i vW Y5ot CtA aoPcW , - .--" j v TfflrtlBi",ttHWitMKrtipftMfcBftJiBiiMMBlBiMiii8MiHlBMBIMBiBdi fyferi' T35T1-:f3t,'.s vjr .. . .. - - . .'. . fr - . .- .t'.! - " ' 'Mfr T-" A1 H-Ml ;v 4 Newspaper Thnt Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. 23 f VOLUME XXXVIII. OED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUAKY 13. 19 10. NUMItlSlt 2 """ SUNNY SIDE. I fjfeagKipT The growth of this bank since its organization, eight months ago, is significant endorsement of the sentiment "A satisfied customer is the best advertise ment." Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Win. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Y y Financial Condition OF the City of Red Cloud January 1st, 1010. as Compared Wllh Nay 5th. 1009. Tlio folio. viiiK- report of the tlnanou committee read mid ordered placed ou Hie. Yens, McArthur, I'ulsiplicr, Bailey, Uutmiiu. Curried. We find us on May fith, I'M). Electric titbit bonds amounting to SI 1,00(1 and Water Uouds S22.000, against the city. May 5th, 100!) thero were judgments against the city as follows: One in favor of C L. Olmstede for S2oo0.oo. Oue in favor of Sunderland Booting and Supply Co for S77.1C. One in favorof Westinghouse Mipply Co., for 3027.21. Since May 5th, lOll'J, the oily has paid in ou the last two of the above judgments the hum of Sl.'.Ol -10 and in terest thereby semiring a cancellation of the same. Tl'O following shows the condition of the various funds and levies as com pared with May fith, 1U0!: Occupation Ki:m Balance on hand May 5, 'cm. . Jl 71 Since collected 2190 .'.0 Outstanding warrants Sim fid. I'lllF.MAX'S I'' I Mi Balance on hand May .1, K '.). .? 212 15 Since collected (iO 00 Total receipts 272 45 Disbursements 75 10 t . Balance on hand .Ian I, UU0.. S U7 0." liKNKIIAI. VVXD llegistored warrants outstanding May r.tll, l!f! eio'i.'! 37 Cash bal. oh hand Mav .'ith, iDO'.i Since collected & 210 ru 2iir. oo jer,5 31 Total receipts !18 Disbursements Hill Ualance on hand Jan 1st. HMO $S2J till Watiiii b'rsi) Balance on hand May .', I'JOfi. .9 -'IKI -17 .since collected 11 70 70 Total leceipts UUl 17 Disbuiscuients.-. '-- '" Ualance on hand .Ian 1st, 1010. -,'it i Elkotiiic Limit IYnu Halance on hand May r, 1000. .5 bl5 CO Since collected U70 HO Total receipts Paid all icgistered and other warrants 'JoOll 51 Halance on hand Jan. 1st, 1IH0 8 fji',1 80 May ."ith, 1000, tlusie were outstand ing registered warrant- for the con struction of the Llcctric Light plant S7'J07.!1T, ou which no change has been made. May .Mh. lOult, tlieie were also in ad dition to theabovc.outstandingiegli.t- eied and other warrants against the city amounting to SJMO.'J.'l all of which have been called in and paid in full also the two above ludgments and in terest amounting to fl'XKS.S.I .my .i, 1000, there was a cash bal ance in all funds and levies amounting to 82.1tn.0ii. as cuinpaied with S'llirJ.Oa at this date January nth, 1010. This shows to this date SluS".08 old dent paid oil' and an additional j-UlS.12 in treasury over May nth, 1000. Dated Hod Cloud, .lauuaiy 1st. Illlo. .1. II. H.vu.uv i !!. I'. Oatjian rinance Coin J A. McAltTlli U ) John Holsworth has a lolativu from Canada visiting with him. Quite a number of the young folks took in the Opeia Saturday night in lied Cloud entitled "The Messenger Boy." Our school is small ou account of cold bad weather. Miss Weesnor is plucky mid drives from town every day. Wo are not aloue in the snow deal. Mr. Parker just returned from Missouri and reports moro snow than we have Corn in the tield