The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 13, 1910, Image 7

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Catarrh of tho Lungs
Threatened Her Life,
Mies Kluctlo I'orter. Hntltil-fn. Vi.r-
mont, writes: "I huvo bceu cured by
"I hud Povoral licniorrhaKcs of tho
lungrf. Tlio doctors did not help mo
much nnri would nover lmvoAJUrid inc.
"1 saw a testimonial i;i n, 1'urutin
nltnanno of jv c:no Blnillar to inluu, ami
I oomiuciict'd lining it,
"I wan not nllo to wait on mysolf
when I began using it. I gained very
tilowly at flrst, hut I could boo that it
was helping mo.
"After 1 had taken it n wMIo I com
nieiu'cd to raiso up n Htringy, sticky
Kuuatanco from my lungs. This grow
lean and Ioks in quantity as I continued
tho treatment.
"I grew moro fleshy than I had ixn'ti
for a loug tlmu, and now 1 call mysoJI
Tliey say "love makes
And may It timer tonim;
Quito true, lull jili'iim- then don't forcrt,
. .Moni-y'n tlio axli" ki'oiiki.
"IAiur years ago I Buffered severely
with a terrible eczema, being a mass
of Bores from head to feet nnd for six
weeks confined to my bed. During
that time I suffered continual tor
ture from Itching and burning. After
being given up by my doctor I was ad
vised to try Cutlcura Remedies. After
tho first bath with Cutlcura Soap and
application of Cutlcura Ointment I en
joyed the first good sleep during my
entire illness. I also used Cutlcura
Resolvent and tho treatment was con
tinued for about three weeks. At the
end of that time I was able to bo
about the house, entirely cured, nnd
have felt no 111 effects since. I would
adviso any person suffering from any
form of skin trouble to try tho Cutl
cura Remedies as I know what they
did for me. Mrs. Kdward Nenning,
1112 Salina St., Wntcrtown, N. Y.,
Apr. 11, 1509;
Her Bright New Cook.
Mrs. 151a:. k prided herself on her
ability to train her servants, and she
had just been Ijragglng about the
treasure she had In her new colored
cook when tho following dialogue oc
curred: "Now, Amaranth, I'll come out nnd
fry the chicken, but I want you to
hnvo It all ready for me. Dress It
carefully and be sure to singe off
every hnlr."
"Then cut It up Just as I showed
vou the other day. Do you remem
ber?" "Yns'm."
"Wash and drain It well. You un
derstand?" '
"Yns'in." Then, as an nftcrthought,
"Shall I kill It?" Tho Circle.
Anticipation Safer Than Realization.
"It is not always necessary to mako
a direct accusation," said tho lawyer
who was asking damages because in
sinuations had been made against his
client's good iinme. "You may have
heard of tho womnn who called to the
hired girl, 'Mary, Mary, come hero
and take the parrot down stairs tho
master has dropped his collar but
ton!' " Everybody's Magazine.
Just the Place.
"Save mo, savo me!" shouted a man
dashing Into the llrst open doorway.
"They're coming to kill mo!"
"H-m-m-m!" calmly remarked tho
proprietor. "You've picked out a good
placo for 'em to do it. This is nn un
dertakln' establishment."
Was Quick to See that Coffee was
Doing the Mischief.
A lady tells of a bad caso of coffeo
poisoning nnd tells it In a way so sim
ple und straightforward that literary
skill could not improve It.
"I had neuralgic headaches for 12
years," sho says, "and suffered untold
agony. When I first began to have
them I weighed 140 pounds, but they
brought mo down to 110. I went
to many doctors and they gave mo
only temporary relief. So I sufrored
on, till one day a woman doctor told
mo to uso I'ostum. Sho said I looked
llko I was coffeo poisoned.
"So I began to drink Postuni and I
gained 15 pounds lu tho llrst low
weeks and continued to gain, but not
so fast ns at flrst. My headaches be
gan to leave mo after I had used
I'ostum about two weeks long
enough to got tho coffeo poison out of
my system.
"Since I began to uso I'ostum I can
gladly say that I never know what a
neuralgic headncho Is llko any moro.
and It was nothing but I'ostum that
mado mo well, llcforo I used Postum
I never went out alono; I would get
bowlldered nnd would not know which
way to turn. Now I go nlouo and my
head Is as clear ns a boll. My brain
nnd nervea aro stronger than thoy
havo been for years."
Rond tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to
'WollvIHo'in pkgs. "Thoro's a ReuBon."
