The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 06, 1910, Image 3

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    -3Latr mmmm
JnA). sfo&'LwA .
Tho man from lown began to talk
land before tho train was well out or
tho C. N. R. depot In Winnipeg. Tho
tnlk began In rather wide circles. Tho
rtiBh to tho land, tho bumper crop, tho
trystem of Bummer fallowing pursued
In tho soml-arld districts, woro nil
discussed, nnd then, with n sort of
npologctlc Binlle, tho Iowa man said:
'Tin a bit Interested In this country
rayseir. Borne of tho men down home
got a few sectlonH up hero along this
line, and Tin going to have a look at
thorn. Never been up In Canada be
fore" (it Is curioiiH how theso mid
western Americans pronounce tho
nnmo of tho Dominion ns If it wa-
"Can'dy") "but if It looks good wo
will bo up to stay next fall."
"You kcc, it's like this," said tho
man from Iowa iulto manifestly con
tinuing an argument that had been go
ing on In his mind for some time.
"Hack In our State land hns become
dear. Anybody wanting to sell can
get $70 or $80 nn acre for it, and
every farm that's offered Is snapped
up. In Saskatchewan wo have just ns
good land that cost us $11 and $12, so
that a man can tako up ilvo or six
times as much thero as in Iowa on tho
name Investment of money.
"It isn't tho money, though, that
brings most of us up from Iowa. I'm
not sure that money would be enough.
Tho 'invasion' is n family affair. Wo
have no chance of keeping our sons
around us back home. They hnvo
to lonvo the farm and go Into tho big
cities of tho neighboring States to get
work. To keep them on the farm and
In touch with us, wo como up hero
end make llttlo colonics with tho chil
dren around us, on homesteads or
bought land. This makes It easier for
tho farmers back thero in Iowa to get
land for tho stay-at-homes. The Cam
Hies that como to Canada are kept
together and tho families that buy
the farms they leave nrc kept to
gether, too. Thero won't be any slack
ening of tho rush, either, for theyBtlll
raise big families back in Iowa."
One could almost see the mental
process of this typical American fnrm
er In defending n step that meant a
now flng. n new allegiance, a ney
land, nnd new associates. To aban
don Old Glory of the Declaration of
Independence for n good thing in
cheap land would hardly bo playing
tho game, but to go out Into Sas
katchewan to "keep tho family togeth
er," was another and a quite higher
Why seek too closely to analyzo tho
reasons for tho greatest land trek In
tho history of America? It Is enough
to know that tho sons of tho frontiers
men of Iowa, nnd Kansas, and Minne
sota tho best blood of tho mid-west
aro pouring Into tho Canadian west In
an over-Increasing stream, and aro
learning that "God Save tho King" nnd
"My Country TIs of Thee," aro sung
to tho same tnnc. Toronto (Ontario)
"I don't liko that Jones girl. She's
ulways running pcoplo down!"
"Goodness! 1 didn't know slio had
an automobile!"
Where Are Harry and Isabella Allen?
Harry Is now nged 20 years, and his
sister, Isabella, aged 18 years. Tho
children wero taken in chargo by the
Nebraska Children's Home socioty In
1897 from Grand Island, following tho
death of tho father, Silas Allen. Tho
mother is now In Oklahoma, nnd is
distracted because sho cannot locnto
her children, whom sho hns not seen
since they were taken by superintend
ent of the society twelvo years ago,
who now refuses to tell their mother
whero they arc. If tho children will
address l O. Hox 898, Omaha, Nebr.,
giving their own nddrcss, It wUl bo
sent to their mother.
Chlio of the Press.
Mrs. Cynthia Wentovor Alden was
tho founder of tho International Sun
shlno society, which Is now eald to
havr a membership of 3,000,000. Sho
is president general of the society,
which was christened with 18 spon
sors in New York city at Christmas,
189C. It has been called tho child of
tho press, Mrs. Alden being connected
with a New York paper.
Tho Homebody What's tho Indus
try in New York, near as yo could
ledge, Agner?
The Traveled Man Steppln' llvoly,
I reckon. I'uck.
Reason Enough.
"His feelings aro greatly hurt slnco
ho lost hlB Job."
"No wonder he's hurt. Ho fell from
n high position."
It's the jiuignimt of tunny smokers that
JswiV Sinnle Hinder 5c cigar equals in
quality most 10c cigars .
