The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 10, 1910, Image 2

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Has Proved n Great Success Thou
sands Say It's the Best Thing
They Ever Grew.
Tlio Wondorberry or KunluMiy. .ho
inarvuloiiH Kurdon fruit originated by
I.utlmr llurbnnk, anil Introduced by
John Lcwlu Chlld.s, the wclMtnown
Socdfsnmn or Floral Park, N. Y , has
proved n groat hucoohb all over the
country. ThmiKnndH of peoplo say It
Ih tho lioHt tlilni; thoy ovor riow.
Mr. John HtirroitRliH, the well-known
author, NaturallHt and bosom-friend of
Theodore) IIoohpvuU, Hnj'H It Ih tho
moHt dollcloiiH iilt berry hoover tasted,
and a marvelous nopper.
A Director of the New York Agricul
tural Experiment Htatlou unyn it frnltti
abundantly ovou In pure Hand. In tho
Hhort uuiuion of North-west urn Canada
It Ih a i;odsend, and fruits loiiy after
frost has killed incut garden truck.
I). S. Hall, Wichita, Kan., sayn thirty
people mew It there last boiikoii with
pcrleet Hiitfufnetlon.
K. ti. I'.'uocIih, MaiMiiiond. l.a , unya
It yields $2r.ll worth or fruit per
eru with lilin. Mrs. .1. II. I'ower.s,
I7"i! Kciiuood avenue, Chicago, rained
enough heirles on a space 4x10 feet
to mipply hemelf and friends.
.!. P. Sv, allow, Kenton. Ohio, says Hit
equal for ell purpo'ies does not exist.
Uov. II. It. Sheldon, Pacific drove,
Cal., says ho liken the berries served
In any and every way.
V. T. Davis. Knnn. Va., says It Is
truo to description In every way, and
fruits In three mouths from seed.
Judge Morrow, of t S. Circuit
Court, says tho Wonderbcrry Is simply
delicious raw or cooked.
Mr. Childs exhibited one plant live
months old bearing 10,:!75 berries
which measured about eight (piaits.
Mrs. Hattlo Vincent, Ilayden. Now
Mexico, nays It stands the long, hard
droughts of that climate and fruits
abuudnntly all summer.
It Is certainly the most satisfactory
garden fruit nud tho greatest Nov'lty
over Introduced.
As km (j Too Much.
The mother of little slx-yenr-old
Mary had told her a number of times
not to hitch her sled to passing
sleighs, feeling that It was a danger
ous practice. It was such a fascinat
ing pport, however, that Mary could
not resist It and one day her mother
saw her go skimming past tho house
behind a farmer's "bobs."
When she came In from play she
was taken to task, her mother saying
severely: "Mary, haven't 1 told you
(hat you must not hitch onto bobs?
Ilosldes, you know, it Is against tho
Mary tossed her head. "Oh," she
said, "don't talk to mo about tho law.
It's all I can do to keep tho ton com
mandments!" Woman's Homo Com
panion. An Exploded Theory.
"Do you bellove there Is anything
In mental suggestion?"
"Not a thing."
"Don't you think It Is possible If
ono person keeps his mind steadily
fixed on n certain thing which he
wishes another to do that tho other
will o Influenced so that ho will
eventually do It?"
"No, I don't believe in tho theory
at all. I've been wishing for a week
that you'd pay mo what you owe me
without making it necessury tor me
to ask you for It." Sunday Magazine
of tho Cleveland Leader.
Loved to Death.
"Did you over know a girl to dlo for
"Did sho Just rado away and die
because some man deserted her?"
"No; she Just took in wnshlng and
worked herself to death because tho
man sho loved married her."
When the Trouble Started.
"John. I have decided to have Mrs
Sowswell cut out by drosses alter
"I have decided to cut out about
half of llioni myself, dear."
The Supply Comes From Food.
If wo got power from food, why not
Rtrlvo to get all the power we can.
That Is only possible by use of skill
fully selected load that exactly Jits
tho requirements of the body.
Poor fuel makes : poor tire, and a
poor lire is not ti goi.rl steam producer.
"From not knowing how to select tho
right food to lit my needs, I Buffered
grievously for a long tlmo from stom
ach troubles," writes a lady from a
llttlo town In Missouri.
"It suemed as ir 1 would never bo
able to Hud out tho sort of food that
was best for me. Hardly anvthlim
that I could eat would May on my stom
ach. Every attempt gave me heart
burn and filled my stomach with gas.
I got thinner and thinner until 1 lit
erally became a living skeleton and in
tlmo was compelled to keep to my bed.