Ever rcml lir. nbo.r Ictlr'r't 'X ijojti
one iipprarn. from time tp Umr. Ihry
are Krnulne, true, unit full ot human
tlio world ku
Tribunal Would Hear Cases Arising
Under the Interstate Law Chief
Executive Also Urges Federal In
corporation Statute to Suppress
Abuses and Not to Destroy Legiti
mate Combinations of Capttal.
WaMiltiKtnn, Jan. 7 -NYoilril Irixlxlutlnti
roiirerutriK tin- intcrxtitte i-mntiu'iei- law
Utlll tin- I'llllllnl I if trilHlH fdl'tlll'll the Htlb
Jcct nf I'li-islili-lit Tut I'M Hpi't 111) tni's:UKO
to eoiiKicss. Tin1 pii'-ililt nt i-nlli atten
tion to tlii' put Mill tailuii- of tiu present
t'oniniorrc lm to set ii.uuIIh lit-riiiixn of
tile fleitn'lll uppoiili flotll ll.s iIitImIoHH
to fl-lll'llll I'llllltH n'ul tin- Hlowili'Mrt of till'
Mlpl't'lllt' CIHIl I ill lll'llllllIK tlli-HO I'llSl'H.
Tin- nii-Hsime Miiyn:
"It would not bo proper to attempt to
deprive unv i orpiiiatimi of tin- HkIiI to
tin- review ly u i-oitrt of unv unlet- or de
cree Vtilih, If umlHttirlieil, wotilil ruli It
of a i ration. ilili- return upon ItM Invest
ment or uiihl subject n to Imi.lrtiH
willed would unjustly illHcillnlniiti'
auultiHt It und In ruvor of otln r ruriieiM
Hluillurly lnmteil. What Is, huwevti. of
Hiipretne liiipm taiii'p In the ileclxlon
of hucIi uiioxlloni hluill lie aw hpcimIv n
the nature of tlie elrciini.-UiineeH will ad
mit, ami a unlfonult of duel-Ion lie
neeureil ho mi to brine; about mi effec
tive. Hystcumtio and nclcntlllc i-nforei-
tnent of t lut eoniereo law, rather than
eoullletlnc UocIhIduh und uui'urtiilnty of
Dual result.
Recommends "Court of Commerce."
"Kor thin ptirpoHo I recommend the es
tabllnlinient of a court of tlio United
mates composed of live Judges ilesiK
nated for sueli purpose from auinnK the
circuit JuiIkch of the t'nlted States, to
bo known as tho 'United Hlutes court
of commerce,' which court shall bo
clothed with oxeltmivn orlKlnal JnrJsi11i
tlon over the follow ItiK classes or cases:
"(1) All cases for the enforcement, oth
erwise than by ajudleatlon and collec
tion, of a furfulturo or penalty, or by In
fliction of criminal punishment, of any
order of tho Intel .stale i ommeree cotn
mlsslon other tlmu for tho payment of
"(2) All cases brought to enjoin, set
aside, annul or suspend any order or
tequlremeiit of the Interstate lommercu
"(3) All such cases ns under section "
of tlio net of Kcbniury l!, 1IWKI, known
as tho 'l'.lldns act,' are uuthutlzcd to be
tiuilntnlneil In a circuit court of the Uni
ted States.
"(4) All such mandamus proceedltiKS ns
under the piovlslons of section 13) or sec
tion Zt of the Interstate conimerco law
arc authorized to be maintained In a cir
cuit court of the United States.
"Iteiisons preelholy analogous to those
which induced the cotiKress to create the
court of customs appeals by tho provi
sions In the tariff act of August r, 1MD,
tnay bo uiBeil In support of tho creation
of tlio commerce coutt.
"In order to provide n sufficient num
ber nf Judges to enable this court to bo
constituted It will Im necessary to author
tzo the appointment or live ndilltlonal
circuit JudKcs, who, for the purposes of
appointment, 'might lie illstilbuted to
those circuits where there Is at the pres
ent time tho luiKcst volume of business
such ns the fiocoml. third, fourth, seventh
and eighth cliciilts. Tlio act should cm
power the chief Justice at any tlnm when
the business of the court of commerco
does not requite the services of all the
Judges to leasslgu the Judges designated
to that court to the circuits to which
they lespectlvely belong; and It should
also provide for payment to such Judges
whllo sitting bv assignment lu Die court
of commerce of such additional amount
as Is necessary to bring their annual
compensation up to J10.000.
Only Second to Supreme Court.
