The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 27, 1910, Image 4

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    T3he CHIEF
Rh1 Cloud - - NobmBkn.
Entered In Iho I'oitofflre nt.Ilcd Cloiul.Neb.,
M Second Cine Mutter
C 11. II ALU
Wo are thinking .seriously of coin
piling miothcr "Poor Dick's Almanac "
For Instance in passing n group of
men on the street Saturday we over
board this provorh "Just as well net a
man till the time aH pint of tho tlinu."
Later on we heard tins one: "Every
man is just hh lazy as ho dare he.''
We liavo received many words of
commendation for our suggestion
about dividing the city Into three
wards. People tell us that tho liuiio
lits to thu city would bo many and
they would lileo to see such an arrange
ment made. The cost would ho but
$100 for tho oxtra ooiincllmcii which
is an insignificant Mini as compared
with the Rood received.
What lias become of our chicken
onthuiasLs? Not m long ago when
three or four men happened by chance
to meot on the street one might bo
sure the topic of conversation was
about a now bird of tho Plymoth Rock
variety, or it might be nbout the pos
sibilities of the next chicken show
Where are these fanciers now?
Why not revive tho enthuiastn and
have another poultry fair. They are
more valuable now than over bofore
and wo nro confident such an under
taking would be a success.
Illoomington is a city whore thoy do
things. Not long ago the editor of
the Advocate was suod for 810,000 for
nllodgcd libel, Intern reformed spoiling
newspaper was lustullcd and now Dro.
?rane has called some one a liar. Tho
word was printed in bold black type
and could be easily read. What will
happen next in that town of wonders
can hnrdly bo approximated by tho
most vivid imagination.
Perhaps they have solved the pro
blem, of keeping tho boys from crowd
ing to tho busy city with nil its entico
merits, .lust about tho timo the boys
up there got ready to Hoc to tho metro
polis something happens mid they
stick it out a little longer. We have
been wondering forsomc time whether
these excitements nro purely accident
al or whethor thoy aro a. part of a pro-
arranged plan wisely ilgured out by a
thoughtful commercial club
We would ndviso any youth, to
whom has como tho longings for undy
ing fame or for the fulfilment of some
lofty ambition, or to whom the. crav
ing for excitement is so insistent that
it has become a paramount Nsue, as it
were, to hie himself with all speed to
Hloomiiigton where all theso undo
lined ambitions nmy be icalized and
experienced with all tho fervor and
force of a etiveer like Tom Carter or a
piiuunml Dick.
Homo of our load'ng business men
are contemplating tiie advisability of
organizing a municlial development
company. "Tho gonoriil Idea advocated
Is to Incorporate with a, million dollar
capital and a hundred thousand dollar
paid up fund. One hundred men are
to take shines at 81000.00 eiicli payablv
?I00 yearly.
In the formation of such a company
it is pointed out, a great amount ot
good could lie done toward developing
the resources of thooity and surround
ing country.
Wo are much pleased that a move
ment of tills character is being nggl
tated as we have felt for some time
tho necessity of our citizens banding
themselves together In some enter
prise that will not only develop Infant
industries but will also bring the
merchants and others Into closer tola
tioiis with each other. Our people
aro progressive, energetic and loyal to
Ked Cloud interests but each on a plan
of Ids own. Co-operation is the only
solution to the problem and a company
of tho kind mentioned could crystallzo
ail our Impulses and latent possibili
ties. .Such an orirnui.ation could and
would do much for tills communtty
There are a number of small indus
tries that with tne proper help at the
right time could bo installed and oper
ated to tho udvnutngo of this entire
Wo sincerely trust that tills aggltat
ion will result In action as tho city Is
sadly in need of a co-operative move
ment of some sort that will knit to
gether our scattered activities.
We expected much, perhaps too
much, from the Commercial Club but
It seems that men are so constituted
that unless they have a ilnuuclul in
terest In an undertaking they are apt
to pay but little attention to the real
needs or possibilities of n municipality
Opportunity is knocking at our
doors, continually, insistently. Let
us awake from our lethargy, arise and
meet our responsibility liko men.
A few days ago the Daily Journal
published a report that the Hurling
ton freight and passonger divisions
would move from Ked Cloud to Super
ior. For several days tho liurlingtou
lias had a gang of surveyors at work
in tho company yards bote surveying
and making drawings of the grounds.
