v -" NunviiirMMuiaui mi iwm.mrLtmwwmmrwmma' jfi ff'3"' """ y r iV$ t 13 W ri r u ,f"tn UM3 jtfMfci. Here is Sworn Proof Cured Wi --t Oireration. STATE OP MINNESOTA. COUN1 Y OF STEELE. S3' I, Kiclurd Jahrciss, of Owatonna, Minn., being first duly sworn, do say that I am the person named in and who subscribed (he fol lovtiiij statement and tbc same is true of my own knowledge, in evrry p.u-tfciil.u': "I b.id severe pains in my riijlit side, just a-'-"' ' ' ' iv. I uit to the divtcr.i id he pronounced my ca-o ' . v.id f.dvlscd an operation. Instead I went to ?' '' i ' ', Stove .;nd bought a bottle of (Ad'.er-i ka) Tf. .1 . i '. ..'!., '. . k I II f .1 the ic. ii.U .v.itil(il vtiili-r(ii1. Tin- pain, s.i p:a and I felt like ,i rn.iv nun. 1 lie... lily lccomniuid (Adlcr-i-ka) xrcuuiei. .nauyciic iroumcu wna .ppcmlicit s. .ii ! I.'iov it li.ii cured me. State A .. Anpc'idl lii' " triMimpiv. '. luimi.i . 1 1 1 1 3tt '1 iS.li.in K1CHA12D II. TAIIHRICf;. Soal. Subscribed and t .vorn to before uic Jvnc 2", 1905, J. NliWSALT, Notary Public, Steele County, ff . - ; f and uorn ami i- ! rm. -hniild I nnv of Hilt wnnilfrftillv Mtivrsxltit 1 . Flu.nlni' in.iiiv ii.l!ir(8il that mrimm ami lltilu htinnu ciivaii. the i ! h iv Anp-iiiti iih i-ti'.iiiM il. Iiiiu li nn Ih ircitiM uitlnuit imt.i1Ioii, i ir.l jourm-ll .i'.'int it, mil lieiriicii I'Kt F to.iiijo'iue.illinjfalourstore. CHAS. L. COTTING The Druggist, Agent. J 10CMETTES J Mr. Yost was in MeCook Tuesday. I Renew your subscription for the cuter. Don't miss Monto Cristo Mondny night. Den MoFarland was in MeCook Tuesday O. C. Teel wont to l.ineoln Tuesday morning. Clias. Shollak has returned trom Alliance. Mrs. Geo. Morluirt spent Sunday in CJuido Rook. All kinds of Shoo Repairing at Joi: FociKi.'-. Boone Saunders returned home Fri day evening. Sherwood Albright was in Hed Cloud over Sunday. Mm. ISucrstottii returned home Mon dny morning. Sam Temple of Kttnsas City is in town this week. Coal Oil lOo a gallon tit Tin: .Misi:it Hiom Co. Hroiu.. Uhus. SchtilU was In Pawnee City the lust of the week. Rufus Miksoh who has been sick is nblo to bo out again. Miss Muble Day returned from Lin coln Sunday evening. Foil Su: Rhode Island Red Cock" rells. Inquire of Mns. C. II. Ri'sT, rfd Xo. 3. Mru. Wonderly icturiied from Su perior Friday evening. Mr. Ilirniau Ilolciinb came down from Inavulo Tuesday. Hring in your furs while market is high.-J. O. Cauwi:ll Joe Fogcl returned from Kansas City Saturday morning. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed The Robekah lodge will have instal lation of nllk'crs tonight. Wanti-.b A fresh milch cow. Inquire at Nowhouse Bros Store. Bring your subscriptions to Cotting for magazines mid papers. Mrs. Nellie Caster returned from Lincoln Saturday evening. As yot there is no news relative to the unveiling of tho clock. lieorge Rife of Rdgar was visiting relatives in this city this weelc. Mr. Throne living north west of town is still confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs Paul Pope left Sunday morning for Lincoln and Omaha Mrs. Savilla Rife returned from Weeping Water Saturday evening. Mis. (iiitnes of HI no Hill came down Tuesday to visit her son Ned (iiitnes. Mr. and Mrs. Uogenrief returned Saturday evening from their trip in Iown. Buy a whip of Fogel, the harness man, and get a freo chiinco on the $18 harness. Foil Salk Three show eases. In quiro at Newhouse's for further particulars. THEATRE TALK NO. 2 It pays to wait after all, for the good comes in time, even in the drama, bringing a splendid recompense for some, of the "cheats" you have had. "Monte Cristo" which comes to town pretty soon is a play that can be seen again and again by those who have souls to feel the spell of real -iimuuiui. i i...