all along the hue. Mr and Mrs. Fred Barber are tho proud patents of a daughter who come to make bur home with them. She will need their care for a few years. W. S. House met with what may be a serious accident while putting up ice Monday. He slipped and lull over a cake of ict) and struck his head ou the side of the house and was knocked senseless tor a while. Mr. Parket and ltoj Rust took him to lied Cloud GUIDE RUCK. I'loyil Simpson's babe has been very sick but is now better. licv. Hamilton was a guest at the home ot N. . Itaker Monday. 11. LatliiMpi was heio attending the funeral of Ins brotherAlbert Lathiopo Guy Humes aud wife of Gat Held precinct spent Sunday with Harvey Taylor and family. John (ileasou and wife have beeu enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs. Tyler of Kansas. David Cassell of Ong visited from Kriduv till Monday bore with his brother, J J. Cassell aud family. Grant Miller vikited last week at the homos ol L. Smith and I. X. Smith. Ills home is at Dresden, Kas The new olllcers of tho Haptist Sew ing society are. President, Mrs. Win llykor. Vice Prcs., Mrs. J. S Marsh. Secretary, Mrs. E. K. Burr. Treasurer, Mrs. L. V. Ely. Esthet AdelcMcCall only child of .Mr. aud Mrs. George 11. Mc.Call died Friday morning, January 7tb, HMO, aged 4 years, 1 month and 12 days She was beloved by every one and tho homo is very desolate without her. The funeral was held at the home Sun day morning, January Mb, at 10 o'clock. I he entire community sympa thizes with tho bereaved parents in their gieat sorrow YOUR HEALTH! Would seem to demand that you read what Ambrose L. Ranney, A. M. M. D., late professor of Anatomy, New York Hospital, says: "Eye-strain may, and often does, cause chronic and intractable distur bances of the stomach. Chronic intestinal and gastric disturbances may be and often are, companions in graver disturbances of the nervous system, due to eye-strain. Our glasses are made to i elieve eyestrain. NEWH0USE BROS. JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS. Total receipts Disbursements 1SS5 bo .:i7:u :w n Halance on hand Jan 1st, 11)10 SI 151 Waihr Lkvv Halance on hand May 5, '00.... 3 HI3 87 Since collected W0 00 Transferred from Eleu L. Levy 10U0 00 Total receipts Disbuibements 21.1:1 87 1037 :h ID BATIN l Delayed) U. Harrington is 1 oportod very lJaiauoe on hand Jan. 1st. 1010 StCO Joikimkm- l-UNH Balauco on hand May 5, 1900. .S 105 (10 Since collected 1&70 00 TmI.iI 1 ocelots 1075 CO Disbursements (paid judgm'nt) 103.1 85 Balance on hand Jnn lbt, lOlO S SO 81 Klkctmc Limit Lkvy n..iu.,..n on hand Muy 5, lOOtf.. 510 i Since collected.... 1315 00 ToUl receipts Paid out 8 7J38 Trauaf. t water levy 1000 t.0 $1850 03 1748 38 Balanoe on luind Jhu 1, MO 5 to? WESTERN WEBSTER Two of Mrs. Elmer Harvey's little girls are dow n with pneumonia. Uarl Harwell who has been seriously ill with pneumonia is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Link Daily came home from Missouri Wednesday morning. Whooping cough is spreading lurther out in the country. Some cases are peculiarly scvcie this winter. Miss Kdith Herrick of Campbell visited her brother Clarence Herrick and family several days this week. Mrs. Irons and Mrs. Powell of In avalo were out sleigh riding Monday aftei noon aud called ou Mrs. O. I! Harvey. Little Ililey Ueed died Thursday night, ho had been sick a short while. Tho funeral services were conducted from tho Methodist chinch and tutor inont took place in the lied Cloud comotery. Ililey was seven years old and was greatly beloved by all who know him his sweat sunny nature, aud his abiding faitb in God made-him -a living angel, ane the plnco ho has va cated will never tie tilled, tbo family have tho slnceto sympathy of the en tire cotnmnnity. J. sick Batin is coveted with about a foot of snow Jess DedricU went to Hod Cloud Wednesday. 