I 15he CHIEF Rd Clovul - Nebraska PUULISHKD KVIiHV TIIUIlSlixY. Cntorvil lii Die I'ontiilllti' hi KimI CIihi.I. Noli n Si'ciiiid (Hun Miiiler 0 II. IIAL.K Priii. imm. u Till: ONLY lUlMOrllATIC 1'AI'I.IS IS Wr.llSTI-.lt.COlNTY 'riii1 Lawrence Locomotive Is spank iiiK t lie Campbell (ilien while bond ing over a chair a-lasd I I my At tin' risk f being called funny we fall attention to Hie fact that we si ill liavo a block of ground called the court house sipiaie. The icusoii sitiiii) papers do nut give their renders the inteicsling items is because the cditois ahwijsstop to look Into their pockothooks. Aigus. Tito oldest inhabitant-hut what's the use. The weather man is tioicsppctcr of lociil'l It's till-. -. axon. Sunny Florl- In, balmy yi'exns and blooming Oili fornia have been vicing with all the iinrtliern states in tbeir droits not to bo out done in the amount of snow recorded or thickness of ice measured with a (ape line. Farmers Organize 'I'll- meeting at the Court bin M' Sat.it nlay was largely attended by far r.s and ot Iters interested In (be movement in thi locality. ( ouiml loner Obmstead ol (luble Uo.dc deliver ed an enthusiastic aihlrc-. and hoped the farmers of this cominuhity would Ihc up to their oppmttinlty and make a success of the institute. All present were in full accord with the move ment mid It promises to bo excellent from the start. The follow lug olllecrs were chosen, lieo. Hummel president, .las I'ucklcH vlci -president and Henry (til bam seeretary-ttcasiircr. A motion was made and cariied that an executive committee lie appointed from the follow Ink' piecinets. viz.. t'alberton, Hal in, Inavale. Walnut. Uiic, Ciarllenl, i.id ' m and lied Cloud iiv. Tbu selection ol tlie com mittee was made by Mcssis (ieo. V. IIuuuu"l, lleiny (illhaiu and .1. II. WiHceai ver and their names are; I Jr. D.unerell. lied Cloud City: .1. V. Dial". Red (.'loud township; C. II Steward, Line; . K. i'llncy, Inavale; I-'. II. Amack. (iarlicbl; Will Norris, Walnut ; l'laiikSlrobl, liatiii; IM I 'ay lie, Cat her-ton. The democratic papers over t he state are getting considerable enjoyment at the expense of their republican friends who attempt to justify the actions of both Senator liurkett ami llopresentative Norris Since they bold apposite views, and vote that way, one or tlio ol her must be cninp lyling kooiI CJ. O. 1'. doctiine and the other not. Ilotb cannot be right yet ninny republican paper.s are giving both hearty doctrine. Logic informs us that it is impossible for a tiling to be and not to be at one think! brothers, or you may bo likened to the nninul or the old fable which adorned itself with the lion'h skin. The Farmers Institute That corn is king seems an (indis putable fact since the reports from Omaha. lies Moines Iowaaud Lincoln, the pi l.es and prices which were giv en ate astonishing At Omaha a prize of Slin. lor an ear of corn. $' for the best ten eais, S'J,:il. a bushel at that nite. At lies Moines l,l!Oi was oll'ercd i. nd refused for a inle ear the largest price ever offered and con sideied the most perfect ear ever raised. Iowaaud llliuoishave increas ed their average jiehl live luishil per acic since they begun selecting and breeding seed corn. The l'.iO'.i corn ero is something enormous. $,7:2U,OOtJ Hon woith grew out of the soil in l'Jo '" j day.s eipiul to the gold and silver bull- ) ion out put. Illinois leads the list I enough to make a train from I'orllaud, Me., to Kan Francisco and limo miles out toward the I'liilippines worth S,.'OI..M7.,.,:.o, l'-'Obu. per enplta in the .state. Three and a half bushels for uveryuiati, woman ami child in the I'liited States, lirciit is the King Corn. Now let Ked Cloud and Web ster Co., net down to business and luivo a corn snow next year, lay vour plans at the institute in Febr., hung