jm tmv j-3' - 3 SJ-W ,1' ,' U V A Diagnosis. "How'b ycr 'usband after the acci dent, Mre. Glnncrty?" "Palth, sometolmes he'a bother un EometolmeB he'a wurse, but from the way ho ylls an takes on when he's bother, 01 think ho'a bethur when he'a wurse." Kansas City Journai The old proverbs depend largely on th point of view. For Instance, you can't convince a mouse that a black cat brings good luck. There nrc imitation, don't be fooled. There ih no Milwtituto' Tell the dctleryou want 1cwis Single Hinder ci' Money talks In spite of tho fact thnt lots of ninn want to keep It quiet lrfra. Wlnilnvr'a fiootlihuj Sjrnp. Tot r tillrtren tecttilnK, oftp thoKiim,rnducf In flammaUon.alia) a ilu, cure wind collu SJc a bottle. Hope is u mnKlc lnnluin which often Bhows impossiblo pictures, An Ideal Present NO STUOrriNG NO HONING CT'SvSvFSr&'Ts! KNOWN THB WORLD OVER BROWN'S Bronchial Troches An Immediate rcljii lor Hoaroncu, Cousin, Sort Throat, UronchUl and Aithnutli Troublu. An article o! superior nirit, absolute! free, from tar harmful ingredient. ' Price, 25 cent., 50 cent, and $1,00 per box. bample milled on rrqucjt. IOHNKJ3ROWN fr SON. Bo.ton. M.. - ' : W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 4-1910. ' by man ever dies, or can die. Carlyle, (m&w&o cfud 2ae6fxms When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. MHLrml down, suffered from pains in her side, head and limbs, and could walk but a short distanco at a time. Sho camo very near having' nervous rrmsSummSh' prostration, had and scorned melancholy by spells. Sho tried two doctors but got littlo help. Sinco talcing iT;'ii v. " A '.:' Lydia 13. Pinlchain'8 vegetable- Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills sho has im proved so much that sho feels and looks liko another girl." Mrs. O. Cole, Fitehville, Ohio. say a few words in praisoof your medicine. 'When I began taking it I had been very sick with kidney and bladder trou bles and nervous prostration I nm now taking tho sixth bot tle of Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable- Compound and llnd myself greatly improved. My friends who call to see mo have noticed a great change." Mrs. A. II. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can any one ask ? t For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been tho standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman docs justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit MtE Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women mWw to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass 'THE' STEADY' WHITEj iliCHT Save the Baby Use Pi SO'S k CURE Tftt UtST MMUHt TOR (gUGHStfilSVBS Should bo given at once when the little one coughs. It liecls the dcl icato throat and protects tho lungs from infection guaranteed sofo nnd very palatable. All Druggists, 25 cent. A GOOD COUGH MIXTURE. Simple Home-Made Remedy That Is Free from Opiates and Harm ful Drugs. An effective remedy that will usu ally break up a cold In twenty-four hours, is easily made by mixing to gether in a largo bottle two ounces of Glycerine, n half-ounce of Virgin OH of l'lno compound pure and eight ounces of puro Whlaky. This mix ture will euro any cough that la cur able, and Is not expensive us It makes enough to last tho nvcrago family an entire year. Virgin Oil of Pino com pound puro la prepnred only in tho laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. That's the Question. Wife You were late last night. Hub Heg pardon, my doiir. As I cunus in the front door the clock struck 11. Wife Hut what time did you nrrivo at the head of the stairs? Gastronomic. "What belle of the season do you find most attractive?" "The dinner bell." One way to acquire a repuUitlon lor nminblllty is to agree with every Blni plcton you meet. rii.KH cimr.n IN 0 TO 1 PAYS. VA7A) OINTMnSTIitnmrnnteed ' euro nny rme ef Itchtint. Illlnit, (Heeding ur rmtrudlnu l'lle lu llollduytor uiunoy refunded. Wo, Nothing that