1 If f I til A t 1 t iu rugeraiii is snucicing corn tor Sorgeson Bros. Joseph Havel has bought a lino team from Jake llllingef. Miss Hmma Havel spent New Yeai's day out In the country. I'l ank l'avlick from Kansas City is visiting with his folks this week. l red Hanson is going to California lie said it was to cold for him in Neb Mr. aud Mrs. Will Howard hav.i ro turiud from a week's visit in Missouri. Mrs. Joseph Polnicky is up and around again alter a few week's ill noss. Miss Winnie Morrow from Fairlleld is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Pavllck. Mrs. G. Hanson has bought a Hue team fiom Henry Mrickson. Consider ation 1100. The party glveu by Mr. and Mrs. Kellett on New Year's night was a grand success. Will Mackoy has quit working for Jos. Vavrioka and is now going to tiro on tho B. & M;rall road. SUNNY SLOPE Inez, and Homer Petty aie sick with whooping cough. Mis. Klmer Harvey has two llttlo girls very sick with pneumonia Miss Blanch Barker was calling on Miss Hannah Jnrgenson Sunday. Mrs. lions aud Mrs. Powell ol In avale were out t-lelgh liding Monday afternoon aud made a call ou Mrs. O. H. Harvey. Arthur Davis is visiting his father and mother in Iuavalo this week. Artie looks as tho time stood still with him !u his southern home. 1 The members of the Christian church of Inuwilo are erecting a new parson age and are to have a resident minis ter. We congratulate them. Mr Jorgensou had a sad misfortune Sunday ufteinooii. He turned his horses into the lot and while running a tine 2 year old colt fell and broke its leg in such a way that it had to be shot. Iuavalo school began work Monday with a full attendance. Miss House holder the Prlmai y toucher having ro signed, llor place was given to Miss Williams 01 rem. who comes well re commended. (julto a number ol small feeders in. this vicinity are selling their cattle be fore they are ready for market on ac count of the corn being in the Hold yet. Sumo of the big feeders are ship ping in corn for their stock. January 7th. this neighborhood was shocked to hoar of the death of little Ki ley Recti, sou of Joe Kecd. lie was only sick a few days. The funeral .services were held in the Methodist church at Iuavale and little Ililey was laid to rest in the Bed Cloud cemetery. Tho whole community mourn with the atllluted family for Ililey was a doar little fellow and lovod by all who 1-2 OFF Morhart Bros, carry a complete Hue of Elcctrio lamps, Carbon, TungateD and Tantalum also bi-low lampu KM loot your lamps of tbera. knew him. Subscribe for tho Chief. Tho next time one of the children catch cold, give it something that will promptly and freely but gently move tho bowels. In that way tho cold will at once bo driven out of tbe'.Hvstem Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup ni6vH tho bowels pr6mpt)y uud froely, yet gently, and at the same time beats irritatiou uud stops the rotiifh. It is especially good for children. Hold by all druggist. On Entire Stock of CLOAKS AND SUITS Special Prices on rurs. ISi Miner Bros. Co. THE BIO STORE -m). iu&s&mtiv ' 1 1 in 111 m III t "" ,K& uauWWHHUMU N. .-mm- , .-WHfVm.t 0h T.uUBMMD K.ttHWWI WWHi.f. wrs9 wttaawwr m Mir irn r -Wf mm 'RiffUM ' TMHM WBgBMEL' " i i I l h m sA 4 m1 "! M i ift -i