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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
0 TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. mm. S3r WiM jfMiwewSwi , ;t',s' ' t A BJ no6Sn W' OLffii M VERY LIKELY. N'olly- They ay lie has turned over a now loaf. Nod Hp'ss so economical I'm afraid lio'll use the Brum: one over again. DOCTOR'S BEST '"FORMULA For Remarkably Quick Action on Coldn and Coughs. This prescription will frequently euro tlio worst cold In a day's tlmo and It In a Miro euro for any cough that can bo cured. "Two ounces Glycerine; half ounce Gonccntratec l'ine; Put those into half a pint of good whiskey and ufo in doses of tonspoonful to a table r.poontul every four hours. Shake bot (lo well each time." Any druggist has those Ingredients in steel: or will iiulck ly got them from his wholesale house. The Concontrated Pino la a special pino product and comes only In half ouuco vials each ('."closed l:i an air tight case; Hut bo sure it is labeled "Concentrated." This formula u;rud hundreds here last winter. Fog-Eye's Plaintive Protest. I'V'K-Kyo Smith of northwest Wy oming bore an appalling taeade. His Myle of beauty was a blight. Depend ing upon his lioirlllo exterior, he was in the habit of trying to nwo newcom ers. On one oi-eiuion, affecting some dlf-iiloubtire at tho inaiinor in which a pallid btrangcr watered his liquor, Mr. Smith announced, frowning, that un less he detected Immediate amend ment he would Mild the neophyte home in a nmrkci liaskt t. "Which I'll sure (ear you up a whole lot," said l-'og f-.'je. Half an hour later Mr. Smith was toiiud groping about on the floor iim'er the poker table, hunting for his gliisn eye, and muttering to himself. The stranger asked with some evi dence of Impatience what new lino of M'lttlmcnts .Mr. Smith was now har boring. Tint inj.ired resident, glaring malevolently Irom beneath tho turn! tuie, replied: "Which I sure do hate u man with no sense of humor." We Face Was Turning Yellow Soincuim told him that tmlluwiiLbs viw lauscil liy an In.ii'tlvii liver. lit bivin IliMuB NATIUtirH UU.MWDY. IiIh tiutiirill oulor nturncil, his lirnm i U'.iri'il. Ulu liver wiih nwaln m-tlvi-. .Mi tulilt is never full to collect the liver, they remove the hlle, aid (llKChtUin uml tone the kvhu-ih. Itetter tlcin 1'iIIh for IJvir Ills. 'I'uhe im tonU'ht f .-1 you'll fel hetter In tee llioilllll,.'. t Jet i'lf Hon. All DniKKNtn. The A. II. Luwl. .li-ilirlm- Co., 1-M. Limits, Mo. Luck. Does you believe it's lucky to neo de new moon over you right shoul der?" "Sho I dees." hmiIUmI Mr. Krastus IMnkiK.v. "Hese here stormy days youV lucky lo nc any Kind of a moon anyway." Washington Star. Children Who Arc Sickly. Mothers hhimlil never tw witliout lx ol llnllier !ruj s riwi'Pt I'nmlrrH for Clillitren. Tlii-y lirviik iiproliln In "1 lioiir,eure Kevt-rUh-ite-s i!oriitljitlon, lli'inliii'lif, Teetlilnjf l)Is oi'ili'rs iiinl Monuu'h TriHililos. Over 10,. CO (.tliiioi.htN. At .ill DruulhtH. 2So. Ahk io tint. b inpln innllt-il 1'KICK, AJilrctn, Alien H. oliiiNteil, !. ltoy, N. V. Iltalth may bo wealth, but that isn't what makes the doctors rich. iliJ:3UiS PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM Ctauiw ul lwtulinet Uu hair. Prolixity luouimit (truvrtn. Hnvor Vails to lltitoro Orry lUIr to ttu Youthful Color. Cum P ditnw u hair filling. fflcandali'iat Druiotlt v '",i 'tfttv? ll II 111 irW -Vii. . SKETCH OF PIBOT Who and What the Deposed For ester Is. Official Recently Ousted by the Presi dent Man of Wealth Who Did the Work Dccause He Liked It. Washington. (illTord I'lnehot, re cently ouf-tcd as forester of the United Statis by President Tall. Is a wtalthy man- Just how wealthy It has not hi eti Mated who tool: the olllce of forestet nine years ago. not because ho sought power or needed the mon ey, but because