"A few months ago I was persuaded
to try drape-Nuts tood, and it had such
good effect from tho very beginning
that I havo kept up Its use over since.
1 was surprised at tho ease with which
1 digested it. It proved to be Just what
I needed.
"All my unpleasant symptoms, tho
heart-burn, the Inflated feeling which
gave mo such pain disappeared. .My
weight gradually Increased from US
to 11(5 lbs., my llguro rounded out, my
strength camo back, nnd 1 am now
able to do my housework und enjoy It.
(Irapc-Nuts did It."
A ton duys' trial will bIiow unyonp
boiiio facts about (ood.
Look In pkgs. for tho llttlo book, "Tho
Itoad to Wellvlllo. rimro's a Heimon."
IJw-r mill, (lit- itlni Irttcrf A iiru
fini- niipcnrw Irom Dim- lo 1 1 inc. ''li-y
nrc Kiiiiiliic, truo, mill lull or luimuii
Odd News From Big Cities
Stories of Strange Happenings in the
Metropolitan Towns
Are Told to Beware
Wl , -
CMICAflO.-Tho humble doughnut
has been placed under Hie ban as
an afterthe-dance refreshment.
A committee of faculty and student
social autlieritles at the Cnlverslty of
Chicago spent three hours in discus
sing the merits of the "sinker" as a
light refreshment for an Informal
charity ball, and then announced that
Hie uell-lntentloned test for optimists
had been cast from the menu.
Tor doughnuts, eaten dose to tho
magic midnight hour, make you dream.
Worse than this, you would speak
more correctly should you say that
doughnuts eaten at this peilod of the
night give yon tho nightmare
And to put an end to all doubts on
the subject the goldon-orust"d confec
tion was tried last year, the charitably
disposed students ato generously be
tween dances of the templing array
of doughnuts offered for sale, and twit
days following doctors In the neighbor
hood of tho Midwaw did a rush busi
ness. Philadelphia!! Hates
PHILADELPHIA. There is a man In
West Philadelphia who Is going
to Uirow his tolenhono out of tho
house., unless his wife getB a dlvorco
to save him tho necessity of doing so.
It happened through an extension
'phono, and It wasn't his fault at that,
but his spouBe refused to allow h'm
to establish an alibi.
When the boll rang the other even
ing his wife was in tho sitting room
on tho second lloor, whero there Is an
extension 'phone, and ho was In tho
study, where thoro Is another. Each
took down tho receiver, thinking to an
swer the call, but tho wlfo maintained
n discreet sllcnco and "listened" when
sho hoard a fenilnlno voice In dulcet
tones Inquire:
"Is that you. John?" Hubby's nnmo
was John, and, being mascullnely hu
man, and not thinking about tho ex
tension 'phone, ho repllled: "Yes,
dear, how nro yon?"
"Oh, I'm Just heartbroken. I haven't
Caught a Lion, Thought It a Giraffe
ST. LOUIS. "Tho bravest man 1
ever saw," said MaJ. James Jay
llrady, retired circus lepresentatlve.
"was an old negro In the southern part
of Illinois, and his boldness was duo
entirely to his Ignorance.
"Our circus train had been In a col
lision, and a dozen or more animals
escaped and were roaming through the
neighboring woods. Several of our
men were left In a nearby town, and
a reward of live dollars was offered
in the country paper for each animal
captured and returned. With tho ad
vertisement wns a caution concerning
the ferocious royal Nubian lion, which
was among the animals missing. The
Instructions were to kill him on sight
and take no chances.
"We had been In the town several
days and recovered most of rhe ani
mals, when ono morning an aged
negro sauntered up to the hotel and
lnquticd if tho circus man who was
Kicked by a Hog and Bitten by Horse
. M-irTsS
U ) ' )
XTKW YORK. Kicked by a hog, bit-
ll ten by a horse nnd quizzed by the
community lirowster Conklln of Hunt
ington. L. 1., former highway commis
sioner, tcels like Joining Col. Roosevelt
In Africa and assisting In tho exter
mination of all kicking and biting mil
inula, lie Isn't happy
;t was only a few days ago that Mr.
Coukllu had a fine fat hog to b slaugh
tered. He had looked after the fat
tening of that particular hog himself
and ho dotermlneil to havo an eye on
Its sticking. The hog resented tho
proceeding by kicking her owner in
tho Up.
Mr. Conklln wears Dundreary whis
kers, and tho wound on his lip mndc
shaving out of tho question. His
friends protended to lake a grain of
salt when ho Informed thorn his lujury
: , .r .
v" -S7-MJ
of the Doughnut
And over the snmo route this revo
luteinizing committee gent tho elder
which, from time Immemorial, lias
been tho accompaniment of tho char
ity dance. Soft elder, the committee
argues, Is all very well and n pleasant
harmless and refreshing drink, but tho
troublesome question nlwayn bobs up,
"Is It soft, or, horrible thought, has It
passed that stage?''