was worthy in tho past .liiTinrta -nn ft-ntli nr lTfiniliipua rrn1l7Pfi Fitchvillo, Ohio. My daughter was all run begun to cough a good deal, Irashurg, Vermont. "I feci it my duty to If f? 7; li r vT Jn Ik The RAYO LAMP i a high-grade lamp, told at a low price. Tliore are lamps that cost mote, tut there is no better lamp at any price. The uumer, the Wick, the Chimney.! loldcr all are vital things in a lamp; these parts o( the RAYO LAMP ate perfectly constructed and there is nothing known in the att of lamp-making that could add to the value of the RAYO as a light-giving device. Suitable for any room in any house. Kvcry iIi-iiIit rvcrywtiiTO. If mil at yimra.'wrlto jiirucKTlinivn circular 10 mo nearest jwncy 01 mo STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorioratc4) ! WHAT'S Your Health Worth? You start ofcknes9 by mistreating nature and it generally shows first in the bowels and liver. A 10c box (week'otreatment) of CASCARISTS will help nature help 1 you. They will do more using them ' regularly ns you need them than any medicine on Earth. Get n box today; take a CASCARET tonight. Ucttcr in the morning. It's the result that makes millions take thctn. est CCTTIIW OUT, mall It with your rutdww to merlins lteuiedy Co.. Chicago, 111., mid receive 1 m tuuiutwiue fcouvuur sold lios ilou li'ltEK. TRUE BLESSEDNESS Sands? School Ltiten for Jan. 23, 1910 Specially Arranged for Tnls Papar LKSSON TEXT.-Mutt 5 110. Memory verurM, 2-ii, aot.DKN TKXT-"lllesj"i'i nro the puro In licint. fur tln-y slmll sen God." Matt. f. S, TIMK. The amiuiipr of A. IX IS, nmr t)m middle f 1'lirlM'n inlnlHtry. Vl.ACK- The traditional Hlto la the Horns of Hiittln. two or tlirro iiiIIpm west of tho Hon of Mnlllup, wlierc Rahulln de-ft-nted tlir t'liiKiidcrM nnd dpttroycii nil hnp( of Chrlitliin ruin In l'rtlcntlno. Suoaestlon nnd Practical Thought. Wo now come to hoiih of tho dls tlngiilHlitng innrkB of Mntthuw'B pre Hontiitlon of tho llfo of our Lord, nnd to illHtlnct oruH in tho work of Jcbuh. The HontltmloB. Tho Text of the Sermon, with tho liiHplnitlon, tho Motor I'owcr. to l.lvltiK In Accordance with Thorn Thi llentitmli'H tiro tho (Into Ilctiu tlfnl to the Ti'tnplo of MollnusH. l'lt-Ht Heiitltiuli V. a 1. Who nro tho poor in wplrlt? "IllcBHL'd nro tho poor In spirit." This 1b not poverty of mental faculties nnd KlftH. It Is no moan, abject fouling; no Uriah Hoop humhlonuas, no want of Bclf-rcHpcct. 2. How (Iocs tho hlcHHing grow out of this spirit? Ilocauso It Ib tho aamo spirit that Is retptlri'd when wo aro told thnt wo must become ns littlo children If wo would enter Into tho kingdom. 3. What Is the blessing? "For theirs Is tho kingdom of Heaven." They bo long to that kingdom, they are ruled by Its laws and principles. 4. What part has this Meatltudo in forming tho perfect man, and honco the perfect world? It Is tho spirit ami atmosphere In which till virtues flourish. Second Uentltudc. V. 4. 1. Who are described by the term they that mourn? "Tho mourners whom Christ pronounces 'blessed' are. those who aro poor In spirit." Maclaren. 2. Why nro those that mourn blessed? "For thny shall be com forted." Cod comforts those who nro mourn ing on nccount of sickness, sorrows, troubles and losses, by causing them to work "for us more and more ex ceedingly an eternal weight of glory" (2 Cor. 4:17). 3. How do these blessings grow out of the mourning? llecause to sin ful beings there seems to bo no other way. There Is no way to tho bless ings of forgiven sin save by tho mourning that leads to repentance. 4. This Is also the answer to tho question What part has this Heatl Utile In making the perfect mnn and the perfect world? "A high Idea) or life lies beneath all. No man Is beg gared who has a vision of man's chief end and chief good." Kxp. Greek Teat. 5. How is this Hentltudo illustrated In the llfo of Christ? Tho consola tion thnt camo to him after tho prayer In Gethsemano. Ills whole llfo Is ex pressed In Hob. 12:2. Third lteatltude. V. 5. 