forestry was bis spe cial hobby and no one 'so In partUu lar wanted the job. The forestry di vision of the department of au'ilcul turn (hen consisted of Pinehot and It assistants and the annual nppropiia tlon of congress was $2S.."0fl. Hating nothing elre to do. Pinehot attended to burliness. Ills little trroup of assistants was extended ai fast as lie could get the admiulstttitiou lo comply will) his wlshc s, and ho hi to offer practical ashlstanco to forest owners Interested In the ronrcrvatlon of the nation's woodb. He aided the heads of the scattered forest schools, aroused the lagging Intel ct of gov ernment olllciuls and by his couta gioiu enthusiasm organized his de partment into a harmonious and elTec the body of public lervants. The "di vision of toiestrv" became the "bu reau of foiestiy" and was succeeded in IflO." by the forest strvlce, under contiol of the interior department. Willi the fnniTitle'i of the fnrett i' Ml Mn Gifford Pinehot. service, wlnth meant added power for Pinehot, tite chief started the militant Held woik that Dually got him into dilllcuUies with Ills superiors. Ho worked with but one. object in view the placing of lorests in America on the same high piano they have readied, after years of painstaking care, in Germany. Ke'jults were what he wanted and he didn't care how he got them. He was backed by Presi dent IJotisevelt In his eff.rts to put the forests of tho nation under rigid governmental control and lie became n member of that strenuous execu tive's "tennis cabinet." At the end of I ho Roosevelt administration Pinehot was nt the head of an nrmy of 1.400 mott commanding a yearly appropria tion of $:'.,1 00.000, and while nominally 'n a subordinate position lie exerted more influence in his own speeinl Held than did the secretary of tho interior himself. Pinehot had been a lover of the trees from childhood and in ISSt), after hit; graduation from Yale, had gone to Europe to acquire the bent possible in formation in regard to forests) and their preservation. Ho attended the lCcole Rationale Forest lerc at Nancy, c'ranco, and then took up field work in tho French Alps. After further study in Switzerland, Germany and Austria ho returned to the United States and spent a year In travel In the western states and Canada. In Dccembor, 1S91, he opened nn ofilce In New York as consulting forester and tho next month took charge of tho .Vandorhilt forestry experiment at niltmoro, N. (- tho first systematic forest work done in this country. He was a member of tho commis sion appointed by the National Acad emy of Science In lS'Jti, at the request of tho Boerrtury of tho Interior, to for mulate n tational forest policy for American public lands, as a result or .whofo report 11 western reserves, to taling 21,000,000 acres, were created. Mr. Hitllingor, when he became sec retary of the interior, gave Mr. Pin ehot to understand that he (I)allln gor) was boss. They differed materi ally over methods of procedure In western forest mid Alnska coal land cuses, with the results that Anally culminated In Mr. Plncliot's opon de llancu of President Taft's orders In writing a letter to Senator Dollivor to ho read in tho senate and hla dismis sal from the government service after a conference of cabinet ministers had docided that he was an Incorrigible enthusiast. Mr. Pinehot is 43 years old. Ho Is tho author of several books on fore stry and has received several hono rary degrees from American educa tional institutions, among thorn that of Sc. D. from Michigan Agricultural collego, in P.107, upon the occasion of his vlalt, with President RooEovolt, to that school when It observed the liftl eth anniversary of its existence. It was due to tho efforts of Gifford Pla cket nnd the generosity of his family that tho Yale uehool of forestry was foundod. UNCOOKED MEAT VERY DANGEROUS FEARFUL SUFFERING CAUSED DY EGGS OF PARASITE WHICH IT MAY CONTAIN STATE- MENT DY A PRIEST. Omaha. Neb.. Feb. 2.