The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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. t&JAte-j
0"K-.-.'- :h-
" v,c?yvte . "
To pay by check relieves your mind of
remembering whether or not you paid
a certain bill. Sometimes you are not
sure about the payment of an account.
No need to ask the party if you employ
a check account refer to your checks,
they will tell you if the bill is paid.
The information on each check is re
liable. Interest Paid on time
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Sunny Side school has a new organ.
.1. W. Koboitson was in Superior
(Near Ktnick it is reported hu-i
rented his farm.
Hazel and Uoy Unit visited at Kniest
Tei rill's Sunday.
H. l Lewis-, brother-in-law of .!. II.
Hliinger is visiting liere a few days.
oine of the farmers have resumed
gathering corn The mud ilon't men
tion it.
lliehard Tennantof Alberta, i amuhi
is visiting his mother and brothers
here. Ho is well pleased with the A I
beita country.
Clarkio Crow was brought home last
l'riday from Guide Hock. Ho is im
proving nicely and will be able to go
to school soon.
Knu.MTer.-lll marketed a hug Tues-
day that weighed fiou lbs. and brought
him 10.7,r. as much us a good cow and
ns much us a horse a fowyeais ago.
Mr. Walter tiuruey and Miss Mabel
Angle were married last week. We
wish them a pleasant voyage over their
matrimonial sea. May there only ari.-e
little souawls to mako or mar their
happiness. Tho boys
gave them an
old fashioned ehivuri.
Mrs. Rombough Is reported slek.
Some tine snow fell last Saturday.
Arthur Nelson bailed hay one day
lust week.
Mr. Maruska is shucking corn for
Jess Dodrick.
Lee Coplen is shucking corn for H.
H. Crowoll.
Edd Hretthauor and wife were in
lied Cloud Saturday.
The revival meetings ut tho Dane
church closed lust week.
Jos. Pavllck lias bought some fat
hogs from Mr. Maruska.
Miss Minimi Zajio spent Sunday with
her brothor and sister in law.
Frank Vavricku and wife returned
from Ksboii. Kus., Tuesday.
Frank Strobel's baby girl is sumo
better at tho present writing.
Kvorybody In this locality has
started to shucking corn again.
Misses Minnie and Maggie Kollot
isited with Huns-en's last Sunday.
Misses Mary and .lulln. .lelinek visit
ed with MUses Sarah nnd Martha Han
son last Sunday afternoon.
Ted Harris had tho misfortune to
get two of his tlugoib mashed while
trying to operate his gas.olino engine.
Miko Kudrna and wifowerocallod to.
KsIkui lust saturuny on hwumih ui
the fiorious illness of Mrs. Kudruu's
sister, Mrs. Johujlnek.
This community baa just received a
phone messBgo announcing tb death
of Mrs. J. V. Roubal which sad
message to the wliolo community.
Have you seen any of our new
passenger train'.'
Miss Day. our county superintend
ent is viiting our school I day.
Miss (ieorgia flood expects to leave
Sat unlay for un extended visit at
Itcthany. Neb.
Mr. Ill ICoon who has been to Lin
coln to take medical treatment will
bo home Saturday.
I!ev. Carrey of Itcthany, NMi., preach
ed at the Christian church last Sun
day morning and evening.
Mrs Nate I'httt of Red Cloud is
visiting Mr. mid Mrs. Arthur Lacy and
also her parents east of town
Mrs. Merriman of Shickluy, Neb.,
nnd Mr. I). H.Mills of weeping Water,
Neb., are visiting their brother Mr. J.
T. Mills.
Some ot our siuger.s of the
Lliurch nt to Eckley bund
M. K.
ay to
assist in I ho singing for the dedication
of their church.
Two classes the Congregational Sun
day School spont Monday evening
with Mr. anil Mrs. H. C. ICeoney.
They all report a very enjoyable even
Mrs. C. W. I'ool is ill.
Mrs llertha'Watt is on the sick list.
Mrs. Hannah Crow is on the sick
The elder Mrs. Delay went to Nelson
Monday to visit.
Will Kly and family of liertrand are
guests of relatives hoio.
A. .1. Hayos, the traveling man spent
Sunday here with his family
Mrs. A.. I. Hayes spent a day last
week with her aunt Mrs. Fannie Crary.