These men say they do not know what
they aro sent here for, but are obeying
ordeis. Uut a later report from per
sons in a position to know now claim
that the Wymore division will also bo
located here, claiming it to bo an
equal distance troin Superior east to
.St Joe and west to McCook. We cer
tainly hope these reports will he con
firmed later. Superior Journal.
Why not add that the railroad
managers aro also thinking of moving
the Chicago and Denver divisions to
Superior? Tho good peoplo of Super
ior hae never out grown tho boom
days of thirty years ngo. Not long
ago good cement making material was
discovered near tho windy city and a
company has been organized to develop
the find which is all proper enough
uiu Mime pen misuor Killed with a
vivid imagination flooded the state
papers about flowing oil wells, deposits
of gold and iron ore, natural and un
natural gas, and tho like, and wound
up with the expression that town lots
might in the near future be worth live
or even six dollars apiece.
lletween the realm of prosaic fact
and the land of dreams Is a "twilight
one" whero Superior dwells.
A number of our peoplo had the
pleasure of seeing the famous Halloy
comet last night. It rises in the west
and looks like a big ball of tire, the
tall not being vory plain as yet. This
is the comet that Is expected to hit
the earth along about Feb. 1st. What
harm will be done to the earth, scion
ists are unable to predict. It has
boon figured that tho tail to the comet
is 110,000,000 miles in length, or some
thing liko that. Commercial Adver
tiser. IJro. llosmer is usually so accurate
and authorativo that wo marvel at his
blunder in tho above article.
The only explanation of this mis
take that wo can imagine is that his
astronomical editor was taking Ids
annual vacation and this department
was for tho time being, turned over to
the sporting editor. As a nintter of
fact tho appearanco in the western sky
was not llnlley's celebrated comet but
a stranger of much smaller magnitude
which may or may not have been vis
ible before. The University professors
call it Do Hakes comet. For tho bene
fit of our readers wo quote from the
Scientific American an neeurnto state
ment as to when Ilalley's comet will
bo visible to the naked oyo and where
It will appear. Save this number, or
cut this article out and paste It on the
wall, for future reference.
During this period (January 1st to
March '.'4th) the comet will be visible,
with tho telescope, in tho western
evening sky, but on March :J4th, when
passing back of the sun, will be Invis
ible for several days. The distance
between the earth and comot at this
time will be liiri,000,000 miles.
When tho comet next emerges from
the rays of the sun it will have shifted
to the morning sky, rising before
dawn, and for the lirst time becoming
an interesting object to the nnkod-oye
observer. The earth and comet will
now rapidly approach each othor and
the latter will grently increase in
About April :20th it will pass Its
nearest point to the sun, and on May
18th will again disappear in the sun's
rays- this time, however, passing in
the front of tho great luminary. It Is
predicted that the nucleus will cross
the sun's disk nbout five minutes of a
degree from its center, thus furnish
ing an opportunity to observe whether
the nucleus is opaque to the sun's
The transit will not be visible in the
Unitod States as it will occur after
sunset here.
On tho night ot May 18th the enrth
and comet will rush pass each othor
ami ine earin win prooauly sweep
through the tail of the comet. They
will be- only I '.',000,000 miles apart.
Aflor May ISth tho comet will attain
its iii.iNiuium of splendor in tho even
ing sky. and in a fow days thereafter
Its glory will rapidly fade.
Farmers' Institute
Red CloudTFcb. 10-11
The Program
The eominltteo on iirrungcmentB for
the Farmer's Institute to be held In
this city Feb 0th and loth havo acted
with energy and dispatch. The session
promises to be an Interesting one as
one may readily seo by reading the
program following.
Free basket dinner
Opening prayer Rev. Crcssmnn
1:0'J pin Small grain crop
A. II. Nelson
2:00 pm Saving the corn crop
Discussion by J. II. Ellinger, Joe Gur
ney, J. M. Steward
3:00. . .Care, cooking and cutting meats
Mis3 Myrtle KnutTman, Lincoln
7:30 Planning tho meals of the day to
economize in time, labor and ex
pense Miss KnulTman
8:30 Agricultural for our rural schools
Mr. Nelson, Rev L. Aa. Hussong
Invocation Rev. Stfller
11:00 Rotation of crops, C. D. Lyons,
Georgetown, Ohio
Nomination of officers
Election of officers
1:80 Problems in pork production S.
R. McKelvie, Nebraska Farmer,
Lincoln. Discussion by S. W.
Hogate and J. II. Hamilton
2:30 Tillage and its importance Mr.
