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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
r - K fti V i- v A y 9 -.-J-3i-J -- tUOUiy J icwauiTTies I . FiiinU h-vln p -tit Son 'ay in lllver ton. Hiiicv your M)biTpMon for (he Chief. Father lMr.mrnld miI to HtipeHt.r Tuo tiny. Geo. Littdsey wei tn K iiisntt 1'ity Weil tie (lay. Mr. Fred WiiivMT in ctifli sicli nf tlii wriiliif'. Miss (.tut li mli MiHigntl or MvCnol; Is In t tii olty. Vic riiltoa I moving into his house West of town V. M. Crutiill wont ' Omnlm l'lies day uiiirnhiK II. C. lliehtnotid of Omiiliu was in town l'ursiluy. rhnost WeNch wynt to Oilpp'o Crock Monday. Mrs. I. Hummel went to luavalo Saturday morning. Dr. IJamerell inovod into hU now residence this week. Sheriff liodfjc niado :t business trip to Superior Saturday. Mrs Cristio l'uttnoie was up from Guide Kock Saturday. Hrlng in your fur.s while markot is high.- J. 0. Cai.dwkli.. Soo Dr. Ettoukman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Geo. Morhart went to Guide Rock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wm. Ilceves went to Guide Rock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Dr. Stoekman entertained the flvo-bundred Friday evening. The W C. T. l will meet with Mrs. McKeighun Wednesday Feb. Oth. Kd Walters came down from Oxford Tuesday morning to visit his parents. Mrs. Clarenee Stewart arrived home from Ft. Worth, Texas Friday morn ing. Foil S.VI.B Khodis Island Rod Cock rolls. Inquire of Mus. (MI. Hot. rid No. :j. Frank Huerstetta oi Teeiimseli a brother of Mrs. licit Morhart is in the city. I have the White Kose Comb Log horn Koostors for sale. Mus. Am nun Wilson. Foil S.u.i: Tlnvo show eases. In quire at Ncwhoiisc'.s for further par tieiilars. Mrs. Geo. Coon of lireely. Colo., stopped over Monday on her way to York, Neb. Mr. and Mis. IX Cook of lineolii visited at the home of ltoyd Smith's over Sunday. A. II. Spraelier of Cowlos was in the city Monday ami made thN ollico a pleasant call. (loo. AlcOallund wife of Guide Hook visited over Sunday with .1 times Fetor son and family. Jay unil Uoy Studebakor went to Hastings Saturday to visit their sister Mrs. Geo. Volland. Jim Moranville has installed a rural phono and those needing veterinary service call on him. Tnko your spectacle uaso to New houso Bros. They will putyour initials on it, free of charge Mr. mid Mrs. Jim Dewitt were visit ing relatives near Guide Rock Tues day and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoitler who live near CowleB aro happy parents of a baby girl born Tuesday. Got your heating and cook stove in to shapo for w inter. Order your stove repairs from Morhart Bros. now. Sheridan and Henry IMmres came down from Lincoln Wednesday to attend the Caldwell-Phares wedding. Mr. and Mrs Roy Jones aro down from Clay Center visiting her parents, Full Mi.v Twi tvpow rtters good UH no, tun- -inith I'lcmlor ami one Ucni ington. Impure at this i llloo. Mr mi I Mi'. Ita StncK-1 are the promt ,ir. tn it a nine and a half pound li;il, bo, limn this uim'trug. Thursday. Mm tail Hro. Iciu1 their Inn colli Mnvrsnii i ln r tin il". Colli'' .11 ' I see the liticsi line of the hot '.uVi's ,utt over lonki'd it. 1!. c. I! uuni tins taken pon-msluii of the Day Weiy s ufc e mill will run il llistela-s fi oil bain liie.uiiioi'ilon witli Ills oilier business. , !- Ma Itoi m of (Suiilc Hook a niece of .1 II. 11 tblti-on was intii'iled to Mr. I). W. Koilerli'lt of I ubbi I, Monday by lie. Stililer. The llillmiiu Stock Co., which closed si !t night engagement here Saturday night gave It goml shows and had ood specialties between nets. Moihail Itros. ctirty u complete line of Kloctrb! lamps, Carbon, Tungsten and Tantalum also hi-low lamps l(!-l (Jet your lamps of them. Mrs. Orphia Thortou who 'ins been visiting her gtandilaugbter, Mrs. Al MeCarter departed for her home in I'ma, Colo. Monday evening. Subject at the Brethren church next Sunday morning, "Live in the Sun .bine." In the evening "The l'rodi cal's Father. Kvery body come. Rex. J. R Jarboe will Preach at schoolliouso No It, six miles north west of lied Cloud next Sunday at !l P.M. All are invited to attend. Fred Wittwer returned from Monte- cello, Indiana Tluusday evening lie was called there by the death of his brother-in-law, Stroup llothrock. Carl Simpson sou of N. It. Simpson returned to bis home in Chadron, Neb. where he holds a position as passenger brakemau on the North Western R. U. llorsi: and Lois ron Sai.k. A nice (J room