A grcnt deal is heard of tho art of
remembering, nnd but llttlo of tho
flno art of forgetting.
(lnnidlnntlon nnic many arrlnna dlscnsi'. It
It tl"rou2 ly iinl by lortor I'li-rcirn I'luawnt
Following cheap advlco Is
prove expensive.
apt to
- )
When tho ground Is frozen Is a
good time to apply mnnuro to tho
Activity nnd Intelligence aro neces
sary characteristics of a good fnrm
No unprofitable animals should be
kept on tho farm any longer than
necessity requires.
Study for better management and
make things run smoother and bet
ter for all concerned.
notation of crops makes all tho
crops which grow upon tho Held better
for the course of years.
With all classes of stock, animals
that are uniform in age and size will
feed and fatten more evenly.
Diversified diet is no more certain
of best results in man, than in the
animals man thrives so largely upon.
A horse that Is not working hard
every day does not require tho
amount of grain one does that Is kept
To get good results from nny en
terprise you must have good mate
rVil to begin with or your labor will
be in vain.
The productiveness ami profitable
ness of the farmer's business depends
almost entirely on intelligent man
agement. The man who never held to any
business Is always the one to invest
when prices are high; and sell out
when prices aro low.
Simple Method of Protecting the Busy
Little Honey Gatherer During
Severe Weather.
The Illustration shown herewith
shows a simple method of covering
hives of bees for tho winter, says
American Agriculturist. First having
determined the amount of stores tho
colony has by lifting tho hive to seo
If it Ib heavy, newspapers are spread
across the top and down the front,
back and sides, each layer being fast
ened lightly with tacks to prevent
their falling off. When nn inch or so
of papers have been thus placed nnd
tied around tho middle, as shown in
tho lower drawing, a largo sheet of
tarred paper Ib folded and tied around
the hlvo, ns shown In tho upper draw-
Hive Covering for Winter.
ing. Tying thus Is likely to bo far
more satisfactory than tacking, be
cause thero Is less danger of tho paper
being torn off. It is desirable to uso
tho usual quilt or tho chaff pillow
above tho frames.
Excellent Device for Use In Handling
Wire Fencing Is Economically
For uso In handling wlro fencing
this is adjustable. It consists of ono
piece, A, 2 by 4 inches, G feet long. A
second piece, II, 2 by 4 Inches, 3 feet
long. 1$ is Bpikcd uenr one end of A.
Two feet from whero B is Bpikcd to
A a bolt by 8 Inches is driven
through A. The reel Is of 2 by 4 Inch
ituff, ?, feet long, half lapped in tho
Simple and Useful Reel,
middle, forming a cross. Nino inches
from tho end of each cross pleco Ib
set n peg of hardwood 1 by 1G inches.
I This reel Is set on tho bolt of tho
reel stand, with a email block of wood
nndorncjUh bo It will rovolvo easily.
Another cross Is mndo by nntllng to-
i gether two pieces of by 1 inch
strips with un oblong hole ono Inch
from tho ond of ench cross piece.
This is slipped down over tho end of
tho peg to keop tho wlro from flying
-T7 - 'S.TTjr At - tC
Jll ,
Results of Improvements In Killing
Useless Plants with Chemicals
of Much Interest.
The results of Improvements In kill
ing weeds with chemicals, as shown
by tho experiments made at tho North
Dakota and Wisconsin stations, have
raised a great deal of Interest among
farmers. '
The Improvements so far conducted
Indlcnto that some of tho obnoxious
weeds on the fnrm may bo almost, if
not quite, eradicated by the uso of cer
tain chemicals.
At tho present time there nro not
ninny spraying machines on the mar
ket adapted to this work, although
the machines that the manufacturers
Root of Growing Weed.
have so far put out are quite catls
factory. It Is expected that within an
other year or two the number and va
riety of these machines will be largely
Tho mnchlno used by Professors
Mooro and Horton on tho Wisconsin
fnrm is of German make and wnt
brought to this country in 1900.
It is importnnt to hnvc a machine
strongly built nnd of tho very best
construction nnd capable of using all
kinds of chemicals.