"Tho regular pensions nf such court
should bo livid at tho capttol, but it
should bo empowered to hold sessions lu
illfTorent parts of the United States If
found desirable; and Its unlets and Judg
ments should bo made final, subject only
to review by the supremo com t of tlio
United States, with tho provision that
the operation of the decree appealed from
shall not lie stayed unless the supremo
court shall so order. Tlio commerce court
should bo empowered In Its discretion to
restrain or suspend tho operation of all
order of the Interstate commeice commis
sion under review pending thy llnal hear
ing and determination of tho proceeding,
but no such restraining older should bo
mado except upon notice and afetr hear
ing, unless In cases whero Iriep'irnbln
damage would otherwise ensuo to the pe
titioner. A Judge of that court might
be empowered to allow a stay of tho
commission's order for a period of not
more than CQ days, but ponding applica
tion to tho court of Its order or Injunc
tion, then only whero his order slinll con
tnln it specllle Uniting based imoii evi
dence (lubmltted to tint Judge making tho
order and Idontllled by roferimco thereto
thnt sia h Irreparable ilanmgo would re
sult to tlio petitioner, specifying the na
ture of the damage."
"Under the existing law the Interstntn
commercii commission itself Initiates and
defends litigation lu the courts for tin
enforcement, or In the defense of Its or
ders and decrees, and for this purpose It
employs attorneys, who, while subject to
tho control of tho attorney general, act
upon tho Initiative and under the Instruc
tions of the commission. This blending
of administrative, legislative and Judi
cial functions tends. In my opinion, to
impair the etllclency of tho commission
by clothing It with partisan characteris
tics and robbing It of the Impartial Judi
cial attitude it should occupy In pass
ing upon questions submitted to It. In
my opinion all litigation affecting tlio
Kovoriiment should bo under tlio direct
control of the depot tmeut of Justice; and
I therefoio recommend that all proceed
ings affecting orders and decrees of the
Interstate commerce commission be
brought by or against tlio United Stntes
eo nomine, and bo placed In charge of an
assistant attorney general acting under
tho direction of tho attorney general."
Vould Permit Agreements.
Coming to tho subject of railroad pools
nnd tralllo agreements, tlio president
The Republican platform of IMS op
pressed the belief that tho Interstate
cnnunirco law should be further amend
ed so as to give the rallio.ids the light
to make anv public trallle agreements
subject to the approval of tlio commis
sion, but maintaining always tho prin
ciple ot competition between naturally
competing lines, and avoiding the com
mon control of sucli lines by any meuns
"In view of tlio coinnlcto control over
A Child's Development.
Tho development of a child's char
acter should not bo left t-o tho mother
alone. It needs tho directing lnflnenco
of tho mother, the strongthonclng In
fluence of tho father. Ofton a child's
nature, possibilities nnd growth aro
unknown and unwntchod by his father.
It Is something ho does not under
stand, because ho does not study It.
Norway to Have E-xppsltlon. . .
Karly historic times In Norway aro
to he lllus.tfated at Up. oxpoBltlon tn bo
bold at Hergen next' summer.
rnte-tunklng, and other nnictlon of In
terstate e.iirlciiH eatatillshed bv the acts
of coiigroi-y. and ns recommended lu thin
communication, I see no I canon why
agreements between catrlets subject to
the act, spei Ifylng the i InnsiricullonH of
freight and the tales, fares mid chinvxes
for tiansportatlon of p.isicngcrs and
fiitght which tle-v tuny aglee to estab
lish, should not lie pet milted, provided,
i oples of such agieemeiits be promptly
tiled with tlie cuiumlwinn. but subjei t to
nil the pi'ovl.ilons of tins Interstate coin
mine ait. Ittiil subjei t to the light of
any p.uttis to micli ngieetneni to cum el
It as to nil or any of ihe ugieed tates,
fates, charges, or i lassltlcatlotis by ill)' nollie In willing to the other par
lies and to the i-onii'tit-slon "
Other Amendments Urged.
In neoonl with other decimations of the
Itcpiibliuili platroim i.r l"0 the president
further tn omiuetids that the Intcistiile
commerce law be amended so as to pin
vide, that no railroad company subject
to the lomuicicc ait shall, illicitly or In
dlteetlN, at ipilrn anv Inteiests of any
Mud fit capital stock, or pun base or
lease anv tulltoad. or any oilier ootporn
tlon Whh h compete With It leipectlng
business to whh li Ihe Intetslate com
mit ic- ad applies, that a law be enact
ed piovldlng "that no milium! corpora
tion subject to the Intel state couillieico
act shall hereof lei- for any put pose con
nected Willi in ti luting lo nn pirl of Us
lauilni-ss giiwiucil bv said ml. Issue unv
capital stock without piexlmm or simul
taneous piiMiieut to il of not less than
tlie pir Xiiltie .if such sloeU. oi- any bonds
or other obligations (ecept noles matur
ing not more than one eur from the
date of their Issue), without the ptovl
ous or simultaneous payment to such cor
potntlou of not less than the par aluo
or such bonds, or othei obligations, ot,
If tssuiil at less than tln-li par value,
thin not without such pnwiieiit of Un
reasonable market alue of such bonds
or obligations as iiscetlalui d by the In
telstllte i omllli rce i iiIiiuiIhsIiiu . and that
no piopcrl. ser ae. or oilier thing than
moncv. shall be laseii In puxiuciil to such
carrier i oipointlon. of tin- par or other
teqiilted pili c of such stock bond or oth
er obligation, eviept tin- fall value of
such piopcity. siinIios ot other thing as
terlalneil bv tin- commission,"
Would Prevent Wrong Practices.