house and l1., lots located close in. I Ills is a nice place. In quire at the Chief ollico for further particuluis. Do you want, a farm loan. Remem ber K. U Overman loans in Webster and Franklin county Nebraska and Smith and Jewell Co.. Kansas Low est terms going. Uev. J.M. B.its will ho'.d, regular service at the Grace church the next two Sundays, til-o n xt Wednesday night which is Ash Wednesday the lirst dav of Lent. Dr. Warrick, the specialist lato of New Voi k Kye and Far Hospital will meotoye, ear, no-o ami thtoat patients til ir. Dameieir.s ollice in lied Cloud, Tuesday, Feb. Htb. Glasses fitted. Milt Michaels who lives on the Lester ICoontz farm near iimwilc had the misfortune to have his house de stroyed by tire Wednesday morning. The tire was caused by a defective tluo and only part of the family's clothes wore saved. The Missouri Pacific Kail ltoad Co. tiled a mortgage this week at lite county clerk's ollico in favor of The Guarantee I rust Company of New York for t(J 1,1 81, OOO.oO covering right of way and rolling stock It cost $00 to put this mortgage on record. The Congregational church choir will render one of their Sacred Con certs at the church Sunday evening Feb. !. This concert willjconsist of so looted solos, duets, quavtets and chorus singing. Rev. Cressmiin will deliver a short address on "The Influence of Music." Weather Summary for 1010 Temper ature, Maximum -1!) on '23rd., Maximum lit below on flth , Greatest rnngo .'18 on .list., Precipitation Total 0.28 on 1th., Number of days with .01 or more .'t, Clear It part cloudy 4 cloudy 11, Snow fall ." in . Pervailing wind n w. l. days. Clms. S. Ludlow. The services at the Christian church I next Lord's day Feb. il will bo very attractive and helpful. The minister will preach at 11 A. M. on "Tho Great Awake iiiuir: or Shall tho World bo Mr. and Mrs. John Gnffeth this weeK. i'vluljrk.lized in this generation?" At Mr and Mrs. Low Vancoand family ,7:10 1'. M. the young people will give wore'down from Hastings Wednesday a special '. K.M program of songs the Caldwell-I'liares weil ami speenu minium.-, m n.uniu .,., reading. All are welcome. The tlrst public spelling contest be tween grades ,'t, I and f will be held at the High school Assembly room Pii lay i veiling, Feb it. ls-o contest in mental arithmetic and i lipid cal culation. This (oiliest is hold for the purpose of stiinubitini: griator Inter est in -polling and arithmetic, also to give patents ami patrons an oppoitun ll t si e what children In these i.'failes are captible of doing Parents are especially Invited to attend ibis coin. si. A pair of shop lifters were plying their trade lore TiicmIii.v. 'I hey suc ceeded in seeming Unco valuable bolts of silk Trout the New York toie a bout iioiiti. Snoii alter the loss was discovered. Something about the maimer of those men courted suspic ion and an ncerrate disci Iption of them was given to Marshall Goer. The ibl-vcs wore overhauled at the depot .d two of the bolts seem od. A ft i it. al befottt Police Judge Kccd a i fined SIC.OO and the other t ao tW. (Mu piece. The last number or the Lecture Course for this season wllljbe given by the Wilbur Starr Concert Company Wednesday Feb. 10 at 8:1.") P. M. in the Opera House. This is one of the best If not the host entertainment of thecourse. If yon wish a sent it stands you in bund to secure it early as every body wants to hear Mr. Starr one of the best baritone Miigcrs on the stage. Mrs. Starr is an accomplished Cclloist and Miss Livingston comes highly re commended as a violinist. They are a strong company and will give a luost delightful entertainment You can not nlTord to miss it. If you do you will lie sorry. Tickets on sale at Cook's Drug Store Feb. Oth. I have a quarter section 8 miles south east of Red Cloud There is a good new house, 0 rooms, barn to hold 10 head of stock, hog house, two chick en houses, wood house, tool shed nnd other buildings. Thero is 70 acres broke, 'M) of which is in alfalfa, 1.1 acres fenced hog tigltt, .1 or good springs of water, good cistern, no well, do not need any, buildings aro all painted. This place is in Garfield township, I mile south of the Duiikard church. The Methodist chut eh is 1 miles from it and it is only '., mile to school Pi ice ftiSOO. Can give good terms to the right man. For further particulars call on A. II. ('ufi:STi:n. Foil I!i:t: ls() acre farm: Webster Co., Nebraska, L" miles south oflnaviile, Nebr. 1110 acres under cultivation, .'120 under