1. Who are the meek that shall In herit the earth? Meekness Is a dispo sition of the soul in reference to the wrongs, or seeming wrongs, which come to us from others. Its basis Is tho control of all earthly tempers by tho spirit. 2. What Is the reward of the meek? "They shall inherit the earth" from their King. They do not earn It, but Inherit It. Fourth Beatitude. V. 0. 1. Who nro they who hunger and thirst nfter righteousness? Hunger and thirst express the most Intense of till desires. In this Hentltudo are Included those who hnve this intense desire to bo good, to he righteous; everything else success, riches, pleasure, knowledge - must be as nothing In comparison with righteousness. 2. What Is their reward. "They shall bo lllled" with the righteousness they desire. Fifth Hentltudo. V. 7. 1. Who nre described an the merci ful? Mercy Is near of kin to love. It Is love to tho needy, tho troubled, the sinful, even those who have wronged us. It relieves spiritual wnnt nnd darknesB ns well ns temporal; would give tho Gospel to tho heathen as well as food to the hungry. 2. Whnt 1b their reward? "For they shall obtain mercy." From man and from God. Like begets liko. 3. How wnn tills Illustrated by Christ? Christ's coming to nave men, his miracles of mercy, his beginning, his dentil on the cross. Sixth Heatltude. V. 8. 1. What Ih It to bo pure lu heart? Real purity "Is In tho heart, the seat of thought, desire, motive, not In tho outwnrd net." 2. What blessing comes to the pure In henrt? "For they shall see God." Seventh Hentltudo. V. 9. 1. Who nre Included In the torm peacemakers? "Peacemakers are cro nted by having passed through all the provloitB experiences which the pre ceding verBes bring out." Tho Work nnd Power or Salt. V. 13, Yo nre tho salt of tho earth. Salt seasons food, and preserves It from corruption, so thnt It can give life to men. Salt cleanses, and sweetens, and glveB wholesomo flavor to human existence. Their whole Bplrlt, teach ings, Hvcb nnd Influenco counteract, aro nntlseptlc to, tho unrighteousness which Is tho great dcetroyer of Indi viduals ana nations. President Had ley of Yale enys: "All tho moral pre cepts which nro taught, oven by thoso great bend mas'tors aro of littlo con scrpjenco as compared with tho per sonality of thoso teachers. " 90,000 AMERICAN SETTLERS GO TO CANADA THE YEAR 1909 HAS SHOWN AN INCREASE OF OVER EIGHTY PER CENT IN AMERICAN SETTLEMENT. llccont ndvlcoB from Cnnadn, our next door neighbour, the neighbourly country ucross tho botuulnry line, nro that upwards of ninety thousand BCttlois from the United States went into Western Canada during tho pnst year, most of them for the purpose of tnklng up and settling upon tho va cant hinds, 1(10 ncros of which nro given free by the government, nnd hinds adjoining held by railway and liitid companies nro selling nt from nine to llfteen nnd twenty dollars per acre. Kven if thirty nnd forty dollars per aero were paid, tho price would bo low. us the lands produce wonderfully, nnd at these higher llgures there Is a large Interest on the money ami labor invested. Tho ninety thousand set tlers of last year, followed about sixty thousand of tho previous year, nnd for several years the number has been running Into these largo llgures. Thero must bo n reason for It, It miiy ho found In tho single phrase, "they aro Batlsllcd." Nothing attracts pcoplo more than tho success of others, nnd the news of this reaching other thou sands, causes them to Investigate. The Investigation In this case is always satisfactory. The splendid laud of Iowa, of Indlanu, of Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and other States has risen to a high value, and It Is worth every dollar asked for it. Hut there is not room now for nil on these lands. With (ho over Increasing demand for grain, there conies tho ever Increasing de mand for land. Canada Is the only country on the continent in a position