The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 13, 1910, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - NcbrivsUtx
tntored In thu 1'ontunice nl Hcil Cloinl.Ncb ,
hp termini ('In Mutter
It. HA LP.
Nine but tin- lint lioled nr Hi1'
sharp hIioiI dare vontuio mil of dm. is.
Attention is nunin enlleil I the
meeting to be held In tin' i'oititliiiso
on tlio I ."tli for l In- putposo or funn
ing h local farmer's iiistltnti'. He one
to lio there mill assure I lu inovi'iiu'iit
a Hui'i'i'.ss fiotii tin' beginning.
Last week a gentleman appealed in
our oily with a novel Hi i eseape eon
trivaneo. l'llinaiily it was invented
for the use of M'hools but it is being
uscil to kooiI ailvantiiKi' by botols and
Hro departments. It Issimplya canvas
with iron rods to hold it in place in
any window and permits of people
.sliding down with considerable lapid
Ity but with absolute safety. Tlio
agent gave a demonstration at the
Lincoln school much to the delight of
the boys who wre pilviledged to
"rflntte the shutes,"'
Now that out of town papeis over
the state are leeognizlng In Mr Her
nard McN'uiiy a qualified lawyer for
tho position of Attorney tJeueial we
wish to acknowledge this appieelation
and deem it an appiopiiute time to
give him our hearty endoisement. .Mr.
MoNeny is einineiitly tit ted for tho
position. As a lawyer he ranks with
the best in the state ami his unques
tioned tldelity and legal ability quali
fy him oxtiomely well for such a posi
tion. Should he be elected ho would
bow to no corporation or wealthy
syndicate. lie is fearless, competent,
and capable and the Chief would be
much pleased to hie him the next At
torney General.
The so called "muck-raking" maga
zines have certainly proved theincl
ves to be of much value to the people
as a whole. .Many of the frniidi and
robbeiics have been brought to liitit Dame Rumor
by theso magazines and other frauds j a ,.,or u,ut the new Lincoln
anil robbeiics prevented, I'ei haps .school building was so poorly heated
they have been a little too anxious to that the teachers were compelled to
prove their statement but substantial- Woar their cloaks and wraps in order
ty they have t.een eorreetund accurate, to keep warm became so persistent
Hut for them much of the inside work- j Wo decided to make an investigation
high of largo coiporatious would have I This rumor came tons horn a tloswn
been unknown and undoubtedly to houices and seems to lmvo been gener
them mote perhaps than any other in-1 ally believed.
Jtuoneo is due the popular demand for . personally interviewed tho Mip
publicity. When the people know eiintendent, all" the teachers and tho
what is going on Irani! is not going to janitor in regard to the condition
develop very far. We need these tear- thinking tliat they would know the
less maazims in our business and real condition.
Just credit should be given them for All their stories agreed so that we
thuir labors. ,.,y SIlx without rear of successful
contiadietion that tho building is well
Tlie uuiveisal topic of conveiaiiiiuu Our investigation revealed
oil over the country is the high prices ' the fact that not only are till the rooms
of all products. Various reasons are' Comfoi table at all times but that they
advanced for this condition of atfairs are also at 'times too warm even in the
Jnit Iho most logical one is the woik-i coldest weather which wo have been
ing of the new taiiiV law. Prices are, having. Kven the halls are kept at
all out of proportion to leal value and ' tho uniform temperature of TOdegiees.
adjustment must come. While it is Not a single teacher had a vvoid of
true that some articles not mentioned complaint. The entire building is
iu tho turilV law are equally alleeted kept warm and comfortable with not
It is easy to see that they are high in more than two pounds of steam in the
sympathy with other products direct- boiler. In tact wo were assured that
ly ttifcclcd. Dealers of one article the heating plant installed in that
must advance the price iu older to building is capable of heating two
buy the article they need and conse- such struetuios.
quently prices aro raised all along This but shows how a rumor may
the line. Wo hear little these days start and spread without the semblance
about protection for infant industries of truth for a foundation,
because the infants have grown into' Ho far a- testing the building and
giants and seem not to be satisfied the eilieieney of the heating plant is
with anything but the milk of human concerned a better winter probably
kindness. We feel coutldeiil that if w ill never present itself,
the people knew what was to be done The building i.s a good one tho heat
at the time they voted a different scl-iug plant ample and tho arrangements
of oltleers would now bo iu power, are excellent. This school district has
Everything now points ton sweeping eertalnlj leeeived full value for every
Democratic victory when the next dollar spent on the Lincoln sehoiil
contest arrives. building.