fence for pasture or bay land as desired. Write or call on Dr. C. W. W.u.dun, Beatrice. Nebr.. John I). Fri.ToN. Riverton, Nebr., or BNK or Inavai.c Inavalo, Nebr. Caldwell Piiiirrs The maiiiago ceteinoii.s uniting Miss Kurlllu laldwill and Mr. ('has. F. , Pharos was solemnicd last night tit the home of the bible's parents, at1 8;t."i the Uev. . A ( rcssmtili of the Cougiegatioiuil church otlleiatiug ' Mr. llurij Gilliam ol thWolij acted as best uiiii aiiif .Miss Irtua Viuico of1 Muslim:-- was lii-iii's ui ul. Only the itiiuieill. no rcltilU s of the conti'tii-tnit; parties oi e piosotit.l They weie the recipients of many Use- ' fttl and hatiilsnitic presents. The joiiiig duple have grown to matuilly in this ciimuumity ami are I highly I'Mi-ciucil by ti.t I ho young lady is the oldest daughter of our e mayor I O Caldwell and has beeo ( prominent in church and social circles, she i-. iici'iuiiplWhcd poison of worth ami tihi it ami will preside over i lit new household ci editably and ellloieiit ly. Tin-gloom Is a graduate of our! city high school completing the pre scribed ionise with honor He aftet wards puisued a course in the state, agriciilliiial sobool topeifect himself in his chosen loeatiou of farming. i The young couple will spend their! honeymoon on their larm north of this city wlieie the groom has lately erected a comfortable homo for his1 charming bride. Both are members of the Coiigie- i gatlonal church and arc active in pro moting enterprises that arc for the bottermciit of this community. I The Chief together with a long list of friends odors heartiest congratulations. ".vvvWNV,'' CJSprin the House Cleaning Time will soon be here, you will find us prepared with all the New Snappy Styles in our line. Lace Curtains, Rugs all Complete. fljJLady Assistant our own Personal Services in our undertaking Depart ment. License Nebraska & Kansas. j ALL THE PHONES Ed. AmaGk, Prop. LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. :-:-:xx-X":-x-:'X-x.: V "..V ! 'V '!( "":'v i ! I 1 WANTED iii in 0) vjy h Villi production u monies and re- lfa attending ding. 1 11AVFA (inarfer section ' inilos from Bed Cloud which 1 have just for sale this week. There is 1.10 acres un der cultivation, pint of it is now in crop. This place will sell on first sight to a man that is able to mako his first payment. Can get possession by the First of March if desired. If sold soon this place can be bought at a bargain. For further information call ou A. II C.vurr.N nut. Mrs, J. V. Rubal. Mrs. J. V. Roubal was boru July 10, 187IJ and passed away at her home in this city Tuesday, February 1, 1010 being 1 11(5 yoarsO months, 15 days old at the time of death. Death claimed his own and tiio skill of physicians was exerted in vain. All that was possible for mortal to do was done for her but to no avail. The funeral was conducted today at 10::i0 at the Catholic church, Father Fitzgerald otilciating. The remains wore laid at rest iu the city cemetery. In the death of Mrs. Roubal tho community is called upon to mourn mo ro than usual owing to tho fact that the deceased was the mother of several minor children. The sympathies of the entiro community go out to the striken family in this hour of great bereavement. May her soul rest in peace. Get your orders in for that car of $(!.00 furnace coal. J. O. f'Ai.mvr.i.i.. Used the World over No other article of human food lias ever received such em phatic commendation for purity, usefulness and wholc someness irom the most eminent authorities wmWtimw ii hi ' I Ei ii n ' . - yBSf M l"f'1''" sJo iBjBB'i ft m.-. i '.mmm srBK tmmm V ,:. ' KMH$ ulriiZIRfi. w Roval ha wmmm wj.cnt. wmz?r I wwess?sr21S Bakino powder is always received the highest award when (exhibited or tested in compeuuon iMaESKssssSgasSB Am I Rlftht? Our country liko all countries has its two clashes; producers and consum ers. Our great natural resources and exhillra'itig atmosphere and invontivo genius have all combined to make us great as a people in tho field of utility products. We havo become a nation of producers and wealth gainers in tho past; insomuch that a great Immigra tion from many countries of a leach- like and lazy non-producing class has comotousto live easily and fatten their purses from our plethora of pro ducts. And again our prosperity has been so gieat that the sciences, arts, letters and leisure lias claimed a largo pot lion of our native citizenship at least it has eotno to this; Our im mense sit ides in woaltl