-m.i luiimuui; umiiut. u Kniiivo tz r1 r-.,,:. I ONE OF THE GREATEST DRA 1C31 KOffldlltlC MATIC TRIUMPHS OF THEAT- s KiCALiiJSTUKY, both artistically I and financially. It has had phe- J nomenal success throughout the entire world and will live in the annals ol the s.age as one or the high est examples of dramatic literature. HOWEVER MERITORIOUS A PLAY WITHOUT AN INTELLIGENT CAST, an artistic and effective production is impossible. No pains or expense ha 3 been spared to get the best. Young, bright, intelligent, resourceful actors have been Delected in each instance, with express reference to adaptability to the narts assigned tberj. ' ..i-.r-. .-tir.TT.rTKriim:iiMixarxcniarKua3Wi-,iRji a'-ttv. " RW Drams mwwt nM.MiPit in m iiim i tmMmmrn GORC3EOUS Scemic S'?EV!fA?. OF Lt Mi: PWSRPU1- Melo 5fa?'...-r. ii -DAfA 1 J.L-', . - - --: i - i 1 . . f iilsy oV ,L-,ii .fe-vrL A f-ty1 w Nfcd -a-fc- THREE I mt.v AmnriK tnnl. nrfi Iiroad r-ausred and liberal minded. TIk . are reidy to hear any remaiks, listen to any song, read any book, see any play, try anything new, cud they pass their verdict promptly and infallibly. ANYTHING j j THAT BECOMES fwuftK io iA VMVI rf fit TflP GOOD, AND NOTHING CAN BE- 11116 YeiCUU U! UIC COKE POPULAR THAT IS NOT Ppftflfa GOOD. The pcoplo never make j fl wvjyaw arai.'.T. Newspaper naverus- ; ----.-..-. ' w ndiw-9 . ie re dttr to try anything that's advertiscd-ouM. ,." . d .?, v U3 pnsi1 A siniag example of this principle is tU "of che foi-'-ai- ic f'a7. "Moute Criito" which wilt be prt-sented i ihl"f iir his r lay has Wen ptsduced ssnsjn after season fa thl en,- i.,;,,1,,'.!- T.roirnPTnns nfiiJ) r YO(I THINK ,7 -' . , ' :u',ii jjij i. ..fcv-tvM w - - -- -.- V. ..it, - ; iL -''-. ri3ir rjj J, ; HOU JANUARY I have the White Uose 3 mil) IjOfr horn Hoo-iteis for sale. Mic. Aitrlll'lt Wiis.in. Mr. aiid Mis. Kioeoi' Wee.sner mo the pi nutl paieutN of a baby Irl limn Moiiilay. With evt-rv SI whip bought of .loo r'otfol you jj'l fieo ehanei) on an SIS siinjlo hariw".s. lake Dlliner shipped !l ears of fat entile to Kanas Cily Suiiday. lie in' entupanieil tlicni. liiu Morauville has instill Um) u mini phone hiiiI Iho-o needing voterlnaiy serviee eall on lilni. Weesner .V Koont. the popular hot; Iniyvi's piihl Stun lleaton flllllOo for 12 heinl of lios last week. The V. '. T. I4.. will meei no.t Wednesday iifternoon at the home of Mrs. II. A. I low aid at '-'i.'SH. S If. Floraneo and Art .MeAithur lonlt i he initiator decree in the I. (. o '. lodyo Monday evening. Ton Sam.: -Two typewriters tfood as new, ouo Muitli Premier and one Iletn iutou. Inquire at thisolllee. Mis. t. II. Fort went to (Jrleant. Monday uiuht to visit her daughter, Mrs. Nellie (lardnpr wlio is ill. KviuitfeliMs St I ne and Chnppell are expeeted to visit with and assist Kill er Huhbonyiuhls work in Mareh. Mrs. A.C. Halo who has been quite slcU for the past two weeks with pneu nionlii is