Lest pei chance we might be accused
Ordinarily wo do not venture into o "ol making a thoro investigation
things national except during a cam- wo glo the report of all the teachers
paign as we consider that the great ,ls tfh'en to us.
daily papers and the magazines but We. informed them of the rumor and
conditions iu and about the eapltol asked for tho facts and Miss Arnold
city aro so exceptional that wo feel replied '-Nothing In it. Vo huvo noth
costrnined to add our word of piotest iK to complain of at all.-'
and disapproval. We have more par- M'Ss Williams said that -'Many
ticular reference to the discharging times we must open the windows be
of Chief Forrester l'inchot by l'resl cause it gets too warm "
dent Tart. It scorns that .Mr. l'inchot -W Hurke "70 degrees all the time,
has been too actively engaged in work- "h-'e and warm."
ing for tho people, he has been thwart- -Miss Kaney declared: Not a particle
iug the plans of the Guggculielues and f truth iu the report. No complaint
others and something had to be done 'always warm and comfortable."
What we object to most however is, MWs Coombs "My room is exr eptiou
Lo recent order made by Mr. Tuft ally w aim even during tho coldest
that no subordinate should make any ' weather."
coinpl ilut or give any information e Miss -All a big mistake, just
copt to the head of his department. ,IV wiiim asoiie would wish and the
litis order will simply give the pie- halls me the same.'
witt administrative clique the power Supt. Morit: "We have had no dif.
of doing us it pleases without divulg- Hculty iu heating the building com
ing its plans, mistakes or what not to fortablv with an average of one pound
congiess or any one else. We confer of steam. The building is too well
Mr. t was not our choice for presi
deait but he hits proven to be a great
I'oit I have ' . see. tiralu and
Stock farm for lent For to. ms ad- ,,,,. Ilt xvhouse'.s f..r further par
1m.s It. .1 . llloomiiif'tou Keb. tlculars.
During this cold weather pooplo are
apt to bring upon themselvcHnll hinds
of hleltness by keeping tho rooms loo
close. It is it great temptation toshut
lie room up tight to keep out tho cold
til, many forgot that it is easier to
lutt pure air than impure air. Let
plenty of fiesh air in at least once it
day and you will save fuel and over
come tho possible illness which may
be caused by heutliiK and reheating
iiiipuie mi.
North I'olc rVeuilltX.
These aietii" dajs me biinging out
dormant abilities. Did Peary bring
the pole south'.' This seems to be the
opinion of one nl our conespondeuts
who w riles us as follows!'"
If tnl,.('ook and l'eiiry had lemaiued
at liniiie the uiiy
That they stalled oil' to seaich tho
Not them part.
And had left the pole a htaiidiug as it
stood in tlnjs of J'oie,
It would not hate taken winter so at
Hul they hud to go and dig it up, then
turn and sctil out.
And thought they Had it in u belter
So Unit Is what they'ie making all this
fuss about,
And now it's wreaking vengeance on
us all.
I wonder was it I'eary or perhaps 'hat
it was Cook,
Thut has got the great Noi th Pole so
out of place.
Hul I think their gieater knowledge
was learned out of a book
And Ihey never ically met it face to
Wo have the delifoustintion that it
really does exist.
And 1 lor one am glad to have it so.
Foi otherwise I tell you the sleighing
would tte missed
And we'd wish tor good old llines of
"long ago."
Now good old snow producing I'olc
would you mind us saying that
You ato welcome just as much as sun
or rain
Hut if you do not leavens soon -come
won't you get your hat'.'
And then next year we'll say to 'come
Hy N IIooi'i:u McC.nrxi:v.
constructed to need much heat."
Kenew your subscription for
Poll S.vl.K Tlir.M Oimv ...i...ic I...
Am I Rlftht?
The pride of our people bus been tho
development of our natiiial resoiiicc.
To stimulate this laudable enterprise
a government assuring safety of lite
and ptopcrty has been established and
maintained. I'ropor protection bj
legislation, and even by armament,
tvheiuhy produce! s in field or factory
in o saved any anxiety concoriilng a
maiket for their goods, and yet giving
them no undue iiiUiintages over their
fellow citizens as cnmpuHtoi-H or con
sinners bus been desiicd and experi
meiited for by tho people. Some mis
takes hate obtained In ibis legislation,
oillmr by foiesight and selllshi.esH, or
by shortsightedness and llhernlitj,
but tho gieat and good aim litis been
"Ameiica for Americans," ulwajs
counting him a desirable citizen who
assists In the unfolding of ourulilitiis
and comforts and beauties, and who at
the same time sicks the physical,
mental mid moral rising vol in of the
citizenship- the highest typo already
in these iopeots, oil the face ot the
The one thing that bus aided most
to make groat any section of our
country, be it urban or rural, has been
the spirit and energy of 'home re
sources for home folks first.' This
has made our coast cities, resorts and
industries grow in wealth and popula
tion. This has made the great Missis
sippi valley strong in homes, schools,
churches, literittuio and luxuries for
her happy and ever increasing agricul
tural people.. This spiiit and work
alone can st reiigtheu any new or weak
ling state, county, town or village.