has gained, not only source-, untold, but a vast portion of our population who sue noil-producer- which at present gives us a greater per cent us consumers only, than we have ever had before. That product ion and consumption, or supply and demand, ever have ami over-will govern and icgtilate prices of utilities and costs of living, is held us nviomatic Vet we must not forget thai toe money condition of a country uill occasion many an eddy in market, and expense accounts. Gieat production with a growing home and world niatkot or demand, as wo havo had in past years, ami increased wealth pouring iu from new Holds of the precious metals, have all caused us to forsake the hard ser vice of the producer in field and fact ory i ml to join the great host, who as consumers only, 'eok the lino of least resistance in the affairs of life. Now the present high pricos prevail ing in the food-supply lines aro not to ue wouoeioii in. n is iiol so iiiuuii the high cost of living that bothors us even at tho present time, but rather, it is the cost of high living. Wo nro so intermingled, tho wealthy nnd the poorer classes, that ostentation one of tho most prevalent contagious known to society is readily propagat ed. If wealthy Mr. A eats sirloin and porter house, his poorer neighbor, to whom it tustcs just as good, but whose purse can ill afiord it, says, "I too must have the choice cuts of beef on my table," and us long ns the rich man's demand holds out, just so long will the butcher continue to get high prices from both ricli and poor alike if they both continue buying of bint. Now if the poorer mail, or our poorer classes, stop buying and boycott the butcher, and the rich still have the price to feed their cultured tastes, there will bo no permanent change iu prices, unless it be to push them up still higher The present limited boy- j cott on the butchor will not tend to reduce pricos permanently. Only over ! production or high money can do that; for this roason, we as a people are over prone to live up to the limit of our income and tho laboring class especially so. Hence the present boy cott on beef will only tend to force a ' few small dealers to close shop-u few cents reduction may be quoted In a few place-. -a few 'ready to market' beeves may bo rushed in at once and some feeders stop thoir supply and a ' few cease breeding for beef; but tho ' re-action will soon set in pasture will tido tho present stoekeis over- tho wealth of tho plutocrat will not be lessoned obviously the meat-hungry laborer will return with raven to his; moat feast, and butcher, packer and ' farmer will get higher prices than evor beforo. The Attention of all The Public. If you are looking for the best dollar's worth If you want to be in the front rank with the prosperous If you are looking for distinction in the rank See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. Red Cloud, Nebraska. : A Ket,'" ''"??" "-""''' SAY MISTER ! ! ! Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at a BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. 2i2i-aS-i-2i-2-Zii2S-5--:Ziimi-i-iii33i-32-:im-i3i "S " " ? .'. ,-., . s- .. ..i..s V-'V.. X,rp :-? .-5 'Si ri C5 - . 5 r; rs "3 5 r rs ? 5 ? P5 -Si r.f :. n ( t ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E very tiling IN ((tables 1 carry a complete line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. fx Cleanliness lu a Urocery store more than in any tiling else, buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. (f Voir cannot buy (Jroceries in a dirty, Ill-kept placo and be sure o Hf pure goods Cleauliness'and sanitation are our hobbies. : : : : m &&&&&& && sC &C &&&&&; sl'j' c5'.5". f''T c asteaarciaifaTft IF YOU WANT a monument for Decoration day place your order NO W! ill There will be a mectiiiof the stock holders of the Indian Creek Telephone Co. iu tho Indian Creek sohoolhouso, Friday afternoon, Feb. ttli, at 2 o'clock to elect olllcers and transact business ' of importance. M. S. Martin', Trcs, tt A T vt w "M1TWTWW T Tf 1 rLHtL ii vviin uo ana it will receive the most careful attention. Material first class, workmanship un excelled. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, t Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. sjerastfwMmyraw FARMERS INSTITUTE! At Red Cloud, February 10 and 11 I "J I 8 I !' 1 n I, I il Hi il ill il) il il ito 0 v itv ft 0 i 0 ft itt iiv & to r" wjm&v&ttvi '"' naiufMfi.r"-- mXAjaxrtr-ra'-' "&Z8LXKSk 'jAmmmrmirnmmsmy1 ' ' fa --T3T