Sulphate of Iron, which Is perhaps
tho most effectivo chemical used, must
bo applied with tho right kind of mn
chlno In order to produce perfect re
sults. It has boon suggested by export
mentors that farmers might form n
small club to buy one or more ma
chines to ho used jointly, thus saving
the expense and obtaining equally
good results as though each farmer
owned his own machine. Hand spray
ers will answer for destroying dan
delions on tho lawn.
If tho chemicals would do nothing
more than destroy the Cannila thistle
In this country It will hnvo Berved a
great purpose. This weed Is tho most
dangerous In all tho list of weed pests
and perhnps tho most difficult to over
come. In thickly Infested fields a solution
of 20 per cent, of Bulphnto of Iron ap
plied at tho rato of about CO gallons
an ncro will kill tho thistle. They
should bo Bprnyed Just before tho
buds begin to open, when tho thistles
aro from ten to 12 Inches high, as this
prevents them from going to seed.
Tho spraying should bo repeated
onco a year for three years In order
to ontiroly orndlcato tho thistle.
Spraying with chemicals Is death to
the cocklo bur, burdock, king weed,
rag weed, marsh elder and wild mus
tard, and many other weeds.
Crop Rotation.
In the flve-ycnr rotation of corn,
oats, wheat, clover and timothy, tho
unfertilized yield of corn hns remained
practically stationary throughout tho
15 years of a test at tho Ohio experi
ment station. That of oats has been
slightly larger during tho last flvo
yearB than previously nnd that of
wheat decidedly Iargor. This gain in
wheat yield Is chiefly duo to greater
Immunity to Insect nttack during tho
latter period. Tho average increaso
per aero in all tho cereal crops has
been very much grentcr during tho lnt
tor period than formerly, duo to tho
cumulative effect on tho fertilizers and
Honey, elthor comb or extracted, It
properly token care of, improves with
Never leavo sections of Biirplus
honey In tho hives over winter. If
you do It will curoly spoil nnd bo fit
only for feeding purposes.
A henplng teaspoonful of honey
stirred Into a raw egg is a very good
correct ivo of n cough and should be
continued several mornings.
. SPwmwIhVm Vjfttv Ww 4-- I
xW,W)iljJM;l ifcftWi. ffW tt-j
Ho caught a llttlo cold
That wbb all.
So the neighbors sadly said,
As they gathered round his bed,
When thoy heard that ho was dead.
He caught n little cold
That was all.
Neglect of a cough or cold often
leads to serious trouble. To break up
n cold in twenty-four hours and euro
nny cough that Is curable mix two
ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounco of
Virgin Oil of Pino compound pure and
eight ounces of pure Whisky. Tako a
teaspoonful every four hours. You can
buy these at any good drug store nnd
easily mix them In u largo bottle.
fir sa
'-! .'vrVrtf
f'.t- wij - l--
.:. . . 3-
Ho Golf Is nn awfully lino exer
cise, dmi't you think''
She -Oh, yes Why. It makes tho
men so strong In their nrniB that one
can scarcely breathe.
Where Is Bessie Hartmnn?
Hosnnna ami Hesslo Hartmau lived
with their mother nt Chapman, Nebr.,
In 1901, thu year that their father was
killed b .' Jailing tree ut Anada, Mo.
Their mother, an invalid, being unablo
to caie for them, the girls wero sent
to Omaha to school, being housed ami
mothi-red by a Mis. Smith.
Finally, in 19t):i, Hesslo, the younger
of the two, was taken In chargo by tho
Nebraska Children's Homo society,
who refused to toll her married sister,
Itosanna, where she Is. Hesslo be
came of ago last February. If sho
will send her address to P. O. llox
SP8. Omaha, Nebr., It will bo for
warded to her sister Hosanna, who
Is now Mrs. Geo. Dticrr.
Enslly Explained.
Mr. Swuiusoii Is a powerful preach
er, but Is never above leavening hla
sermons with humor.
A good story he tells concerns n
visit once paid to tho cottago of one
of his parishioners. It was early
spring and for n long time he fiat by
the window with tho woman's llttlo
"In looking out," he remarked to tho
child, "do you notice how bright Is
the green of the leaves and grass?"
The little girl nodded.
"Now toll mo why does It appear
so much brighter at this time?" Mr.
Swaluson asked.
" 'Cos," was the unexpected reply,
"ma's Just washed tho window and
you can see out better."
Restrained by Politeness.
"Prisoner, hnvo you nny reasons to
present why the sentence of the court
should not be pronounced upon you?"