The pti Ident i oallnues:
"I In llee these suggested modlllcnllolis
In and amendments to the luteistate coin
tlietee in t would make it a complete and
elteetlve nieasute for sieiiilng icasonnble
ness of t'ttiH ami fairness of practices In
the opeiatloii ol Intetslate rallioad lines,
without undue pieterenco to any ImlUldli
al or chiKS oir anv otheis.
"lly iiiv illiectlon the attoine.v general
lias drafted a bill to carry out these
recommendations, which will be fur
nished upon request to the upptoprliito
lommlttei' whenever It iimv be desired.
"lu addition to the foiegolng amend
ments of the luteistate lommeice law,
tho inteistitte commeico commission
should lie given the power, after li hear
ing, to determine upon the iiulfoun con
st! iicllnn ol these appliances such as sill
steps, ladders, toof hand holds, running
boards and hand biakcs on Height cats
engaged In luiei state commerce -used by
tho trainmen In the operation of Indus,
the defects ami luck of uniformity In
which are apt to piodiicit accidents ami
llijuiles to i.iilway trainmen. Tlie won
derful rel'ot ms cftoctcil In the number ot
switchmen and trainmen injured by coup
ling accidents, due to the eiifolced In
troduction of safety eotiplcts. Is a demon
stratlou of what can he done If tallroails
are compelled to adopt proper safely ap
pliances. "The question has ailsen In the opera
tions of the Interstate commerco employ
ers' liability nil. as lo whether suit can
bo brought against the employer com
pany in iinj plai e other than that of its
home olllee. Tin- light to bring the suit
uiiilei this act should he as easy of en
forcement as the light of a pilvalo per
son not lu the company's employ to sue
on an ordinary claim, and prut ess lu each
suit should he fliilllelently served It upon
the station agent of the company upon
whom sci Nice is authorized In made, to
bond the company in ordinary actions
at (slug under state laws. Hilts for both
the foregoing purposes hae been con
sidered bj tlie house of representatives
nnd have been passed, and am now be
fore tlio Interstate ooininorre committee
of the senate. 1 earnestly urge that they
be enacted Into law."
Control of the Trusts.
Tho second part of the message Is de
voted to the control of trusts. Alter a
lengthy discussion of tt lists, good and
bad, and the success of piusecutlous un
der tho Sherman anll-tiust act, Mr. Tuft
"It la tlie duty and purpose of the exec
utive to direct un Investigation by the de
partment of Justice, tliioiigh the grand
jury or otherwise. Into the history, organ
izntlon. und purposes of all the Industrial
companies with respect to which there Is
any reasonable ground for suspicion that
they have been organized for a purpose,
and are conducting business on a plan
which Is lu dilution of the iiutl-trust
law. Tho woik Is a heavy one, but It
Is not beyond the power of tho depart
ment of Justice, if sutllcleiit Hinds are
furnished, to carry on the investigations
and to pay tlie coiiiihiI engaged in the
work. Hut such an investigation and
possible prosecution of corporations whoso
prosperity or tlestiucllon affects tho com
fort not only of stockholders but millions
of wage earners, employes, and associated
tradesmen must necessarily tend to ills
tuili the conlldeiiie of tlio business com
munity, to dry up the. now Mowing souiccs
of capital f i am Its plates of hoarding, and
produce a halt In our pteseut prosperity
that will cause suffering and strained ill -cuuiHtnnccH
among the Innocent many lor
faults of the guilty few. Tho question
which I wish in this message to bilng
clearly to tho consideration and decision
of the congress whether to avoid business
danger something cannot be done by
which these business combinations may
bo offered a means, without great finan
cial disturbance, of i hanging the char
acter, organization and etent of their
business Into one within the Hues of the
law under federal control and supervision,
securing coinpllauco with the anti-trust
For Government Control.
