, ,sw.w - .HE-. -.. -i.iw-.--a, in-- -- -Jr FIRE ' INSURANCE M ' POLICY ') srffC-Ma-tti .! vn iH ' -r I mm: ii bM t ... DON'T DELAY ORDERING i Ut-i insurance policy from us n luific iuy. I'lif isn't oinr to st.iy away ticenu-i' n an- mil itt- slIICll. Ill tllct, ll s(..s to pick out t I'M man fili-li iiHuiirli to lie wlllii.ul A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have ns issue , on ii policy ln-(lii.. Don't hesitate ubnul tho mutter. The tin- flciui iimy hate your notiHe down mi t In list for it visit this very nitflit. MARK WHAT I SAY O C. TEEL, Rcllable'llnsurancc. a W. C. T. I). ITEMS. I'lilnHpiii-c lll-IOIIKHlotllL- V. ''' I , In u. test oitso in Alabama county option won out ns constitutional. The will of tlu pi'oplo to ink'. oiui'ol' tin- IVrsiiDiil Libeity people are fighting-county option snyiiiK it is proliiliition anil destroys local option and lioinc rule. Local option lias not boon u success anil us fur liomu rule it rules the home, without giving it any thing of u higher or nobler aim. So lnnj as the county pays tliotwpciise of the result nl the saloon let the county nile. The Federation for Hood meets in Wellington this week. With a united firort tho many organizations (for the betterment and uplifting of tlie people both moral and spiritually we may luivo hopes fur tlio masses. The W. (J. T. U. in at the heiul and is mother of them all. Rr.dlCloud School's Bi-monthly Spelling Contest. Sir. No. words loui'xl IliKllt'st nu, rnkiiic then stitiul- stiuiil- fur purl Itm Itiu miulc Hunger makes me think of you; Thought of you makes me hungry Between the thought and sight of you, Indeed I'm always hungry But with appetite awaiting a nickle in hand and you in store' who could wish for anything more? 3 ff NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Till untie Hoys II ili I- i:t mil entile lloy fi i.lrl. I! Mil ttnulu Hoy. Hi Ulrls it ltd Sill Ic ltos l(! i .'Iris 1 :ir.l entile tfciys ii t.lil II m l m to in iW SI (J I III SI '.Hi 1 1 M I IU0 101 Si CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND C(( GW. BRAND IUU ILl'J I0J UK) i.ADir i FA 31 i. o. z CATARRH M&K OM m A-U jump lrurnlt lor CIII-Cltl'S-TUR'A A DIAMOND HKAM 1'ILl.H in Kl Ii "'l AA Got.ii mrtiillic hoxrs. scaled with Illuc( HttllH.1l TAKB M oriir.n. llnr nr-rnur V l.rui-j-lit Hli.l a.L. for fill. 1)11 KH.1"! It H V mftae maem m in -.) M U. .il 101 hi The following naiueil hoys mill n'uls hud the highest standiiik' in their ie- spcctlve niuile. in tin hi iiiouthly i spelliim contest. Iinlc I Ktlph Nevshouse, Willie. loy. r.'itlnt .lohnsoii, lleatiieoj Me Mister. .Mewie IMhuu. .losephine IScitrle. M.vra 1 1 it n. Oi uii -I'uiil Ncwhiuisc, Meilyu Hon- el. Will Mcitriile Tlieliuii I.niiitiiiiii. liimiiitflui Mot.iuvllle. I'Muni Dst oi u i i. i i Krnesi NewhoiiM', Kenneth leliustoii.. nila Mraycr, L'ullii Tnxil. Netadii MucUcy. Mahel l.iuu in.-n. liessie Havel, iiuii Uiiillml. Violet X.eiss. I'allli Ko.iiit.. In i i i .l.ii'Usiiu rilleher. Klltll Ullssillie;. .Iclltlic Millcl', elniii Wundeily, Nettie spriuu'er. Ituliy (iotile. Sellic I imlier. Ilni'l Wolfe. Piiula liulVer, Miirvei Tin nine, liladys l.'rey iitadi i'uiil l'iiliii'i.. Mimiii ( oe ileu liul i fit' I. una I'leice, I'd nit he limit i. iTirorarllroMAlnnt InaUiiiiiutrlra.or NO FIE. Li..n..l.iai(B l a... .la I. ...I I .... l.lll a ra.'ik I HAaanaannai "lii" ...a V ' ""'- '.a. trreo. Srml SWrlili. Jlmirl nr luuui. lur urn rrpnrt nil ihiiiiiaiiiiu7. ali. auint kTRICTLY CONFIOKNTIAL. 