up some prizes for tlie hoys give special pri.c lor t lie best ear, a prize for the best ten ears let it include wheat, oat.s and other grains Don't forget the Kills u,ivo them a chance give them a prize for baking, sowing ami fancy work, some instructions on kitchen econctny for if we men are to be cast into their hands and want to live to a good ripe old ago and enjoy health and happiness give the girls a chance. As an old maid once said after sevcial attempts to land a man by her personal at ti act ions "the way - to u inan'rt heart was through his Wo believe that this is an opportune stomach." bet Kcil Homl lmvoa rousing big (institute ami may next year be bigger ami bettor one. A r'liimer The democrats of this county aie making arrangements to have a ban ipiot at'this place on the evening f Keb. 18. at which time the foll.m-lng distinguished leaders of the party will bo bote to deliver addresses: Judge Dutigan. Ilernaid MoXeny. Fred Ash ton, K. I). Sutherland and (lov. Shall etibergcr. The oratorical part of the program will bo held at the opera homo ami tlio banquet will be held in tjic court house. The Superior orchestra will behereto furnish music for the occa sion. The plates for the banquet will be 81.00 each, and if tome kind hearted democratic subscriber will pay bis subscription bofoie that time We will blow it in at the occasion, becoming for thai lime a lip ruining democrat. IJlooinington Advocate. time to rcdistrict the city and have another ward. Ked Cloud is largo enough for three wards and there arc umtiy b'0o,l reasons for an iirrauguient of that Kind. N'aluiallyllic north and south portions of the city have dilVei- ent piobhnis than the center and i these problems should bu worked out by residents of those sections. We are supposedly working on the icpre sontatlvc plan of city government jet it is impo.ssiblo for the average man to get a good understanding of the view point of a citizen living In an en tirely dlll'ercnt locality. Again a council unnpnsed of six men weuld have a tendency to avoid deafllccks such as l'tequent,ly occur with only four members. Then, too, it. would not ncccMitate the vote of the mayor so often when there U a question as to the authority to vote on a pending measure. It U asking a good deal of the present force to insist that they personally inspect ovory street an I ally, crossings, etc for the nominal salary which they receivo and a larger number would divide I lie work and the result would bo advant ageous to the entire city. We respectfully call the present admlnisttution attention to thlsquest Ion and ask that thoy investigate care fully and then ait as theirgond judge ment dictates. Ab- We.l- t.t'O '..'lOu (in I On CUM On i!.'5ou on WMU 0 l!rnl Estate Iriin.sfns. Transfers reported b, Hit' Fort strael Co. for the weeli ending nestlaj. .January III. llilu. John Soieti'-on to Ida Olson, lots .1 to til. BIU, I-.'. Inavale and lots to.',. Ulk. I.Saw yer's add to lunvulc wd... Addison F. Ileartwell to Charles A. Waldo, lots? to is, lilk. (!, lnava.u wd .... Ida ONon to ('. 10 Jni.cc, lot "i, 1 tile . I, Sawer's add to Inavale wd Jane M. James to Theodoie Ilentz. e j sw 1-l-ld. wd... Allen J. White to Henry lioiitlcher. s ', Ii k. . Ill, lllue Hill, wd I'oul M. Pounds to F. K. Conrad et al part lot II all lot l lllk. I. Ty.ers sub to lllue Hill wd. ' Almoti W. Co to John I'. Kropp, lo's I. "J, lilk. 'J, Coxes add to liladeu wd... Louis Koitto Arthur Kurt, s M n w, n yx sw 'j:i-i-io, wd 1.100.00 Henry Hritton to Ilmer Par sons, lots 21 to ,'(!, lllk. 10, Ciuide I tuck wd mwmmmHB3R&sst ousssbbbb ciSitsss -kjimts oqs :iuo.(e 1(1)0.00 S12T0'.'.