some better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Davis or Ueatrieo are visiting at the homo of Jim Doyle's. Mrs. Davis is a sister of Mrs. Doylo Mrs. Lew liritreth of Kastern, Kelt., slsterin-law of lohu tiiilfeth also a nejihew fioin Illinois arrived Monday. Quite u number from ll"d Cloud at tended the .lell'ries and (lotoh wrest ling mateh at MeCook Tuesday night. Morhait Iiros. have thefr hart) coal stoves on their lloor. Come In end seo the llnest line of the best stoves you ever looked at. Do you want a farm loan if so you should seo I -J. I'. Overman, who is pre pared to furnish you a loan at lowest rates and without delay. Mm hurt I'ros. earry a complete line of lJlectrio lamps, Carbon, Tungsten and Tantalum also hi-low lamps KM Cet your lamps of them. I. H. Kust was greatly surpris-cd Satui day evening when his children and grand-children walked in carrying their lunch, and reminding him of his 78th birthday. Will Holmes went to Omaha Mon day morning to accompany his undo, Arthur Wilson home. Mr Wilson has been, in u hospital and had his left leg amputated below tho kneo. They ar rived homo Tuesday night. Mr. Hussoug will deliver a sermon on "The School of the I'rophets" next Lord's day morning Jan. L'.'l. In the owning discourse In will present a sermon on "A Regenerated Tax-gatherer" A cordial welcome is extended to all attendants at the Christian chinch. Word was received Wednesday morn ing of the death of Stroup Hothtock at his home in Muisailes, Indiana. Mr Kothrock was the father ol Mrs. D. W. Turnure and Mrs. Josie Moian ville of this city. Messis. Fred and John Wittwer, brothers of the bereav ed widow departed this morning for Marsailes You'll feel better after taking Do Witt's Little KarJy Risers, the safe, surf, pleasant, gentle little liver pills. If you '.ould be sure of good results Insistjui HeWitt's Caibolbed Witch Ilael Sahe, the original. It is good for big cuts or little oues. small scratches or bruises or big ones, but, it is especially good for piles. Sold by all diuggists. The I'Jmily Waterman Concert Cum pauy delighted tho audience last Fri day night by rendering an interesting and varied piognun. Miss Waterman, espcci'.Uh. won tho confidence and ap probation of her hearers by that grace and charm which a true platform art ist displays, she has exceptionable ability and ranks among tho best read ers that has over appeared before Ucd Cloud audience. This was the fourth number of the lectin e course. The student body greatly enjoyed the address given by Mr. L. 1. Albright a week ago Wednesday upon the sub ject Kellections. Mr, Albright has a most pleasing easy delivery and charmed us all with his forceful and terse expressions. ' He compared the school of today with tho school of his boy hood and pointed out that we arc under obligation to tho ell'orts of tho past for our oxcollent equipment and drew from that that we in turn owe tho future our best thoughts and of forts. Wo trust that ho was as well pleased to seo us as we were to listen to him. That "Monte Lrlsto" still holds Its own and sways its old fascination over tho theatre going public is proven by the letnurleublo siu'ccn of Win. H Lcmlo us I'dinuiKl DuutvH In Fred ;, ConmrtV production of tluii ,'l..v. Mr. I.emle ib now in his third sivou up pearing in that purt nntl bid fair to inal Mr. Clms. Feehter snd James uN'ell in reputation a Huumh1 lonum tic hero. Mr. LeniJo will appear at I the "pita lloii'e, Kid Cloud Neb . i n Jun V 1910 1 1 1 . i a well ImpioMul lniin t miles rotn I'ed Cloud, with ond improve moots which cnst.oVcr ..