"rienerally, lu the Industrial combina
tions called 'trusts,' the principal busi
ness Is the snle of goods In many states
and In foreign markets; lu other words,
the Interstate und foreign business far
exceeds the business done lu any one
state. This fact will Justify the fed
eral government in granting a federal
charter to such a combination to make
and sell In Interstate and foreign com
merce the products of useful manufac
ture itndrr such limitations as will se
cure a compliance with the anti-trust
law. It is possible so to fiamo a statute
that whllo It offers protection to a fed
eral company against harmful, vexatious
and unnecessary Invasion by tlie states.
It shall subject It to reasonable taxation
and control by the states, with respect to
Its purely local business.
"Many people conducting great busi
nesses havo chcilshcd u hope and a be
lief thnt lu some way or other a line
may be drawn between 'good trusts' and
'bad trusts,' und that It Is possible by
amendment to the anti-trust law to mnke
a distinction under which good combina
tions may be permitted to organize, sup
press competition, coutiol prices, and do
it all legally If only they do not abuse
tho power by taking too great pinilt out
of tlio business. Thev point with foico to
certain notoiloiis trusts as having mown
Into power through criminal methods by
the use of Illegal i chutes and plain (heat
ing, and by various acts utterly violative
of business honesty or morality, and urge
the establishment of some legal line of
separation by whh li 'ctliulual trusts' of
this I' I nil can be punished, and they, on
tho other hand, be permitted under tho
law to carry on their business. Now.
tlie public, und especially tho business
public, ought to rid thcmRclvcH or tho
Idea that such a distinction Is practic
"Fanny, your father hu3 been wnlk
lug around out there for two hours. Is
ho opposed to my being In here with
you?" asked tho young suitor. "Tec,
hoe," giggled tho maiden, "of rourso
not. This is the night I bet him you
would pioposo and Iio'b wnitlng to seo
whether ho wins or loses."
Woman and Time.
A, woman thinks clocks woro mado
for tho .purposo pf enabling her' to
toll JuBt luow. much' sho la, going
late. Chicago itccqrd-Jlorald, ,
:.? i. ,
able, or ran lie Intro. lined Into tlie slat
"In considering lolatlnus of tlio anti
trust law we ought, of coutse, not to
forget that that law make unlawful,
mcthoda of catr.vlng on business whit li
befoie Its pa-sage weir regalded as i I
denco of business sairai lt and success,
mill that tlic.N ucie di iioiiuced In this in i
not because ot then lutiiiisie Iminoial
Ity, but In '.lose id the ihttiKi'lous lo
sulls towiiid whli li they tenth il, the eoii
lenlratlon uf Industrial pouii In tho
bauds of the Tew. le.ullli t to oppl es
Slop and ilijuslli e. In dialing, theli-tote.
With luiiliv nt tlie men wlm have used
the tliethi ds otidcliiui d b the statllto
ror the put pose nt maintaining a prollt
able bilsliiis., we tna Well r.n dilute a
change b I hem In the method or lin
ing biisluisi, and i nable Hum lo brim; It
back Into the xom or lawfulness, without
losing to tt,i iiiuutrv the is onoin of
uuinagr uieiii b which. In our domestic
ttllde tin ust of ptnihii Moll ha hi ell
matcllalh h ssi ued. and In iiuip-'lltloli
with loreUn ttmuufttc tuii is our folelgu
trude has ln n greatly Im leased.
Acks National Corporation Law.
"I then fine lei'omnii ml Ihe enactment
by congi'i--! if a geuelal law ploMillng
for the f. t lull of i oipoialtoliH to en
gage In li.i'l" ami eiiinmi ri i among tin
states und with foreign nations, pioteit
itlg tl.eiu fi.ini undue Intel en Hie by the
slates and ngnlitlug tli'Mi ectlvltiis so
us to in'i.t He iei unco ', undi r ua
lloltal mini i . of those whlih
have ml.siii nn. I. i' state iniitiol Km li a
law should I'l.ivlile fot the Issin t stock
of such ii i iiniiitloiias to nn ulni""il equal
only to II. i ash paid lu on tie- stink,
'ind If tin -to. k be Issued for pnipiily,
then nt a tali valuation as.ei la.ncl un
der applet. il ..iid supi-nlslun or fedeial
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aid i a full and coinpli te dl.
ilosute id ill ll'e fin Is p Ita'luliu to the
value of s ih iniquity ami tin tuteiest
therein "I the pitsotis to whom II Is
plolMiseil I" Issue stock In n unlit of
such piopiitx II should H-il.J.-. t Hi.- leal
and pet'onil pmpctiv oul of hih-Ii ioi
nnratloiis ! the same luxation as loi-
Mised bv il'- slalcs within wld. h II may
he situated upon other sliuil ir pnn!ly
loeati d He n 'n. mid It should I. quire
such cm p nations lo Hie lull and com
plete tfpoiis nf t licit operations with tho
ilepaitiueut of coliuueice act labor at
rcgulai liii'Mnls. I'oipuratli'iis oigaulv-iii
under this a. t Omul. I be prohibited fiom
ncqiliilug and holding stock III other tor
por.itlons ii xi i pt for spei lal lessons upon
approval b the pioper fedeial author
ity), thus avoiding the iieutloii. under
national an pices, of the holding louipaliv
with aubetilliiate i oipotatlotis in dlllereut
states whli h has Im en such an etfeillve
ngcucv in the eieallon of the gnat liusls
unit uioui'polli's
State Laws Conflict.