Mrs. Win. Sawyer and Mrs. Ed. Saw
yer both have had lagrippe the past
Mrs. Mulissu Hunt spent Tuesday
with her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Lam
bert. "
Mrs Hannah (Jarber visited her
niece. Mrs. N. M. Doudna one day m
ceutly. Mrs. Schobouig of Holdrego is the
guost of her sons Albert and Abo
Kli Fowler and family took dinner
Sunday with Mrs Hoover, mother of
Mrs. Fowler.
.John (.'. Delay und family moved
this weok to a farm over near the Kan
sas line owned by a Mr. Kiel.
Mrs. Sheppard who has boon so ill
at a hospital in Dridger. Montana is
now roported better and slio expects
to go to her homo in a few duys.
Mrs. L. L. Watt ami daughter Lou
ella arrived Sunday from Excollsior
Springs, Missouri. Theycaraoto pack
up their household effects and will re
turn to the Springs the lust of the
week. ,The family hare taken a large
hotel there.
ca s
Mcwspancr Unit filvcs The News Flit-two
Mrs. (lurhutd olitnstodo received
foily si. post eurds last Kriday it be- '
itiL' her birthdav. Tlio Dcirreo of;
Honor members planned the shower.
A soi'inl club to bo known as the
'Swastika" was organizod here last
Friday. Its membership is to be
limited to twelve couples of tho
younger married people
Will Montgomery and family of Am
herst lire hero while Ora Montgomery
went to attend to Will's business ut
Amherst Kauh famlly.vvill occupy the
home of tho other for, tlio time.
Melvin lialdwin and wife returned
the latter part of tho week to thoir
homo at Kalrnort, Kns., after a visit
with their relatives, tho families of I.
N . Smith, Lewis Smith and Frank
Hansens, the hay bailors are bailing
their hay this week.
A very pleasant surprise Saturday
morning more snow.
Clyde Simpson has sold his furniture
business to Cudahay.
George Coon was on wind mill row
Sunday at Mauley l'.ros.
Ray Davis nnd Pete Mauley were
callars at Fiauk Smith's Sunday.
I.ue King e.ime down from ltuil'iilo
county last wide and is visiting in
iiu field.
Cieorge Harris tho butcher is serv
ing porlor house steak al. number t
windmill row.
There was three corn shelters in the
neighborhood lust week: llulfer's,
Smith ISros'. und White and. Wobei
man. Ray Davis says that he wishes his
girl would quit, sticking her gum in
his fur over coat us it looks bud nnd it
is hurd on the gum.
Charley Campbell says that you
never miss the water until the bottom
falls out of the well und you hull to
go tolown to get a drink.
I'uul Shult. says it is a mistake he
never traded sisters with Honry Zal
man, but cheer up Paul for a faint
heurt never won a fair lady.
Our township assessor is getting
bald headed thinking of the trouble a
head of him but cheer up Frank for
many is the man that has went thru it
and lived.
Tart Sherman, who lives in our town
is vvoiiderous wise. He jumped into a
manure spieuder and scratched out
both his eyes but when ho saw his
eyes were out, with all his might nnd
main he jumped into a wheelbarrow
aud cratched thorn in again.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, February 'J, 11)10.
CJ, M. farner to .1. W. Garner,
part e ' .j se U J-il-12, vvd . . . . . SO Hi.Uo
David It. Groat to Mary (.Soul
die, lots 10, 11, 12, 151k. 1,
Smith A Moores add to Ked
Cloud, wd 1 175.00
Alfred .lngner to A. D. llunuey,
lots ', ti, Blk. 1, Uoovors add
to nine 1111), vvd
A. D. Itumiey to Krwln & Oes'
riug, lots I, 5, lillc. 1, Hoov
ers add to Blue Hill, wd WXiJOO
Vance 11 McCnll to John Hard
wick, n w U-l-ia, vvd 0000.00
C. U. A- (i U. U. Co. to (Seorge
Shedd, wl n vv '.12 ;t-l0, qcd. . 170,00
Uees 1! Thompson to Muiy J.