1'at-llt pmctlce .. I. .! .! t.ii mil ( lur lalitraliiiil r tmiiri j rtiiiw.MMh it i- WiiU'AwnkM liitrntoni pIkmiIiI luiv-our Iiaim lMinuliuvlooU.iiiianil.srlllAlfnli,Vtu(liv- riilli-ii-iwmiTii0(u.Ti.aiiHri,iiuiniir(- D. SWIFT & GO. .501 Seventh St., Washlnrjton. D. C. Col. J. H. Eillngcr AlCTIONEER D.iih livest'ul. iiiul iteneriil uuc linnet riiii;. Sati-fiiJ'liinuni'.ui-teed in e wry case kiideistands iH-iiir cs iiiul .icU values. M mi yeais i-i iCeiice I'luuii' llllll mo I'llll' lUVHOMI lllt.tMl I'fl.l.M. for twrtitv-fivc i ir . trKirilrit ill Ilr't.Saltit, Atnyi Kcliablc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S. EVERYWHERE KA anwMs so :&' v & iili l I I I'lsi ii' I IIUIK'II l!i..l. l' ll.itis. l'asiur. miIii lln Hist tu miiiiIhs lu taili lllolltll. 1 1 Oh I llllllllllllloll ill llllllllllU s, ''S on till' lllst Slhlll.. Miiiila M'lioot ni ij ii clot I. i rr,. "stiiul:!) . 'rf l.ll. siiilih. iiMihn'iulciit noiMts nr Hi-:i:vici-: it dn ; k i:; TltiN'AI.I'IICItCMI. stun i ii Sniivii-i:-. I'letit'lilUH . 10:15 ii. in. IHIileael oot IJ in. I'loiU'Iilnnfeintt'eii p. m. I'rnyer nittl ('nnfi rente imellni; W'uliu s. lay nl s p. in. lillillul luxltaUnii l i Mt mint to till. Iti.v. A. . ciikhhm faster. illflti'll nl'i llltlr. Is t unisii xs ciniii ii r. r.itt l.oiin'i- n v. iitiiii hi'Iiihii iu a. ni. si i nmn iiiul I'oiiiiiiiinlon II a. m. rtii'isilitii l.iuliiivor . d::;o p. in, l'l. iirlilnu . .. 7::U1 1 1. in. I'iiim in tiint huIm V i ilnt ilins 7::tti ji. in. m itt trei . ' moil iiiiiii t nun. Hi Inu our llilili (i it niN iiiul '. m I i In i i I i II i ,..s. . MlnUti i vSS AEWYORK Ely's Cream BAi.tvi This Romody Is a Spociflc. Suro to Civo Satisfaction. GIVES RELICF AT ONCE It cIpiuimw, Huothiw, Ileitis, and itotei ts till iliseiiMtl nieinhratie. It ciir's ('ulaiili itti'l ilrivisawiiv n Cold in tin- Ile.td iiuiekly. Itestorn tiio Senses of Tasto and Ssineil. I'.(isy to use, t'ontitiiH no iiijurioiis dru. Applied into tlio nostrils and adsorbed. I-!iric Size, Til) cents at l)ruj;(;istn or by mini; Trial Slo, 10 cents by mail, i ELY BROTHERS. 5G Warren St.. New York, inn 1 1 1 1; i n t in in ii. I'm in r of "it Ii i 'tut antl i liesinni Mil el. li II. III. Mlllllillll . 1 1 1 n I II a. in I'li-ielilna T:li p. in i'lnitlau WorUiT's llaitil sim ji. in .I'ii iii'liluu Ml an lultiil lo :ni. nil. I.I'. 1 llllol MIlllsVI. The next time one of the cliiltlreti clttcll cold. U'ive it -oiuethi it! tint t will promptly and fivclv but gently move the bnweN. In Hut way the cold will lit once I"' dri veil tit ill in- -s'C'l KeiineilyV l.aMtlive uiii;li Syi'ii, moves the iimvel- promptly and freely, yet gently, an 1 at the same time heals ii rll.ition anil ship-, the couuh. It is c-pecially irooil lur cltililien. Nold tiy all ili'iiiraisis. Willow's tension. The ree-uit act nr April l!l h. l'"1 ffives to nil soltliHis' witlovvs a pension ofM..pcr moiitli. t-'red Mauler, the attoit:e. has all necessary blnnl.s. Notice to Banks. I'tllille liollei' Is licit li.t alM ii t In. Mi lluiiiil n( loiinlj I'oiiinils-loiu is nl WiImii