-Probably tho most unusual leatuie of the excite ment that huu been created by i. T. Cooper's islt to thlH city Is the re moval of parasites or tape worms by ills preparations. During the early part of Coopt r's staj In Omalvi individuals who were taking 'New Discovery," as It is called, hiought either lo h'nisolf or to physl slans throughout the city Immense parasites that had left the svsicm after using the lmdlelno. .Many of then people wue fright ened, nnd cases of this sort heenmo so numerous Mint Cooper finally made tlie following statement for publica tion: lie said: "In every city I visit these things are brought to me within a lew days after my medicine is sold in the city. They nro what is Known as Hie tape-worm, and grow to an enoimous size. "Few, indeed, realize how prevalent then creatures are. I think 1 have been the llrst to demonstrate what a large factor they are in the poor health of this generation. 1 believe that fully on-half of the chronic slomnch trouble now so universal is caused by these parasites. "Individuals may have them for years and not be aware of the reason for their continued ill-health, but at tribute it to many different diseases, when in reality one of those creatures is robbing them of their vitality. "These parasites are taken Into tho syMeni in uncooked food or raw meal, In the form of an ej,g. vhlch halchos almost Immcdtitelv. People buffering from ihem experience a feeling of lassitude and are extiemely nervous. The action of Cooper's 'New Ulscov erj' seems to bo Inlal to these great worms, nnd in most cases a few doses of the medicine driven the creatures, from tiie system. I will have hundredn of tliein brought to me before I leave the city." This grewsomo prophecy has been amply verified, for not only hundreds but thousands of Omaha people have been relieved of some of these fearful parasites since taking Cooper's prep aration, nnd the rntlrc city luu been nroused by the fact. Some ol these parasites are of such enormous size as to startle the im agination. Tho statement of Father .John Unptiat Arnolls. one of the best known and best beloved pileitH in this section of the country voriflen this. His statement, among others given to a reporter, was as follows: "For years I suffered from what I thought was n general run-down con dition of tho system caused by atom ach trouble. I felt extremely tired all the time, nnd It was a great effort to attend to my duties. I would wake up in tho morning feeling as worn out as when I went to bod. If I stood for any length of time I would have pain In ihe lower part of my back, and would have to sit down. "I wat very nervous and depresFed In spirits, nnd was troubled withdixy spells. I would soo spots before my eyes when I stooped over and raised up quickly. I liad n very Irregular ap petite, and would hae palpitation of the heart after aoceuding tho stairb. "The talk about Cooper's prepara tions was so universal that I decided to try some, although I do not take patent medicines as u rule. I took four doses of the 'New Discovers' aa it is called, and a tape-worm about sixty feet in length left my system. "1 am very tltankfu' frr thin grei.t relief, and now I know what has been the cause of all my suffering." The story of Father Amelia is a fair sample of the experience of an astonishing number of Omaha people, nnd Cooper's preparation!! are selling here in immenso quantities. It Is now estimated that ho lias Eold one hun dred thousand bottles to date in this city nlone, nnd the sale Is still In creasing. Certainly Not Present. It was in ono of tho colored school of llaltimore, and tho teacher wan an inexperienced one. There was talk ing among tho little negroes beloio her. "I