The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 27, 1910, Image 1
suit- Historic S ty rliiii!rir;r;iiii'i;'",: VOLUME XXXVIII. To pay by check relieves your mind of remembering whether or not you paid a certain bill. Sometimes you arc not sure about the payment of an account. No need to ask the party if you employ a check account refer to your checks, they will tell you if the bill is paid. The information on each check is re liable. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. SUNNY SI DM. lvte Lewis now lias a line liding Iiuri (Jn'ti- a number tool; in Monte Cn-t i at lied Cloud Monday night. J !. H. Parker goes l( Missouri tins rtei ! then to Texas to lilsaunt. Mi. and Mrs. .Jos. Tophain are visit ing witli tit- it daughter. Mrs. .he in. (.en. Law says he neither hoi rows iiii In in-, now. lie bntiirht a saddle i at the sale I '.ei, tiling hold well at Mr. Pa riser's sail Hogs sold for $M nor head, cons SVJ. niie team S'.l'U: good stul!. GUI mi ROCK. John Dunbar has been ill again this wei K t Ii.ii les liny and wife arrived homo Saturday from Ohio. Tin.- I.. T. I., mot with their leader. Mrs. (' !' Moranville Tuesday aftei noon. Mr. and Mis. Lee Smith of .Unveil County Kansas visited olio day la-t week at the home of II. Taylor. The Voting Woman's TuiuperaiiLO I nion spent Wednesday eveningutthe pleasant homo of C P. Hush and wife. II Milnor and wife moved up from Uostwick and are now located in the property they purchased a lew months ago of V. S Lainbort. Mrs. Wm. Reeves has been heio several days assisting lier daughter, Mrs. George Fairfield euro for tier bubo that has been so 111. The little on is seems to be improving nicely now. The membership contest in the W. (.'. T. U., added over thirty names to the list. The entertainment will be given ii9.t Wednesday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. John Yung. COWLES Miss Maud Hayes is attending the meetings at Kclcley this week. Miss Carmine Foe is visiting her father in the bank this week. (i. (i. Iloit returned Sunday morning from a weeks outing in Milne 111. Karl Poyer lias returned to his work after a brief visit with relatives nnd friends. F. A. Good will talk to the High School pupils Wednesday morning of this week. Ml. .James Saunders, who has been visiting her parents neur Bladen re turned home Wednesday. Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Mulchon, Nobraska is visiting with her parents, Mr. nuil Mrs. J. Watson north of town. Mrs. K. Atkisson of Blue Hill came down Tuesday to visit her brother 11. A. Well and her mother Mrs. .1. A. Wells. Mr. William Mutter has received a position as llroman on one of the Missouri Valley Iowa roads and left Monday to take up that vocation. I tt ,- ,.tfll-,--2!-AiJ wBKm WKSTERN WKHSTER Mi-. Charles lMdy is i die sick this week O. M. Knyeart shelled cum one day lust week. . E. .Martin and lam'ily spent Sunday at L. Daily's. C. L. llerrielc and wifospeut Sunday at (). H. Haivey's. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Knyeart went to Red Cloud Wednesday to be present at the fitneial of her little nephew. Mrs lillle Harvey and sou .lolin and Mr. and .Mis. O. I $ Harvey visited at lini Ivineald's, south of the river one day last week The last number ol the Inuvaie lee tut o course occurred last TIiuimIii.x evening There was a large crowd present and the entertainment was re ported a Mice-ess It is imported that Rev. K. Ii. K. Hill of Lawrence was married in Inavale WediiPsday to Mrs. Dora Wilson. The many liiundsol both wish them a happy lifelong honeymoon. I.xciynuc is watching the 'comet" in the western heavens just alter sunset each evening. Can any one toll us what heavenly body this is? Halley's comet was not to be visible to the naked eye belore .March so is this a lesser comet? Some one wise in As. tronomy please answer. BATIN Fine snow weather. Duo of Frank Strobel's little girls is very sick. Frank Vavrielca and wife spent Sun day in Ksliou. .Jos. Kobat Is vlsltlug with his moth er this week. Mrs. Frank Strobel's sister visited witli her Sunday. Mike Kudrna ami sou Frank were in Bluo Hill Tuesday. Mr M. Vavrloka has bought a new manure spreador. Miss Ktta Hehrer is teaching again after u few days vacation. Mike Strobol returned from Kansas City where he shipped cattlo. It is reported that thore aro a few cases of scarlet fever in tills locality. Ted Harris has sold Ids gasoline euglno to the Red Cloud Ildw. & Imp. Co Frank Kudrna and Miss F.mum Zujtc spent .Sunday evoning with Ilauscu's. Kev. White is doing some progress live work nt tho revival meetings held in tho wain church, Will Fitzgerald finished shucking corn for Sorgorson Uros. and is now shucking corn for Jess Dedrick. Sorgerson Uros. bought some fat cattlo from John Zajlo to fill out u car and shipped tho same to Kansas City. A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Tear For $1.50. SH "" RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY Misses Saraha and Martini Hansen. .Miss Sitrnlm and Hugh McPartlaud and Messrs. Louis and Willie Vuvrlcku wcie pleasant callers at Jcliucks Sun day afternoon ALL ALONG THE LINE Miss Laura I led go is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oiln Harvey. Harry Darker bought a horse last week of Dean Harvey There