(iii0.u(i and weie only put on last year. This place can be bought at it bargain if bought soon, one half cash ami tho balance on time 1 al-o have a good half section with in 8 miles of a good tail load town. L'lM' acies in eultiuitlon. good house, barn and good pasture fence Can bo bought on easy tenns and can get possession at any lime. For ftither pailii'iilats eall on A. II t'tui'i.M'i it. Thai Mi. liCiutoisun artist, no one can deny who has wilnesed his re miukuble impersonation f IMmutid Dantes in Fitgene Moore's version of Alexandre Dumas' novel "Monle1 Cilsto.' That Mr Li'inlo professesall i tins gifts rupiisitc for agieut actor is1 ovidc'it the moment he step-, on the stage as Kilmuml Halites, his youth, giiuv Ii ility iind dramatic intensity, .shine birth w ith a vividness that is ex i hilaialiiig anil fascinating, 'lliat he1 etijojs pln.iug the part one can see at I a glance, that he is interested in Ills' work j on know immediately by his conscientious and aitistlc woik. Mr., Letnlee is bound to reach one of thci high places in his profession. Mr. Fred (i. Conrad will present Mr. Lemle ( here in "Monte Cristo" at the Opera House on Jan 'Jl, at I ted Cloud. Neb WE Desire to Thank Our Patrons for the Liberal Patronage Received During the Past Year, and will Strive to merit a Continueance of the same in the future. flJOur Personal Services Are at Your Command. ALL THE PHONES ED. ANACK Successor to Amnck & Chancy LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. ... :f:::iAXx-:::XAy I I. LiNioi.v, Nkiiii.. Jan. 10, I'.UO. Ciiaiii l.s F.MICK. Red Cloud, Xobr. J lt Hear Sir: -Herewith find our check jtj for $21.00 in payment of your Accident , ,J indemnity claim. We liavo allowed ,. J. you for seven days 'otal and seven days partial disability in accordance with the evidence as ascertained by our Air. II. W. Kobbius, Special Ad juster. The settlement is made under tho preferred classification under which exposure you were injured. Yours truly, J. I.. IMimi'i: Secretary. This policy was written bv C T. Dickenson agent for the ,Vation, Ac cident Insurance Co. WANTED The Attention of all The Public. If you are looking for the best dollar's worth If you want to be in the front rank with the prosperous If you arc looking for distinction in the rank See STEVENS BROTHERS Photographers. Red Cloud, Nebraska. s2" 1 ft v. I ft '.--... Widow's Pension. The recent act of Aptil l!lh. I'.mS gives to all soldiers' widows a pension ofSl'J per month. Fred Maurer, the! attorney, has all necessary blanks. Wanted Salesman Wo want a reliable energetic agent to represent us in Ked Cloud have an attractive proposition to make the right man. Address United Wireless Telephone Co., ivl'l llec I'.ldg.. Omaha. Xobr. WE wish lo extend our sincere thanks to our many friends for their patronage during the past year. Notice The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Ked Cloud Creamery Association will be held at tho Court House in lied Cloud on Saturday Jan uary 'J. 11)10, at Up. in. Kveryone interested in the Creamery, directly or indirectly, is requested to be pies cut. J l- ItiCM i -, Tims We earnestly solicit a continuence of your trade during 1910 and will endeavor merit your business. GEO. P. JOHNSON Successor To Johnson & Grout Letter List. List of totters remaining uncalled fur at postolllco at Hed Cloud, Neb for the week ending Jan. 