Lyon. Discussion by C. J. Piatt
Ora Pitney.
3:00 pm. Should we keep dairy cattle?
Discussion by A. F. Hartwoll, J.
F. Buckcla, Win. Lippincott nnd
Prof. Lyons.
Music by Orchestra.
7:30 pm. Poultry on the farm Mr.
Lyon Discussion by W. A. Hase
brook Music
8:30 pm. Nebraska Farming S. R.
Fr. Fitzgerald will speak Friday eve
ning on "semi-precious stones of Web
ster county."
Everybody invited
(My Vhihc!:iun(! Smith)
Mrs. Caster Is able to attend to her
school duties ugain. Rev. Hussong
taught in her place the first of tho
The Tenth grade was entertained
last Wednesday night at tho home of
Mabel and Cecil Essig. Everyone re
ported a delightful timo.
Jnnury 19, being the anniversary of
tho birthday, of Robert Lee, the fam
ous Southern gencinl. the High
School had the pleasure of hearing the
story of his life given by Judge I. W.
Edson. We were really surprised that
we knew so little about the lifo of
such a famous man.
Rev. Grossman was a pleasant vis
itor In the High School Monday morn
ing. Wo are always glad to see any
one interested in our school work.
Have you noticed the long faces and
worrid looks of the pupils this week'.'
It is "examination", that dread disease
which all must suffer sooner or later,
and which is oft-times fatal to those
who have uot a strong mental consti
tution Tho following Program was render
ed Friday evening January 111, nt the
High School:
Instrumental solo Hazel Stlfflcr
Vocal Solo jSusie Cary
Recitation Hazel McKoighnn
Oration Lois Simmons
Instrumental solo Pearl Sherer
"Resolved that there is more pleas
in e In the sense of smell and taste thon
in the sense of scoing and hearing."
Atllrinntive- Aaron Hedge, Clara
Negative- - Mario Hollister, Anna
Decision was in favor of the Negative.
Some of the High School students
have symptons of "Spring fever" al
ready. What will thoy do in a couple
months from now?
Iho next time one of the children
catch cold, give It somothing Hint will
promptly ana ireeiy nun gently move
the bowels. In that way the-cold will
at once bo driven out of thej system
K.fiiucdy'.s Laxnlivo Cough Syrup
move tho bowels promptly and freely,
yet gently, and atjtlie same time heals
Irritation and stops the cough. It is
especially good for children. Sold by
all druggists.
Children's Rompers.
Fancy striped cham
bray, collar, pocket and
cuffs bound with red at
25 and 50c each.
. W
Bearskin Coat
Children's Bearskin
Coats in solid colors
in stripe or curly at
$2.25 and 3.25.
"Billy Possum'
coat long nap, double
roll collar. A good
coat for the money at
Barretts and
Back Combs
Back Combs set
with brilliants and
solid gold inlaid at
Back combs some plain and some
set with brilliants and silver inlaid
from 25c to $1.25.
Barretts in open work in shell or
jet from 25c to 50c.
Barretts set with brilliants and sil
ver or gold inlaid from 50c to $1.50.
Yarns we have the most complete
line in the city. Shetland Floss $1
per lb.
Ladies Ready Made Skirts.
A good full skirt in the latest new flounce style in red, blue
and green at $6.00 each.
Agent for Bvitterick Patterns
We will sell all the Overcoats
Stores at this Discount for Cash.
in our
Wlfcu's PcbiIm.
The recent act of April 10th. 1008
gives to nil soldiers' widows a pension
of 812 per mouth. Prod Maurer, the
attorney, has all nocessary blunlts.
FtrSale or Trade.
A 1 1 room brick house suitable for
Weeping roomers and boarders if de
sired. Size of building 'Ik x 43, story
and a half high, 18 lots and a fraction
of fl lots, olectric lights nnd water in
house. For further information In
quire at t'lilef ollice.
Don't trillo with Kidney and llladder
trouble. Take DoWltfs Kidney and
llladder l'ills as directed and you will
at onco notice satisfactory results.
neWltfs Kidney and llladder l'ills are
antiseptic, healing nnd soothing. Ho
hure to get UoWltt'sKidnoy and Blad
der l'ills when you ask for them, Ue
fuse substitutes and imitations, hook
for tho name on the package. Sold by
all druggists.
r vasn. : : :
$25.00 COAT
$15.00 "
$12.00 "
$ 7.50