"If tlie piohlhltlou of Ihe antl'tiust net
ugalnst i oiuliiiiatloiis in lestraint ot Hade
Is to be i ll.-i tlvi Iv elifolinl. It Ih ehsetl
tiat that the national government shall
provide im the inatloii ot national cor
porations to i ii rr on a legitimate busi
ness thtoughoill Ihe l'nll".l Slates. The
coulllettlig laws of the dlHi rent states of
tlie union with icsp.ct to foielgn loiporu
tlons make It illllh lilt. If not Impossible,
for one loiporitlou to ciimplv with their
lequlreinetiis ho as to cany on bushuss
lu a iiuinliei or ilirtennt stall s.
"To the tntggistlon that this proposal of
federal Mm in imiatlon for ludilstilal lom
blnatlous Is Intended to fin idsh them a
refuge In u hi. h to continue Industrial
business under federal piotcitloii. It
should be h.i til that the measure contem
plated does not 1 1 peal ihe Sherman anti
trust law and Is not to be II 'lined so as
to ptrmlt the doing of the wrongs which
Il Is the pin pose of that law to prevent,
Hilt only to tusli r a continuance and ad
vance of the highest ellliieluy
without p. i mlttlng in.luslilal abuses
"Such a u.itliiiial Incorporation law will
be opposnl. nrst. by those who believe
thai tl Hi-Is should he conipletel.v biokeu
up null tiulr piopcity destiovcd. It will
he opposed, set olid, liv those who doubt
the constitutionality of such federal In
corporation and even If it Is Valid, object
lii It as too great federal cenliallzallou.
It Will he opposed, thlld, bv those who
will Insist that u mere voluutaiv Incor
poration like this will not atttiot to Its
assistance Ihe wotst or the onVinlers
ag'ilnsl the antt-trust statute and who
will thereroie propose Instead of It a svs
ti in of i'oiupiih-ii v licenses for all feder
al corpoi.itioiis engaged in interstate
"Let us consider these objections In
their onh r. The government Is now try
lug t.i dissolve some of these combina
tions and It Is not the Intention of the
government to desist in the least degren
In its effort to end these combinations
which me lo-day uioiuipoli'-lug the com
meice of tlds country: that where It ap
peals Hint the acquisition nnd lonccu
tiatlon of piopcity go lo the extent of
creating a monopoly of substantially and
directly tcstialnlug Interstate commerce,
it Is not the Intention of Hid government
to penult this monopoly to exist under
federal Incoi pmallon or to transfer to
the piotd'tlug wing of the federal gnv
ernnieii of u slate corporation now vio
lating the Sherman act. Hut It is not,
und should not be. tlie policy of Ihe gov
ernment to prevent reasonable i oncen
tration of capital whli h Is nei rss.iry tn
the e. oiiomic d velopinent of manufac
ture, trade and loinnicico. . . .
May Doubt Constitutionality.
"Second Tliete nre those who doubt tlio
constitutionality of such federal Incorpor
ation. The regulation of Interstate and
foielgn coiiuni'iee Is certainly confeneil
in tlie fullest measure upon congress, and
If for the purpose of scenting lu the must
thotoiigh manner that kind of regulation,
congress shall Insist that It may provide
and authorls'e agencies to carry on that
commeice. It would seem to be within Its
power, tills has been distinctly alllrmed
with icspcct to railroad companies doing
an luteistate hhslucss and Interstate
bihlgis. The powi r ot ln oiponitlou has
In en exercised hv congless and Upheld
by the supreme iiiiitt III this regard.
