obliged to defend tho tariff
hill against tho violent assaults of tho
Democratic enemy. The Democrnts
aro bo cheerful over tho prospect of
tho November elections that already
they sec Champ Clark in Josoph G.
Cannon's seut, and, looking a little bit
beyond this, some of thorn seo tho Mis
souri representative) in the field ns a
strong candidate for his party's nom
ination for the presidency.
This Contractor got results.
He knew how to feed his men.
Some years ago a contractor build
ing a railroad in n warm climate was !
troubled a great ileal by sickness
among the laborers.
He turned his attention at once to j
their food and found that they wero t
getting full rations of meat and wero j
drinking water fiom a stream near by.
He issued orders to cut down the j
amount or meat and to increase greatly
tho quantity of (Junker Oats fed to
the men. ,
lit- also boiled Quaker Oats nnd
mixed the thin oatmeal water with
their di inking water. ,
Almost Instantly all signs of stomach
disorders passed and his men showed J
a decided Improvement in strength j
und spirits.
This contractor bad experience that i
taught him the great value of good I
oatmeal 53
She It's three o'elork Tm going
to my drestiiiaker I shan't he more
than a quarter of an hour.
lie All right: don't forget we are
dining out at eight o'clock.
Young America.
'I he ll.'s lived ill the i ountry, kept
thickens and lived the simple life.
One df their dally diversions was to
id t mi the front veranda and watch
i lie Miuset .mil Roberta, aged lour, sat
ami watched with them, but It was a
inther tedious as will its solemn occa
sion lor her and one day. after watch
lug In silence for quite a while, an
ei!.inallon of the wholo thing smi
th nl dawned upon her and with the
delighted enthusiasm of a discoverer
she exclaimed: "Oh, iiinmma, 1 know
now why it takes the sun so long to
set It has to hatch out so many little
stars'" Los Angeles Times.
Tale I.AAATIVi: IIHti.Mi) Oiiliniie T.ibletn
Hrin.nlt.ri'fund iniiiiev II It fails to eure. K. W
ultin I. .- sltimluri'lMin i .n n imx. 'i'.
Ml things whatsoever ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even so
to them. Christian.
Mr. Wmalmv u Smithing Syrup.
ror lidrun teethlnt-, mitten tuoKiu. rrduret In
tUmuullon, all jj Iuln, turci wind colli. Sc a buttle
It's a hard, hard world, and nobody
knows it better than the aviator.
sion or trade
titc, and lay
vour nerves all
mn m) .w-.
Ilk aVi jL - t
.J65S .mf
.' ti IK wMJtr.KEn tr
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a
cure in V8 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. It. V. I'ierce,
of buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is Riven free to all who wish to write him. His
great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi
tutes for Dr. I'icrce's medicines, recommended to bo "just ns good." Dr.
I'icrcc's medicines ore oh snown composition. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Mnde from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit
forming drugs. World's Di&pcnsury Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
25c BOX
wm.-m G
mtmmmmmmBtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi I I I
i r m laarnia n i, ,-r -,n immn a rrr n.aawiir -rn ran .Tirr-Ma -Tihr-iiin TrnMrnaanrwaaaT-BWT r an iiPimttir'mnr'rT n arv.aTf" 9,3
SUNBERRY The Improved Wonderberry
LUTIIEK IHJKBANK'S GREATEST CREATION. A Luscious Berry RlpculniS In Threo Months From Seed
This Is positively the GREATEST new Fruit nnd the best NOVELTY of modern times. Thcso uro facts which no ono can
cut away from. Tho proofs uro overwheuninj; In number and conclusive In character. Grown last year by 350,000 people.
Frill t blue-black llko nn cnorrnmiH rich blueberry In lookfmnd taMe.
UitNiirpaHHfd for culliiK raw, rMikfil,i'niuieU or pri'M'rrt'il In any form.