to supply It. Land there that costs, say llfteen dollars an acre, produced on n reasonable calculation, 2.1 bushels of wheat to the acre, or about $20.00. The most liberal calculation ns to cost makes tho cost to produce ?7.H0 per acre, leaving n balance of $12.50 per acre. The $7.50 carries good wages for the fanner, nnd all other conceiv able contingencies. With conditions like this, covering the entire nrea of nliout 500,000 square miles, it is read ily understood why 00,000 Americans should follow the sixty thousand of the previous yenr. Canadian Govern ment Agencies at different polntB in the Union are always ready to give In formation regarding the free homo stead lands, reatly to advise the set tlor ns to the districts which would uit hi in best. After the Hunt. Provided with some trophies of the eliuse In the shape ol rabbits. Ilov. Sanford C. Ileam, pastor of tho First .Methodist Kplscopnl church, Yonkers, proceeded to dress them for dinner In tho parsonage cellar. Ills small son wateneil the father's work with Inter est, doing upstairs, the youngster culled his mother. "Oh, ninininu," salt) he, "what do you suppose papa Is doing?" "I can't guess, child. What Is he doing.'" "Well, he's just skinning, shaving and cutting up cats." A Question of Time. "How much does It cost to get mnr rled?" asked the eager youth. "That depends entirely on how long you live," replied tho sad-looking man. How loafers grate upon tho nervcB or a busy person. ply of their scars, When He Courted You mi WP 0r realized the full truth he would be more than ) nil anxious to have the wife he loves take the right remedy i i'Mtt to restore her to true womanly health. Most men don't know that when a woman M despondent, there is invariably something radically wrong with the delicate feminine organs with which her entire physique is in sensitive sympathy. There is one, and just ono remedy, tried and proven, that will put things right when tho feminine oran!tm ib weak or diseased. It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Tills medicine restores perfect health to the weakened gans, and makes them strong. It makes wifehood happy, and motherhood easy. It child-birth short and almost painless. It helps to make real "new women." An honest druggist won't urge upon you a substitute. This "Favorite Prescription" is a pure glyceric extract of native medicinal roots cohol, injurious or habit-forming its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper and attested as full and correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant l'cllets regulate and strengthen Stom ach, Liver and Hmvcls. Kasy to take as candy. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more ooodt brlohter and tatter colon than any other dis. One 10c oaekaoa color all libera. The de In cold water better than any other dre. You can dro am oarment without rlppimjapafU Writo tor Iroobooklot-llovv to Ua, Uleach and Mix Colon. MONROE URUO CO., Qulncy, Illinois. 'lliotiKli a man may uocomu learned by nnothor'H lcnruliiK, lie can never lie wise but by tils own wisdom. Mon talgno. TiAVIK' lMINKII.T.ITIt naa no rotistltulu. No other remedy la mi erfcetlrn for rnwjiiutlmu, luiulmiio, MlnneHH. nenralttlu. or cold or uny hurt. 1'ut up In Slo, Sio ucl lUi botlloa. Most of a innn'R frlcndu aro ol tho louil-dlatanco variety. A Woman's Diplomacy. It wns tho Chicago man's turn, nnd ho told (his one: "Diplomacy, you know, Is n remark nhle ugent. The other duy n lady said to her husband: . " 'James, I have decided to do with out n new full dress, nnd with the money It would cost I shall havo mother here for u nice long visit." "lames turned on her excitedly. What, wear that old brown cloth thing mint her season? I guess not!' ho ex claimed, vehenient'y. 