And If It Is soft when tho committee
goes out to purchase It, will It still
be in that hnrmless state during the
progress of he dance? And Ilydo Park
is a prohibition district.
So pink lemonade and sherbert are
to be the authorized liquid refresh
ments at Cnlverslty of Chicago dances
henceforth, and In place of tho dough
nut liuht and pretty cakes and cookies
will be sered, warranted to melt In
the mouth and produce light and airy
fancies In the slumber that follow sev
eral hours' devotion to Terpsichore. J
The charity danco Is given under j
the joint management or the students
end wives of faculty members, Mrs.
Coorgo H. Vincent being In general
charge. The affair Is given In Hartlett
gymnasium, and is one of tho events
of the year at the university. Tho pro
ceeds are given to tho Cnlverslty Set
tlement, and several hundred dollars
from tickets and refreshments usually
are realized.
a Telephone Now
seen you for so long, sweetheart; you
know it's been just a week to-night
since you wore here, and you said
you'd rail up last night and you
"Just a week ago," "John" had at
tended a lodge. lie didn't remember
this, but tho woman on tho "extension"
Thinking to carry out tho Joko for
awhllo tho doomed man replied In
most sugared accents: "Well, darling,
I wanted to. but thero was something
sitting near mo all tho evening, and
you know I wouldn't like any ono else
to overhear our littles conversation"
Hero a volco that was neither sweet
nor tender Interjected:
"No! You wouldn't like It; but I've
been listening to this brazen, shameless
creature, and to you; you deceitful,
vicious, two-faced wretch this man
Bitting all last evening with his wlfo
and two Innocent Httlo children, pre-
' tending to ho happy, and all tho time
chafing becauso he couldn't call up a
designing creature without a particle
of modesty or womanly reserve."
Hero there was heard a feminine
shriek from tho other end of tho wire,
while tho Joker sat with tho receiver
In hlB nerveless fingers and great
j beads of cold perspiration gathering
on his unhappy brow.
giving five dollars for animals was
around. On being answered in tho af
llrmntive, ho said:
" 'Did you nil had a guyraffo In yore
'"We had a giraffe.' I replied, 'but
ho escaped.'
'"Wall, I done cotch 'lm,' said tho
darky. 'Does I get them nlr five dol
lars?' "'You certainly do, If you can de
liver tho goods.'
"'You all Jos' stay yore, 'till I go
ovor yander to my place, whar I'so got
dat atr guyraffo tied up, and I'll fotch
'em yore and get them five dollars.'
"Quite a crowd had gathered by the
tlmo tho negro was on his return
Journey. Ileforo wo could see him
rounding tho turn In tho road we
could hear his volco saying: '(5'long.
dnr. you guyraffo! I'so got live big
bones comln' on you! (Viang, you
"When ho camo in sight with one
end of a rope In his hand and tho nnl
mnl l which he was alternately Jerking
and kicking) tied to the other end, you
can Imagine our a tonlshuient when
wo discovered In the negro's 'guy.
rafl'e '
'The ferocious royal Nubian linn."
wns duo to a kick In the mouth de
livered by a fat hog.
"Ah, gwan! Is tho other fellow In
tho hospital?" somo unfeeling ones
are said to havo Inquired.
More than tho kick of a hog Is re
quired to mnko Farmer Conklln stop
working. A few days later ho was
in his "barn hitching up his old sorrel.
Tho horse had been a family pot for
years more years, 'tis Bald, than
Conklln would llko a prospective buy
er to reckon tin liv the imlnmt'a n,.n.
Hut it disregarded all considerations
of gratitude and regard, and reaching
around as ho was adjusting tho head
stall, chowed off a portion of Conkllu's
Now, Mrs. Conklln has somo pride
In her husband's appearance Sho had
not boon plensed over the pig oplpodo,
and when she saw the earmarks of the
horso upon her husband, sho naked for
an explanation.
"(5oe, whiz! How should I know?
D'y' s'poso I asked tho horso?" said
tho suffering husband.
And now ho Is required to make now
explanation to his friends and to swal
low more smiles of incredulity.
Sunday School Ltuoa for Feb. 13, 1910
Specially Arranzod for This Paper
LM8HON TDXT - Matthew fi 13 31 Mem
ory V;W. LM.
dOLDKN TK.ST. "Seek ye llrsl the
IdriKdmn af Ooil, unit tils rluhtooiiMni'SH.
ami nil tliliiRt" hIiiiII lie milled unto you."