Why, then, with respiet to any other
foi m of Interstate commeice like the Mile
of goods ui'ioss state boundaries and into
foielgn coiuitrhs, may tlie same power
not be asserted? indeed. It Is the very
fact that they carry oa Interstate com
meico thnt makes these gieut inihistiial
concerns subjut to federal prosecution
and control. How far as Incidental to
the carrying on of that commerce It may
be within tiie power or the federal gov
ernment to autfioilxe the manufacturer ot
goods, is pei Imps mote open tn discus
sion, though a n cent decision of the sil
pieme (oiirl would seem to answer that
question lu the alllriiiattve,
"Tho third objection, that tlie worst of
fendeis will not accept federal Incorpora
tion, is easily ansvvi'ii'd. Tim decrees of
lujuni tlon teceutly adopted In prosecu
tions tinder the anti-trust law are so
thoiough anil sweeping that the
ttous affected hv them have but ilnee
icnursts before ihem:
"I'll st. they must resolve themselvea
Into their component purls In the differ
ent slates, with n consequent loss to
themselves of capital and effectlvo organ
ization anil to tlie inuntry of coiuen
ttated energy and enterprise; or second,
in ilellauee of the law and under some
sectet tnist they must attempt to eon
llniie their business in violation of tho
federal statute, and thus Incur the pen
allies of contempt and bilng on an In
evllahle criminal prose, utlon of the indi
viduals named in the ilcircu and their ua
soelntes. or
"Third, they must reorganize and nc
cept In good faith tlie federal charter I
suggest a federal compulsory license law.
urged as a suhstituie tor a federal Ituor
poratlon law, Is unueiessary except to
tench that kind of coiporatlon which, hv
virtue of the conshh rations already ad
vanced, will take advantage voluntarily
of mi Incorporation law, whllo Hie other
stale corporations doing an interstate
business do not need ihe aupervlslon or
Hie legiiliitlon of federal license and
would only bo uniiecessatlly burdened
Truth as a Prisoner of War.
Macauluy seeks truth, not as sho
should bo sought, devoutly, tentative
ly, with tho air of ono touching the
nom of a sacred garment, but clutch
Ing her by tho hnlr of tho bend and
dragging hor after him In n kind ol
boisterous triumph, a prisoner of war,
unu not a goddess. John Morloy.
Philosopher's Pessimism.
A woman Is tho most Inconsistent
compound of obstjnacy nnd self-Bncrl-Jloo-that
I am" acquainted with. Men
tor. ": "
The Beginning of the
Galilean Ministry
ftioda-r School Leuon for Jan. 10, 1910
Specially Arranccd for This Papor
U'SSON Tr.T Matt. I '.' :: Munnry
Versi 'Vl
t'l'I.IU'N TIIXT "The pi ..pie which
at In ilail.tiess saw gteat light." Matt.
4: Ifl
TIMl'.-.lohn the llapllst was Im-yn-ihoneil
(he latter pint of .March, A. P.
.'X. The four disciples were called In
Apitl or May. The I'allleau utlnlstiy
continued about u year und nine months
in ui Apt tl. A. Ii. :n to near the close
of A. I. '.".l.
l'l.Ac'i; .lesili- now made his home lii
Capernaum, on the Se i of ti.illlei The
scene of Ills ministry was the riovluee of
Chilli, c
Sunfjentlon and Practical Thought.
Iitt i niliii-t Ion to t li l.csstni Vs. I'J.
H. Why does .lnttliow omit more than
it year of .losus ministry? Hpi-huho he
would lutvi' his record that of mi eye
witnci's, from persimul ubson'lmi.
My wlinin were the events of tin
.ludeiiii ministry recorded? lly the
Apostle .lolin. Hie relative ami must In
timate friend or .lestis.
Vl'.v did .lesiiH go to (Jalllee for hl-i
longest' w.q-h in establishing Hie new
fni'iii of the kiitg.lnm of (ind? Ilecause
It was belter mill for the good seed,
less cumbered with the stony ground
of ollicial and snporllclal eeieinunliH
and with Hie thorns of Hellish Inter
estw, of woildlliiess labeled us piety,
less trodden Into henten paths of rit
ual, forms, customs, habits, pleasure:-,
nnd cares connected with Hie niacltln
ery of religion.
Why did .lesus leave Nazareth? lie
cause, as we learn from l.ulte I; lfi-Itl,
bis townsmen rejected anil tried to
kill him. This wrong Providence caus
ed to work out good, for Nazareth was
not the best situation for carrying out
his mission.
I. Tlie Prophetic Vision. Tlie Dawn
of the New Kingdom. Vs. 11-1(5; Isa.
!i: 1, U. Spoken by ICsalas, Creek for
Isaiah, Cod's message through the
prophet, (hut. 9: 1, 1!.) The territory
spoken of, the tribes of ".obultin,"
and "Naphtall," were the northern
most tribes, (15) "by the way of the
sea," or toward the Sea of Calllee,
where Hie great eastern roads entered
the country "beyond .Ionian, Calllee
of the Cent lies," the portions of Call
lee adjoining the heathen nations.