"No, your honor. I feel ns If I
should llko to say a few words about
tho defense my lawyer put up for mo.
but there aro ladies present; you can
go nhead with the sentence, your
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOHIA, n safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that it
Bears tho
In Uso For Over :$0 Years,
Tho Kind You Have Always nought.
Provided for Newsboys.
Mrs. William Waldorf Astor provid
ed In her will that tho newsboys of
New York should have a Thanksgiv
ing dinner, as they have had at tho
expense of tho Astor family for half
a century. This year at least 2,000
iidwaboyB wero on hand, tho afternoon
pnpurs having suspended work, thus
giving the llttlo follows u holiday.
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Orny'HHwcet l'uwdcrH for Children,
curu KevorUhiiPhH, lloulaclie, Had Htoimicli,
Tt-etlilii(j DlHonlcrH. Iti-miluto the HowcIh nnd
Di-Htroy Wormti. 'flu-j bri-nlc up roldH In H
liourit. l'lciiKant to tulic, nnd linrmlcKH iih milk.
Thi'y nevrr fall. At nil DrwKlttH, sac. Humplo
mulled FIIKK. AddrebH, Allen B. Olmnted,
L Hoy, N. V.
Just Turned About.
"With my hushnnd'Kald tho wife of
the huHy man, "It Ih nlwnys 11 entse of
tnlklng shop."
"And with my wife," unltl tho spoiiKO
of the bnrgnln hunter, "It Ib usually n
enno of shopping tnlk."
Stella Isn't Muhel going to murry
the duke?
Delia No; ho rejected tho budget.
Quick as Wink.
If your eyed nt-in; with n smarting, burn
inownKitioniiKel'irrnrs KYK SALVK.
Ail (lniggibtrioi'lioH.iitlliiort., Iluirnlo, N.Y.
Seneca: .Vleea nro contagious nnd
thero is no trusting thu well and sick
ril.KS CtlllKIl IN OTOll DAVH.
PAZO tUNTMKNTlk(fii.iranli'fil to run- any roso
nt Itrblnir. Illlnil. llli-iillnn nr I'rntruuuig I'ilo. In
(JtollUajHiir iiinm-y ri'fuinli'U, Hj.
Don't bo common. U'h tho uncom
mon man who causes tho world to Hit
up and tnko notice,
ran bo broken up quickly by Allon's Lunu llnlsiui.
This old, ri-llablii ri'iur-dy linn hn-n bold for over
ID learn, Akk )our ilruvKlstalKiut It.
Ilemomber that n Bound argument
doesn't menu loud tnlk.
.i "';Ari x. 'v.anrtTv
' w.wMix wsj-watm-"-
Jf i I tw
1 m r t'
Color more ooods brloMnr and fatter colors than any othor tho. One 10c oacksan colors all fiber. They dya tn cold waW belter than any ptr rti. You can di
am oarmontwluiout ripping spirt Write lor Into booMel-How to One, Bleach and Mi Colors. MONROE DRUQ CO., Qi Unoy, no.,
f .. .. "iv Yjmai jirii m niinn-wain
Rlr.h Prize for Man Who Discovers
the Long-Sought Cure for
Dr. George W. Hloomer of Yalo uni
versity, acting as spokesman for nn
anonymous giver, has announced that
a prize of $100,000 has been set aside,
to be awarded to tho first person any
where in tins world who dlscoveiH n
cure for tuberculosis. The gift Is un
conditional as to time, place, or kind
or cure, the only renl condition being
that the new cure must have been In
constant use ut least Ilvo years, nnd
that the promoter of the cure con
vince the Investigating board of the
ineiltH of Ills discovery.
A large number of physicians have
bfon working for years to perfect vac
cine, or iiutl-toNln for tuberculosis, or
to And some agent, such nit tuberculin,
which will assist in I lie cure of the dis
ease. Tims far, the eperlnients have
not furnished a product which will
either absolutely cure or prevent con
sumption, or render the patient Im
mune against the disease. Many of
these strums hnvo proved effective In
Increasing the resistance of the pa
tient and thus helping In the cure, but
no scientist of repute to-day claims to
have discovered a tuberculin which
will produce a euie without the com
bined aid of fresh air, rest and whole
some food.
A Pessimistic View.
Among the patients In a certnln hos
pital of I Iarrlsburg there was recently
one disposed to tako a dark view of
his chances for lecovery.