Spracher, pt no l-'J-lo, vvd. .. 1.00
V. II. Lewis to F. I.. Lewis,
mid 'j vv so, e .1 e j sw
lTi-lH, ijeii ". ..... 1.00
Louis Ulobuiun to Aduin Albers
s ' t se t-.l-ff, vvd noOO.OO
Henry Krehmoler to Mara
Chambers, lots 0, 7, 8, Blk. '.'
Hlue Hill, vvd... . boO.Oo
I'acltio It. K. Co. to Mo.l'ucitio
II. It. Co,, right of way deed IdO.Oo
Kills U. Gulllford to W. H.
Saunders, lots 20, '21, Itlk. ,'i.
(Jarber'H 2d add to Ued Cloud
MortgtigCb tiled, I'JSSOO.OU
Mortgages rclcaBcd,?10300.('fl
Weeks Eaili Year Tor $1.50.
Would seem to demand that you read what Ambrose L.
Ranney, A. M. M. D., late professor of Anatomy, New
York Hospital, says:
"Eye-strain may, and often does, cause chronic and intractable distur
bances of the stomach. Chronic intestinal and gastric disturbances may
be and often are, companions in graver disturbances of the nervous
system, due to eye-strain.
Our glasses are made to i elieve eyestrain.
To be Held in Hall Over
Miner Bros. Co's. Store
February 10th and 11th.
110 am. Krcc basket dinner.
12:30 pm, Music ,Hy Orclicatra
1:00 pm. Openlnu prayer Ilev. Cresmnan
MuHlr I .nil lea Qunrtntto
Addrres of welcome ..Jas. Gllham
10 pm. "Small drain Crop." ..A. K.Nelson
Music. .. Malo Quartette
2:30 pm. DlRCUsslon "Savlnif tlio Corn Crop."
J. II. Klllntrer, Joe (,urney.
J. M. Steward, Dan Garber.
Vocal solo Mr. Ileatrlx Klornncu
3:30 pm. "Tlio Care. Cuttlnv: and Curlnic
or Meats." Mm. Myrtle, I.lucoln session
":1S pm. Muvic lly Orchestra
7:30 pm. "1'lannlnp the Meals of the Day
to Kcotiumize Time. I.abdr and l'x-
pense." Misu Kauffman
Music ...Ti-acliers Chorus
Headlntr, . .. . Miss Ilurkc
3.00 pm. "AKrlculture for Our Hural
schools." ..A. K. Nelson
Discussion I.. Aa. Himoni:
10.00 I
am. Music
.Ily Orchestra
Male Quartette
Ilev. Hates
.."Rotation of Crops"
Music. .
lt:00 am. Address .
C. D. Lyon, Georgetown, Ohio
Nomination of Officers
pm. Music ... . Ily Orchestra
pm. Trombone solo . .. Itoy Kobln.son
Klectlon of Ofllcera
pm. "Problems of I'ork 1'roductlon"
S, II. McKelvic, Nebraska I 'aimer
Discussion S. W. Hoirate, J, Hamilton
Music Miss Ilurkc. I.. I. Albrblit
pm. "Tillaftennd Its Importance" Mr. l,on
Discussion C. J. l'lutt. Ora 1'ltney
Music ..I.aJlea (uartntte
pin. "Should Wo Keep Dairy Cattle'"
1'iof. J. llowers, Lincoln
Dlsruhsion- A. I'. Ilartwell, Jas.
lluckels, W. J. Llppencott
i:vi:ninu uk.ssion
pm, Music Ily Orcliestra
Cornet solo . -M. A. Mercer
pin. -'Toultry on the J'urm." Mr. Lyon
Discussion VV. A. llasebrook
Vocal nolo . ...Mis. Ileatrix I'lornnco
pm. "Nebraska Farminir". ..Mr. McKcIvio
Music. ....Ladles Quartette
"Hemi-I'recious Stonri of Web
ster County.". I'r. Kitzircrald
TAKE NOTICE-The Chief gtxs to a
number of people away from here to nearly
al 1 the other states. We do not know 1htu
people and do not with to itop the paper of
any who want it, but wc will rcvite our
list In a few weeb and at that time all un
paid foreign lubcaiptiont will be discontinued.
l. liMO.
M U MkM r
On Entire Stock of
Special Prices
on rurs.
TM Miner Bros. Co,
fli m 0 V m
, '
k "
5lJ '''.