Till KTunt garden fruit Ik fuuly valunblo In hot, dry, cold or wet ell
imiteH. K.ihlt'Ht plant In tho world to crow, HUceeedlug unyw hero nnd
jlel'nR inunHPH of rich fruit nil summer nnd fall. Tho (rreatent
iKxii. iiithn family c.n den over known, Lfiienaiid bninchcn are a!to
ued f'ir itreeimnnd arcsiiix rh. 1C( rylxMly enn and will ktow It.
I.uther llurlmiik, nf Cafllornla, tlio world fftraouH plant wizard, or
iginated the Wonderberry mid turned It over to mo to Introduce, liu
nay of It : "ThlH absolutely new berry plant Ih of frreat Interest nnd
value uh it UenrH llie liiowl uelleimiH, wliolewmu!
In ut'nimt profiiHlon und nlwayHcoimmtruo
READ MY CATALOGUE, pavcx S nnd 3, for full description,
rnlture, uhph, etc. (Also Colored Plate ) With ncorcn of tebtlmoulalu
from it'elldiriuwn and reputable people ull over the country. Also
the "Ciluiu of tho Wonderberry.''
Address JOHN
r. . lias oner wui not appear uujiii.
If you had positive proof that a certain remedy for
female ills hadinatle many remarkable cures, would you
not feel like trying it ?
If during the last thirty years wc have not succeeded in
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
long fur an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
to be genuine and truthful.
Hudson, Ohio." I suffered for ft lonpr titno from a wonkness,
inflammation, dreadful imlus each mouth and suppression. I
had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when a
friend advised nie to take Lydia K. IMnkhum'tJ Vegetable Com
pound. 1 did so, and wrote to you for advice. I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only live bottles
of the Vegetable Compound. I havo every reason to believe I run
a well woman. 1 give you full permission to use my testimonial."
Mrs. Lena Carmoeiiio, Hudson, Ohio. It. F. D. No. 7.
, -a&iSjK
1 J .
urcyorc, St. Kcgis trans, ix. x.
female diseases. Wc possess
enough to convince the most
For no years Lydia TC. Pinktinni's Vegef ablo
Compound has been tho standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Mado exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands ol cures to its credit.
BfttfB"kMrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
KPv to write her for advice. She has
Guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Muss.
ln entorx' lunik free
A Unlit). Put Atty IM l!" .
Mel, 111 illdx., Watli.. II, 0. '
V lt.ib. .rat A iijrh km ....
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 7-1910.
Do You Feel This Way? ",
Do you feci oil tired out? Do you sometime
think you iust can't work nxvay at your profes
any longer p Do you have a poor, ape
awake at nifihts unable to bleep? Are
done, and your stomach too ? Has am
bition to forc ahead in the world left you? If so, you
might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it if
you will. Dr. Pierce's Coldcn Medical Discovery will
make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set tilings right in your stomach, and
your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption.
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con
sumption has almost (taincd a foothold in the form of a
v r -bmt MwviikHiiBmtBiBariiM-4'jr' vavirww i i im ti-biii itm - n i i inrini i ni --s
I IH I I Mi i I II Ml Mil III ! Ill I 1IN SNBStiMyLlVWTSlmit?99d.V
! t'bhpvuvbW"-: -v.'iJaBv:?tf ;am twru j )rumriTemx H'.iiLr"VawHBWiBaFri vtvflkv nw
hmMLmi&3'iCk.'m.cfjritMB uf ZJ'ZI rAlf&il1K SktV KwUtL. lUii?
m&ti&i&riMFta&? vwMifisgBKTC minfm'w
- nv a:-p,-J- ty 'yo- a -a- - v
dim. Hvrim. w Inr.
Also n copy of my
nil about my $12,000
atui neaiuiiui ijcrneu
from heed."