"Cheer up. old man!" ailtiiouNhed
the youthful medico attached to the
ward wherein the patient lay. "Your
symptoms arc Identical with those of
my own case four years ago. I wan
Just as sick as you are. Look at n1
now ! "
The patient ran his eyes over tho
physician's stalwart frame. "What
doctor did you have?" he finally asked,
feebly. Illustrated Sunday Magazine
For Celestials.
I once visited a ery rough boom
town in Oregon, near Cottage Grove
In the leading saloon a man in u red
shirt said to me:
"Ye wnnter carry yerself almighty
straight in theso parts, stranger. Go
wrong the least mite nnd, by crinus,
we'll lynch ye as quick an look at yo."
I smiled.
"Would you lynch me," I asked, "If
I killed n dog?"
"Would wo?" ho snorted. "Why,
stranger, we've lynched fellers here
for klllln' Chinamen!"
"How's This?"
VCe ofirr Onn Hundred Dollars nnranl for tny
euw nt CnUnh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
r. j. riii:Ni:v a co.. toimIo, o.
W tho tindrnlgncd, lia" Knimn V. J. Clirncy
for tlm l&it li vr.-ir. and lii-llmr lilin tw-rfrrtly linn-
orabla In all tninlm-m trannartlonn anil financially
able to carry nut any nbllyaUuns tiuidc by hla Arm.
Wholciuun miiculsts. Tnioio. u.
mil' Catarrh Cure ti taken Intimally, ncilng
dlrrrtly uim tho blood and mucoiw mirfacr of tho
system. 'liMlmonlala wnt tree. I'rlco 76 ccflta lT
bflttlr. Sold by all Dmsithta.
Tako Hall's 1'amlly l'llls (or ronttlpaUoa.
The Difference.
"Our contlncntnl mnrrhiBes nro just
hh linppy hr thoso mndo In your
country," cxplnlnod tho foreigner.
"We nil ndnilt tlint ninrringo Ib n lot
tery." "Well," rcRpondrd the Amcrlcnn,
"wo prefer to let u Klrl select lier own
Of a Later Date.
IJcsb Thitt'H n (iinlnt ring you nro
wenriiir,'. It Is nn heirloom?
Tens Well, It dnteii from tho Con
quest. llKAl). HACK AKI MIC.S ACIir.?, .
AehniiUnviT 'I'hnut Min-.nltli t-hllls In Ta
(Irliipo. IVrry HuvK' I'.ilnkllli-r will bri-nk It mi IT
takm iimmplly. Allili'.ili-r-.,;'i-, .'Vic-nnil liUclHitilcs.
During tho llrst six montliB of his
ninrricd llfo n mnn pltleB old huchel
lorn. After tlint ho envies them.
That la I.AXATIVK Ultimo OIHNINU. ImiW for
tlm klifniilurti nt H. W. (iltOVi;. I'M:d tliu World
over to Curu uCnld III llnu Day. i!.V,
Tlio peoplo who hnvo the greatest
opinions of thembclves aro frcquontly
tho poorest Judges of human nature.
Sinnlrn nlm lik I-owis' Binde Dindr;
ciimr for its purity. It ii never dopoil,
only tobacco in its natural i-tutc.
Thoro'H u difference between dignity
nnd pomposity, but some peoplo don't
seem to ho able to realize It.
Slrn. WliiiIoivH Kootlilncr Pyrnp.
Porclillil en icetlituir, aofli'iiailioitiims.roilurcii In
flumiiiatlou.allajsiulii.curcii wtadcollu SUoatxittlo.
A man can't help feeling restless
when even his bills nro unsettled.
Welcoaie Words to Woaien
Women who sulTcr with disorders peculiar to their
sex should write to Dr. Pierce nnd receive free tho
advice of a physician of over 40 years' experience
a skilled and successful bpccialist in tho discuses
of women. livery letter of this sort has the most
careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly
confidential. Many sensitively modest women writo
fully to Dr. Picrco what they would 6lirink from
telling to their local physician. Tho local physician
is pretty sure to say tint ho cannot do anything
-without "an examination." Dr. Pierce holds that
these distasteful examinations are generally need
less, and that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to them.
Dr. Ftercc's treatment will euro you right In the privacy of
your own borne. His " Fnvorito Prescription" has cured
bundreds of thousands, aomo of them the worst of cases.