Coiiiii . nl tin It nanlin uniiiiia t" '" I" 'l IIUU1II'. II. I'llll Will eoltslili I !ipilii altoits : liiiitk-- lo In- ili-siunatiil as . I pn-ltoi -. s r,.i eiitiuty liliilie.t tor Hie in-illtiu tt I in - I I H ami HMI. Ml lianUsilisli-Ini; to In-su iltl-.ii:iti .1 an ititiiMril In Iiiim- IIii-Ii- llpl'lii ullolis lili lMiniliii-iitIiifsi.i-iiilllisiispioi.ini l. ll". on lite u Iili -i he t'niint.x t'liiU on "i i i-n Mtlil ilnle. Il iililll'lif tin lio.llil. Diltt-il I lie. III. hW'.l. I- Vt . Itiis-. , -al-ill , t 'Olllll I ll I '- Onlcr To SIioh llausn. nud that's the CIUtAT jrAJESTIC-lhey lire the nt-lv racL-cs mnde exclusively ol M&Ueablo and Char. co-l Iron outlast threo ordinary range. don't break, en k or rust. Mnllrnlile Iron allows nhsolutcly nirtisht rnctril ioltils In n MAJI'STIC nnit these comblnetl with tmre tislirslus llnltii;. tare half your fuel bill and give you a dependable cooker, n perfect baker CTery day. The MAJl'.STIC It cnutppcil with n 15-nallon att'Copper reucrvotr it touches the rctl hot fire and hcaU water m a J illy, The Great and Grand Majestic Malleabk and Charcoal Iron hsi nn r.vr n ilvr ttI.IpIi whi-n tlri):p'-il, f.irnir n rl.-l-l ilinlf ntron:; nnoneh to hear tny rluti-- i-n-it r&ck t-llili n it uiit..m.i'.-nll- hc.i't-i.i: miytlilns tint liQur-na til to nn U an-urilv Dili rutira-iio Jl iJl sTIC f-inlun-i nro tlionpoii ei .1 BJih liau tv in.: i.s tiMmvi I oi.-l luu I. Ii mp uijUi.r it J.-i tinisH or itui.i;i r uf fltii f mn r- -1 hot nlir with a MAJHSTIP CjcIi exclnt-lvc JMAJn.VrtC fentnro ntaKiM this rnnito more practical, more flerlcfiirlc, more Jurublo--tl:s best r- j our money can buy re-i;rinll-3ol price, SOLD BY RED CLOUD Hdw. & Imp. co bliile ot N'eliiiisiiii U'elister tloiintN it. The t'nut l Court That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease fT'-' '"-. '!-. j-,. r . 'i rrv .. T-t- k , . -. - -CJE iliiifc. ort (I W,.U.li ,-" '" rWir-ra.t-rrie'Wt-'aMg r" nn- ! tt J:n-:SZiZ!ZiMLxwHKv 17 A Fuol Saver Perfect Baker And to Relieve the Lame and Aching Back, You Must First Relieve the Kidneys w Red Cloud, Nebr. i Thoro is no qtiosllon nhout that at nil for tho lame iiiul achluB back In c.tuscil by a diheasetl con dltion of the kidneys and blndder. It Is only common eciibe, any way that you must euro a condition by removhiK tlio cause of tho con dition. And lame nud ncliini; back nro not by any means tlio only symptoms of dcratiRcmpnt of tho kidneys and blndder. Thoro nro a multitude of well-known and un inistakablo indications ot a nioro or less dangerous condition. Somo of these are, for instance: l.xtremo and unnatural lassitude and weari ness, Jiervous irritability, heart Ir regularity, "nerves on edRO," bleep lessncss ami Inability to secure rest, scaldliiK sensation and sedl- incut lu tho urine, inflammation of tho bladder nud passages, etc. DoWtt'fl Kidney and Wadder Tills aro an exceptionally meritori ous remedy for any and nil nffec tlons or diseased conditions of these organs. Theso Pills operate directly nnd promptly and their beneficial results nro at onno felt. They regulate, purify, and effec tually lical and rcstoro tho kid noys, bladder and liver, to perfect and healthy condition oven In somo of tlio most advanced cases. vv a jfjw) 'VS. " JL x U