want absolute silence," she said severely Still tho talking continued. "1 want abroluto silence," bhe re peated again. At tho third demand one very small girl spoke up boldly. "Assalnto Sllonco ain't hyar," sho said. "She'll got de toofnehe." Up plncott's Magazine. clip" THIS" OUT Renowned Doctor's Preocriptlon for Rheumatism and Backache. "Ono ounce Syrup Snrsnparllla com pound; ono ottneo Toris compound; Add these to a half pint of good whis key: Take a tahlcspoonful before each meal and at bed time; Shako tho bot tle before using each time." Any drug gist han theso ingredients in stock or will quickly get them from hla whole sale houso. This was published previ ously and hundreds hero havu been cured by it. Good results show after tho first few doses. This also acts an a system builder, eventually restoring strength and vitality. Probably a Female Doctor." "My wife looks very poorly, you think, doctor?" "Yes, I do." "Whnt do you think sho needs?" "A new hat and a ucw dress!" You Iters Statesman. EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO HE HAD LESS THAN 3 DOLLARS HE IS NOV ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMERS IN SASKATCHEWAN, CENTRAL CANADA. Arriving In Canada in 1S91, just eighteen years ago, K. A. (iiilllomin could speak hut his native language. He i.t n Frenchman, lie had but n little over two dollars In li W pocket, thus being short over seven dollars ol tho l( a dollars required to secure en try lor a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres. lie eventually bor lowed tho money and near Forgot, Saskatchewan, he started life In Can ada on the homestead in which today he Is the fortunate possessor of fifty quarter sections ol land, or S.000 acres. Now Mr. Gulllomln did not acqulto all tlu u acres iuin result altogether of his farming operations, which were extensive. He looked with satisfac tion upon what he was doing on his limited nrea, ho was saving, careful, and had foresight. Surrounding land could bo had for about fll.00 per acre, and he continued buying as bin sav ings would permit, until now he has fifty quarter sections, some of which ho can sell nt $25.00 per acre. Threshed Fifty Thousand Duchelc. This year ho was engaged In thresh lug on his place for 5l"j days He threshed out 00.000 bushels of wheat, of which he sold II 1.000 bushels, oae train load, at a price varying from 81 to S7 cents per bushel. He has on hand still lO.OOO bushels. In addition ' to wheat ho uiiiied UOOu; bushels of oats. 7,000 bushels of barley and T.00 bushels of flax, lie owns 101 horses and a number of cattle, but since the constriction of the railway he has been engaged chlelly in raising wheat. This year ho bought his first thresh . lag machine, paying for It the sum of $J,100. He estimates that the ma chine earned for him this fall $:t,u00, thus fiaying for Itself in one season and leaving $000 to the good. The weather was very propitious for farm threshing, not a single day being lost in the two months which were spent in this work. The wheat averaged 2'l bunhels to the acre and graded No. 1 and No. 2 Northern. In the post nine years seven good crops have been har vested on this farm. For six succes sive years tho returns were excellent, thnt is in tho years 1901, 1002, 190:t, 1001. 