It Is the only medicine of its kind that Is the product of a regularly graduated
physician. The only one good cnou.lh that its makers dare to print its every
ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear examina
tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrup
ulous medicine dealers niuy offer you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't triflo
with your lioalth. Write to World's Dispcnsury Medical Association, Dr. R.
V. Pierce, President, Duffalo, N. Y., tako the advice received and bo well.
mlipiKKmM thc oil that PgNCT"ATcaBtmnjgfljmjH
mivwmmm - - -.- -
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine limn in ten when the liver u right lK
ttomacli and bowels arc right
gently but firmly com
11 n Uty liver to
do iti (fitly.
Cures Con1
Headache, nnd Distress after Eating.
Smalt rill. Small Dose, Small Pric
GENUINE niiut I tear tignature:
What I.I. Hill, tho Croat RnUrand Magnate,
Says About Its Whoat-Produclns Powert
TUo n nti'.t nerd of tlila conntty
lUnlUM Mtiiti " m niiniiinr n-nerrw
linn ur iwu win im mo iirn.
M'linu 01 iiomon inr us
l'mih and tirmturlnii
(.iifllf-lent inr tlinm. Tho
iln nt nnr prumlnnnro
li n wlirnt I'lpurtlim
romitrv mil irnnti. Van
ii'la In to l thu gruut
ulinnl rvmnt ..."
nnt" In tnklnu nilrniitntci
n( thu Munition It '.
fcnxlvo rnlluiiy liullil
In:r lot 'm u Iii-h Iflt-ldM
ut Western Cunndii.
Upwards of 125 Million
Bushels of Wucnt
nrrn hurt i-sli-il In 1 000. Arorouo
nt I hi thrtin iriitlnr(H nt AltxTtft.
Uimhati-lipiTiiM nnd Mimltolut trill bo
upwnnlanr .l lniniclcr ucrc.
nnd mljol nl hit tirr-'imllonof
i riM, iimiicrtii'iiiiNiri I uiMirn-.
1111 urn-Mini . iirrnc ri. nniwi
lio liml In tin) t'liolcmt dlitrlctn.
KrliooM cmivi-ntoiit, (llmnto
rirrllciit. Mill ll- rry linM,
rnllnii)" rlomt nl.miil, tiullil
Inir liiinlM-r i-lirnn. furl t-twy to
Ki't mill n-iiMiiialilo In price.
wniiT r.-iMiy iirofiirnii iiiui-ii
fiirtnlnir n ntif-ri-M. WrlUi nn in
In-lit iilm-ii for KuLLIf-mnnt. M-ttlr-n
low mllwnjr mi, i1owrljMn illti
trnlod "Ijit Uift Wit"(Mint Ireo
nn ni'l'llcutldnl, umlctlinrlnfnrroii.
linn, to niip t in jrminunuinn,
Ottiinn, Can., or to Uu) OmMdlaa
uovenuneni Atom.
Room 4 Bti Bldf . Omihi, lib.
(TJw KiMiM nruirrrt yon), til
No Matter
what Llvor or Bowel medicine you
nro usiiifj, Btop It now. Get a 10a
box wcek'a treatment of CAS
CARETS today from your druggist
and learn how easily, naturally ami
delightfully your liver can be mods
to work, and your bowelt move every
day. There's new life in every box.
CASCARETS are nature's helper.
You will tee the diffcrencol 633
CTJTTItl.SOUT, mnll It with ynnr nddrfsfl o
Kterllnif Itemrdy Co.. Chlnicn. III., nnd rcri-lm
a liuudHomo nouvculr gold Hon Hon FREE.
A Clean Face Will be a Habit
rtctnii-a and brtirtllltt tha hill.
lrmniitti a luiurlant frrowth.
Never Falls to Ilratore Oray
llnlr to Its Youthful Color.
Curu iralp diifuns Si hair tailing.
tno.amttii DnintMs
OATCI1T YOlIItinilAH. TheynmybrinirTori
fA I Cfi I wii.-iltti. W-innn Hook Krcn, Hit. mi.
Kllrcerald .VOi., I'nl.A tty k.,IUix li. WukhinKlnn.DO.
ntliir fUrch-B only Ji oiinrn- nomo prlcq and
W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 2-1910.
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dofflEmE? HITTLC
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