LEWIS CHILDS, Floral Park,
ivruo lor ounocrry accu mm vk vsu
St. Ucgls Fulls, N. Y. "Two years ago I was
so bad i hat 1 had to tako to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to three weeks. I
wrote to you forailviceand took hydla lu.l'inK-
linms vegoianio uompounu in ury ninii. j. inn
huppvto tiny that I am cured, thanks to your
medicine nnd good advice. You may use my
letter for tho good of others." Mrs. J. II.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
the roots and herbs of our fields, to cure
volumes of proof of this fact,
. Mflta Ba i:nHniiii
What Governor Donaeri, of Illinois,
says Aoout it: Illlnnl., rmn. it wo-
ux Una la ruikntclipwan.
(;anni1a, Iln liu Mllil lu
n inlerviowi
. "At nn American I nm
ti"l to wo tho re
tilo nrnartma of
mnrkntilo nrosruaa of
Wentern Cnniula. Our
Iho. Ixiumlurr In thoa-
I. and I Date-not rot
one wlio ailmltUil
mAt nnfl
hn hivl mmlo a ml.tukn,
The, nro all dnlna wall.
Xhrro la ararwl com
nuinltr In tho Middle or
Vfi.trn tUntim that liu
not reprmvutativo In Manitoba,
HuikaUliewiin or Altarlo."
125 Million Bushels of
Wheal in 1909
Wetiirn Canada. floM crop for
19)9 will ,'mnIIv hM to tlio farm-
or 1 70,000,0(1(1. 00 In rnnli.
1 r,.MllIIIIIMtijltl.fiff llllloni
1 rwilloiiiiwtfiuLtir lUOucrea.
till lrn4millUmia (if lfMlui'rM
nml prcoiiiuUoiia of lUOuerea
til an. () ,m m-rn, JUMnay and
Land Uoniimnleo lmvo land fur aale
Mule, lmvo land fur aale
lilo i-rlce.. Slimy farm
pnlil for their IiiikI out
nt rxaiuinuiiiii
era lmvo mil
of (hi tiriM-i-iMla nf iiim crop,
hole mill! elliiintn, s-ooil nf-lioola,
-iri'lleiit mlluar fiiellltli-if.lnw
f relirtit rule, wood, wnter uud
lliMlliereiinlly obtained.
For amliliit " Jjit Ilrt Went."
particular ai to aultablo location
and low nottlera rato, apply to
S apply to
. t Avent.
nupi di jininiifnuion.
Cau., or to Canadian Gov1
Room t Br Bldf. Omihi, Rtb.
(t'tuimldri'MinrareUjou,) (I)
Itooknnd ArtvlroKUKK. "mm,
trnwlrk A la.r.arr. WllHlllritfton,
1) U. Kt. 4U y r. lirat rulermiceo.
nCEIMUfflE OT a DOU never. lick.
utrimiiui. dmnun
to Ilia I run.
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THE SUNnEnrtY In nn Improved form of tlio Wonderberry rrhlch
I Introduced eielunlwly lnxtyear uud which proved in Batli.fncturjr.
It in rrrentl v Hiiperlo.- to tho oriKlunl t pe, uud I nlone Iiavo genuine teed.
GED20o por pkt.t 3 pkto.forOOci 7 for SI. 00.
With uvery packet of need I nend a booklet Klrltitf 100 Recipes for
iishih' tho fritit.riiw, cooked, canned, preserved, jellied, Hpleed, pickled,
L-reeiiH. etc. It In miuerlnr furnnv of theso m,e.
IK - pntro Catnlouue vt Ith every order which tells
MY URSAT CATAUOUUb or H'loweiH nml vrffetnlila bced, Ilulbs,
Plauts, and ltaro and Kvvr rrultu FREE to ull who apply. IK! puces,
MO illUHtratloiiH nud rolored platen. I havo been In the biihlncBH
3." yearn and havo hnlf n million cuhtomerH ull over tho country,
CompletOHUtlnfuetlon guaranteed to eieryone. Do not fall to eo tho
inauv NoveltleM I am oflerliiB thin year of which tho 6UN
BERRY lu tho ereateut ever kuovtn.
fl. Y.
vu, wu
not ncclect or delay,
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B'MwyJriJuu. .