1905 and 1900. In the two fol lowing years there wns n partial fail ure. As the years have passed tho . quality or tho buildings on the farm , have been steadily improved, and are now ns good aB can be found In tho district. About $10,000 has been In vested in this way by Mr. Gnlllomin. The farm consists of C.8S0 acres, of which about 0,000 acres were under crop this season. Nil Desperandum. Percy Pnrkington rose and brushed the dust from his knees. Then, draw ing himself up to his full height, he gazed reseni fully upon the form of Miss Muriel Muggins, who nonchalant ly tanned herself the while. "Very well, Miss Muggim," came in litter tones from Percy. "Oh, vory v.ell! You have spumed me, it In true! indeed, ytu have spurned me twice! Hut, though despair eats ni heart, I shall not die! I mean to go i Into (ho busy woild. I will fight! I will win! My name shall become i known, and my riches shall become envied " "Pardon mo for interrupting you, Mr. Parkington." interjected MIfs Muggins, "bat when you hhall have accomplished all that, you may try me again." hlppincott's. How's This? We ofl. One ltuntlrnl Dnllarn Jlrwnnl for any conn nt (,'ntarrn tbat cannot be cured by Hulls CaUrrli Cure. V. J. VIIIINUV A CO.. IWvVlo. o. . trm undcrr-tannl. Imm Knonn 1". J. llimfy tor tho lut 15 jrars. ami lIK-vo lilm iierlntly lion cmblc In nil IiukIiim Inmrjclloi.N mill tlnurrlally UjIo lo carrj- out any ohllmtloiM mailn by hti firm. Waluino. kinvan & MIIVIV, WholrMle DriitfKlHtii, Tolnln. O. Itall'a Courrh Curo la ijikcn intrrnilly. nitl'm Jlrerilr utioii the blood nnrt iiuk-oiii nirlm- of thn ivnii-m. Imtlmonlnls Nnt tri, l'rlre 51 lenu per boitlc. Hold by all Dnietbta. Take HaJl'a Family I'lUa (or roiistlpallon. Not tho Proper Atmosphere. Ovorhcurri uutsidu Ht. Aiiu'h chinch yi'sterday: I-Mrst City Man Are you f-roiiiB In to hear tho archdeacon today? Second City Man No, I think not. It putH mo in tho wrong fntini! of mind for uubIhuhh for the icst of tho day. Munchofitor Guardian. I'ir.KS CDIIKI) IN O TO 14 DAYS. 1'AZO (lINT.WIJNTIirnnriinti-iMl to i-nrn nny rano tr Iti-hliiir, lllliiil, llliiillnc or l-rdiruUlnv l'flv lu tluUUumor uium-y refuiulcd. COo, To learn to vork and, work cheer fully Is tho central lesson of life. Cowon. Wo would nil writo our names on tho scroll of fame but for the Innum erable tribo of elbow Joggers. WTIY KufTcr with eye troublPB, quick re lief bv umiik PCTTIT'S KVK sAl.Vh. 25c. All driiBgistuor llownrd UroH., IhiiTalo, N, Y. Ho loves his country bent who strivoB to make It best. Ingorsoll. nocrroic Yotritsici.r whrn jrmi fci'l u tola ciiiicIukhii liy umini; it fi' (1omi nt I'ttry ii'l- 1'iiinKl tr. It Iklii'lKTIIuiigulnlDU and s.itur. Tlio lurtfiHw boulriiurii llinclii-iH-bU Time ennnot remove kindly acta from u gratoful heart. Itoyston. Mr. W.naloiv-K Poiitlitnrr Kyrnp. PnriMldri-n toethlnir, mfli'iu llioi-imin, reduce to Cmniullou, alluya palu, Lurca wind cultu iic u Iwttlo. It might Improve tho pound cnlto to hit It with nn nx PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cclor moro poodt brlohldf and fatter colors than any otfw dre. One 10c oackaos color all fibers. Thry dm In cold water teller than any other dr. You can dr ftDjcjrtneatwitticuittlwlna apart WntoIorlrobookiM-iio)toOjo, UhachandMuCUon. MONROE ORUO CO.. Qulncy, Illinois. Pleasant mm. Benercial. Svrtip of Figs and Klixir of Senna apptals to tfic cultured anil the wtH-infonncil and the healthy because it component pails arc simple and whole some and hecattse it aclr with out (lNttirl'ing the natural func lioufi, ar. it i wholly free from every object ionr.hle iptalily or -.ubstance. In its production a pleasant and rcfrfdiitit syrup of the fir;; of California is unil d with the laxiliu and car minative properties of certain plants known lo act most bene ficially, on lite human system, when it; jjemlo clean-in is de sired. To j;ct its beneficial ef fects, alwav; btiv the. centime, for ale I'V all reputable drtu: tfsts; ore sire only, price Vpff1. mM!