have been several business changes in our town lately. Tho snow is going fast and wo are not sorry. Enough is enough. Mr. and Mrs. N. K Harvey are re joicing over the advent of ayoungsun. Mablo Jorgensoii is working for Mis. Will Carpenter who has two sick children. Mrs. A. C. Hale is a great deal better and we shall be glad to seo her among us again. Olio Bringelson is rejoicing over a son and heir, who answers to the name of John. Kev. lloltingswortli was making pas toral calls on his Pleasant Prairio parisiieis I his week. The Rodger Urn-, have shipped their cattle and ar going to lest tho re mainder of tin- winter. A so-'ial dim was given by Mr and Mrs. Charley Martin Saturday night. A good time is reported. Ralph Hunter has traded his Hue gray team for a big span of mules. Swede i loud of tho long eared brutes. The comet just now is the point of attraction and according to Holmes it has ten million cubic miles of head and ten billion of tail. Mr. and Mrs. Martin leave for their old home in Missouri this week. The boys will bo greatly missed out ol tho school as they are geuoral favoiiles. Imiviilc'n home talent gave an enter tainment at the Cluistiaii church Tuesday evening. Tho play was very well rendeied and there was a fair at tendance. Rev Roland Hill is in Inavale agtdu There is an old proverb that "homo is where the heart is " Perhaps that is why he wanders hack every other week, how over we are glad to see him. GARFIELD The Fisher girls are better thi week. Karl Hall returned from Campbell last week Will White's children are some bet ter now. Mauley Uros. lost a valuable horse last week. Sunshine this week, nothing like it. Only more of It. Big Indian, subscribe for the Chief and gut the news. Kay Davis and his gray mure woro in Garfield Sunday. T. W. White bought a nice mare at Geo. Simpson's sale last week. N. P. Campbell and daughter were callers at Will Fisher's Sunday Artie Itlchcsuu shelled com on Mon day and sold it to Clms. Campbell. Will White sold Ids fat cattle to tho butchor, Will Koou in Red Cloud last week. John Armstrong and wife took u wodding trip through Garfield this week. Georgo Harris is shredding corn fod der by hand. Tart Sherman blows the whistle. Frank Amack tried stackine- his doir last summer but Cudhny Miys it did not keep good, Pete uuil Alfred Monloy took in the, sites at tho Opera House in Kcd Cloud Monday night. Look pleasant, no U6u to frown. Anybody is liable to slip out of the road on another man's farm nowadays. Paul White is the janitor at tlicPopo school house, but tho bohool mam rode out from town and beat him one cold morning. Earl Hall was scon going down wind mill row the other night witli two ilflll.1 IMnkl itun Itml . 41... ...1.11.. , ......... .ww,,,.,, , nt-n uu Hill S1HHIIL', I Where did you get them HarlV . .-'sgia-a-T Ag'gST3 YOUR Would seem to demand that you read what Ambrose L. Ranney, A. M. M. D., late professor of Anatomy, New York Hospital, says: "Eye-strain may, and of ten does, cause chronic and intractable distur bances of the stomach. Chronic intestinal and gastric disturbances may be and often are, companions in graver disturbances of the nervous system, due to eye-strain. Our glasses are made to i elieve eyestrain. M JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS. There was something seen going down the road the other day and on elu-e inspection it was found to le ill hite mill Ids now lior-e and cut ler Talk- about your prospeioiis faru.eis , but Mauley Urns iieats them all fur, they raised a pair ol twin calves last! spring and another pair this week but one is dead ami Pete says we will get its hide any how.'' ' Mr. Realty lell last Thur-day night for a surprise visit with Id- son and daughter in Wyoming and his son ar rived at ited Cloud on Friday morning fiom Wyoming lor a. surprise visit with with his father and sister, Mrs . A. Mauley, but father and son passed one another on the tiaiu about the Colora do line. Red Clout School's Bi-monthly Sticlllnft Contest. i No. lowest liluh UN li anc tiiklni! pari percent pciecut sliiiuliui; (Jrailcli lloj-H lit TU UH) )1 Ulrls J I HI UK) ii7 Uriute? Hoys Id ( UH S (Jlrls VI ?rt luo 7 (irndc ii Boys IH I J kju 7.1 (ilrls 1 W 100 W uriiile I IIOJH l'.l l,S IUU Mi Ulrls -.11 11 tim sit (Irudcil Hoys '.ii ii iik i;:i (Jlrls K. ku UK) u'i The following named boys and girls made the highest standing in their respective grades: Grade 7 Paul I'oluleky, Josephine Kssig, Muuriuo Caldwell, Alison Cowden, Aivu Dow, Blanche lloner, Hula Fltz, Ira Arnault, Urade 0 Harold Ludlow, Jack Pinch or, Leo McArthur, Prticlu tiuirer, Ha?el Wolfe, Georgia Clauson, Gladys Fry, Ruby Qoble, Nellie Fineher, Zelmii Woudcrly, Nettie Springer, Jennie Minor. Grade 5 Kenneth Johnston, Uessie Havel, Holeu Green, Anna Koubal, Huth Pegg, Terosa Keigle, Faith Koout. Grade I Thelma Lamborn, May Huf fer, LaVaughn Moranville, Loyd Turnur. Grado .1 Ralph Nowhouse, Merwie Kdsou, Myra Hvans, Willi frdd Smitli, Ilertha Johnson. Beatrice McAllister. .Mta t'oon. s - . a' .1 ii. - til. 1910. HEALTH! m mm On Entire Stock of CLOAKS AND SUITS Special Prices on rurs. 21 Miner Bros. Co. THE BIG STORE v tv-r-KKjnNirttfnBHM - yt-.t.. NUI1$I!T? 4 F OFF Mtofnxv ii i r i 5 t iiniinnnn.nii.r! m .rMUMBtti.n UbtiMb&MttSaSSN& .& ifr''