12 Preaching the Cospel. A Char
acteristic of Jesus' Work Throughout
Ills Ministry. V. 17. .lesus began to
let this new light shine, and to prove
that he was the one foretold by the
"Hegan to preach," proclaim ns the
herald of the king, who had sent him.
He preached In every possible method
by which he could reach the hearts
of men.
III. Selerting and Training Work
ers. The Calling or Hie Four. Vs. 18
122. Jesus now made another advance
in his plan of selecting and training
men to enlarge his present work, nnd
to prepare for Its continuance nnd the.
extension of Ills gospel after his
death. It was "a school of Instruc
tion In his ideal of righteousness."
Simon, who is "called Peter," tho
Itock, so named by Jesus on his first
actpialnlnnce (John 1: -lii) ns a iroph
ecy and Ideal, a call upward to fulfil
Hie possibilities within him. "And
Andrew Ids brother," who had shown
his possibilities as a fisher of men, by
bringing Ills brother to Jesus. "Cast
ing a net Into the sea." Matthew gives
a condensed account of the story told
lu full by Luke. Jesus used one of
their boats as a pulpit to preach to the
people on the shore. He showed the
llshermen that the boat was of valuu,
although they had llahod from It all
night In vain. Then at his command
they let down their nets and enclosed
a great number of fishes. It wns with
great wisdom that at thltt point when
they were marveling at their success,
Jesus (19) "salth unto them, Follow
me, nnd I will mnko you fishers of
men." Their partners, James nnd
John, who had been summoned to nld
Peter, were not far away.
21. "doing on from thence, he saw"
theso "other two brethren" In their
boat "with Zebedee their father, mend
ing their nets" which had been torn by
the grent catch of fish. "And he called
them." All four left their nets, nnd
followed Jesus, nnd becamo Ushers
of men.
IV. Oolng About Doing Cood to tho
UodliiB and Souls of Men. Vs. 2a-2fi.
Theso verses are a Biimmary of which
chapters 5-9 give a detailed account
showing his "varied, extensive, and
rar-fnmed work." 211. "And Jesus went
about all Galilee." TIiIb was his first
tour of the country. Jesus scattered
the good seed everywhere, knowing
that Home of It would fall Into tho
good soil of honest hearts and spring
up and boar fruit.
21. "And his fame" tho "report" of
what Jesus was doing. Tho result was
that from till Ihe region, Including
Hyrln, the country to tho not tit of Call
lee, "they brought unto him all sick
people that wero taken with divers dis
eases," such us fevers, leprosy, blind
ness, lameness, dropsy, and torments,
diseases attended with oxcruclatlug
Illustration. Tlio ordlnnry groat
seal of tho United StateB Is commonly
seen, but the design for tho reverse
side I have never seen, except on tho
outside of some of tho postal cards
and lu tlio encyclopedia. Tho design
Is an unfinished pyramid; over It la
an eye symbolizing God's provldoncc
and tho motto, "Anult coeptls," "He
favors what has been begun"; and un
derneath tho motto, "Novus ordo secu
loruni," "A tuw. order of tho ngos."
Much mora may Christ's coming nnd
tho coop'el of'Oilff kln'gdom bo' called,
"a now order of tho ugos,"
1 V wTV'"W "WSWT ... , ; nm nil i;i..r ,. "'J-yj) jj ' -g
Father's Method.
During a recent slight Illness tho
llve-yt itr-ohl Teddy, usually so amlnble,
flatly and obstinately refused to tako
his medicine. After a somewhat pro
longed and Ineffectual argument with
him, his mother at last set the glass
of medicine down, leaned her head on
her hands and "played' that sho wan
A moment passed, and the tender
hearted Teddy, unable longer to bear
tlie sight of his mother's stricken atti
tude, Inquired, "What's lite matter,
mother, dear?"
Without removing her hands from
her eyes, she replied; "I'm grieved
that my son won't take his castor oil
for me."
Whereupon Teddy sat up In bed and
offered consolingly: "Oh, I wouldn't
feel badly If I wero you, mother, dear.
Father will bu home soon und he'll
uuiKo me take It." Tlie Delineator.
Important to lYlothorn.
nxntuliic carefully every bottle of
CASTOUIA. u uafo and Bine remedy for
Infant's and children, und seo that It
Dears tho
In Use For Over ; Years.
The Kind You Have Always nought.
Real Art.
"Sinllh's n born liar."
"Jones has him skinned, lie learned
Ills lying at college, ami scorns the
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A noble life, ct owned with heroic
death, rises above and outlives tho
ptldo and pomp und glory of tho
mightiest empire of the earth. Car
field. Free to Our Readers.
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