"Stand up for Nebraska" is alrighl
as a slogan for our great state, whether
it be on the question of weathci, cli
mate, soil, natural resources or our
society or other institutions, if at the
siime time wc can be content to pros
per as our neighbors mid associates
proper, mid lefraiu from the seltish
spirit of greed or envy that schemes to
promote a got-iich-quiek proposition,
or cuts otV the legitimate lestiltsof the
efforts of some other producers or con
servo s in the community, who are
just as vvoithy as we me
Five thousand residents in this pre
cinct of V ebster County will prosper
as Red Cloud prospers. I.s Ibis de
sired'.' ' I think so, but am I right'.' If
so, how docs It appeal to you tcllow
citi.en to see the interests of self so
openly asserted in our city when the
home pioducts arc pasatd by and the
products of other Ileitis, other mills,
other bakers mid confectioners, other
harness makers, other tailor, dress
making and millinery shops mid stores,
other meat dealers and monument
makers other job presses and other
general iiieichuudise houses putt on
t.ed, when scores of good people here
pull down the "Dig Catalog" mid send
their good inonc.v mid big orders oil
to the quail-order houses,' and if c. bill
must bo run, our home folks must
boar the burden and run any risk that
is involved. Shall we longer let out-
sine uraooers mi ivo on our mini unity 7
Stand up for Ked Cloud and Hed
Cloudimis will stand up for jou
Know our home produce! s and their
products. Praise them both, ltuy
home products and of home dealers lis
a first choice, and take no 'other just-as-good'
article, unless we cannot pos
sibly supply your needs. This is our
certain road to a growing and more
desirable city. Am I right'.' Let us
all try it for tho remainder of HMO,
aud thus acquire the lnibit of 'home
resources for home folks lirst.'
illV WlItsl'KUINlS .SMITH'
Carl Wullbrandt has pneumonia and
has been unable to attend school for
several days.
Hazel Williams has been on the sick
list this week.
Adelaide Williams-, one of our 10th
graders, has returned to her homo in
Kansas ami will ntteud school there
iu the future.
Why do our High School Hoys dis
appear so mysteriously every after
noon'.' Truancy seems to be "all the rage"
nowadays, but we wouldn't advise any
one to "get tlie habit"' iu tho here
after as some verystringeiit rules have
been mnde by l'rof. Moritz regarding
L J. Overing visited the High School
Kev. Hussong is teaching in Mrs
Caster's place, she having gone to
Lincoln to attend a Superintendent's
'The Ciceronhiiis'or the 1 1 Lit grade
enjoyed ('.') n test Monday morning
having completed the First and Second
The Literary program Friday night
was excellent, with the e.xceptiwn of
the debate 011 Womau Suffrage. Most
of the dobuters seemed to think their
knowledge along tho lino of debating
was so superior and unlimited that
they didn't leq.iire the practice of de
bating. However, there were some
who didn't think that way. mid the
debaters will probably get another
chance in the near future.
I The Chief $1.50 a year.
$$b Children's Rompers.
AgP"J . Fancy striped cham
infiPl' I kray' collar, pocket and
;! cuffs bound with red at
WiJ 25 and 50c each-
Bearskin Coat
Children's Bearskin
. '
Coats in
in stripe or curly at
$2.25 and 3.25.
"Billy Possum,"
coat long nap, double
roll collar. A good
coat for the money at
Ladies Ready Made Skirts.
A good full skirt in the latest new flounce style in red, blue
and green at $6.00 each.
Agent for Blitterick Patterns
We will sell
Stores at this
v v tr ') U
solid colors
all the Overcoats
Discount for Cash.
ON A $25.00
$ 7.50
jijpo Barretts and
M,Vl BackCombs
s RnrU fmrmc spr
A& with brilliants and
.kr,v&,c7 solid gold inlaid at
Back combs some plain and some
set with brilliants and silver inlaid
from 25c to $1.25.
Barretts in open work in shell or
jet from 25c to 50c.
Barretts set with brilliants and sil
ver or gold inlaid from 50c to $1.50.
Yarns we have the most complete
line in the city. Shetland Floss $1
per lb.
in our