PllWJs.iiiiife5f'-. usiMH 1 1 ll ll1 ii i i mwmutm K, (' DeWItt & Co., Chicago, III., want every innn nnd womnn who hao tlio least misplclun that they nro nflllctod with kidney and blad der diseases to at otico writo tliom, and a trial box ot theso l'illa will bo sent freo by return mall postpaid. - i ii t mint, t in hi luiil mi tin- '.unity i '11111-1 loom In iiikI lui siitil ciiiint.t -atunlii.v Hii-i-nihii tsili V. I'.. Iti-'i. IS till- llltlltl-l lit III. l-slllll- III .lillllll s,, lit lulc. Dtiiiisnl. us ii:hIIiiu Hint llllni! tin- pt lllloii "' 1 1 "si . lit lull- ll'll.lllU llllll lllllllllllstllllloll of siild t-siiiti- iiiii.t In- lii-iinli'il to Iniiieis i Hi lute suni in-. Wlilou. as iliiilulstt.itii. iililil.ni'ii. I'lmi Tiu-silii.t llu lltli iIiin "t .Innutii'.x '. I'.. I'.nu. nl out- ii't-liii-k 1 1. in.. Isitsslmit-il (oi- hi-iii'liit: :ilil j'l-t tlli.it. w In ii nil ii'i'Miiisliitiiitnl In sniil mn iter iiin.t ii p'i at at a I'liiuil.t t'oiiit to li litlil tu iiiul loi-siiiit eiiiuit iiiul show i iiiii- li print r ol ll tluucr should iml he uniutiil: nml that uotli-i-ol tin iiiiilein- olsalil pi-tlt Ion ami tin-liuir iimlluriol lieulM ii lo nil n imhis intiitMi-il liisalil iiuilii'i. h. iiiilillslilnu u t'oi. ( tirilir In tin Kiili'loiiiK'hlel. n wttkl news-imntriirliiti-il In Mihl etnint.t. lor Hint cnii- M-i-utlM- wtekh piliir losalil list) ol liuiilliu'. si ti.i I. W. I.lisos .il I'oiiutx IiiiIki. Leftnl Notice. Not in Is lii ii ! uImii that I- It- KniiiM n l-tMilt ut o( Him- Hill- .Nt-lililssa tins llleil lit tilt olllrt ot tilt i-oilllt ell-rl. nl Utlisler (oiiiitN Si'liiiista. an applleiitloii lit pe tiliiiii ot iiiialn i'suiib iliilnilin: t" he niajoiln uf the n-shlt lit fni-liolili is of Out. I ni k I'lii-lni-l. Wt hsti i t'oiiiil,. St liraska. pra lim the liuii nl of rmint.t '.mniil sltuii is nf salil i ouiu.i . to main nun a int nst io si u iiiiiH spliltiioiisiiiul vinous Illinois ni . ui . Illoi k IJ. lu llu. town o' lo"i iiiiiul- lu iihl link ( ni k I'lt-i'liii't. I Imw sit t'uisila.x llu lltli. iln. iif.laiiiuii.x into at Hit-liour ot Two o't'loek In tin tiller- '. liiKinal tliet'uiirl lloiltelil Hut I'loml. llsllu I.. . . r.... i......i.i.. .... .ni.i ., ....ii.... I lllll Itllll I'll!' ' l"l in.iin's ' - l-l llllll. n in-rsoit ilrsliliii. to ii'iiioiisiiati- or oiijtii tu tin-uinutlni: of i-alil IIiuim. must lilt- ihi-li'ol'Jeclloiislii wililim llli mi mi or liefoiii the ixlmeilnU'M I. lur liuiilliu'. I-'. W . 1 1 oss I nuilt) I III k of sen W t iisit r i omit , The Range With A Reputation'9 J - gT I ,i l7rrV3:t-ilall tRUffU I "t'jL,.m T'SS lKaai 4 G. A. SGHUliTZ GO. Swift's Premium Hams or lr in iu loi-atiil lit llu UP TA1RS Potter Building s WY7 .' u litsiiraiico e Write ! surety Hontls W1VI 1 i Kami Loans e Make ; ,Mviltl. ,ilHUls WO 11 i Kotil Kstate e bell ;,M.Nos Ir We want your put runsige Wo niulicXO fllAIKiHi'iU'llstiuK your property VNI.l.SS W10 SIOI,!, AT yUK l'l'ICl.., Wi: ADVKUTISI'. listml pronertv WITIIOI'T A fllNTOl'' nxi'KXsi: TO YOI". Our imw tiuartei's are cosy nml cninfiii'tHble. ('(Hue in nnd chat with us. C. A. Schultz & Co Red Cloud, Net?. I Bacons. Wf I Jll tfmrm Fresh and Salt Meals of All Kinds IVm. Koon i ij i n y v; i-WWWAtfA. --'V- FCM SAL' nYALL 0 " lC r O b3 Red Cloud, Nebr. Y