'You go right down to your tailor's today and order something handsome. Ueir.ember, please, that as my wife you have u certain position to iiuilntuln!' "The wife bowed her head in sub mission On her lips played a pecullur smile. ' Llpplnrott's Magazine. His Discovery. The swell sou of the household had just been Initiated Into the art of cleaning his own teeth with the soft little brush his mother had bought him. llcMiltiir the Imliv erv lustllv u few minutes later (he mother ran Into the nursery, only to Hud the nursing bottle on the tloor and Johnny, toothbrush In hand, leaning over the crib of the screaming Infant. "Oh, niuvier!" he cried, anxiously, "baby must havo been homed wifout any toofs!" He Was an Old Hand. "Do not unger mu!" sho Bald, sternly. "How am I to know when you aro angry V" he nsked. "I always stamp my feet," sho an swered. "Impossible." he said. "There Isn't room for n stump on either of them!" That fetched her. Llpplncott's. Thrrp l more Catarrh In till rwtlori t thn eountrr tlian all ntliir ilMwen put tonelln'r. and until tin-1 ml fi's J him uiih Milipwil ID nc liiruranii'. i or a trim ninny t'nn lc tor pnmimiitfd It a load illmiu and pri'Mt-rllM'tl lund eniHlii'K, and Py ruiiMuntly (.ilium tci t nro nith lno-il trr.unnnl. prnnniininl It Iiii-iimIiIp. Soli' no lus prnvr'i '1 irrh to ! a iimMllullnniii dto i lie. nnd thirclim- mitilrri oiintltiitiiiiml trt'ntmfiit. Mini I'nt.'irrli mri timnut.irturitl Pv r. J I'hrm-y .1 in, Inlulo, Ohio, I tla only CotiMllutloiml lliti' oil thr mirkct. It l tnkrn Intrrnally In down from 10 ilrnpi to a trnpoonfiil It nrtu itlrrctly on tin- Mood and iniicoin iirtirm of thr ayntriii. lliry ortrr one hundred fur any raw It falh to cure. Stud fur nrriilnrH nnd litlmiinlil. Addmw 1 J rill M'.Y Ac CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold liv Drucel'tn. JV. Take Hall a I aiully Tills tor constipation. Period of Joy for Casey. Casey's wlfo was at the hospital, where she had undergone u very seri ous operation a few days before. Mrs. Kelley called to Inquire as to Mrs. Casey's condition. "la she rcstln' quietly?" Mra. Kelley nsked. "No, but I nm," said Casey. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive I About Die t.lii of your mIiuch, iiumy people wt-iir Hiiiullcr Hliocsliy uMiik Allen'N 1-uol-KnM, I tho Antlm'ptlr 1'iittilrr to hluthi Into tin ulioi'H. It iMiri'M Til i'il, Kwolli-n, Ai'IiIiik 1'Vel nnd ' u'lvos rrnt ninl comfort. .IiiU tin' thliiR for 1 ViriMilihii- lii ni'w hImii'h. Solil every wIhtc I hiimple M'lit Klti;i:. AildrusN, Allen fc. Olumtcil, I I.e Hoy, N. Y. Easily Distinguished. "This," remarked Mr. Cane, "Is my photograph with my two French poodles. You recognize me?" "I think so," said Miss Hofteo. "You aro tho ono with the hat on, aro you not?" ONI.V ONi: "IIIKOIO OtMNINi:." Tlmt h I.A.VA'I IVi; IIIIOMO IINIM:, look fur the Kltrnaturi' or II. W. lillOVK. I'm-U tliu WurlU oteriol'uri'al'oM in -'"' 1'iiy. '-m What a glorious country thin would be to live in If turkeys were as easily raised as cats! don't Ni:;r.i:rT that coriiii It rertalnlv rai k )otir MMriu anil limy run Into hoinrlli nn mtIoiis. .Ill'" h I. mill li'ii'MTllleliiik llipjlcklyiinUierin:im'ntl). rurKtloutiilliltiiwUlk. Let us havo talth that right makes might, nnd in that faith let us tlaro to do our duty ns wo understand It. Lpwi"' Shade Hinder giveMtlie smoker what he w.tnts, a rich, mullow-tiihting ' Enthusiasm is the poultice men up- He didn't complain if you were a little despond ent or irritable at times. Now he docs. He's the same man. He didn't understand then. He doesn't now. Then he thought it was ca price and liked it. Now he thinks it is caprice and doesn't like it. But now he's busy getting money. is weak, nervous, irritable and and contains no al-fU drugs. A full list of makes rKj Ifct "TM J r?f73 WUBPlsm tfsSv&y L ' QhfaH Wl-.f L I rWUmmWmmWmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmWmmmmm "California If ever you wlHhcil for a homn In Cnllfornln nend for f ro Informntton about tho greatest Irriga tion, ruliiiilzluit unci lmmtwnuliliiK tiiitcrprino over undertiiUen. In addition to their (treat HtieceHH In Irrigating 40O,ikXJnrrH In tint Twin Fnllu Country, Idaho, the Kiilins nro IrrlRutlqg 2.'i(i,(Xi0ii('ri'Hlutlier!iicruincDtu Vullcy. rit'in) iiuuivh of XrlcndH. I'Muy terms to auttlera. Wowinl JTiotSok iu'wiott H, L. Hollistcr, Dept. K, 205 LaSalle St., ChicaBO, HL CHICAGO MERCHANT MAKES STATEMENT. After Spending Thousands of Solium and Consulting tho Most Eminent PhyBicianB, Ho Was Desporato. CHICAGO, ILL8. Mr. d. Q. Decker, of 1 34 Van Durcn St., a well-known wholesale dry goods dealer, states as follows: "I havo had catarrh for mortf than thirty years. Havo tried everything on earth and spont thousands of dollars for other medicines nnd with physicians, without gottlng any lasting ro ller, and can say to you that I havo found Poruna tho only rem edy that has cured mo per manently. "Poruna lias also cured my wifoof catarrh. Sho always keeps it in tho houso for nn attack of i cold, which it invariably cures In a very short time. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt ReliefPermanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never., (ail. Purely Veget ableact turely but gently cm the liver. Stop ailttj dinner diitreu curcindi-' ceition improve tno complexion brighten the eyet. Small Pill, Small Doie, Small VtUm GENUINE must bear iignature : Nebraska Directory 71 After Curing Yourself CONSTIPATION by using Uncle Sam Breakfast Food You will continue to use it because it is a delightful breakfast dish. If you don't know it's merits ask your grocer He Certainly Knows JOHN DEERE PLOWS AHE THE BEST AMC YOlHl UK) AT, DKAl.K.i: OK JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA, NEB. Beatrice Creamery Co. Pnyn Hit highest price for CREAM HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. HKOKERS AND DEALERS Qraln, Provision, Stocks, Cotton Main Office. 204-205 FmUrntty Oldf. Lincoln, Nebrntk. Hell I'lmneM'.! Auto Phone 2060 l.nrKCht IIouho In Mule. WESTERN CANADA What Prof. Shaw, the Wall-Known IkgtU culturlst, Saya About Itl "I would oonor nilno cnttlo In Wrtern tnnn In trm eiirtt Iat ur tint llnltwl Huto. Fee in eiieaiHir una oi iliettur lor till) pa iii elieaiHir unit cllmato lieltur rur Ihu tmrixjtt. Your miirliiil "ill lm ITorn fuater thnn year furment will produce the ui'iille. Wheat ran be crown nn tothoOOlh par nllel IftO mile north of tho International boand aril. Your vacant land will Ixt taken at a rata m'jonu inwont concep tlim. o bnio nnngh JK-opto In the United Klatea nlnnn who wnnt rnlfn nnfhl. Innil Ffrl '.f) lS-lv. 1,1 Wfttferu Ciltiililll tllla venr. MfWltis. """ prixlilecil iinollier lurce jVUli crop of ivlient. onla mill burler. l-: 1 1 111 1IIII11111I11 111 IVllll'II tllC Sill.lU ixiri8 mm nil iiunii'iiao nem, '.ittlit rnlnlnif. ilulrvlnif. rolled fnriuinff find ttrtttn Brnwlnji in the Motion' of JMiiMlioli,baUat" cIk'hiiii (lint Alliertn. I'reo lionieslenil and pro-emp-tlon nrt'na. n well aa landa held niea.wui provide; liomea for inlllloii". .. Ailmitnlilo Mill, lieiillbfulcll unite, yplendlil helioola and cliuridiea, mill Kooil rullunrs. l'or wittlera' rnten, diwcrlptlro llternttiro "J.Bit lltwt vVeft." bow to reach tho i ountry nnd other par tieulnn, writu to Hup't of lciml. sration. Ottawa. Cminda, or to the Caoudiun (Joiorninvnt Autnt. W. V. DENNETT Rocm 4 Bit Bids. Omaha, Nib. (I'an dretsneitreHjrou.l (U) PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM , C1nntr& and ImulltlcJ tha hair, l'rnnini.. & tniiimiit crrowth. 1 Nevar falls to Ileatore Oray liair to lia touiaiui vviur. Curn tnin dlMtM) & hair filling. ffV:.ndm)at DmirirUU DEFIANCE STARCH-,' ounces v lbs package -other tarrhia only 13 ounce aame price and "DEFIANCE" 18 OUPERIOli QUALITY 1 Now or Never!" rADTFK mmmml mitti jmmmmT llVFP ormmmmTmmmwmn huii l?i. i ngpaBk vu i iii in iii m mhm w MZmW-4 4mmm I tfVowlAlV hAmaa in I I W?M 70,000 Americans . x-T'I'ilAiC wllleiileriiiKlmiiUnllii'lrlinmcs 5 ' h I i r - t t 4 f ! '- t ) if i J I '.is MiiaixuBai fo'-h