Mntt. fi 3.1.
TIMK, place und clrr-uniHtunccs the same
b.h In our lust Ipbhom
Suggestion and Practical Thought.
Question How can wo live In this
world without giving our tlmo nnd
strength to gaining the things of the
Answer-dod wants ns to have the
best things of both vorlds, but we
cannot havo tho best of this world
without seeking first tho kingdom of
Ood and Its righteousness.
Two (Ireat Treasure-Ideals Placed
Before Cs. 1. Earthly Treasures, v.
19. "Lay not up," use for needs, but
not hoard up merely for the sake of
holding possession. "For yourselves,"
selfishly, without thought oi what good
can be done with this surplif. One
test, of anjone Is what he does with
his trnio and earnluus beyond what is
necessary for bis own living and work.
"Treasures upon earth." are the ma
teilal things, connected with our phys
ical needs ami desires, such as money,
houses, clothing, food, pleasures.
"Where moth and rust doth corrupt."
The orientals had no savings banks, no
bonds, in which to Invest their wealth:
hence costly garments were a favorite
way of hoarding wealth Hut these
had one deadly euem. the moth
Rust, the consumer, eon odor, refer
ring not only to treasures hidden in
the ground, but to houses, books, furni
ture, etc. "Where ihleves break
through" Lit., "dig through" the
mud walls of a house. The Greek
name for a burglar is a ' wall-digger."
2. Heavenly Treasures, v. liO. "Put
lay up for yourselves treasures In
Heaven." (lod wants us lo be rich,
but with riches toward Cod, Heavenly
treasures. This tefers Indeed to the
blessedness of Heaven, all Its rewards,
its glories, its joys; but chlelly to the
kind of treasures which make Heaven
what It Is, Heaven begun here on
earth through tho heavenly life, treas
ures of character, of enlarged being, of
good deeds, of blessed work done, of
souls made better, of faith, love,
peace, godliness, brotherly kindness,
lionesty, meekness, and all the fruits
of the spirit. These Heavenly riches
we may ucqulre and enjoy here
Second. The Power of Heavenly
Treasures Over Life. v. 21. "For
where your treasure Is." That which
you most prize and love and seek for.
that Into which you put you life.
'There will your heart be also."
Third. A Clear Vision of These
Treasures Essential. Vs. 21!, 21!. "The
light," of tho body, oiir earthly taber
nacle, "Is the eye," as a lamp Is the
light of a house. "If therefore thine
eye bo single," etc., beolng things just
as they nro, with no double vision.
23. "Thy whole body shall be full
of darkness," groping in Ignorance, un
certain as to truth and duty.
24. "No man can serve two mas
ters," standing for opposite principles,
belonging to hostile kingdoms, demand
ing characters, feelings, lives and
fruits that are In essential contradic
tion of one another, as light and dark
ness, god and evil. "Either he will
hnte the one, nnd love the other." If
one loves goodness ho must bate evil;
If he loves evil, he will hate the good
ness, which Interferes with it. "Ye
cannot serve Ood and Mammon."
Hut the question arises: How can
wo live in this evil world without giv
ing time and strength to tho gaining of
worldly things, such as money, posses
sions, houses, clothing, food, and the
comforts of civilization?
Tho answer Is: Cod wants us to havo
the very best of both the heavenly and
earthly, but we cannot havo the best
of even this world without making (led
and his righteousness first and chief
Therefore, do right, seek first the
kingdom or Ood, and do not bo anxious
lest your Heavenly Father rail to
keep his promises.
Illustration. The physician author
oi Why Worry? has a chapter on
"The Doubting Folly," In which he
shows tho evil or continually doubting
whether we have done the right thing
We havo all heard or the centipede
with Its hundred feet "who could no
longer proceed upon his Journey, when
It occurred to him to question which
foot ho should next advance" It Is
tho worry of continually making nw
decisions in minor things that ox
hausts tho mind. One groat underly
ing choice (settled once for all carry
ing with It the whole being) to do right
under all circumstances "tho single
eye" both eyes seeing a single pur
pose will solve most doubts nud
Civic Virtue;.
The happiness of tho republic de
pends on the virtue of Its citizens. Po
litical health Is as important as physi
cal health. Religion Ih tho guiding
stnr of nations as well as Individuals.
If nlono can safeguard liberty. --Hlshop
Comity, Worcester, Mass.
Unveil a Goobel Monument.
Frankfoit, Ky. The tenth anniver
sary of the death of William (locliol.
who was tho central llguro In one of
the most stirring chapters in tho latter
da.i of Kentucky's history, was ob
served Thursday by the unveiling of
a m.trblo and bronze monument above
the grave In tho state cemetery hero.