'JO, I'.MO. A. 1j. Jaspersou K. ,J Samuels It. D. Toblu Thomas White Thc-o will be out to the dead letter ' olliee 1'eb . .1. l'.ilO, if uncalled for before. When calling for above please stiy"advei tised." T. C. II um:u, Postmaster Public Sale. The undetsigned will m-U at Public Auction on his farm - '.' miles west and ', north of Cowles. and miles north and - east of Ked Cloud, Wednes day. Jan "Jd, 1CU0 commencing at 12 o dock the following property: Hi head of horses and cuttle consisting of '! head of horses and l.'i head of i-attle farm machiiiei.N and olher otlur arti cles to numerous to mention. .1. It I'.llinger. .mt. i K. T. l''oi, Clerl;. lj It SAY MISTER ! ! ! I U Having secured three carloads of wire fencing at Jt a BIG BARGAIN, we are willing to divide with you. COME AND SEE, Yours truly, PLATT & FREES CO. P. S. we sell only full rolls: 15, 20 and 40 rods. smmmimmiiiiammiimiimm m n m I'. II. KliW Mills Atlention of Sadie is Desired. Am.UI.'s ( jir, t Mil. Clin i oi Pol i k Ui:i Ci oi ii. A man by the iituuoof Ueii Urn-night, committed suicide heic today by cut ling throat Among Ids ell'ects a letter signed Sadie, dated January 2nd. if you can locate the writer please noti fy her ami let me know her wishes as to disposition of body. J. II. Pun i . Please communicate with W IC. (Jeer, city iniirsliall. SZ V 1 An me tor Wuilforandf, eery rop, E verytiiini IN afables m m m rlpaftlinPQC Iu a(-inK!C,'y stl)IV """ lll"n '""'lytiiiiiKeise. ff UlodlllllltJbb i)liyei.s should (lomaiiil Aboluto Cleanliness. (f Voi iiinnot buy (iroceries in a dirty, ill-kept place uii.J bo mho o ft ptiiegooilh Cli-aiiliucss.and sanitation an-our liobbb s. : : w 1 carry a complete line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. For Sale or Trade. A 1 1 room brick house suitable foi keeping looiner.s and hoarders if de-1 sired. SIo of building Jl x It, story and u half high, M lots and a fraction of (5 lots, electric lights and water in houso. For lurthor information in quire at Chief olllce. Don't trille with. Kidney iind liladdei trouble, lukit DeWitt's Ivldiii-y mid ' Madder Pills a directed mid you will ut unco notice HHtUfHotoiy , results DuWltU Kidney ami Muddi-i- Pills in. Htitixeiitio, houling and kootlilng, lie sure to get DeVitt's Klduov Hiul Dlud lr.i l'tllu it'liftn ifii rtk.Lr fn t luim Ifn f a-e submit te. au.l luilUtlous. ' J.ook ' t "V fo1' "J"1?1'' , J'0"1' 8tovo f , ,!,.. ,,. o tlurnn-fc-. Hold bv , I fr0m Vovlml Ul'OS, IIOW. . jo0 t . ' K1' 5" t' ?' .& iv i) id i to ito J ) ii it; ii m ito iit ii W v.- ws s ' m mm-nt nt Take voiir Hneititele case to No w ' house Dros. They will pill your initials , ' on it, freo of charge (Jet your hotttiiijf mid cook btove in- Host tor coughs and colds is Ken iiedy's hiMiive i migh Syrup, It moM tlw buwols fre.-Jy 3ot Kontlyaml' thereby di Ives Iheoold from tio ys. torn. It htps the cough, Children like it iilcawint to take. Sold by nil drtitrirUtK. I i '4 i NONDii 4Hi1b --- .-- j-..- ...-n . . . - iV h itv'ists. 0 ' Yv.