&',iI'' fiftv cer.! s a bottle. The name ' T LyM'JllJJK'Af of ' the company - California ' W'xWlvF 1m;; Syrup Co. is always plain- )') ? ,v j ly printed upon the front of ev ery package of the genuine. ' l.OU'SVII T F THE STEADY WHITE 1JCHT THC OIL COIFFURE. "My hnlr'H exactly lllco n turban, isn't it?" "Exactly. You can ovon take it oK." SUFFERED TERRIBLY. How Relief from Distressing Kidney Trouble Vas Found. Mrs. Ellzahcth Wolf, H8S W. Morgan St., Tipton, Mo unys: "Inflntnniation of tho h ', a (1 d o r readied itn climax last spring and I suf fered terrlhly. My buck ached a n d pained so I could hardly cot around nnd the secretions wore scanty, fre quent of passage nnd painful. I wns tired nil tho timo and very nervous. I began using Koan's Kidney Pills, and nfter taking a low boxeB was cured nnd hnvo boon well ever Blnce." Remember tho name Donn's. Sold ny nil dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster MUburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y. Why "Potter's Field" for Beggars. It Is not hceauso the beggar l'nlls to make money thnt ho finally lands in the potter's field. "Any good, indus trious beggar," says Mr. Forbes, "can nnd does mnko a groat deal more money thnn the nverago worklngmnn." ' Init tho trend of tho beggar In down- j ward, und in the end ho is pretty sure to lu'conio a hopeless wreck nnd n derelict. Assoelnte with men of good judg ment, for judgment Is found In con versation. And wo mnko nnother man's judgment ours by frequenting his company. Puller. AI.T.I'S I.UNO J1AT.SAM .1111 cnrti not nnly a eoM, Inilnrinut I how? tnt tprn rDi'irlii thai tikimlly luimioii fur innnllin. (,lv II u trlnlunrt prmii tin worili. lie. Woun.l I1.U0. Snmo cemetery janitors, unless closoly watchod, ralso vegetables In tlio rich gravoyard mold. Many who wed to nmokp 10o cigarn nn now binoUmg Lcw.s' SiriRlu Hinder straight 5c. A man can always flattor his wife by being Jealous (iliorria w Syrup (p. n r r J' iwwni iri w a0 ir w iwiuv, n. x SB PPV mm MfcrnO met JnfeV) f )h VA9J& JKWimmmiEJXJCM f t -fl&i I TpTitmrrrr iijBlffiRjHEV WwBHIUlfe,J' mifUMIBKBMMM """ "' at PKNCTRATcB'l'MMfcMiHuB p 1R j&&fi J VC VL m. t' 7!W A n K 5 a" rft MlTrt rff The RAYO LAMP is a hiRli-grads lamp, told at n low price. There are lampi that co:t more, but thcreis no heller lamp at any pnec. The liuinrr, the WicL, the Chimney.l iolo'er til are vital thine in a lump; there part of the RAYC3 LAMP are perfectly conttructed and there ist o'.hing Lnown in liie art ol could add (o tho value ol the RAYO as n Iiglit-inunq device. Suitable ior any room in any house. i;vrrjr ili-il'T riTvnlii-ri. If not nt jiiur,'writo lur ili'M-riptivii rltvular Ui Itm nrurciit Airrnry f tho STANDARD OIL COMPANY 'Inooruoralvil) HKft THAT PKNCTRATCt Nebraska Directory USAilvVWWNMVM'rfWSVtfVSfM California Man writes to the Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co, ''I find your food the best remedy for CONSTIPATION us well as the most palatable Urealcfnst Food on the market, nnd recommend same to my friends." (Signed) E. Moran, Los Angeles. What more could be said. Ask Your Grocer Ji ESEESiE MWS ARE THE BEST asic Ytinii local iiKAi.rii m JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA. NEO. Beafdse Creamery Co. rays tlie liltrliest price or OHEA Keisters Ladies Tailoring . College At I 548 O St , Lincoln, Nub., Tenches Cutting, Fitting, Furnishing nnd Pressing ol nil garments thoroughly, at ridiculously low puces. Call or write for catalog. MRS. BARBARA E. HAYS, MGR. IliKikiilKlAilvlrontKr:. Xnw, Iraoltk i, Uorrarr, WUHlllnuUlII, J) C Kst, u y r. Jk.t rut oRucui. If nnilrtnl with toru i-jrs, uwi Thompson's Eye Water j . jtt l W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 6',oio m (It-ncrsl MnrlilnlNtH, rp. " Auto Iteimlrlii, Mj 1 fzgf iiuiibi-r c r,N- lv-W mjiiiih. hli-n. " liJOT 1 ftWWa riN, M-iiln. Tmili """.'riffljfii. tsEfiaV ciHTk. jiaiiKi-H, :tc. flr)' mir 1020 M Street, Lincoln I HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. 1 mtOKERS AND DEALERS I Drain, ProvUlont, Stock, Cotton Q Mniii Office, 204-205 Fralernlly DIJg. I Lincoln, Nebraska, H Ilril riioncBIS Aiil(riionCC9 I I.urK-Ht IIdiihp 111 Suite. PATENT L ty "if mmm fcfi