The body of his brother Arthur tloebol,
who dovotod his llfo after tho assas
sination to an effort to convict tho
men he bellovcd guilty of tho mur
der and died after his work had como
to nnught, was laid to rest beside that
of his brother.
After Spending Thousands of Dollars
and Consulting tho Most Eminent
Physicians, Ho Was Dcsperato.
Becker, of 134 Van Durcn St., a
well-known wholcsalo dry goods
dealer, states as follows:
"I havo had catarrh for moro
than thirty years. Havo tried
everything on earth and spent
thousands of dollars for other
medicines and with physicians,
without getting any tasting re
lief, and can say to you tliat I
have found Peruna tho only rem
edy that has cured mc per
manently. "Poruna ha3 also cured my
wife of catarrh. Sho always keeps
it in tho houso for nn attack of
cold, which it invariably cures in
a very abort timo."
"It Is a wonder that a hot-headed
man Is generally thought to bo one of
"Why a wonder?''
"lice nunc metal Is usually well tempered."
Many a girl never suspects a young,
man's Intentions until he asks her it
s-he can cool:.
rii.r.s -nti:i in ct to 1 1
,'rAf';(Vi!1?',m,l.::!; ''ln'innti-o.,l t 'ir.. tiny nun
CjtoHdajBuriuoiH'y refunded, Uh.
IiOt none ot you treat his brother In
a way he himself would dislike to be
treated. Mohammedan.
and nniH'lpsMir" from rnlil. rliriim himii or u tirul
ul.ii wln'ii Jim nllp. hi ii. In or litulm miii-i'lf iim
I'crrv cir' 1'ainKillrr. Tin- lioimi ri-iiinljr TU J
Some local celebrities are famous
and somo nro notorious.
AYegeJable Preparation Tor As
similating iheFoodandRegula
ling rhe S lomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion,Checrful
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium. Morphine nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
Propt cfOM DrSAHVSimCfSt
Jhmptim Slid '
.initt StiJ
horm SttJ
HiriitryrTtH rmtor '
A nerfeel Remedy forConstipa
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
Tire Centauh Company.
Guaranteed under the Foodanfl)
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
1 wl z)JZi-r VsVJ.??!?1
II -
M II 7 if
II AktiK c U r f
H ntl r" ' "ik 1 KiEHr
B- StA l &t Vr
than wall paper
nor dlsoaso gonna
F o:i llUktlll VI
Rrnniicir Alabastino Is far bettor than any
U"'UU3L kind of Kabomlno-kalsoralno ru
ms mm
off nnd Hakes off. Alabastino does not.
Because Alabastino
M"ow easy to put
The SanitaiyWall Coating
la a powder mndo from puro nativo alabaster. It comes In nil sorts of rich noft.
velvoty hlinclM that cnablo you, nt small cost, to decorato your walls in tho eamo
Btylo 113 tho handsomu city homes.
Alntimtino adheres to the wall of ltnwncimpntnr minllitna i. -i n. ..
or pasto ns with kalsomlno or wall paper. Anyonocnn decorato with Alalmitlne-yuu
Just mix it with cold water and npply with a Hat wall brush. Simple directions printed
rf on every inckniri. In rnlmirntint', just put a now coat over tho old. Tiiat MivinTa
ioi oi worK, iroumo unu money.
Alabnstlno Co.,
,. 782 tirondvlllo Ave..
Grand Hupids, Mich. J
At no coit tn me, ph-nw wnd your I
AiauaMino hook anu icui moauouiyour I
I'rcooirera. . i
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Nebraska Directory
A letter from
Kansas says to
Uncle Sam
Breakfast Food Co.
"While in Omaha my land
lady fed me your food, which
relieved mo of CHRONIC
years standing. Ship me at
once 6 packages." (Signed)
Arthur Hubbard,
Emporia, Kansas.
It will do as much for anyone
A"K YOt It MK'AI. Oil
Mill iirdcr (,'ivrii (.iH-piiit nUi-iiliiin. All Klndi
aumti'iirhiipiilli Mvlrii'H) f r ,li. Send toMuinluiiuo.
Lincoln, Neb.
PnyH the lillicht price for
for riti'ol 11ml Wixxl l'mnii-s. 12.1 aJid,
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IIHklUI IIKOS., Ilts HuUk, !.
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Vo will end Tree, a complete color plan for tho
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Wo will Bend you ntonce, l'rro, a book about
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"i' nianu your iiomo cnecrlul, clean and
To tfet all this, send tho coupon cr a
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