(I0 Mortgages llled, tu'820.0(l Mortgages released, S.VJOD.OO Avoid Harsh Drugs Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to the Bowels. If you ate subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give tcuipoiui.x relief and their reaction is harmful and sometimes nunc annoying than constipation. They in no way effect a cine and their tendency is to weaken the already weak organs witli which they come in contact. We honest (j believe, that we hac the best constipal ion treatment ever dcised. Our laiih in it is so stioug that we sell it on the positive guaiMii tee that it shall not cost the user a cent if It does not giveentire sutisf.u-t ion and completely lemedy coustipa tioii. This piepaiation iscalled liexall Oidcrlics. These in e prompt, south iug and most effective in ac'.ioii. They are made of a recent chemical discov ery. Their principal ingredient is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Com bined with other well known ingred ients, long established fur tbeir use fulness In the treatment of eoustip'.i tion, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. They may be taken at any time, either day or night, with out fear of their causing any iucon vcnleiu o whatever. They do not gripe, purge nor cause nausea. They act without causing any pain or excessive looseness of the bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, delicate per sous and aged people as well as for the most hearty person. They come in two size package-, Ii tablets 10 cents, JitJ tablets 'j:. cents. Remember you can obtain them only at our store, -The liexall Store The H. H Griiie Drug Co. St- W. C. T. D. STEWS. ( Oils p:u i lUiuum, t,i On W . i. I. . Prohibition is for proti ,t'.on. not tor .lyranny. The man who enforces the laws on -.lite statute book is a friend ,.f the .people. The enactment and enforcement ol a prohibitory low is upee.Miry and lObligatory r,, tbu protection of man hood, womanhood and childhood. I believe In everything that oiicmir ,;j;os voluntary nbstlncnce both within and without the airay. The man who Stbstniii-s h better qutilllltd to be uuso- 30l, law nb'diug citizen ului to so Visit to Our Hlili .Stltcol. Last week it was my good pleasure to visit tbejlligh school and meet one , bundled aud'seventy yoin.g men and ' women faecjto face in the assembly room. At a single lap of the bell in a ino-t geiitleiuenly and lady like manlier every student took their seat and in a moment of time all (was silence. 1 thought how dlll'eiciit when 1 was a boy at school. The master would rap on the window sash with his knife handle and in eight to ten minutes he would get forty to sixty boys and girls heated on old fashioned benches ac- cordinglto age. and size. rlicn I thought we the taxpayers of today griiinliletaboiit high taxes oulv because we do not know of the great advantages and conveniences all'orded our boys and girls with our upto date buildings ami professional educators III securing an education for our chil dren. It was my first visit since the old building was remodeled and our courteous Miperintendcnt showed me each grade In their seperate depart ment. My surprise was next in great ness to my pleasure to mo the splendid improvement over the old arrangement with so small an expenditure. I believe a close personal acouain tance will benellt patrons, scholars ai.d Instructors and tend to enlarge our school iclatinus. If you visit our schools you will bo proud of the lioysund girls your money helps educate and the boys and girls will learn to grow proud of you for furnishing mi etuciont corps of edticatoi!.. We pay the money why ' not loud our personal influence and maUo tbo II ud Cloiulecliuols the last III the slate. U. p. Ai.iuiu.iir Child ren Romper s. Fancy striped cham bray, collar, pocket and cuffs bound with red at 25 and 50c each. Bearskin Coat Children's Bearskin Coats in solid colors in stripe or curly at $2.25 and 3.25. "Billy Possum," coat long nap, double roll collar. A good coat for the money at r& ii i tyaLXiia-al QZUfci) -A -.'s:.:n r " n.t.1 V 3 - BarreUs and Back Combs v ' y; (,j I Back Combs set ' .jl -jTr Krillinnts and lXSZ$&y solid gold inlaid at $2.50. Back combs sonic plain and some set with brilliants and silver inlaid from 25c to $1.25. Barretts in open work in shell or jet from 25c to 50c. Barretts set with brilliants and sil ver or gold inlaid from 50c to $1.50. Yarns we have the most complete line in the city. Shetland Floss $1 per lb. A Ladies Ready Made Skirts. good full skirt in the latest new flounce style in red, bl ue and green at $6.00 each. Agert for Bvitterick Patterns I irwwiii (2 miHPAIH3Bfffora I IBM! lani K'Mnewa J I'M Wi lr I GS3SK2iaS2!2K33&HD &3&3K K OE.S 1 20 PER CENT o Tho tlet time otic of the child ren catch cold. giu it something that wilt cure ' promptly und fuels but' evntly move Jtla own bupplness and that of Wj the bowels. In that way the cold will Jiunil.v and nieiwu. nn 06t buiili'Hs l',. i Df crime i i tlrlnU. W tneir fieutcfci- on i Arinlc i - vt . ic, CfOll. t-.lt . I V. gieat- Htouce ho driven out of the sHtem Iouued' l.aKulWt ' ouub Syiun 'noves tbu bo- mptly nnd freely, ' "' ' ' ' Mime time hens lnit.iti. n in I .'( t)i, , . , , i j-1 , , i j, lH' ' l"i t i i 'i i a " , i i Joseph Live Slock Market. .Ian. I1. P. 1 10. Murine; the pant wech the markets have nut shown mure change than is niturally espected from the variation in supplies from day to day. With the opening day of this week there was .some vakncas ilispliiyed in cattle trade and juices were around luc lower for steels while cows and heifers sold about steady. Indications still point to a liberal early marketing of short fed steers and a ncareity of full led beeves for the early spring mouths. All prices arc away higher than a year ago anil tnere ts little Hint can lie con strued as pointing to perinunetrtlj lower prices. Curient ipiofitioiis stand at about f.".'"o to fiV-J.'i for the bulk of steers as they are coming to inailcet with a few .selling up t -" .V and something on full fedehoice order would ipilekly sell above the $7 iniiiK. Cows and heifers ai o selling at .I.T". to l.."0 for the bulk of fat grades but with choice lots of helfeis going up to S.VJ0 and over. Veal cuhes up to SS for tbo best. Stock and feeding cattle niestly at c.'I.T. to i?l..'0 but the deiiiand is not large. The market for hogs has been of a seesaw character but does not show that the packers have any reliable line on permanently or larger increased s supplies in the near future. Of Into it is noted that recoveries from breaks are prompt and generally equal to the breaks and hogs continue to sell well up toward the ?8.."n mark for the aver age cost. On the dale of this writing the top sold at is.',0. and the bulk of medium and heavy weights at SS.I.'i to S3 CD while thelight and light ml.sed grades went at SS.ilO to JS.r.u. These prices are a little higher than a week ago and the market does nut show any weak symptoms. .Mutton supplies are showing a toud oncy tu luereitbe but the demurd Is good and prices, are being well .sus tained, feed loin of Colorado and the west me furnishing the iviviptsat priMiit, I'at lambs ure minted at as u tu i-s ;,, j curlings tJ..".u to -7 7., wctlu i :. ."i.l to fii.'.-i, ewes f.'i tn s.".. .U N v i f) i I.im sOiu iimi,i ('... OVERCOATS EMT1 IN 1 20 w e. will sell all the Stores at this Discount o f SAVE $5.00 $4.00 $3.60 $3.00 $2.40 $2.00 ON A tv it a a u a u a vercoats or Cash. $25.00 $20.00 $18.00 $16.00 $15.00 $12.00 $10.00 $ T.50 in our o COAT a. it ii ii ii it ii DO IT NOW rtrrrp'-MKwa'g.'.wia:, r -rr-rr wirrtmt;.a p;.y wriBaaaBgiggaBgsasgggBaacaaia ij-ff ry m 'rinwrr!srtT-rT.rgaeiyi STOREY The Chief $1.50 a year. 9 COWLES FOWIiEH PAUli STOREY RLD CLOUD y i